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CRAIG A. MUELLER, ESQ. Nevada Bar No. 4703 MUELLER & ASSOCIATES, INC. : (702) 382-1200 Facsimile: (702) 637-4817 Email Attorney jor Contestant Joey Gilbert REC'D & FILES 2022 JULAS PM 3:01 FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT CARSON CITY, NEVADA. JOEY GILBERT, an individual, Plainti vs. STEVE SISOLAK, in his official capacity as Governor of Nevada; BARBARA CEGAVSKE, in her official capacity as Secretary of State; and JOSEPH GLORIA in his official capacity as Clark County Re; of Voters, JAMES B. GIBSON, in his official capacity as Chairman of the COUNTY BOARD OF COL COMMISSIONERS, and DE SPIKULA in her official capacity as Washoe County Registrar of Voters and VAUGHN HARTUNG in his official capacity as Chair of the WASHOE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, and JOSE LOMBARDO. putative Repubi candidate for Governor of Neva 1-10 and ROES 1-10, la, and DOES Defendants No: SANE BHBS \X = Conel eins STATEMENT OF CONTEST OF THE, JUNE 14, 2020, PRIMARY ELECTION PURSUANT TO NRS §293.407 ie Dept No.: HEARING DATE REQUESTED WITHIN FIVE (5) TO FOURTEEN (14) DAYS. NRS §293.413 COMES NOW, Contestant, Joey Gilbert, by and through his attomey CRAIG MUELLER. ESQ. of MUELLER & ASSOCIATES, INC.. and hereby files his written statement of election contest, pursuant to NRS §293.407. ‘This Statement of Contest is made and based on the following Memorandum of Points and Authorities, and any documents and exhibits which may be attached hereto, and any oral argument this court may allow at time of hearing. Page 1 of 27 INC. : é s 3 2 & a z as Vegas. Nevide 891 was 7 yor7-4817 Facile ( DATED this 15" day of July, 2022, 808 S. 7" Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Attorney far Comestam, Joey Gilbert JURISDICTION Pursuant to NRS §293.407. Contestant Joey Gilbert hereby contests the election of Defendant Joseph Lombardo to the office of Republican Nominee for the gubernatorial elect . The court possesses proper jurisdiction of this dispute over the winner of the primary election for the office of Republican Nominee for Governor of the State of Nevada, NRS §293.410 Statement of contest must not be dismissed for deficiencies of form; grounds for contest. |. A statement of contest shall not be dismissed by any court for want of form if the ‘grounds of contest are alleged with sufficient certainty to inform the defendant of the ‘charges the defendant is required to meet. The instant Contest is presented in the proper form and the grounds of Contest are alleged with sufficient certainty to inform the defendant of the charges the defendant is required to meet. NRS §293.413 Time for filing statement of contest; precedence of election contest; referral to special master. 1. The statement of contest provided for in NRS 295.407 shall be filed with the clerk of the district court no later than 5 days after a recount is completed, and no later than 14 days afier the election if no recount is demanded, Recount in Storey County was completed on or about July 11. 2022. This Contest is timely filed Page 2 of 27 INC. ER & ASSOCIATE! MUELLEI i rset, Las Vegas. Ne 2) 3821200 Fass 8088. 2. Mr. Gilbert was a candidate in the primary election, held on June 14, 2022, for the Republican Nominee for the Genera Election for Governor of the State of Nevada to be held November 8, 2022. Defendant Joseph Lombardo was declared the winner of the Primary Election and is now the putative Republican Nominee for the General Election for Governor of Nevada. 3. ‘The unofficial declaration of the result of the Election and the body or board which canvassed the returns thereof in Clark County occurred on July 1, 2022. The returns of Storey County were canvassed, and the unofficial declaration of the result occurred on July 11,2022, iT PARTIES. 4. Contestant realleges all preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth herein. 5. Plaintiff, Joey Gilbert is a registered voter who resides in Washoe County, Nevada. He has standing to bring this action purstiant to NRS 293.4072). 6. The First Judicial District Court has jurisdiction in this matter pursuant to NRS 293.407(2), which states, "[e]xcept where the contest involves the general election for the office of governor. ..a candidate....who wishes to contest an election. ..must...file with the clerk of the distriet court « written statement of contest..." ‘The Primary Election for the gubernatorial candidate is a statewide election and it is impractical to bring the same contest in each of the Counties in Nevada. ‘olak is the Governor of Nevada and its chief executive officer. He 7. Defendant, Steve approved Barbara Cegavske's purchase of the vote counting equipment utilized in the 2022 Nevada Primary Election. Page 3 of 27 ® ict as Vegas. Neva 08 (002) 637-4817 32-1200 Fas 10. Defendant, Barbara Cegavske is the Secretary of State of Nevada who authorized the purchase of the subject vote counting equipment (VCE) utilized in the 2022 Nevada Primary Election and is responsible for overse or software patches and otherwise abiding by federal regulations governing the use of the subject, equipment. She caused the "Rules and Regulations for the Conduct of Primary and General Elections Promulgated by the Secretary of State.” She also oversees the county election departments and certifies the results of elections Defendant, Joseph Gloria is the Registrar of Voters in Clark County, Nevada and Deanna Spikula are the Registrars of Voters in Washoe County. responsible, inter alia, for ‘managing the respective County Elections Departments and the execution and ‘management of elections in Clark County and Washoe County as well as implementing, the mandates of Barbara Cegavske, Secretary of State of Nevada regarding the VCE. James B. Gibson, Chairman of the Clark County Board of County Commissioners and Vaughn Hartung, Chair of the Washoe Board of County Commissioners are responsible for oversight and management of the Elections Departments in their respective counties. Joseph Lombardo is the putative Republican candidate for Governor in the November 2022 General Election. 1. OVERVIEW ‘The right to vote includes not just the right to cast a Legal ballot, but also the right to have it fairly counted. Article 2, Sec. 1A, (10), (11) of the Constitution of the State of Nevada as ratified by the voters of the state assures us of this right: Sec. 1A. Rights of voters. Each voter who is a qualified elector under this Constitution and is registered to vote in accordance with Section 6 of this Article and the laws enacted by the Legislature pursuant thereto has the right: Page 4 of 27 g é 4 a g z a x 2 = Zz a i 28 Ve 02382-1200 Fs 208.7 Ste Telephone 1. To receive and cast a ballot that: (b) Accurately records the voter's preference in the selection of candidates. 10. To a uniform. statewide standard for counting and recounting all votes accurately as provided by law. IL. To have complaints about elections and ele accurately and efficiently as provided by law. ‘ion contests resolved fairly, 13. In this pending Contest, the results of the 2022 Primary Election for the Republican candidate for Governor erroneously indicate that Defendant. Joseph Lombardo gamered the most votes amongst the Republican candidates for the office. Based on a geometric, mathematical alysis of the votes av counted and announced by the Counties in Nevada, Contestant, Joey Gilbert disputes this alleged result, 14, In the election contest before this Honorable Court, the Contestant for the Republican nomination for Governor of the State of Nevada, Joey Gilbert, (hereinafter variously, Contestant.” “Joey”, or “Mr. Gilbert”), an individual duly registered to vote in Washoe County, Nevade alleges not a political question, but rather a mathematical issue. 15, Mr, Gilbert accepts the votes as counted. However, he will prove that the result as announced is a mathenratical impossibility. When the votes as counted and announced, are statistically corrected. Mr. Gilbert will demonstrate with irrefutable geometric finality that he handily won the primary election for Republican gubernatorial nominee in the June 14, 2022, Primary Blection in Nevada Iv. CONTESTANT SETS FORTH SUFFICIENT GROUNDS FOR STATEMENT OF CONTEST AS PROVIDED IN NRS 293.410 16, Contestant realleges all preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth herein, Page 5 of 27 MUELLER & ASSOCIATES, INC. 08S. Sr, Las Vegas. Novae B 2) 6574817 17. This Contest is based upon NRS §293.410 sub. 2. As presented more fully, infra, Contestant alleges that the votes as counted and as announced produce a mathematical and geometrically impossible result. ‘Therefore, on information and belief, that the Election Boards made errors sufficient to change the result of the eleetion as to any person who has been declared elected. NRS §293.410 (2) (d). 18, Contestant alleges, that the ability to generate a geometric and mathematically impossible outcome by reason of the VCE used in the 2022 Nevads Primary Election is sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the Election. NRS §293.410 (2) (f). NRS §293.410 Statement of contest must not be dismissed for deficiencies of form; grounds for contest. 1. A statement of contest shall not be dismissed by any court for want of form if the grounds of contest are alleged with sufficient certainty to inform the defendant of the charges the defendant is required to meet. 2. Anelection may be contested upon any of the following grounds: (a) That the election board or any member thereof was guilty of malfeasance. (b) That a person who has been declared elected to an office was not at the time of election eligible to that office. (©) That (1) Legal or improper votes were cast and counted; (2) Legal and proper votes were not counted; or (3) A combination of the circumstances described in subparagraphs (1) and 2) occurred, in an amount that is equal to or greater than the margin between the contestant and the defendant, or otherwise in an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election. (d) That the election board, in condueting the election or in canvassing the returns, made errors sufficient to change the result of the election as to any person who has been declared elected, (e) That the defendant or any person acting, either directly or indirectly, on behalf of the defendant has given, or offered to give. to any person anything of value for the purpose of manipulating or altering the outcome of the election, (D That there was a malfunction of any voting device or electronic tabulator, counting device or computer in a manner sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election, (Emphasis added.) ve Page 6 of 27 Zz a B s g $ B a < 3 § MUE| $088 2) 6378817 PENDANTS HAVE FAILED IN THEIR DUTY ‘AN ACCURATE REPORTING OF THE 72022 PRIMARY ELECTION IN NEVADA ing paragraphs as if fully set forth herein. testant realleges all prece 20. Defendants, and each of them had a legal duty to the Contestant to cause the accurate reporting of the result of the election results in the statewide Nevada 2022 Primary Eleotion. Defendants, and each of them, breached that duty by failing to provide a mathematical and geometri ly correct result of the votes as counted and as demonstrated herein. 21. Contestant can prove with an irrefutable mathematical certainty that the actual vote result as counted was miscalculated, is a geometric, mathematical impossibility and that Joey Gilbert, in fact, won his party's nomination for Governor. THE ANNOUNCED 2022 PRI Y ELECTION RESULTS ARE, MATHEMATICALLY, GEOMETRICALLY IMPOSSIBLE 22. Contestant realleges all preceding paragraphs as if fully set Forth herein, 23. The Election results as counted and announced are mathematically incorrect. 24, A mathematical analysis can determine the difference between a fair and an unfair election and where the unfair election is an election for which the results are geometrically infeasible, Contestant, Joey Gilbert will demonstrate that the vote data reporting results need to be corrected and how it needs to be corrected. In the attached Clark County, 2022, Governor Primary Precinct Analysis (“Precinct Analysis”), we see the effect of the defective vote count on all 2022 Nevada Gubernatorial candidates. ‘The corrected results are glaring: Joey Gilbert prevails dramatically in the Republican race over Joseph Lombardo by more than 50,000 votes, Page 7 of 27 1 See, Exhibit "A", "CLARK COUNTY, 2022, GOVERNOR PRIMARY PRECINCT 2 ANALYSIS.” by Edward Solomon, dated July 13, 2022. 5 Vu. 4 ‘TO DETERMINE THE CORRECT VOTE RESULTS. 5 PERCENTAGE =A CONCEPT THAT RELATES TWO TH ©) 26. Contestant realleges all preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth herein 7)] 27. Nevada elections provide for three modes of voting: Early Voting, Mailsin Voting and : Election Day Voting: in the Governor's Race, Nevada provided a total of three significant 0 candidates, two Republicans and one Democrat. By force of law, Republicans cannot im vote in Democrat primaries, nor ean Democrats vote in Republican Primaries; in -. 2 mathematics we would say the set of ballots belonging to Republicans, and the set of Z A ios ballots belonging to Democrats, are Disjoint Sets, that is, they do not share any ballots in BEE Lamon 3 ll 56, Let us consider only the two Republicans. Gilbert and Lombardo Each candidate hes an 3 ‘ Early Vote (hereinafter, "EV"), a Mail-in Vote (hereinafter, "MiV"), and an Election Day 7 Vote (hereinafter, "EDV") total in each precinct. Ina fair election, we expect a strong 2 19. linear correlation between Gilbert's Election Day, Mail-in and Early Vote percentages 20 across the precinets. That is, whatever Gilbert's Election Day percentage is at a 21 particular precinct, we expect bath Gilbert's Mail-in percentage and Early Vote = percentage to be roughly the same, not exactly, since that would imply causation...but : roughly, which implies a strong correlation, which would be consistent with Clark 5 . County’s Historical Election Results in all years prior to 2020, both in the Primaries and 6 the General Elections. 27|| 29. However, this is not the case in Nevada's 2022 Republican Gubernatorial Primary. There 8 is absolutely no correlation between Gilbert's Election Day, Early, and Mail-i Page 8 of 27 MUELLER & ASSOCIATES. INC. 08 8.7 Percentages across the precincts. Although this observation is not proof of wrongdoing, this irregularity was probable cause to investigate the election results further. 