IELTS Speaking: New Words and Phrases

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IELTS Speaking

Name: Lucy Class Number: 6
New words and phrases

Words/ Phrases Meaning

a person's ability to perceive

humor or appreciate a joke(

sense of humor

能力 )

To be knowledgeable about or

have a good command of

skilled in a particular area or

something thing (对特定领域或事物有知识或

熟练 )

a system in which people or

groups are ranked according

hierarchy 根据地
to status or authority (


统 )

the male head of a family or

tribe ( )

to use your authority over

exercise authority something into effect

( )
Grammar Lesson of

the Day: ADVERBS

Extra Tips in
Answering Questions

Sample Question Tips to Answer

(from today's lesson) the Question well

To answer this question well in an IELTS

interview, it is best to be neutral in expressing

your thoughts. Although you answered "men are

stupid" in class, this may be honest, but this may

Are men better at decision making in your

leave a bad impression on the IELTS interviewer.

To remain fair on both men and women, you

may explain the strengths and weaknesses of

both sides, and end up with a conclusion as to

which is better.

To answer this question well, start with a general

statement stating your opinion. You may lead

the first sentence with "In my opinion" or "I think

Should a leader discuss with team

that..". In this way, the interviewer will know the

members when making decisions?

direction of your answer. After the main

statement, support your idea with reasons and


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