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International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability

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Amaranth production and consumption in South

Africa: the challenges of sustainability for food and
nutrition security

Obianuju Chiamaka Emmanuel & Olubukola Oluranti Babalola

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Amaranth production and consumption in South Africa: the challenges of sustainability
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Amaranth production and consumption in South Africa: the challenges

of sustainability for food and nutrition security
a,b a
Obianuju Chiamaka Emmanuel and Olubukola Oluranti Babalola
Food Security and Safety Niche Area, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, North-West University Mmabatho, South
Africa; bFarming System Programme, National Horticultural Research Institute, Ibadan, Nigeria

Amaranthus spp occupies a strategic position in combating food and nutrition African leafy vegetables;
insecurity, as it is widely consumed in sub-Saharan Africa. It is drought tolerant and amaranthus; malnutrition;
can grow on marginal soils, however, with adequate management; it can produce pigweed; underutilized
about 40 tons/ha of fresh leaves. The leaves are rich in nutrients that can combat vegetables
malnutrition and support healthy eating. Despite the huge benefits offered by
amaranth, it has been underutilized in South Africa. Its consumption is
concentrated in rural areas, where it is harvested from the wild during the rains.
There are no large-scale productions of amaranth, hence the lack of data on its
production. Inadequate knowledge of its uses, agronomic requirement, low
research efforts and the absence of an organized market are part of the reasons
why amaranth is still underutilized in South Africa. This paper argues that with
increased awareness of the benefits of amaranth and research geared towards
agronomic improvement, social and economic acceptance, amaranth will be
utilized nationwide with time. It recommends that conscious effort should be
aimed at introducing amaranth into mainstream agricultural value chains through
increased research attention and awareness of its nutritional benefits. This will
ensure sustainable production to match the anticipated increase in consumption.

1. Introduction
iron, zinc, and vitamin C (Van der Merwe et al.,
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and 2016). Shisana et al. (2014) reported that about 16
the United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition million people in South Africa are food insecure with
(2016–2025) requires all countries and stakeholders the majority living in the rural areas and this trend
to work collectively to terminate hunger and has not decreased in recent years (Mabhaudhi et al.,
prevent all forms of malnutrition by 2030 (FAO, 2019). Also, the National Department for Health,
2017). However, as of 2020 (10 years to the end of South Africa in 2019 published that 43% of children
the timeline), malnutrition is still pronounced world- below 5 years are malnourished [stunting (27%),
wide, especially in Africa. It has been estimated that wasting (3%) and overweight (13%)] while 68% of
one in every four people in Sub-Saharan Africa is women in South Africa are overweight (Gillespie &
undernourished (FAO, 2017). Sub-Saharan Africa has van den Bold, 2017). Generally, one in four rural
the highest occurrence of Vitamin A deficiency in chil- poor households in South Africa is food insecure
dren and iron deficiency in women, respectively; glob- especially during winter (Hendriks et al., 2016). The
ally (Stevens et al., 2015). South Africa as a country has majority of households in South Africa consume a
been classified as food secure at the national level but limited variety of foods, mainly consisting of starch
faces the challenges of food insecurity at household staples and sugar with a little relish of vegetables
levels due to nutrient deficiencies such as vitamin A, (Bvenura & Afolayan, 2015; Nyathi et al., 2018). This

CONTACT Olubukola Oluranti Babalola Food Security and Safety Niche Area, Faculty of Natural and
Agricultural Sciences, North-West University, 2735 Mmabatho, South Africa
© 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

