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Muh. Natsir
Sari citra wulandari
Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
Jalan Tidar no 21 Magelang


This study examined the effect of motivation on employee performance with job satisfaction
as an intervening variable. This sampling using purposive sampling method using the 50 respondents.
Analysis tools used in this study is regression analysis. Based on the t-test is conducted and the results
of linear regression analysis can be seen that a positive and significant effect of motivation on employee
performance, motivation, positive and significant effect on job satisfaction, and job satisfaction and a
significant positive effect on employee performance. Based on the analysis of the test is known that the
intervening variable of job satisfaction mediates the effect of motivation on employee performance.

Keywords: motivation, job satisfaction, employee performance

increase employee satisfaction. This happens
INTRODUCTION when motivation is supported by the hope of a
better future, high job satisfaction will be
Performance is an important aspect in an achieved. Meanwhile, when job satisfaction is
organization. Employee performance becomes high, it will encourage employee performance to
very important because a decrease in the increase. This happens if job satisfaction is
performance of both individuals and groups in a supported by the appropriate salary earned by
company can have a significant impact in a employees, satisfaction with career advancement
company. According to Mangkunegara (2001) will have an effect on improving employee
performance can be defined as the result of work performance.
in quality and quantity that can be achieved by According to Gibson, et al. (2006:132)
an employee in carrying out tasks in accordance motivation is a force that drives an employee
with the responsibilities assigned to him. If the who causes and directs behavior. So further it
performance of human resources is good, then can be concluded that motivation is a series of
the goals of the organization's vision and activities of giving encouragement, which is not
mission will also be good, and vice versa. only to others but also to oneself.
Motivation is a desire in someone that
One of the important factors that affect causes that person to take action. Motivation
employee performance is motivation. questions how to encourage the enthusiasm of
Mangkunegara (2005:67) states that the factors subordinates, so that they are willing to work
that influence performance are the ability factor hard by giving all their abilities and skills to
and the motivation factor. This is supported by realize company goals.
the effectiveness and efficiency of employees' A person's motivation starts from the
work so that employee motivation can be need, desire and urge to act in order to achieve
maintained and even improved. Conversely, if the need or goal. Motivation is an important
employee motivation decreases, it will have a variable, where motivation needs to get great
negative impact on the company. attention for organizations in improving the
In addition to motivational factors, performance of their employees. Ukas (2006)
employee performance is also influenced by job says that the relationship between motivation
satisfaction. Obtaining job satisfaction by and job satisfaction is the drive that gets the
employees both by giving appropriate salaries, effort to do or satisfy a need or goal called
the work given according to their expertise, and motivation.
good relationships with superiors, this will Mangkunegara (2005:67) states that the factors
improve the performance of the employees that affect performance are the ability factor and the
(Luthans, 2006). High standards of job motivation factor. While Malthis (2007) states that the
satisfaction will make performance increase and performance sought by the company from a person
vice versa if what employees get is lower or not depends on the ability, motivation, and individual
as expected, it will cause employees to be support received.
dissatisfied so that performance will decrease.
The relationship between motivation
and employee performance, it is possible to
be influenced by the dimensions of job
satisfaction. When motivation is high it will

The relationship between performance Population and Sample
and job satisfaction according to Lopez (in The population in this study according to
Suharto and Budhi Cahyono, 2005) has a high its type is a limited population and by its nature
level of significance. is a homogeneous population. The population in
Based on these circumstances and seeing this study were employees at the Department of
the importance of employee performance which Social Work and Transmigration.
is influenced by motivation and job satisfaction, The sample is part of the number of
the authors are interested in conducting research population members who have certain
on "The Influence of Motivation on Employee characteristics of the population to be studied
Performance with Job Satisfaction as an (Sugiyono, 2010: 73). Sampling in this study
Intervening Variable on employees of the using purposive sampling method. This means
District Social Workforce and Transmigration that the selected sample is based on certain
Office. Magelang". considerations. In this regard, the characteristics
used are having a working period of more than 1
RESEARCH METHODS year, because employees who have a longer
Types of research tenure will know more about the state of human
This research is a survey research, which resources in the organization and are more
is intended to provide an explanation or referred responsive to research.
to as confirmatory research. Survey research is
research that takes samples and populations and Operational Definition and Measurement of
uses a questionnaire as the main collection tool Variables
(Sugiyono, 2006:72). a. Employee performance
The performance referred to in this study
Data type is the result of a job done by employees and
a) Primary refers to the guidelines that have been set.
Primary data is data collected and An employee's performance measures taken
obtained directly from data sources for from the research of Kalbers and Fogarti
research purposes. Primary data was obtained (2001) developed by Rivai (2003) are (1)
by using a questionnaire. Questionnaires are Achievement of targets, (2) On time in
data collection which is done by distributing completing assignments, (3) Good quality of
a list of questions to be answered by work (4) Intensive work and
respondents, which contains the variables (5) Work program achievement.
studied, namely employee performance, Respondents were asked to respond to these
motivation and job satisfaction. questions using a 5-point Likert scale.
b) Secondary Work motivation is the willingness to use a high
Secondary data is data obtained indirectly level of effort to achieve organizational goals
or through intermediary media. Data obtained which is conditioned by the willingness to work
from archives owned by agency organizations, to meet some individual needs. Indicator
literature studies, previous research, literature,
and journals. related to the problem under

