Charak Chikitsa Sthana Ayur

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Charak Chikitsa 1.4 – Ayurved Samutthaneeya

Rasayana Pada
The fourth quarter of 1st chapter of Charaka Chikitsa Sthana deals with origin of
Ayurveda, anti ageing recipes with divine herbs, who can undergo rejuvenation
(Rasayan) and who cannot, nobility of a doctor etc. This chapter is called Ayurveda
Samutthaneeya Rasayana Paada. Fourth Quarter of the Chapter on
Rejuvenation Therapy
Now we shall explore the quarter dealing with “Ayurveda Samutthaneeya – the
original propagation of Ayurveda” of the chapter on Rejuvenation therapy. Thus
said Lord Atreya [1-2]

Table of Contents
1. Return of Sages to the Himalayas
2. Abode in the Himalayas
3. Discussion with Indra
4. Origin of Ayurveda
5. Indrokta Rasayana
6. Celestial herbs recipes
7. Procedure
8. Bene몭ts
9. Indicated individuals
10. Indrokta Rasayana Namaste :)
11. Bene몭ts
11. Bene몭ts
12. Suitability for rejuvenation therapy
13. Management of complications
14. Achara Rasayana
15. Ineligible persons for Rasayana
16. Importance of a physician
17. Pranacharya
18. Vaidya, Dvija
19. Duties of patient and physician
20. Summary

Return of Sages to the Himalayas

Sages who were formerly either Shalinas (residents of cottages in the woods) or
Yayavaras (who moved from one place to the other) resorted to the herbs and diet
of the ignorant villagers, as a result of which, they got interested in accumulation of
wealth, became lazy, worldly and thus they could not maintain their health in good
condition. They were therefore unable to attend to their regular meditation
practices properly.

Then they realised the mistake of residing among such ignorant worldly people.
Therefore, these great sages viz., Bhrigu, Angiras, Atri, Vasistha, Kashyapa, Agastya,
Pulastya, Vamadeva, Asita, Gautama etc, returned to their old abodes in Himalayas
which were free from Gramya dosha (unwholesome diet and habits).

Abode in the Himalayas

Their abodes in the Himalayas were :
Auspicious, virtuous, altruistic
Conducive to the promotion of intellect
Not accessible to sinful persons
Original sources of the Holy Ganga
Inhabited by Amaras (the Gods), Gandharvas (Divine Persons) and Kinnaras
The receptacles of all types of gems
Have unimaginable and wonderful Prabhavas (speci몭c features)
Surrounded by Brahma Rishis (great sages) and Siddhas
Had celestial holy places and herbs
Provided shelter par excellence and Protected by Lord Indra, the king of the Gods.
Indra and erawan (Elephant) statues of
pagoda at Wat Pho , Bangkok

Discussion with Indra

Lord Indra, the one thousand eyed, the preceptor of the Gods, told them,
“Welcome to the Divine sages, pro몭cient of the Vedas endowed with the wealth of
Knowledge and penance. Because of your association with people with the
materialistic way of life, you have lost your strength, energy, voice and complexion
as a result of which you are a몭icted with ever growing unhappiness.

Association with materialistic people is the root cause of all su몭erings. You the
pious souls have already accomplished the welfare of the people. Now is the time
for you to look after your health. It is also the time for the Brahma Rishis (divine
sages) to be imparted Ayurvedic instructions.
Buy “Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana Made Easy” Written by Dr

Origin of Ayurveda
For the welfare of myself and people, the Ashwinis (twin divine doctors) imported
sacred knowledge of Ayurveda from Daksha Prajapati and Prajapati received it
from Lord Brahma. Now people have got a shorter span of life; and because of this,
they are a몭icted with old age, diseases, unhappiness and they have deviated from
Tapas (Penance), Dama (control of senses), Niyama (observance of conduct rules),
Dana (Charity), as well as Adhyayana (study).

