Beneficios y Limitaciones Del Modelo SCOR en Almacenes

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7th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management,

and Control
International Federation of Automatic Control
June 19-21, 2013. Saint Petersburg, Russia

Benefits and limitations of the SCOR model in warehousing


*HUMANIS, Ecole de Management Strasbourg,France (e-mail:

** HUMANIS, Ecole de Management Strasbourg, France (e-mail:
*** HUMANIS, INSA Strasbourg, 67000 France (e-mail:

Abstract: In the Supply Chain, the flows of goods are the result of exchanges between two major parties:
the manufacturer / industrial company / supplier on the one hand and the distributor / customer on the
other. There are many intermediaries between these two parties who, depending on the nature of the
service provided, can be classified as 3PL (Third-Party Logistics provider) or 4PL (4th-Party Logistics
Provider). This paper focuses on the 3PL provider. A 3PL provider is a logistic services provider of the
Supply Chain responsible for implementing all or part of their customers' logistics. This form of
subcontracting concerns warehouse management and transport activities as well as all associated services
such as co-packing. The objective of subcontracting is to improve the performance of the logistical
process. Modelling and evaluating the performance of these processes helps improve the performance of
the Supply Chain. SCOR model (Supply Chain Operations Reference), proposed by the Supply Chain
Council, gives a modelling and an evaluation of the performance in Supply Chain. In the context of 3PL,
the objective of this paper is to identify the benefits and limitations of the SCOR. The study is illustrated
by a distribution warehouse case in an international logistic services provider.
Keywords: Performance evaluation, SCOR, modeling, supply chain

Literature proposes several reference models for performance

evaluation in the Supply Chain. The models of Beamon
The Supply Chain (SC) is a network of production and [Beamon, 1999], Chan [Chan, 2003], Gunasekaran
distribution sites [Lee and Billington, 1995]. These sites [Gunasekaran, 2004] and Kaplan [Kaplan, 1996] recommend
provide raw materials which they process into semi-finished a list of metrics. These models are characterised by: the
and then finished products. The finished products are classification of metrics into categories, the absence of an
delivered to consumers via distribution networks [Jinxiang explicit link between metrics and standard processes.
Gu, 2007]. Distribution warehouses are key components of Performance metrics linked to the process respond to the
any Supply Chain [Jinxiang Gu, 2007]. Logistic services following question: how to locate measures in the process? In
providers, like 3PL, offer their customers the possibility of GSCF (global supply chain forum) and SCOR (Supply Chain
outsourcing various activities within their warehouses, such Operations Reference) models, the notion of process is linked
as storage and co-packing. to performance evaluation. According to Huan [Huan, 2004],
SCOR describes all activities relating to the flow of materials
In a dynamic economic context, the search for
and products and focuses on operational efficiency, GSCF
competitiveness is a key factor for the sustainability of a
deals with strategic aspects. The SCOR model was developed
Supply Chain [Jian Cai, 2009]. Sustained and increased
by the Supply Chain Council (SCC). It helps improve the
competitiveness is linked to continuous performance performance of the Supply Chain [Lockamy A. III,
improvement [Jian Cai, 2009]. Competition within the 2004][Bolstorff, 2009] and every link of the Supply Chain
market requires increasingly high performances for
[Danish, 2008]. SCOR is applicable to all links of the Supply
distribution warehouses [Jinxiang Gu, 2007]. According to
Chain [Huang, 2005][Bolstorff, 2009]. SCOR makes it
Gunasekaran [Gunasekaran, 2004], controlling the Supply
possible to model different structures of varying complexity
Chain processes is crucial for improving performance.
levels [Jack C.P, 2010]. Several authors use or gain
Processes are controlled through metrics measurement. This inspiration from SCOR for their models, in different domains
control is part of the Supply Chain Management. Supply such as the food processing [Garcia, 2012][Verdouw C.N.,
Chain management can be defined as the coordination of the
2010] or construction sector [Jack C.P, 2010]. Applying
Supply Chain stakeholders [Gunasekaran, 2004].
SCOR to distribution warehouses can also be envisaged. The
The implementation of a performance evaluation system is strict definition of processes and performance metrics creates
not immediate. This highlights fundamental questions: what a common language throughout the Supply Chain [Lambert,
to measure? What measurement frequency? What 2005][Danish, 2008][Huang, 2005] [Huan, 2004][Verdouw
measurement update frequency? [Beamon, 1999][Chan, C.N., 2010]. This common language helps standardise
2003]. And, finally, how to locate measures in the process? practices and establish comparisons between Supply Chain
It is not easy to identify and interpret the interactions between members [Ganga, 2011]. Process standardisation is necessary
metrics. to enable internal and external communication between