30. This investigation revealed a mathematically-illegal geometric formula that governed the proportions between the Early, Mail-in and Election Day ballots across the precincts 31. Ina fair election, if we know a candidate’s Election Day percentage, x. and a candidate's Mi in percentage. y, and the percentage of ballots cast that were Election Day ballots, 2, then we can solve for that candidate's aggregate percentage share of the combined election day and mai in vote. The equation that resolves the aggregate percentage is a simple weighted average formula, Let w be the candidate's aggregate percentage, then: w= zx + (-2y = (wtpyy(1 +p), where p is the proportion of Mail-in to Election Day Fither formula remains true whether or not an election is fair Ballots cast in the precinct or unfair. This law is universal to any four sets of data that share no elements in ‘common, such as the ballot totals of two candidates with two modes of voting, 52, However. if there is an illegal formula that allows us to solve for w, with only © knowledge of x and y, but without z, that is, any formula that allows us to solve for the candidate's aggregate percentage share of the combined election day and mail-in ballots, ‘+ knowing only the candidate's election day percentage, and © the candidate's mail-in percentage, and © without any knowledge of the proportion of Mail-in to Election Day Ballots, and this formula fits all precincts in the County without any vari formula, Page 9 of 27 MUELLER & ASSOCIATES, INC. 487 a as Vegi. Neva ke (02) 200 Fass aus then, by mathematical definition. this formula allows us to soive the candidate's aggregate percentage share of the ballots in each precinct with no knowledge of the proportion of Mail-in to Election Day Votes, a geometric impossibility violating the Laws wh ich Govern the Proportions of Elements Between Four Pairwise Disjoint Sets, all of which are geometrically derived VIL PAIRWISE DISJOINT SETS 33. Pairwise Disjoint Sets are defined in mathematics as any collection of sets, such that all pairings of any two sets from the collection of sets share no elements (ballots) in common, 34. For instance, Gilbert's Election Day, Lombardo’s Election Day, Gilbert's Mail-in and Lombardo’s Mail-in ballots ate an example of four pairwise disjoint sets, because a registered voter may cast their ballot once, and only once, in accordance with Nevada State Law. Thus, State Law renders each candidate's Early, Mail-in and Election Day ballots mathematically disjoint. 35. All of the laws that govern the proportions between four disjoint sets are as follow. © Let A be a set containing a objects. © Let B be a set containing b objects. © Let C be a set containing c objects; © Let D be a set containing d objects Let x=alla+h); let y= ef(etal): let w = (1-5) = di(etd) © Leta=(ateiaterb+d); (baat) = @=ME+1); E=C-ayta) © Let i= (atdy(atdteth): P=(ehb)Mard) Page 10 of 27 Ce a awe 10 ul 12 13 4 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 7 = ASIC): P1910), © Let Q= (a+b\(a+b+e+d): C=(e+dWatb) © Q=1Gr1); C=(1-2) (OQ) From which follow the Twenty Laws, which demand that three of the above proportions be known to resolve either two of the remaining proportions: o Then x=atGay)= (a-(1-Qyva A-(I-QywylQ A dew + x= (4a) - 0/042-0-1) x= (W2K(G+ Mara) © Then y= ar(iey(a-x)= (a-Axy(1-2) © w= AF (UOOx= O-M)/(1-) # y= (Ona | )Hay/(Q+a-2x) w= (H2C((C+-a)+0) co Then a= (xty)(CH1)= Or+(1-Q)y a= (Reel) - A a= (K-20) CHD CH= ACL) MOHD) = a= QQ-x-x2y-I)(i-y-) © Then 2= (ettwWCH1)= Qet(1-Ow DxeQyiCel) =a (a( 1G y))+x(2y-1)YQv-x) = (oetx(Qp-4e- DVR) = CQwra-l ay(Ge1) aay) = (1 OVO; D=(ra\lex VGH) (ata) M(ath-L) C= 2)MGaw) = (1 DYQ OGLE) Page 11 of 27 MUELLER & ASSOCIATES, INC. © C= (eay(Qwea-R-1) From which follow the Forty Isometries o Let allatd); let h= cob): let t= (1-h) = bi(e+b), then the proportions: xy,w,2,0,6 can be exchanged for g,h,/.0,2,0 respectively, yielding the first score of the Forty Isometries © Letm=ala+c); let n = bi(b+d); let q = (1-n) = dilb+d), then the proportions: 2xyisa.6 can be exchanged for m,1,g.0,a.5 respectively, yielding the second score of the Forty Isometries. 36, After an illegal geometric formula has been detected to alter the election results (thet is, any formula that allows one to resolve any proportion on the left-hand side of the above twenty equations, or any of the Forty Isometries. without any three of the remaining: proportions), a remedy is applied to restore the election results in manner that would most reflect what the results would have been without geometric interference. Ix. RESTORATION 37. Contestant realleges all preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth herein. 38. The remedy imports the statis ection, that is, the al trends that are expected in a fa Early, Mail-in and Election Percentages of a candidate should be linearly correlated and roughly equal, that, is the election day, early and mail-in percentages, when plotted for a candidate, across the precincts, should fall along the diagonal of a cube. That is, when the precincts ate plotted in 3D space, the x-axis being the election day percentage, the y-axis being the mail-in percentage, the =-axis being the early percentage, of a particular candidate against any other candidate in the same race, should form an elliptical cloud (a blimp shape), whose length (major axis) runs along the straight line x Page 12 of 27 MUELLER & ASSOCIATES. INC ss Vepis, News 891 simile (702). 39. In the instance of Clark County’s Primary Elections. the Republican Gubernatorial election cannot be restored until the Sheriff's Primary has first been restored. This is because the illegal geometric formula that was invoked to alter the proportions of ballots cast between the Sheriff Candidates, also cemented the proportion of Election Day to Mail-in to Early Ballots cast in each precinct, to which all other races, down the entire ballot, had to be conformed. 40. Thus, one cannot restore any election in the 2022 Primaries, unless they first restore the Sheriff's Primary. to obtain the original proportion of Election Day to Mail-in to Early Ballots. 41. Since the illicit geometric formula used to alter the proportions of the Sherif?’s Primary, contained Hyt’s combined Early and Election Day Vote, as the first and natural input, we know that the true ratio of Early to Election Day Votes is therefore preserved in the ratio of Hyt's Farly to Flection Day Votes. 42. Ina fair election, we expect that the proportion of Early Votes to Mail-in Votes to Election Day Votes, at any particular precinct, will be roughly the same for all candidates. in all races. Since Hyt’s Election Day and Early Totals are preserved, we uniformly apply this ratio against the combined sum of election day and early votes in each precinct. to all candidates, in all races. 43, We then use a rotation matrix to restore the relationship of sheriff candidate Robert's Election Day Percentage, Mail-in Percentage, and Early Percentage, against Hyt, to the diagonal of the cube, x=y'=s, whilst retaining the magnitude of the original vector from the origin to the coordinate of each precinct in this x, y, = space 44. We also know that Robert’s Mail-in Vote, was true and authentic in its proportion to Hyt's Election Day and Early Vote, as Robert’s Mail-in Vote was the third and final Page 13 of 27 S. INC LER & ASSOCIATE: MUE es Vogue, Neda $21 S08 8.79 Sst natural input in the illegal geometric equation used to alter the ballot ratios between Hyt, Roberts and MeMahill. By compelling Robert's Early and Election Day turnout of registered voters to follow the concave down parabolic trend of his authentic mail-in vote, against the total percentage of all registered voters who cast a ballot in the Sheriff's Primary, we were able to obtain the correct proportion of Mail-in to combined Barly and Election Day ballots. 45. Furthermore, that the proportion of Robert’s Early to Election Day ballots also then us that the matched Hyt’s proportion of Early to Election Day ballots, ensui restoration of Robert's Early and Election Days totals were undoubtedly accurately conformed to what they would have been without geometric interference. Thereby, we ascertain the correct proportion of Ma of all candidates, in all races, in each precinct. 46. The ratio of Early to Mail in to Blection Day Ballots was then applied to MeMahill in the Sheriff's race and to Gilbert, Sisolak and Lombardo in the Governor's race. From here, the Governor's race can be restored without any more assistance from the Sheriff's race. We make regular the election day. mail-in and early vote percentages, between Gilbert, sisolak and Lombardo, such that each candidate's election day, mail-in and early percentage vote percentage, against any other candidate, or pair of candidates, is roughly equal, across the precinets, via geometric translation and rotation of the abnormally distributed percentages back to the diagonal of a eube, x 48. It was originally reported in the 578 precincts that were analyzed (precinets that had less than 100 total ballots cast were excluded from the analysis) that Gilbert, Sisolak and Lombardo received 28304, 105816 and 55861 ballots respectively. After the restoration, ‘we learn that Gilbert, Sisolak and Lombardo received 83812, 62102 and 44083 ballots Page 14 of 27 MUELLER & ASSOCIATES. INC. as Vegas. New 32-1200 Fase (7 s Si. respectively. In other words. the lion’s share of Gilbert's Republican ballots were drawn illegally into Sisolak’s ballot totals (primarily his Mail-in Total), upsetting the proportion of Democrat to Republican ballots in all partisan primaries down the entire ballot, which reveals that Republicans cast their ballots in a two to one (2 : 1) proportion with Democrats in the Nevada Primaries, yet the illegal geometrically-altered data transformed the ratio of Republican to Democrat ballots cast into a Four to Five Proportion (4 : 5), effectively diminishing all Republican votes to 4/10 of « vote per voter. x OPINION ON THE SUMMARY REPORT TITLED "CLARK COUNTY, 2022, GOVERNOR PRIMARY, PRECINCT ANALYSIS 49. Contestant realleges all preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth herein. Dr. Oliver A. Hemmers clarifies the Precinct Analysis which demonstrates the depth of the incorrect. mathematically impossible results arising fiom the statewide 2022 Nevada Primary Election. See. Exhibit "B", "Opinion on the Summary report titled "Clark 2022 Governor Primary Precinct Analysis, by Dr. Oliver A. Hemmers, dated Dr. Hemmers provides an explanation of the algorithm applied to restore the 2020 "Baker v. Hartung” Election in Washoe County as well as most vote count restorations, to the announced voter result in the counties in Nevada. We learn from this explanation how to measure the difference between a fair and an unfair election, where an unfair election is Page 15 of 27 ER & ASSOCIATES. INC. MUELL lions (702) 382-1200 Facsimile ce ae an election where the result is predetermined algorithmically by geometrically impossible, mathem | formulae which unfairly reported the vote count in ically-illega Nevada. Based on the irrefutable geometric equations of the vote as reported and successful use of restorative statis al formulae, properly applied in Nevads to the 2022 Primary Election vote count the statewide count can be reported accurately. Dr. Hemmers, in his explanation of the Precinct Analysis. states in full: 1) The paper under review [1] claims that mathematical analysis can determine the difference between a fair and an unfair election and where the unfair election is an lection for which the results are predetermined algorithmically. It is assumed that causality is a valid assumption during an election where the effect cannot precede the cause, more specific that the aggregate percentage of votes for a candidate cannot precede the election day and mail-in percentages. This might seem to be a trivial assumption, but it lies at the very core of the analysis 2) Inthe preface of the Clark County, 2022. Governor Primary Precinct Analysis, two examples are presented for a bivariate analysis [2] related to election results. 3) A bivariate (Two-Variables) is described as follows [2]: The analysis of two specific variables to determine the empirical relationship present between them is referred to as bivariate analysis and it is considered to be one of the simplest forms of quantitative analysis. It is of utmost help when it comes to testing simple hypotheses of association and determining the extent to which it becomes easier to predict the value of one particular variable, given [that] the value of the other variable is already known. There are three main types of bivariate analysis: a, Scatter Plots: It makes use of dots to represent the values for two different numeric variables. In other words. it provides us with a visual idea of what pattern the variables are following, b. Regression Analysis: This involves a wide range of tools that can be utilized to determine just how the data points might be related, It tends to provide us ‘with an equation for the curve/fine along with giving us the correlation coefficient c. Correlation Coefficients: This shows how one particular variable moves about with relation to another. 4) Incertain cases of bivariate data, one variable is said to determine or influence the other one. These two (ypes of variables are distinguished as independent and dependent variables. The former refers to a situation wherein neither of the variables is considered to be dependent on each other.{2} A simple example is the Page 16 of 27 g z 00 Facsimile (702) 037-4817 Las Ves. Neve MUELLER & ASSOCIA relationship that exists between teenagers reading (independent variable) and thet scores in English (dependent variable). Cause -> Effeet The paper specifically uses the bivariant real number plane formular and the West vs, East paradigm to calculate the results as shown in [3.4]. The Preface concludes with a brief explanation how the election results were successfully restored for the 2020 Election of Hartung vs. Baker [4]. The data and calculations are shown in [4]. The data can be shown in form of two graphs, one the original data (top), and one is the restored data (bottom). Original Percentages Hartung ( EDV + Earty) Percentage Hartung Malln Percentage Restored Percentages 5 00 Hartung (EDV + Early) Percentage Hornung Maltin Percentage The blue dots represent the results of the individual election precinets, and the red curve is a polynomial (quartic) fit through the blue data cluster. The fact that in the top graph the red line is not ending at 0%/0% as shown in the bottom graph, means that there is a problem with the election results, (Emphasis added.) In a Page 17 of 27, MUELL R & ASSOCIATES. INC. ss Vous Nevada $9101 fair election the sum of the Early Day and Election Day votes should produce very similar results to the Mail-in votes, meaning the x-values and the y-values should be similar (when x is 10% then y should be close to 10% as well) and not off by 25% [as demonstrated in the top graph] a. Even when Hartung received 0% of the Mail-in votes. he would “magically” receive 25% of the combined Election Day and Early Votes. This is impossible, Also. should Hartung receive 100% of the Election Day and Early Votes then Baker would “magically” receive 25% of the Mail-in votes (100% minus his 75% =25%). Again, this is not possible in a fair election, b. Even though this discrepancy is not proof of fraud nor an explanation of what type of fraud rigged the election, but it is still possible to correct the numbers and restore the true values, so as if there was a fair election. (Emphasis added.) The result is shown in the bottom picture and the calculated values can be found in [4]. ¢. This method of the applied Election Restoration Algorithm has been. successfully used over the past two years not only on Hartung vs. Baker but also for Maricopa. Philadelphia. Atanta, Dallas and Tarrant, Macomb and Oakland. as well as the last federal election. 