Therefore, I am imparting to you this knowledge of Ayurveda which is

Punyatama (most scared),
Ayuh prakarsha kara (promoter of longevity),
Jara Vyadhi Prashamana (alleviator of old age and diseases),
Urjaskara (promoter of energy),
Amruta (ambrosia), Shiva (Auspicious), Sharanya (protector) and Udara (universal,

You may listen, absorb and propagate this scriptural knowledge for the welfare of
the people – the knowledge in the process of successive transmission from Brahma
out of friendly deposition and compassion, excellent piety and universal sympathy
(Udara). Transmission of this knowledge constitutes a divine and immortal act.

After listening to the king of the Gods (Indra), all the sages o몭ered prayers to him
by reciting sacred hymns. The sages, extremely delighted, welcomed his statement.

Indrokta Rasayana
Thereafter, Indra imparted the knowledge of Ayurveda which is like ambrosia to
the sages, “All these instruments should be followed. This is the auspicious time for
rejuvenation. All the Divyausadhis (Celestial drugs) which grows in the Himalayas
are matured with Veerya (Potency).”

For example,
Aindri – Colocynth – Citrullus colocynthis,
Brahmi – Bacopa monnieri
Payasya – Impomoea paniculata
Shravani, Maha Shravani( Alambusha) – Sphaeranthus indicus
Shatavari – Asparagus racemosus
Vidari (Ipomoea paniculata / Pueraria tuberosa)
Jivanti – Leptadenia reticulata
Punarnava – Boerhavia di몭usa
Nagabala – Grewia populifolia, Sida spinosa, Urena lobata, Grewia hirsuta
Sthira – Shalaparni – Desmodium gangeticum,
Vacha – Acorus calamus Linn.
Chatra – Psallipta Compstris
Atichatra (Madhurika)
Meda – Polygonatum cirrhifolium
Maha Meda – Polygonatum cirrhifolium and
Such other drugs which are Jeevaniya (promoter of Vitality) should be mixed with
milk and taken for six months.

Bene몭ts: The person is endowed with excellent

Longevity, youth, freedom from diseases, voice, complexion, nourishment, intellect,
strength and such other desirable bene몭ts. These are the drugs with infallible
e몭cacy [6]
Celestial herbs recipes
Recipe of other Divya Aushadhi – celestial herbs:
In addition to the herbs described in the above passage, the following Divya
Aushadhis (Celestial drugs) are also used for rejuvenation:

1. Brahma Suvarchala: it has golden coloured latex and its leaves are like
those of Puskara.
2. Aditya Parni: it is also called Surya Kanta. It has golden coloured latex and
its 몭owers are round like the sun.
3. Nari: it is known as Ashva Bala . Its leaves are like those of Balvaja.
4. Kasthagodha: It is like Goda (Iguana)
5. Sarpa: It is like a snake.
6. Soma: it is the king of drugs and has 몭fteen Parnas (leaves). Like the moon,
these leave decreases and increase.
7. Padma: It is lotus in shape. It is red like lotus and has the smell of Lotus.
8. Aja: It is known as Aja Shringi.
9. Neela: it has blue latex and their 몭owers are blue. It is a creeper with several

All or any of the above mentioned herbs, depending on their availability is
The person is given the juice of these herbs to the full of his stomach.
A Droni (a table speci몭cally designed for the purpose) is prepared of the
green wood of Palasha – Butea monosperma and is smeared with Sneha
(ghee or oil)
The person should remove all his clothes and sleep in this Droni.
He is then covered with the lid when he becomes unconscious.
He regains consciousness after six months.

Pathya: The person is fed with goat’s milk.

Within six months, He

Gets youthfulness, complexion

Good voice, shape, strength and lustre like the Gods
Good voice, shape, strength and lustre like the Gods
Gains mastery over his speech i.e., what he says comes true
Is endowed with the divine vision and hearing
Can walk for one thousand Yojanas
Lives for ten thousand years free from all obstacles [7]

Indicated individuals
Who can have the above-mentioned Rasayana:
Thus it is said:
Only the sages like you can withstand the speci몭c action (Prabhava) of the
divyausadhis (celestial herbs), described above, and not others who are devoid of
By the in몭uence of these medicines, you will be able to perform your duties
properly and be endowed with all their bene몭ts.

