Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare Pastimes of Krishna

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One day the demoness Putna descended from outer

space into Gokula, the home of Nand Maharaja.
Having been sent by cruel king Kans by killing all the
babies in Vrindavan Area, putna displayed her mystic
power and assumed the disguise of a very beautiful
She Boldly entered Krishna’s Bedroom without
permission, but everyone was so overwhelmed by her
beauty that they did not protest.
The baby Krishna, who resembled a fire covered by
ashes, looked upon putna and thought that he would have
to kill her, Putna could understand the great potency of
Krishna, but, enchanted by the Influence of Krishna's
internal energy, she took Krishna upon her lap anyway
and offered him her poison smeared breast to suck.

Suddenly baby Krishna became very angry at Putna, and

taking hold of her breast, he squeezed it very hard with
both hands and began to suck out both poison and
her life. In unbearable agony, putna perspired heavily,
failed her arms and legs wildly, and cried out, "please
leave me, please leave me! Suck my breast no longer!"
But Krishna Persisted, and as the demoness lost her life,
she assumed her original, huge form.
Then before the amazed Gopis Krishna began fearlessly
playing on the breast of Putna's twelve-mile-long corpse.

During baby Krishna's Uthana Ceremony, mother

Yashoda saw that he was falling asleep, and she placed
the child in a cradle underneath a household cart.
This handcart was actually a form of Sakatasura, a
demon who had come to kill the child. Although lord
Krishna's little legs were as soft as leaves,
when he struck the cart with them it turned over
violently and collapsed. The wheels separated from the
axle, the hubs and spokes fell apart, and the pole of the
handcraft broke. On the cart there were many little
utensils made of various metals, and they all scattered
hither and thither.
When mother Yashoda, Nand Maharaja and their friends
saw the situation, wondered how the handcart had
collapsed by itself.
They wondered here and there, trying to find the cause,
but they were unable to do so, "Is it the work of some
demon or evil planet?" they asked.
At that time, the small children present asserted that
the cart had been kicked apart by the baby Krishna but
the assembled cowherd men and women, unaware of

Krishna’s powers, did not believe it.


Because of Krishna’s weight, Trnavarta considered

himself to be a great mountain or a hunk of iron.
But because Krishna had caught the demon's neck, the
demon was unable to throw him off.
He therefore thought of the child as wonderful, since
he could neither bear the child nor cast aside the
With Krishna grasping him by the throat, Trnavarta
choked, unable even to make a sound or move his hands
and legs.
His eyes popping out, the demon lost his life and fell,
along with the little boy, down to the ground of Vraja.
While the Gopis who had gathered were crying for
Krishna, the demon fell from the sky onto a slab of
stone, his limbs dislocated.
The Gopis immediately picked up Krishna from the
demon's chest and delivered Him to mother Yashoda.
Because the child was unhurt and now free from all
danger and misfortune, the Gopis and cowherd men,
headed by Nand maharaja, were extremely happy.



One day while Krishna was playing with his playmates and
Balarama, all his friends joined Balarama in lodging a
complaint with mother Yashoda.

"Mother", they submitted, "Krishna has eaten Earth."

Upon hearing from Krishna's playmates, mother
Yashoda, who was always full of anxiety over Krishna's
welfare, picked Krishna up to look into his mouth and
chastise him.
Her eyes fearful, she spoke to Krishna as follows, "Dear
Krishna why are you so restless that you have eaten dirt
in a solitary place?"
Krishna replied, "Mother Yashoda, I have never eaten
dirt. All my friends complaining against me are liars. If
you think they are being truthful,
you can directly look into my mouth and examine it."
Mother Yashoda challenged Krishna, "if you have not
eaten the dirt, then open your mouth wide."
When Krishna was ordered by his mother, he
immediately opened his mouth Just like an ordinary boy.
Then mother yashoda saw within his mouth the complete
opulence of creation.
She saw outer space in all directions, mountains, Islands,
oceans, seas, planets, air, fire, moon and stars.
Indeed, mother Yashoda saw within mouth of her child
everything necessary for cosmic manifestation.
Upon seeing this, she became struck with awe and
wondered whether she was dreaming or actually seeing
something extraordinary.
Then Krishna expanded his internal energy, and yashoda
forgot all philosophical speculation and accepted Krishna
once again as her own child.

while mother Yashoda Churned butter, Lord Krishna

desiring to drink her breast milk, appeared before her,
and to increase her transcendental pleasure,
He caught hold of the churning rod and prevented him
from churning.
Mother Yashoda then embraced Krishna, allowed him to
sit on her lap and began to look upon the face of Govind
with great love and affection.
Because of her great affection, milk flowed from her
breasts, but when she saw that the milk pan on the stove
was boiling over,
she immediately left her son to take care of the
overflowing milk, although the child was not yet fully
satisfied with drinking his mother’s breast milk.
Biting his reddish lips in anger and shedding false tears,
Krishna broke the container of yogurt with a stone.
Then he entered the room and began to eat freshly
churned butter in a solitary place.
Mother Yashoda, after taking the hot milk from the
stove, returned to the churning spot, and when she saw
that the container of yogurt was broken and that
was gone, she concluded that the breaking of pot was his

