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GreenEMPIRE “We plant seeds of SUCCESS” licensure ™=xamination in /Xgriculture ™ eviewer (Lecture Manual and Review Questions) CROP SCIENCE Green Empire PH is an oniee srpor erour providing bosic Knowledge in agreltur especally to those Who are planning to take the Licensure Examination in Dareturein the hippies. Interact withthe team ae get moe updtes via ou oe FACEBOOK PAGE: wun facebook com/areenemlrh and TWITTER @greenempireph GExnSwieocenank ‘Thi ehere Gaenmpite Pl provies FREE and relevant revew questions, ops, and study ips. Feel ee toon our Alscsion, share your ideas and meet ther examinees Marcial §. Buladaco Top 1 (97.17%) Len 2014 2S Agricutue, Univesity of the Philippines Los Bales Univ Research Associate at Agricultural Systems Cister, UPLB Contact deta: mebuladaco@up.ed ph; 09177034348 ‘Maluz A. Belarma ‘um ude 2S Agriculture, Univesity of the Philippines Los Bates Univ Research Associate a University ofthe Pilppines Los Bas President, HandogAral Ins ‘Contact Detail luzzyosois@gmalcom; 09088979162 Michelle Ann M. Calubaquib 8S Agricutural Chemistry, University ofthe Philppnes Los Bos IMS Sel Science, University ofthe Philipines Los Baios Univ Researcher at University ofthe Pilpines Los Bafos ‘Contact Details:; 09178930602 Lovely R. Luar BS Agricuture, Univesity ofthe Phlippines Los Bales Researcher at International Plat Nutrition Institute (PN) Contact Details: lvaly_luar@; 09268959075 Ma. Theresa V. Velasco ‘magna cum ioe 85 agriculture, Univesity ofthe Philippines os Batos Researcher at International ice Research institute RA) ‘Contact Details: tvlasco@i or; 09082832920 CROP SCIENCE 1. AGRICULTURE AND CROP SCIENCE ‘A. The concept of Agricuture 8 Word and Domestic Food Stuation and Praducton Centers CC. Phillie Population Food Supply and Agrcuture ‘State of Philippine ajiasture ‘The Concept of Crop Scence Crop Production asa Scence, Art and Business II. CLASSIFICATION OF CROPS. A Systems of Classtation 1 General Gasification of Cops i Accorcing to growth habit i, ‘coring to ite cycle i, According to mode of reproduction iv. Specal types C Cassicaton of Crops Based on Purpose 1. Spocal groups IIL THE NATURE AND COMPOSITION OF PLANTS. ‘A. The lan Cals: Pens Arg Functions cet wall i Cytoplasm fi, Nicos 1. The Anatomical Reglons OFA Plant Body 1 Plant tissues ae Ussve systems ()Menstemate Tissues (@)Permanent Tssues i, Complex Permanent tssue/ Types of vascular tissues i, Mar plat Ussve system ant Organs Root i Sem (GroenEMPIRE PH (im ebook com great) ii Leaf I Flower vy. Seed wi Frots IV, PLANT LIFE PROCESSES. ‘A. Photosyhesis 2B. Respiration © Transpiration . Translocation Assimilation . GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT A. Part movenents 1 Tree steps in pant movement Iwo eategors of plant movements 3B. Crop Adaptation VI, PLANT GROWTH REGULATION ‘A. Phytohomanes an 4, Gierelie acd (A) i Cjoknin (CK) Iv. Ethylene Ve Abgosic ac (ABA VIL. CONCEPTS RELATED TO PLANT GROWTH. ‘Leb’ Law of Minimum Backman’s Theory of Optma and Limiting Factors -Mtschersch Law of Dmsnising Return Vill, PLANT PROPAGATION. ‘Sexual Propagation ‘Asexual Propagation 1” Bropagtion by apomicte embryos ii Separation and Dvison Wi. Gating Iv, Layering ope ee v. Grating M. Busding Wi arching (approach geting) Tissue autre techniques other than embryo cure 1 FACTORS AFFECTING CROP PRODUCTION. ‘A. Genatype ard Envirorment 8. Gxe Imeracton X ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS. AA. Abit factors (Climatic factors) (1) Macrecimate (2) Weather G)oimate (4) Mirocimate |. The Gimabe Elements (5)Preoptaton (Temperate (@) wine or ain erzontal mation (@) Solar radiation oF taht (Reeve numty 8, Abo factors(Ecanhic factors) i Sol Properties in relation to Crop Producton (Sol Texture (@)soi sructze (@) Bulk Dersty 1. Sol chemical Properties (Soi pe (2) ation Exchange Capacty (CEC) G)Sal| Organ ater (SO™) i. Sol Biological Properties . Blote Factors i Beneical organisms 4 Palinatrs| i, Decomposers (GreenEMPIRE PH (vm ebook com oreamaleoh) Iv, Natural pest enemies v. Peas D. Genetic Factors aman Facors Xi, CROP IMPROVEMENT AND SEED SELECTION Pare sretrg (Creation of variation i Seecton fi, Evaluation IN. Mutpleation ¥. Dstrouton| Conservation of germplasm IL SUSTAINABLE CROP PRODUCTION ‘A. Sustainable ogrcuture 1 Chareceristis of Sustainable Agrcuture |. Features attributes! cimensons of SA Wi, Fee for action in sustarable agricultural framework Biodyramic farming or Dedynamicagricultre ological farmingfecologal farming Naval feming kyuses Nature Faring Permacuture Organic Farming Regenerative agrcuture Precision farmnglegrcuture/ Preseipton Farming /Ste Specfie Management XII, FARMING SYSTEMS Types of farming systems General Types of Farming Systems xav. CROPPING SYSTEM ‘A. Cropping Pate 1 Nenocropping rzexmpone o> 4 Mile Coping wi. ieweopnng Rey compre Seer ype of png Patens Citi of mane Coan SU Cezpng Sten ‘eyaoesty Co ter pu Agree (SA) Trngatedramg Syn 8 Tae Food & Fag 1, STE CHARACTERIZATION AND EVALUATION Eaton cap nosstonexerpise Se wcton Siocamome rectors Sop co Pry CORONA CLIMATE CLASSIFICATION Type Typett pe tt Te lv LAN PREPARATION AND PLANTING PRACTICES Lard pepaton 1 rypr ot ad parton 1. Typeset Tage Operatons & Fomset bp Opestons Tle ters WIL, PLANTING MATERIAL, SELECTION AND PREPARATION A ring tri fron lating 8: Sena ropegetn and rrr paces GnerEHORE Mi im cbkconipeeneromoh) z money anmone z >Rone> xX. RR monseFoos> Types of fowers |i, Breeding methods i, Yor ws. Open-Polinated Cutvars Iv. Seed Qualty and Characteristics Vv. Seed casses| Seed performance i lating methods vil lacing dest be. Seeding methods ‘Asexual propagation and nursery practices 1 Natural Vegetative Propagation Ire! Vegezative Propagation PLANTING PRACTICES Seed Anaiyss/Tesing | Standard Germination Tet i Terazolum Test Seed Purity Test ‘SPECIAL PRACTICES IN CROP PRODUCTION. WATER MANAGEMENT ethos of gation Managing sol moisture Managing sol moisture inthe dry season Managing sol aise inthe wet season SOIL FERTILITY MANAGEMENT Felzer Applicaton Methods Other sources of nutrients Mineral Nutrtion Decine in Sl Ferbity Nien uptake mechanism Factors affecting nutrient uptake HARVESTING AND POSTHARVEST OPERATIONS Henvesting Postharvest handing i. Types of cops based on postharvest characteristics i Kinds of packages i, Protonging elie of perishable Iv. Biolog factors involved in deterieation \. Evronmentlfactrs involved in deterioration . Cassicaton of Rs pattems Wh, Other post-harvest Terms DoUV, FARM ENTREPRENEURSHIP Breakeven yield Cost to produce a kilogram tum on investment ‘TROPICAL LANDSCAPING Landscaping iL Mar phases i Base elements of andscape design i, Base prnepes of landscape design Iv Plants used in landscaping XVI, RECOMMENDED VARIETIES OF CROPS A Cereals Ree i Maze 1 Tropical wheat iv. Sorghum 8. Sugar crops © Root and tuber crops (GreenEMPIRE PH (nm ebook comioremampleoh) ween Dees pee eeere Grain legumes Fiber crops ‘Vegetables Frut crops Prartaton Crops ‘BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS DATA ‘volume of Production by Region Volume of reduction CROP SCIENCE I. AGRICULTURE AND CROP SCIENCE “7 Systematic raising of useful plants and lvestock under the management of man ¥ Purposeful work trough which the elements of nature are harnessed to produce plants and animals to meet human needs. 