motivations include (1) Willingness to reliable or reliable if a person's answer to the
work hard to achieve achievement, (2) statement is consistent or stable over time.
Fostering harmonious co-worker Reliability analysis is said to be reliable if it
relationships,(3) Work as a means of self- gives a Cronbach Alpha value > 0.6,
actualization, (4) Opportunities for self- Nunnaly in Ghozali (2006).
development and (5) Hope for a better
future. Respondents were asked to respond Data analysis method
to these questions using a 5-point Likert 1. Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA)
scale. Moderated Regresion Analisis (MRA) which
is often also called the interaction test, is a
b. Job satisfaction special application of linear multiple regression
Job satisfaction in question is the sense where the regression equation contains elements
of perception that exists in employees about of interaction. The framework in this study is a
various dimensions of job satisfaction which regression equation that determines exactly the
is then developed into an instrument type of mediating effect that occurs (Hair-
measuring satisfaction variables which Jr.,Joseph F. et al, 1998; Ghozali, 2006):
include 1) Satisfaction with salary, 2) (1) X2 = α + β1X1
Satisfaction with career advancement, 3) (2) Y = α + β1X1 +β2X2
Satisfaction with coworkers, 4) Satisfaction Keterangan :
with superiors and 5) Satisfaction with the Y = Employee
work itself. Respondents were asked to performance
respond to these questions using a 5-point X1 = Motivation
Likert scale. X2 = Job satisfaction
β1-2 = Regression
Validity and Reliability Test coefficient
1. Validity Test 2. Model Test
Validity test is used to measure the a) Uji F (Uji Simultan)
validity or validity of a questionnaire. A Uji F used to determine whether there is a
questionnaire is said to be valid if the joint or simultaneous influence on the
questions are able to reveal something that independent variable on the dependent variable
will be measured by the questionnaire. (Ghozali, 2006).
The significance test was carried out by H0 = 0 there is no influence between the
comparing the calculated r value with r table independent variables and the dependent
for degree of freedom (df) = n-2, in this case variable simultaneous.
n is the number of samples and alpha (α) H0 ≠ 0 there is an influence between the
0.05. If r count is greater than r table and the independent variable and the dependent
value is positive, then the item or question is variable simultaneously.
said to be valid (Ghozali, 2006). The significance level used is 0.05 (α = 5%)
2. Reliability Test with the following conditions:
Reliability is actually a tool to measure a 1. If P value > 0,05 then Ha is rejected, meaning
questionnaire which is an indicator of a that all independent variables have no effect
variable or construct (Ghozali, 2005). A on the dependent variable.
questionnaire says

