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"Red, Blue, Red, Blue"

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. .
"Blue, Red, Blue, Red"

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. .
"Red, Red, Blue, Blue"

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. .
"Blue, Blue, Red, Red"

. .
. .
"Red, Red, Red, Red"

. .
. .
"Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue"

. .
. .
"Red, Red, Red, Red" "Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue"
"Both, Both, Both, Both"

. .
. .

When the notes are top of each play both colors at the same time.
"Both, Both, X, X"

. .
. XX .

*Tap the sticks together in the shape of an X.

"Red, Blue, X, X"

. .
. X X .

*Tap your sticks together in the shape of an X.

"Blue, Red, X, X"

. .
. X X .

*Tap your sticks together in the shape of an X.

"Red, Red, X"

. .
X .
*Tap your sticks together in the shape of an X.
"Blue, Blue, X"

. .
X .

*Tap your sticks together in the shape of an X.

"Red, Red, X, Rest" "Blue, Blue, X, Rest"

*Tap your sticks together in the shape of an "X"
"Red, Blue, X"

. .
X .

*Tap your sticks together in the shape of an X.

"Blue, Red, X"

. .
X .
*Tap your sticks together in the shape of an X.
"Red, Blue, X, Rest" "Blue, Red, X, Rest"

*Tap your sticks together in the shape of an "X"

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