Describing Person

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Activity 1

Read the text carefully to get some information. Then, answer the questions.
Baca teks berikut dengan seksama untuk memperoleh informasi! Kemudian,jawablah
The following words may help you.
Kata-kata berikut mungkin membantu Ananda.
• age of disappearance : usia pada saat hilang
• date of missing : tanggal hilangnya
• date of birth : tanggal kelahiran
• eye : mata
• hair : rambut
• height : tinggi badan
• last seen : terakhir terlihat
• race : ras
• sex : jenis kelamin
• weight : berat badan
1. Have you ever found or read such a kind of text?

2. Where do you probably find the text?

3. Why is the text written?

4. What is the writer’s intention of writing the text?

5. What is the name of the missing child?

6. What does the missing child look like?

7. What costume does she wear?

8. Do you think it is important to write the physical characteristics in such kind of text?


9. What will probably happen if there is no information

about the physicalcharacteristics?

10. What is the writer’s intention of giving the information about the costume?


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