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Full Name:__________________________________________________________

5° Grade A B C D
Date: _________


Activity 5: Multiple choice. Read this short story about a homeless man.

Underline or highlight the correct answer.

1. a. was b. were c. are

2. a. demonstrated b. showed c. presented
3. a. quoted b. noted c. wrote
4. a received b. given c. yielded
5. a. visited b. browsed c. surfed
6. a. inserted b. included c. accompanied
7. a. waited b. attended c. expected
8. a. was talking b. were talking c. is talking
9. a. yielded b. gave c. received
10.a. did b. made c. do
11.a. watched b. looked c. saw
12.a. thought b. guessed c. wondered
13.a. might have b. had c. should’ve
14.a. was folding b. were folding c. is folding

Activity 6: Short story

Write a short story. 250 words

Grammar : mixed tenses focused on simple past and past continuous
Theme : Human ingenuity
Topic : social media






















Activity 7:
Text A

Telling good information from bad

Answer the following questions.

1. What online sources does Mr Lauw trust most?

2. In which sources have online rumors rapidly increased?

3. Which word between lines 12 and 15 means “developed into something more attractive”?

4. Choose the FIVE TRUE statements

A. Unlike his countrymen, Lauw reads the news both in print and online.

B. Lauw is upset about the lack of reliability in online news sources.

C. Lauw observes that mainstream media are more trustworthy than online ones

D. When more people read online news, its reliability becomes more questionable.

E. When more people read online news, its trustworthiness increases.

F. The sole providers in the past were print and broadcasting companies.

G. News outlets in the past were staffed by professionals.

H. News editors in the past valued both precision and objectivity.

I. Social media nowadays are not used solely for their original purpose.

J. Social media plays a pivotal role in conveying dated news.

K. People must follow detailed guidelines when reading news online.

Find the words that complete the following sentences. Answer using words as they appear in lines 19 to 37.

Example: The reader needs to check if the writer of the online piece…
can be trusted

5. In terms of publication time, the online piece should be…

6. If the text is subjective, it is…

7. Your choice of online publications to read is sometimes driven by your…

Text B
An Extract from Boyhood: Scenes from provincial life

Answer the following questions.

8. Which words in lines 1–11 indicate that the boy’s voice is affected in the morning? Give one example.

9. Which words in lines 1–11 show that the father does not believe the boy is unwell?

Find the word or phrase in lines 12–26 which means the following:

10. concentration

11. periods

12. artificial light

Choose the correct answer.

13. When the writer says, “he refuses to meet his father’s eye, to play the game” (lines 29–30), it is implied that…
A. the boy’s father is not truly willing to play.
B. the boy does not enjoy spending time with his father.
C. the poems the father suggests are boring.
D. the boy is frightened of his father’s reaction.

14. The boy’s mother avoids being teased by her siblings by…
A. reading another kind of book.
B. pretending she doesn’t like reading.
C. moving her bed into the loft.
D. hiding to read in isolation.

15. When the boy observes his father reading the newspaper, he notices his father…
A. does not read in depth.
B. skips to do the crosswords.
C. only pretends to read.
D. prefers to read poetry.

16. In this extract, the author mainly…

A. provides an account of the boy’s health.
B. portrays the role of literature in the boy’s life.
C. narrates an important event in the boy’s life.
D. reveals the boy’s ambitions for his adult life

Text C
Editorial: Pain of cyberbullying is all too real
Answer the following question.

1. Which word in lines 1 to 6 is closest in meaning to “threatening”?

Match the first part of the sentence with the appropriate ending on the right. Write the appropriate letter in the boxes provided.

Example: 10 percent of all New A. have been active on various platforms on the
Zealanders... Internet.
F B. have not reported any effects of cyberbullying.
C. have promoted the abuse and mistreatment of
their peers.
D. have created sites and apps to abuse targeted
2. Almost one third of high schoolers... individuals.
E. have suffered serious psychological effects.
F. have received an unpleasant or abusive message.
3. Cyberbullies and trolls… G. have helped victims to take revenge on
H. have sent out hurtful messages to other students.
I. have taken action against a number of known
J. have been persistently persecuted by online
4. Young teenage girls in particular… bullies.

5. The authorities in New Zealand..

Complete the following table by indicating to whom or to what the word/s underlined refer/s.

In the phrase... the word/s... refer/s to...

Example: Since then ... (line 14) “then” …a year ago…

22. Their punishment sends a signal... (lines 17–18) “their”

23. ...attempting to resolve their complaints. (line 21) “their”

24. Its intervention is meant to… (line 22) “it(s)”

25. ...the way they manage digital technology. (line 25) “they”

Find the word in the right-hand column that could meaningfully replace one of the words on the left

Example: deal (line 27) A. trick

B. effect
C. public
1. unconditional (line 30) D. soon
E. shock
F. total
2. early ( line 31) G. primary
H. agreement

3. Impact (line 32)

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