A Interm Report On Human Resource Management (HR) : BY: CH - Chaithanya Krishna (20FMUCHH011039)

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Ch.Chaithanya krishna(20FMUCHH011039)

“A report submitted in partial fulfilment of the

Requirements of the BBA Program of IBS
Distribution List: Yamini Meduri, IBS Hyderabad.

Date of Submission: 25th JULY 2022

• Authorisation

• Acknowledgements

• Abstract

• Introduction

• Main text

• Conclusion
This report is submitted in partial fulfilment for the requirements of the
BBA Program of IBS Hyderabad. This report was written under
guidance of Yamini meduri , IBS Hyderabad and founder of SHINE
I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to all those who have given me
immense support and motivation to work on this project. I would like to thank IBS
Hyderabad for giving me an opportunity to commence this project.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank and express my deep sense of gratitude to
my faculty mentor prof. ‘Yamini Meduri’. I am greatly indebted for providing their
valuable advice, constructive suggestions, positive and supportive attitude and
continuous encouragement.
I would also like to thank my Debojyoti Goon.(Company guide) HR Department for
allowing me to be an internee at their organization and help with necessary

During my internship I gained practical knowledge on how the human resource

division of an organization operates and coordinates its activities to ensure smooth
functioning of the organization at all levels by ensuring right numbers of people
are available at the right time to do the right job. Not only that I have also gained
insight into the working culture of the organization and observed how ‘Shine
projects’ handles its employees with value and empowerment to ensure they are
motivated to give their best to the organization.

The report starts with an organization profile of SHINE PROJECTS giving its
background, mission, vision, its products and services, the hierarchy and
organogram of the organization. The next section is the comprises the project,
Human Resource Management in shine projects. The project encompasses
introduction to the topic, recruitment, selection, training and development. Each
chapter contains detailed discussion of the HR functions followed by Organization
Practice at Shine projects which basically conveys how things are done in the HR
I have select the topic of this report is “Human Resource Management of “Shine
projects”. I tried to integrate my theoretical knowledge of HR and combine it with
practical examples as observed during my internship. I have tried to cover all the
major functions of Human Resource Management- recruitment, selection,
compensation and benefits, training and development and convey my understandings
of the different functions of Human Resource Management through this project.
At the end of the report I have done a SWOT Analysis on the HRM Practice of Shine
projects followed by discussing critical points. I have also tried to provide some
recommendations based on my knowledge followed by the conclusion which I
gathered during my internship.
A huge benefit of internship is that it provides you with work exposure that helps
you in future.

The report deals with the HRM practice including recruitment and selection
process, training & development process, compensation management, employee
relation & separation, etc. in terms of theoretical point of view and the practical
use. The study will allow learning about the HRM issues, importance, modern
techniques and models used to make it more efficient. The study will help to learn
the practical procedures followed by the leading organizations. Moreover the
study will help to differentiate between the practice and the theories that direct to
realize how the organization can improve their HRM practice & process.

I was given training for one week to hire potential sales consultants
or agents and register them under you using your Unique agent applicant. They
provided Online live Recorded classes for Interns and This course is 30 video
lectures of 40 min each, 20 hours long and is useful for a new beginner to know
the concepts in the field of HR. It covers the basics of entry-level HR fundamentals.
This course in Human resources teaches more than just the basics of HR. It gives
the skills and knowledge for anyone seeking a career in Human Resources.
My role in the company is to first contact the given clients and enquire them about
the need to our product. After that if the customer shows interest in our course. we
send them the details of our online Recorded live classes. We then hire potential
sales consultants or agents and register them under you and motivate them to
market and sell our courses using their referral codes and we also make job posts
on different social media platforms and create a buzz regarding vacancy in sales
consultant profile.

From the above discussion it can conclude such a way that since human
resource management is a continuously practicing issue so it plays a
significant role on organizations overall performance.
During this internship I had an exposure to the industry. This helped me
to gain knowledge about various aspects in educational industry.
Improved my communication skills, negotiation skills and made me to
think more creatively. As a BBA student it is a great opportunity for me
to develop my communication skills which are necessary. Everything
done during this internship is a learning outcome.
• Company website (https://www.shineprojects.in/courses)

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