7 Broad indus engaged in the preduction of plants and animals for food and fiber, the provson for agriautural supplies and Services and the processing, marketing and distrbution of agreuiixal products se se Centers 7 The word population |s expected to increase by 2.68. 0ver the next 45 yea fom 6.58 today to 8.16 In 2080. Much ofthe increase wil be from developing countries. The popution in developing countries wil increase fom 5.38 to 7.8 Bn 2050, > Great pressure is being placed on agricultural lands hence, i is Imperative to incase ‘current levels of food producton to provide an adequate supply of food to neasng population > Must isnot sutable fo agrcutre of the words total land area of 150 M km Arable land compeses 10% of the total; ermanent cops are 19%; meadows and pasties, 29%; forest land woodland, 31%. The remaining 3496 & Ind surface that Supports lite or no vegetation: Antarctica, deserts, mine ses, urban ares, GreenenPiRE PH (mm facebook con/orenemateph) > Rape population growth in most developing counties had ‘greatly reduced the arable lard per capt. ti estimated that by 2080, te amount of arable land wil be Just over one-tenth ‘of hectare per peson, fom 0.50 ha in 1961 ‘>In 2008, the hilppne poration was 32.23M, ‘The annua population gronth ate rom 2000-2007 2.09%, > About 32% of the county's total land area consotutes the ‘2grcutral land 1» ‘Ae constant pres the agricature and fishery sector had 3.23% ‘grown in 2008. The average annual rate of increase Was 3.28% forthe period 2006 to 2008. 26 The share of agrcuture inthe gross domestic pret (GDP) in 2008's 18%. 7 Preset, the increase in food supply Is about 2% per year Inti is ust enough to Keep up with population increase. About 20% of this incase is the resut of expansion of new reduction areas. The remaining 805 Is due to techrotgial ‘advances in production ike improved irigaton, rop protection, beter cutwvars, Improved op nutton, post-harvest Rendling a D. State of Philippine Agricul ‘Agioukure and Fsheres Moverization Act (AFMA) or Republic Act 8435 7 Mandated the moderizaton of the country's agcuture sector Signed into iw in 1957 ‘E.The Concent of Crop Science, Science - systematic accumulated and tested knowledge. Plant ~ ary orgarism belonging to the Kingdom Plantae, typically lacing active lecomaton or covous nervous system of Sensory ‘organs and has photosynthetic ably. (Crop = domestcatedautiated planes grown for proft. 1 usualy connotes a group or popuaton of cutivate plats. (Crop Science — It Is concemed with the observation and asieaton of knowledge concerning economically cultivated ceps and the estabishment of veritable pinciples regarding thelr growth land development for the purpose of denving te optimum benefit from them I's cided into areas a folows '% Agronomy deals with the principles and practices of managing fe crops and sols b. Horticulture ~"deais with gardens and plants within an encesure.Ieincludes |. Pomology fut) Ui. Oleriutture (vgetabes) Si, loriculture (Powers) Iv. Nursery management . Landscape gardening Its scence is derived from the adoption or application ofthe bale soences of chemisty, mathemetis, physics, and from venous ‘2ppbed scences lke physiology, meteorology, anatomy, pant breecing ete 1 Terequies sills to produce cops even with tle or no scientie traning. ‘Pats are not grown simply to satsfy the needs of man but to real Some profitin the proces of production ‘ayicdtural research inthe Philippines has been established through schools and research centers, n both private and puble sector. These GreeneHPiRE PH (mm facebaok con orenemateph) State collages and universes offering degrees in agrcuture Department oF Agrcuture Research Networks "atonal commodity research centers IDA. Fiber Industy Development Authority NTA: Nationa! Tabacco Adminstration PhilRice- Phippine Rize Research Insttute BCA Philippine Coconut Autry ‘SRA Sugar Regulatory Adminstration PRCRTC ~ Philippine Roctzrops Research and Training Center INPRCRTC - Nothern Philippines Roctoops Research and Trang Center _ NARG~ National Abaca Research Center | Spedalzed ciscpine-onented research centers IPB Insvte of Plant Breeding “NCC National Crop Protection Center © NPGRL ~ Notional Park Genete Resources Laboratory Y PHTRC ~ Postharvest Hortcultre Training and Research Center BIOTECH ~ Natonal Institutes of Molecular Bology and Botechnology S. Private seed companies 7" Eas West ‘Monsanto nee ¥ Syngenta © Aled Botanicals Major Intemational research organization mandated to do research ‘and development in cop species Important to food and agricature include the flloning: ~TRRI Intemational ce Research Instute (Philppines) 2 ¥ CIMMYT - Centro Intemational de Mejramiente de Maize y Trigo (Mexico) CHP Centro International de Patatas (Pe) % TCRISAT ~Interatonal Cente or Sem Ad Tropes (nda) Y CHAT ~ Centra de Imernatonal de. Agrcutral Tropica! (Colombia) ¥ TOARDA International Centr for Agricultural Research for Dry areas (Syria) TTA rternatinal iste for Tropical Agreuture (Niger) + TCRAF ~ Interational Center Yor Research on Agrotoresty (Kenya) -AVRDC — Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center rainen) + Biodiversity International ~ Resources Insite (tay) for International Plant Genetic II, CLASSIFICATION OF CROPS (iops re cased for order and organizaton. Agra Coops ae diverse in nature hence Casscaton of & crop 1s Yery hele. Crops are cassis for logical naming. A cop can be dented Dy RS common name which vetes from ove lealty to anather OF by its scientife name whichis constant wore A. Systems of Classification » ‘Artificial system dased on convenience In which @ structure or feature serves as a bass of QroupNg Natural system uses the most prominent and most pacular morphological srucure of the plant wih the intention of ‘grouping together those crops whch are most familar in a umber of sutures GreeneHPiRE PH (mn facabook con orenemateph) w Phylogenetic system — ‘evlutonary sts plants are assed according to their ‘according ‘growth habe Herbs - surclant pants with se sunparing stems, wth