Drugs which grown in sacred places can also be used by person in Vanaprastha
Ashrama (the third stage of life in which the person leaves village and town and
stays in forests for performance of meditation etc.) and Grahastha Ashrama (the
second stage of life in which the person leads family life) provided he is sincere and
is endowed with self- control [8-10]

Depending upon the attribute of the land (other than the Himalayas) the e몭ect of
these drugs become moderate and their Virya (Potency) becomes mild. But they
are to be administered, following the same method (as described above). The
pleasure- seekers however, will not be able to search for them, for the method of
rejuvenation is di몭erent which are described below. [11-12]

Indrokta Rasayana
Indrokta Rasayana – another recipe described by Lord Indra:
48 ml of juice extract of each of the below herbs is collected.
Ten drugs belonging to each of Balya, Jeevaniya, Brumhaniya and Vayasthapana
groups (vide Sutra 4:9, 10 &18 )

Balya Gana – improving strength

Aindri (Citrullus colocynthis Schrad.),
Rishabhi – Rishabhaka – Manilkara hexandra
Atirasa – Asparagus root – Asparagaus racemosus,
Rishyaprokta – Teramnus labialis,
Payasya – Impomoea paniculata,
Ashwagandha – Winter Cherry / Indian ginseng (root) – Withania somnifera,
Sthira – Desmodium gangeticum,
Katukarohini – Picrorhiza kurroa,
Bala – Country mallow (root) – Sida cordifolia, and
Atibala – Abutilon indicum

Jeevaneeya Gana – – Enlivening, anti aging group of herbs

Jeevaka – Malaxis acuminata
Rishabhaka – Manilkara hexandra
Meda – Polygonatum cirrhifolium
Mahameda – Polygonatum verticillatum
Kakoli – Fritillaria roylei
Kshira Kakoli – Roscoea purpurea / Lilium polyphyllum
Mudgaparni – Phaseolus trilobus,
Mashaparni – Teramnus labialis,
Jivanti – Leptadenia reticulata and
Madhuka– Licorice – Glycyrrhiza glabra

Brumhaneeya Gana – Nourishing, increasing weight

Ksheerini – Mimosops hexandra Roxb.)
Rajakshavaka – Euphorbia microphylla,
Ashwagandha – Winter Cherry / Indian ginseng (root) – Withania somnifera,
Kakoli – Fritillaria roylei,
Ksheerakakoli – Roscoea purpurea / Lilium polyphyllum,
Vatyayani – Country mallow (root) – Sida cordifolia,
Bhadraudani (Sida cordifolia Linn.),
Bharadvaji – Thespesia lampas,
Payasya – Impomoea paniculata and
Rushyagandha (?)
VayaSthapana -rejuvenating, anti ageing.
Amruta (Tinspora cordifolia Miers.),
Abhaya – Terminalia chebula,
Dhatri (Emblica o몭cinalis Gaertn.),
Mukta (pearl),
Shveta (white variety of Clitoria ternatea Linn.),
Jivanti – Leptadenia reticulate,
Atirasa – Asparagus root – Asparagaus racemosus,
Mandukaparni (Centella asiatica Urban),
Sthira – Desmodium gangeticum and
Punarnava (Boerhaavia di몭usa Linn.)

