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Perfect Tragic Love

My story began last summer 2011; I could feel that there was something in the air that day, the birds sang,
the wind was blowing making me shiver all over my body, and everything felt so alive. I had been depressed
for about a year before that day.
I never asked my life to be a fairy tale, where everything is relatively perfect, and where the main character
gets his happy ending, all I wanted was a normal life, and I didn't have a very happy childhood living with
my parents like only son. As I grew up my whole life revolved around men, every time I fell in love with
one, he left me after 3 months. I was beginning to feel ruthless, just like my mother did when my father left
her when she was just beginning to experiment with love. I felt cursed. I was wondering “WHY DOES THIS
KEEP HAPPENING TO ME? LOVE IS NOT FOR ME? All men are the same! I am twenty-one years old and I
don't know if the problem is mine or my family, all I know is that I have caused my parents so much trouble
and worry, I guess my life is a long journey and I am finding myself in it all the days.
One day, I was walking on the beach with my bare feet buried in the sand and the waves of the sea wet my
feet; when my life started to take a turn for the better… From a distance I saw a handsome young man
admiring me from afar. Our eyes met and it was like nothing I'd ever felt before with any of the men he'd
been with. It was something unique and special. We started walking closer like something out of a movie. I
felt on top of the world for once, my eyes sparkling and I felt butterflies in my stomach, as we walked closer
and closer to each other.
When we became close enough to talk about our personal lives, Josh would get down on one knee and
speak my fluent language, French, and say the most romantic things. I knew in that moment that he had my
heart. We talked until 2:00 a.m. The next morning, I realized that he lived right next to my house. Over time,
we started seeing each other more, Josh started taking me seriously. I fought the depression that I had and
soon I was glowing with life and he was the world to me, he became my everything. We had been going out
for about six months when he met my mother.
My mother disapproved to Josh mainly because she thought I was too young to be in a serious relationship
and that I wasn’t ready because this relationship might end up like the rest of my other terrible
relationship. Just like any mother she was worried about me but I kept reassuring her that this time it was
something different. She soon banned me from seeing him. For a while we went out against her will and
had four more months of endless happiness. I had finally met someone whom I loved and wanted to spend
the rest of my life with. One day when I finished from study, he had texted me to meet him at the same
beach we met a year ago.
When I got there, I saw him standing on one of the big rocks beside the sea, he waved from far and yelled
my name “LIAM, AM OVER HERE!” my heart was beating so fast as if I was in a race. When I got on the rock
with him, it was nearly sunset time; he took both of my hands, then he looked at me straight in the eye to
show that he was serious, and started saying “Liam ever since I have laid eyes on you, it’s like you have
awaked me from my soul, and I don’t see life without you. He moved on from saying “Would you like to
move in with me?” All I could feel was special, wanted, happy, in love, and emotional all at the same time.
Few tears dropped down my cheeks without realizing because I kept repeating what he had just said. No
boy had ever said anything like what Josh had said. Holding me closer to him I looked him deep in those
amazing emerald green eyes and answered “YES!!!” as I fall in to kiss him. Life couldn’t have got any better;
we were so madly in love that we couldn’t wait so we got married a few months later.
Two years have passed since we got married and it seems like yesterday. On our second anniversary, we
decided to adopt a boy called Sam, who eventually became our first child, so that night he had planned to
take me out to a fancy French restaurant. As we were leaving, we both looked up at the big beautiful moon,
it shone like a cove, a brilliant light, it was the perfect moment in my life where I could pause forever. When
suddenly a man came out of the shadows with a gun, he grabbed my bag and Josh's wallet. Someone saw
the crime taking place and yelled “STOP” at the man.
Everything went into a blur as Josh threw himself in front of me as the gun went off. He couldn't believe his
eyes, what he hadn't imagined in a million years seemed to become reality. The thief got lost in the night
and left Josh to die in my arms. I looked at him and tears began to roll down my cheeks as he yelled "Help!
Somebody calls the ambulance!" I held him close for a long time as he bled to death. Just before he died, he
told me that "we would get back together, I promise… I love you and Sam… and you will both always be in
my heart." He looked as calm and handsome as the first day I met him; my heart was broken. he shattered
as he exhaled his last breath. He lay dead in my arms, looking at me with his emerald green eyes. I felt
helpless as I hugged him even closer and kept yelling and crying "NO... NO THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING".
...NOT ME... NOT AGAIN!! "He will always be in my heart, every time he blows the wind, I can still hear him
whispering sweet things in my ear.
“Sometimes when you find happiness again in your life, he becomes your worst nightmare”.

Written by Francis Olier

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