978-3-902823-35-9/2013 © IFAC 424 10.3182/20130619-3-RU-3018.00174

June 19-21, 2013. Saint Petersburg, Russia

Supply Chain partners [Gunasekaran, 2004][Jack C.P, 2010]. x Upside supply chain flexibility: The number of days
Modelling and evaluating processes helps create an audit of required to achieve an unplanned sustainable 20% increase
the the Supply Chain ("AS IS"): metric values in quantities delivered.
deemed "satisfactory" and "not satisfactory". A "To Be" state x Upside SC adaptability: The maximum sustainable
describes the guidelines of the processes considered [Supply percentage increase in quantity delivered that can be
Chain Council, 2008]. SCOR helps analyse and develop a achieved in 30 days.
structured performance evaluation [Lockamy A. III, x Downside supply chain adaptability: The reduction in
2004][Bolstorff, 2009] [Persson, 2009]. This framework is quantities ordered sustainable 30 days prior to delivery with
based on the two-dimensional modelling of processes: a no inventory or cost penalties.
vertical dimension (using levels within the process) and a
x SC management costs: The sum of the costs associated with
horizontal dimension (using the links between the activities
the SCOR level 2 processes to Plan, Source, Deliver, and
making up the process) [Ganga, 2011][Huang, 2005]. The
SCOR model has been applied to different processes such as
production [Garcia, 2012] and construction [Jack C.P, 2010]. x Cost of goods sold: The cost associated with buying raw
materials and producing finished goods.
A literature review failed to identify research on the theme of x Cash-to-cash Cycle time: The time it takes for an
this paper within the scope of warehousing. The proposed investment made to flow back into a company once it has
contribution is the definition of the benefits, limitations and been spent on raw materials.
shortcomings of the SCOR model within the scope of
x Return on working capital: Return on investment of the
distribution warehouses.
assets of the SC (machines, tools ..).
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 x Return on Supply Chain fixed assets measures the return an
describes the experimental method. Section 3 describes the organization receives on its capital invested in supply chain
results of the application of the experimental method. Section fixed assets.
4 describes the benefits, limitations and shortcomings of the
SCOR model. Section 5 concludes and proposes research The experimental method applied consists of 3 stages:
perspectives. Stage 1: Selection of a logistic services provider. This
logistic services provider provides its customers with various
2. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD services such as transport, storage and co-packing. The
SCOR model is composed by two parts: a modelling of warehouse activities concerned by the study are the storage of
processes of the SC with diagrams and for each process finished goods and raw materials and order picking. The
SCOR proposes metrics. customer of the logistic services provider works in the food
processing sector.
Processes are modelled with three levels:
Stage 2: Application of the SCOR model to the distribution
- Level 1 corresponds with the top level of the Supply Chain.
It is divided into 5 processes: Plan, Source, Make, Deliver
and Return. The second stage is partially derived from the method
- Level 2 is a breakdown of level 1 according to the major proposed by the SCC [Bolstorff, 2009]. The SCOR model
production categories and the corporate strategy. The used is SCOR version 9.0 [Supply Chain Council, 2008]. The
"thread diagram" represents the Supply Chain with the level 4 sub-stages are as follows:
2 processes of the model. The choice of level 2 processes of - Stage 2.1: scope determination: the determination of the
the SCOR model depends on the production strategy. The practical case which is the most representative (number of
processes concern the "Make-to-stock" category involves activities, volume of orders and turnover).
processes of a production linked to sales forecasts. There - Stage 2.2: implementation of the SCORCARD of level 1
are two other categories: the "Make-to-order" category for performance metrics,
production linked to customer orders and the "Engineer-to- - Stage 2.3: "AS IS" of the process : "thread diagram" and
order" category where the product is designed for a specific "process diagram".
customer. - Stage 2.4: implementation of levels 2 and 3 performance
- Level 3 describes each process making up level 2 processes metrics.
ZLWK WKH ³SURFHVV GLDJUDP´. Stage 3: Identification of the benefits and limitations of the
Metrics are classified with the same levels as processes and SCOR model in warehousing.
with performance attributes: reliability, responsiveness, 3. APPLICATION TO THE CASE STUDY
agility, costs and assets. Metrics of the level 1 are:
The following section describes the results of the application
x Perfect order fulfilment: The percentage of orders
of the SCOR model to a distribution warehouse.
complying with delivery performance with complete and
accurate documentation and no delivery damage. 3.1 Stage 2.1: scope determination
x Order fulfilment cycle time: The average actual cycle time
consistently achieved to fulfil customer orders. The cycle The most representative customer of the platform is
time starts from order receipt and ends with order highlighted in stage 1. All activities proposed by the logistic
acceptance by the customer. services provider are performed for this customer. In terms of
turnover and volume, this customer is one of the largest of