All the Gopi friends of Yashoda and Rohini enjoyed the

naughty childish activities of Krishna and Balarama in
In order to enjoy further transcendental bliss, they all
assembled and went to mother Yashoda to lodge
complaints against the restless boys.
They Said, "Dear Yashoda, why don't you restrict your
Naughty Krishna? He comes to our houses with Balarama
every morning and evening,
and before the milking of the cows, we find no milk, we
have to return with empty pots.
If we warn Krishna and Balarama not to do this, they
Simply Smile Charmingly and then we cannot do
Krishna and Balarama find great pleasure in stealing our
stock of yogurt and butter wherever we keep it.
When Krishna and Balarama are caught stealing the
yogurt and butter, They Say "Why do you Charge us with
Do you think Yogurt and butter are scarce in our house?
Sometimes they Steal Butter Yogurt and milk and
distribute them to monkeys.
when the monkeys are well fed and do not take any more,
your boys chide and say "These milk and butter and
yogurt are useless- even the monkeys won't
take it." Then they break the pots and throw hither and
"If we keep our stock of butter and yogurt high on the
ceiling, in a pot hanging on a swing, although it is beyond
their reach they try to reach it by
piling all kinds of wooden planks on top of a grinding
machine. And still if they cannot reach the pot, they
poke a hole in the bottom."

The bells tied to Baby Krishna's waist and ankles

sounded fascinating, and he would move around very
Sometimes, imitating an ordinary child, he would pretend
to be frightened by others and immediately hurry to his
mother for protection.
Sometimes he would fall into the clay and mud of
Vrindavan and would approach his mother smeared with
clay and saffron.
He had been smeared with saffron and sandalwood pulp
by his mother, but due to crawling over mud clay, he
would also smear his body with clay.
As soon as he would come crawling to his mother,
Yashoda maiya would take him on her lap and allow him
to suck her breast.
Mother yashoda would see small teeth coming in. Thus
her joy would be intensified to see her child grow.
Within the house of Nand Maharaja, the cowherd ladies
would enjoy seeing the pastimes of baby Krishna.
The baby would catch the end of a Calf's tail, and the
calf would drag him here and there. When the ladies saw
these pastimes, they stopped their household activities
and enjoyed the fun.
Mother Yashoda felt she was unable to protect her baby
Krsna from Calamities threatened by horned cows, fire,
animals with claws and teeth such as monkeys,
dogs and cats, and by thorns, swords and other weapons
on the ground.
Thus she was always in anxiety, and her household
engagements were disturbed. At that time, she was fully
absorbed in the transcendental ecstasy known as
the distress of maternal affection for Krishna.

The Supreme Personality of Godhead has no beginning

and no end, no exterior and no interior, no front and no
In other words, He is all-pervading. Because He is not
under the influence of the element of time, for Him
there is no difference between past,
present and future; He exists in his own transcendental
form at all times.
When mother Yashoda was trying to bind the offending
child, she saw that the binding rope was short by a
measurement of two fingers.
Thus she brought another rope to join it, it was still two
fingers too short. As many ropes as she joined, all of
them failed; their shortness could not be overcome.
Thus mother Yashoda joined whatever ropes were
available in the household, but still she failed in her
attempt to bind Krishna.
Because of mother Yashoda's hard labor, her whole body
became covered with perspiration, and the flowers and
the comb fell from her hair.
When child Krishna saw his mother thus fatigued, he
became merciful to her and agreed to be bound.

After stealing butter, one day, Krishna allowed mother Yashoda

to catch him and bind him to a grinding mortar.
Thus, by his own arrangement he was then ready to fulfill the
words of his great devotee Narad Muni.
Narad had cursed the two brothers Nalakuvera and Manigriva
to become two Arjuna trees in NandMaharaja’s courtyard, but
Narada had also promised that one day

they would see Krishna, face to face.

Seeing the two Arjuna trees in front of him, Krishna thought,

"These two trees were formerly Nalakuvara and Manigriva. But
although these two young men are the sons of the very rich
Kuver, I actually have nothing to do with them.
Yet Narad Muni is my dear and affectionate devotee, and
therefore, because he wanted Me to come face to face with
them, I must do so for their deliverance."
Having thus decided to deliver two brothers, Krishna dragged
the big mortar between the two Arjuna trees and caused it to
become stuck between them.
Then with great force he uprooted the two trees, which
trembled severely and fell to the ground with great crash.
Thereafter, in that very place where the two Arjuna trees had
fallen, two great, perfect personalities appeared, their
effulgent beauty illuminating in all directions.