sof stems by Vines = succulent or woody planes wthout s- supporting seme Shrubs ~ may have several main branches with no runic {and rarely grows higher than S meters 6, Trees — wih shgle cenval stem to which branches are attached, usualy tle then shrub According to lite cycle {as Annuals ~ comple ther cyl in year or less. 9, Squash . Biennials- pont orinary require 2 years or atleast pat (of 2 groning seasons wih a dormant period between ‘routh sages to complete there cycle 9, caro, cabbage, celery ©. Perennials ~ parts that do not de ater flowering but live fom year to year 3, Asparagus According to mode of reproduction ‘Sexual ~ plats that develop ater undergoing processes ‘of meiosis nd fertrtion Inthe flower to prosuce a viable fenbsyo inthe seed b, Asexual ~ plants that ae produced by any vegetatve ‘means not nvlvng mesis an the union of gametes ‘Special types: 2. Parasites: parasitic, sucking roots ©. Epiphytes- grow upon other plants (orchids) but nt peste 3 Saprophytes: grow in places rich in decaying expanic substances Cereals /grain erops - ron for thei grins Examples: ie, com, wheat, sorghum Legumes ~ for pods and seeds Examples: cowpea, munghean, sao, peanut Root crops fr enarged root tuberous rots Examples: 2553, bi, arow root Fiber crops — grown for ther fibers used in texte, coaggy ‘ines, socks, bags etc. Examples: eoton re, kena, je il crops ~ grown for ther ol content Examples: soybean, peanut, sufiower, castor, cone ‘Sugar crops ~ grown fr their sugar content samples: sugarcane, sugar best Pasture/Forage crops ~ used for roughage source for animals Erampl: para grass, rapier ras, ppl, Spiosanthes Beverage crops - vsd for brening non-akahale drinks Examples: coflee, 2020, tea ‘Spices, condiments, essences ~ used to provide special ‘vor, scent, and color to food, perfumes, soaps and body cressing GreenenPiRE PH (mm facebook con orenemateph) Example: back pepper, varia trend, lang-lang, anrato 10.tatex and resins — trunks amples rubber, cio, pil, mas, papaya sed for extracting sep from the 11.Medicinal and poison crops ~ vith cutive laxative and pesticidalpropertes Example: agund,sembong, tobacco 12. Vegetables — usually esten with staple crops, further asied according to silanes nthe method of culture Root radish, carrot Leafy ~ spinach lettuce ‘Stem ~ celery, asparagus Flowers ~ sash, katuray Fruit okra, tomato, eggplant 13. Fruits ~ ele botanical fats usually sed for dessert which ay be eaten raw, cooked orn processed frm. ample: pnesopl, cashew, mango 14. Ornamentals ~ plans cutvated mainly for thelr aesthetic vole, further classifies according to ther special uses, 2. Cutflowers- grown fr ts flowers samples: ross, erchids 1b, Cutfoliage- folage provides background In. fra arrangement Erampies: fers, fortune plant, palmera Flowering pot plants ~ plants grown In cortaines for {her Mowers usualy used for splay Example: poinsettia 6. Landscape plants: fr landscaping purposes Example lve palm, white grass, song of india fe. Foliage plants - for atractve folage, maybe grown Indoor or door for decoration Example begona,phiondencron 4. TurF— used in lane or greene Examples: Bermuda gras, carbo ors, blue grass Special groups 1 ‘Green manure ~ a crop that is plowed under while stil (green and groming to improve the sol (eg. sesbria) {Cover crop ~ any crop grown to provide sol cover overt sl erasion by wind, or water, mprove sol ard conte, weeds (eg. certresema) ‘companion crop ~ crop sown with another cro and arvested separately. The combieaton benefits eet oF ‘oth ofthe cops (eli planted with tack papper) ‘rap crop ~ 2 crop which Is planted to protect the main cop from pasts by attracting the pest to the crop itself and later destroying it (9. main crop i ice and sweet potatos planted to tap some rts) ‘Catch crop — 2 shart seasoned crop grown immediately after the falure ofthe man crop to use residual resources (eo, rele the main cop but may have been detroyed by Typhoon therefore pechay or mustard. is planted immediately) GreenenPiRE PH (mm facabook con orenemateph) 6 Soilage - grasses thet are grown, cut and directly fed to animals 7. Silage ~ grasses grown, ct, fermented, and preserved before ein fe to animals IIT. THE NATURE AND COMPOSITION OF PLANTS A.The Plant Cells: Parts and Functions el ‘The smallest structure in the universe capable of growth and reprosucton “The bas unt of ever ving organism ‘an autonomous living stem capable of Independent existence ‘and propegation Fundamental morphological unt of plant boy. Dierences between plant and animal cls a. Plat cels contain chirepas(s) that carryout photosynthesis Plat cll is surounded by @ rgd cell wa. Each walled cell and ts adjacent wal are cemerted together by mide lamela, Plant cals develop a lage canal vacuole 4. Animal calls contain centrioles and ysosomes that invoted in cl divson and digeston, respectively. Embryenic cel can Iigrate from one location fo another. cal val 8, Cytoplasm C nudes i Coll wall 1» Provides mechanical protection and git to the plat el Consists of esluose that overcome pressure due 10 Is eastic property| > Composed of celllose, hemiceulose, pectic substances, xpi a inogani sustanes, Kr, enymes pretend Three layers of Cel wa: 1. Middle lamella (here pectin cements adjacent cals together) 2. Primary wall (thin, not rid, stretched as the Ell gros, layer formed before’ and during growth of the: plent cell, consists of close miroir, Pave prmary pt fs, thin areas that vansversed by numerous protoplasmic sands (led plasmadesmata 3. Secondary wall (rid, thick, formed after call completes growth) it Cytoplasm 7 Alliving matter ofthe cell apart from the nuceus > Gelli material of lu In which the cals organelles and intemal membrane system are susperded > Distributes substances absorbed ffom cute ard released by the nudeus and other organelles (through ytopiasmic ‘Sreamng/cjloss loning movement of cytoplasm) GreenenPiRE PH (mm facebook con oreremateph) {ytoplasm consists of the folowing ‘1 Plasmalemma/plasma membrane - fas selective pemeabity Functions: ‘lous some substances to Coss easly and completely bock ‘Substances ‘ccumulates the los or the melecues inthe ctasol though the action of tanspor proteins that consumes metabolic enegy Ceernates the formation of cll wal mires 2. Endoplasmic Reticulum fattened dks oF tularsacs Tass. Rough endoplasmic reticulum (wth numerous ribosomes) Sath endoplasmic reticulum (ack ribosomes) sections: Rough ER ivoved inthe sytess of ips + Smooth ER - involed in the symhess of membrane proteins and secretory proteins 3. Golgl Apparatus. ~ collective term for all dityosomes (Consists of stack of fattened hollow disks called ctemae) or 9! bosles Functions! Involve inthe sythess of posaecharides and glucose units fer cal wall formation, Secrets proton and carbohydrates from the cell to the ceteror pat (Ex netar coming au from the Nowe) 4. Mitochondria - small ndical oganeles enclosed by two- nit membranes: a. Outer membrane-permenbe for small partes contains the respratoy chan component and enzymes for the syrthess of ATP. b. nner membrane: impermeable and folded ito numerous Cistae Funcion:stes of respiration (energy source for plants bay maintenance, growth anc development. 