7) ‘The same methods [5] that have been honed and applied to various elections over the past two years, have been applied to the Group B vs Group A candidates in the 2022 Gubernatorial Primary [6]. a. Asan example, the Group A data is shown in the two figures above. The blue dots are from [6]. the red curve is a polynomial fit through the blue dots and the pink line is an extrapolation of the polynomial fit using the shown equation in the graph. Both have the Election Day vote percentages on the x- Page 18 of 27 Zz = 5 g Z 2 2 MUELLE wuss, 52, axis. As for the y-axis, the left graph has the Mail-in percentages and the right graph the Early vote percentages. It can be seen that the y-intercepts and the polynomial spines between the two graphs are quite different. Reference [1] shows the restored positions of Group A’s Election Day percentage which are virtually the same in both graphs [1]. b. In order to be able to restore the original data itis important to identify what part of the data is authentic in order to make the cortections to the illegal data. ‘As written in [1], the illegal equations that govern the percentages of ballots cast between Group B vs Group A, the input percentage is h (as shown on page 3 in [1]). which is equal to Group B's Mail-in vote divided by Group A’s combined Early and Election Day votes. From that we know that Group A’s Mail-in vote and Group A’s Early and Election Day votes are authentic, ¢. Therefore, you can restore Group A’s and Group B’s totals and then multiply the individual vote totals of each candidate in each group by the net proportions of change between collectives of Group A and B in each precinct. Summary 1) _ Reference [1] and the included references therein describe how using a restoration algorithm that is based on the well-established mathematical Bivariate Analysis [2] in particular the Bivariate Real Number Plane Formula [5], which has been applied numerous times over the past two years for many US county elek also be applied to the recent 2022 Gubernatorial Primary in Nevada. 2) For the mathematical restoration of the original data, itis not necessary to claim fraud nor to know any specifics of the fraud, 3) The applied restoration of the official election results shows a significant difference between original and restored election data for all candidates reviewed. See, Report of Dr. Oliver A. Hemmers, attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "B" Dr. Hemmers C.V. is also attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "C and the Based on the “Clark County, 2022, Governor Primary Precinct Analy Analysis of Dr. Oliver A. Hemmers of that analysis, Contestant, Joey Gilbert herein demands enjoinment of certification of the 2022 Primary Election results and requests mathematical recovery of the true vote cast by the voters in Nevada, and, further, that Defendant make the electronic voting machines utilized statewide available for forensic analysis, Page 19 of 27 MUELLER & ASSOCIATES. INC. ren) Stet, Las Vegas. Ne 08. XL THE 2022 PRIMARY E! WERE CONTRIVED. Contestant realleges all preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth herein. G Donald Allen states that the Clark County, 2022. Primary Precinct Analysis demonstrates clear and convincing evidence that the election results analyzed therein were not produced by accurate counting of the votes cast, but were instead artificially contrived according to a predetermined plan or algorithm. See, Declaration of Expert G. Donald Allen, attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit “D” and Curriculum. Vitae of Expert G, Donald Allen attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibi Declaration of Expert Walter C. Daugherity attached hereto and made a part hereof as, Exhibit °F”, and Curriculum Vitae of Expert Walter C. Daugherity attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit “G” Dr. Allen states that in his expert opinion, the Primary Precinct Analysis demonstrates, clear and convincing eviclence that the election results analyzed in these reports were not produced by accurate counting of the votes cast, but were instead artificially contrived according to a predetermined plan or algorithm. Dr. Allen summarizes the salient points of the Primary Precinct Analysis report by Mr. Solomon, simplifying his notation, and clarifying how relatively simple it is to manipulate election outcomes using voting algorithms. He finds that the erroneous tabulation of the vote has two parts. The first is to establish the election is incorreet, and the second is to estimate what the vote total should be. He considers the basic configuration for Candidate A and Candidate B where there are only mail-in and clection-day votes. Assume the proportion of the mail-in votes for Candidate A is A. Page 20 of 27 ES. INC. R & ASSOCIA MUELLE 38. Therefore, the proportion of mail-in votes for Candidate B is 1-/t. The actual vote totals can be computed by multiplying the total number of mail-in votes. Similarly, the proportion of election day votes for Candidate A is & and the proportion of election-day votes for Candidate B is 1-k. Again. the total votes for each is obtained by multiplying by the total number of election-day votes. Now, let M be the number of mail-in ballots and K be the number of votes on election day. Then, the proportion of votes for Candidate A is AM AK M+K If voting has been algorithmized by adjusting the proportion of k to a new proportion r the vote total will be the same but the net proportion can be made to whatever, say r < 0.5. itis only required to solve the equation (Ay +k MaK for & This is done to favor Candidate B. A similar equation is to favor Candidate A. This new value is merely programmed to change votes to obtain the desired proportion. Programming this is remarkably simple. Going into any election, ifthe mail-in data is known, and a good estimate of K is known, the equation has a unique solution. If accurate poll data is known. and it generally is, then all we need is Mand we can use the poll estimates to reflect the proportions and then estimate what value & should be to obtain the desired proportion r to be programmed in. All this is for just one voting station and literally could not be detected. However, if the same or similar proportion obtains over hundreds of precincts, then error is ascertained, That is, plotting the values of and & of actual election results will reveal that k seems to be constant over all voting stations or precinets. Page 21 of 27 MUELLER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Nevads 8901 as Ve 39. 60. 61. 62. IFthere is some control aver the total number of mail-in ballots, say by supplementing mail-in ballots after the election-day ballots are counted, then both ht and k can be manipulated, to a value where the equation above is solved for # to determine the number of ballots that need to be added. In the absence of both proportions, then poll numbers must be used to fix # and then estimate & based on the desired proportion r. Ifall mail-in ballots total are known beforehand, and if algorithms are applied as above with differing values of k, massive evidence of error can be detected by noting the proportion of votes for Candidate B generally computes to the same total propor the spectrum of reporting stations, In each of these cases, the algorithmic is clear and essentially proved. While a mathematical proof is desired, we are working with field data, and therefore must be replaced with statistical proof for example as apj to forensic psychology. Another, more complex example of algorithmic error, is absolutely clear and convineing when the computed proportions between Candidates A and B do not add up to one. These values we never see, as all reported numbers are lumped together for presentation, Even in the case of newly discovered ballots, we often see total vote proportions change as the count is reported, though this is less indicative of error, How to estimate the votes Candidate A would have if the algorithm flaws did not oceur? For this, we use a statistical argument and assume the mail-in proportions, which are assumed to be known and correct are the same as the election-day voting proportions. Alternatively, we know an established relationship between the (wo. From this, we can back-project to what the values of & should have been for each precinct. These in tum can be averaged in a weighted scheme (by numbers of voters) to gain the average value of k Using the standard deviation, we estimate the range of all k values within two standard Page 22 of 27 MUELLER & ASSOCIATES. INC. 74817 200 Facsimile (102) 6 Teleone: (02) 3241 17 18 19 20 a 64, 66, 67. deviations and compute the expected vote count. In this way. the number of votes lost to Candidate A can be estimated. Alternatively. precinct by precinct poll numbers could be used, thus canceling the effects of mail-in voters that are known to behave in different ways from election day voters. Such are standard methods in statistical analysis. In this particular ease. they apply to the Gilbert and Sheriff's election results. Solomon uses a geometrical argument, ‘tating, actual results {o assumed slope one expectations. Under all circumstances, the 2022 Primary Election results are mathematically incorrect, and ean and should be restored. xi. THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF NEVADA AND THE REGISTRARS OF VOTERS MADE ERRORS SUFFICIENT ‘TO CHANGE THE RESULT OF THE 2022 PRIMARY ELECTION . Contestant realleges all preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth herein. Contestant, Joey Gilbert alleges that the State of Nevada, by and through its Governor, Steve Sisolak, Secretary of State, Barbara Cegavske, the county Election Boards and Boards of County Commission by their, and each of their failures to cause the vote count to be accurate by reason of the lack of accurate vote count equipment and application of illegal geometric and mathematical formulae, made errors sufficient to change the result of the Election. NRS §293.410(2)(d); that putative Republican gubernatorial candidate, Joseph Lombardo has been incorrectly denominated the winner of the Primary Election in that race and the result set aside in favor of Contestant Joey Gilbert, Contestant alleges that the application of the contrived and illegal geometric formula as set forth herein allowed mathematically illegal and/or improper numbers of votes to be cast and erroneously counted. while legal and proper votes were counted improperly: that the geometric analysis of the error is irrefutable, and that a statistical application of Page 23 of 27 MUELLER é& ASSOCIATES, INC. rt, Las Vests Neva #9101 82-1200 Fase: (102) 657-817 68, 69, 70. 7 RB. standard formula will restore the vote count accurately. NRS §293.410(2)(c). Constitution of the State of Nevada, Article 2, Sec. 1A, (10), (1D). Nevada election law is to be liberally construed to the end that all voters have an opportunity to participate in elections and to cast their votes privately. See NRS §293.127, Further. the goal of Nevada election law is to ensure that the will of the voters is not defeated by any informality or by failure substantially to comply with its provisions. Id. ‘The Republican Primary race must not be certified. [the Court does not determine to vacate the results of the Republican Primary Election for Governor as requested without a hearing, Contestant prays that discovery may be adduced according to statutory provisions to present a full record to the Court. and thereafter a hearing be set in order to assess the claims made herein. XI. CONCLUSION Contestant realleges all preceding paragraphs as if fully set forth herein. ‘The announced results of the 2022 Primary Election are not. and cannot be properly certified until mathematically corrected, the cost of which to the State is de minimis, and particularly so when it involves our most sacred Constitutional right to cast our vote and to have our vote accurately counted. ‘The Nevada Revised Statutes 293 ef seq. and Nevada Constitution, Article 1, Section 1A, et seg. provide for an accurate count of the votes to reflect the will of the people of Nevada, Here. the mathematics are pure and incontrovertible. The report, at minimum, of the vote as tabulated is incorrect. Contestant does not allege who caused this to happen, when it happened, or how it happened-—only that is HAS HAPPENED. That is Page 24 of 27 MUELLER & ASSOCIATES. INC. 08s, 74. 15 16. 7. 