highlights the gap in the nutrition security of the as vegetables (Mbwambo et al., 2015). While some
population, especially in rural areas. species grow as weeds in cultivated fields, others
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 2017) are cultivated for consumption with the ability to
sent an early warning signal that meeting the 2030 yield 40 tons/ha of fresh leaves with proper manage-
target of ending hunger and especially malnutrition ment. One of its outstanding characteristics is that it
will be challenging. To meet the target, renewed strat- has great nutritional value as it contains antioxidants
egies and conscious efforts are required, especially and minerals and offers great benefit to solve food
with the global outbreak of COVID-19. To reduce mal- insecurity and malnourishment plaguing rural poor
nutrition in South Africa and diversify the diet, there communities in South Africa. Furthermore, it is a C4
has been recent awareness on the inclusion of indi- plant that has a short cycle, easy to cultivate and is
genous African Leafy Vegetables (ALV) into the house- known to adapt in various agro-ecologies even in
hold diet. These ALVs are sources of micronutrients harsh conditions (Orona-Tamayo & Paredes-López,
and antioxidants that promote good health and 2017). Being a C4 plant, it yields more dry matter
reduce ‘hidden hunger’. ALVs are ‘plant species per unit of water utilized. This ability makes it to be
which are either genuinely native to a particular more water-efficient than some exotic vegetables. It,
region, or which were introduced to that region for therefore, offers huge benefits of being a promising
long enough to have evolved through natural pro- vegetable for cultivation in marginal, arid and semi-
cesses or farmer selection’ (Van Rensburg et al., arid regions (Alemayehu et al., 2015).
2007). Some of the identified ALVs in South Africa Despite the ability of amaranth to adapt in poor
are Corchorus olitorius and C. tridens (jute mallow), conditions typical of rural farmers and also satisfy
Amaranthus spp (pigweed), Citrullus lanatus and household nutrition needs, its consumption and
Cucumis melo (melon), Vigna unguiculata (cowpea), usage have been on the decline over the years in
Cleome gynandra (spider plant), Cucurbita pepo, South Africa (Maseko et al., 2018; Oelofse & van Aver-
C. maxima and C. moschata (pumpkin), Solanum beke, 2012). This is in contrast to West and East Africa
nigrum and S. retroflexum (nightshade), Brassica rapa where amaranth is one the most produced and con-
supsp. chinensis (Chinese cabbage) and Chenopodium sumed vegetables (Achigan-Dako et al., 2010). The
album (Maseko et al., 2018; Van Rensburg et al., 2007). cultivation of Amaranth in these regions has a positive
Amaranthus species or amaranth also popularly impact on food and nutrition security and generates
known as pigweed stands out among the ALVs of income for smallholder farmers. It is also an important
South Africa due to its versatile nature and ability to vegetable grown by urban and peri-urban farmers in
grow in harsh conditions. In addition to these, the these regions of Africa (Achigan-Dako et al., 2014).
leaves and tender stems are consumed while the Similarly, in Nepal and India, ricebean (Vigna umbel-
old hard stems are discarded (Alegbejo, 2013; lata) is being promoted as a means of improving
Vorster et al., 2002). It has been classified as a poten- food security among resource-poor farmers through
tial vegetable that has a promising economic value breeding and other research and development-
among the other ALVs (Jimoh et al., 2018) which is a related activities (Andersen, 2012). Amaranth in
pointer to its unexploited prospects in South Africa. South Africa is rarely cultivated by large-scale
Apart from their use as food, Amaranth and other farmers, but exists in the wild and is harvested after
underutilized crops essential part of energy and nutri- the first rains (DAFF, 2014). Little cultivation and har-
ent flows in the farming systems (Andersen, 2012). vesting of amaranth from the wild are common in
Amaranth belongs to the family Amaranthaceae Limpopo, Eastern Cape and Kwazulu-Natal provinces
and originated from South America (Ogwu, 2020). by rural smallholder farmers who do not have ade-
Ebert et al. (2011) reported that amaranth has about quate access to agricultural support services inputs
70 species with roughly 17 of them cultivated as (Van Rensburg et al., 2007).
leafy vegetables and 3 for grain (pseudocereal) pur- Although Amaranth is also cultivated at the
poses. The latter is referred to as a pseudocereal research level in South Africa, wide gaps still exist
because they are non-grass species, which produces with regard to many aspects of amaranth production.
grains that are used in the same way as cereals. Gerrano et al. (2015) reported that 32 amaranth gen-
However, there are often no clear distinction otypes had been selected across South Africa and
between grain and vegetable amaranth since the evaluated in the field. In a similar vein, Germishuizen
leaves of young grain amaranths are also consumed et al. (2006) also reported that there are about 16