5. Plastids - diferentes into system of membrane (2 unts) ‘nd ground substance, the stroma, Tapes. |. Chloroplast Function: Ske of photosythesis involved in amin and faty acids synthesis * provides space for temporary storage of starch, i. Chromoplast - responsible forthe yellow, orage or red ‘colors of many loners and ater parts ofthe plats uncon” Ata insets and other animals «. Leucoplasts - nonpigmentad plastids but once exposed to la, t may develop into chlorplass ‘Paenylopas = starch ‘Protenplast- proteins Eaeiplast fats and os 6. Microbodies - sphercal organales bounded only by one membrane, about 0.5 to 1.5 micrometer n ameter. ‘Perowisomes (terms to some microbeties) play an Important role in glycolic acid metabolism assocated ‘wth photorespration GreenenPiRE PH (mm facebook con orenemateph) ‘lyorysomes (ther micrbodies) contain enzymes needed for the conversion of fats into carbohycates ‘during germination in mary seeds . Cytoskeleton - an organized cytosol into a three {Smeneional netwerko Abrus poten, Tupes i; Mierotubules "> Lang, thin cylin structures about 2¢ mm in ameter and of varying lengths. > Esch is made up of sub uns ofthe poten called tubulin Function: Involved in the orderty growth of the cal wal, expecially the control of oslulose mierofnis aignmert b. Formation of call plate ( the intial partion of Cane died to low MC (<5%) without damage > Conde stored at ow temperature > Bros, com, beans, vegetable seeds, pil ec 2. Recalitrant Do not dry out normally on mother part, shed in mols ondon($0-70%HC) > Seed larger than ertodox-embryo is erty 15% ofthe cortiodon > Kil FHC ig reduce below ert values (12-30%) > Sesceptible to freezing (below 02C) or ciling (10- 1550) > Bx seeds of aquatic species, age seated species, wld fee, wopeal rut ros, ek, cacao, ambit, ianaones, et 3. Intermediate "Can wahstand desiccaton to about 10-12 MC ang canbe stored uncer heretic cendtvon > Lose vabity more rapidly at low temperature (<10 1¢) than at warm temp (12-22 ©) > Bx coffee, ol palm, papaya, crus sp, star apple, hea, et vi Fruits Ts mature, rpened ovary. Contain the seed (ripened ovules) and pericarp (ohe tissue that surrounds the seeds) 2, Simple fruit "One frut develop from single ovary of @ flower with or without acessery ports. Ex. Com, Peanut GreenenPiRE PH (mm facabookconoreanemateph) Aggregate fruits = Colection of simple fru developing from apocarpus pst of ‘a foner Ex. Svawoerry Multiple or composite fruits deveop fom a numberof flower from an Infescence. 6x Pineapple, Peach fut ‘Types of fruits 1 shy ft are july '. Berry = has an entily fleshy ovary. Ex. tomatoes, dates, biueberies, bananas, peppers, and cranberses. ». Hesperidium. have a leathery rnd. Examples incude ranges, ‘fepetuts, lerons, and mes. Pepe: is 3 type of fut defined by har rind and a Rshy inner matrix, 6c watermelons, cartloupe, squash ané pumpkins. 6. Drupe -is.a fut with a Neshy exterior and a single hard, stony pit sevcunting the seed. EX. cheres, peaches, oles, mango, raspberry cocon, plums fe Pomes = have 3 feshy exter and 2 center wth papery ‘arpels. apples and peas. 2. Dry fruits may be indehscet or dehiscent. 2 Indshiscent fruits - are those that do not spit open at maturity and ae usubly one: or two-seeded. ‘LAchene- is 2 sile-seeded fut with seed attached 3t only ‘one pace tothe pericarp. Ex Sunflower, strawberry, buckwheat 2 2.caryopsis - a frut is simlar to an achene; however, the Detica sticks or cngs to the seed Ex. Com, ice, bale, ye, amaranth, sorghum, oa, and wheat 3. Samara - is usually sigle-seedes with 2 membranous wig “Ex maple elm, and ash 4. Nut ~is 2 hard, one-seded fut. Bx Oak, walnut, ibert, and Hckovy. Uricle- i the an achene, but the ovary wall fs loosely ‘around the see. ~BxFinger met and pigwees 6, Nutlet- is small version of @ mut "Be Bch and Pombeam. . Rehissant fruits -arefrats that sole apen upon mature 1 Legume (ped) Is composed ofa single carpe and as ‘wo longtucinal sutures Ex. Soybeans, green beans, and eas Follicle is composed ofa single carpel and splits cpen ‘along one sire. Be Minced 3.Capsule- is composed of more than one carpel that are United and form many-seaded fut Ex Okra ar cotton. lique- 3 species form of capsule n the mustard GreenenPiRE PH (mm facebook con/orenemateph) 4. Pyais- isa typeof capsule with 2 that falls from the fru pursane. Parthenocarpy “Greek parthenos, virgin and karps, rat Iter means vig Fut ‘The production of fru wthow ferizaton. Fru Is thereto seeciess ‘ent gin = ldestparthenccaric fig frst grown atleast 431,200 years apo. Types at Parthenocarpy 7 Stimulativeparthenocarpy Poination or ether simuaton i equred fr parthenocarpy = Banana and watermelon ~ Vegetative parthenocarpy 20 nck require polination oF other stimulation to produce parsienocanc frat * Cocumber, citrus and pineapple IV. PLANT LIFE PROCESSES A. Photosynthesis 1 Manufacture of sugars and its precursors by green plants inthe presence of ight and chloropiy 6D, + 12HO-—- COs + 603 + 644.0 > Carbon doce Is taken fom the ar trough the stomata, wile water is absorbed from the sol by the root and Is transported in te ym to ste of phoosynthess 2 2» ‘The main organ for photosynthesis is the Leaf the main ‘organele Involved is the Chlorolas. 