78, mathematically irrefutable. There is no need to either allege ot prove fraud: ‘mathematics were applied to the vote count. As a result. the election results were overwhelmingly skewed against Contestant Joey Gilbert as demonstrated by the geometry set forth herein in support of his contentions. However-—-and without resorting to allegations of fraud---a manual hand count and/or a correct statistical application of the vote as announced to restore a recovered vote tabulation will prove that Mr. Gilbert actually won the Primary Election by more than .000 votes. He must be certified as the proper Republican Primary winner to run for Governor of Nevada in the 2022 General Election. ‘The announced vote count in Clark County, at minimum, is permeated with anomalies so egregious as to render the results as presented incapable of certification. candidate is a drastic Setting aside an election in which the people have selected th remedy that should not be undertaken lightly, but should be reserved for cases in which a person challenging the election has clearly established a violation of election procedures and pure mathematics and has demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence that the errors have placed the result of the Primary Election in doubt. ‘Nevada law allows elections to be contested through litigation, both as a check on the integrity of the election process and as a means of ensuring the fundamental right of citizens to vote and to have their votes counted accurately. es the manifold bases for Mr. Gilbert, Contestant herein, fully understands and appr the judiciary to remove itself from electoral politics. But in this instance, this Honorable Court does have the final authority to address this miscarriage of justice regarding the illicit and wrongful application of illegal mathematical formulae and geometric Page 25 of 27 MUELLER & ASSOCIATES, INC. 3s Veges Nevads 89101 808 8. 7S {eleone: (12) 382-1200 Fase: (102) 657-4817 9 equations. and to cause the recovery of the correct vote count, and must do so, to restore the confidence Nevadans in their electoral process. ed, Reli In consideration of the foregoing. Contestant Joey Gilbert hereby pray for the following, relief pursuant to NRS §293.417: ‘That the result of the Republican Primary Election on June 14, 2022 be annulled or set aside: and, That certification of the Primary Election results be denied until the tabulation of the announced vote can be mathematically determined; and, That the illegal-geometry utilized in the count and recount of the vote be mathematically corrected and the vote mathematically restored to its corrected; or, That the Court set this matter for hearing not less than 5 days nor more than 10 days after the filing of the instant Statement of Contest (NRS §293.413); and, ‘The Court refer this Contest to a special master with all powers necessary for a proper determination of the Contest. (NRS_§293.413); and ‘That Contestant be permitted to conduct discovery in the Contest, See NRS §293.415, and, ‘The Court order a state-wide investigation of the existing voting program pursuant to NRS §293B.135(3); and, An inspection ofall reports and all test material kept sealed by the clerk pursuant to NRS §293B.155; and, ‘An inspection of the logic and accuracy test ballots and the official ballots retained pursuant fo NRS §293B.170.; and. Page 26 of 27 MUE! LER & ASSOCIATES. INC. wR wD © That a record, printed on paper, of each ballot voted in the 2022 Primary Election be preserved and inspection by Contestant be provided pursuant to NRS_§293B.400; and, + An examination of the record maintained according to NRS §293.3625, and © That Joseph Lombardo's ostensible "election" as the Republican candidate for Governor be set aside pending a corrected geometric application and restorative statistical analysis applied to the announced vote. DATED this 15" day of July. 2022. {a ASSOCIATES, INC. 808 S. 7" Sueet Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Attorney for Contestant, Joey Gilbert Page 27 of 27 MUELLER & ASSOCIATES, INC. 308.7 Sree, Las Vegas, Nevada $9101 “Telephone; (702) 382-1200 Fees fe (702) 637-4817 wera aueen 10 nN 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 2B 24 25 26 27 28 VERIFICATION I, JOEY GILBERT, declare that | am the Plaintiff in the above-entitled action; that 1 have read the foregoing STATEMENT OF CONTEST OF THE JUNE 14, 2020. PRIMARY ELECTION PURSUANT TO N.R-S. 293.407 and know the contents thereof; that the pleading is true of my own knowledge, except for those matters therein contained stated upon information and belief, and that as to those matters, I believe them to be true. T declare under penalty of perjury under the law of the State of Nevada that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED this | day of, Uy 2022. GILBERT, Plant EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A Clark County, 2022, Primary Precinct Analysis Abstract “This paper will emoostate how to measure the diference between sic and an unr election, where an une lection i an election where the results predetermined algodhcally _Atthe very cote ofthis rt lay the assumption of Causa, that the Eft cannot precede the Cause; Hews the _Ageregate Percentage of a Candidate cannot precede the Fleson Day and the Maibn Percentages of that candidate Tn ie lection, the aggregate cana be known ntl afer all allots ae ast; in an election that sun, where the aggregate was predetermined, the aggregate Becomes the case nd the Mail-in Vote (and/or the Election Day Vote) becomes the effect. and the laws of mathematic allow us to readily dscorn berween which was the eaue.and which was the effect. To ParapheaseImmannel Kant “The cmt ih thig witht which i onion of pail hig and iain te in “The aggregates not «condition of possibilty for dhe Malin vote The Aggregt it « Concept tha elates tw things People vote by mal and people wot atthe poison eleeton day, bur noone, to my knowledge, has voted by aggregate ‘Table of Contents Preface Baton 0.5 The Bante Re Number Cubic Marifl, Cant B vs Candidates A ad C; Shel Preface Bgutin 0.1.2; The Second Rirariste Rel Number Cubic Manifold, Candia B ys Cade A and C, Sheil How Beeons sre Reward; Examples om 212; Hatng ve Bae an Stevo vs Mle 2109 Ble Restoration Algorithm , Hatang vs Taker 2100 Elion Retorion Algosthm, Mile vs Sarzor ‘Bgpaton 5.1; The Cubic Exact of Miler ve Stareos 202, County Comuisione, Clark County Preface Restetion Algnith 0.13; Restoring the Sheriff Hleson Pete Bgution 121; The Tvarite Rea! Naber Cai Turnout Mani, Pete Restoration Alocidan 0.23, Restoring the Senate Hkton Pelace Bquition 0.5.1; The TeviteRes Number Cabie Turn Manifold, Govenoe Pete Baton 0.3.2; The Biri Re Nomber Quadra Min Manild, Governor Preice Restntion Algorithm 0.23; Restoring the Governor Race US Senate Preface ‘Suppose at Loraine High School, precinct among many in «particu eleeon, there were two candidates and evo 41 methods of voting, The frst method of wing woud be athe pols on election day; the second mode woul be remotely by ma ‘An unscrupulous actor has azeady decided tha the Best candiate wil eeive exactly 50% of Locnine High School wots, segasdes of the ft candate' share of the vote on election day. Using simple equivalence relitionsip the malicious actor can adjusc the Malin pecestage in ord to achieve a predetermined aggregate result of $0% forthe fs candidate Lets cuppos that 1000 pstons voted on election day at Lotsine High School, and the et eandidete ceived 750 votes ‘on election day, then the frst candidate ad 75% ofthe election das vot at Loresne ‘An ational 1000 persons voted by sui inthe Lorraine region; thus 2 total of 2000 persons voted at Lorene oven Since the malicious sctor has predetermined the segregate percentage tobe 80M, then the Sie candidate wl end thie election with 1000 votes out ofthe 2000 tot thes since the Sst candidate already has 750 votes, the fat candidate wil eceive an ational 250 vote inthe ena which s 25% ofthe mail-in vote; suc that she combined aggrepate, 75% of dhe election day vote and 25% ofthe Maihin Vote rents in 3 50% Agavegate forthe fiat candidate "Now let us suppose insted that 2000 pestons voted by mui then the total numer of woes at Loraine would be 300, and toachieve a 50% agarepate, the Sst candidite most ecive 1500 of those 3000 votes. The eet candidate seedy ha 750 votes, and ‘hue they requie an ational 790 votes for the malo sam to 1800. Snes 780 divide by 200 equ to 375% the St ‘eandidste now reeves 375% of the Mailin Vous, such that 75% of the Hleeson Day Vote and 37.5% ofthe Malin Vote combines toan aggregate of 50% ofthe aggeegate vote, "We df ple pms, a, whe § = iam Mallat ie propo of Moin ‘Votes to Election Day Votes; we stat the following lav dat goveens the eelasonship between the Election Day Vote, she Mallin Vore and the combined Aggregate vote, whether oc no the election sf oF unfair: LetM = Mall ~ in Percentage ofthe first candidate LeB = Election Dey Vote Percentage ofthe first candidate Lat = Aggregate Percentage ofthe first candidate mM=Aa-*4 ‘This Hyperbolic eelasonshp berween the modes of voting in respect oa particular candidate forms the foundation ofthis entire article, for ite thi eelaonship that allows ut co mente with sbroute certainty whether or not an election wet or wae not engineered to achieve a predetermined outcome. From an argument on soil me I had with confused citizen (paraphrased fr more clay ‘Me: "I you were old hat Kathy had 25% of the lection day vote and 75% ofthe mailn vot in a peecine, eas you tll sme Kathy's Aggregate Percentage?” CConfased Citizen: Afce much thovght.. "No “Me: "You eed the propoction of main to eection day votes. Ifthe proportion i 1 1 then Kathy gets 2 50% appre Lf the proportion eS then Bien gets a (25%+3°75%)/4 Aggregate which ie 625Y4 ofthe precint vote” Confused Ciien: "Right, 0 you'e saying that there an egal formal that can give ws the aggregate foal pecnes, ‘without the proportion of Main to Election Day Votes?” ‘Me: “Yes. The fact shat Kathy's Maibin Percentage sz continous function of hee aggregate and election day pexcentage serosal the precincts proves that the election har been altered rom its original tate. dhs they had to backsolve ee proportion of main to election day votes: Manifolis in Action; County Recorder Dita Ineps//does google com /speadsheets/4/IRKOQNaNuboipyY IUBGUQHI}LxgenodenQpk Xt /editPs sing ir Manld, Candidate Box Candates A aud C: Shai Exgaton 0.1.1: The Bi Let Candidate A be His let Candidate B be MeMahill Jet Candidate C be Robert Let A,, A,, A, be Hyt’ Eatly Vote, Malin Vote and Election Day Vote respectively LetB,, BB, be MeMahil's Easy Vote, Main Vote and Election Day Vote respectively LetC,, C,, C, be Roberts Bay Vote, Mila Vote and Eletion Day Vote respective Lets,=B, Let, =C, Letu, = B, Letv, =A, +A, + C,. The sum v,,and its summands, A, A,y Cate tue and authentic tothe original data stu, sit, stv, Crear) trays 3m, Im fai lection: gaat Tan hy= SOME = 04 (9 w) = SdH = Woon In the above sequence of equalities, tice ofthe five proportions must always be known to resolve, howeves, in Clatk County we obtain the deg cubic manifold equations chat yields g, with only and fh, (se next page) ‘What this means is thatthe total percentage of Eady and Election Day ballots cat fo MeMahil, amongst the set ‘of Hyts Ealy and Election Day ballots, MeMablls Bary and Election Day Ballots, and Robert Barly and Maibin Taman Ballots, was predetermined before the election. This percentage isthe Red Diagonal Aggregate t blow image abso tells us that the total percentage of Early Ballots cast for MeMahill and Robert’ was also predetecmined aT before the election, amongst the same ballot set. This percentage isthe Nosth Horizontal Aggregate West vs East “The bivaate cubic equation wll have ieoated on the sight hand side. In dhe diagram on the previous page, gis the West Side Percentage, that the percentage share of balls thar belong tos amongst $ and v, ‘of Easy ballots hat MeMahil shal receive against the amber of Ely and Election Day ballots for Nyt and Main Ballot for Roberts (ace gis legally eclved from the cube mefice of ef, both and A ace compelled into existence, since in any election, fsx or uni: = Hara). 2g-f-a 1 ay, pet g = SN 5 p= BEE k= Ta gw 1 hase ‘Since the proportions, dM, are known, it forces the value of, which is proportion of East Side Ballots to Wes Side ato hatin, = “inno ore See nd bth how igen thew oft nd, Since Fy ay, 9, a known, it forces the le of, whichis the percentage of u balls amongst and Since the sam tan seat kesh en pg fat esi = hen ee ea 14, and ¢, Thus after the execution ofthis sloth, MeMahils Eaely and Election Day totals and Robert Bal Total have been ‘legally cakcubsted and ace now known and wsed st npuss forthe second equation that wll fellow on the next page ‘The legal bivaite cubic equation i as follows, with an * = 0, 9945927405 (image below isthe 3D surface thatthe ‘Cack County precincts rest upon when thi fg values ace plotted in X,Y, 2 space eespectvely. The residual values have perfect ‘normal sebuton, and the eid exces come from, and only fom, whether or not they rounded the legally calculated vote totale up or down tothe ness integee GHK tht kat kal + ko" + kot 0 1 i A & s oossii90607 | aseezsesro8 | -1s29e10m7 | -o2vsesor699 | sascacse12 2198539969 [Afce the execution ofthis forma the following values are known: Legitimate Inputs ace: Ay. AC egal Ourput are B, By C, Pref Egntion 0.1.2: The Second Brats Rea! Nantes ManiBild, Candidate B 0 Candidate A and C: Shoal Let Candidate A be Hit let Candidate B be McMahill: let Candidate C be Roberts Let Ay, Ay, A, be Hyes Badly Vote, Maikin Vote and Election Day Vote respective. Let B,, B,, B, be Meals Barly Vor, Maibin Vote and Election Day Vote respective Cy, C, be Roberts Easly Vote, Main Vote and Election Day Vote sespectivey stv, Tar) Caray = Theta *2 w= (-nac Ina fie election: g = at Ma hy= OE = 9 + (a — w= SeeDe = enor In the aboue sequence of equalities, thre of the five proportions must akways be known to esolveg,, however, in Clack County we obtain the illegal cubic manifold equations that yields g, with only and ft, (ee next page). ‘What this means is chat the total percentage of ALL ballots east for MeMahil, amongst the set of ALL ballots cast for Hyt, MeMahlls Easy and Election Day Ballots, and Robert's Eazly and Election Day Ballots, was predetecmined 4 — in the below image before the election. This percentage sche Red Diagonal Aggregate, = St, It also tells us that the total percentage of Mail-in Ballots cart for MeMahill and Hy, was ako predetermined oT before the election, amongst the same ballot set. This percentage is the North Horizontal Aggregate 1 = ‘The bivariate cubic equation wil have 9, itlaed onthe ight hand side. In the diagram on the previous pape, de the ein oe wad i ‘West Side Pescenage, thts the percentage share of ballot that belong tos, amongst and, 9, isthe shace of Mail ballot that MeMahil hall receive against the number of Easy and Election Day ballots of both Hye and Roberts ‘Once the 9, proportion i illegaly resolved from the cubic surfice oF and 0, both h, nd A, ae compelled into exstenes, since in any election, fie or uni: g = ONO 3g p= EE, p= a ea gw a-ha (arent)? ut Since the proportions, dy, sr known i fores the value af, which proportion of East Side Ballot to West Side Ballo satis, Since Ty, dy, 9 a8 brown, it forces the value of whichis the percentage of usballots amongst uy andt andes us proportion of tt u, balls vache dentine <2 =. Since the vale of, s known, since B, and B, were