indigenous and localized Amaranthus species in South 2007). Brief characteristics of these species are dis-
Africa. This suggests that constraints to amaranth con- cussed below:
sumption in South Africa are more related to pro- Amaranthus thunbergii is an erect variety that can
duction and acceptance than to the availability of a grow up to 50 cm. It is usually found in the wild and
suitable variety or genotype. The consumption of consumed for its leaves, which are used either as
the vegetable is determined by some factors like flavour or vegetable. The inflorescence is greenish in
poverty, urbanization, market availability, access and axillary clusters with brown or shiny black seeds
seasonal variations (Van Rensburg et al., 2007). The (Achigan-Dako et al., 2014).
gaps in amaranth production are agronomic (plant Amaranthus spinosus also known as spiny amaranth
population, fertilizer, crop mixtures) studies, post- or spiny pigweed (Jimoh et al., 2018) has leaves that are
harvest losses, storage, and marketing. Closing this consumed. It exists mainly in the wild and can grow up
gap will help increase the acceptance of amaranth to 100 cm; the leaves have sharp spines of variable
by farmers and gain the confidence of consumers. sizes (Ogwu, 2020). It has a shiny black seed with a
Dietary monotony has also been identified as a narrow margin and usually found in the wild. The
critical issue in South Africa (Mabhaudhi et al., 2016) stem is obtusely angular while the leaves are alternate
hence the need for increased use of underutilized and the inflorescence is made up of dense clusters
vegetables like amaranth to expand the food basket, (Achigan-Dako et al., 2010). It is mainly found in the
thereby diversifying diet. Intensification of amaranth Limpopo province (Mavengahama et al., 2013).
production and consumption through research and Amaranthus hybridus is commonly known as
development could be an easy entry point of redu- smooth pigweed (Jimoh et al., 2018). It has green
cing malnutrition and promoting the general well- leaves with characteristic red blotches. It grows up
being of people along with realizing food security to 180 cm and can be harvested after 120 days of cul-
(Onyango, 2010). This review, therefore, seeks to tivation. The leaves are eaten as a vegetable and also
outline the status of Amaranth production in South found around KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo province
Africa with the aim of highlighting the challenges (Mavengahama et al., 2013).
and opportunities for its marketing, utilization and Amaranthus deflexus is also known commonly as
consumption and proffer possible ways of overcom- large-fruit amaranth. It grows up to 50 cm with alter-
ing the challenges. We also present some Amaranthus nate leaves that are not separated into leaflets. The
species found in South Africa focusing on their nutri- inflorescence is typically dense and leafy at the base.
tional importance to promote their consumption and The seeds of A. deflexus are bigger than other Amar-
utilization. We equally listed some of their phyto- anthus species (Ogwu, 2020).
chemical and mineral contents that can help mitigate Amaranthus hypochondriacus (Figure 1) is one of the
micronutrient deficiency in the country. In addition to cultivated grain amaranth varieties with edible leaves.
these, increased sustainable production, and inte- The tender leaves have a mild flavour and are consumed
gration of amaranth into the mainstream cropping as a vegetable. It is vigorous, erect, and the height
system in South Africa and linking rural farmers to ranges from 40–200 cm. The stem is typically branched,
an organized market can provide economic opportu- mostly in the inflorescence. The leaves are arranged spi-
nity especially for the rural poor and diversification of rally, the flowers are unisexual while the seed can be
diet. white, yellow or black (Ogwu, 2020).
Amaranthus graecizans is commonly known as
spreading pigweed and mainly cooked as a leafy veg-
2. Amaranthus species in South Africa and
etable. The height ranges from 50 to 150 cm and
their characteristics
strongly branched from the lower part (Ogwu, 2020).
Amaranthus species are considered as one of the The leaves are arranged spirally while the inflorescence
common underutilized ALVs found in South Africa. is an axillary cluster. The flowers are yellow and unisex-
Even though it is hardly cultivated, some species ual containing round black seeds. Amaranthus graeci-
have been found in the country. These include Amar- zans (Figure 2) appears to be resistant to pests and
anthus thunbergii, A. spinosus, A. hybridus, A. deflexus, diseases; however, it is an alternative host of Verticillium
A. hypochondriacus, A. greazicans, A. viridus, fungi, which caused damage to tomato.
A. cruentus (Steyn et al., 2001; Van Rensburg et al., Amaranthus viridus commonly known as slender
2007) and A. tricolor (Gerrano et al., 2015; Modi, amaranth and widely consumed as a leafy vegetable

Figure 1. Amaranthus hypochondriacus.

is an annual plant with upright, light green stems. It

grows to about 60–80 cm with branches that are
angular and emerge from the base, while the leaves
are ovate (Ogwu, 2020). The flowers are unisexual,
small and green, containing seeds that are smooth
and glossy (Achigan-Dako et al., 2010). It is found in
the wild and sometimes cultivated (Achigan-Dako
et al., 2014).
Amaranthus cruentus also known as purple or red
amaranth is one of the three amaranth species culti-
vated for its grain. The green cultivars also exist and
are common in South Africa (Figure 3). The tender
leaves are eaten as a leafy vegetable while the seeds
can be germinated and eaten as a nutritious sprout.
The stems are branched, the leaves are arranged spi-
rally and it can grow up to 200 cm tall (Achigan-Dako Figure 2. Amaranthus graecizans.
et al., 2010). It has unisexual flowers with smooth and
thin seeds (Wolosik & Markowska, 2019).
Amaranthus tricolor is multi-coloured amaranth marginal land with limited access to irrigation and
specie usually cooked and consumed as leafy veg- inputs. There has not been commercial production,
etables. It typically grows in the wild in South Africa hence the lack of data on its production levels. Data
and can grow up to 125 cm. The leaves are arranged on amaranth is also scarce partly due to the fact the
spirally with unisexual and smooth black or brown all the ALVs are lumped together (Van Rensburg
seed (Rahman & Gulshana, 2014). et al., 2007) and amaranth cannot be easily separated.
The climate of South Africa is favourable to amar-
anth and it can be cultivated in all the agro-ecologies
3. Amaranth production and potential in during summer. The timing of its cultivation is a criti-
South Africa cal issue that should be addressed. Amaranth, unlike
Amaranth production in South Africa is mostly at the Swiss chard and cabbage, cannot withstand low
research level while the rest are in the wild and temperature. All amaranth varieties prefer warm
among smallholder farmers that have small plots of temperatures and can thrive above 250C day

