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First of all, thank God for the presence of Allah SWT because with Allah's
help, the author finished writing this paper entitled "Analysis of The Film The
Pursuit of Happyness Using Structuralism Theory" at the appointed time. The
purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the task given by Mr. Reko Serasi, S.S.,
M.A as a Literary Appreciation lecturer.
In the preparation of this paper, our group did face many challenges and
obstacles, but with the help of many individuals these obstacles were overcome.
We realize that there are still many mistakes in the process of writing this paper.
Therefore, we would like to thank all those who have helped in the process
of writing this paper. hopefully Allah repays all help and bless you. Our group
realizes that this paper is still not perfect both in terms of structure and content.
Therefore, we hope that criticism from readers can help the author in perfecting
his next paper. Finally, hopefully this paper can help readers to increase their
knowledge about how to analyze a film.

Bengkulu, 26 Desember 2021




CHAPTER I..............................................................................................................3


A. Background.....................................................................................................3

B. The Problem...................................................................................................4

C. The Purpose....................................................................................................4

CHAPTER II............................................................................................................6


A. Elements of Fictions from Movie The Pursuit of Happiness...........................6

B. Analysis Film The Pursuit Of Hapyness use Structuralism Theory................7

1. Structuralism Theoy....................................................................................7

CHAPTER III..........................................................................................................9


A. Background
Films by Gabriele Muccino produced by film companies Columbia Picture
from the United States entitled The Pursuit Of Happyness is a film that wants to
tell a true story of travel a father and his son in going through the bitterness of life
until finally living well as a multimillionaire stockbroker in the stock market.
Thanks to the patience and persistence of a father's heart for the happiness of his
The films produced by American film companies have indeed raised a lot of
films that smelled of the lives of young people today, but what is interesting in the
story of this film is the role of a father who is not working and experiencing
despair in his household and only raising his own son and surviving so that his
wishes can come true in the future, played by the famous American actor Will
Of the several films that raise the messages contained in it, only The Pursuit
Of Happyness shows how the moral message is clearly explained from each story
in it and besides that, this film also tells the extraordinary spirit of a father who
tries to pursue happiness, to himself, his son and his wife, In a difficult life. Every
night his father, Chris Gardner, often wonders why he and his family can't be
happy? Why are other people happy?
This is the interest of researchers to examine the moral messages in the film
The Pursuit Of Happyness from several scenes that are seen in terms of acting and
in terms of dialogue which are summarized in the film so that they are clearly
One way to analyze the film The Pursuit Of Happyness is by using the theory
of structuralism. Structural analysis is a way to know carefully, what elements are
in a literary work. This is very appropriate for researching and revealing the
meaning of literary works through the discussion of elements that are structurally
interrelated between one element and another.

B. The Problem
1. How is analysis the elements of fiction in the film The Pursuit Of
2. What theory is used to analyze the film The Pursuit Of Happyness?

C. The Purpose
The struggle of a Chris gardner who is a salesman of medical equipment, who
lives with his wife and child. Chris's life is hard work, with the burden of having
to be able to sell a device like a portable X-Ray for bones two in one month, he
fights desperately to get a doctor who wants to buy the device, and he also
struggles to keep believing that he is able to support his family with sufficient
conditions. while his wife works as a laborer in a company. Almost every day
Chris and without freedom due to financial problems, even in front of Christopher
who is only 5 years old.
Day after day passed, until finally the wife could no longer endure Chris' job
which was very, very inadequate for the family's needs. Chris and his wife
separated, who brought their son to find him but Chris refused his wife to raise his
child after crashing his child was raised by Chris himself and his wife chose to
live in New York and work in New York. From there, Chris was the one who took
care of his son. And at that time, Chris, who really loved his son, tried hard to
meet the needs of his son, how a father really loves and fights for his son. Chris
tried to follow the training program to become a stockbroker, Chris underwent the
training program very diligently and seriously.
Indirectly he managed to win the heart of his boss, because Chris is a
committed, intelligent, and never give up. In addition to the training, he still has to
sell his X-ray equipment to meet the needs of Chris and his son. because chris's
current job is only an intern which doesn't get a purchase salary. At that time chris
had no money, chris and was finally kicked out of the contract because he could
no longer pay for it chris and his son lived and moved and had to compete to get
into a shelter in the city of San Francisco.
With the results of his hard work to sell his X-ray device, and he took his son
to sleep in a hotel for one night, for the sake of his exhausted child having to
queue up to get a shelter. In the end, it was time for the final exam of the training

program that was undertaken. Chris was the fastest person to collect exam papers
and then a few days later, with a thumping feeling Chris entered the meeting room
to get his practice results. And Chris was declared graduated, Chris was crying
that he could live well and Chris ended a happy face with what he had achieved.
And finally Chris founded his own investment company, named 'Gardner Rich'.
Structural theories are theories used in analyzing a literary work. Structural
analysis is carried out to identify, examine, and describe the functions and
relationships of any elements in a literary work. All elements that build the
formation of literary works are the elements contained in the literary work itself.