Sri Krishna, the original Lord and source of everything, has four
more extraordinary transcendental qualities than His other
They are as follows:
1) He is the performer of wonderful varieties of pastimes
(especially his childhood pastimes);
2) He is surrounded by devotes endowed with wonderful love of
Godhead (the cowherd girls, or Gopis);
3) He can attract all living entities within the universe by
playing on His flute;
4) The wonderful excellence of his beauty cannot be rivaled
anywhere in the creation.
Therefore, He is addressed as Madana-Mohana, "the attractor
of Cupid"; Govinda, "He who gives pleasure to the cows";
Gopal, "the protector of the cows"; Yashodanandana, "the dear
son of mother Yashoda"; Nandnandana, "the dear son of Nand
Gopināth, "the Lord of the cowherd girls. A manifestation of
Vrindavan can be found in this planet, which is identical to the
original Krishnloka,
although specific pastimes of the Lord differentiate them.
Even though one may be fortunate enough to be in the very
physical place of Vrindavan Dham,
when the Lord performed his earthly pastimes five thousand
years ago, if he's spiritually dull it won't be thoroughly
manifested to him.
The inhabitants of Vrindavan on the perfect setting for the
most precious jewel, Sri Krishna, who manifests His maximum
beauty when with Sri Radha,
accompanied by unlimited Gopis, in a loving mellowness. This is
considered by ancient sages as the sweetest of the Lord's
when the soul's supreme eternal pleasure is gifted personally
by her main subject of love - Sri Krishna.

While Lord Siva was in meditation, he discovered that the Lord

of all Lords has now appeared in Vraja, at the house of Nanda
So on the twelfth day after birth of Lord Krishna, Shiva
decided to go to Gokul to see Krishna.
Parvati said she would like to go too, but Siva said it was too
far for you to travel.
So Parvati said politely: I have heard that the butter from
Gokul is very nice, can you bring some back. Shiva agreed and
left for Gokul.

So Lord Siva arrived in Gokul.

The Lord was acting as a baby, performing His pastimes in the
lap of Mother Yashoda.
Knowing that Nanda Maharaja generously gives charity to
please the Brahmanas, Lord Siva decided to disguise himself as
a Brahmana and proceeded to Gokul to see Lord Krsna.
But as soon as he touched the dust of Vraja, before entering
Gokul, he realized that he should not change his form.
He thought, “The Lord knows who I am, therefore I must go in
my real form.” This is the nature of the dust of Vraja- it brings
perfect realization to the heart of a real devotee.
Lord Siva’s natural form has three eyes and long unkept, matted

He wears a tiger skin, a garland of snakes, a belt of scorpions,

and has ashes smeared all over his body.
Exhibiting this fearsome form, he entered Gokul, proceeded to
Mother Yashoda’s house, and knocked on the door, he said

“Bhikhsham De Hi”
Mother Yashoda answered the door, but, in her deep, ecstatic
love for Krishna, did not recognize the visitor as Lord Siva.
Yashoda, always being generous to visiting saints, said, “Wait
outside. I will bring you a gift.”
Lord Siva replied, “No, no, I do not want any gifts. I have come
here to see your son.”
Upon hearing the visitor’s request, Mother Yashoda replied,
“No, it is not possible for you to see Him. Anything else you
wish, you may have. I see you are hungry and in need of clothing.
Please wait a moment, and I shall bring you some nice prasada
and clean clothes. Please take them and leave.”
Lord Siva replied, “No, no, I have everything. My wife is
Annapurna (another name for Parvati), whom I have left behind
to come and see your son. Please allow me to see your son, if
only for a second.”
Hearing Lord Siva’s plea, Mother Yashoda then said, “Take what
I give you and go before your snakes and scorpions fall here.
Please understand that my baby is very small and will be
frightened by your dress, so please go.”
Knowing how stubborn Yashoda was, Lord Siva said, “I shall not
go until I see your son.”
Mother Yashoda then said, “You can sit here as long as you want,
but you will not see my son.”
Lord Siva replied, “I can sit here for ten thousand years. One
day, when your son grows up and is no longer under your control,
I will see Him then.”
Mother Yashoda then said, “O Babaji (respected saint), if you
sit here for ten thousand years, I shall close this gate for
twenty thousand years. I will open a different gate through
which my son will go out to play. Do not challenge me. My lovely
son is my life.”
Meanwhile, Krsna, laying on the bed, was aware of what was
going on outside the door.
He wanted these two of His devotees to quarrel over Him,
because He wanted to prove to everyone that the devotees in
the mood of parental love are superior to those in the mood of