variations in species and location effect. These efforts

to promote the utilization of ALVs also require out-
scaling and sensitization of the people generally.
The increased awareness for its consumption will be
more effective if it is matched with cultivation to
make it available and more acceptable for consump-
tion. It will also reduce over-reliance on the limited
number of exotic dark leaf vegetables thereby diversi-
fying their diet. Cultivation of amaranth in the green-
house during winter is also another possibility that
can ensure availability during the offseason.

4. Nutritional and phytochemical

composition of amaranth
Almost all the nutrients required for balanced nutri-
tion and growth in human beings are present in
plants. Vegetables are cheap sources of these essen-
tial nutrients due to their vitamins and mineral
content but have not been utilized maximally. Potass-
ium contained in vegetables helps in maintaining
Figure 3. Amaranthus cruentus (green type). healthy blood pressure while their dietary fibre
content helps to lower the blood cholesterol levels
and subsequently lower the risk of heart diseases.
temperature, but not lower than 150C night tempera- Vegetables also contain folic acid that helps to
ture (Achigan-Dako et al., 2014). Lower temperatures reduce the possibilities of birth defects while the vita-
lead to chilling injury, thereby making the plant to mins contribute to healthy eyes, skin, and gum. Staple
be fibrous and bent. Amaranth is also photoperiod crops (cereals and root crops) contain carbohydrates
sensitive and begins to flower if the day length is that give energy but are deficient in micronutrients
less than 12 h (Ebert et al., 2011). Twelve hours of (Afari-Sefa et al., 2012). Therefore, a diet composed
day length also helps to increase the quantity of phy- mostly of these staple crops often leads to hidden
tochemicals and other antioxidants present in the hunger/malnutrition(von Grebmer et al., 2014).
leaves (Ali et al., 2009). Water scarcity is a major Some decades past, amaranth was rediscovered as
concern for crop production in South Africa, but amar- a promising plant that could be a good source of
anth is drought tolerant thereby placing it at a protein, unsaturated oil and other beneficial nutrients
vantage position for local production. Notwithstand- (Jimoh et al., 2018). Analysis of amaranth nutrient
ing, prolonged dry spells induce early flowering and content has shown that it can address micronutrient
decrease leaf yield and market quality (Steyn et al., deficiencies if incorporated into the diet consumed
2001; Van Rensburg et al., 2007). Supplementary irri- by a household (Jimoh et al., 2018). The proximate
gation is essential especially after transplanting or analysis and concentration of some minerals in amar-
direct sowing to facilitate growth and yield. anth are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Amaranth is a
As part of the effort to promote commercial culti- source of vitamins like thiamine, niacin, and riboflavin;
vation of amaranth, Maseko et al. (2015) rec- it also contains minerals like calcium, iron, potassium,
ommended planting density of 66,666 plants/ha for zinc, copper, and manganese (Mathe, 2014). The nutri-
Amaranthus cruentus and low plant density of ent content of 100 g fresh leaves of amaranth, com-
50,000 plants/ha in areas experiencing water scarcity pared to cabbage, has greater protein (4.0 vs. 1.4%),
or for rain-fed cultivation. Optimum plant density calcium (480 vs. 44 mg), iron (10 vs.0.8 mg), β-caro-
reduces competition for nutrients and water among tene (10.7 vs.1.2 mg) and vitamin C (135 vs.33 mg)
plants and encourages vegetative growth for high content (Ramdwar et al., 2017). Amaranthus leaves
yield. There is a need for multi-location trials for all are an ideal source of antioxidant pigments, such as
the amaranth species in South Africa to accommodate betalain, β-xanthin, and β-cyanin, anthocyanins,