2. If P value < 0,05 then Ha is accepted almost perfectly. Adjusted R2 can also be
meaning that all independent variables affect calculated by the formula:
the dependent variable. The Testing Criteria
R2 
1 R  n 1
by let t count with t table:
n  k 1
1. If F count > F table, then Ho is rejected 3. Uji T (Uji Parsial)
and Ha is accepted, meaning that there is Partial analysis or t test is used to determine
an effect of the independent variables the effect of each independent variable on the
together on the dependent variable. dependent variable. The significance level
2. If F count < F table, then Ho is accepted used was alpha (α) 5% or 0.05. This test is
and Ha is rejected, meaning that there is no done by comparing the alpha significance
effect of the independent variables together value. If the p value > 0.05 is not significant,
on the dependent variable. then Ha is rejected or Ho is accepted. If the p
value <0.05 is significant, then Ha is accepted
or Ho is rejected (Ghozali, 2006). The t-test
α =5% hypothesis is as follows:
Ho accepted
Ho not accepted H0 = 0 there is no effect between the
independent variable and the dependent
F table
variable simultaneously.
Gambar 1 H0 ≠ 0 there is an influence between the
Uji F independent variable and the
dependent variable simultaneously.
b) Uji R2 ( Koefisien Determinasi) If by comparing t count and t table the criteria
According to Ghozali (2006), the :
coefficient of determination test is used to a. If t count > t table or t count < -t table, then
determine the high degree of relationship Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. It means
between all dependent variables (X) together that there is an influence between each
with the independent variable (Y). The value independent variable and the dependent
of the coefficient of determination is variable.
between zero and one. If the value of the b. If t count < t table or t count > -t table, then
adjusted R2 coefficient is close to 0, it Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. It means
indicates that the selected independent that there is no influence between each
variable (X) cannot explain the dependent independent variable and the dependent
variable (Y) in question. On the other hand, variable.
if the adjusted R2 value is close to 1, it
indicates that the dependent variable (X)
used in this study has been able to explain
the dependent variable (Y) Ho not accepted Ho accepted Ho not accepted

-t (½α) t (½α)

Gambar 2
Uji t

1. Hypothesis testing
DISCUSSION AND RESULTS Based on the results of the regression test
Validity and Reliability Test analysis in the study of the influence of motivation on
a. Validity test employee performance with job satisfaction as an
Table 1 intervening variable, it can be shown in table 3,
Validity test namely :
Nilai Corrected
Variable Statement Item Total Conclusion
Table 3
1 0,885 Valid Regression Analysis of Motivation,
Performance 2 0,711 Valid Job Satisfaction and Employee
Employee 3 0,723 Valid
4 0,872 Valid Performance
5 0,565 Valid
6 0,696 Valid
Dependent variable.

Motivation 7 0,852 Valid Indepe Job Satisfaction (X2) employee performance(Y)

8 0,685 Valid dent β T Sig (P) β t Sig (P)
9 0,688 Valid Motivas
10 0,646 Valid 0,327 2,165 0,036
11 0,636 Valid
Kepuasan 0,434
Job 12 0,886 Valid 3,347 0,002
Kerja (X2)
Satisfaction 13 0,768 Valid
14 0,884 Valid R 0,707
15 0,618 Valid R2 0,479
Source: Processed primary data F 23,517
0,786 6,324 0,0
Based on the number of n samples of 50 R 0,674
respondents, the value of r table at df = 48 (n – 2) R 2 0,443
is 0.279. Based on the results of the validity test in F 39,993
the table above, it can be seen that all Sumber data primer yang diolah
questionnaire statement items for each variable
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
have r count above r table of 0.279, so it can be
concluded that all questionnaire statement
The path coefficient is calculated by
instruments are valid. constructing two structural equations, namely the
b. Reliability test regression equation showing the hypothesized
Table 2 relationship:
Reliability test (1) X2 = α + β1X1
(2) Y = α + β1X1 +β2X2
Variable Cronbach Conclusion
From the results of the SPSS 15.0 output
Employee 0,805 Reliabel below for the regression equation, the following
performance equation is obtained :
Motivation 0,761 Reliabel (1) X2 = 4,330 + 0,786X1
Job satisfaction 0,823 Reliabel questionnaire data is declared reliable.
Based on the results of the reliability test
in the table above, it can be seen that all research
variables have a Cronbach alpha value above
0.60, so it can be concluded that the

The description of the equation
Is :
a) The constant value (α) of 4.330 means that if
the motivation variable is considered
constant, the value of job satisfaction will

