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& SLAG AS A SCOPE FOR ALTERNATIVE BINDER IN PASTE BACKFILLING SK Behera’, C.N Ghosh’, Prashant’, D.P Mishra’, K. Mishra’, D, Behera? P.K Mandal’, K.M-P Singh’, J. Borgahin' and P.K Singh’ 'CSIR-Central Institute of Mining & Fuel Research, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India “Indian Instirute of Technology (Indian Schoo of Mines), Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India "National Instituteof Technology, Rourkela, India Abstract: This paper highlights various experiments conducted to study the ef fect of fuming fur- nace slag (FES) as partial OPC replacement in paste back filing. In the first setof experiments raw slag (FFS) was used whereas in the second set FFS is crushed to-75pm. Crushed FFS (CFFS) shows encouraging results of strength development, in contradictory raw FFS have a detrimental ef fect on the strength, With replacement of OPC by CFFS strength decreases as compared to that of OPC based paste back fill. This may be due tothe fact that, ime to percentages of silica, alumina and iron ovideis fund tobe 0.10 in FFS whichis far below than the value of 0.66-1.02 for OPC grade-43, Paste ‘mix BPF, (8wt% OPC), BPF ,(7wt’% OPC) and BPF, (6wt% OPC), CFFS81 (7wt%OPCHwt%CFFS) and CFFS82 (6wt%OPC+2wt%CFFS) fulfil the 28 days strength requirement of LIMPa for this particular study. Iti evident that higher binder content results in a higher operating cost. So, use of crushed FFS as partial OPC replacement may not be discouraging, as it can be one of the OPC al- ternatives, potentially reducing the cost of paste backfill. From the slump test results, 195mm slump and solid concentration of 77wt® is found for mix BPF,CFFS8, and CFFS8, whereas 78wt% for mix BPF, and BPF,, Keywords: Mill tailings; FFS; CFFS: paste back ill strength. 1. INTRODUCTION is hydraulic filing, where waste materia is placed in the . form of slurry into the underground voids or stopes(Be- WW" ar prowh of induration, theres hers eal, 2018). The second one cemented backing, pressure all over the world on avaiable land, not makes use of small pereetage of binder such as ordinary only for construction and industries, but alo for dispos- portland cement (OPC) or a blend of OPC wi ing huge quantities of waste generated from industries, mining and mineral processing operations, The problem of waste disposal has reached a phase where it dwells large swathes of land for storage of wastes. These waste materials are of significant source of plltion of ar, wa ter and soil (Erckdi et a, 2008). Underground disposal of such industrial waste isan efficacious slation (Belem and Benzazzoua, 2008). There are two basi types of backfl- ing sthemes used in underground metal mines. The first tn-cemented backfilling does not use binding agents suck as cement. A typical example of un-cemented backflling olan such a5 ly ash, gypsum or blast furnace slag (Tariq tnd Yanful, 2013), The developed version of cemented buackfling is paste backflling, where mil talings gener- ated during mineral processing are mixed with additives Such as OPC, lime, ily ash, and smelter slag (Sivakugan ta, 2006). The purpose of the binding agents isto de ‘velop strength and cohesion within paste backfil so that exposed fill Faces will be sel supporting when adjacent stopes are extracted (Yilmaz etal, 2014). The use of un~ derground paste backill provides ground support to the walls helps in preventing surface subsidence and rof fll, and enhances recovery, and productivity. Thus the paste buackfl provides an extremely flexible system for coping with the complex mining structures (Belem et a, 2002) ‘The paste backfilis usually transported to underground through reticulated pipelines, Recently there hasbeen an increasing tend in use of sup plementary cementitious materials in the production of omposite cements. Slag is found to be a suecessfal OPC replacement in concrete structures (Albitar et al, 2015; Sharmila snd Dhinakaraa, 2016), Teacts as a binding agent and finds its application in concrete, stabilization of clay, ave of sand in hybrid concrete, and in cement Industries etc (Sekar eal, 2017). Is use has expanded indostry because it has various advantages over other cementitious materials, Pitty, slag has been a rela- tively constant chemical composition compared to fy ash, sii fume, and pozzolanas etc. Besides, it has advantages Tike, high