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Name: ___________________________________________________

Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. How long does the Earth take to complete its rotation?
a. One month
b. One day
c. 24 weeks
d. 24 days

2. In what direction does the Earth move?

a. North to west
b. South to north
c. East to west
d. West to east
3. What do you call the movement of the earth on its own axis?
a. Revolution
b. Rotation
c. Circulation
d. Direction
4. How many days does the earth take to complete its revolution?
a. 365
b. 365 and ¼
c. 365 and ¼
d. 364 and ¼
5. When does summer begin in the northern hemisphere?
a. March 21 or 22
b. June 21 or 22
c. September 21 or 22
d. December 21 or 22
6. How many hours does the earth takes to complete its rotation?
a. 6
b. 12
c. 24
d. 48
7. What causes the day and night?
a. Earth’s rotation
b. Earth’s revolution
c. Earth’s tilt on its axis
d. Earth’s distance from the sun
Name: __________________
Directions: Fill in the blank. The answer
will be found in the cross word puzzle.
1. The rotation is the movement of the
earth on its_______.
2. The earth is spinning on its axis at a
regular and steady rate once every 24 hour
or ________.
3. The movement of the earth around the
sun is called ________.
4. Summer begins in the northern
hemisphere on ______ 21or 22.
5. Winter starts on _______21 or 22.
6. On March 21, the length of the day and
night is equal. This is called ______.
7. On September 23, the day and night are
again equal length. It is called________.

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