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A Research Paper
Presented to
The Faculty of Liceo de La Salle – Bacolod

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the
Capstone Project

Ballados, Czar Anthony

Edjan, Vohn Archie
Gatilogo, Kashina Ashley
Galve, Christian Aaron
Liberato, Carlo

April 24, 2021




GATILOGO, and CARLO LIBERATO in partial fulfilment of the requirements for
Capstone Project of Liceo De la Salle- Senior High School of the University of St. La
Salle has been evaluated and approved by the panel of evaluators.




Member Member



Table of Contents
Title Page……………………………….……………………………….……....…….i

Approval Sheet……..………………………………………………….……......…….ii

Table of Contents…………………….…………………………………………...…..iii

List of Figures…………………………………………..…………………….……




Background of the Study……………………………………….………..……...1

Statement of the Problem…………………………………….………….……...2


Conceptual Framework………………………………………...………..…...…4

Scope and Limitations…………………………………………………….....….6

Significance of the Study……………………………………………….…..…..7

Definition of terms……..…………………………………………………....….8

Review of Related Literature…………………………………………...……..10


Research Design………………………………………………………….…....18

Locale of the Study…………….………………………………...………......18

Materials and Equipment…………………………………………...….…….19

General Procedure………….……………………….…………...….……..…20

Design of the LUNAR Device……………………………........…..……...…20

Project Design………………………………………………………....…..…23

Fabrication of the Device………………………………………………….....25

Casing Assembly…………………………………………………….25

Components Assembly………………………………………………26

Programming of the Device………….…………………………..…..28

Operation of the Device……………………………………………...…....…29

Testing of the Device………………………...………………………..……..30

Testing the Accuracy of the Device………………………………….30

Testing the Range of the Device……………………………………..31

Testing the Reaction Time of the Device……………………………31

Statistical Data Analysis Procedure…………………………………….........32

Design Reiteration………………...………………………………….....…...32

Ethical Considerations……………………………………………...…....…..32

Results and Discussion…………….……………..…………………….....………...34






Appendix A………………………………………………………………………..…51

Appendix B…………………………………………………………………….….…55

Appendix C…………………………………………………………………….…….59

List of Figures

Figure 1 Conceptual Framework

Figure 2 Process Flow Diagram 19

Figure 3 Prototype Design of the Device 20

Figure 4 Pictorial Design of the Device 21

Figure 5 Breadboard View of the System 22

Figure 6 Schematic Diagram of the System 22

Figure 7 Block Diagram of the System 23

Figure 8 Program Flowchart of the Lunar Device 28

List of Tables

Table 1 Cumulative Translation of Length from Servomotor to the Linear

Actuator 24

Table 2 Necessary Accepted Standard Values for the Device to be Considered

Effective 32

Table 3 Accuracy of the LUNAR Device


Table 4 Triggering of the LUNAR Device on the Different Obstacle

Distance Ranges


Table 5 ` Reaction Time of the LUNAR Device in seconds


Table 6 Significant Difference on the Recorded and Accepted Accuracy of the

LUNAR Device 38

Table 7 Significant Difference on the Recorded and Expected

Reaction time of the LUNAR Device


Table 8 Engineering Specifications of the LUNAR Device



This study will not be possible if not for the individuals who have supported

us all the way throughout our journey towards the success of this research work. The

researchers would like to thank the following.

To our research advisers, Mr. John Manuel Monteflor and Ms. Melinda De

Jose for their suggestions, time and effort in guiding us all throughout the conduct of

the study. To Ms. Mary Jade Chiu Jakosalem, and Ms. Milagros Oraca, our

supportive panelists from our proposal defense, who gave insights and advice to our

study; to our parents for allowing and supporting us in terms of finances to finish this

study; to Grade 12 STEM-B for the unending moral support, and to God that guided

the researchers in all of their journey on their capstone project



Visually impaired people experience difficult situations in everyday life.

Navigating from one place to another is one of those situations because they usually

encounter obstacles in their path. Commercial navigating devices exist, but they don’t

offer the actual distances of obstacles and are often expensive. This prompted the

researchers to develop Linear actuator for Ultrasonic Navigation And Ranging

(LUNAR) Device for the visually impaired. In this study, the researchers created the

LUNAR device that met the minimum accepted standards to be effective enough. The

device utilizes an ultrasonic sensor to find the distance of an obstacle and interpret it

into a linear tactile scale. The scale has a pointer and graduations that provide haptic

feedback to the user. It is powered by a linear actuator that is composed of a servo

motor connected to a gear and a pulley system. It can detect obstacles in any direction

ranging to 3 meters. It has a percent error of 1.32% which was accurate enough to be

effective. It also has a reaction time of 0.965s which was fast enough to be also

effective. The researchers concluded that the device is accurate, responsive,

ergonomic, cheap and it can be manipulated with ease. With this device, the visually

impaired can pinpoint the location and distance of obstacles around them for safe

navigation. It can be used as an additional guide on some functional activities such as

walking. Moreover, the results in the study would also benefit the future innovations

of the research and the device of the future researchers and engineers.


Background of the Study

Vision impairment or vision loss is a decreased ability of the person to see to a

point where it could not be solved by normal glasses and reduces the ability of the

person to do daily tasks and blindness is a total or near total loss of vision according

to the World Health Organization (2015). Cataract, uncorrected refractive error, and

glaucoma are the most common visual impairment diseases that can sometimes lead

to blindness (WHO, 2019). Being blind is a very difficult condition. It is hard for a

blind to go to a certain place without hitting or crossing an obstacle that can lead

him/her to accident or trouble. They cannot tell how far an object is and find an open

pathway at a distance in a crowded place. This means that blind people really need

tools that can help them in navigating safely. Most of the blind people navigate using

non-technological guides for navigation such as white cane, dependent people and

trained dogs (Chatterji, Sharma, & Shimi, 2015).

Several tactile and haptic feedback devices were made to detect distances and

alert the blind but the disadvantage of these devices is they cannot interpret the

absolute distances for the blind but instead outputs vibration which amplitude is

proportional to the proximity of obstacle (Chaitali, Lakde, & Prasad, Dr., 2015). In

this study, the researchers were motivated to create an obstacle detector with an

ultrasonic sensor that moves a linear actuator to interpret the absolute distance of an


Statement of the Problem

The main objective of the study is to design, construct and evaluate the Linear

actuator for Ultrasonic Navigation And Ranging (LUNAR) Device for the Visually


Specifically, this study aims to:

1. Design and construct the Linear actuator for Ultrasonic Navigation And

Ranging (LUNAR) Device for the Visually Impaired.