Table 1. Proximate composition of some amaranth varieties (per 100 g fresh weight).
Moisture Protein Fat Fiber Ash Carbohydrates
Specie Energy (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) Reference
Amaranthus 278 KJ 80 1.72 6.07 1.35 2.46 3.47 (Jiménez-Aguilar & Grusak, 2017;
thunbergii Ullah et al., 2017)
A. spinosus 27 (Kcal) 91 4 0.6 2.48 2.76 4.30 (Odhav et al., 2007)
A. hybridus 53 (Kcal) 83 6 0.5 2.81 4.91 6.09 (Odhav et al., 2007)
A. deflexus – 82 0.83 – 0.64 0.70 1.08 (Jiménez-Aguilar & Grusak, 2017;
Ogwu, 2020; Oyedeji et al., 2014)
A. hypochondriacus – 82 3.34 2.63 2.49 1.21 7.89 (Muriuki et al., 2014)
A. greazicans 268.92 82 2.85 – 8.50 2.20 – (Jiménez-Aguilar & Grusak, 2017;
(Kcal) Ogwu, 2020)
A. viridus 43.4 88 2.1 0.5 1.9 1.9 7.7 (Ogwu, 2020)
A. cruentus 272 (KJ) 82 4.2 0.3 6.7 2.38 11.2 (Van Jaarsveld et al., 2014)
A. tricolor 140 (KJ) 89 3.49 0.15 0.9 2.12 5.2 (Ogwu, 2020; Schönfeldt &
Pretorius, 2011)

carotenoids, and chlorophylls (Sarker et al., 2018b, 5. Challenges of amaranth production in

2018c) and natural antioxidant phytochemicals, like South Africa
vitamin C, phenolic acids, and flavonoids (Sarker
Amaranth like other underutilized ALVs is faced with a
et al., 2018a). The antioxidants in amaranth form a
lot of challenges in South Africa. Van der Merwe et al.
natural defence against several diseases, for instance,
(2016) stated that the amaranth value chain is not
cardiovascular diseases, cancer, cataracts, athero-
organized, with most of the vegetables harvested in
sclerosis, retinopathy, arthritis, emphysema, and neu-
the wild. The main challenges facing underutilized
rodegenerative diseases (Sarker & Oba, 2019).
crops generally is that they in competition with
The levels of phytochemicals and proximate com-
other conventional crops and most innovations are
position varies among species and environmental
tilted towards grain crops. Renewed interests in the
condition (Ogwu, 2020), however, on a general
nutritional value of wild vegetables like amaranth
basis, each variety has sufficient amount to nutrients
have helped to emphasize its nutritional value.
to promote healthy living and growth. Processing
However, beyond knowing the nutritional value of
and cooking of vegetables alter the nutrients in
amaranth, there is a need to determine the specific
them, which affects their bio-accessibility and health
agronomic conditions required for their production,
benefits (Odhav et al., 2007). To reduce losses of nutri-
educate farmers, enlighten the people and in turn
ent from amaranth, Traoré et al. (2017) suggested
increase its public acceptance. Little availability of
cooking it for a short time (<30 min) with little water
extension services and limited research in all agro-
(the water should be consumed as part of the diet
ecologies are part of the reasons why the potential
to retain the nutrients). The authors also reported
of amaranth is still underutilized in the country.
that vegetables should be dried under shade at mod-
Other challenges affecting amaranth production are
erate temperature (30 ± 2°C) to avoid loss of a sub-
briefly discussed below:
stantial amount of nutrients.

Table 2. Concentrations of selected minerals (mg/100 g edible portion) in Amaranth.

Amaranth specie Fe Zn Mg Ca P K Vit. C Reference
Amaranthus thunbergii, 1.2 0.13 450 350 73 650 1.3 (Jiménez-Aguilar & Grusak, 2017)
A. spinosus 1.5 1.1 280 260 61 620 0.63 (Jiménez-Aguilar & Grusak, 2017)
A. hybridus 1.25 1.32 215 153 63.2 370 0.94 (Oyelola et al., 2014)
A. deflexus 2.2 1.2 290 1.9 80 680 1 (Jiménez-Aguilar & Grusak, 2017)
A. hypochondriacus 9.55 1.36 44 131.06 68 543 * (Biel et al., 2017; Muriuki et al., 2014)
A. greazicans 1.5 1.1 280 260 73 550 1.1 (Jiménez-Aguilar & Grusak, 2017)
A. viridus 2.2 1.3 330 240 93 620 1.3 (Jiménez-Aguilar & Grusak, 2017)
A. cruentus 5.1 0.70 242 443 81 459 2 (Van Jaarsveld et al., 2014)
A. tricolor 16.2 0.8 141 232 70.6 700 1.4 (Jiménez-Aguilar & Grusak, 2017; Schönfeldt & Pretorius, 2011)