Lord Siva is the greatest devotee of the Lord in the mood of

servitorship, and Mother Yashoda is a pure devotee in the mood
of parental love.
Both have unalloyed love for Krsna, but the mood of parental
love is a closer relationship than the mood of servitorship.
Therefore, Lord Siva had to yield to Mother Yashoda in this
Upon being defeated by Yashoda, Lord Siva thought, “O Krsna!
You are the Lord of the universe hiding in the house of this
cowherd lady. This is Your will, and if your will is not to see me,
what can I do?”
Thinking in this way, Lord Siva stated to Mother Yashoda, “O
lady, you yourself will soon call me to see your son.”
Hearing this, Mother Yashoda replied, “You go. I will not call
you. You can take whatever else you wish, but do not ask me
again to see my child.”
Lord Siva then left Yasoda’s house, feeling very morose. He
reached the bank of the Yamuna river, sat down, and began
meditating on how dramatically Krsna acts.
Krsna, knowing that Lord Siva, his best devotee, left the house
unsatisfied, began to cry, and no one could stop Him.
All the Gopas and Gopis tried to stop Krsna from crying, but
their attempts were of no avail. He continued crying loudly.
Then, a clever Gopi named Lalita approached Mother Yashoda
and asked her if anyone had left the house displeased.
Mother Yashoda thought for a moment and said, “Yes, one
mendicant came with snakes wrapped around his neck and
wanted to see my child. I wanted to give him whatever he
desired, but he insisted that he only wished to see my child. he
did not take anything and left unsatisfied.”
Lalita then said, “A Sadhu should never leave one’s house
unsatisfied. Whatever he wanted, he should have been given.
This is the curse that is haunting your baby and all of us.
Therefore, we must call the Sadhu.”
Mother Yashoda then described the appearance of the Sadhu
to Lalita. Lalita then left in search of the Sadhu, found him, and
brought him back to the house.
Mother Yashoda handed the crying Baby Krsna to Lord Siva.
As soon as Lord Siva received Krsna, He immediately stopped
crying, opened His eyes, and saw His pure devotee, Lord Siva.
Lord Siva, having taken Krsna atop his lap, was lost in an ocean
of transcendental ecstasy.
He said, “O Lord of the universe, O Lord of all, O Supreme
controller, it is very difficult to ascertain how You will act next.
It is inconceivable that the Lord who cannot be seen
by meditating for thousands of years, is now acting as the child
of a cowherd lady! Only You know your desire. No one else does.
O Lord, I simply pay my homage unto You.”
After saying this, Lord Siva took the Lord’s little feet, touched
them to his head, and chanted the Gopala Sahasra Nama Stotra,
“the one thousand names of the Lord.” He later repeated these
same names to Parvati when he returned home.
Upon seeing this, Mother Yashoda said, “Baba (father), watch
your snakes. My child is very small.”
Hearing this, Lord Siva realized the superiority of the devotion
of Mother Yashoda and understood why Krsna appeared as her
son. If one becomes a real devotee of Krsna, Krsna will
undoubtedly manifest to him.
Yashoda said you can’t go empty handed, please take some
Shivji then remember that he had to take some butter for
Parvati. So he takes some butter and leaves for Kailash.
On the way to Kailash, Shiva was thinking about Krishna, and
lost in that thought he did not realize that he was eating the
butter. And when he reached Kailash, all the butter was
When Shiva reached Kailash, he told Parvati all about Krishna
and how beautiful he is.

Parvati said that fine but what about the butter I asked for.
Shiva, not realizing that the butter had finished, gave Parvati
the container which had butter.
Parvati said the container is empty. Shiva replied that the
container was full but I had not realized that I had eaten all
the butter.
Parvati said, since you did not bring any prasadam for me, no-
one will eat your prasadam.
Moral of the story:
1. Please remember and buy what your wife has told you when
she sends you to shop!!! He he he!

2. Have strong desire to see Krishna as Lord Siva have

3.Serve sadhus and be careful not to offend them
4.Dont eat Siva prasadam!
(Now traditionally no one takes prasadam from Shiva mandir,
except saddu’s )

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare

Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.
PS: I humbly request all the devotees to please forward and
share this moral / instructive stories they hear so that

everyone can be benefited by hearing about Krishna and his

dear devotees.


Once a women selling fruit in Vrindavan called out, "O
inhabitants of Vrajabhumi! If you want to purchase some fruit,
come here!"
Upon hearing this, Krishna immidiately took some grains and
went to the barter as if he needed some fruit.
When Krishna hastily went towards the fruit vendor, most of
the grains he was holding fell.
Nonetheless, the fruit vendor filled Krishna’s hand with fruits,
and her basket was immidiately filled with Jewels and gold.
Krishna is so kind that if someone offers him a leaf, a fruit, a
flower or some water, he will immidiately accept it.
The only thing is that these things should be offered with
loving devotion. The fruit vendor although a women belonging to
lower class, dealt with Krishna
with great affection, saying "Krishna, you have come to take
some fruits in exchange of grains. All the grains have fallen,
but still you may take whatever you like."
Thus she filled Krishna’s palms with whatever fruit he could
carry. In return, Krishna filled her whole basket with jewels
and gold.
From this incident, one should learn that when something is
offered to Krishna with love and affection, Krishna will
reciprocate many millions of time over,
both materially and spiritually.


