Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Benedict J.A. Lankester, Michael R. Whitehouse, Martin F. Gargan

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Current Orthopaedics (2007) 21, 298–300

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Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Benedict J.A. Lankestera, Michael R. Whitehouseb, Martin F. Garganc,!

Specialist Registrar in Trauma and Orthopaedics, Avon Orthopaedic Centre, Southmead Hospital,
Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol BS10 5NB, UK
SHO in Trauma and Orthopaedics, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Bristol BS2 8HW, UK
Consultant in Trauma and Orthopaedics, Bristol Royal Infirmary and Bristol Hospital for Sick Children, Bristol BS2 8HW, UK

Introduction Clinical presentation and diagnosis

In 1868, Guillaume Duchenne (1806–1875), working in Paris, Affected boys are normal at birth and early motor mile-
described a ‘‘pseudohypertrophic paralysis y which de- stones may be appropriate (head control, sitting, etc.).
ceives and deludes by giving the limbs the appearance of Independent ambulation is usually delayed, with tiptoe
great muscularity’’.1 Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is walking and delayed speech. Steady progression results in a
the most common childhood neuromuscular disorder, was waddling gait with frequent stumbling and tripping, diffi-
the first muscular dystrophy described, is incurable at culty standing up and problems with stair climbing.
present and is invariably fatal. The disease involves a Proximal muscle weakness precedes distal. Early involve-
progressive degeneration of skeletal muscle without asso- ment of the gluteal musculature results in Gower’s sign
ciated abnormality in the central or peripheral nervous (when rising from the floor, the child ‘‘walks’’ his hands up
system.2 his thighs due to weakness of hip extension, although widely
described as pathognomonic for DMD, this sign can also be
present in the early stages of discitis).3 Relative sparing of
Epidemiology and genetics tibialis posterior function causes tiptoe walking and equi-
novarus deformity (Fig. 1). Another classic feature is calf
DMD has an incidence of 2–3 per 100,000, or 1 in 3500 boys. pseudohypertrophy due to fibro-fatty infiltration, giving a
It is an X-linked recessive disorder, and can therefore firm rubbery feel on palpation.
present in XO females (Turner’s syndrome). The incidence is By the age of 7, walking becomes increasingly difficult.
reducing due to genetic counselling, but 30% of cases involve The knee is hyperextended and the torso tilted back in an
spontaneous mutations. The gene involved was first mapped attempt to lock out the hip and knee joints. The ability to
in 1987 and is located on the short arm of the X chromosome walk is lost on average at 9 years of age (range 6–12), after
(Xp21). It codes for dystrophin, a 400 kDa membrane protein which the patient becomes wheelchair bound and may
involved in membrane stability. Many different mutations develop severe flexion contractures. Scoliosis affects 90%,
and deletions have been described, causing varying pheno- with progressive collapse into a C shape, and severe pelvic
typic severity. obliquity leading to loss of sitting balance. Painful hip
dislocation may occur. Most die in their early 20s from
!Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 0117 923 2121; cardio-respiratory failure.
fax: +44 0117 928 2659. The lack of dystrophin in the cell membrane leads to the
E-mail addresses: jblankester@aol.com (B.J.A. Lankester), release of creatine kinase (CK) from myocytes, allowing the
mike_whitehouse@yahoo.com (M.R. Whitehouse), diagnosis to be made by markedly increased serum CK levels
martin.gargan@ubht.swest.nhs.uk (M.F. Gargan). (100 ! normal) before symptoms and signs develop. Carrier

0268-0890/$ - see front matter & 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 299

females, although asymptomatic, will also have CK levels dystrophin on staining. Genetic testing is available for
75% greater than normal. Electromyography will demon- confirmation in the affected boy, carrier mother or foetus.
strate myopathic signs (short duration action potentials and The pattern of physical findings should allow a clinical
polyphasic units) and muscle biopsy shows absence of diagnosis to be made from the age of 3 years onwards, but it
is often missed at first presentation, leading to the potential
for further affected pregnancies in uninformed families.
A serum CK estimation should be carried out on any boy with
a clumsy or abnormal gait or with an unexplained equinus
deformity.4 The only way reliably to reduce the age of
diagnosis would be to introduce a newborn screening
programme,5 but there are no plans for this in the UK.
The less common but milder Becker muscular dystrophy,
which involves a different type of mutation in the same gene,
causes structurally abnormal dystrophin to be produced.
There is a later age of onset and slower progression.



Currently, no curative treatment is available for DMD.

Figure 1 Equino-varus foot deformity. Affected boys should be kept ambulatory or standing for as

Figure 2 Scoliosis pre and post operatively.

300 B.J.A. Lankester et al.

long as possible. Regular stretching and strengthening Acknowledgements

exercises, night-time splinting, ground-reaction AFOs and a
standing frame may all be useful. Corticosteroids (predni- The authors would like to thank Simon Gatehouse and Mike
solone and deflazacort) have been shown to delay the loss of Gibson, Newcastle General Hospital, for providing the
muscle strength and function by up to 3 years2 and delay or figures.
prevent the onset of scoliosis,6 but have serious potential
side effects including weight gain and Cushing’s syndrome.
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nearly 20 years ago, the development of effective therapy 14. Yamashita T, Kanaya K, Kawaguchi S, Murakami T, Yokogushi K.
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transfer difficult by the standard vector systems, necessi- muscular dystrophy: a preliminary report. Spine 2001;26:
tating the development of novel approaches. A minigene has 223–6.
15. Biggar WD, Klamut HJ, Demacio PC, Stevens DJ, Ray PN.
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Duchenne muscular dystrophy: current knowledge, treatment,
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being made to target the downstream effects of DMD, such 16. Sohn RL, Gussoni E. Stem cell therapy for muscular dystrophy.
as the implantation of myoblasts into dystrophic muscle to Expert Opin Biol Ther 2004;4:1–9.
repair a proportion of damaged myofibrils.16 Together these
advances in molecular biology suggest a cure for DMD may
be available in the near future.

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