5.1. Lack of commercial production organized market. Where some retailers show interest
in the marketing of ALVs, the smallholder farmers are
Amaranth can fit into large-scale commercial pro-
unable to meet the steady supply required due to the
duction, but this is not yet a reality in South Africa.
limited size of their farms (Senyolo et al., 2018). Street
South Africa has a lot of large-scale farms that are pro-
vendors have also been reported to sell amaranth col-
ducing exotic vegetables; however, these commercial
lected from the wild at strategic places and are some-
farmers have not embraced the production of amar-
times sold from house to house (Senyolo et al., 2018).
anth and other ALVs. This could be attributed to the
A lack of suitable shade for street vendors to display
low demand and lack of well-defined agronomic prac-
vegetables in the informal market leads to increased
tices and market value chain (Nyathi et al., 2016). ALVs
spoilage from environmental factors like temperature
generally have a lower level of demand as compared
and humidity (Mampholo et al., 2016). Informal
to exotic vegetables leading to lower sales, prices and
markets where amaranth is sold are associated with
reduced returns on investment (Lenné & Ward, 2010;
cheaper food while the more organized formal
Vivian et al., 2016).
markets are considered to be expensive (Mabhaudhi
et al., 2017). Market opportunities drive farmer’s
5.2. Urban influence and influx of exotic choice of crops and are inversely proportional to pro-
vegetables duction. Therefore, linking rural farmers to organized
markets is crucial for making amaranth production
Urbanization and the impact of urban lifestyle on the profitable for both smallholders and large-scale
rural African area due to rural-urban migrations are farmers. Another major factor to consider is the high
altering their consumption pattern in favour of cost of transportation due to the bulkiness of
exotic vegetable species, particularly Swiss chard. amaranth.
Indigenous vegetables have been displaced from
some rural household diets and replaced with diets
that consist mostly of refined cereals, sugar and fat 5.5. Storage and post-harvest losses
(Mchiza et al., 2015). Post-harvest losses are one of the major challenges
limiting the availability of amaranth in South Africa.
5.3. Lack of integrated seed systems The majority of the farmers that produce amaranth
in the rural areas are resource-poor and cannot
Currently, there are no formal seed productions for afford conventional cold storage. Lack of adequate
amaranth. This is important especially for the com- storage facilities is one of the constraints that militate
mercial production of any crop. Mavengahama against the marketing of ALVs (Vivian et al., 2016) and
(2013) pointed out that the seeds of amaranth and contribute to a huge waste of amaranth. The usual
other ALVs are not readily available in stores like practice is to sprinkle cold water on the vegetable
other exotic vegetables. The situation has not to eliminate field heat and maintain the freshness
changed much in recent years. The seed support for as long as possible (Gogo et al., 2018). The main
system is mostly informal where seeds are collected sign of quality loss from amaranth is wilting and yel-
from the wild and broadcasted or from the farmer’s lowing of the leaves which make it unappealing to
field where it is cultivated. consumers. The process of washing, cooling and
proper management is important in the amaranth
value chain (Senyolo et al., 2018). Immediate cold
5.4. Marketing
storage after harvest, until it gets to the retail
The economic value of leafy amaranth in South Africa outlets, reduces the effect of macergens (soft rot
is not yet determined as it is mostly sold at the infor- causing bacteria) on vegetables (Aremu & Babalola,
mal market (Gerrano et al., 2015). Production is carried 2015). This, however, is lacking in the way it is pro-
out by mostly smallholder farmers who do not have cessed by the local farmers. The common postharvest
access to formal markets hence they resort to informal processing method of amaranth includes air drying
markets that are not regulated (Mabhaudhi et al., and sun drying which cannot compare to the fresh
2016). As described by (Gruère et al., 2006), underuti- vegetables in taste and flavour. Amaranth leaves mar-
lized crops generally lack an output market. A situ- keted as dried products are not appealing to consu-
ation where the farmers do not have access to an mers (Vorster et al., 2002) and big stores are

unwilling to market the dried leaves (Senyolo et al., production and concentrate on other lucrative
2018). crops. Taste preference and wide acceptance may
relegate amaranth to home consumption while
other crops are produced for marketing.
5.6. Research Gruère et al. (2006) identified factors that led to
Research on amaranth in South Africa has increased market imperfection for underutilized crops. Low
demand due to consumer behaviour. Sometimes,
recently but a lot is still unknown about the amaranth
consumers may have the willingness to buy the
value chain. Successful promotion and commercializa-
tion of amaranth depend on the availability of infor- crop but discouraged by the quality, packaging and
presentation or they may lack information on the
mation on optimum agronomic practices for
use and potentials of these crops. As seen in South
cultivation like water and nutrient requirements and
also value chain actors. This information is lacking Africa, demand is more in the rural poor communities
especially among the elderly. Promoting amaranth
across agro-ecologies because agronomic practices
production and consumption will contribute to the
are location-specific. Table 3 presents at a glance
the challenges facing amaranth production in South stability and risk management of farming systems
(Jaenicke & Lengkeek, 2006), and also contribute to
Africa and suggested ways to remedy them.
reducing the vulnerability of younger ones to social
vices. For example, agriculture is a major source of
6. Social and economic implications of employment in Limpopo province (Senyolo et al.,
intensification of amaranth production 2018) as well as in other rural areas globally. The
authors also suggested value chain analysis not just
Agricultural intensification is a key strategy for devel- for amaranth but for all ALVs for better organization
opment and food security in many African countries. and to determine the best intervention methods.
Using strategies that are relevant to a locality will Such targeted interventions will not only increase pro-
support agricultural intensification. As has been duction but also fight poverty in the long run.
earlier stated, underutilized crops contribute to the
attainment of food security in any nation. The pro-
vision of incentives to smallholder farmers can con-
7. The way forward
tribute to the intensification of amaranth production
and consumption in South Africa. For instance, if the One important entry point required to inculcate amar-
anticipated economic returns are not sufficient for anth into the farming system is through smallholder
farmers, they may pay less attention to amaranth farmers’ participation. The introduction of amaranth