illegally calealated in the previous eqution, then the valve of, therefore known, whichis Hye Mail Vote, ane sow sn oft sd x known adhe rpotin of Wes Seo Ea Se Bao ici eo" =, thus the of and , i now known, ad the vale of g, tells us the percentage of ballots that belong othe sum 5, + then ‘we muliply that um by, t yields andthe cemainderiev, Since 5, = B,, we have MeMahily Maltin Vor: since, known, and v= (A, +A,)+ (6, + €,).and Ay A, cata and C, willl cles inthe rei 2, (A, + Ay) ~ Cy which Robert Election Dry Vote and now ll the preci tt, for uation, we fnly resale C, ‘cach candidate, in ach mode of ving, known across he eniety of Clatk County, Nevada ‘The egal bivaate eubic equation sas fellows, wth n R? = 0,9945927405 (mage below isthe 3D surface hat the lak County precincts es upon when thei Og values ar ploted in x,y, 2 space respectively. Theresia values have a peer oumal distribution, and the residual ertors come om, snd only fom, whether ox not they zounded the legal cxleued vote totals up or down wo the nearest integer, GHk tk A tka tke + ka’ + ka In th image blow i he eal 3 surface (ay wit) om two pieces The image slow them te the idea rcs ine, _eresued rom random coodists, nd the cial Cit Couny precincts bls They donot devine fom thee The af 9 bounds fea or 040 (Oa rn 0" 0 1 che ene ofthe ont abe. “The next question i how we sertore the lection results Back to heir orga stat before they were altered. Ina fic election, acconding to both hietrcl records of past elecdons prior to 2020, nd tens of milins of simulations the ‘way in which people cast thee ballot should not influence thie choice oF candidate; likewise, thee choice of candidate should aot inflacace the way in which they prefer to east sei ballot. This implies a parila precinct, ach andidnte' propotion of election day, to cary to main balls, should be coughly the same, a all other candidates in all ces. Again, this is conBemed by histo records of elestions prior 2020 and countess simlatons ‘Thus if Alice recrves 1000 votes, 750 Election Day and 250i the Mal, which s 3:1 propotion of Election Day to ‘Mailin Votes then Beth, egsdless of how many vores she zexves over, should have roughly 3 election day votes for each ‘malin vote, ia dat same precinct, and so shoud all candidates at that precinct all aces “This i because it i expected that dhe electorate of this precinct pefers to cast hee allots by Election Day to Main at 2 |: rai, sepals of which endidate they choose. Therefore, f Beth receives 500 votes over, hea we expect he to have 375 Election Day Votes and 125 Mail-in Votes give or take several vues in each category (ha is highly coelated, but not causated), ‘Alto if Alice eceives 66% of the Hletion Day Vote at pastiular precinct then we also expect Alice to receive 66% ofthe ‘Maibin Vore at that pecac “This boca that ince he wy in which people cst dhe bllote does aot influence dei decison, then the percentage of ‘hore that cast hee ballot on Election Day for Alc, shold also be zoughiythe same fr those that east thei alsin Mail for lie, agso, give o take a point or two (highly corelaed bu not enue). So we may se something ike (and notice that the eas and west side percentages, 9 and h, were o¢ mentioned, because ia | fac lection, even though thet percentages exist and wil have pronounced quadaticcortelation, the curvature ofthat eoecation ‘depends onthe avesage proportion of Malin to Election Day ballots ners the county and the dfeence in the mean performance of any eo disoint ets of candies aa) 2y qua ws su Feds 2A Lg. | X= SReae allt ae = (5.61% Yo ang Although the values of m and are not the same, they are soghly the sme. And ifthe values ofm and m ae plowed cots the pecint forthe ene county, they should inside ofan ellipse, whose center exis oo the lnem = n and whose _majoe ait lo exits onthe Ene m = ny kewise the same should be wue for dhe relationship of x andy. som Please visite following links for more information on Principal Component Analysis before you continue tothe next page if you are aot faiie with the topic: @ ALL Ghods, Lec 1: Principal Component Analysis 3: / pn com wach Tag sees cumnlaaist2e=lpACimVSR pawns cd pcass0/mas/ PCr nei pop With the above page in mind, we mst now sess how the algorithm tslfopestes inthe Shesf seus We know that, Ay Ay C, ae legimate impos, thats the proportion berween A,A,:C, mst he tse and nutheaticto the gina] dt However, thats only the relative ves of A, Ay C,- There is undoubtedly s sae, 2, which being applied against Cy, Thic means if we wrote d,, Ay C, 82 vector, the orentation ofthis vector would remain the same in SD space, but the magnitude itself may and shal vary from the orga vector Although the algosthm itself snot beyond human understanding, it woud beta difficult for any human to interact cet withthe algo ata poet level befoce and ducing the lection. Thus, we can surmise ha the only human ineaction with his algorithm is 1. Selecing the Fie, Second and Thi place candidates seross Clak County foe ShesfE 2. That the turnout cannot exceed some contint percentage ofthe reyietered voters at any paticubi pecnc. 5. That the total aumber of ballots geneated mast be the same asthe oiginal number of balls east. “The ist point determines who wins and who loses. the tue goal of the aosithm: the second point ensures that turnout remains below 100% of the ceitered voters (a 4 genetl election), ot below some other escentage ins pimasy Gow turnout} the ‘hid point ensures thatthe number of tur balloe that are destroyed, o new ballot created, minimized Proper execution ofthe ‘hie pot should slo cover the cond point “The Neual Networks provided the orginal values OFA y Ay yyy By Bay Bay Cy Cyy Cag each precinct, ed ‘us knows the total sum of these bales, Win each precinct. The Neual Network then accesses its database of seer lions sellexning tls on how to alter an lection withthe candidates andthe modes, wit the tre at place winne, Hye, beng epurposed to las place adhe human engineer commanded Kor easons unknown tout mere humans, dhe Neural Network chose an algorithm that preserves the lative values of Aggy Ayg Cag 384 wes thee sum asthe baseline integer valve of Yt Yield Sy Uy, which ae the new ves of By By» Cy (which zemain in decimal form) fom a cubic manifold equation that allows it to manofictae and adjust the abivary aggregate {inputs {ona whi, in any precinct a any ie then ceyces the gener methodology ofthe fw cubic, sing, = B, + Bathe bseine integer input oye 0p fom which come the new valves OFB, A, Cy Which alt remains in decimal form. From thi second bie the slgorthm now has ewo additonal aggregate inpts, fl, which can aes, a any pecne, a any te. “The tol sum ofthe new ban, = Ay Any Cg + (Byy Bay Cy) + (Bay Agy Cy) hen determine, which dhe ele 2 = is now applied as085 (A, Ay Ca) (Byy- Baye) (Bay ay Cys)rand sounded up ox down the 0 sounding prefect nearest integec sting the randaed rales of rounding (in Exe), since numerous test have coaSemed tha (4 oor, or cling) had ever been applied 0 any vor cota in his econ, “The seaing aon preserve he rete was of (Ay Ay C,,) amongst temiches and en chat he ot an of sealed ad rounded balls does not exceed 9 forthe gal tot (1 pe each vot ttl of whch dee ae ning, and since no preference sien the average itferene between he oer ofthe alta the eulicg amoftheballs ser, imi the umber of exc alle to be dstoyed (ne alt to beeen “The mumbe of Eeeson Dy Esl and Ma-n Bas ht rst be discarded nd inte (exchanged) inode enforce the operon of Elton Dato Eat Main Baits it then opined (ini) by adhurting the ves 4, 0a, and in exch, recne based on cach pein es to mimi och an exchange of ballot modes, witht wpctng the eoumiideoderin which he ‘daar ace wn (a, 2 longa he mtendedwinne, MeMshl eines the ost ts the County wi sufcnt eounyvide centage margin opi an orate recoont, and that Rabe rece more wes tha Hy, then he Neral Newark ba cred ite tek atering the ceton, without lowing the mer of registered otro aterm contin, inning the nam of Salts that are rented and dried and whose modes are xchange aos the pent and thereor aco the ene Coun, © Grate decent, how aural neewaks len | Chapt 2 Dp leasing s/f m/e = ZA Wa ‘np neaoerorkndaepleringcor/ehap ben! How Eittios ave Restareds Esamps ow 2020: Horteg es Baber and Samos Miler "he folowing Four Pages are an excerpt fom 2 rior article om tie subject concerning the 29 lection saat of Hartung ve Baker snd Suivore ve Mier aod the 2004 result of Bush ve Keer ills the der wit a bri exation of bw Elton Rs ae rered, a comple of a ein Clark nd Warr (Cou 20082012 206 and he are im of 2004 om Bub fner. We wil tart wth ea a ere of th alii rosea sere Repabon Harton (need winner the alpit) wrge xafir oot 0 a hiro qa Demet ‘hei Baa orth Coty Camorra Haren opin lar pation by hari Te i Op Mf rk tat em if Mr aren rind 6 of th Matin Vote, De wold magical ev 25% ft amined Elton Day ond Ear Vit As th cami, to arp Me Baar aad of Harta nth Mail be maintain th facade tat Dat opin te Mail hy made itt f Mr Harta gt 100% of be Earl (+EEDV) ant, Mr Bator wld maya ein 25% ft Maisin Va ie be 19% in th Mo hic te Xa), Alth th ebereioistt ro of sion r,t ravens hrm ig thesis tag hi sretion ‘atv sn hn prado eth ction it ih tate Ina fai ction, we exec onda that rend 10% of the Eon Day Voto tray 10% of te Main Vat hens they 0% of te Ekaton De Vo, we expect tha 1 90% of the Malin Vat, Ese fama rf tov by mitt cad oft bth. orig sth prs tut om ofthe Im tbr rds pla in dy aed malin perma qa ah thr aretha, ‘hey shld ary tees aon 085 de ong of Tere hs ion (got County Come; Baker agit brea ico hilo pay) me fit rma psi nrg ote Winmar ot son pling th duasinacotbd of vig 08 hy 2 Whe ae the angle of th ner ron fide fren fom 45 da thn eet a ttn mario rete print Perm bak th i = X The mane iets i ied rin te onda oe tl Engen) oe rel. Sine ey etn that ar ales dvs Wet East pari fu wil arn mar abt hi paradig hrty in Cap we ha hat Hart Matin Vite and Bab EDV + Ears Vee are te and abn hy mr ned mater inp te alr Haran Bary Ves and Bats ‘Matin Vor, wich rte pt. ‘Mumer of Precinct tong (EDV + Eat Perens 0 2020 Eaton Restoration Aleit , Having os Baker "This i the algordum to restore the Baker Hartung Election and apples to most restorations including for counties in othe States, uch at Maricopa, Philadephia (PA), Adasta (GA), Daa aod Tarrant (TX), Macomb and Oalland (MI. ‘W Keloed Wait Beste Ler Phe the set of 63 precincts that wee ana. ta, be Haren seconded Nain Vote in each pene Lat yg be Balers recoded Mai Von each pein Lat, be Hasta’ corded Election Dy + Ey Vo ein ech precinet etd be Bakers seconded Blecon Day + Bary Vow i cach peeiet lo ate, Leg be Hang onl Main Peenge i ah presi, X, ety gbe Harung econed EDV“Batyin each ect, Yq = ‘Let m be the slope of the linea regression of vs y; m = 0.9779. Let beth intecept ofthe linear epressionof x vsy; b= + 0.2497 Let = arctan(m); © = 0.7742322822,radians Let =~ & § = 0.01116586115 radians Lan, = cos; n, = 0.9999376622 Leen, = sings n, = 0.01116564913 Lat, = Wig ~ Bloat pci La, betlanap Retoed Mab Roceange nero XM g — NT, et be Harting Restored EDV +E Pocenbgsincach resin Ys, = MX 4 + MT, Lesa, be Harting incor Main Ves in cach reins, a, = ROUNDI(x, (0, + ,)] Leth, be Bakers nwscessry Malkin Vote in exch reins by, (5+ ba) 8s roun[(y,.)(o + tal] Leva), be Bakes intresony BDV'+Balyin each recies d, (6,5 +d) =e ete, be Haring intcenory EDV Eady each pein 6 Lacy, tebe Huong We Se sat, = SL, se natn dy ety, be the Boer Bas Se Sea, V,, = GE, since dg is authet. Let, be Bakers estore Nalin ot ech preety Let, be Haran etored EDV Barty Vote in ach prc c= (¥, 6) We now reckeate Haang ve Bakr uring th tages Bay Sup Ne 2020 Elution Recoration Aloithn . Mires Sao ‘Astor Sere Sto estrng Nera Eton 0 sleet of won and aon hi eae compa ince net ue crv whe EalySEDV Pesetge th nl eerie When an eon ed whe Ba Wt prot Ineo seo ur crate to te North Suh pra (Noh Suh ob Ely Woe Man Vt an econ Dap ee Eat ote peu leon ee vee th doom nd ture of Tg ‘Teme gun exe i ana ithe North Scat rangement eae ui cone aly ec he Pat Ws ange fa lon i ston dh Noth and South peerage clad ha cb we apse pli nh Eat and We poem frm qe ween the ton alee inthe Wert Ean pedi e uae pe apne aoa Noh ‘South Peete anh Bat Ne cnn ste x le somite Beene fief bes he nepotism hn or he iene ofthe Main Prcnage om he ppl oie ‘Wethen os mens ti of ech dine ng the pein epi of he guint ing Rbk 6 thingy = xd hn al tech on al dae Wen bth ew vs en To we om Stn Perper. Miller's Restored Performance utr ts Mtn Pace Number of Precincts The sez how tat although Stvon' ols semaine cos to 75,00 before ad afer the reetoron Mi alot count wt inded tom 4715 1 TS6 032758872, 0.326462 291108867 -2eses2i22 Noba ul ri Range In Degrees. Equation 5.1.10: The Celie Exit of Miles Stars 2020, Coty Couminom, Clark Canty is parinr al tn eni cmamey ht ard iin Clik Ws Comic. had haf legs fir (05 te) mrt mg aed mara ec. cag mye eit ad Be ig 2 af al i ene rerio io +h + k, sere Wat oming gk br RZ te aoe pl reson we 095, nde rae ibe lef eed of ad th cna a ofr fin (hag ner the dese sae nig 8 eri | ede il i te tn read de he half wy te Dns Cone Agog ching it tat re ere eK reg ob Teeurs ou: tht rmeone fr vreting, soc a earl twa) ook dct contol of thi clection and wap theory ign Oat lee vas cubis ignored the lection day vote ad eepiteed vores etely fom the let, acting ony the Eat aod Man Vote Let abe Saccre' Ea Vore 1 pac preci. Let be Miles Esely Vou at pardeal pecinet Lace be Starvrs Main Vota partir precine Led te Mees Main Vote at part presince =— let a = ——2t? Leth = Gps let = erp? leg = 357, a + oe + kA) + oll, + Ry) + (ky + + Kk? a), which sa gees ei inthe for 0 = Ag? + Bg? + Cg + D, forthis ace we take the Sst principle root ofthe Cubic Equation. Wo [posottaeraet A [osteseaatr? 