1 ‘The features which make the leaf an ‘deal organ for tones ae 1 typeally expanded form 2: tts Uusly pependicubr angle to nde tt 3. ts emtensve intemal. surface’ wth an efficent ‘vascular system for chamning the varous reactants {and end products of photosynthesis 4. TS pment for igre absorption Chloroplast 7 Bre usualy ensshaped bounded by a double membrane The inner membrane invagnates parallel to the surface and becomes. organzed Into specialized cytoplasmic body consising of stack of thylakoids called granum which are embeded in 2 proteinaceous matic called the srama, horophyt "> Panpal pigment in photesyntesis located in the partion Denwean no adjacent aka Chlorophyll 2 occurs in all higher plan, but other Isomers ke cholorophyl be, ete may aso be found > In higher parts, the two main somers are chlorophyll a and chorophyl bin fato of 3:1 > ts basic unt is the porphyrin sng system, a srucure made Up of four simpler pyrrole ruck joined by carbon linkages. GreenenPiRE PH (mm facebook con/orenemateph) “The canter of porshyrn is occupied by a single magnesium atom. Significance of Photosynthesis: 1. Photosythesis converts ight eneray nto chemical energy in the form of eran eutnerts 2. Photosyrests suples xygen tothe atmosphere 3. Photosyness produces food. Component Reactions of Photosynthesis 4 Lat Light Dependent/ Photochemical Phase > Ught energy are harvested by two phetosystens > Oidstion of water and generation of NADPH and ATP by the choropastthyakoes 2 The igts induce the spiting of H.0 to produce oxygen and the NADPH and ATP (reducing power), > Rapid process and requires the presence of ht. > Composed of ‘2, Non cic photophosphoxtion Cyclic photophosphoryation 2 The end product of hight reaction, ATP and NADPH are sed tf > 2. Dark or Light Independent/Biochemical or CO: assimilation phase or photosynthetic carbon reduction eye > Primary process by which organic carbon 's converted tw organic compounds > Use of rucing power to raduce CO, to carbohydrates and water > Occur bath nthe presence or absence of ight > Show process > Usatthe products of ght reactions, ATP and NADPH “The foation or reduction of COs into carbohydrates can occur wa three pttnays 2) Calvin Benson cycle/ Reductive Pentose Pathway Fixation and reducson of one molecule of. CCOsrequies three molecules of ATP and 2 NADPH (coming from ight reacson) (Occurs the mescpyl cel chloroplast (COs acceptor i RUBP” RUBP carbowlase enzyme is needed the fst products 3-PGA ) Cer atch lack Pathway ‘Occurs inthe mesopty/l cal (CO; acceptor is PE, catalyzed by PEP cirboease, enzyme Products are 4- carbon organic acids (aboacele 260 atthe mesophl cls) ‘The oxsloacetic acd 1 converted to malate and aspattc aod Maic ac is dacarboxyated to produce CO; ‘The S-carbon compound goes. back to the mesootyl ces ‘The CO; released enters the cain cyte for suger] starch producton ‘The 3- carbon compound combined with t- earbon from the atmosphere to form again into 4 earbon ‘compound GreenenPiRE PH (mm facebook con/orenemateph) ©) Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) pathway 7 Found in succulent plants (cactus, pneaple) > During the night, COs fed > Daring the day, malic acid is decarboxyated where (O16 fixed through the C pathway “Tatle1, General haratensties of C3, C4 and CAM plants plants ‘C4 plants ‘CAM plants, ‘Typlcaly temperate species en. “Typlaly tropical or seitropcal species eg. com, sugareane, ‘aranthus, sorghum; plants “Typealy xerophytic spaces. 9, ‘crop examples spinach, wheat, potato obecto, ct, orchids, agave, bromeliads, suagrbect, soybean, sunflower er ang | and other succulents lenvronments, Toderatay producive; 30 tons per | High productive 6 tons per Esoniaae Ereiacton) hectares posse for suniower | Hecate s possible for sugarcane_| VEY Poor Prout Lack Kranz-type anatomy and ‘rene type anatomy and {ck Krane-ype anatomy and Leaf anatomy peripheral reticulum; ony one type | perpnerl reticulum are erpheralreteulum; only one chloroplast tel essental features, {ype chioroplast Rivlose1,Sbiphosphate(RUBP); © | Phosphoerol pyruvate (PEP), 8 | PEP in the dark and RUBE i the Initial Coa acceptor SC augar 3cacd light 5-shosphogiyesrate (-PGH), 2 HEY | Graloacetate (GAA), 84-C | OnA in he Gark and SCAN the aoe compound comoun ght “Two COs fuation pathways are | Two CO; ation pathways are 2S Cay one COs Foaton PMY. | seperated in space seperated in ime ‘Glycolate synthesis High tow tow Water-use efficiency/salinity h eee low Hh 9h ‘Do nk eadiy phtosaturate at | Da not readiyphotosaturate at Light saturation At about 1/5 fl sunight ner pens ‘CO, compensation point High Low igh afiny for COZ a right ‘Stomatal opening ‘Open storts by (Open sorts by da (Open stomata by night GreenenPiRE PH (mm facebook con/orenemateph) 6 i. Internal 2. Eraymes- biological catalysts agent fife Genet factor = choropl kind of plant, ec Laat age 4. Demand of sinks for photosythates Water content of the plant. f-amount of plant reguates 2. External 3 Uaht = Quaty = tensty + Duraton b.cOsnd HO avalbity Temperature 4. Wind vecty B. Respiration Defined 28 an. enrymecatalyzed reaction inoling the ‘wansfermation of ovganc substrate into carbon dioxide and water accompanies by the release of ena CHu0e + 60; > 8H,0 + 60.4 ‘Stages of Respiration 1. Giyeolysis "> Geers in etopasm > Partial oxidation of a glucase molecule (6) vets two molecules of pyravc 20d (3-0). In the process substrate phosphorylation of the suger molecule resus toa net production of 2 ATF GreenenPiRE PH (mn facebook con oreremateph) 2. Krebs Cycle Y Pyne acids produced in the tocl during alos are imported ito the mitoctondrl mate whch ste ste of krebs ce 7 Pyrvi aids frst oxided to acetyl covenzyme A and subsequent converted to CO, > for every glucose molecule (2 pyrave acids) entering the mitochon, the Krebs cyde generates 6 NADH and 2 ADH and yield 2 ATP i substrate level phosphoryaton 3, Electron Transport System (75) ‘Occurs inthe ner mtochendal membrane, > NADH (fom ajelysis and Krebs cyte) and FADH (rom Krebs cyl) are zed to yield ATP. 2 ATP is Generate in ETS via Oxdtive phosphoryation Factors Affecting Respiration: 1. Age and Tissue type large, young bssues repre more strongly than old 2 developing tissues respre more than mature nce > ‘issues undergang metabolic precesses respire more than resting tissues 2, Temperature Trenaymes activity doubles for enerey 10°C rise in temperature within certain iit > more rep. breakown of resprton as tenpesture Ireraases above 35°C due to destruction of enzymes by heat 3. Oxygen presence of cxygen i essential for oxidative metabolism 4. co, > igh level ( higher than normal atmosphere) snhibis respiration > high concentration causes the stomata to cose '5. Physiological status of plant or plant Parts 77 Dormant state respi les than active parts ofthe pat 6, Moisture Content of Tissues "Seeds with higher moisture contertrespre more than seeds wah drier tissues c. 3 is the loss from plants nthe form of water vapor. This evaporative process is dependent on energy, the. Nest of ‘aporzation (533 eal per gram) whichis requted fo carver water from iqui tate to gaseous state » Considered as “necessary evi" 2, itkeeps cells hates ©. maintains favorable turgor pressure forthe anspor of rutents absorbed by the oats rom the sol feserves asa cooling process Types of Transpiration 1 Cuticuar transpiration Loss of water through the epidermis which is usually ‘covered vith a utc. In some temperate plats, about 5 40% of the water lost from plants maybe lost by ths pathway 2, Lenticular transpiration GreenenPiRE PH (mm facebook con/orenemateph) + Loss of watar though pumerous pores in the cuter layer of @ woody. plant stem, called lentcals. In decdious species and In some fruits, water loss through lenicels maybe qute substantial, 3. Stomatal transpiration = Loss of water Urough the stomata which can account as much as 80% ofthe water loss from plants ‘Two-stage process '2- Evaporation of water rom the moist cell als into the Substomatal ar space . Difson of water vapor from the substomatl space ito the atmesphere.