Table 3. Key challenges of amaranth production in South Africa and Possible interventions.
Stakeholders Challenges Possible solutions
Consumers Limited supply Increased marketing and production
Low awareness Increased awareness of uses and benefits
Retailers No steady supply Intensification of production by farmers
Low demand Increased awareness of uses and benefits to
Infrastructure deficit Public-private partnership to create an organized
No value addition Research intervention
Poor packaging Training on best practices
Farmers (commercial and Storage and Post-harvest losses Access to soft loan and incentives
Commercial and Smallholders Lack of information agronomic practices, fertilizer and Increased research intervention and organized
water requirement extension services
commercial and Smallholders No market linkage Agribusiness training and farmers’ cooperative
commercial and Smallholders Lack of integrated seed systems Creating an organized seed sector
Smallholders Fragmented production Expansion of farm size
Smallholders Not integrated into the mixed cropping system Research intervention
Agro-input dealers Low-quality seed Research intervention and breeding
Little demand Intensification of production by farmers
Research Skewed specialization and low research output Mentorship

to the farmers should be followed by the introduction production in South Africa should be gender-respon-
of the basic production and preparation methods sive to prevent the selection of the best-off household
which will increase its acceptance. Increase access to in the locality. This is true of households that are vul-
the market for smallholder farmers using a demand- nerable like female-headed households or families
driven approach instead of a supply-driven approach. with AIDS and orphans. Their peculiar challenges
The farmers should be trained on how to meet the may hinder them from partaking in some
quality standards for large retail stores. Also, these facilities available in their locality (Jaenicke & Leng-
smallholder farmers can form groups or cooperatives keek, 2006).
that would manage their collective efforts and give Maunder and Meaker (2007) suggested the need
them a voice in the formal market. Farmers’ coopera- for combined efforts among nutritionists and veg-
tive will reduce the exploitation from middlemen and etable producers in promoting the utilization of amar-
also facilitate intervention from other stakeholders anth and some other underutilized vegetables.
like input suppliers, Government and NGOs. Farmers Awareness should also be created among pregnant
in these cooperative groups can also pull resources and nursing mothers who attend clinics, school chil-
together to procure input and obtain credit facilities dren and the entire population.
which may be challenging for individual farmers. As Future research on amaranth in South Africa
has been stated earlier, the main constraint to should address the issue of intensive cropping,
increased production, marketing and consumption nutrient, and water requirements to increase pro-
of amaranth is its high perishability and low storage ductivity both in research and farmers plot in all
capacity in fresh form. This is due to its high metabolic agro-ecologies. Research should also be geared
activity after harvest. This challenge can be sur- towards processing and value addition of amaranth
mounted by linking the producers to steady markets vegetable to meet the demand of the elites and
which could scale out the consumption nationwide. urban dwellers. Finding innovative ways of including
If there is an organized market structure, the har- amaranth into mainstream agriculture will assist it in
vested amaranth will reach the retailers the same measuring up with other conventional vegetables
day to ensure wholesomeness. A clue can be taken and at the same time meet the envisaged increase
from the marking of Swiss chard, which is also a in demand of this vegetable by both rural and
highly perishable vegetable. urban dwellers.
At the household level, backyard farming should
be encouraged for households to grow amaranth
and other ALVs for consumption. Keatinge et al. 8. Conclusion
(2011) rightly pointed out that home gardens offer
Food and nutritional insecurity in South Africa can be
an opportunity for poor households to improve their
reduced by motivating communities to increase their
access to vegetables and reduce malnutrition. This
consumption of ALVs like amaranth. Consumption
strongly comes into play as only about 5% of house-
and utilization are key issues that will determine the
holds in South Africa produce their food (Schönfeldt
production of amaranth in South Africa. With
& Pretorius, 2011). Particular interest should be
increased awareness, there will be increased con-
focused on resource-poor rural women as amaranth
sumption which will lead to increased demand. This
will help them fulfil their traditional role of providing
increased demand will drive large-scale commercial
nutritious meals for the family. Commercialization of