sulphate and acid resistance, better workabii ty, higher strength, etc (Alwael, 2017] Slag also find its application asa coarse aggregate in pase backing (Wa etal, 2015). There has been continuous research around the world for alternative binders and the most common solution has been to use pozzolanic products such as fy ash (FA), ground granulated last furnace slags (GGBFS) and blast furnace slags (BFS) (Fall and Samb, 2008; Amaratunga and Yaschyshya, 1997; Courard eal, 2014), Yilmaz et 4, 2014 investigated the use of granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) as pozzolanc additive fr the partial replace- ment of OPC ip cemented paste Backll (CPB) of slphide rich ml tilings. Typical binder proportion additions are 9% to 7% by weight into paste backill (Benzazzowa eta, 2002). BFS has not only increased strength but also have A positive (refinement) effect onthe pore sve distribution ofthe CPB (Ouellet et al, 2007), re are primarily two categories of slag generated lead-aine smelter First one is ISF sag by-product, gen crated during the primary smelting of zine ore in a form of blast furnace. Iris a granulated, glassy material and has the appearance of dark coloured sand, Second category is fuming furnace slag (FFS), generated during the process where, molten zine is volatiged from the slag snd reox Aised fo form zinc oxide (ume) which is recovered from the process gases. This paper describes the optimization of paste il mix design, ic particularly invesigtes the com pressive strength characteristics of pst il sing FFS and ‘rushed FFS (CEFS) as partial OPC replacement. It aso describes the various physico-chemial properties of lead zine mill ailings, FFS, and workabliy of paste mix by slump test. I MATERIALS AND METHODS Mill elings samples were collected from the paste fl plant ofa lead-zine producing underground mines leat~ din the state of Ralasthan, India. Similarly, Fuming fur- nace slag (FFS) samples were collected from the lead-zine smelter. Slag is produced inthe Zin smelter furnace when ‘Coke is fed into the shaft ofthe furnace from the top and the bast air enters through tuyeres in the lower parc of the furnace, Lead and slag re tapped from the furnace hearth, and furnace gas and zinc vapour leave the shaft through the furnace offake, The overflowing sag from the hearth is direced into a launder in which i i granulated by high pressure water jets, FFS is vitreous and nonporous in na- ture, The FFS samples were also crushed inthe laboratory Up to -75pm. These materials were analysed for physi co-chemical properties. The most common binder used in the preparation of paste fill is OPC, However, due to the relatively igh costs of OPC, other by-products commonly blast Fornace sag (Slag) and fly ash (FA) are often substi- tuted for OPC in various amounts to produce blends at = Tower costs, Hence, OPC grade-3 with FFS was experi rmnted for partial OPC replacement in the paste fil 22 Physical properties, the physical properties of mill tailings, FPS and crushed FS that of particular interest for paste fling were stud- ied, including bulk density, specific gravity, and particle sian analysis, (Fall etal 2005). The partclesize analysis was conducted using laser-based Malvern "MASTERSIZ. ER 3000" (Fig. 1a or finer particles. Wheres, or cours- cr particles like FPS mechanised sieve shaker was used ‘Also morphology oftalings, FFS and crushed FFS were sued by scanning elcrron microscopy (SEM) (Fig 1b). ig. Patielesize analyser () SEM instrument 23. Chemicl properties The chemical compositions (element oxides) of lad-zinc rill tilings (MT) and FFS were determined by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Technique using ZSX Primus (Rig teu) instrument, which isa wavelength dispersive X-ray fBuorescence spectrometer. 24 Past il preparation Initially, as base cas, paste fil mix with Sw (dry basis), Tah, 6s, SUN and 4A OPC grade-43 were used Two reference mix were selected a Swe OPC and Swe OPC. Accordingly, inthe first set the OPC percentage was reduced gradually with increase in FFS percentage. Paste fll mix was prepared by mixing mil tallings, OPC, and 745, FS in.a mixer initially ona dry basis, and then a required ‘quant of water was added gradually to form paste. Simi- lary, past fl was also prepared with crushed FFS as grad- tal OPC replacement. Cylindrical moulds were used co prepare samples for unistal compressive strength (UCS) determination, As soon asthe paste fill mix was prepared, the slump test was condcted and the material was poured into the cylindrical moulds and kept for curing. 