2. Evaluate the system in terms of:

a. Range

b. Accuracy

c. Reaction Time

3. Determine if there is a significant difference between the accepted standard

values and recorded values of:

a. Range

b. Accuracy

c. Reaction Time

4. Determine if the device design needs to be reiterated until it meets its

standards in detecting distances of obstacles



To guide the researcher’s investigation, the following hypothesis is advanced

in the study:

1. There is no significant difference between the accepted standard values and

recorded values of of:

a. Range

b. Accuracy

c. Reaction Time

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework Diagram


Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework diagram of the study that displays

the input, process, and output flow involved in the study. The first needed element is

having a sound knowledge of the researchers on microcontrollers, programming, and

electronics. The project also demanded a background on programming for

manipulating and compiling the code to the Arduino microcontroller. The project

demanded skill and a good grasp on concepts in electronics, specifically in

microcontrollers. For the hardware, the device was fabricated out of an ultrasonic

distance sensor, Arduino microcontroller, linear actuator, a power source, and a

casing. To detect the distance of obstacles, an ultrasonic distance sensor was used. To

process the signals from the ultrasonic distance sensor to the linear actuator, an

Arduino microcontroller was connected. To provide haptic feedback for the user, a

linear actuator was assembled. The casing and a power source were keeping all the

components together and powering them, respectively. For the software, Arduino

programming language was used to control and perform computations on the

microcontroller. The Arduino Software (IDE) provided a comprehensive platform to

write the code, and compile it to the microcontroller. In the process, the device was

designed first based on its function such as making it ergonomic for the visually

impaired. The device was constructed out of the final design and components together

with its program. Evaluation is the process of confirming if the device works or not

based on its accuracy on detecting obstacles, the maximum range of detection, and

the reaction time of the device. The final output was the Linear Actuator for

Ultrasonic Navigation and Ranging (LUNAR) Device for the Visually Impaired.

Improvements were made to reprogram or reconstruct the device if the device has not

met the required function and specifications.

Scope and Limitations

This study focuses on the development of a linear actuator for navigation and

ranging (LUNAR) device for the visually impaired. The device has included software

and hardware to operate the system.

The LUNAR device uses an ultrasonic sensor connected to the Arduino

microcontroller as an input to detect obstacle distances. The device uses an Arduino

microcontroller to operate the device by converting the input of the sensor to the

output movement of linear actuator. It uses the linear actuator connected to the

Arduino microcontroller to produce haptic feedback to the user. The device should

operate up to 3m and should be able to detect obstacles within that range. The user

interprets the distance of the obstacle by touching where the linear actuator points on

the distance graduation scale. The researchers created a handheld device that should

only work in dry conditions. The device cannot be used by visually impaired that

have amputations. The device was not tested with the intended and actual participants

in accordance with community quarantine guidelines. The device accuracy, range,

and reaction time on one of the researchers’ residence in Brgy. Bata, Bacolod City in

accordance with community quarantine guidelines. The device was tested at 4:30 PM

in the clear afternoon of April 9, 2021.


Significance of the Study

Developing this device is beneficial because it aims to develop a device that

visually-impaired individuals can use. Furthermore, this device can be enhanced

further for industrial application especially in navigation and ranging. The results of

this study can benefit the following:

Visually impaired. The outcome of this study would benefit the visually

impaired as it would help them navigate easily using this device. This device

feedbacks the absolute distance of the obstacles and alerts the visually impaired for


Assisted living facilities for the visually impaired. The result of the data

would benefit the blind facilities in handling people with visual impairment. In which,

it can be used as an alternative instrument or guide for them to walk without hitting

an obstacle and help a newly blind person to cope with changes.

Engineers. The final design with its function of the device would make the

engineers develop other uses and innovation for the device in other industries.

Future researchers. Utilization of this study as a reference for future

researchers especially in conducting other similar studies in the development of

technological devices for navigation.


Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined as used in the study:

Arduino. Conceptually, Arduino is an open-source electronics platform that

uses a simple hardware-software configuration. Using the Arduino programming

language (based on wiring), and the Arduino Software (based on processing) that runs

on Integrated Development Environment, sending a set of instructions to the

microcontroller enables the production of output from input (Arduino®, 2018).

Operationally, it served as the control center of the device as it translates the input of

the ultrasonic sensor into the output of linear actuator.

Haptic feedback. Conceptually, haptic feedback is information interpreted to

the user by touching (Bresin, Frid, Moll, & Pysander, 2018). Operationally, haptic

feedback refers to the interpretation of obstacle distance by touching the braille

graduations of distances where the pointer plate of linear actuator points at.

Linear actuator. Conceptually, a linear actuator converts the rotation of an

electric motor into a linear movement (Burke, 2016). Operationally, in the device, an

electro-mechanical linear actuator was used and it refers to a system of: geared servo

motor for movement, geared pulley and a nut with a pointer that moves linearly as the

pulley belt rotates. The linear actuator was connected to the Arduino for the

translation of obstacle distance into the precise rotation of the motor in linear

actuator. The linear actuator in the device moves the pointer on the scale with braille

graduations as a haptic feedback mechanism.


Ultrasonic sensor. Conceptually, ultrasonic sensors measure distance by

measuring the time of the emitted ultrasonic waves to get back from bouncing off an

object (Latha, Kumar, & Murthy, 2016). Operationally, the ultrasonic sensor in the

front of the device emits pulses of ultrasonic waves and measures the received

reflected wave from the obstacle to send analog distance signals to the Arduino.

Visually Impaired. Conceptually, according to WHO (2015), visually

impaired refers to people that have reduced vision to a point that it cannot be resolved

by regular manner such as wearing eyeglasses. Operationally, the intended and actual

participants in the study are the visually impaired people who have significantly

reduced vision and are residents of Bacolod City.


Review of Related Literature

In this section, the researchers listed different literature reviewed from their

background of the study. Related ideas and concepts that have significance to the

study that was conducted are presented. Various research literature gave information

on studies that have significant bearings on the present study. They have provided a

basis in developing various parts of their study, as well as on how to proceed with

their investigation.


Some animals and a few visually impaired people have developed

echolocation that uses sounds to navigate around their surroundings (Thaler &

Goodale, 2016). This method utilizes the emission of sound waves to be reflected by

an object which is later received by a receiver. The location then of an object can be

determined by its direction and distance to the source. The direction of the received

reflected waves determines the direction of the object while the time it takes for the

wave to come back determines the distance of the object. This method could also be

used to identify objects, textures, sizes, and shapes of the objects.

