"In Order For Me To Get Into STEM, I Will Continue To Work Hard in The Studies of Math and Science in The Upcoming Terms of Grade 10." - Melwin Tan

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Summative Assessment | Reflection Paper

Melwin Tan 10G 26

1. Identifying

*I chose to go through STEM as my 2 year track course as I want to fulfill my dreams of

becoming an engineer.

a) I fear about my ability and dedication to my course. I find these issues as I think I do not
have the dedication towards STEM as hearing from elders and people who have gone
through STEM are saying it’s quite difficult to take because of its focus on math and
science. Another is because I am easily distracted by little things such as new game
releases or talking to friends. I think I do not have the proper mindset to study such a
sophisticated course as I enjoy having fun instead of learning.

b) One is to look forward, in doing so this will enable me to always strive forward no matter
the difficulty or obstacle. Looking at my end goal, it allows me to clearly see the reason
why I want to take this course, as it’s my dream to become an engineer which strives me
to push harder. Lastly is to be dedicated, as always having fun will not help in studying. I
will have to learn that there is a time for studying and doing recreational activities. This
will also help me study better and continue to excel in my course.

c) I think the Pros of looking forward is that it shows one’s dedication and resilience in
something they do, it also allows me to reach my goal. Although a con I see in this is that
it may slowly degrade your dedication because of certain difficulties like increasingly
difficult lessons or personal problems that are coming in contact with studying. A Pro I
see in looking at the end goal is that it helps me realize there is an end to all my hard
work. A con that I see is that the end goal may be too far and it might discourage me
from reaching it. A pro I see in being dedicated is that it will help me alot more time for
studying and help build a good studying habit. A con that I might confront is that I may
burn out from dedication because of stress and anxiety due to excessive studying.

2. Formulate Proposal

“In order for me to get into STEM, I will continue to work hard in the studies of Math and Science
in the upcoming terms of Grade 10.” -Melwin Tan
3. Prayer

Dear Jesus,

I wish, in order to reach my goal as my most authentic and my deepest self, is to help me be
free from my fears, overconfidence and abstraction which may hinder my freedom from proper
discernment. In allowing me to do this, it will help me see my end goal clearer while being closer
to God.


4. Gathering Information
Gathered from Parents and friends*
● Choosing engineering may be harder than usual as it takes a certain amount of
dedication and responsibility to be able to understand certain topics in the course.
● You have to be very good in math and science
● You have to stay calm in any course you take, as long as you like it and are dedicated
then it will be ok
● You have to stay away from games and study hard

5. Pray again

Dear Jesus,

After gathering information from parents and friends, please help me to follow these tips that
they have given me. Please help me not to be ignorant towards other people.


6-7. Graph

-Advantages of Joining STEM -Disadvantages of Joining STEM

I will be able to pursue my goal of I will struggle with studies and need to
becoming engineer alot time for studying

I will be able to help my parents in their I will not have fun


I will learn something useless in modern It will give difficult lessons

8. Observing

After creating a graph and listing the Advantages and Disadvantages, I think I am certain of
choosing to join STEM.

9-10. Ask God

I am now happy because of the choices I have made, whether it be for the future or for the

11. Choice

I am now fully aware of my decisions and it is not very clear what I want to join, especially after
doing all this research and asking. I would want to join STEM

The final Reflection Paper

After identifying, formulating, gathering all this information, I think the 11 steps given
have given me the ability to properly discern my senior high school's track course.
Looking back from these 11 steps, I was finally able to realize and reflect on my Pro’s
and Con’s. Whether it be my bad habits of procrastination or repeated acts of laziness
and being able to properly find ways to make my Senior high school a much enjoyable
experience. Following these 11 steps have also helped me be more clear on how to use
the Ignatian method.
It showed me that I can become closer to God in the thinking that all that I am working
for is a gift from God and that it should be cherished. This has helped me magnify that
there is God in every choice I make, he chooses for me to morally make decisions by
allowing me to properly look into myself, to see what needs to be fixed while not lying to
myself. Over all, this way of discernment allows one to be his true self, no sugar coats or
lies, you are what you are. Being true to oneself allows one to see all the different
possibilities that can only be seen by yourself. It can be about one's attitudes, if one
chooses to be mad what would be the outcome or if one chooses to be good and
patient, would that be the best way? Though it might be quite tedious and tiring, I think
that this is the best way in choosing something important to myself as it will lead to a
brighter future.

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