BIO Pract-18

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Final Practical Examination Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology course Gujarat University of Transplantation Sciences (GUTS) Paper-1: Clinical Biochemistry Date: 30/07/2018 Total Duration: 2 Hours and 30 Minutes Qu Q2 Measure serum protein and albumin in given patient sample. Write methods, principles, procedures and interpretation of your results. Calculate A: G ratio, Enumerate the clinical conditions in which A: G ratio is reversed, T. Protein:6.2 g/dl 7 gid 1.48 (G Albumii ALG Ri [25] Measure serum electrolytes (Na’- Kin given sample. Calculate serum osmolality of given sample and write its interpretation, (Glucose: 120 mg/dl, Urea 40 mg/dl) {15} S. Naz 144 . 3,82 S. Osm: 308.9 mosm/kg Date: 30/07/2018 Final Practical Examination Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology course Gujarat University of Transplantation Sciences (GUTS) Paper-1: Clinical Biochemistry Total Duration: 2 Hours and 30 Minutes Q2 Perform estimation of serum creatinine and serum urea in given sample. Write methods, principles, procedures and interpretation on your results. Calculate e-GFR by CockCroft Gault formula and comment on it. [25] CockCroft Gault formula (140-Age)* Weight (Kg)/S. Creatinine * 72 (If Male, multiplies by 1.0/female multiply by 0.85) (Age: 60 Years, Weight: 50 kg, Gender: Male) S. Urea: 30.3 mg/dl GFR: 9.51 Perform estimation of total Cholesterol in given sample and write its method principle, procedure, result and interpretation of your result, 15) Cholesterol: 132 Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology course Gujarat University of Transplantation Sciences (GUTS) Paper-1: Clinical Biochemistry Date: 30/07/2018 Total Duration: 2 Hours and 30 Minutes Q3 Answer the following spotting. [20] How to prepare 150 ml OF 0.2 M solution of Nacl from 2 M solution of Nacl? (25 mL+135mL) See the report and write your comment. (Glucose value High) Identify this vacutainer and write their use in clinical biochemistry laboratory testing. (Gel) Calculate the Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) from given results of lipid profile sample and comment on your result, (TOTAL CHOLESTEROL: 200 mg/dL, HDL: 40 mg/dL, TG: 150 mg/dL) (130 mg/dl) This sample was rejected at Laboratory reception area. What can be the reason behind the rejection? Write other sample rejection criteria, (Any two) (Hemolyzed sample) Identify this instrument and write use of it. Write difference between fixed and adjustable pipette Identify the instrument and write its principle. (Colorimeter) Identify the instrument and write its principle. (ISE) Convert 1.8 mmol/L ionized Ca" into mg/dL. (M.W of Ca*= 40) |. Which type of biomedical waste material should be discarded in this plastic bag? (Red)

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