SONAR Technology

Humans devised tools and technology inspired by echolocation for navigation

purposes. Sonar (sound navigation ranging) is a process that transmits sounds for

navigation, communication, mapping, or detection of vessels and objects (US

Department of Commerce, 2016). This technology is usually incorporated underwater

at ships or submarines. The technology uses frequencies of sound that range from

infrasonic (below the limit of human hearing) to ultrasonic (above the limit of human


Visually Impaired

This tool was not only created for navigating vessels but was also used for

navigating visually impaired. Visually impaired people have a reduced vision to the

point that it cannot be remedied by practical means such as glasses (World Health

Organization, 2019). There are a lot of difficulties that visually impaired persons go

through. A study was conducted in Iraq and results showed that most participants

showed some sorts of indoor and outdoor troubles such as risky sidewalks, presence

of obstacles in sidewalks, difficulty in recognizing faces and barriers, strolling into

glass entryways, crossing lanes, and the hazard of Aerial boundaries (Bahmeei, Riazi,

Riazi, & Yoosfi, 2016). There is a need to develop technological guides for obstacle

detection and navigation for the visually impaired that can substitute their loss of


Distance and Ranging Sensors

To scale down the SONAR technology down to be fitted inside a portable

device, distance and ranging sensors were developed. One of these sensors is

ultrasonic distance sensors which are small and cheap enough to use. Ultrasonic

distance sensor measures distance by measuring the time of the emitted ultrasonic

waves to get back from bouncing off an object (Kumar, Latha, & Murthy, 2016). It

uses sound frequency at about 50kHz (Al-Mahturi & Rahim, 2016). The piezoelectric

membrane inside the sensors can produce ultrasonic waves and receive ultrasonic

waves at the same time. The maximum range that it can detect is 4 meters. The

circuitry inside the sensor computes the obstacle distance from the time it takes for

the ultrasonic pulses to echo back after it was transmitted. The ultrasonic distance

sensor utilizes the following formula: object distance is equal to the product of the

speed of sound and the time delay of received ultrasonic pulses divided by two.

Technological Guides for Obstacle Detection and Navigation of the Visually


From this distance and ranging sensors, technological guides for navigation

and obstacle detection of the visually impaired were based and developed. One such

technological guide is the Sonic Eye (Deweese, Gaub, Harper, Rodgers, Sohl-

Dickstein, & Teng, 2015). It uses the speakers attached to a helmet to create

ultrasonic tweeting sounds akin to that of bat echolocation sounds. The bat-ear

receivers, at the side of the helmet, play time-stretched echoes based on object

locations. The device allows the user to gauge well the surroundings such as

determining elevation from echoes alone with artificial echolocation cues. The

BrainPort Artificial Vision Device presents a novel way of substituting vision with

tactile feedback in the tongue (Arnoldussen, Fisher, Nau, & Pintar, 2015). Instead of

an ultrasonic sensor, the device uses a camera and translates photographic

information in each pixel in an array to each pixel with different frequencies,

amplitudes, and durations. This provides the user with spatial information that allows

them to recognize shapes or objects together with their size, distance, and relative


Fitted with three ultrasonic distance sensors that detect left, right and overhead

obstacles, the Blind-guide Crutch of Dong and Yi (2015) feedbacks sound and

vibration as warning messages but cannot be used as a navigation system. Four

ultrasonic sensors in the Ultrasonic Assistive Headset, made by Aymaz & Çavdar

(2016), directs what message has played out of six recorded directions. It is energy

efficient but conceals useful outside noise and directions are not enough. Instead of an

ultrasonic sensor to determine depth/object distance, the Mobility Device for the

Blind with Improved Vertical Resolution uses Dynamic Vision Sensors to render 3-D

audio from a visual photo (Conradt, Everding, Ghaderi, & Walger, 2016). It is

comfortable to use and energy-efficient, however, it was not clear that it was tested

for obstacle avoidance. When Ultrasonic Sensors and Computer Vision Join Forces

for Efficient Obstacle Detection and Recognition device uses four ultrasonic sensors

and a camera for recognizing objects using machine learning while also detecting

obstacles which were audio feedback (Mocanu, Tapu, & Zaharia, 2016). However, it

doesn’t have a navigation system and cannot detect obstacles overhead. Using Ultra-

Wide-Band (UWB) sensors, the SUGAR System maps an indoor environment for a

user to hear his/her position/orientation from a wifi-connected phone (García-Haro,

Losilla, Martinez-Sala, & Sánchez-Aarnoutse, 2015). Yet, the system can only be

operated indoors and is expensive. Another UWB device does not only use ultrasonic

sensors but rather uses a radar that can detect obstacles under the rain, snow, fog, and

smoke. The device can also detect obstacles moving at the speed of ~1.4 m/s and a

4m range of distance (Debicki, Foucault, Lesecq, & Ouvry, 2018).


With Project BAT-EYE, an Arduino plays sounds of specific frequencies

based on the obstacle distances from the ultrasonic sensors on a pair of glasses

(Ganguly, 2016). The project utilizes the full angle of the head and computational

power of the brain to produce a soundscape formed by the varying frequencies of

sounds. The SONAR GLASSES and SONAR GUIDE of G-Technology Group detect

overhead obstacles by ultrasonic waves and feedback vibration at the temple of the

glasses (Ghodousi, 2016). Lower obstacles are also detected by the SONAR GUIDE

which feedbacks varying frequency of beeps to the user. The NUI Galway’s Health

Innovation via Engineering (HIVE) Lab created the JediGlove that uses ultrasonic

sensors and five vibration motors on a glove (Hanrahan, 2020). The motors vibrate

through the fingers proportional to the distance of the obstacle. The “Foresight” vest,

from Harvard researchers, uses advanced levels of computer vision technology to

gently inflate corresponding areas of the body that face an obstacle (Yilmaz, 2020). A

smart suitcase, developed by IBM Japan, utilizes distance sensors and cameras for

obstacle detection, image recognition, and navigation system and it feedbacks through

audio and haptic sense (Sakharkar, 2020).

