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5/17/2021 Print Preview

Chapter 1: The World of Human Resources Management: 1-3 The Partnership of Line Managers and Human Resources Departments
Book Title: Managing Human Resources
Printed By: Krishna Patel (
© 2020 Nelson Education Ltd, Nelson Education Ltd

1-3 The Partnership of Line Managers and Human Resources

We have taken a good deal of time
upfront in this book to outline today’s LO 6
competitive and social challenges to
reinforce the idea that managing people Explain the dual role HR managers play in
is not something that occurs in a terms of serving both management and staff.
backroom called the HR department. Have you ever found yourself in a similar
Managing people is every manager’s situation at work or school? Were you able to
business, and successful organizations keep both groups happy? How were the
combine the experience of line challenges you faced similar to those faced
managers (Non-HR managers who are by HR managers?
responsible for overseeing the work of
other employees) with the expertise of
HR specialists to develop and utilize the talents of employees to their greatest potential.
Addressing HR issues is rarely the exclusive responsibility of HR departments acting alone.
Thus, HR managers must work side by side with line managers to address the people-
related issues of the organization. Although this relationship has not always achieved its
ideal, the situation is rapidly improving. HR managers are assuming a greater role in top
management planning and decision making, a trend that reflects the growing awareness
among executives that HRM can make important contributions to the success of an
organization. But their importance is not isolated from the work of the line managers, who
can now be seen as strategic partners. This is important in that line managers must not just
act as leaders and enablers but must also train employees and provide an environment in
which employees can develop their potential and reach maximum capacity to ensure
productivity and overall organization success.

Just as there are different types of line managers who specialize in different functions—
operations, accounting, marketing, and so forth—there are different types of HR managers
who specialize in different HR functions. Some of these workers specialize in employee
training and development, recruitment, or compensation. Other HR employees specialize in
studying the effects of industry and occupational trends or concentrate on labour relations
and prepare information for managers to use during negotiations with labour unions. By
contrast, an HR generalist can be responsible for handling all aspects of HR work
depending on the employer’s needs.

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada is projecting an excess demand for HR
managers and professions. Nonetheless, we understand that most readers of this book will
be line managers and supervisors rather than HR specialists. This text is, therefore, oriented 1/2
5/17/2021 Print Preview

to helping people manage people more effectively, whether they become first-line
supervisors or CEOs. Students now preparing for careers in organizations will find that the
study of HRM provides a background that will be valuable in managerial and supervisory
positions. Becoming familiar with the role HR managers play should help facilitate closer
cooperation between the different departments of firms and enable line and executive-level
managers to fully utilize the assistance and services offered by their HR groups.

Chapter 1: The World of Human Resources Management: 1-3 The Partnership of Line Managers and Human Resources Departments
Book Title: Managing Human Resources
Printed By: Krishna Patel (
© 2020 Nelson Education Ltd, Nelson Education Ltd

© 2021 Cengage Learning Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this work may by reproduced or used in any form or by any means -
graphic, electronic, or mechanical, or in any other manner - without the written permission of the copyright holder. 2/2

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