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“ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free ex-

ercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people
peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

This was the first amendment created for the people by the people. It is important to have this
statement to let people know that they can express themselves freely without punishment and to
also express their ideas to others. Furthermore, this is one of the most important amendments
highlighting the fact that people can express themselves in public as they please.

As a part of the general population, it is all right that we use our words to express ourselves and
our feelings. When situations come that affect our way of living or who we are, it is important
that we are able to speak upon the situations and make a lasting impression. If we stay silent or
are not able to address the issues that may come our way, we cannot expect change or at least
a shift in the right direction. Moreover, the first amendment may apply to more political views,
but it helps us use our voice for other important things that may affect the generations that come
after us.

As a journalist, the first amendment provides me with a crucial act that allows me to do my job –
speak freely. As a journalist, it is important that we report the news that may affect our daily lives
and report it correctly with a passion so that way we may have an effect on our viewers to stimu-
late change. The first amendment allows me, as a journalist, to notify my community of what is
going on and also to have an opinion that would help make decisions for the better. I believe my
words are important because they should be heard by everyone because an effective person,
whom I want to be, can be the difference between peace and chaos. It also gives us the right to
assemble peacefully to speak on changes in issues in our community that affect us one way or

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