12 [-0.9490906907 | 064030566 ‘We al se he closed orn Cubic Bguton Calealtor using the Carano an Vite Meth om the Us Cees Cubic Equation Calelator, Complex. @ Miler vs Stavros “jpeyou barista + aaneae x OBI93IESIE LOOUNSCaxt OTT" POETS 1 OMBI2N2 021701063 ie snk ps tng PN akan Slet el hw eon "y= Rl)” Kec Carpets 0 act emaus eeeeeeteeeeee Profi estrtin Arion 0.1.3; Resting the Sherif Eton 1 2022, Stent Restoration, Clik Coanty Neva ‘Since we now tha the eine proportion of A, A, trae athe to the orginal elcon rent scros the precinct hen We ow the expecedprporion of Fal t Eton Day Blt for lenses nal races Ths, we know he expe proportion ofB 8, which is MeMahi ary to Election Dayan each rece and C, tC, ich s Rober Eady to Election Dy ic each pein We sala FH = m, hr eth rcs mend 8, estan eal Go = meee iste pine ranbe ine. 7, D Weta ell ZL = where ithe pein amber inde. We now cban the quae regreson of mand m,,eapct Om In fais deci, the egresion shoul! be song ad es inearinthe fom om, = + km, with k= Oand k= Yanda al esd pei howeve, the eabic anol manplon ofthe yore rot tacts into curved quae elaionship with train esl ead J Fos Cink Coons yg, = 0.383 + 0.4970, — 0.243(r,, 6 ‘We now write the 3D parame ne that pase hough the cloud of precneswheam,,m, and mae poten SD space, nd eco the esl values om, and, p28 Py, O3HE + 0.497" — 0.2630 w, = 0.214 + O.172E ~ 0.0983" We sc rt th nee om al ad, with he lowing vec diez: We (yy 2) = (yy Yaa) ~ .0.385,0.218) ‘We now sot ech, norte on th 3D ganda ine othe singh ine dagen of wie pesecving he supine of te rotted cordate, Todosiene er, |= ArCHANT mt tenns 8, =F ~ 0, jade uta Dp Wy a estou U, Up Py 09 Op, ih pede the oui By WY sah batt = oe May Nowsee, = Arctans wih, =p — Oy; and enrowe rs, W070 vet We c ns i; i: w producing the cont se bene = Uy pc et a ta Pa Way We now find he esol aso m,n my, rom ec expected vale in the ered egreions. Let tee be and yyy tpecine We now Gnd the sand devin of tee resis et hs be, nd sow ata 7, by anda by i ie slo, pen 9, Thies id seca tothe sly achieved maximo spend of SY (and derision) fond in Nitra dat Remember ta within ra sms hi 8 pls ermine 10% esl seen ange of 20% oral hence 29 standard deviation i acl ager ten yo thik), Lt the reeled reside ber, andr, spect We now nd the vein yy Vp Wa, ad 0,7, to proce he Intretne Pecie loa hi recto shal be he 220320 cockney Py Way, ay wee ete ch te yy Wy Wa, ya ad ty ala ny compre bw “ tt Pag Way Real we oly ei it May May bY nd : ponent ke soc bo 10% 10 0% nd 100% pce. Nose at hay med abe line pgm tected dao Restored: M12, M22 and M32 oer tare en msie @in? = eae ‘That ete stp ut hs dnt (ee, weno te (1 = 4,) = pil et peg a ini rb tr at eg ar wean die (1 - 9,.) = 7S: his pereeatgeof Main ballots cat both Hy nd Rober that belong to Raber enw one(1 ~ 3) hitonay an (1 ~ ,) sey Ung om hs cn int de be atin Be moon ee po, propery (1 ~ ,) <40% are id sled Gombe ae enc tee cee ving dep and undeniable pact on that ea eget). “When thes pecines are emoed th epson he peviou page mot lobe rected Sine you shoul be doing thisin Exel, ‘he upd wo thse pour easton shoud be atomate Opn the removal sarig withthe quod eresions Uplate: For Chk Comnty a, = 0-442 + 0.264m,,,~0.0229(m,,,}% Wha, = 0.219 + 0.145m,,, ~ .0646(n,,)" Va ee pci eed webine ew epeica T=, = 0.705 ~ 0,0773(1 ~ y,) weno wn a7 from al (1 = 2) vals and deine @ = ARCTAN(~ 0.07737) =~ 3.017degrees =~ 0.077146radlens $ext and 4-74 oo Nor e moud berth intercept of 0701 om allo he etic and hen ote dhe pecnct data by ARO dees buck 0 thetneof(1'= x) = (1 ~ y,) > (= 9). Hower, ths parce Shei econ 20 botched ad 30 wpe ht thee 9 oxslion berwec the lection day, niin and ery vote percentages, baten any two caries, or any combination of two candies, gas the remaining tied candi “Thies ot or fink Wed oc ate th election, we dl not arnt an lc pio ebiemarifld to hick the poporons berncen the ballot crt sere Chk Couns Since there ae no longer any matey exiting coeations between the ean’ lection dg ii andy ote percentages seco he presncty, we can eo his eleson wing the conrendonal method of tanaton and rotation on prcnage of bat ea (ite snp, thee ino ai Enea ply hat ea as ough «exe cates pt with any substantial degree of coer “This aver with nly one choice, the Nuclear Option: Turnout Aparegte Restoration Tina fir dlecion, a cash’ pesformanc i icy nee wth he percentage of ete veers that not I cant, Katy ectvesa mean of 40 of the ent ballets sero the pect then gui ofthe andar deviation ofthe cance performance, the segrasion of the percentage of egsteed vores who voted fr Kathy, agin the percentage of voter th tne ot fr al cat, allbe inthe frmob = 0.44, where, = SQMLEtee ym Zenza, In th below diagram Kathy esives 4% of alba cat ith and devon of SY and he oer nou scrote precincts asa mean of GP, with adie devon of 7386. Ae ase the presncts shal exit within arc apes boundary The horizontal bounds are Fom 48% 10 75%, which 90 seandard deviations en GO, Wah Kathy ening 40% of bilo cat witha anda deviason of Shen Kathy al aays rece Teonen Mr and Sits fa bls eae ‘We owen both hoon boundai by 30% and 5M, prodcing te for vests ofthe taped hat bounds he precinet tdi the preci dat exit inthe epon O32 y $0.5; 0.45 x 0.75, ich the eguaon ofa cba peti, With ‘hele Y= 0 4 being bot the nly and the at ees of chi ita Tn the cea the R°2 va of thi egetion does not mesure the acercy af the petson but he sand devin of Kah’ turautptforance. The ser he vain, tbe ster he RZ vale cong 1th greece vane the faster the R°2 vale converges “Tie lows to bin the nea gression of any such set of deta by simply knowing the mean and standard deviaons of ta ‘nou and lls eat percentage for senate J | | 7537.6 Kathy's Turnout % | Folios es | | | Total Turnout % Tithe grap Below you can st he elainshp between tol precinct trout (om Oto 546 of rept vse) on he boron it again he pentageof egies voters that ured oot wre for ech candi neach mode. Te ge een number, 12d lo the relive al f they ~ axis. The number Ia hat he ysis extends ro 04m SY che ‘number tw ile om Oto 10% andthe miamber ples Ot 20% “The ie hee raph on the top row aethe natal ipa A, Ay Cy hai, Hy Eady Vow, Hy Elation Day Wot and Roberts Main Vote cece othe percentage of eid wots tha ted oat e ot in howe entegaces Notice thats quit ay to daw thei bounding tapes by and before the gua concn aera hem. In the hace grag ighlghted nd bordered in yell we sete wrnous of BBC, which athe ilegl ope of che rt haf, Notice hat the quad egestion of B, and B, psn the otal precint turout hee ana inte, wile the intrcep fC postive. Alo obser that lof the intercepts of our mat inpts ar eptve Thisinfors us hat ie Nene [Netmok a increning the 8, operstors arose pent which nceasesC, with inten desing rom Band he combined mal Ay Cy while sing thea, opentorst sen the daw fom B. Tn che inl gap highlighted and bordered nga, we se rcv ofthe nl te egal orp A, By C, The thing we observe tha ot A and Bae concave ph informs us thatthe Neural Netwosk heavily iecesed he operates sero hepresine sine both Aad B, ae on the Noth ie and isthe North ide Hoxzonal Agee Peentage, We ako tee that he graph of, has noa-neggbl pose inaecept, but alo lacks concn his lus that he a operators mere decreed scrote pects cisng 9 decree, which scans da C, wines, sce both B, nd C, are onthe wes; howe, th ineease inthe, opertre mrt ve Been brant gree than the decease i the opts and thos he sous uae, which eu, = B, + Be what ced the retest eave lus and hence the nega intercept of Bin he ow gph sinc the ea ia C, came pinay om B, + B, Let now bil obucve the comedy ofthese graph tse that Raber: Main you savas atoand oe-thi his Becton ‘Day Vor: however MeMabil gt thre nes as many Main Vote he does Elston Day Votes hate nine ao dilereee (acne ep ie restore C, which a Robert Eady Vor. “The reasoa we is restoe C, because tthe tp ofthe Gt abi maf and since we kaw that Robe hed timate Main vote elie to A, std A.) we ow ta ther ander people who apport Raber Sines C the tpt of the at ebie maid, ins do thee dtd ofthe legal ouput Remember ht he ve tot inthe second ebic manfred against the am of thea ours, = B, + Band that tbe Cand v, = 4, +A, + C, inte Gt cubic mali te agregte percentage whee Ths ne the ott ofthe son abi mil B Cy which a eae asin and eed aga, + enh fbn by dettion, Ay BC, a ao ee apt, +, Hees, wert ih Cnc i ae ole oncin as ei runfol and was abo the at inporan up of the Neal Nero ne the Neu Network eg, int of (1 ~ A) athe oot of the cab manifold wher 9 “Tabegin the etraon of C, we we the sameinterep and conc ofthe unas for Chit etaing the ner consan of C, “The quate gression ofthe mou percentage of Habe? Min Vote and Ely the Tol Turnout Peceatg i: w,= FIC] =k, + kv + korrD* WIC} = 2, + 29171 + 2 c90ry? oe thereon equation we singly ec wt wo, with ae ein, FG = a+ vin + ery We the id thei of {Cy rm W, andthe andr devon of those resus, We the Gd the sandsd deviaon of the etd of PC, om w, and then od the proportion ofthe dard Jeitions, and then ese he'¥[,] esis in espe the proportion of tote add deiaons ai oom ce sinh vd sg a ect Opn mm i i a cag goes ‘Tooeprntns eesti ina ana thou ape ng meade enn oy mu ne et erage into wie ete 6 eu) ees a a, = EH hi estore proporion of, tC ars the pein, dns [ee ras 60- malls [= So] Wh owas of the slew OFA, A, Cy CC, wean nw eestor A, ¢ Fa RETO Met perc of Main Yost Baty and Hesion Di Vrs or cia at "so > THe ct acon the pein. othe sme manner hat we eae he restoration vector (MMM) we salthen do ofr them (a4) | ve in (Mae aa) ROOM A, 2 = GET win yA A la, SS -Acexpeted the C vals wore the est athe Robeett only recived an oot his ay Vo Perfomance seo the rece rom he fs esbie mao, The below graphs are he county reorder vase of CCA, (hcaont us om ef 0 gh) guint thei estore aes shows dat Raber leton Dry Votes snd Hy Main Votes were ee hus doubled fom what hey should have been. Thi i no peng sce both C, aA, ae the cup of second cbc mane wich were verge pat ete fest ube mnie, whose rarwalinpas wes, = C, Ay Ay The come nresing bath, nd in marfls woud convent «mae sie of, 2 ‘alot -Aongstonly Hyt and Rober wi ll of thc oe tol reste, we ean aow poet theme winner Roberts won We can ao see athe Heson Dy Psenag, Main Percentage and Early Percentage, beeen only Hyt and Roberts ate 20 seongy crete inthe below une ploy whee the pent resorted fom east rest by Hyts Elon Day Pere Tati, the pecncts now obey the expectation dat Hye mode pecenages ae tobe rough equal toon another at any pariels preci, and we i even have to act on howe percentages eed to achine hs Amazing ght ‘ue = EDV'%; Red = MV; Groen = Ear Precinct sorta rom wast io reset by EDV enene 1, el ane he poblerof esting y By By, We mat Gs copie tht al of MeNahis ote tot wer ouputsia 1 isis the case then here i tl be les of Hy ad Robe Tht pose at MeMahi i ot een a sian sha of rcltiona betwen the Eton Dy Nala and Eat seed elections malngJo Jorgenson ati tus insgiicatcandae is orp’ tha cere wil po eon aa Between Jorgenson Eon Da 1 Hysand Roberts shold eves a angle coron ect Mahi wa» gia beeen he Flt Day. Mi in an acy percentages at performance. We sal ering se zasomship Lats, =6,, + Cypher C,, and Ce thereon aes tatty = 8, +B Lay, va, (t North vs South ‘We now gap (1 — 2) ve (1 = 9) atone precincts Since the rave abe of A, wisineresed hy 2 etc of 21423, the elie ‘ae of , waineied by tor of 21726, aime tt Mails ote elie vote total wee al nec y he ae tg ce lof his vote were ep euepts om he bic marflls (hati not single one of i ote tal wet utente). ‘We ake the merge of thon fice aforementioned, 21578 and ake the recto fom the erg othe midpoint ofthe rect loadin the (1 ~ 2) 88 (1 9) graph an vd hat vetr by 2.1578, and allo the stances ofeach precinct om ta cea 21578 ‘wo the Beas each preci vbw acting a complex amber (hie he centri dancer were mare than doubled ‘We then ote dhe cent to the x = yin, while pesrsing he reine fet (bot dseton and magni) Kom the oad eee, “Todo the shove ato ae all of, a 10 he rege of lz, We now set vce (Wa 2,)= (W4,)— (2) fora preci he vec (6m ) ae he preintfets om the cet, sa @ = ARCTAN. sande) = now (05%) = (aide aide) + (PSE RM) ear tenntcoten thse No ie Secu |= SE, ine Soo Se Uae 1 ay Set, Bla) at fy = Bly)» romding t,he near neg ing the wand es of rounding Seth, = Buf) tet ¥,= B,,(%,) rounding, 0 de nearest ings sing he sandal ues of rounding “The abe of, isthe retone aoe of B whichis MeMahiTs Mabn Vor ‘We now sp, = B, +B, vin rember hater thing a the set of ti proces about the ato ofA, and A, 1) feir= mal B= mad]? l= - made And ete dooeaimost stone more sep “The Neural Neswirk will undoutiel have eee one the cou ft sling Wal to preserve he ginal eamber of tu ‘allots castin each ce down the alo, whe ensng ht the sew Main, Elton Dy and Ea Vote rol atc eachother dom he allo wel “The cit inten oe decree yf 4, OF, within ihe ofthe She's Cai Manflis theetoe not aden ication concecing the Shes act bu tes iti an intense alain ac of producing alo the rected wine down the ete blot ile making the Main Baad Elcom Day als ach each en ech pein, whl alo preserving the tl manber 0 alts that wee ca ‘nme the cation and descton of babs “The met obvious sluion to hs problem would be o esa al he ese alin cach precinct ntl thc sum matched ihe ga sf al ballots cast emp t beve that the Neural Network wou ate ound any ober wy to necompsh th, ‘Also ember atthe Neural Network so bie aur wou comcde in el ning ta tm preserve the rene vases of 4,10, tC bewcenprecints I only aed to presers those properbons within precinct tel, pot between pcos, Wah aa de above ‘in in he why thee e soe 2eocorlation becween the cndiites lesion Dy Main and Baty Pccentages bec tio mining of 4 fy fi done within» pecint not beter them uth he oly exception beng ha 2 sum of ots sos the county produces the intended wines, he primary objec ofthe New Newoe) doubly, de Neural Nework il lic higher emphasis on matching th amber of Maibn, lesion Duy and Eu los since Taman woud hav insraied it place «higher ecphasi ont mii, a wuld em sage if tere wa fen Ser many Madar blots foc the Shei ace than the Govtor Paimary arr the pects. Howeveit would alo seem just as strange if total oe nou othe Shei ace wa alo tne higher thin the Governor pinay, hence he Neural Nerwork wi als veto reserve the ceil name of ball eatin each ce ‘We now perfor th fl ep of the Shei Retorton: Let, the sum ofthe Cownny Recorder vesoF A, A, Ay BB By Cy CC, in ech prec Let, the sm ofthe County Reorder witof A, AC, andthe rested vases ofA BBB Cy C nese preci. Y, Y, te, = Tneach pein nip County Resor vals OFA, Ay Ct the oxore ates of A By By By CC, by A Then ound hae aed to the neat ines ng the standard ese of sounding Wehr now tested the Shei: 202 Beton in Chk Coun, Need and Robert he igh wine Tasats [oral Wal [ratond TE a a7 | _s075 = 707 Base a aS Barre e 37509 20703 @ ao 15087 @ maser | 23898 a sor ser0 @ aso | apse @ |e | aaa ‘Gander | Ongnal | estore ca 25050 | o0sss Wesna| ass | e052 ‘oberte | aia | aowore ede | orga | Restore ey aos? | semoe Mav aase [eae ™ Proae Ezgaton 0.2.1: The Trvariate Real Nomber Cube Toraont Mani [Let Candidate A be Sam Broun let Candidate B be Cortex; let Candidate C be Laxalt Let, A,, A, be Brown's Eatly Vote, Mail-in Vote and Election Day Vote respectively LetB,, B,, B, be Costezs Badly Vote, Mail-in Vote and Election Day Vote respectively Let Cy, Cy, C, be Laxalis Barly Vor, Maihin Vote and Election Day Vote respectively Las,=4, Lett, = (8, +8) Let, =A, (6, + 6,) tis ie te inp gui Let R be the number of cegistered voters at theprecinc. st, st, sy, Gara tey = Bae eeeey = Cae m) » sy, a (na)agare P= Tina fac eleton n=O2+ (Q-m=*2 = Gngas, wat BQ — m) = Sangam In the above sequence of equates, the ofthe five proportions must always be known to resolve, however, in Clark County we obtain the legal cubic manifold equations that yields m, with M2, and A, without ether a noe m, [Even more outrageous is thatthe R* ofthis funtion is ether low, nti thisd parameter, , is added. Taking an A? of bivacat plane and quadratic of, and A, unto m, fom below 0.98, al the way to 0.998. To ensure there wast 2 ‘evil correlation with W artifcalyinezeasing the R” value, the numberof registered voters was ndomized across the precinets in tens of milios of simulations, without changing the numberof ballots cast, and there was no signin increase in Rin any ofthese tals Thus this formula works with, and only with, the precise number of registered voters ‘resent in each Clark County precinct ‘opposition: Diagonal vs Diagonal ‘The tvacteevbic equation wil have w, = 1 ~ m, lated on the sight-hand side Inthe diagram on the previous page, W, isthe Light Bho Diagonal Percentage, thai he pexcenage she of ballots hat belong 0, amongst f, andy, W, in other words this is the share of Barly and Eleeson Day ballots dat Lanalt shall ceive against the umber of Easy and lection Dy ballot of both Laxalt and Conte. ‘Asto how we dscesn between whethec ar not , or V, waste int square to compare the atios oF CC, and BB, to yes A,:A, tio in the She's ace. From this we etn thatthe histogram and quantile plots of CC have an iden match to Hy’ resus inthe Sherif ac, while the histogtam and quantile plots Corter's BB, ratios ae aen, thermore that heres ‘eco conrelaton between Corte’sB,:B, ratios and cther Hye A,:A, or LaxaltsC,:C, ratio (alo eel that Hye A,: A, eto was utenti ince Hy A, A, were logically compelled tobe the only suthenicsliy inp sure) Asto de presence ofthe pacamete,itinforms ws that this Equation determines the voter tumoat in each predine, ‘which ll othe aces down the ballot shal e attuned to (whereas the Sheri's race established the proportion of Early to Maibin to Election Day ballot cat in each precinct, the Senate Race establishes the proportion of Democrat to Republican Ballots inall primaries, both partisan and nom-partica). tisan primaries and the precinct taro Once thew, proportion silly resolved fom the cubic sueface off 2 and ¥, bohm, and a are compel into sristence, since in any sleton, fs 0 nie = Genome yp aa = -wy wetl-n= w m8 = Gaiam MH A+ BAW); wal —n=ae Since the proportion, W,, fA, are known it compels dhe value of which is proportion of Blu Diagonal o Red Diagonal Ballo that if, = SS snow forced nd snc = i then Brown ggg percentage hae of he atin ‘halt set alo compel (Brown the algorithm intended se). Since fy, Wy A ae known, it forces the vale of m, which the percentage of ballot amongst, nd , and el proportion of 5s balls vi sh ens = =. Since tea now ips) he ae and v, ae als known, asthe paswise proportions bets them have al een Fred “The eal civaate cubic eqation sas follows, wth an R? = 0, 998666 (veo on next the AD surface tha the Clack County peecines rest upon when thee 9,2, values are plotted in 2 apace respectively, with W acting asthe forth dimension) ‘The residual vals havea lef Poisson dstibuion , and the eid erry come from, and ony frm, wheter ox not they rounded the ileal calslate vot totals up oc down tthe nescet integer w= EEE (Cord? 100) ace ® ol 137491476798 0 an3407714515926 2350159981089 71652209 eoosomnioiase | increas | -aorrssorsasiers | rzo0sscsesaos | stetsosooszr2s | -orengstoserase SoraioawH0I6d 20s 74654344 ennsaeinioty | sums scarssassorns | 22snsssurvor7 | sssertvzessnes 454d28641208 6 Since te average adr of hs atl sal ot be sei of the impeson of await cubic macifl inp ich sng up it 1 there conto smoot oar dimensional surice pon whch the precinete "The fourth mention of this marl i the percentage of etre oer that cater exo econ dy balls oreo. AS ths percentage nerenes om 000% 0 180% the SD ure of 0.2. (he 2a) upon which he preiesay hanges sooth without ay erate disconises o masieaceeaons [Ast whethe or aot 19 ecto gestion jute, Ber in mind tht 16 of thse vectra product and power of only ee Ins vcr snl that teping ower dpe (near apd ganda with k = 1 oF 2), yled esol witha sine and pronouns cic ‘urate, hs wid bee sing me to a aight ne to apposite he spe of «hockey sk, fen stand xan aE Mienateseracas nna piaon 99 aah 9th wea, ‘pond Req eqaaaa7assre Tecate eh ai coe gah @S9O57S Nea Bute eso bee heeded ante sen ats cur os ¢ dow z ld US Sete sal Nnaber Quadratic Ma Let Candidate A be Sam Brown; let Candidate B be Corte; let Candidate C be Laxalt. Let Ay, Ay, A, be Brown's Barly Vote, Makin Vote and Election Day Vote cespectively Let B,, B,, B, be Coster’ Easly Vote, Malin Vote and Election Day Vote respectively. C, be Laxalts Baty Vote, Malin Vote and Election Day Vote respectively Lecu, = 5, +84; tisis the inpt Band R, wer ileal dtemine inthe pie etion bere, = (4, #4, 46, + 6,) + Ay Diet ubtacton fom v, sal elt A 5 ut shy, att, = Gay = Gey = (0-8) =a A In afar lection: g=at+Ta-h) s0-9h 9 4 p(g, = yw) = ea = ase) * x 2 In the above sequence of equalities, three of the five proportions must always be known to resalveg,, howeves, in Clack County we obtsin the illegal quadratic manifold equations that yields g, with only and M, (se next page) West vs East “The bivaate quakatic equation wil have g isolated on the righthand sid. In dhe diagram onthe pevious page, gi the Wes Side Pexcentags, that ithe percentage share of ballots that belong tos amongst Sand v, g = (Once gis ilealyxexalved fom the cubic sxface of 0, both and are compelled into eastence, since in any eleeon, (ior unbi: re1)(@+a) agama “a — g); ~het g= : oT = Gea heath @-giw=1-h= Te Since the proportions gy dy Mare know, i forces the value of), which is propoction of Fast Side Ballot to Wes Side Bal, dae, = 22s ow eed Se, and ae bth ou thse then othe am of an Since @y, 9, ae known, it forces the value of hy, which isthe percentage of uballots amongst uy and ty Since the sum of nel owe anh he pepe, bl veer t= te wow he ao “Theilega bivariate quadeate equation ia follows, with an R? = 0,9983801128 (enage below is the 3D surface that the (Clack County precincts zest upon when thi 0, g values ae plete in x,y, 2 space sespecvely The esidual values havea pect ‘normal dstbution, nd the residual ersoes come fom, nd only ftom, whether oe not they sounded the legally ealelared vote totals up or down to the nearest integer Gk tka + k,o +k, + kad + ka” k, D k, k ky “oassoasoray | +08eis736582 | +osoroasea | 028055077 | -0-1asa7seso7 | +0.22«0821005 Aer the exeeton ofthis fru he lowing wales enon Megaly Caeated Inputs xe (A, + 4,): (B, + 8,) egal Outputs are: A,B,C, Nawal np CC, » Ke Cio) pi Profi Restoration Aditi 0.2.3: Restoring the Senate Bleton 1 202, Scrat Restoration, Ca Coury, Nerd Since wehave be advange of the estred Shri’ Rac, he restraon of the Sete ace i rai, we campo the ato af ary to Maint leeion Day ballot in ech precinct, Src th second mail egatons ines us dat ll main oa, Ay BC ae ileimate ou, we Sst 20 rene he Ey Becton Day Total and at there ic no corlaton beeen Lara's and Browns lection Day Ei and Main Peceigsy, we ft retore the zlaoship Derween Lal and Core, since thy ane coca, a we hao Laas Ea aed Elson Da a oot oly be preseed, ‘uta idem to yes Hart Beton Daya ia he Shen ac. Isit aoc supeing thar he two canines, fom dierent aces, whose Buy to Hketon Day Rasos wee preserved as inptsnto e serpete mario, have nest sent vale c tec X= pb atl ay Vor Penge anogs aaand Cones nh cn S Let Yy, = Toppy blame Bson Dy remap a an Con nh pri ay 7 Yayo thi stores the esa ae, La. the ead tition of gy 18> 5%, the se eal ny by sO, = — ancran(2) forall precincts ‘ Ya Set, = My ,€050,— v, Sin®); v, , = uy sin®, + v,cOS®, This smashes te cabin the while preserving the magnitude of the inched vector Wenow se (5,9) (ye): Fite contite shove or below 06 10 100% shen we tet oO execs These ac the estored percentages. 0 ow is the graph of the onl Fay Vote PescntgeCorizntl xt)v the ong lection Dy Percentage (etl ai on he let side, che restored perenages om he ight siete the algo onthe above page ie eseeted yivext restored y2 v8 x2 Now west d, = C, + By the wl amber of Baty Bos fr Lasal and Cortez in ech reine Now we tf, = C, + By th to nmbe of lection Day Bs for Lana and Cores in ech pein ar 5, = (x,)(d) betas neti Baty Woe in hs. ust, = d,s, be Con ncn Ea Vrach ese ter, = (,)(f) beta aces Bion Day Vee ah pst Lait, = f,— Ube Cotes etercesor/Eketon Diy Vor inch prec! & Pte te Nor Sde Sein exch pect c = bet South Sd Sele ah reine. 2 7, Oya, = A (6) Baas = Bult} Cau = AeA) Baas inege be te ned Ea st Ekeson Dry ttf Laan Corte a Seng that Lan’ CC iit ely ecco yt ,:A, ad Raber CC ao in the Shen's Psimary snd that Corer 2:8 to alo aches, we know that sa to import Robt Cy (C, + C,) i rom the Shen's Pinar to Lams and Cote Maiti was ine Senate ace Recall at, is Roberts Nailin to combined Eady +EDV tui the Shei ace i ER )aaepasceratena pen treme fas | sd Election Day Vor, be Lana revo Mais Vote u — in Exp 1a By 9, ( ma (B,2.+ By p,)-sichitbe pot of Robern pas ie nf Cae a od Bion Dy Vor be Cote eed Main Vote [We now hove the stored otal for Lal and Core, all modes of voting We now proceed sear Brown’ tot EL be Laks nd Core Baty o EDV eatin ech pec Qa = Ft tid y ps 1 sg, scone pm 45, = (Quy + yy) Sebo Ba En cop Lior + Ago, be tbtmot sonny Recta Be ya EDV alte ve A, = (9,7) tos nny Ba Yr la eens tee Ay = W,— Ay, beBew Tnceon Ea Vote tay, = [GB ](,) rch ie dct Ren een ite ia of Row Ei and Bet iy ai = (ea ‘Vor, be owen Main ors -Altngh weve seed he ropetnasof A: A.A d a knw he poporon of te a off La and Cat Sato Brown. Thar the wna oii es ny es be te rf be ct pein eet oe ath Coren Be let, be ot sm of sored bala fr Laat and Core ter, = A, — Py be edition of Lat Coe eee wl mh Tl Bo Cast 1s (0, beth ot sum of county ere bal Brows a, be the Grea Sain ach precinct, Aas Fad Ass) nas = F(a) Asan = Bly Main and Elcson Day Tonle in exch precinct Laz, ) seen tt Mem In Cohorns OY onthe Oia Dat shee, te etre ale canbe found 202, Senate Restoration, Clark Cova Nevada inp Hoes oop or pendseste XM PT-Pp_fpEWBCABCLRSEEde2Rejg Ho /dsPusp=sharing Althogh he action ofthe nif to opt the inne ofthe election alwys sad sigh, what mos sikng about hi restoration is that peeenoge of Repu balls nt inreaed from 038% whch ra bo of Democrat o Repub 1 780%, whihisa 1 fio of Reuben to Demons and deans tha sch a mastve change wis ded pore in the 2020 Gener Bleton Total reported Was Pet 112,504 55.7% 60,519 34.4 614930 201,832 ‘Lets now set 11219 ballots om Adam Léa Stteide oa an a 2737 ballots to Sa Bros Stevie tt (OF couse, sing that Washoe an the oer Conti of Nevada condoced fa deons, canaicate | Q rominat © |B seman | sire teneron 101,285 132,256 Total reported isso 58.7% 43.37% ose 364 56.63% 6uo 30 201,832 Egnation 0.3.1: The Trane Real Newb Let Candidate A be Gilbert; et Candidate B be Sisolal; let Candidate C be Lombardo. LetA,, A,, A, be Gilberts Eaely Vote, Malin Vote and Election Day Vore respective Let B,, B., B, be Sisolk’s Early Vote, Makin Vote and Election Day Vote cespectivey LetC,, Cy, C, be Lombardo’ Early Vote, Malin Vote and Election Day Vote respective (6, +) ii tap gue Let Re the numberof repstered voters a the precinct. = aay a = Garey’ = Greate) ee Th ow songs var Ina fai election: n=2+Q—-m= = GENE w= 1 + BQ — m) = Inthe above sequence of equalities, three ofthe five propostions must alvays be known toresolven,, however, a zi in Clark County we obtain the legal cubic manifold equations that yields m, with M, and A, without either t nor my, Byen more outrageous is thatthe R” of thisfuncton is athe low, until thi pasumetes, is added. Taking an of bivariate plane and quadratic off, and 2, unto m, fcom below 0.99, al the way to 0:98. To ensure there wasnt a ‘evil corcelation with W, atfcially inczeasing the R” value the number of zgistered voterswas randomized across the precincts in tens of millions of simulations, without changing the numberof ballots cat, and there was no significant increase in Rin any ofthese tials. Thus, this formula works with, 2nd only with, the precise numberof registered votess present in each Clark Conaty precinct. opposition: Diagonal vs Diagon o The tevacteexie equation wll have W, = 1 —n, lated on the sight hand side Inthe diagram onthe previous page, Jn othee words this is the share of Bal nd Election Day ballots that Lombasdo shall ecive against the numberof Early and Election Day Ballot of both Lombard and Sisola 1s the Light Ble Diagonal Percentage hatin he percentage shat of ballots that belong tov, among, and, Wy ‘Aso how we dscean benween whether or aot or B, was the input squat to compar theatios of CC, and BB, to yes A,:A, ati inthe Shes ace. From this we lea thatthe histogram and quan plas of CC have an identi match tw Hye’ resus inthe Shesifs ace, while the histogram and quantile plots Siok BB, ais are ain, furthermore that chee is zero corehtion between Sioa 8,:B, ston and cher Hyts AA, or Lombardo’ CC, mato (so sell hat Hy AA, rio was authentic, since Hyt' A, A, were logy compelled to be the only authentically input source) ‘Asto the presence ofthe parameter, t informs us thatthe Equation determines dhe vote: usnout in cach precinct, and this he genecl form of thie tevarate cubic x denial tothe Senate Race (bu witha vastly different set of constant) which alo Invoked the same? paramete, pact ofthe Neural Network’ cost Faction was to ake most similar the Republican and Democat turnouts of the Sente andthe Gavernor Rac, wile adhering othe proportion of Bal o Malkin to Election Day ballots made ‘manifest by the Shesiff Race. ‘Once thew, proportion ipl resolved Grom the cubic ure of, 2, and, oth m, and ae compel into existence ince in any election, fe or unfie jm=2+&A-w) wal-na W) Since the proportions Wp fl are known icompee he vale of, which propio of Bue Digorl to Red Diagonal Babes, stig, = hero oc ands, = siren Get enn peng sn of hain rat tab coma (Gites printed on) Sic Fy Wy A know it fresh rake of, which ite percentage falls among anand els ws properon of 45,10 bos vin the idetigg Sb = TL. Since the ave off it own (he np gu) he asf nd a ao kw, at the posite proportion hee dham have alleen Fred The ies caine eabicequaon as ols, wih an R* = 0, 9988018849 (ico on nes eth AD fice hat the Clk Conny precincts et pon when thie fA, w vals ar pled in, 2 ace epee with W aig the our dneason) The eal values fave efttade Poison dation nthe vesidl ero come rm, and nl om, whee no they rounded thei ced ve teal up or downto he ears nee w= EEE lCurad™N0)))} ae ® Bete ae a 5 er el ara ad raavezwnnrsae | szamzraiiosss | sosrarowsinss | 2anisusrmeaier 82561 2885218548 70S sasissicanie ‘854397721756 2aueTioDy soo sorzt4ei6s | 25 777369 Saarsorrorsaas | -rassostasceTene | rsuamsrsiossen | Lorieneescon” Preface Eaton 0.3.2; The Bivariate Roa! Number Quadratic Mai! x Manifold, Gowrner Let Candidate A be Gilbert; let Candidate B be Sisolak; let Candidate C be Lombardo, Let A,, A,, A, be Gilberts Early Vote, Mail-in Vote and Election Day Vote respectively Let By Let, B, be Silas Eacly Vore, Mail-in Vote and Election Day Vote respective , be Lombardo’ aly Vote, Makin Vote and Election Day Vote sespectivel Las, = 8, Letty = (A, 46,)+A, A, the ouput, A, C, were sendy legally acute Let, = (B, + 8) isis the input square, B, B, were ead legally cated. 