Haptic Feedback Technology

Haptic simply refers to the information gained from touch (Bresin, Frid, Moll,

& Pysander, 2018). It is used in computer simulations, control virtual objects, and

improve remote control of robots, reintegration of lost touch on an amputee, and

interfaces for the visually impaired. It consists of two modes: kinesthetic sense which

is felt in the muscles, tendons, and joints, and tactile sense which are felt in the skin

such as pressure, shear, and vibration (Culbertson, Okamura, &, Schorr 2018). It is

evident from the technological guides reviewed for obstacle avoidance and navigation

that a lot are using haptic feedback besides audio (Dong & Yi, 2015; Arnoldussen,

Fisher, Nau, & Pintar, 2015; Ghodousi, 2016; Sakharkar, 2020; Yilmaz, 2020). The

technological guides reviewed proved the effectiveness of haptic feedback and the

included haptic devices that were used are wearable skin deformation devices

(Yilmaz, 2020), vibration motors (Dong, 2015, Dong & Yi, 2015, Ghodousi, 2016,

Hanrahan, 2020, & Sakharkar, 2020), and arrays(Arnoldussen, Fisher, Nau, & Pintar,

2015). Not limited to this review, other devices that can provide haptic feedback are

deformable crust devices, variable-friction surfaces, linear actuators, and other current

innovations of haptic feedback technology (Culbertson, Okamura, & Schorr, 2018).


Nature developed echolocation for navigating in the dark using sound.

Humans take advantage of this by developing SONAR technology that was used for

vessel navigation and detection. Based on the principle of echolocation, SONAR

technology utilizes the emission of sound waves and the reception of reflected waves

from an object. The object’s distance can be calculat takes for the reflected wave to

come back from the surface of an object along with the direction of where it came

from. The technology was not only used for vessel navigation and detection but was

also incorporated into the obstacle and navigation technologies for the visually

impaired. Since the visually impaired experience loss of functional vision, it is

difficult for them to do everyday tasks such as navigating and avoiding obstacles.

They need to substitute their loss of vision with technological guides for navigation

and obstacle detection. These tools commonly integrate distance and ranging sensors

such as ultrasonic distance sensors for determining object distance and direction.

Several assistive technological devices with these sensors were also made along with

other input devices such as a camera. Besides audio, most technological guides use

haptic feedback for gathering information.

Reviewing the principles of echolocation and SONAR technology provided

the researchers fundamental theory to base the function of the device. Distance

sensors were discussed on how they can provide device functionality in determining

obstacle distance. Related technological guides for obstacle detection and navigation

of the visually impaired provided insights and information on the systems that are

incorporated as an innovation on the device as well as gaps on the functionality of

reviewed literature of the devices.

However, these assistive devices only give signals if the visually impaired

approaches an obstacle at a distance. Most of these devices’ feedback continuous

increasing magnitude relative to the proximity of the obstacle. They can tell that an

obstacle is approaching but cannot tell the user how far actually it is. The visually

impaired cannot pinpoint accurately the concrete location of obstacles but just only

precisely guess the proximity of it. As a substitute for the loss of sense of sight, both

audio and haptic feedback were integrated into the assistive devices. It was found in

the Ultrasonic Assistive Headset that having audio as feedback might compromise

occasionally the user’s hearing of other useful noise in the environment.

This motivated the researchers to design and create the Linear Actuator for

Navigation and Ranging (LUNAR) Device for the Visually Impaired to interpret the

absolute distance of an obstacle. In enabling the user to know the absolute distance of

an obstacle, the user can pinpoint accurately the distance and location of the

obstacles. The portable project has utilized the detection of obstacles by an ultrasonic

sensor at any angle and direction, and up to 4 meters directed by hand. A

microcontroller then converts the sensor inputs into the movement of the nut slider in

the linear actuator to its desired location on the axis of the scale. Touching where the

nut slider is pointing along the scale with Braille graduations provides haptic

feedback. Scanning from left to right and up to down, a user can determine where an

obstacle be located along with its absolute distance for obstacle detection, avoidance,

and navigation.

The purpose of this section is to present the research design, process flow

diagram, gathering of materials, the assembly, and testing of the device.

Research Design
Experimental prototyping was the research method to be used in this study.

This method (Smith, 2019) evaluates the prototype designs as an experiment, where

there is a hypothesis to prove. It has a characteristic of an experiment where it goes

for consistent methods and variables, and testing of hypotheses. It also works on the

nonscientific area of designing, as insights and modifications on improving the

product can be learned in order to meet its standard which is then implemented on the

next design. The LUNAR device design was evaluated on its accuracy and reaction

time and its design can be reiterated until it meets its standards in detecting distances

of obstacles. The accuracy of the device was recorded by comparing the distance

interpreted by the device to the actual distance of the obstacle. The reaction time of

the LUNAR device was collected by observing and recording the amount of time

before the LUNAR device responds when it detects obstacles.

Locale of the Study

Due to the quarantine protocols, the construction of the LUNAR device

will be performed at one of the researchers’ residences at Regent Pearl Homes,

Barangay Alijis, Bacolod City.


Process Flow Diagram

Figure 2. Making of the Linear Actuator for Ultrasonic Navigation and Ranging

(LUNAR) Device

Materials and Equipment

The materials and equipment used in this study will be an HC-SR04 ultrasonic

distance sensor, Arduino Nano (microcontroller), toothbrush casing, grinder, O-ring,

metal cable, popsicle sticks, epoxy, slide switch handle, plastic tube, 48-tooth plastic

gear, 30-tooth plastic gear, toggle switch, plastic sheet, scissors, wires, electrical tape,

soldering iron, soldering lead, cutter, drill, glue stick, glue gun, super glue, USB

cable, switch, battery snap, 9V battery, stopwatch, camera, and a computer. All

materials are brought from the researchers’ residence and bought from local hardware

stores and online shops.


General Procedure

A. Design of the LUNAR Device

Figure 3: Prototype design of the Linear Actuator for Ultrasonic Navigation and

Ranging (Lunar) Device for the Visually Impaired. This figure is the scanned

prototype drawing of the researcher..


Figure 4: Pictorial design of the LUNAR Device. This figure is the 3D TinkerCAD

model of the prototype of the researcher.


Figure 5: Breadboard View of the System

Figure 6: Schematic diagram of the System


B. Project Design
This classification of project demands the researchers to know electronics,

especially in microcontrollers. The project also requires the researchers to have a skill

of programming for coding and compiling the program to the microcontroller. The

fabrication of the device needs the following essential blocks:

Figure 7: Block Diagram of the System

The following explains the details of the most essential block found in figure 2:


This battery, specifically 9 volts battery, functions as a power source to all

electrical components.

