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Practice: Atomic Structure Date: 04/19/22
Practice Name: Jasmin Sahota

Question 1: Laws of Conservation of Matter and Energy (2 points)

a. Law of conservation of matter

i. What does the law say about matter? It says that matter cannot be neither
destroyed nor created but can be transformed into new ways.

ii. What about matter can change and what does not change, according to
the law? The shape of matter can change both physically and chemically but the
amount of it cannot.

b. Law of conservation of energy

i. What does the law say about energy? Energy cannot be created or destroyed
but it can be changed in different forms.

ii. What about energy can change and what does not change, according to the
law? Energy can be converted into different forms, like mechanical energy into
thermal energy, however the amount of it is still the same.
Practice: Atomic Structure 1/11 2.3.5
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Question 2: Phases of Matter (2 points)

a. What are the four states, or phases, of matter? Describe the shape and
volume properties of each phase. Can they change, or are they fixed?

i. _____Solid__________________

Shape: definite

Volume: definite

Can change under certain conditions(melting) but mostly fixed

ii. _____Liquid__________________

Shape: no definite shape - takes shape of its container

Volume: definite

can change into gas or solid

iii. ________Gas_______________

Shape: no definite shape

Volume: no definite volume

Can change into solid or liquid

iv. ________Plasma_____________

Shape: no definite shape

Volume: no definite volume

Can change into gas

b. When heat energy is absorbed by matter, the matter's temperature increases.

When heat energy is released by matter, the matter's temperature decreases. The
matter can also change from one phase to another when heat energy is
absorbed or released. Identify whether matter absorbs heat or releases heat as
each of the following phase changes occur.

i. From solid to liquid (melting) absorbs heat energy

ii. From liquid to solid (freezing or hardening) releases heat energy

iii. From liquid to gas (evaporation) absorbs heat energy

iv. From gas to liquid (condensation) releases heat energy

Question 3: Types of Energy (4 points)

a. List four kinds of energy. Give a brief definition of each.

i. Thermal energy is the heat made when molecules move.

Ii. Mechanical energy is energy that can be used to do work.

Iii. Sonic energy is the energy of sound waves.

iv. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion of a body.

b. Energy can change from one form to another. Describe the energy
conversions in the following scenes.

i. A kid falling out of a tree = potential energy to kinetic energy

ii. A scout rubbing sticks together to start a fire = kinetic energy to heat energy
iii. A man running a kerosene heater = chemical potential energy to heat

c. What is the equation for calculating gravitational potential energy on the Earth?

GPE = mgh where m is mass in kg and h is height in meters and g is strength of


d. What is the equation for calculating kinetic energy? KE = (½)mv2 where m is

mass and v is volume

Question 4: Progression of the Atomic Theory (2 points)

a. Match the following scientist with his experiment or contribution.

J. J. Thomson
Albert Einstein
Niels Bohr
Ernest Rutherford
John Dalton
Robert Millikan

_______Robert Millikan____________ Oil-drop experiment

_______John Dalton ____________ Atomic theory

______J. J. Thomson_____________ Cathode ray experiment

_______Niels Bohr ____________ Model of the atom

______Ernest Rutherford _____________ Gold-foil experiment

________Albert Einstein___________ Photoelectric effect

b. Match the following scientist with his understanding of the atom.

J. J. Thomson
Albert Einstein
Niels Bohr
Ernest Rutherford
John Dalton
Robert Millikan

________JOHN DALTON___________ Matter made of indivisible atoms

_________JJ THOMSON__________ Atoms contain negatively

charged particles

_________ROBERT MILIKAN__________ Measured the charge of

an electron

________Ernest Rutherford___________ Atoms contain mostly empty space

________NIELS BOHR___________ Atoms contain nuclei with electrons orbiting

________ALBERT EINSTEIN___________ Light exists as photon packets; one

photon can remove one electron from an atom

Question 5: The Periodic Table (10 points)

a. Who made the first periodic table? Dmitri Mendeleev

b. On the periodic table, what three pieces of information are given about every

i. __symbol_________________________

•. Where is it written? In the middle of the square in two big letter

•. What information does it give? What the element is

ii. __________atomic number

Where is it written? Top of square

•. What information does it give? Number of protons the element has

iii. __________average atomic weight _________________ •.

Where is it written? On the bottom of square

•. What information does it give? Average of atomic masses of elements isotopes

c. What are isotopes? An isotope is an atom of an element having a specific number of

neutrons in the nucleus

d. What are ions? Atoms that gain or lose electrons from their former neutral status

e. What are valence electrons, and why are they important? Electrons in outermost shell
of atom; important because determine how an atom will react

f. What is significant about the elements within the same group of the periodic table?
They have the same number of valence electrons.

g. What is significant about the elements within the same period of the periodic table?
They have the same number of core electrons.

h. Match the following families with their properties. There are two properties for each

A. Alkali metals
B. Alkaline earth metals
C. Halogens
D. Noble gases
___C___ Very reactive nonmetals

____D__ 8 valence electrons

___A___ 1 valence electron

___B___ Reactive metals

___B___ 2 valence electrons

__D____ 7 valence electrons

____D__ Very little reactivity

__A____ Very reactive metals

i. What three families are found in the center portion of the periodic table? 1.


2. __________nonmetals_______________

3. ________metalloids_________________

Question 6: Using the Periodic Table (5 points)

a. An atom has a mass number of 19 and an atomic number of 9. What element is it?
Fluorine What is its symbol?F How many protons, neutrons, and electrons does it
have? 9 protons, 9 electrons and 10 neutrons

b. Hydrogen has one proton in its nucleus but exists as three isotopes. One isotope has
no neutrons, one has one neutron, and one has two neutrons. How would they be
identified using isotope notation? H-0, H-1, H-2

c. Sodium chloride, table salt, forms ions when dissolved. Sodium (Na) loses one
electron. Chloride (Cl) gains one electron. What are the charges on the two ions?
Sodium is positively charged while chloride is negatively charged.

d. Would beryllium (Be) or sodium (Na) have properties more similar to magnesium
(Mg)? Why? Sodium would as it is in the same period as magnesium, signifying they
have similar properties. However, Beryllium wouldn't because it is in a different period
from those two.

e. Does beryllium (Be) or sodium (Na) have the same inside electron arrangement as
magnesium (Mg)? Why? Beryllium does because it is in the same group as magnesium,
signifying they have the same electron configuration.

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