June 19-21, 2013. Saint Petersburg, Russia

the platform. The study focuses in particular on warehousing stored in the logistic services provider's warehouses. The
(pallet handling and storage) and order picking activities. processes selected concern the "Make-to-stock" category.

3.2 Stage 2.2: SCORCARD of level 1 performance metrics The "thread diagram" for the logistic services provider
studied consists of the following SCOR processes (figure 1):
Stage 2 describes the preparation of a SCORCARD made - Plan P: planning of processes below;
up of 10 metrics. Out of these 10 metrics: only one (Perfect - Source stock product S1: receiving and storage;
order fulfilment) is already used by the logistic services - Deliver Stock product D1 PF, Source stock product S1 PF:
provider, and five are pertinent in terms of their application in procurement of the stock reserved for order picking;
a distribution warehouse (Order fulfilment Cycle time, SC
- Deliver Stock product D1 PF 2: order picking;
management costs, Cost of goods sold, Return on fixed assets
and Return on working capital). - Deliver Stock product D1: order picking of raw materials
and packaging for factories.
x The "Perfect order fulfilment" metric is a contractual metric
for the logistic services provider studied.
x The "Order fulfilment Cycle time" metric can be calculated.
Its value is equivalent to one day: time between the booking
of the trucking company and the departure of the loaded
truck. This metric can be reduced to the "order fulfilment
process time". This second metric represents the time
between the beginning of the order picking process and the
departure of the loaded truck. The time between these two
metrics is not the responsibility of the logistic services
provider. It depends on the anticipated booking of the
trucking companies.
x There are daily and significant volume fluctuations which
exceed 20% from one day to the next. The time frames (30 Fig. 1: "Thread diagram" for the logistic services provider
days) are too long because the orders must be processed only
within one day. Therefore the three metrics of the "agility"
performance attribute proposed by the model are not The second part of stage is the process diagram. There are 59
applicable. level 2 and 3 processes in total. 20 of these processes are used
x Breaking down costs is possible thanks to the accurate to map out the case studied. All level 2 processes have been
warehouse's accounting system. 7KH ³6& PDQDJHPHQW divided into level 3 sub-processes. Development examples
x The "Cost of goods sold" metric is proposed by SCOR to The "Source stock product S1" process breaks down as
evaluate the costs of the "Make" process only. This process follows (figure 2):
is not involved in the practical case as the distribution
- S1.2 a: Receive Product. In the model, this process
warehouse has no production unit. This metric is pertinent
corresponds with the reception activities. In the practical
for the warehouse because the payroll is one of the major
case, this process corresponds with the actions relating to the
costs. The warehouse does not have raw material costs.
truck's arrival at the platform.
These costs are borne by the customer.
- S1.1: Schedule product deliveries. In the model, this process
x The "Cash-to-cash Cycle time" metric is not applicable to corresponds with the planning and management of deliveries.
the practical case platform as this platform does not manage In the case study, it corresponds with the creation of
its cash flow. Cash flow is managed by the logistic services assignments for forklift truck operators and controllers via a
provider's group. The distribution warehouses are informed software. Once the assignments have been created, they are
of their fixed assets by the group's accounting department. sent to the portable terminals of forklift truck operators.
x The "return on fixed assets" metric is pertinent and can be - S1.2 b: Receive Product. In the case studied, this
calculated. It helps highlight the profit generated by the corresponds with the truck unloading activities of the forklift
distribution warehouses, making it possible to maximise the truck operator.
return on their fixed assets. The distribution warehouses are - S1.3: Verify product. This process corresponds with product
in charge of their receivables. verification actions. The controller must ensure that the order
x The "return on working capital" metric is pertinent and can matches the delivery slip in terms of quantity and product
be calculated. references.
- S1.2c: Receive Product. In the practical case, this process
3.3 Stage 2.3: process "AS IS" corresponds with the actions relating to the truck's departure
from the platform.
Stage 3 describes the modelling of the process ("AS IS"). It - S1.4: Transfer Product. In the case studied, this process
begins with the working-out of the "thread diagram". The corresponds with pallet racking activities.
production of the logistic services provider's customer is
based on sales forecasts, not orders. The products are then