A demon named Bakasura once came to Vrindavan in the form

of a huge crane with a very sharp beak.
As long as he arrived in Vrindavan, he swallowed Krishna. When
Balarama and other boys saw that Krishna had been devoured
by the gigantic crane,

they became almost unconscious, like senses without life.

Although Krishna is always as soft as a lotus, within the throat
of Bakasura he created a burning sensation, as if He were
hotter than fire.
And although Krishna's body is sweeter than sugar candy, to
Bakasura he tasted extremely Bitter.

When Krishna is accepted as an enemy, he become the most

intolerable object for the non-devotee; indeed,

a non-devotee cannot tolerate Krishna either within or without.

Krishna became like fire, burning the root of the demon's
throat, and the demon immediately disgorged him.
When the demon saw that Krishna, although having been
swallowed, was unharmed, he immediately attacked Krishna
again with his sharp beak.
Krishna then took hold of the two halves of Baka's beak, and in
the presence of all the cowherd boys He very easily bifurcated
the demon,
as a child splits a blade of vīrana grass. By killing Bakasura,
Krishna delighted the denizens of heaven.
They showered Him with the mallikā-pushpa flowers, grown in
the heavenly Nandana gardens,
and congratulated Him by sounding celestrial kettledrums and
conchshells and offering prayers.
Seeing this, the cowherd boys were struck with wonder.


One day mother Yashoda called to Krishna, "My dear son,

because You have been playing all day, Your body has become
covered with dust and sand.
Therefore, come back, take Your bath, and cleanse Yourself.
Today the moon is conjoined with the auspicious stars of Your

Therefore, be pure and give cows in charity to the Brahmans."

"Just see how all your playmates have been cleansed and
decorated with beautiful ornaments by their mothers.
You should come here, and after You have taken Your bath,
eaten Your lunch, and been decorated with beautiful ornaments,
you may play with Your friends again."
Because of intense love and affection, mother Yashoda
considered Krishna, the Supreme Lord, to be her son.
Thus she took Krishna by the hand and brought Him home, and
then she fully bathed, dressed and fed him.


The demon Aghasura assumed the form of a huge python, as

thick as a huge mountain and as huge as 8 miles.
Having assumed this wonderful pythons body, he spread his
mouth like a big mountain cave and lay down on the road,
expecting to swallow Krishna and his cowherd boyfriends.
The demon expanded his mouth from land to sky. At first, the
boys thought that demon was a statue, but after examining it,
they saw that it was really a big serpent
lying down on the road and widening its mouth.
Fully confident of Krishna’s protection, the boys marched into
the mouth of gigantic serpent with their calves and they all
Then Krishna considered how the demon should be killed and
how He could revive the boys and the calves.
Finally, he entered the mouth of the demon and immidiately
began to expand himself within the demons’ throat.
After the demon died, Krishna revived all the boys and calves
with his transcendental glace and led them out of the demons’

The cowherd boys allowed the calves to drink water from the
river and then tied them to trees where there was green,
tender grass.
Then the boys opened their baskets of food and began eating
with Krishna in great transcendental pleasure.
Like the whorl of a lotus flower surrounded by its petals and
leaves, Krishna sat in the center, encircled by his friends, who
all looked very beautiful.
Every one of them was looking at Krishna, hoping that Krishna
might look at him. In this way, they all enjoyed their lunch in
the forest.
Some cowherd boys placed their lunch on flowers, some on
leaves, fruits, or bunches of leaves, some in their baskets, some
on bark, some on rocks.
These are what the children used for plates, as they ate their
lunch. All the cowherd boys enjoyed their lunch with Krishna,
sharing with one another various dishes, they had brought from
As they tasted one another's preparations, they began to laugh
and make one another laugh.
As the denizens of heaven looked on, they were struck with
wonder at how the Personality of Godhead,
who generally eats only food offered in formal Vedic sacrifices,
was now enjoying lunch with His friends in the forest.

One day Krishna entered the forest with Balarama while

tending the calves. When the cows who were pasturing atop the
Govardhan hill looked down to find some green grass
and saw their calves pasturing at the bottom of the hill.
They forgot themselves and about their caretakers because of
intense affection.
Although the path was very rough, the cows ran down to hill
towards their calves with great anxiety. With their full udders
spilling milk,
their heads and tails raised, and their humps moving with their
necks, they ran forcefully until they reached their calves to
feed them.
Meanwhile the cowherd men traversed the rough path down the
mountain with great difficulty.
Having check the cows racing towards their calves, the men felt
ashamed and angry. But when they reached their own sons, they
were overwhelmed by great affection.
All the thoughts of the cowherd men merged into the mellow of
paternal love, which was aroused by the sight of their sons.
Feeling great attraction for them, their anger was completely
gone, they lifted up their sons, embraced them in their arms,
and enjoyed the highest pleasure by smelling
their heads.