Ultrasonic Sensor

Ultrasonic sensor was used to determine obstacle distance. Ultrasonic waves are

transmitted by a transducer and the incoming reflected waves are detected by the

sensor. The distance of an obstacle is calculated from the time it takes for the wave to

return and the speed of sound in the air and gives input data to the microcontroller.

Arduino Nano

The Arduino Nano performs calculations and controls the whole device.

Linear Actuator System

This system consisted of a servo motor, 2 gears, pulley system, and a tactile

pointer. The servo motor was commanded by the Arduino to rotate a gear system with

a 48:30 gear ratio. This system of gears and pulleys translates the 180-degree (or half

circumference) rotation of the servo motor to turn the pulley belt on about 90mm.

Gears and pulleys were chosen based on their size to fit in the casing and based on the

calculations of Table 1. The 48-teeth gear rotates the 30-teeth gear which is also

attached on the axle of a pulley. The pulley then moves the tactile pointer linearly on

the tactile graduation scale for determination of obstacle distance as haptic feedback.

Table 1

Cumulative Translation of Length from Servomotor to the Linear Actuator

Component Circumference Translation Cumulative Length

Ratio Translation
Servo Motor rotating 78.5mm 39.25 mm
only the half
circumference of a 48-
teeth gear

A 30-teeth gear speed 50.24mm 48:30 or 62.8 mm

increaser (making a x1.6
48:30 gear ratio)

Pulley wheel connected 72.22mm x1.25 90.275mm

to the axle of 30-teeth

Pulley Belt strapped on 90.275mm

the pulley wheel

Required Final Length 90mm

of Scale:

C. Fabrication of the Device

C.1. Casing Assembly

First, the researchers laid out the design considering the minimum

volume and weight; and the aesthetics of the output. The casing used for the device is

a cylindrical container with elliptical shape. The container can be separated into two

parts, a top cap and the longer base. The top part of the container was used to make

the cover of the ultrasonic sensor. Two holes measuring 1.6cm in diameter were

created at the top part of the container for the transducer of the sensor to protrude.

The top part of the container was partly cut open for the sensor to fit inside. The

bottom part of the container was used as a housing for the battery Arduino Nano, and

the linear actuator. Fitting rectangular holes measuring 49mm and 26mm were made

for the battery to fit in below the casing. Fitting rectangular holes measuring 18 x

45mm were made for the Arduino Nano to fit in below the casing. Fitting rectangular

hole measuring 12 x 32mm was made for the servo to fit in below the casing. Fitting

rectangular hole measuring 14 x 20mm was made for the toggle switch to fit behind

the casing. A housing of the Arduino Nano that have similar dimensions of the

Arduino Nano but with a height of 20mm were placed under the casing. Plastic

sheets were stripped into tiny pieces and glued to a flat sheet for the graduation scale.

The scale consists of 0, 1, 2, 3 long lines that represent distance in meters. Between

the meter graduations are also smaller graduations that split up each meter in 10 parts.

Alongside the meter graduation is a braille symbol of 1, 2, and 3, respectively.


C.2. Components Assembly

In order to translate the limited angular range of servo into a 90mm

linear motion, a gear pulley system as a linear actuator was constructed. To create the

axle for the pulley, two Popsicle sticks with holes drilled 100 mm apart were

provided as a holder for the two axles in the pulley. A metal cable was inserted at the

sticks and used as an axle for the pulley. Two plastic belt pulleys were inserted in the

axles. An O-ring was placed as the pulley belt on the pulleys. One of the pulleys was

attached with a 30-tooth gear by piercing the pulley and gear with nails. The servo

motor adapter was also attached to a 48-tooth gear by piercing the adapter and gear

with nails. The gear ratio allows the limited range of servo to be translated longer and

reach the length of the scale. Another Popsicle stick was placed atop the pulley

system to connect the servo to the pulley with the gear. This stick was punctured to

have a hole for the metal cable to serve as an axle for the servo motor gear. The

placement of the parts was based on the prototype design (Figure 3) and are also

related to the pictorial diagram (Figure 4). The casing of the device was punctured for

the metal axle in the pulley system of the linear actuator and the servo motor to hold


The electronic components were also prepared. The servo motor and

ultrasonic sensor 5V and Ground wires were joined respectively by a solder and tape.

The internal components were securely placed on the casing with glues and screws;

they are referred to the parts placed in the prototype design (Figure 3). The tactile

pointer was made up from a slide switch handle and were then glued to a plastic tube

that attaches on the O-ring. The switch was glued to its hole behind the casing. The

battery was fitted with an adapter. The battery, Arduino Nano microcontroller, toggle

switch, and servo motor wire connections were connected and soldered based on the

schematic diagram (Figure 6). Wires were also fixed into the side so that it would not

interfere with the movement of the gears and the pulley. The linear actuator was fitted

inside the casing together with Arduino Nano, and a servomotor at the bottom and

ultrasonic sensor at the front. At the front, a partly opened lid that holds the sensor

was taped in place. The casing of the device was painted with a black spray paint

while the graduations on the scale were painted with white.


C.3. Programming of the device

Figure 8. Program Flowchart of the LUNAR Device


For the programming of the device, a computer, USB cable, and the Arduino

Nano were used. The program was written according to Figure 8 and compiled in an

Integrated Development Environment and it was uploaded to the Arduino Nano

through a USB cable connected to a computer. The Arduino Nano was programmed

to send pulses for 10 microseconds to the transmitter of the ultrasonic sensor. It also

receives the signal from the receiver of the sensor. The analog value of the obstacle

distance is calculated from the time of transmittance and reception of ultrasonic

waves multiplied by half of the speed of sound which is 0.034 centimeter per

microseconds in the air. The obstacle distance values from 0 to 300cm are mapped on

the range of the servo. The Arduino Nano was programmed to determine the direction

of rotation and number of degrees needed to rotate the servo motor. For calibration,

the pointers in the scale were moved manually to the zero in the scale before the servo

motor gear and pulley gear were attached together. After the servo motor gear and

pulley gear was brought into place and in contact, the servo motor was first

programmed to be at zero. Finally, the Arduino Nano microcontroller has been

programmed to point the values on the tactile graduation scale of the interpreted

obstacle distance.