June 19-21, 2013. Saint Petersburg, Russia

Fig. 2.: stages 2.3 and 2.4: S1 Source stocked product x The "%Product Transferred without transaction errors"
metric corresponds with the number of pallets put into stock
3.4 Stage 2.4: level 2 and 3 performance metrics in the wrong location. Erroneous storage results in a waste
of time when the pallet is extracted later.
The final stage describes the implementation of metrics at
levels 2 and 3 of the process. 52% of combined level 1, 2 and 4. SCOR BENEFITS AND LIMITATIONS IN
3 metrics are applicable, and 27% of these applicable metrics WAREHOUSING
are already used, at least in an equivalent form, by the logistic The section is divided into two parts. The first part describes
services provider studied. The metrics provided by the model the benefits of the SCOR model applied to warehousing. The
are essentially cost and cycle time metrics. second describes its limitations.
For the S2 process, level 2, two cycle times are measured.
x The "order fulfilment cycle time" metric corresponds with 4.1 Benefits of SCOR in distribution warehouses
the time spent by the truck at the dock. The time spent at
The accuracy of the SCOR model's definitions enables
the dock must be minimised to ensure that the driver spends
platforms to use a common language. This common language
most of his time driving.
makes it possible to standardise the vocabulary. This
x The "Source cycle time" metric is the time between the
language enables a benchmark between the customers of the
truck's arrival and the storage of the products. Certain
platform, then between platforms of the logistic services
customers demand that products be rapidly placed in
storage to monitor stock levels in real time.
At level 3, process S1.2a: The provision of metrics and performance attributes helps
x The "%Orders/Lines Received On-time to demand decide which measurement to opt for. Performance attributes
requirement" metric corresponds with the percentage of are essential characteristics of the performance for the
trucks arrived on time. If transport deadlines are not logistic services provider. Performance attributes help
complied with, the logistic services provider must manage classify the metrics which do not feature in the SCOR model
and catch up lateness. but are used by the service provider studied. This
Process S1.2b is evaluated by three metrics: classification differs from a classification by function or
x The "%Orders/Lines Received On-Time To demand service. Classification by function does not provide a
Requirement" metric corresponds with the percentage of complete picture of the performance. Each service improves
trucks unloaded within the deadline. It helps assess the independently without considering the effect of its action on
unloading efficiency of forklift truck operators. the performance of the overall system. The SCOR model
x The value of the "costs" metric is essentially the working provides metrics which evaluate the performance of the
time of the forklift truck operator. logistic services provider studied but also its customers.
x The "cycle time" metric indicates the truck unloading time. These metrics help highlight the sources of non-performance
Process S1.3 corresponds with the control process. Two and the stakeholders responsible within the Supply Chain.
metrics are highlighted for this process: Metrics are classified by level according to their location
x The "%Orders/Lines received defect free" metric defines within the process. The location of these metrics within the
the number of pallets unloaded without any damage. modelled process provides an answer to the question of
x The "%Orders/Lines Received with Correct content" metric measurement location. The visual mapping of the SCOR
corresponds with the number of pallets with the correct model makes it possible to identify measurement points and,
references and quantity. subsequently, the processes deemed ineffective.
Process S1.4 is evaluated using two metrics:
The SCOR model helps model the processes of the Supply
x The "%Product Transferred On-time to demand
Chain. The thread diagram helps identify the stakeholders of
requirement" metric corresponds with the transfer of the
the Supply Chain and helps position the logistic services
product into stock on time.
provider within its Supply Chain. Knowledge of these
stakeholders helps determine the company's boundaries and