A. Elements of Fictions from Movie The Pursuit of Happyness

Element of fiction in the film Persuit tells the story of a stockbroker chris
gardner who used to be a salesman. Chris Garder with his wife and children live
in a small apartment, Chris works as a salesman selling medical equipment, while
his wife Linda only works as a laborer in the laundry but their lives are becoming
very difficult day by day because Chris spends all of his family's savings on
buying a francis scanner. bone is fortable but unfortunately even though the
product is better than x ray but the doctors who chris offered to buy it said that it
was too expensive and in the end no one could afford it even though chris wanted
to sell two units at once to meet the needs of the family, this then made Chris's
family is getting more and more difficult, even Chris can't afford to pay for the
apartment rent and meet the family's needs, plus the bills are piling up and making
Chris's wife Linda choose to separate and Linda intends to bring their child
Christopher but Chris Gardner holds her back. After that, Chris' life became more
chaotic and more difficult, Chris was kicked out of the apartment and even Chris'
only car was held back because he couldn't pay for parking.
One day Chris met a man who was driving a red Ferrari and Chris asked about
the work the man did. And the man replied that he was a stockbroker. And
starting from there Chris was inspired and focused on becoming a stockbroker.
Chris started applying for jobs in various places and Chris got an offer of an
unpaid internship at a stock brokerage company named Dean Witter Reynolds
who promised jobs for the best interns, Chris tried to work as well as possible but
Chris' financial situation was running low because Chris also didn't get a salary on
the spot.
Chris works and they have to leave their rented house, Chris and his son live
in a flat and sometimes they have to sleep outside because they don't have a place
to sleep there, Chris and his son slept in the rubber toilet. This difficulty made

Chris motivated and much more enthusiastic to be the best intern in the company
until finally Chris succeeded and became the best intern and worked there because
of Chris's efforts and willingness to be able to change his fate until after years of
working there Chris was able to establish own stock brokerage company named
Gardner Rich. Chris began to be able to sell some of his shares and earn millions
of dollars from the sale which made Chris become more advanced and managed to
achieve success with the results of his hard work and willpower.

B. Analysis Film The Pursuit Of Happyness Using Structuralism Theory

1. Structuralism Theory
Structural theories are theories used in analyzing a literary work. Structural
analysis is carried out to identify, examine, and describe the functions and
relationships of any elements in a literary work. All elements that build the
formation of literary works are the elements contained in the literary work itself.
Structural analysis is a way to know carefully, what elements are in a literary
work. This is very appropriate for researching and revealing the meaning of
literary works through the discussion of elements that are structurally interrelated
between one element and another. The whole element that builds in the formation
of a literary work is the element that is in the literary work itself. As is the case
with the opinion expressed by Culler, if the fictional story is a system, the most
important subsystem in it is the plot, theme, and character (Culler through
Sudjiman, 1988: 11).
a. Characters are people who are shown in a literary work. A character plays
his role and follows the plot created by the author well. In this film, Chris
Gardner is a hard worker and never gives up, willing to look for any job to
support his son Christopher Gardner Jr. and his wife Linda. The main
character of the film teaches us a lot about the sacrifice of a father for the
sake of his child, which even his wife left Chris and Christopher in a
slumping economic situation. Even then, Chris still wants to have custody
of Christopher.
b. Plot or plot is a story that contains a sequence of events, but each incident
is only connected by cause and effect. The events that occur lead to

conflict, contention, climax, and resolution. Events, conflict, and climax
are three very essential elements in the development of a story plot
(Nurgiyantoro, 1994: 116).
c. Setting is the place where events occur in a story. This is important to give
the reader a realistic impression, creating a certain atmosphere as if it
really existed and happened. The settings contained in the film The Pursuit
Of Happyness are:
 Place: Apartments, Offices, Hospitals, Daycare, Motels and Hotels
 Time: morning, afternoon and evening
 Atmosphere: Sad, tense, confused, happy and emotional

A. Conclusion
Analysis film The Pesuits of Happiness use Structuralism Theory, analysis is a
way to know carefully, what elements are in a literary work. This is very
appropriate for researching and revealing the meaning of literary works through
the discussion of elements that are structurally interrelated between one element
and another. The whole element that builds in the formation of a literary work is
the element that is in the literary work itself.
This film is very motivating for anyone who watches, a little irritated by
Chris's careless behavior, like a fickle person, but he still has the spirit to never
give up in order to be a father and a good husband for his little family.

kajian-religiusi.pdf .Diunduh pada tanggal 26 December 2021 / 02:26 WIB .
Diunduh pada tanggal 26 December 2021 / 02:26 WIB


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