D. Operation of the Device

The device will be handheld; one is holding the device while the other touches

the moving slider with corresponding relative distances in the braille. It has a sensor

on the front that detects distance by generating ultrasonic waves in front of it and

calculates the distance from the time it takes for the reflected waves to come back

times half of the speed of sound. The Arduino will use this analog input and maps it

to the values of linear actuator position. The stepper motor will rotate the linear screw

for it to move the tactile pointer along the Braille graduations scale. Haptic feedback

of absolute distance is achieved by touching the relative position of the tactile pointer

against the Braille and graduation markings. The user would also have the intuition

on the relative proximity of the obstacle through the spaces left towards the ends of

the scale. If the user changes the direction and position of the device relative to the

environment, the user must expect the movement of the pointer as there will be a

change in detected distance. A decreasing distance detected if the device is at rest

could mean that there is a moving object approaching and vice versa. Scanning from

the opposite direction could allow the user to determine open pathways through

obstacles or an obstacle on an open area as there will be a consistent fluctuation of

distance readings on a confined direction and area on space and the user will then

have a judgment on his navigation. A specific example for the judgment of navigation

of the visually impaired user is his confidence in walking to the left because of the

consistent decreasing distance on obstacles on the middle and right as the user


E. Testing of the Device

E.1 Testing the Accuracy of the Device

The device was placed on a flat surface of a chair and above the ground to

prevent the interference of the ground. The accuracy of the device was tested by using

a push pull rule to measure the distance that the device can detect obstacles. In

measuring the accuracy of the device different absolute distances of test obstacles

were set: 1 meter, 2 meters, and 3 meters. Results were recorded after the device

interpreted the relative distance of the obstacle through the indicating linear tactile

pointer. The accuracy of the device was recorded by comparing the distance

interpreted by the device to the actual distance of the obstacle, each distance for 10

trials. In getting the accuracy of the device(, 2021), the researchers used

the formula of percent error (% Error):

% Error = (|approximate value - exact value |)/(exact value) ×100

E.2 Testing the Range of the Device

The range of the LUNAR device was recorded by placing obstacles in every

meter from the device until no response from the device was observed. The maximum

distance that has triggered the device was shown from the serial monitor data of

ultrasonic sensor distance (Latha, Kumar, & Murthy, 2016).

E.3 Testing the Reaction Time of the Device

The reaction time of the LUNAR device was collected by observing and

recording the amount of time before the LUNAR device responds when it detects

obstacles for 10 trials. The time for the sensor reading to reach about 100% of the

total step change in measurand, or in this study, the new distance data iteration

(Barani, 2019) is the reaction time of the device. The reaction time of the LUNAR

device was tested by recording the distance data in the serial monitor by a camera,

and counting down the time it takes for each iteration of data to display from the


F. Statistical Data Analysis Procedure

Data recorded from the study were analyzed using descriptive statistical

analysis. The statistical tool used in the study was the mean. Mean was used to get

the average range and reaction time of the device. To determine if there is a

significant difference between the necessary device accepted standards, the evaluated

accuracy, range, and reaction time of the device, T-test was used for each parameter

in the study. The necessary accepted standard values of the parameters —

accuracy(% error), range and reaction time —would be 1%, 3 meters, and 1.0 second


Table 2

Necessary Accepted Standard Values for the Device to be Considered Effective

Parameters Values
Accuracy(% Error) 1%
Range 3m
Reaction Time 1.0 s

G. Design Reiteration
Further improvements to the function and design of the LUNAR device were

not made and documented since the accuracy, range, and reaction time of the device

has met the necessary accepted standards of the device. The final design of the device

has been considered since its evaluation of accuracy, and reaction time has met the

necessary accepted standards of the device.

Ethical consideration
In connection with community quarantine guidelines, the device was not

tested with human subjects. The researchers strategize a plan limiting the face-to-face

contact with others that works the same with or without the presence of a human

subject. The data gathered was also limited because of the aforementioned situation.


This section presents the salient findings from testing of the device. Results

are presented in the following tables and are followed by a comprehensive discussion.

Accuracy of the Device on Detecting Obstacles

Table 3

Accuracy of the LUNAR Device

Absolute Distance Interpreted Distance Mean in meters % Error

1m 98.98 1.02%
2m 199.3 0.45%
3m 292.54 2.49%
Total Mean % Error 1.32%
In getting the data for the accuracy of the device, the researchers placed the

device on a flat surface. Table 3 shows the accuracy of the LUNAR Device on

detecting obstacles with the absolute distance of 1m, 2m, and 3m. The mean distance

detection from 10 trials for 1m distance is 98.98cm, for 2m distance is 199.30cm, and

for 3m distance is 292.54cm. Results also showed that the device has a percent error

of 1.02% on 1m, 0.45% on 2m and 2.49% on 3m. Overall, the device has an average

percent error of 1.32%.

The greater the percent error the lesser is the accuracy of the device and vice

versa. It can be implied that the LUNAR device is more accurate on obstacle

distances closer to it such as on 1 meter and its accuracy tapers off at 3m. The

inaccuracies and inconsistencies at longer distances could be attributed to the sensor's

conical shape of detection and different obstacles with different distances. The HC-

SR04 ultrasonic sensor has a measuring distance of 4 meters and a measuring angle of

15 degrees (Last Minute Engineers, 2020). The longer the distance of detection, the

larger is also the area of detection because of the conical detection or the angle of

detection. Larger areas of detection can pick up multiple obstacle distances and

causes minor fluctuations on the readings of the device.

Range of Distance that the Device could Detect Obstacles

Table 4

Triggering of the LUNAR Device on the Different Obstacle Distance Ranges

Trial 1m 2m 3m 4m
1 Yes Yes Yes No
2 Yes Yes Yes No
3 Yes Yes Yes No
4 Yes Yes Yes No
5 Yes Yes Yes No
6 Yes Yes Yes No
7 Yes Yes Yes No
8 Yes Yes Yes No
9 Yes Yes Yes No
10 Yes Yes Yes No

Note. The “Yes” in the cells indicates that the device is responding to the changing

obstacle distance in that range.

Table 4 shows the different approximate distances of obstacles set-up by the

researchers. The results showed that the device is capable of interpreting the distances

of obstacles until 3m. Changing obstacle distances beyond 3m does not trigger the

device. The device only works from 0m to 3m and beyond that, the trigger would

only go at the edge of the scale and would not respond until it goes again in its

detection range.