After being bewildered by Lord Krishna's unlimited potencies

and practically rendered dumb and blind, lord Brahma slowly
regained his external consciousness and stood up, just like a
dead man coming back to life.
Opening his eyes with great difficulty, he saw the universe,
along with himself.
Then, looking in all directions, Lord Brahma immediately saw
Vrindavan before him, filled with trees, which were the means
of livelihood for the inhabitants and which were equally pleasing
in all seasons.
Next Lord Brahma saw the absolute truth, who is one without a
second, who possesses full knowledge,
and who is unlimited assuming the role of a child in the family
of a cowherd men and standing all alone with a morsel of food
in his hand,
searching everywhere for the calves and his cowherd friends.
Brahma hastily got down from his swan carrier, fell down like a
golden Road, and touched the Lotus feet of Lord Krishna with
the tips of the
four crowns on his heads. Offering his obeisances, he bathed
Krishna's fetes with tears of joy.
Rising again and again at the Krishna's lotus feet for a long
time, Brahma repeatedly remembered the greatness of Lord
that he had just seen.
The Brahma rose very gradually, wiped his eyes, and looked up
at Krishna.
With his head bent low, his mind on concentrated, and his body
trembling, Brahma very humbly and flatteringly started to
offer prayers to the lord.


Once recovered friends of Krishna and Balrama told them, "In

the talavan forest many fruits are falling from the trees, and
many are lying on the ground.

But all the fruits are guarded by the evil Dhenuka.

O Rama! O Krishna! Dhenuka is the most powerful demon in the
form of an ass.
He is surrounded by many friends who have assume the similar
shapes and who are just as powerful as he.
Dhenuka has eaten men alive, and therefore all people and
animals are terrified to go to the "Tala" forest.
O killer of enemy, even the birds are afraid to fly there.
Hearing the words of their dear companions, Krishna and
Balram laughed and, desiring to please them, set off for the
"Tala" forest surrounded by a cowherd boyfriend.
Lord Balram enter the tala forest first. With his arms and
shaking the trees with the power of the maddened elephant,
causing the tala fruits to fall on the ground.
Hearing the sound of the falling fruits, the ass demon Dhenuka,
ran to attack Balrama, making the earth and trees tremble.
The powerful demon rushes up to Lord Balram and sharply
struck his chest with the hooves of his Hind Legs. Then
Dhenuka began to run about, braying loudly.
Lord Balarama Seized Dhenuka by his hooves, whirled him with
one hand, and threw him into the top of a palm tree.
The violent wheeling motion killed the demon.
Thoroughly enraged by the death of Dhenuka, the remaining ass
demons ran to attack Krishna and Balrama.
As the demons attacked, Krishna and Balarama seized them one
after another by their Hind legs and threw them all into the
tops of palm trees.


The lord remained for sometime within the coils of serpent,

imitating the behavior of an ordinary mortal.
But when he understood that the women, children and the other
residents of his village of Gokul were in acute distress because
of their love for him,
their only shelter and goal in life, he immidiately rose up from
the bonds of the Kaliya Serpent.
Having severely depleted the serpent's strength with his
relentless circling, Kanha pushed down Kaliyas raised shoulders
and mounted his broad, serpent heads.
Thus, Krishna, the original master of all fine arts, began to
dance, His lotus feet deeply reddened by the touch of the
numerous jewels upon the serpent's heads.
Seeing the lord Dancing, his servants in heavenly planets- The
gandharvas, Siddhas, sages, Caranas, and the wives of the
demigods- immidiately arrived there.
With great pleasure, they began accompanying the lords
dancing by playing drums such as Mridangas, panavas and
They also made offerings of songs, flowers and prayers.
Kaliya had one hundred and one prominent heads, and when one
of them would not bow down, Krishna would smash that
stubborn head by striking it with his feet.
Krishna’s wonderful, powerful dancing trampled and broke all of
Kaliyas one thousand hoods.
Then the serpent, profusely vomiting blood from his mouths,
finally recognized Krishna as the eternal personality of
the supereme master of all moving and nonmoving beings, Sri

Thus, within his mind, kaliya took shelter of the lord.


Suddenly a great forest fire appeared on all side, threatening

to destroy all forest creatures. Like a Chariot driver, the wind
swept the fire onward,
and terrible sparks shot in all directions.
Indeed, the great fire extended its tongues of flame toward
all moving and nonmoving creatures.
As the cows and cohered boys stared at the forest fire
attacking them on all sides, they became fearful.