June 19-21, 2013. Saint Petersburg, Russia

the links between the different companies within the Supply customer only. If the study is extended to the entire platform,
Chain. Process modelling helps understand how warehouses the complete representation is difficult to achieve because of
operate and describe the actual state. This modelling helps its size, making navigation through the entire system long
identify the inputs and outputs of each process. It also helps and arduous. This navigation generates time cost overruns.
observe the flows of materials and information through the
50% of the metrics are not applicable. The logistic services
provider provides companies with a service but does not own
The breakdown of the SCOR model into processes, or manage the stock in the warehouse. Some "performance
associated metrics and levels provides a framework for attributes" such as agility do not have a metric applicable to a
performance evaluation. Classification by level and distribution warehouse. Some processes are not evaluated.
performance attributes makes it possible to follow the Certain processes only partly correspond with their
propagation of the metrics through the process. For example, constituent activities, in which case the metrics cannot
costs are broken down level by level. This breakdown helps evaluate their performance. Furthermore, during the
search for cost overrun causes in the process. The successive use of the same process, the redundancy of the
propagation gives a complete picture of the performance applicable metrics has been observed (for example, process
evaluation of the entire process. Once the SCOR model is in S1.2 in the Source stocked product S1).
place, it is possible to simulate new scenarios. Performance
The measurements of the "cycle time" metric often
evaluation distributed across the process helps highlight
correspond with a change of unit compared with the
ineffective processes. Once these points have been detected,
estimated process cost. The most important cost is the
the changes to be implemented to achieve the determined
payroll. The conversion of working time into monetary value
performance objectives have still to be defined.
corresponds with the cost metric. This results in metrics
4.2 SCOR limitations in distribution warehouses redundancy. Time measurements often depend on the volume
processed. The volumes processed vary significantly.
Not all processes and sub-processes proposed by SCOR at Therefore time measurements will vary. It is sometimes more
level 3 are used for the practical case. The method pertinent to measure productivity so as to compare volume
recommends making choices according to the activities with time. Some metrics cannot be calculated as sources of
involved. The choice is made thanks to the definition of the information are lacking. To make the recommended
model which describes the content of the processes. Certain calculations, the model must have the right sources of
activities involved may belong to different processes. Certain information. This calculation must not increase the model
actions in distribution warehouses correspond with none of usage time. It must be automated. The incomplete evaluation
the processes proposed by SCOR. The incomplete modelling of process performance means that the application of the
of the processes results in the unsatisfactory measurement of model can no longer continue with the implementation of
their performance. This means that users will not make full the "TO BE" state. Metrics redundancy generates cost
use of the model and will incur further delays in defining the overruns in terms of timeframe and monitoring of the
modelling process. metrics.

SCOR proposes standard process names. Certain warehouse In the processes selected, 159 metrics are proposed.
processes do not or only partly correspond with the SCOR Monitoring all these metrics can be long and tedious. Each
process; therefore the names do not match the content of the metric involves measurement, monitoring and the definition
process. Process names at level 3 are changed into terms of action plans. Assistance in the identification of the most
which correspond with the company's culture. However, the important metrics is required. This assistance will help reduce
following question can be asked: should the model adapt to cost overruns in terms of time for the use of the model.
the company or vice-versa? It is difficult to change the Thorough understanding of the model definitions is required
company's culture. Using a standardised language within the to optimise the use of this model. Modelling via SCOR
same company is essential. A poorly modelled activity or an requires an in-depth understanding of how activities actually
activity with the wrong name results in a poor standard for work and the completion of a field study. Acquiring and
the company and can lead to communication problems. The making use of the company's model is a long and tedious
use of the SCOR standard makes it possible to communicate process. It generates additional costs and time.
with other companies. This communication is however no Computerisation is a key future development to make full use
longer possible if the vocabulary differs from that of the of the model acquired.
Supply Chain and the use of benchmarking is also no longer
possible. Certain processes are not applicable to the case 5. CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVES
study. The stock in the warehouse does not belong to the Business competitiveness is closely linked to business
logistic services provider. performance. The performance evaluation system is difficult
The SCOR model provides no template for mapping out level to implement and various questions are raised concerning the
4. The method stipulates however that this is an important choice or location of measurement, for example. The SCOR
stage. This stage generates a cost overrun in terms of time for reference model provides answers to questions on
users who they must create their own templates. The performance evaluation in a Supply Chain. These questions
development of the SCOR model requires its complete have been addressed for distribution warehouses. This study
representation on paper, in our case in A0 format for one relies on the practical application of the SCOR model to a

June 19-21, 2013. Saint Petersburg, Russia

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