b) The constant value (α) of 4,330 means that if multiple linear equations in table 4.12 obtained
the motivation variable is considered constant, Adjusted R2 of 0.479. These results indicate that
the value of job satisfaction will increase. the ability of motivation and job satisfaction
(2) Y = 5,341 + 0,327X1 + 0,434X2 variables in explaining changes in employee
The regression equation can be explained performance is 47.9%.
as follows:
a) The constant value of 5.314 means that if the Uji t (Parsial)
variables of motivation and job satisfaction 1) The Effect of Motivation on Employee
are considered constant, the employee's Performance
performance will increase or increase. The results of the regression test
b) The value of the regression coefficient (β1) calculations in the table
of 0.327 means that there is a positive 4.12, it is obtained that the t-count value for
influence between motivation and employee the motivation variable on employee
performance because the higher the performance is 2.165 and the number of N =
motivation, the employee's performance will 47 in the two-sided test with a significance
increase. level of 5% to 0.025, the t-table value is
c) The value of the regression coefficient (β2) 2.165. The results of the analysis can be
of 0.434 means that there is a positive concluded that Ho is rejected because the
influence between job satisfaction and value of t count is greater than t table,
employee performance because the higher namely 2.165 > 2.012. These results indicate
the job satisfaction, the employee's that the motivation variable has a significant
performance will increase. and positive effect on employee
Uji F (Simultan) performance.
The results of multiple linear regression analysis 2) The Effect of Motivation on Job
in table 4.12 obtained the calculated F value of
23,517. At df1 = k (df1 = 2) and df2 = n-k-
The results of the regression test
1 (df2 = 50-2-1=47) obtained the value of F table
calculations in the table 4.12 the t-value of
of 3.1951 (attachment 7). Based on the comparison
the motivation variable on job satisfaction is
results, it can be seen that F count 23,517 > F table
6.324 and the number of N = 47 in the two-
3,1951, then Ha is accepted, so it can be stated that
motivation affects employee performance with job sided test with a significance level of 5% to
satisfaction as an intervening variable. This proves 0.025, the t-table value is 6.324. The results
that the proposed hypothesis is proven true. of the analysis can be concluded that Ho is
Coefficient of Determination (R2 ) rejected because the value of t count is
The coefficient of determination test is greater than t table, namely 6.324 > 2.012.
used to determine the effect of the independent These results indicate that the motivation
variable which can be explained by the variable has a significant and positive effect
regression function in influencing the dependent on job satisfaction.
variable. Based on the results of the calculation 3) The Effect of Job Satisfaction on
of regression analysis Employee Performance
The results of the regression test
calculations in the table
4.12, the value of t-count for the
motivation variable on job satisfaction is
3.347 and the number of N = 47 in the
two-tailed test with a significance level
of 5% to 0.025 the value of t table is
3.347. Result

the analysis can be concluded that Ho is rejected The Effect of Motivation on Employee
because the value of t count is greater than t table Performance
that is 3.347 > 2.012. These results indicate that This study supports the research
the variable job satisfaction has a significant and conducted by Koesmono (2005). If motivation is
positive effect on employee performance. supported by the hope of a better future, there
are opportunities for self-development, then high
Intervening Test / Indirect employee performance will be achieved. This is
The results of the path analysis are based on several aspects that can affect
described in the following figure: motivation as proposed by Maslow, namely the
aspects of physiological needs, security needs,
0,327 social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization
Motivati Employee
on(X1 performan needs.
) ce(Y)
The Effect of Motivation on Job Satisfaction
This study supports the research
0,786 0,434 conducted by Nitasari (2012). If motivation is
Job supported by the hope of a better future, there
are opportunities for self-development, then high
job satisfaction will be achieved. This is based
Gambar 5 on several aspects that can affect motivation as
Research Model proposed by Maslow, namely the aspects of
Results physiological needs, security needs, social
The results of the path analysis show that needs, esteem needs and self-actualization
motivation can have a direct effect on employee needs.
performance and can also have no direct effect,
namely from motivation to job satisfaction (as The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee
an intervening) then to employee performance. Performance
The magnitude of the direct effect is 0.327 while
the magnitude of the indirect effect must be This study supports the research
calculated by multiplying the indirect conducted by Octaviana (2011). If job
coefficient, namely (0.786) x (0.434) = 0.341 or satisfaction is supported by the appropriate
the total effect of motivation on employee salary earned by employees, it will have an
performance is 0.327 + (0.786 x 0.434) = 0.668 effect on improving employee performance.
Based on the comparison between the This is based on several aspects that can affect
magnitude of the indirect influence (intervening) motivation as stated by Gilmer in As'ad (2003)
and the direct effect, it can be seen that the mentions the factors that influence job
indirect effect is greater than the direct effect, satisfaction are opportunities for advancement,
namely 0.341 > 0.327. These results indicate job security, salary, company and management,
that the job satisfaction variable can mediate the intrinsic and job factors. , condition
influence of motivation on employee
performance is greater than the direct influence
of motivation on employee performance.

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