The boys then approached Krishna and Balarama and said, "O
Krishna! Krishna! Most powerful one! O Rama! You whose
prowess never fails!
Please save your devotees who are about to be burned by his
forest fire and have come to take shelter of you!
hearing these potiable words from his friends, Krishna told
them, "just close your eyes and do not be afraid."
The boys immediately closed their eyes, then Krishna, the
master of all mystic power, opened his mouth and swallowed the
terrible fire, saving his friends from danger.
The cowherd boys opened their eyes and were amazed to find
out not only that they and the cows had been saved from the
terrible fire, but also that they had been

brought back to the Bhandira tree.

When the cowherd boys saw that they had been saved from the
forest fire by Krishna’s mystic power, which is manifested by
his internal potency,
they began to think that Krishna must be a demigod.


One day Krishna decided to take his breakfast as a picnic in the

forest. Having risen early in the morning, he blew his buggle
made of horn and woke all the cowherd boys and calves with its
beautiful sound. Then Krishna and the boys, keeping their
respective herds of calves before them, proceeded from
Vrajabhumi to the forest.
At that time, hundreds and thousands of cowherd boys came
out of their respective homes in Vrajabhumi and joined Krishna
keeping before them their hundreds and thousands of herds of
The boys were very beautiful and they were equipped with lunch
bags, buggles, flutes, and sticks for controlling the calves.

Along with the cowherd boys and their own herds of calves,
Krishna came out with an unlimited number of his calves. Then
the boys began to sport in
the forest in the greatly playful spirit. Although they had
already been decorated by their mothers with ornaments of
Kaca, Gunja, pearls and Gold, when they
went into the forest they further decorated themselves with
fruits, green leaves, bunches of flowers, peacock feathers, and
soft minerals.

Ornaments caress Krishna's body, but the transcendental body

of Krishna is so beautiful that it beautifies the ornaments He

Therefore, Krishna's body is said to be the ornament of

ornaments. Enhancing the wonderful beauty of Krishna, in His
three-curved style of standing,
which beautifies that form. Above all these beautiful features,
Krishna's eyes dance and move obliquely,
acting like arrows to pierce the minds of Srimati Radharani and
the other gopis. When the arrow succeeds in hitting its targets,
their minds become agitated.
Lord Krishna has many pastimes, but his pastimes as a human
being are the best.
His form as a human being is supreme transcendental form. In
this form He is a cowherd boy, He carries a flute in his hand,
and His youth is new.
He is also an expert dancer. All this is just suitable for His
pastimes as a human being.
The sweet attractive transcendental form of Krishna is so nice.
One should try to understand it.
Even a fractional understanding of Krishna's beauty can merge
all three worlds in the ocean of love, for he attracts all living


When Indra understood that the sacrifice the cowherd men
had meant to offer him in Vrindavan had been stopped by
he became furious and sent the smavartaka clouds to inundate
the whole area with an extensive flood. Ordered by King Indra,
the dangerous clouds appeared above Vrindavan and began to
pour water incessantly with all their strength.
There is constant lightning and thunder, severe wind and
incessant hail and rain. Every living creature in Vrindavan began
to tremble with severe cold.

Unable to find any other source of deliverance, the residents

of Vrindavan approached Govinda to take shelter of His lotus
Lord Krishna immediately picked up Goverdhana Hill with one
hand, exactly as a child picks up a mushroom from the Ground.
Lord Krishna then expressed His devotees, "My dear brothers,
My dear Father, My dear inhabitants of Vrindavan,
you can now safely enter under the umbrella of Goverdhana Hill,
which I have just lifted.
Do not be afraid that the hill will fall from My hand. You have
been too much afflicted by the heavy rain and strong wind;
therefore, I have lifted his hill, which will protect you exactly
like a huge umbrella.
Thus assured by Lord Krishna, all the inhabitants of Vrindavan
went under the great hill with their property and animals.
They all remained there for one week without being disturbed
by hunger, thirst, or any other discomforts.
After seven days, Indra finally understood Krishna's mystic
power and ordered the clouds to withdraw.


Seeing lord Krishna approaching like death personified, the
quick witted kans instantly rose from his seat and drew his
sword and shield.
Sword in hand, Kans moved quickly from side to side like a hawk
in the sky.
But Krishna, whose fearsome strength is irresistible,
powerfully seized the demon just as Garuda might capture a
Grabbing kans by Hair and knocking off his crown, the lotus-
navelled Lord threw him off the elevated dais onto the
wrestling mat.

