Document Mimum Yg Disiapkan 9001 - 2015

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Company profile

a. Address
b. Email
c. Scope
d. Numbers of employee
e. J u m l a h Shift
2. Quality Manual dan Flow Process / Alur Process aktifitas utama.
3. Permit and licenses of the organization (Ijin ijin seperti SIUP TDP,NIB,STNK, KIR, Sertificate
competency )
4. Internal Audit result
a. Management review result , MOM Management Review
5. Document related to ISO 9001:2015.
a. Quality Policy
b. Business Strategy ; Vision Mission, SWOT
c. Internal External Issue d. Interested party, seperti persyaratan hukum yang terkait ,
Persyaratan Pelayanan , persayratan Customer.
e. Expectation Interested Parties/Harapan pihak terkait : List of Law Regulation atau
persyaratan lainnya.
f. Risk and Opportunity Assessment
g. Business Interaction processes
h. Process Control/Pengendalian Produksi pada saat alur kerja berjalan , misal checklist
kendaraan , jadwal keberangkatan ,Test.
i. Role and responsibilities
j. Main core flow processes/ Alur Process aktifitas utama., Dan detail alur processes
product sesuai Scope Sertifikasi tertulis.

k. Plant Lay out.

l. Organization structure/ Struktur Orgnisasi.

m. Master list of documented information seperti Prosedure dan IK atau WI.

n. List of law and regulation atau persayratan lainnya . seperti persyaratan hukum yang
terkait , Persyaratan Pelayanan , persayratan Customer.
o. Quality objectives/Sasaran Mutu and planning to achieve them

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