25. Stady of consistency of pst ill consistency of the paste fill was measured by slump test (Fig.2) as per ASTM C 143: 2015, The slump tes was also used to determine the optimum water requirement for each paste il mix by maintaining «constant slump of 195mm (42% variation). The slump isthe vertical depres sion beight ater the slump cone was lifted in vertically upward direction. Fig. 2 Past fills mixand slump test 24 Strength development in paste ill The load-bearing capacity of the pastefill samples were determined by UCS text at shown in Fig. 3, UCS forall the pastefill moulds were determined 2, 14, 28 and 56 days ‘uring duration, ig. 5: UCS test af paste Bl sing NX (Sm diameter) size simple I RESULTS AND DISCUSSION “The results of physical and chemical properties of mill tai Ings, FPS and crushed FES, simp test and UCS results of pastefill are explained below. 4M Physicochemical propertia The specific gravity of the mill tailings, FFS and crushed FS samples were found to be 2.91, 297 and 2.96 respec- tively. The bulk density (p) of mil tains sample is 1.49 fem, for FES sample, ie 1.38 g/m? and for crushed FES i of 1.36g/em’. The results of particle sie analysis of mil ailings, FFS and crushed FES samples are summa- rived in Table 1, the specific surface area ofthe mil al ings sample is 481.4 m'7kg, wheres, in case ofthe crushed FS itis found to be 635.6 kg. Te particle size dst bution curve of mill tilings, FFS and crushed FFS samples are shown in Fig. 4 Table Physical characterisation of mil lings, FS, crushed Deane ae aa Disarm va Ta Speaicorierara mi) [ST we 746 The coefficient of uniformity (Cu) and coefficient of eur- vature (Ce) for all the samples are calculated using the ‘determined values of D10, B30 and Dé0 according to the following formulae Cocficent of eiformiy (Ca) 282. Coctcent carta (C3) = 224222. 2 Where D10= grain size t 10% pssng, D3 grain Sze 8 30% passing and D6O ~ grain size a 60% passing In the ase of mil talings since Cu > 6 and Ce < 1 and for FFS, Cite 6 and Ce > 1, iis coneladed that these samples are poorly-graded. Whereas, in crushed FFS Cu > 6 and Ce Fig SEM morphology of) Mil eiings (FES (2) Crashed The XRF study results revealed, chemically both the tail asi i grad is ASTM D-248, ferric oxide (Fe,0,) and alumina (Al,0,). Boch the materi t } Table 2: Chemical composition of lead-zine mill tailings and a /f IS, : if mostly iregular to angular in shape having many square particles with sharp edges. Whereas, FFS samples are hav- ing mostly in sub rounded tothe angular shape. Distinct asperites and edges were visible. Most particles examined lander SEM had rough surface textures, high sphericity and solid structure. Similarly, crushed PFS shows finer tdreulr to sub circular particles with some iregularparti- cles depending upon the degree of rushing and grinding as glasy texture of FFS makes it very hard and dificult togrind 52.Slump east results From the slump test results 19Smm slump and solid con centration of 770% are found (at 8wt% OPC). The goals were to have a constant slump (428 variation) and find the optimum soli percentage of various binder propor- tions, At the first stag, the required slid percentage is increased by 1% by using FES along with OPC as 2 bind- fr. In the second stage this process is repeated for crushed FS with OPC as binder. The optimum solid percentage is determined based on the repeatedly slump tess (Table 3) Iecan be observed that use of FFS in pate backfl require sore water than that of typical OPC based paste back However, crushing of FFS to 2 suitable size may require less water for its transportation as fine granular particles helps in movement of solide within the paste back “7 ®& | | & Table Parte with lump rv is observed that with coring tin, strength increased for allehe paste il sample, which ea natural face of omit wince | 2%. | stp | S42, | hydration proces For this purtcuar study aes the ste fed J musamem | oad | SMES | sequired «28 daye UCS of 11 MPs whichis achieved by APF, (Gwe OPC), BPF, (o¥ OPC) and BPR, (ove (PC), Whereas the rate of trength increas slower for more | 0 ws | me FFS plas OPC based paste fill s compared to sole OPC based parte fil. This may be doe to the fact tha coarser we pmow |e = Lae partie