Biology Revision Notes Edited

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BIOLOGY RBC in water – cell burst (no cell wall to protect the

Plant Cell Animal Cell
Has cell wall No cell wall Plat cell in water – cell will not burst(thick cell wall to
Has chloroplast No chloroplast protect the cell).
Has large vacuole No vacuole
Conditions for osmosis to takes place:
Function of parts: 1. Presence of water molecules
Cell membrane – control the movement of substances 2. Semi permeable membrane
in and out of the cell. 3. Difference in concentration of water
Cytoplasm – carries out all chemical reactions in the
cell. Enzymes – protein substances which speed up the
Vacuole – mainly filled with water and controls the chemical reactions in the body.
hardness of plant cell. An optimum temperature 37OC – 40OC is needed for
Cell wall – give shape and protect the cell. enzyme action.
Below 37OC – reaction is too slow.
Root Hair Cell : To absorb water from the soil. Above 37OC – enzyme will be destroyed.
Structural Adaptation PH 6-10 enzyme work best.
1. Grow outwards – has larger surface area to Low PH – reaction is low.
absorb more water. Above PH 10 – stops and denatured.
2. Large vacuole – increase the surface area to
absorb more water. Animal nutrition

Xylem: Carries water from the roots to the stems and 7 Classes of food – fats, carbohydrates, protein,
leaves. vitamin, water, fibre & mineral.
Phloem: Carries food. Balanced diet – diet that contain the right proportions
of food to maintain healthy diet.
Red blood cell (RBC) : Transport oxygen to all parts of Malnutrition – poor nutrition
the body. Example:
Contain haemoglobin. Obesity – more fats
Structural Adaptation Constipation – less fibre
1. Biconcave disc shape – provides large surface
area to carry oxygen. Complex food Enzyme Simple
2. No nucleus – more haemoglobin and more food(product)
oxygen to be transported. Starch/carbohydrates Amylase Maltose
Protein Protease Amino acids
White blood cell : Produce antibodies fight against Fat Lipase Fatty acid and
germs glycerol
1. Phagocytes – engulf and digest bacteria
2. Lymphocytes – produce antibodies to fight The end product of protein digestion – amino acid
against the germs The end product of starch digestion – glucose.

Platelets – helps in blood clotting. Human Alimentary Canal

Platelets produce substance which converts Stomach – produce enzyme to digest protein.
fibrinogen to fibrin. Fibrin net stops blood to flow. Small intestine (duodenum) – digested food is
absorbed into the blood.
Diffusion – movement of molecules from high region Large intestine (ileum) – absorbs water from
to low region. Example: movement of soluble undigested food and store as faeces.
molecule into blood stream, oxygen into cell.
Osmosis – movement of water molecules from a Functions of saliva
region of higher concentration to a region of lower 1. To smoothen the food
concentration through a semi permeable membrane. 2. Contains salivary amylase which convert
Example: movement of water into root hair cell. starch to glucose.
Functions of liver 1. Light – increase in light intensity increase in
1. Produce bile which helps in digestion of fat. the rate of photosynthesis.
2. Breakdown alcohol to carbohydrates and 2. Temperature – increase in temperature
water increase in the rate of photosynthesis.
Changes excess amino acids to carbohydrates and
urea(removed by kidney as urine). Stomata – exchanges of gases (carbon dioxide and
oxygen) takes place through stomata.
Peristalsis – contraction and relaxation of muscles in Guard cell – control the opening and closing of
food pipe. stomata.
The process by which food moves along the walls of Palisade cell – site of photosynthesis.(contain more
alimentary canal – Peristalsis. chlorophyll)
Nutrient needed for plant growth – Nitrate (nitrogen)
Transpiration – loss of water from the lower surface of
Ingestion – Taking in of food. (mouth) a leaf.
Digestion – Breaking down of large food particles into Wilting – A process in which the leaves lose water
smaller food particles. (mouth, stomach, small faster than the roots absorb water.
Absorption – Passage of digested food into blood. Uses of water:
(small intestine)  It's a reactant used in photosynthesis
Assimilation – use of digested food by all parts of  It supports leaves and shoots by keeping
body. the cells rigid
Egestion – removal of undigested food as faeces.  It cools the leaves by evaporation
 It transports dissolved minerals around
the plant

Respiration – Process by which energy released from

food in living cells.

Aerobic respiration Anaerobic respiration

Presence of oxygen Absence of oxygen
Release large amount of Release small amount of
energy energy
Word equation: Word equation:
Glucose + oxygen  Animals
carbon dioxide + water + Glucose  lactic acid +
large amount of energy small amount of energy
Glucose  alcohol +
carbon dioxide

The substance produced when muscle cells respire

anaerobically – lactic acid. To remove lactic acid –
need to take in more oxygen.

