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An overview of the article written by Lt Col Rafi uz Zaman Khan (The
Citadel 2/2000)

1. In his article, Lt Col Rafi has elaborately dealt with the security
paradigms of South Asia, firstly under conventional circumstances and
secondly under nuclear environments. The writer has rightly defined
South Asia as the most volatile, tension ridden, unstable and insecure
region of the world. The evolution of the Indian nuclear weapons from
Smiling Buddha to Shakti- the symbol of invincible power has left no
doubts that the so-called China specific nuclear program is meant for
establishing Indian hegemony in the region with aspirations to become a
global power. This dangerous garb of being China specific has
disturbed the traditional paradigm of security in South Asia. Pakistan
also rightly exploited the opportunity to join nuclear club to ensure its
survival and send a message of mutual co-existence.
2. It has been rightly said that war is the outcome of the policy of a
nation. Scientifically, equilibrium has been related with the nuclear
balance of power. Armaments are the principal means to retain this
balance that have been adopted by even Pakistan and India to gain
ascendancy over each other. Both the countries have tried the maintain
the conventional balance of power and in recent times, though global
military spending has declined by 37%, it has increased by 12% in
South Asia.


3. Nuclear weapons have brought a revolutionary change in the

nature of warfare. In Indo- Pak scenario, these weapons of mass
destruction can reach each other’s cities in 3-4 minutes. At the same
time, the collateral damage effects have to be weighed before the
decision to launch these weapons because of close proximity of the two.
The war has transformed itself into a game having losers on both sides.
The same phenomenon has given rise to LIC environments.
4. With overt nuclearization of south Asia, the Balance of power has
been transformed into the Balance of Terror. Pakistan has no
aspirations to become a regional or a global power, so minimum nuclear
deterrence is a life saving drug to keep the country breathing. Similarly,
the C4I and early warning systems are essential to maintain a stable
mutual deterrence. Nuclear weapons have even made the weak nations
possible to defend themselves against large and powerful countries thus
giving them more self reliance as for as their security is concerned.
5. Finally Lt Col Rafi has suggested some recommendations for
Pakistan. Pakistan has to set a course for himself where he must not be
dragged into the never ending race of nuclear weapons. Pakistan should
also take practical measures to avert a nuclear war, internationalize
Kashmir issue, develop a fool proof system of early warning and C4I
develop Confidence Building Measures and try to force India to enter a
No War Pact instead of no first use option.

Maj Nayyar Naseer

Locker No 247


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