production. It could also be an incentive for women
amaranth and other ALVs may act as incentives in
and rural farmers to increase their income streams.
attracting women and other vulnerable groups to
However, if amaranth production is encouraged
the value chain due to the anticipated returns on
along with its consumption, it could become an
investment. For instance, woman dominates amar-
attractive alternative to some exotic vegetables
anth production in Nigeria where it substantially con-
which could improve the nutrition of the impover-
tributes to the household finance and nutrition
ished persons in the country.
(Ogwu, 2020). Household, where women are the
major decision-maker on family spending and
upkeep, tend to better off nutritionally, health-wise
and in general well-being (Gotor et al., 2013). Inter- Disclosure statement
ventions geared towards upscaling amaranth No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Funding food and nutritional security. Food Security, 4(1), 115–127.
This work was supported by National Research Foundation, Alegbejo, J. O. (2013). Nutritional value and utilization of
South Africa [UID 132595, UID 123634]. Amaranthus (Amaranthus spp.) – a review. Bayero Journal of
Pure and Applied Sciences, 6(1), 136–143.
Notes on contributors Alemayehu, F. R., Bendevis, M. A., & Jacobsen, S. E. (2015). The
potential for utilizing the seed crop amaranth (Amaranthus
Obianuju Chiamaka is a Research officer at the National Horti-
spp.) in East Africa as an alternative crop to support food
cultural Research Institute, Ibadan, Nigeria. She is currently a
security and climate change mitigation. Journal of
post-doctoral fellow at Food Safety and Security Niche Area at
Agronomy and Crop Science, 201(5), 321–329. https://doi.
the North-West University, Mafikeng Campus, South Africa.
She holds a master degree from the University of Ibadan and
Ali, M. B., Khandaker, L., & Oba, S. (2009). Comparative study on
a PhD from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Tech-
functional components, antioxidant activity and color par-
nology, Kumasi, Ghana. Obianuju has worked as an Intern with
ameters of selected colored leafy vegetables as affected by
the Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan. Her research
photoperiods. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment,
interest is in the development of soil fertility improvement strat-
7(3–4), 392–398.
egies for the production of African Leafy green vegetables
Andersen, P. (2012). Challenges for under-utilized crops illus-
through on station and participatory on farm experimentation.
trated by ricebean (Vigna umbellata) in India and Nepal.
It involves the optimization of the benefits from all possible
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 10(2),
sources of organic, inorganic and biological components in an
integrated manner.
Aremu, B. R., & Babalola, O. O. (2015). Classification and taxon-
Olubukola Oluranti Babalola is a Professor of Microbiology and omy of vegetable macergens. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6,
the principal Investigator: Microbial Biotechnology Laboratory, 1361.
North-West University, Mafikeng Campus, South Africa. She is Biel, W., Jendrzejczak, E., Jaroszewska, A., Witkowicz, R.,
a National Research Foundation (South Africa) rated established Piątkowska, E., & Telesiński, A. (2017). Nutritional content
scientist. She had postdoctoral experiences from Weizmann and antioxidant properties of selected species of
Institute of Science, Israel and the University of the Western Amaranthus L. Italian Journal of Food Science, 29(4). https://
Cape, South Africa. Babalola is a trainer of trainees and many
postgraduate students have graduated under her mentorship. Bvenura, C., & Afolayan, A. J. (2015). The role of wild vegetables
She is the Vice President for OWSD, the Director of the Food in household food security in South Africa: A review. Food
Security and Safety Niche Area, and previous HOD at the Research International, 76, 1001–1011.
North-West University, South Africa. Her research interest is in 1016/j.foodres.2015.06.013
Plant-Microbe interactions. Babalola leads a research team of DAFF. (2014). Amaranthus: Production guideline. Department of
over a dozen scholars from different tribes and tongues. She is Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Republic of South Africa.
into a prolific career with research outputs. She enjoys inter- Accessed May 20, 2020.
national collaborations, research grants and many awards. Portals/0/Brochures%20and%20Production%20guidelines/
Ebert, A. W., Wu, T.-H., & Wang, S.-T. (2011). Vegetable amaranth
ORCID (Amaranthus L.) AVRDC Publ:9.
FAO I, UNICEF, WFP and WHO. (2017). The State of Food Security
Obianuju Chiamaka Emmanuel
and Nutrition in the World. FAO, Rome.
Germishuizen, G., Meyer, N., Steenkamp, Y., & Keith, M. (2006). A
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Diversity Network Report No. 41. Pretoria: SABONET.
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