Reaction Time of the Device on Detecting Obstacles

Table 5

Reaction Time of the LUNAR Device in seconds

Trial 1m 2m 3m

1 0.28 0.31 2.34

2 0.34 0.44 2.96

3 0.33 0.45 0.68

4 0.32 0.42 3.09
5 0.26 0.38 2.47
6 0.37 0.40 2.96
7 0.35 0.37 1.28
8 0.31 0.42 2.19
9 0.25 0.36 1.95
10 0.3 0.38 1.99

Mean 0.31 0.39 2.19

Total Mean 0.97

In getting the data for the reaction time the researchers used a stopwatch to

calculate the intervals of the data that appears on the screen. For 1, 2, and 3m

distances, as data shows up on the screen, the stopwatch is set to start and the lapse is

used every time a new data appears. This process continued simultaneously for 10

trials for each distance. Once the data is gathered, the researchers took the time

interval by subtracting the second lapse time from the first lapse time, third lapse time

from the second lapse time, and so on. Table 5 shows the reaction time of the

LUNAR Device in seconds for 10 trials on 1m 2m and 3m.

For 1m distance the trial results are as follows: 0.28s, 0.34s, 0.33s, 0.32s,

0.26s, 0.37s, 0.35s, 0.32s, 0.25s, and 0.30s. For 2m distance the trial results are as

follows: 0.31s, 0.44s, 0.45s, 0.42s, 0.38s, 0.40s, 0.37s, 0.42s, 0.36s, and 0.38s. For

3m distance the trial results are as follows: 2.34s, 2.96s, 0.68s, 3.09s, 2.47s,1.28s,

2.19s, 2.96s, 1.28s, 2.19s, 1.95s, and 1.99s. After retrieving all the data, the

researches calculated for the mean for 1, 2, and 3m distances respectively. The mean

reaction time for the ten trials of 1m distance is 0.31s. The mean reaction time for the

ten trials of 2m distance is 0.39s. The mean reaction time for the ten trials of 3m

distance is 2.19s. The total mean reaction time was also calculated by adding all the

total mean from each distance yielding a 0.965s total mean reaction time. The results

showed that the LUNAR device is capable of responding in less than 1 second for 1m

and 2m distance. The response time of the LUNAR device to obstacles within 3m is

much longer than those of nearer distances less than 3.0m.

This lag on reaction time that occurs on longer distances could be explained

by the speed of sound and the written program on the device. The timed increments

and delays on the program flowchart of the device at figure 8 makes the device

respond faster on consecutive distances that have smaller differences and slower if the

readings have larger differences (Evans, 2008). More time is needed to transition if

the two consecutive distance readings are far apart and less time to transition is

needed if the readings are closer. The increments on the program adds or subtracts the

position of the servo motor until it reaches the new and desired position.

Table 6.

Significant Difference on the Recorded and Accepted Accuracy of the LUNAR


Accuracy Mean t p Interpretation

Recorded % 1.32 % 0.000490965 0.999612 There is no significant
Error difference
Accepted % 1%

As based on the results shown in table 6, it was found that there is no

significant difference between the recorded(mean = 1.32%) accuracy and the

accepted standard(mean = 0%) accuracy. This means that the device has met its

accepted standard accuracy as it was accurate enough to effectively interpret the

obstacle distances.

Table 7.

Significant Difference on the Recorded and Expected Reaction time of the LUNAR

Reaction Time Mean t p Interpretation

Recorded 0.97s -0.195404 0.846439 There is no significant
Reaction Time difference
Accepted 1s
Reaction Time

As based on the results shown in table 7, it was found that there is no

significant difference between the recorded(mean = 0.97s) reaction time and the

accepted standard (1s) reaction time. This means that the device has met its accepted

standard reaction time as it was fast enough to effectively respond.

Since the device had met the minimum accepted standards, only a single

reiteration of design and function has been made. The LUNAR device is effective at

obstacles within 3 meters only and at an angle of 15 degrees. It was also accurate

enough to detect all physical obstacles, together with their distance. It has a range of

3m which is far enough for the user to practically detect obstacles. Obstacles over 4m

in distance have been deemed impractical for the user to sense in his navigation. The

reaction time of the navigating aid was fast enough for it to be practical and effective

to the user. Compared to other obstacle detection devices, the LUNAR device has the

ability to interpret the obstacle distance to its user through a linear actuator. It can

detect obstacles found on the upper and lower extremities, left, right, back and in the

center depending on where the device is pointing. This gives the user a spatial map of

obstacles and free pathways in reference to the device orientation. Other commercial

obstacle devices such as are just pinging an obstacle detected on its range. The

obstacle detector devices that exist in the market are more expensive and not yet

locally available such as the Ultracane that costs $1250 dollars or about Php 53,000

(Assistive Style, 2015). LUNAR device is a cheaper and local alternative to other

commercially available guides since it only costs Php1032. The researchers have

limited the detection range of the device since the visually impaired are more

concerned in short distances than long distances in their daily navigation.

In general, the Linear actuator for Ultrasonic Navigation And

Ranging(LUNAR) device is made up of lightweight components integrated which


makes it ergonomic, user-friendly, portable, and cheaper than the commercially-

available navigating aids and can be manipulated with ease. It has an operating

voltage of 9V.

Table 8

Engineering Specifications of the LUNAR Device

Specifications Values
Detectable range in meter 3m
Reaction Time 0.965s
Operating Voltage 9V
Weight 200g
Cost of the Device Php 1032


Linear Actuator for Ultrasonic Navigation and Ranging (LUNAR) Device for

the Visually Impaired has met the minimum accepted standards necessary to be

considered effective. The LUNAR Device operates at 3 meters in range which is

practical for knowing obstacles in proximity. It interprets obstacle distances

accurately enough to be effective. Its reaction time was fast enough for it also to be

effective. It could also be manufactured using cheap and readily available materials. It

helps the visually impaired with more convenient means of life, particularly in

navigation. Using the ultrasonic sensor, the approaching obstacles and its distance

informs the visually impaired through the LUNAR device, making them aware of the

location of obstacles and pathways.


This study aims to address the problem with vision impairment or vision loss

and the difficulty for a blind to go to a certain place without hitting or crossing an

obstacle that can lead him/her to an accident. The lack of mobility using these tactile

and haptic feedback devices is the main problem. In this sense, the researchers believe

that their research is especially timely and relevant because, most of the half a million

people are visually impaired in the Philippines, and about 80% of those are blind

(Library for the Blind Philippines, 2015). The implication of this study is derived

from the uniqueness of the device. Unlike the other commercial obstacle detection

device that only pings the user about the obstacle but not the distance of it, the

LUNAR device can interpret the obstacle distance in order for the user to gauge well

the positions of obstacles. The findings of this study point to a set of capabilities

which the device can perform. The device can detect obstacles in a 3m distance range

which is practical for daily sensing of obstacles in proximity and alert its user the

distance that can be interpreted from the linear actuator. The device has an average

percent error of 1.32% which means that the device met its expectations and is

accurate in interpreting distances. As for the reaction time of the device, it is fast

enough to retrieve data in detecting obstacles. It is implied that this device is effective

in its purpose to detect and interpret obstacle distances and this function stands out

from other commercially available devices since other devices are only feedbacking

the presence but not the distances of obstacles in range. Finally, this study provides

further industrial application especially in navigation and ranging and can help

visually impaired if developed furthermore.