1) # GG, isthe op, Cy A, were ales cated Le be the munber of seitesed vote at heprecint sty ste, ty "Gey 2 Gey 2 Beery) (-h)= ae Ina hie election: Aman _ GMO, wg 4 [(Q — g)= HMG-wer = g=atl @-hy= gan @ In the above sequence of equalities, three ofthe five proportions must always be known to resolveg , howeves, ea y F ‘in Clark County we obtsin the ilegl cubic manifold equations that yields g, with hand a, without either, nor M 6 “The bnaate quadatic equation wil have g iaolated on the sight hand sie. In the digram onthe peviou page, ithe WestSide Percentage, that is the percentage sha of ballot that belong to amongst Sand v, 9 = 5 ‘Once gis ileal sexoved from the quadratic turice af hy a, both and Maze compelled into existence, since in any econ, fai o wf: g=atl@-h= r= g=0+T'O-wsn =e = oe Since his known, nd ithe ng eg then = tani thereon, Th A chic i bet akin Vote town known vi the oberon A= 2 ~ (4, + 6) Since the proportions 9. hy are known, i forces the valu of, which is proportion of Bact Sie Ballot to Wes Side ao tsi = 22 wih ees tn ,= wih inte proprio of We Seo a el, thus (8,)+ ((C, + 4))+ 6.) = 5, +, =F, "(uy +», Knowing the ae of, aows to pi tithe sam of, a, thacis B, = 5, = 0,(6, + v,), which ie Sok Main Vas: t, = (1 ~ 9,)(s, +») C, Lombardo Main Vee ‘Theil bvaiate quate equation ia follows with an R? = 0,9988816647 2 2 cg t ya, + Kh, + kya, + kyh,a, + keh, k k p k, k, k, ‘ooosovaeraiss | 1sssassos | -osasonse72 | occrasoa7es | raossossis | -o0s2iv204 “The below image i the 3D corved manifold re) spon which the precinct (Bue) ly upon Pees [Aso why the News Network chose o invoke the same Teva Tarnout Manifold asthe Senate ec inthe Sst ofthe uations ye opted to fllow up with quadeatic of 9 = f(a) instead of g = (4 9) shall most aly eemain as mye a8 ‘he thought proceses which incited the Neural Network, Leca Zero, to exteute her immortal Queen Seif gainst Stockh Fax Ces Za aml Quen Socifee naps cesscum/ani Sul 1 Seal TCEC Season 18 Superinal round 65 ” Preface Retrtion Algvith 02.3: Restrng the Governar’ Rave 2002, Goer Resin li Coury News ps / doce oo om spreadsheets /@/TINLDyb- Cox Qi8_RYCARI)MORTOaESYGEVBEMA/ediasp=sarng Since we hae the svantage ofthe resto Shen's Rac, the eenton of the Goneaner sei aes at we can impor thei of aay o Mali to Eeston Da bal in xh reine, Since th cond manifold equations informs vs dha al main toa, AB Care legate ousps we fest ac co estore the Ely and Election Day Tots nda het is no oration beeen Lombard’ and Giberé econ Da, Ely and Maio Percentages we fst restore the saoacip bereen Lombardo and Stolk sine they ze corrved nd we know Lombardo’ Bal and Bleon Da x ont ‘on bepresered but eta to Hyts Balto Ekeson Day a othe Shire, nic ot upright the hese candies, tom aes ces, who aly 0 Elton Day Rain ware preserved snp ie re manly ve carly ees! ase (y¢Laml and Lomba). “, 14 GB, ‘be Lambda Bary Vote Percentage amongst Lonbaedo and Solin each eine. be Lombac' Becton Dy senige amongst Lombaato and Solan exh reine. uty, = va Foye hy + hy) + hy, J + Rye) mewn, stage foe Soak for al preciness: t- ancran ug Sin®, + v4, COO, This smashes the cubic into the y = x line, sett, = H,,¢080, — v, sind: ¥, hile pcserving the magnitude ofthe hijacked vetor we now set (53,.) = (ty By) ster coordinates above or blow 0% co 10% then we rest 0 expects “These are the eetoned percentage low isthe graph ofthe gn Early Vote Pecetge (hasnt xt) v the rg Eton Day Percentage (vert ai on the lt sith ested perenapes on the sighs ar the lg on the above page exes vivext restore y2 0832 7 7 7 me | one co = = C, + B, te ota numberof Hay Bao fr Lobo znd Sob in cch precinct + By the tl maber of Eton Day lls fo Lombard Sik in xh precinct tS neni Ey Ven th prin |) (fF beLont sso Bestion Dey Vo hpi be So Intercessory Elton Day Vote in ach preinet nthe North Sie Scale n ach resins 1a, = GE bet So Sean hs ieps be he estore Ea and letion Day tot of Lombard ad Sane Secing tat Lamba CC, is ey etc His A, Ay nd Rabe: Cy aon the Ss Pima ad Siok BB, xia maths, we Know thsi eo impact Robes (C+ €,) fromthe Seis Prana told Lombad sd Sl Maintain te Sete ae, ec dat = Gacy Poet Nn conti DV inte Shs te = ich the pro of Roe peenge ithe eo Lo Cras (SVG Gad prod of Robern peng wih aba "ay nd Ekton Day Vo, be Located Main Vote My ‘ ue By, (a (2a, + Baa) hove pote Reba esse wih nf St aly sn Bon iy Vor be Shai rened Main Vote We now hare he ered ual for Lambaado sd Sioa in all modes of voting We now proceed o restore Gilbert tol 8, = GF be tembarat an Sot Bay 0 BD mo in each preci. dy, 1 sine ey, stein Og, = Ey, +) bese Ves La W,= Ay; + Aggy bethe om of heCouny Record: fox Gert Eat ad EDV bal te A, 4, = (Ay) (w)) ter ery Eh Yo ne eee ad wey =, 4 aug Sibert Terzsney aly Vote w= Jou whichis the product of Roberts percentage wth the som of Gib Ey and Bon bas Dy Vor, be Gert inescesory Malin Vote Aough wee estoned the proportions of 4,:4,:A,, we donot et hnow the proportion of the um of al of Lombardo art Sirol alot to Giberés. Thank the solaon weiss athe easy Le A, bee sm of tas tinct pectin he oy ore dt for Lombard Shand be ut, betta of ested bls fo Lombard dS tec, = A, — Pp bette ditecae of Lonbaotan Stored tae fom he Te Bal Cast Le, be he wa samo coun scorer baits Ger be he Great Seale in ech precinct. alsa) ras = #Aass)t Asan = #ai(Aaa,) oem car a Malin na Hlction Da Toa in cach reine. In Cohan onthe Orga! ats hc, the etre ales canbe found: 2022 Sete Restoration, Ck Cong, Neds CP T-Fp-tpEWBCANCHRSEE NAAR HON 0/diusp=ehag, Inep/oca google com speasbcets/4/13 PEREEY Peoudican cemoceat Alhough he action ofthe manifesto ups th wine ofthe ection ie ays sd sigh what is most skng sb his estoeion is that percentage of Republan bl cat increated fom 0.38%, whichis it edo of Deca oRepublan 19 756% which i ‘ato of Repeblens Democrats and demonstrates hat sach sve chang Wa ined poe ine 2020 Genel lection. 55,206 103,664 orion oes aBax che. 0% Garson cy max =e max 2088 we hurt ex om Ea: mos 1am Hat ark a mage 2.683 aox 8.88 sis an Dovel Pox re ne 30 se in ho 2.00 nor 8s foe an EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT B —— Dr. Oliver A. Hemmers 281 Gingerbread Street Henderson, NV 89012 Phone: (702) 525-8767 Email: July 02, 2022 Craig A. Mueller, Esq. Mueller and Associates ‘808 South Seventh Street Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Re: Request for an expert opinion on the ‘Clark County, 2022, Governor Primary Precinct Analysis’ Summary Dear Mr, Mueller: | was initially contacted on June 30, 2022 and was requested to provide my expert opinion as a mathematically trained physicist on the Summary of a report on the Clark County, 2022, Governor Primary Precinct Analysis. My educational background is in quantum physics, specifically atomic and molecular physics, and I received a PhD in that field from the Institute for Radiation and Nuclear Physics at the Technical University in Berlin, Germany (1993). worked in my area of research for 27 years and designed/built unique elementary particle analyzers and containment vessels capable of spectroscopically analyzing gaseous, liquid and solid samples for photo absorption, electron and ion emissions including partial-differential cross sections within high-vacuum ‘experimental chambers. The required data analysis involved statistical particle distribution and regression analysis, and mathematical data interpretation techniques to discern real physics-based data from experimental artifacts, fake signals, and electronic interferences. Opinion on the Summary Report titled ‘Clark County, 2022, Governor Primary Precinct Analysis’ 1) The paper under review [1] claims that a mathematical analysis can determine the difference between a fair and an unfair election, and where the unfair election is an election for which the results are predetermined algorithmically. It is assumed that causality is a valid assumption during an election where the effect cannot precede the cause, more specific that knowing the aggregate percentage of votes for a candidate cannot precede the election day and mail-in percentages. This might seem to be a trivial assumption, but it lies at the very core of the analysis. 2). Inthe preface, two examples are presented for a bivariate analysis (2] related to election results. A bivariate (Two-Variables) is described as follows [2]: The analysis of two specific variables to determine ‘the empirical relationship present between them is referred to as bivariate analysis and itis considered to be one of the simplest forms of quantitative analysis. Itis of utmost help when it comes to testing simple hypotheses of association and determining the extent to which it becomes easier to predict the value of one particular variable, given the value of the other variable is already known, ‘There are three main types of bivariate analysis: ‘a. Scatter Plots: It makes use of dots to represent the values for two different numeric variables. {In other words, it provides us with a visual idea of what pattern the variables are following. Regression Analysis: This involves a wide range of tools that can be utilized to determine just how the data points might be related. It tends to provide us with an equation forthe curve/line along with giving us the correlation coefficient. ©. Correlation Coefficients: This shows how one particular variable moves about with relation to another. 3) Incertain cases of bivariate data, one variable is said to determine or influence the other one. These two types of variables are distinguished as independent and dependent variables. The former refers to a situation wherein neither of the variables is considered to be dependent on each other.(2] A simple example is the relationship that exists between teenagers reading (independent variable) and ‘their scores in English (dependent variable). Cause -> Effect 4) The paper specifically uses the bivariant real number plane formular and the West vs. East paradigm to calculate the results as shown in [3,4]. 5). The Preface concludes with a brief explanation how the election results were successfully restored for ‘the 2020 Election of Hartung vs. Baker [4]. The data and calculations are shown in [4]. The data can be shown in form of two graphs, one is the original data (top), and one is the restored data (bottom). aun (EDV Eay) Percentage g i arma Mab Prone The blue dots represent the results of the individual election precincts, and the red curve is a polynomial (quartic) fit through the blue data cluster. The fact that in the top graph the red line does not end at 0%/0% as shown in the bottom graph, means that there isa problem with the election results. Ina fair election, the sum of the Early Day and Election Day votes should produce very similar results to the Mail-in votes when the regressions analysis has a high confidence (usually called R), ‘meaning the x-values and the y-values should be similar (when x is 10% then y should be close to 10% as well) and not off by 25%. ‘a) Even when Hartung received 0% of the Mail-in votes, he would “magically” receive 25% of the combined Election Day and Early Votes. This is impossible. Also, should Hartung receive 100% ») C) of the Election Day and Early Votes then Baker would “magically” receive 25% of the Mail-in votes (100% minus his 75% =25%). Again, this is not possible in a fair election. Even though this discrepancy is not proof of fraud nor an explanation of what type of fraud. rigged the election, itis still possible to correct the numbers and restore the true values, as if there was a fair election. The result is shown in the bottom picture and the calculated values can be found in (4). This method of the applied Election Restoration Algorithm has been successfully used over the past two years not only on Hartung vs. Baker but also for Maricopa, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Dallas and Tarrant, Macomb and Oakland, as well as the last federal election. 6) The same methods [5] that have been honed and applied to various elections over the past two years, have been applied to the Group B vs Group A candidates in the 2022 Gubernatorial Primary (6]. Summary 1) Reference [1] and the included references therein des ‘As an example, the Group A data is shown in the two figures above. The blue dots are from [6], the red curve is a polynomial fit through the blue dots and the pink line is an extrapolation of the polynomial ft using the shown equation in the graph. Both have the Election Day vote percentages on the x-axis. As for the y-axis, the left graph has the Mail-in percentages and the right graph the Early vote percentages. It can be seen that the y-intercepts and the polynomial spines between the two graphs are quite different, Reference [1] shows the restored positions of Group A’s Election Day percentage which are virtually the same in both graphs [1]. Inorder to be able to restore the original data itis important to identify what part of the data is authentic in order to make the corrections to the illegal data. As written in [2], for the illegal equations that govern the percentages of ballots cast between Group B vs Group A, the input percentage is h (as shown on page 3 in [1}), which is equal to Group B's Mail-in vote divided by Group A’s combined Early and Election Day votes. From that we know that Group A’s Mai vote and Group A’s Early and Election Day votes are authentic. ‘Therefore, you can restore Group A’s and Group B's totals and then multiply the individual vote totals of each candidate in each group by the net proportions of change between collectives of Group A and B in each precinct. ibe how using a restoration algorithm that is based on the well-established mathematical Bivariate Analysis [2] in particular the Bivariate Real Number Plane Formula [5], which has been applied numerous times over the past two years for many US county elections can also be applied to the recent 2022 Gubernatorial Primary in Nevada.

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