| Factor$ affecting transpiration Relative hurt “Temperature Wind velety (CO; concentration higher concentration wil ose the stomata Lghe intensity Morphology of leat stomatal motion D. Translocation } Aleng-dstance transport of photoasiiates > Transport of solutes by the roots to the other parts of plant passng the dead conduts or dead xylem ves (aponasic transport) > Transports of photosymthates in Wing conduts oF ptloem vessal (sympa wansport) > Transport of soliton ‘fom the roots to the upper parts through the aylem of the stem (wanspravonsl steam) transpiration o loss of water in pant is the cause of the > Tissues involve are te phioem and te xem 2 Sucrose isthe main photosynthates being tracted. 2 The transocaton from the sources othe srs ‘Source: an organ or tssue that produces more assimilates than the requirement of the sad gan for ts own metaboism and (groath exporter organ Sink - importer or consumer of assmiste Factors affecting wanslocation 1 Temperature - rte of tratlocaton increases with temperature to 2 2 3 a 5 6 ‘macrmam and then decreases due to hazardous affect of Nigh temperature LUght = CO? assimilation increases 2s light intent increases, Metabolic intr CConcenvaton gradient Mineral deficiencies - sucrose movernent canbe ade by boron, Hormones - associated withthe acbve ars, hence growing pats (Gis) greatly infuence translocation The process of utlzing food (photoassimlates. and other ‘solutes for growth During the cary stage, food substarees are converted into ‘simpler compounds (enzymes are needed, nutrients are necessary for normal acon of enzymes) and used 2s building blocks for more complex substances During the later stage, simple and complex compeunds are integrated into the ving substances oF the ces. GreenenPiRE PH (mm facebook con/orenemateph) “There area numberof factors which determine assimilate partitoning ina cop 1. Sink strength. The ably ofa sink to accumulate assimilates Is ced snk strength. 10's a funcson of sink size and snk acti, 2. Proximity of the sink to the source organ. Assimlates| move preferential tovard sink leaves above and in ine with the source lat. Loner mature leaves feed manly the rots, the Figher mature leaves feee mainly the young leaves and the shoot apex 3. Stage of development. Developing owes and fruls become dominant sinks during the reproductive Sage of a op. On the other hand, storage roots used as parting (haters export assimtesto developing vegetative sss, A. Nature of vascular connections between source and sinks. Each leaf fs connected tothe main vascur system of the stem by 3 vascular trace, which ders from the vascular tive ofthe stem int the pei. V. GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Development 1 Dencke the attainment of size by vitue of growth and ‘arcitecural syle by the concomitant process of mmorphogeness. > Vas" three interrelated aspects, namely: growth, sifrentation, and oroanizatin. » Growth Is an ieversble time change generaly accompanied Dyan increase in siz, weght or mass. Differentiation 1s the outward sign of selective gene action, the reflection of change inthe cls bochemical program a5 2 consequence of the release of infomation encoded In (ne-dimensiorl sequences. Organization Criertaton and ntgration ofthe dfereriated cls in space together wth reguated ron with, the consequent attainment of form and structure of the emplete organism Correlation Regulatory effect exerted by one part ofthe plant oa the growth and development in anather pat Endogenous rhythm Recurring events or esilatons wth properties not » Exogenous or ccatimposed dormancy — essential {germination components not avaiable » Endogenous dormancy — caused by environment uring seed development and maturation b. Secondary 7 Imposed by: temp Ightarkness, abnormal amount cof water; chemical and gases Dormancy Technology Ecodormancy= due to one of more unsuitable factors inthe ‘environment with non specific effect ». Paradormancy- due to physical factors or biochemica! signals ‘tginating extemal to affected structure 2) Endedormancy ~ reputed by physiological factors inside affected structure Hastening Seed Germination/ Breaking Dormancy ‘Searfcation any treatment tat removes the sed coat or alters it, making ie more permeatle to water and af. This canbe done mechanically by rubbing ito’ a rough surface or the use of Chemica suc as hydrogen peroxide and murat ac «2. Physical scarifcation - soaking in water (tap, hot or boiling water) fora specific period ofime , Mechanical scarifcation- piercing, rubbingon sand paper, fling, grinding wth abrasives Chemical scarifieation ~ treatment wehsulie acd and cxganic soivents Stratifeation- 1s the placement of seeds between layers of moist sand, sol, or sanust at high or fw temperature so the action ‘of water and high and low temperature wil soften the seed coat \Vernalization Seed treatment to cot temperature prior to germination Embryo culture + Asepicaly removing the embryo from the seed and placing iin ‘a sterized cuture median to germinate Asexual Propagation involves reproduction from vegetative pats of plas and Is possible because the vegetative organs of many pants have fhe capacty for regeneration. 1. Propagation by apomitic embryos ‘Apomixis ~ from the Greek po, meaning "anay fom,” and! bas, which means “mingling” ‘The production of able seeds without polination Involves the deveiopmert of embryos containing te sae genetic information 9s the mother place and wHiCh ae in tect clones ‘+ esthenogenessin animals + Reproducton of embryo without meiosis and feratons ‘embayo are fem vegetative cals wit the ove oes, 7 Obligate Apomitc : ‘R plant which repreduce only by asoual reproduction, Ex. Lanzones, Mangosteen ¥ Facultative: “A plant wtih reproduce ter sexually o asexual. x Mango, Citrus 2. Separation and Division GreenenPiRE PH (mm facebook con/orenemateph) Separation-invcles separating naturally detachable organs "rom the mother plant Division- procedure wherein speclized vegetative stuctures| ‘ze cut to sacons-modified organs hich may be ‘Separated and/or divided: ~ a specialized underground organ consisting ofa shor, fesiy, usualy vertical system ans (basa plate) bearing atts 292 2 growing pont or a flower pimordum enclosed by thick, shy scales Ex tls, thes ‘etal planet formed on the axl of the eaves or ower stalk Ex. agave + Corm — a swolen base ofa stem ans enciosed by the dry - sale leaves Bx banana, gladiolus, gab + Canine - miniature corm which develop between od and nen + Crown - pan ofa plant atthe surface of the ground from hich new shootsh are produced Ex aster, Shasta daisy 4+ Offset ~ (syn. shoot a characteristic type of lateral shoot (or branch which develops fom the base ofthe main sem in cetain plants (@ shortened, thickened stem of rosete‘tke appearance) Bx Asta sp. + Pseudobulb- specalzed storage structure conssting 09 an enlarged, fleshy section of the stem made up one to several odes Ex. Cate. ‘+ Rhizome a specaized structure in whch the main als of the plant grows horizontally at or just below the ground surfoce Ex borane, bamboo, sugercane. 