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CHAPTER 1 Retrospective Assessment - s the use of evaluative

tools to draw conclusions about psychological

aspects of a person as they existed at some point in
TESTING AND ASSESSMENT time prior to the assessment
Remote assessment - refers to the use of tools of
Psychological Testing and Assessment Defined psychological evaluation to gather data and draw
✓ Psychological Assessment conclusions about a subject who is not in physical
o the gathering and integration of psychology-related proximity to the person or people conducting the
data for the purpose of making a psychological evaluation.
evaluation that is accomplished through the use of Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) - refers to
tools such as tests, interviews, case studies, the “in the moment” evaluation of specific problems
behavioral observation, and specially designed and related cognitive and behavioral variables at the
apparatuses and measurement procedures. very time and place that they occur
✓ Psychological Testing Collaborative Psychological Assessment - the
o the process of measuring psychology-related assessor and assessee may work as “partners” from
variables by means of devices or procedures initial contact through final feedback
designed to obtain a sample of behavior. Therapeutic Psychological Assessment - therapeutic
self-discovery and new understandings are
The Process of Assessment encouraged throughout the assessment process
➢ Referral dynamic assessment - refers to an interactive
➢ Assessment tool selection approach to psychological assessment that usually
➢ Assessment proper follows a model of
➢ Writing a report of the finding o (1) evaluation,
➢ Feedbacking o (2) intervention of some sort, and
o (3) evaluation.
Varieties of assessment
Educational Assessment - refers to, broadly
speaking, the use of tests and other tools to evaluate The Test - refers to a device or procedure designed to measure a
abilities and skills relevant to success or failure in a variable related to that modifier
school or pre-school context - Psychological tests and other tools of assessment may differ
with respect to a number of variables, such as:
o Content - subject matter probably taking note of not only the content of what
o Format - pertains to the form, plan, structure, is said but also the way it is being said
arrangement, and layout of test items as well as to - INTERVIEW is a method of gathering information
related considerations such as time limits through direct communication involving reciprocal
▪ Format is also used to refer to the form in exchange.
which a test is administered: computerized,
The Portfolio - work products—whether retained on paper, canvas,
pencil-and-paper, or some other form.
film, video, audio, or some other medium
o administration procedures - involve demonstration
of various kinds of tasks demanded of the assessee, - As samples of one’s ability and accomplishment, a
as well as trained observation of an assessee’s portfolio may be used as a tool of evaluation
o scoring and interpretation procedures – SCORE is a Case History Data - refers to records, transcripts, and other accounts
code or summary statement, usually but not in written, pictorial, or other form that preserve archival information,
necessarily numerical in nature, that reflects an official and informal accounts, and other data and items relevant to
evaluation of performance on a test, task, interview, an assessee.
or some other sample of behavior Behavioral Observation - monitoring the actions of others or oneself
▪ SCORING is the process of assigning such by visual or electronic means while recording quantitative and/or
evaluative codes or statements to qualitative information regarding those actions.
performance on tests, tasks, interviews, or
other behavior samples. - naturalistic observation
o technical quality - psychometric soundness Role-Play Tests - defined as acting an improvised or partially
• Reliability and validity of the test improvised part in a simulated situation
• Utility – usefulness or practical value
that a test or other tool of - a tool of assessment wherein assessees are directed
assessment to act as if they were in a particular situation

The Interview - the word interview conjures images of face-to-face Computers as Tools - the role computers play in contemporary
talk assessment in the context of generating simulations

- interview as a tool of psychological assessment - local processing - Scoring may be done on-site
typically involves more than talk. If the interview is - central processing - conducted at some central
conducted face-to-face, then the interviewer is location
- teleprocessing - by means of phone lines, mail, or What Types of Settings Are Assessments Conducted, and Why?
Educational settings
- simple scoring report - a mere listing of a score or
o achievement test
o diagnostic test - refers to a tool of assessment used
- extended scoring report - more detailed, which
to help narrow down and identify areas of deficit to
includes statistical analyses of the testtaker’s
be targeted for intervention.
Clinical settings
- interpretive report - inclusion of numerical or
o These tools are used to help screen for or diagnose
narrative interpretive statements in the report.
behavior problems.
- consultative report - written in language appropriate
Counseling settings
for communication between assessment
o Assessment in a counseling context may occur in
professionals, may provide expert opinion
environments as diverse as schools, prisons, and
concerning analysis of the data
governmental or privately owned institutions
- integrative report - employ previously collected data
Geriatric settings
(such as medication records or behavioral
o Wherever older individuals reside, they may at some
observation data) into the test report
point require psychological assessment to evaluate
CAPA computer-assisted psychological assessment cognitive, psychological, adaptive, or other
CAT computer adaptive testing
o quality of life - defined from the perspective of an
WHO, WHAT, WHY, HOW, AND WHERE? observer; in other research it is defined from the
perspective of assessees themselves and refers to an
Who Are the Parties? individual’s own self-report regarding lifestyle-
➢ The test developer related variables
➢ The test user o Dementia – pseudodementia
➢ The testtaker Business and military settings
➢ Society at large Governmental and organizational credentialing
➢ Other parties Academic research settings
Other settings
How Are Assessments Conducted?

✓ Responsible test users have obligations before, during, and

after a test or any measurement procedure is administered.
✓ PROTOCOL - refers to the form or sheet or booklet on which
a testtaker’s responses are entered.
✓ RAPPORT - a working relationship between the examiner and
the examinee.

Assessment of people with disabilities

• People with disabilities are assessed for exactly the

same reasons people with no disabilities are
• ACCOMMODATION - defined as the adaptation of a
test, procedure, or situation, or the substitution of
one test for another, to make the assessment more
suitable for an assessee with exceptional needs.

Where to Go for Authoritative Information: Reference Sources

✓ Test catalogues
✓ Test manuals
✓ Professional books
✓ Reference volumes
✓ Journal articles
✓ Online databases
✓ Other sources

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