English Agreeing and Disagreeing

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Topic Strongly agree Agree to a point Strongly disagree Disagree to a point

1. Modern social Totally agree, over time

media make people have become
people less addicted to social media
socially active and that makes it difficult
for them to socialize
because they do not
interact with other people,
it´s proven that most
people under 30 cannot
even survive without their
cell phone, I think that
people should learn to
control the time they
spend on social media
because otherwise there
will come a point where
we cannot even start a
conversation and that will
affect us in such a way
that we will not know
how to communicate and
express ourselves. It also
has a negative influence
because people do bully,
and this often creates
insecurity and depression
in people.
2. Professional I totally agree, I think that
athletes are paid being an athlete isn´t a job
too much for which they are owed
millions, these people are
overvalued for the work
they do, and they become
arrogant and proud,
believing that they are
worth more than others. It
seems unfair to me that
people like doctors,
firefighters, and police
(many of these save lives)
among others, earn less
money than some athletes,
knowing that they have
worked hard to get to the
place where they are,
people should pay for the
economic importance of
the work they do and the
value they bring to
society. I'm not putting
professional athletes
down; I just think we
should be fair when it
comes to paying them.
3. School does not I agree to a certain point,
prepare children there are schools that don
for the real world ´t properly prepare
students to face the
challenges of everyday
life and the real world,
they focus on burdening
them with work and
teaching them about
specific topics for greater
knowledge and don´t
teach them how to face
bullying, there are
teachers who even ignore
these acts. But there are
schools like La Salle and
others that make
campaigns to tell us about
the difficulties we are
going to face, they teach
us how to create
companies, speak in
public, write curriculums,
etc. La Salle prepares us
very well, especially to be
4. Parental support Totally agree, the support
is essential for of our parents is a
the future success fundamental base for
of children achieving our goals,
several studies show that
maintaining a good
relationship with our
parents is important
because they advise us
and guide us on the right
way to take, the positive
participation of parents in
their children's education
increases student
achievement because they
feel loved, understood,
and valued. The good
relationship between
parents and children helps
emotional stability,
confidence, and self-
confidence. The family is
the key to the success or
failure of an individual,
because values and
principles that mark life in
a positive or negative way
are taught at home and
this success or failure will
be reflected in the society
with which we interact.
5. Learning about I agree with this, knowing
history can stop about our history is
us from necessary in order not to
repeating past make mistakes like those
mistakes. of others, we can learn the
positive things from
former governors,
presidents, and important
characters, who stood out
for their courage and
firmness in defending
their beliefs and ways of
to think.
Many students and
parents do not believe that
the subject of history is
necessary, they don´t
understand how valuable
it´s to know about the
events and events that
have marked our life and
the life of humanity
through the years and how
they have been modified
behaviours, strategies,
ways of feeling,
ideologies, etc.


1. Social media making millennials less social: Study


Does Modern Social Media Make People Less Socially Active?


2. Do Professional Athletes Get Paid Too Much Money?


3. Does education prepare students for the real world?

School do not prepare us for “the real world.”

4. The Role of Parents in the Success of their Children

5. Knowing history can keep us from repeating our mistakes

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