size of FFS and the porzsanie doesnot get activated a this particles we, more |e we | vem courser FES particles just replaced as aggregate of very ow percentage ofthe total solids in paste fl. Whereas, whoa wT ne be wo | am the crushed FFS (-75um) is used with OPC for paste fil, S icshows encouraging results interme of rength develop” tment a that of raw FFS+OPC based paste il (Fig eis ae om ts found that addition of crushed FFS reduced the pole — UUCS a diferent days of curing, in comparison with OPC vos, | 707 Tuas [ans | nas based pate il However the industry eeguiedthresold value of 1 MPa was achieved by mix CFFS8, (wtXOP- wa, | aor | lum CrtaetiCFFS) and CFESS,(6weXOPCs 20x CFF). The | tiers’ | a rate of strength development in CFFS substituted binder - is comparatively slower than tht ofthe contol sample 1 vvsa, | su0re+ | we | ree (te OPC). This eduction in strength is may bed © the face that lime to percentages of silica alumina and iron “m07ee . tone i fund tobe 010 in FFS which far below than the we | Se | we ‘als of 066-102 for OPC grade-43. Ths limited con bution of crushed FFS towards strength development of vos, | 0re | a0 ws | ms atte bacflsmpls ons, [items [2 |r Fig. UCS rst with varying FFS and curing time. oF , Pariculary, for every mine operator economy is 4 ma- cms, [mens | [me jor concern, Its noteworthy to mention that beciling bears 25% of the total maining coe, out of which 75% is crs, [more oo os [ma the binder cost wihen OPC is sed ss «sale binder (H Sani etal, 20078), Considering the cost saving which wl sd FPS as partial replace *FES-Fuming furnace slag, "CFFS-Crushed fuming fur- be achieved by the use of cu Teer sag "BPE Base pos fil ment of OPC in paste backflling, it’s always benefical to tee suitable Blend of OPCscrushed FES, For this ps 5. Elfet of FS on strength Uiulat study CHESS, 7wtXOPC+ twXCFFS) and CFFSS, be suitable binder The UCS values ofall the tested samples with OPC assole (6wtEOPCI20tCHFS) are found Binder and HFS partially replaced ae plowed in Fig. composition in terms of strength development m8 ®& EBS mores sree ES pores mers El wre: UL Sore, ses Ee nore “ ores mers Er 2 Breen El onores ures le TICS OPA) Fig7/UCS enhancement by asing crshod FS, IV. CONCLUSION ‘This paper explained about the various results of physi- co-chemical and strength development characteristics of pastefill sing OPC, FFS and erushed FFS as binders. Fl Towing are the conclusions based on the std. + Apart from raw FFS, both the mill lings and crushed FS samples have fines (-20,m) more than 15% and therefore the mirture of these materials form a paste fll. Chemically, both tings and FPS have silica (SiO), ferric oxide (Fe,0,) and alumina (Al0,), C20 and MgO with minor concentrations of Ti0,, P,0,,N2,0 and K,0. ‘The goals were to have a constant slump (12% vari tion) and find an optimum sold percentage of various binder proportions, The required solid percentage is increased by 1%, using FFS and crushed FFS along with (OPC asa binder in separate sets of experiments. From the slump test results, 195mm slump and solid concen tration of 77wiX are found for mix BPF, CFFSS, and CCFFS6, whereas 76w% for mix BPF, and BPF, ‘The rate of increase of strength ofthe paste ie rapid up to 28 days of curing after which the rate comparative: Iy decresees for OPC based paste fl samples and the maximum strength is found at 56 days of curing. Also, ‘with replacement of OPC with crushed FES, sengt decreases, This may be due to the fact that, lime to per~ ‘centages of silica, alumina and iron oxide is fund to be (0.10 in FES which i far below than the value of 66- 1.02 for OPC grade, + Paste mix BPF, (8wt% OPC), BPR, (Pw OPC) and BPF, (6w% OPC), CHESS, (weXOPC+ lweCFFS) and CFFSS, (6ysOPC+2wMCFFS) fulfil the 28 days frength requirement of {.1MPa for thie particu study Tt is evident that higher binder content results in higher operating cost, So crushed PFS use as par~ tial OPC replacement may not be discouraging, asitean be one of the OPC alternatives potentially making the paste fill more economic. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT “The present study is conducted with the financial sypport from Hindustan Zinc Limited (HZL). The authors express thelr gratitude to HZL management for inancal support for the sy. REFERENCES Li) Albitar, M, Mohamed Ali, M.S, Visinin, P ‘Dreckler, M, 201. 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