3 ‘+ Runner ~ a specialized stem in which develops from the ax ofthe et tthe crown ofa plant, grows horzortaly long the (ground, and forms a new plant at one of the nodes Ex strawberry, black peoper ‘+ Slip ~ leafy sbootognating fom axilary buds bore atthe base ofa plant or peduncle ofthe fru x. pneaopl, cabbage ‘+ stolon ~ specal moatfid stem, produced by some plant, that grows hrizoral to the ground, Ex. Bermuda grass 1+ Sucker ~ advertiious shoot that arise from the underground stems below the ground Ex, banana, pinesople ‘+ Tuber ~ 3 modied stem structure which develops below ground as 2 consequence of the sweling of the subapical portion ofthe ston and subsequent accumulation if reserve materiats '+ Tuberous root thickened rect wtch contain argue of stored foods Ex. cassava, sweet potato {3 Cutting ~ a porton ofa stem, rot. Or lea is cut from the parent Plant, after which ths plant partis place under certain favorable tnrcemereal condone and Inouded to form roots ad shoots, thus producing a new independent plant. pes Root cutting ~ Ex. beadtrut. Apple ‘+ Stem cutting — Types: hardwood, semhardwood, softwood, herbaceous cating Ex. cassava, malunggay, coe, rose + Leaf euting ~ Ex snakepant,begonia, Atican violet + Leaf-bud cutting - Bx. black pepper, vanilla GreenenPiRE PH (mm facebook con/orenemateph) ‘A. Layering ~ 2 propagation method by which adventitious roots ‘are induced fo a form on stm whist attached to te parent ant Tes ‘2. Simple layering Air layering or marcoting ‘© Compound or serpentine layering 4. Mound or soo yerng Trench lyering 5. Grafting — connecting parts of plans together in such a manner at they wil une and condnue ther growth 2 one plant 2. Scion ~ short piece of detached shoot wit) ane to several ormant buds and which isto become the upper portion of sian combination by Rootstock ~ lover portion of graft which develops into the oots system of the grafted plane Imerstock ~ 2 piece of stem inserted between scion and rootstock (to aveid any incompatbilty between scon and rootstock and /or ta take advantage of ts growth controling properties) Tapes of Gettage: 41. Approach Grafting oF Inarching ~ selected shoots of the desrable plant are grated with the stem of the stack grown in individual containers while the scions are stil Connected th the mother part 2. Topworking ~ this method of erafting is usually used in Changing the top of established inferor plants into. more esable ones, 6 13. Spice Grafting ~ In this method, the detached sion used is leafless, usually with terminal lea bud or wel-deveoped ormant bu, 4. Cleft Grafting ~ 2 detached sion is drectly grafted on top ofthe stock as in ple gattng, except thatthe types of cuts used var, 5. Side Grafting - in ths method of grating, the basal portion of @ detached soon fined atthe se ofthe trunk oF the stock 6.Bark Grafting - This method is especialy useful in grafting @ detached scion on a stumped stock whose stom is much larger than that ofthe scion 6. Budding an asexual propagation that tke grafting whieh invokes joing 2 plat pats such tot the sizeof the on Is reduced f ony ne Bod and sl Seton of Bak WAR OF WO eso 1 Patch Budding - ths type of budting is usually US in species having a tick bark which can be separated e350 rons the wood 2, Shield oF T-budding - thsi usually mace on an actively Gevelopng stem whose bark can be ready separated from the wood 13. Chip Budding tis method of budding is used were the bark ofthe stem adheres closely to its wood, which may occur raturally to seme spaces or arg fram grin condor. GreenenPiRE PH (mm facebook con/orenemateph) 7. Inarching (approach grafting)~ an asexual propagation tecknigue n which plants ae Made to unte whl growng on ther roots 8. Tissue culture techniques other than embryo culture ~ ‘an be started from a varity of plant parts which Rave els capable (Of diving, Ex. shoottip cuture; meristem cuture and endosperm cuture IX. FACTORS AFFECTING CROP PRODUCTION Cp procuction canbe viewed from twa properties 1 at the CROPS eve 2 at the SYSTEMS lve ‘Cop prosucion a the rop lve: Inthe form of an equation YaflG+e+ (xe) Where: Y= vel G = genotype E = environment (GXE = interaction of genotype and enwronment Genotype and Environment > Genotype ~ Genetic design of a plant which dictates the calng of Pow much a vanety /eultvar can yi 2 Genes controling a character (yield, plant height taste, calor, etc) “aries among and even within species Sets the ulate im or pant varition > Environment — Any factor eternal to the plant that Influences ts growth and development ay be boc or abiotic, examples ae climate, sl, topoarapy, pest and cseases| GxE Interaction “A high ying variety grown under poor envcrment ill ave low vel. “A ow yieing varity grown in optimum (good) environment i sti have low yl. * Area geratype trees oe tht has 3 wie of ‘ervronmertal ‘+ An optimum envionment Is one that poses minimum of conszrants to cop gronth and development + Through G x E interaction, some partalar elements ofthe fzvionment: may crew varying responses from ferent ‘enatypes. 1. Develop management practices that can remove or avoid enuronmertalconsvains. 2, Contnuously assess G x E interaction 3. Nead for continuous development of improved varieties Ina production system GreenenPiRE PH (mm facebook con/orenemateph) 2 Inputs ~ controllable, manageable resources such as seeds, fertiizes, pestis, et. > Outout~ veld Envronment ~ uncontralable factors external othe system > System ~ component crops, processes ad activites Practical impicatons: 1. Man (maragement has ony prt contol ofthe system, 2. Certain fects / conditions are gven to which the system has to for acu 3. The design of the system emanates fiom man (his needs, ‘bjecoves, knowledge and capabiies) X. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ‘encudes CLIMATIC or above-ground factors and EDAPHIC or sl factors (abot actos) 1 Aso inludes pests and beneiial organism (biti factors) ‘Abiotic factors ‘A. CLIMATIC FACTORS Climate The seasonal pattem of a particular pace occuring from year to yaar ‘AL composte of day today weather condtions ‘described in averages and variablty b, Weather viva momentary state of the atmosphere brought about the combinaton of elements, Bx, tempersture, 2 pressure, moisture content, air movements, ration, Day-to-day changes of the state or condition of the atmosphere & Macroctimate “The clmaic envionment one meter above the plant canopy 4. Microcimate General refers tothe cimatc enironment one meter below the canopy in the case of tall plants oF the clemate within he leat canopy for Short (below one meter) plants. The Climatic Element: 1. Precipitation is any form of water partes fling on the (ground in iquid er sal form (antl hal,snom, et.) Role of water n planes ‘2. Asa reactants in many bilogcalreactons Ener int the structure of ological molecules © Senes as medium of transport of nubients and other substances 4. Helps regulate plats temperature Categories of plants based on need for moisture ‘o. Kerophytes ~ desert ants 1b. Hydrophytes = aquatic planes ‘© Mesophytes — land plants; most economically important plants GreenenPiRE PH (mm facebook con/orenemateph) Factors affecting amount of dstibtin of rafal ‘Topography indverces the amount and distribution of rail {Mountain ranges present bares to cud, causing them t i= to higher elevations and generally colder temperatures causing ‘vapor to condense and water to fall on the windward sides as the couds pass over, leaving the leeward sce relatively dy amples afe Los Banos in Laguna ard Sto Tomas in Batangas. Sto. Tomas is drier than Los Banos due tothe presence of Mt Maing + Air creulston pattems affect the seasonal dlsrbution of preotation Rain formation requires High relative uric (RH) Suffice lon temperature (below condensation point) Condensation nics Suffice low pressure Drought - insuficenty low of rinfallmoisture which seriously affects plat growth, +» Absolute drought ~ 29 consecutive days without rainfall f ft lenet 0.25 mm ‘+ Partlal drought 15 consscuthe days without rant of at least 025 mm 2. Temperature “The degree of horess and cldness ofa body ‘Every chemical, physiclogal and bological proces in pants 'sinfuence by temperate. ‘Three (3) cardinal temperatures: '3. Minimum temperature ~ that tempersture below which the veloty ofthe reaction becomes 270, due to the deactivation of enzymes. » 1. Optimum temperature temperature where the veloty of the reaction ist maximum. (Maximum temperature ~ iat temperature above which the velo) of the reaction becomes zero, due to the desaturation of eyes. Temperature of the environment depends upon: 3 Solar radiation ~ vertical ays are more energy efficentunt ‘aren than oblique rays (n pla regions) . Surounding land masses or bodies of water. Altitude ~for every 100 meter ise in elevation, there is 30.6 8c oecrease in temperate Inthe Phipps: High elevation - 132 246¢ 2 Lowelevaton 23.3 -315C {lassitication of crops according to temperature requirement. ' Cool season crops ~ Ex, cole crops Ike cabbage, broccal, cauloner b, Warm season crops ~ Ex, nice, banana Tropleal~ Bc, coconut & Substropical “E,ctrus Effect of temperature on crops: 1» Vernalation requirement of can corps for fowering (Ee, calery seed exposed fo 4.4~ 10 C for 10 days under mbibed ‘onaton) > Effect on crop maturetion (crops mature faster in hotter ferwronments than in calder ones) 3. Wind or air in horizontal motion Normal wind speed inthe Philppnes = 7.2 ky GreenenPiRE PH (mm facebook con/orenemateph) ‘+ AL 30 knjhr = laf tearing may already occur especialy in banana and ace ‘3. Inereae tranepiration Bb. Destructive effects of strong winds, typhoon (Ex, crop lodging, grain shattering) Stety due to oss of potens 4. Disease spore dispersal 2 Reduced C02 levels esperily in encsed spaces fF Affedts pant form ‘© Air ccuetion in the atmosphere results from the suns radiation fang more dredty on the topral regions than on polar regions, the warmer air ses and flow forward the ples, cols and sinks as cold polar air and then returns toward the equator as ground fon ‘© The interactions cause the establishment of regions, large and smal, each wih ferent climate. ‘4, Solar radiation oF light - ene gien out by the sun ‘through adtion ‘Three aspects important to plants 1 Light intensity ~ expressed in fot candle or lx. "> Plans af generaly spaced so that maximum laf area Is exposed to sunbght ‘+ Some piants do not require high lot Irtensy (shade loving) because they nave lw light saturation point. “+ Some plants require subsued ight to sunve, Ex ome omamentale 2. Duration or day length ~ expressed in hours per dy 2 3. Wavelength — expressed in Angstrom or nanometers or dented by color "Natal wavelengths of ight ae equally ertecive © InPhatosynthess ~ red and blue wavelength © In photoperadism far red and red wavelength 8 ‘3 Photoenergetic effect - rect effect on hotosyhess ((eercepted radiation i ipotart) b. Photocybernetic effect - effect on plant development (ight quality i rather important than quality of ight) © Photoperiodic effect (response) plant response as conctioned by aylength Classification of plants according to light intensity requirements 2. Heliophytes =" Sin loving Light saturated at about S000 foot candles amples: banana, chrysanthemum, 2m, Cowpea, cucurbts, eggplant, papaya, peat, sogercane. b. Sciophytes shade loving light saturetd at about 500 font candles eramples: ginger, Afcan volt, fems,philodendron, cofee Pants belonging to the intermediate group may be converted ‘ovough sccimatzaton to ether helophytes oF scophytes GreenenPiRE PH (mm facebook con/orenemateph) Classification of plants according to photoperiodic response 3. Day neutral il flower ver aide ange of daylenges ‘amples: banana, ctr, coconut, com, tomato . Short day plant - requres a dark period exceeding some crea length to induce flowering Examples: coffee, Kenaf, lima bean, rie, sesame, soybean, winged bean Long day plant — inhibited from flowering when the dark ered extends some critcal length Evamples: aster, castor ol, nin, radish 5; Relative humidity loportinvamourt of moisture in the i (ow reatve hum and high temperature wl rest to high vapotranspiraton high relative humidity ad igh temperature wil esut to low evapotransiraton| 1. Gaseous Environment "Carbon dioxide ~ citkal in enclosed envirments tke sreeniouses >» ‘ir pollution ~ toxic substances ke lead, sufurdowde, carton menoxde, HE 2. Cloudiness ~ cloud inducing smog and fog affect the amount of radaton receives by pints, Most soar radiation i reflected by ‘oud. Climatic Stresses: '& Typhoon and weather variations = Typhoon song winds wth speed greater than 21 koh a

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