In light of the findings, the researchers recommend improving the design and

function of the LUNAR device beyond its current capabilities. A 3D-printed casing

for the device is recommended for more ergonomic and compact design. It is

advisable for the device to be placed under dry conditions only. The linear slider is

only limited to a 3m distance range but the actual sensor can reach up to 4m. This

means that further innovations of the device can use this feature. Results also lead to

formulation of other devices that could be more beneficial to the visually impaired. It

is important to note that this device is considered as an additional and complementary

accessory to the existing walking guides used by the visually impaired. Rechargeable

power sources can be integrated for more convenience on the utility of the device.

Other parameters for the quality control of devices should be administered by

future researchers such as the time it takes for the power in the device to be depleted.

Other parameters that affect the function of the device should also be investigated

such as the temperature of air that affects the speed of ultrasonic sound. The lighting

conditions and the time period of experiment must be included in future observations

since atmospheric conditions affect the effectiveness of the sensor. The height of

obstacles must also be included in future observation since daily obstacles that can be

found in different heights. The ability to distinguish different objects, or between

animate and inanimate objects must be included in the future design and observation.

These types of obstacles are primarily present in daily navigation. Additional sensors

could be attached to improve the effectiveness of devices such as a temperature

sensor. Additional actuators to improve the effectiveness of devices such as vibrating

motors or tactile screens could offer additional features or upgrade the current one.


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Figure 2: Jumper Figure 3:

Figure 1: Arduino
wires SG29 servo
Nano Circuit Board motor

Figure 5: Figure 6:
Figure 4: USB cable
Plastic gears, Ultrasonic
pulley belts sensor

Figure 7: Soldering Figure 8: Testing Figure 9: Serial

of wires as extension and calibration of the Monitor printing
and adapter sensor distances

Figure10: Attaching Figure 11: Testing Figure 12: Testing

of jumper wires to the and calibration of the and calibration of the
motor motor motor

Figure 14: Coding and

Figure 13: Coding of the main Fabrication of the
program, debugging, and Device

Figure 15: Gluing of Figure 16: Attaching Figure 17: Cutting of


Final Prototype

Figure 25: Left side

Figure 24: Top side view of the device
view of the device

Figure 23: Right

side view of the

Figure 22: Tactile

Graduation Scale

Figure 29: Painting Figure 30. Scale at Figure 24:

of the device
Figure 26: Front 3m
Figure 27: Back Measurement at at
Figure 28: Scale
view of the device view of the device testing

Figure 24: Testing

of the Device

Table A1

Raw Data Interpreted distance in cm (Trials 1, 2, and 3)

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

1m 2m 3m 1m 2m 3m 1m 2m 3m

99 200 294 99 199 294 100 199 294

99 200 299 99 198 294 100 200 300

99 198 294 98 199 294 97 198 294

99 198 294 98 199 294 98 200 299

99 198 297 100 199 300 98 199 299

99 199 297 99 200 296 99 200 299

100 198 293 100 200 300 99 200 300

100 200 100 98 198 189 100 198 297

99 200 297 99 198 230 100 200 298

99 200 230 98 199 297 98 200 300

99.2 199.1 269.5 98.8 198.9 278.8 98.9 199.4 298

Table A2

Raw Data Interpreted distance in cm (Trials 4, 5, and 6)

Trial 4 Trial 5 Trial 6

1m 2m 3m 1m 2m 3m 1m 2m 3m

99 200 295 100 200 298 98 198 290

98 198 294 98 200 298 99 200 291

98 199 299 99 199 299 99 200 301

99 199 294 99 198 300 100 200 300

99 199 303 98 200 300 100 198 298

99 200 297 99 200 299 100 198 298

98 199 300 99 200 286 99 199 287

100 198 285 98 198 294 99 199 289

100 199 299 99 199 298 98 200 299

99 199 297 99 199 298 99 198 299

98.9 199 296.3 98.8 199.3 297 99.1 199 295.2

Table A3

Raw Data Interpreted distance in cm (Trials 7, 8, and 9)


Trial 7 Trial 8 Trial 9

1m 2m 3m 1m 2m 3m 1m 2m 3m

98 198 298 100 198 292 99 198 299

99 198 297 100 199 292 99 199 305

99 198 299 99 200 298 99 200 300

99 199 300 100 198 299 100 199 298

99 200 300 99 199 298 98 199 298

100 199 289 99 199 298 100 200 299

99 199 289 98 199 295 99 200 299

99 199 299 99 198 303 99 199 302

99 200 298 98 200 293 98 198 295

98 198 298 100 200 298 100 200 296

98.9 198.8 296.7 99.2 199 296.6 99.1 199.2 299.1

Table A4

Raw Data Interpreted distance in cm (Trial 10)


1 meter 2 meter 3 meter

99 199 299

100 199 299

99 199 298

99 200 299

98 199 301

99 199 295

99 198 298

99 200 300

98 201 294

99 199 299

98.9 199.3 298.2


Table B1

Cost of Production of Vibrotactile Robotic Gloves: An Ultrasonic Obstacle

Distance Detectors for Visually Impaired

Item Quantity Cost

Plastic Gear, Pulley, and Belt set 1 set Php 99 + Php115
Shipping Fee
10cm Dupont Jumper Wires 40 pcs Php 50 + Php 110
Shipping Fee
Atmega Nano 328P CH340G 1 pc Php 225
Ultrasonic Sensor Distance Module 1 pc Php 49
Digital Micro servo 9g SG92R 1.6 kg 1 pc Php 200
O-ring 1 pc Php 30
9V battery 1 pc Php 57
Battery Snap 1 pc Php 13
Toggle Switch 1 pc Php 15
Toothbrush Casing 1 pc Php 35

Gluestick 2 pcs Php 10

Electrical Tape 1 pc Php 14
Super Glue 1 pc Php 10
Total: Php 1032

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