Difference between inspired air air and expired air:

Plant Nutrition Inspired Air Expired Air
Photosynthesis – Process by which green plants make Contains more Less oxygen
food by using carbon dioxide, water, sunlight, oxygen
chlorophyll. Less carbon dioxide More carbon dioxide
Word equation for photosynthesis: Less water vapour More water vapour
chlorophyll/sunlight Less warmer More warmer
Carbon dioxide + water  glucose + oxygen
Organ through which carbon dioxide is excreted –
Light - as a source of energy Lungs.
Chlorophyll – to trap sunlight Process by which carbon dioxide is excreted –
2 factors affecting photosynthesis:
Structure In the lungs through which gaseous
exchange takes place – alveoli/airsacs.

Excretion – Removal of harmful waste products of

metabolism from the body.
3 excretory products in body – carbon dioxide, urea
and water.
 The lungs are the excretory organs for removing
carbon dioxide from the blood.
 The kidneys are the excretory organs for removing
excess water and urea.

Renal artery – brings blood containing urea and excess

water to kidney.
Renal vein – takes the blood cleared of urea and
excess water away from kidney.

Near Objects – Ciliary muscles contract, suspensory

ligaments loose, lens fat
Distant objects – Ciliary muscles relaxes, suspensory
ligaments tight, lens thin
Bright light – Circular muscles contract, radial muscles
relax, pupil smaller
Dim light – Circular muscles relax, radial muscles
contract, pupil bigger

Hormone – chemical substance – made by an

endocrine gland – carried by the blood – changes the
activity of one or more specific target organs –
destroyed by the liver after use.

Veins: carry deoxygenated blood form all parts of the

body back to the heart.
Has valve (prevent backflow of bood), large lumen,
thin muscular wall, blood flow with low pressure.
Artery: carry oxygenated blood away from the heart
to all parts of the body.
No valve, small lumen, thick muscular wall, blood
flow with high pressure.
The left ventricle has a thicker wall than the right
ventricle because it has to pump blood around the

Coronary heart disease- when fatty substance is

deposited on the wall of arteries blocking the supply
of oxygen to the heart.

Possible cause of heart disease: smoking, obesity,

smoking, overweight, lack of exercise.
Gonorrhoea Syphlis
- thick greenish yellow - painless sore on parts
liquid comes out of penis of the body
- burninf feeling when pass - skin rash which lead to
urine inflammation
- cure by antibiotics - cure by antibiotics

Drug – externally administered substance when taken

into the body changes the chemical reactions in the
Ovary – develops into fruit.
Ovule – develops into seed. Alcohol – a depressant that slows down the working
of the brain and the nervous system.
Dispersal of seed – transportation of seeds and fruits Effects: reduced self control, reduced the ability to
away from parent plant. Example of fruit dispersal: think clearly, difficulty in speaking, seeing and walking,
Wind, animals. injury due to accidents, liver damage, stomach ulcers,
Why? Prevent overcrowding and competition for malnutrition, social problems.
water, nutrients and sunlight.
Heroin – a powerful depressant that slows down the
Germination – the growth of a plant from a seed. working of the nervous and respiratory system.
Condition for germination: a) water b) oxygen c) Effects: sense of well being, drowsiness, social
temperature problems(crime), weight loss, lung damage, brain
Asexual reproduction – new individual develops or
grow from single parent. Producers – green plants which make food using light
- individuals formed are identical to the parent. energy and two raw materials, water and carbon
dioxide, during the process of photosynthesis.
Sexual reproduction - new individual develops from
cells produced by two parents Consumers – animals which feed on other living
- individuals formed are not identical to either its organisms.
Decomposers – organism which break down dead
Fertilization – the fusion of a male sex cell(sperm) plant and animal matter into simpler substances and
with a female sex cell(egg) to form a zygote. return them to the soil.
- normally occurs in the fallopian tube.
Food chain – series of organisms through which
Menstruation – the shedding of the womb lining energy is transferred in the form of food (chemical
together with the unfertilized egg and blood through energy).
the vagina. Menstrual cycle – 28 days.
Short food chain:
Breast Feeding Bottle-feeding - energy transfer more efficient
Contains all the Does not contain all the - enough energy for the last consumer.
nutrients nutrients
Contains antibodies Does not contain Deforestation- the cutting down of large area of
antibodies forests.
Easily digested Cannot digest Effects:
Increase bonding Does not increase bonding - soil erosion
between mother and between mother and child - reduction in rainfall
child Famine- shortage of food over a long period of time.
Problems contribute to famines:
Methods of birth control: - droughts
the natural or rhythm method, chemical control - floods
(spermicides), the use of barriers (condoms and - unequal distribution of food
diaphragm), hormonal control (with pills), surgical - overpopulation
sterilization (vasectomy and ligation).
Processes that remove carbon dioxide form the
- photosynthesis
- dissolving of carbon dioxide in water

Process that return carbon dioxide to the atmosphere:

- respiration
- decay
- combustion or burning
- giving up of carbon dioxide by bodies of water

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