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Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy Party Statement Nanci Party: Date Statement Given 3-23-22 Party Type: Witness Date Sent to Party: 3-24-22 Date Approved by Party: 3-24 sacnen OLE met with witness INI on March 23, 2022 via telephone fh was previously given a copy of the Witness Information Form and OIE reviewed that participation was voluntary, and that any information provided is not confidential, but will be included in the investigative report. SE ER is 200 @ MSU community member. Inthe summer o HE ving hee time in the HF olfice she never appeared in front of Judge Farah, or interacted with him, but she did work wit [aa HR corte approached her about working with Farah. [IIIMstated she had spoken abou [IRENE vith Farah, who was very interested in meeting her and discussing an internship. At the time J was the only female intern and was also the only intern that HB 2 proached. She stated she the conversation came “out of nowhere” but she didn't think anything about it and agreed to meet with him MBtated Farah offeres her the job the first time they met and spoke. : [EE acted her internship with Farah in the Fall o fj She #assti}teRicllea in law school at the time, After a couple of months, Farah offered her the posit:th 2 Jay clerk. She stagigd the county did not typically use clerks who were still in school, but Hgrals previous cle ggmlleft and the position was open, HIE state in the beginning she witnessed behavior towards ct! vet: AB hes uncomfortable. She reported there was a female intern in th [Mifi€e who woPRtd w When the intern would come around Farah would commen thinks I have a crush on her, do you think Thave a crush on her” She stated he would also frequently make comments on how the intern looked and her appearance Ktaved Farah also made comments on the appearance and dress of a second intern. She stated Farah believed the intern dressed somewhat provocatively, and made comments on her cleavage. jeported there was a third female intern, who also acted as 2 for Farah. She referred to the woman as “vulnerable.” The intern, had finished law school and passed the bar while they worked together. She initially applied fo NN clerk position, but Farah kept her as an intern, promising when he moved to the Court of Appeals he would bring her as his clerk.” ME stated Farah often spoke to the intern about her husband, and how she needed to be with an older man who would “treat her right.” She believed Farah like to have the intern around, as he perceived her as someone who “followed him around and worshiped him. [INI reported the intern began applying for other jobs in and out of the courthouse, and was encouraged by Farah. However, behind the scenes Farah interfered with the intern's job opportunities. fe stared she heard Farah tell other judges negative things about the intern such as she had cygiidence issues, and was unsure of herse ININMFhought it was odd Farah was attempting # deter people from hiring her, as he kept her on his staff and obviously believed she was competent. HIE reported Farah bought ter Riir of shoes out of a catalog on one occasion, He had previously showed hepthe catalog and asked her to pick something out. She was uncomfortable with Farah buying hda gift and refused the catalog. She stated Farah later brought her a pait of shoes and stated she could wear them while taking the bar exam. She stated he also would get cakes from local bakery with her nickname written on them, HMMM cported Farah had asked her on multiple occasions to go on overnight trips to conferences with him. She stated told him no on numerous occasions and he would reply that it was not good to work only 9 to 5. In the last two (2) months of her employment with Farah, she agreed to a conference his legal intern was also attending. The night before the presentation Farah aske [Ind the intern to his hotel room. She declined the offer but believes the intern went. The next day, after the presentation, Farah insisted on taking them shopping, which mad [ININncomfortable. She lied that she had a dentist appointment and had to return home, Farah told her she could cancel the appointment, and on the drive continually texted the intern (who was drivin [Eto stop so he could try to convinc [I to cancel her dentist appointment tated the stopped multiple times, and she hid in the bathroom to avoid Farah at one point. HMRI st2cecl when she returned to work on the following Monday Farah was “very cold.” He ‘was supposed to conduct her swearing in, as she had passed the bar, but he attempted to cancel and told her to do a public swearing in, old Farah she had already invited her family and he eventually agreed. She stated his behavior in general became very strange and different with Farah giving her the “cold shoulder.” A few days after the tri IINNMFeccived a message from Farah stating “guess what happened when we were at the hotel?” hsked him what + Ieshould be noted that an intemship isan unpaid position, while a clerk receives asalary. 2 Enayah was uncertain why Farah spoke of going to the Court of Appeals like it was acercainty. had happened, and Farah replied that a maid had walked in on him in his room while he was naked III cated she told hat was terrible and he should report it to someone at the hotel. Farah replied that “he thought it would be interesting if she and IMF [the legal inte] had also been in the room. INE topped responding at that point, while Farah continued to text her about the situation: After the above text exchange Farah continued to trea [IIMPoldly. Because of this, and his history with interfering with the intern’s job searc [EEEEHEHid not tell Farah she was looking for jobs. She stated she was afraid he would sabotage her efforts. She eventually was hired by RS 2° |c I or 2 period of time, Farah continued to text her about “random things” At some point, Farah began sending her messages with sexual innuendos, She stated the messages were very aggressive, If she didn’t respond he would continue to send her the messages. She recalled one messages stated his girlfriend was out of town and he “wished she was there to help him.” Eventually the messages stopped. MB tec Farah often said inappropriate things. She stated people in the court excused it as Farah just being Farah and acknowledging he was “creepy.” She reported Farah was “always saying creepy stuff” including hitting on the waitress when they were at dinner for the conference, and making a rape joke during his presentation. She had heard that Farah had attempted to feed a prior female employee, and had given others massages. IMJ also was told there was a “big blow up” with a previous inte who had complained to their law school about Farah hugging them. After the intern made the report, she asked Farah if she could watch a trial in adifferent courtroom, to which he fired her for asking tated the firing appeared to be retaliation for complaining to the University. In addition, she stated it was well known and discussed in the courthouse that Farah had a “type” of employee, pretty women, JE reported Farah had level of obsession with people, a possessiveness, that lead to badmouthing and retaliation, [nc civec! a message from Grace Ketzner on LinkedIn, The message stated Ketzner was looking for other women who had interned for Farah, and inquiring on their experience IN connected with Ketzner and heige¥ymey to share her experience. In addition, she provided a statement to the investigatiié S

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