Then the independent Lord, the support of the entire Universe,

threw himself upon the king. Krishna at once Straddled his
chest and began to pummel him
again and again. simply from the blow of Krishna’s fist, Kans lost
his life.
Then, as a lion drags a dead elephant, Krishna dragged kans's
body along the ground in full view of everyone present.
All the people in arena tumultuously cried out, some in
lamentation, some in Jubilation.
Kans had always been disturbed by the thought that the
Supereme lord was to kill him.
Therefore, when drinking, eating, moving about, sleeping, or
breathing, the king had always seen the lord before him with
the disc weapon in his hand.
Because he was constantly meditating on the lord, Kans
achieved the rear boon of attaining a form like the lord's.


Srila Narottama das Thakura, a great Vaishnava spiritual
master of sixteenth century, sings, "The divine couple, Sri Sri
Radha and Krishna are my life and soul.
In life or death, I have no other refuge but them. In a forest
of small kadamba trees on the bank of the Yamuna,
I will seat the divine couple on a throne made of brilliant jewels.
I will anoint their dark and fair forms with sandalwood paste
scented with cūyā,
and I will fan them with a cāmara whisk. Oh when will I behold
their moonlike faces?
"After stringing together garlends of mālatī flowers, I will
place them around Their necks, and I will offer tāmbūla scented
with camphor to their lotus mouths.

With the permission of all the sakhis headed by Lalita and

Vishakha, I will serve the lotus feet of Radha and Krishna.
Narottama dasa, the servent of the servent of Sri Caitanya
Mahāprabhu, longs for his service to the divine couple."

Once a demon named Bhaumasur stole lord Varunas umbrella,

mother Aditi's golden earings, and the playground of the
demigods, known as mani-parvata.
He also kidnapped 16100 beautiful young maidens from various
royal families all over the world.
Indra, king of heaven, went to Dwarika to describe the Demons
transgressions to Lord Krishna. Together with queen
Satyabhama, the lord then mounted his

carrier Garuda and travelled to the Capital of Bhaumasura's

On a field outside the city he decapitated the demon Mura with
his Disc. Then he fought and killed the seven sons of Mura,
sending them all to the abode of death.
After this, Bhaumasura himself entered the battlefield on the
back of an elephant and attacked Krishna with his spear, but
the weapon proved ineffective,
and Krishna cut the demon's entire army into pieces. Finally,
with his sharped-edged disc, Krishna cut off bhaumasuras head.
Afterwards lord Krishna entered the demon's place, where he
found the 16,100 princesses. As soon as they caught sight of
the lord, they all decided to accept him as
their husband.
In Vedic society, once a girl has been kidnapped, she is
considered defiled and unfit for marriage. Yet, the lord out of
his causeless mercy, and in response to
their love for him, decided to marry all of them. Thus, he sent
them to Dwarika along with a great quantity of treasure taken
from the place of Bhaumasura.
When Krishna returned to Dwarika, he duly married each
maiden simultaneously in Individual ceremonies, thus proving
that he is no ordinary man, even though his
earthly pastimes sometimes resemble human activities.



As the great battle of Kurukshetra was about to commence, on

the pandava's side Lord Krishna and Arjuna, stationed on a
great chariot drawn by white horses, sounded
their transcendental counchshells. Krishna’s counchshell was
called as Panchajanya, and Arjuna's Devadatta, Bhīma, the
voracious eater and performer of Herculean
tasks, also blew his terrific counchshell, called Paundra. Then
King Yudhishthira, Nakula, sahdeva and many other violent
warriors on the Pandava's side blew their respective
counchshells. The uproarious sound vibrating on the sky and on
the Earth, shattered the hearts of the sons of Dhritarashtra.
The blowing of the counchshells on the Pandavas side was very
encouraging to the fighting soldiers on that side.
On the other side, there was no such encouragement, for there
was not the presence of lord Krishna, the supereme director,
or that of the Goddess of fortune.
So the Kurus were predestined to lose the battle-and that was
the message announced by the sounds of the counchshells.

Arjuna Inquired, "O Krishna, who are considered to be

more perfect: Those who are always properly engaged in
your devotional service,
or those who worship the impersonal Brahman, the
Krishna Replied, "Those who fix their mind on my
personal form and are always engaged in worshipping me
with great and transcendental faith are considered by
me to
be most perfect. But those control the various senses
and being equally disposed to everyone, fully worship the
unmanifested, that which lies beyond the perception
of the senses, the all-pervading, inconceivable,
unchanged, fixed, and immovable-the impersonal
conception of the absolute-truth such persons,
engaged in welfare of all, at last achieve me.
For those whose minds are attached to the
unmanifested, impersonal feature of the supereme,
advancement is very trouble. To make progress in that
discipline is always difficult for those who are embodied.
But those who worship me, giving up all their activities
up to me and being devoted to me without deviation,
engaged in devotional service and always meditating upon
me, having fixed their minds upon me, O-Son of Pratha
for them I am the swift deliverer from the ocean of
birth and death.
"Just fix your mind upon me, the supereme personality
of godhead, and engage all your intelligence in me. Thus
you will live in me always without a doubt."





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