Khadira – Acacia catechu

Asana – Indian Kino tree (heart wood) – Pterocarpus marsupium,
Kharjura – Dates – Phoenix dactylifera
Madhuka – Licorice – Glycyrrhiza glabra
Musta – Nut grass (root) – Cyperus rotundus,
Mrudveeka – Dry grapes
Vidanga – False black pepper – Embelia ribes,
Vacha – Acorus calamus
Chitraka – Plumbago zeylanica,
Shatavari –Asparagus racemosus
Pippali – Long pepper fruit – Piper longum,
Aguru – Aqualloria agallocha
Riddhi – Habenaria intermedia
Nagabala – Grewia populifolia, Sida spinosa, Urena lobata, Grewia hirsuta
Dvarada (Shakataru or Kapi Kacchu),
Dhava – Anogeissus latifolia,
Triphala – Amla, Haritaki, Bibhitaki
Kantakari – Yellow berried nightshade (whole plant) – Solanum xanthcarpum
Vidari – Pueraria tuberosa
Chandana – Santalum album
Ikshu – Saccharum o몭cinarum
Root of Shara – Saccharum munja
promotes natural movement of body 몭uids,
Shreeparni and
Tinisha – Lagerstroemia speciosa, Ougeinia dalbergioides Benth./ oojeinensis
48 ml of swarasa – juice extract is prepared individually from the above herbs.
48 ml of swarasa – juice extract is prepared individually from the above herbs.
48 ml of of Palasha Kshar Jala (alkali water of Butea monosprema) is collected.
Cow milk is taken 4 times the cumulative amount of all of above.
1 Adhaka (3.072 Lit) of sesame oil and cow’s ghee each is added and the mixture is
boiled together.
After the preparation is fully cooked and all the water content is evaporated, the
obtained fat (medicated oil – ghee) is 몭ltered.
Powder of Amalaki – Indian gooseberry fruit – Emblica o몭cinalis – 1 Adhaka (3.072
kg), impregnated with amla juice for 100 times is added to it.
1 Adhaka – Old honey,
1 Adhaka (3.072 Kg) of the powder of Sugar and
1 Prastha (768 g) of Tugaksheeri – Bambusa bambos / Maranta arundinaceae and
Pippali – Long pepper fruit – Piper longum are added.

This preparation is stored for 15 days in a clean earthen jar smeared with ghee.
To this, 1/16th in quantity of the powder of
Pravala Bhasma – Bhasma (Calx) of Coral,
Sphatika – Puri몭ed and processed Alum (crystal stone),
Vaidurya (cat’s eye),
Shankha (conch shell) and
Silver are added, mixed well and preserved.

DosageAccording to the power of digestion.


During this period Aayaasa (exhaustion) and sexual intercourse should be

After digestion of this medicine, he should take the Shashtika type of rice
with milk and ghee.

Cures all disease.
An excellent medicine for virility, longevity and promoter of energy
Promotes strength, Satva (mental activities), memory, physique, Agni
(powder of digestion and metabolism) and Indriya (powder of senses)
It endows the person with good complexion and voice
It alleviates poisoning or any other morbid condition
It is conducive to an excellent power of expression
It helps in the accomplishment of objects
It restores youth
It makes one endearing to the people
It is conducive to the worldly name and fame (even otherwise)

Person desirous of availing themselves of the above mentioned and e몭cacy of this
therapy should use this recipe for rejuvenation according to the prescribed
procedure. It is Brahma (celestial) and Udara Virya with potency having no
restrictions whatsoever (unlike those mentioned in connection with the
prescription in the preceding paragraph) [13-26]

Suitability for rejuvenation therapy

Kuti Praveshika type of rejuvenation therapy (vide Charaka Chikitsa 1:1 /17-24
– Wherein person is made to live in a house, without being exposed to outside
world) is useful for:
Samartha – persons who are able bodied
Aroga – whose bodies are free from diseases
Dheemataam – who are endowed with intellect
Niyata Atmavaan – whose bodies are self- controlled

who have su몭cient time to spare and who have adequate wealth.
For others, Saurya Marutika type (Vatatapika) of rejuvenation therapy, where
person is free to expose himself to outside world, without being con몭ned to a
house, is useful. Between these two, the former is more useful, but it is far too
di몭cult to accomplish.

Management of complications
Management of complications of Rasayana therapy:

If diseases appear due to wrong administration of rejuvenation therapy, then the

medicine appropriate to those diseases should be administered leaving aside (at
least temporarily) the rejuvenation therapy. [27-29]

Achara Rasayana
Achara Rasayana – rejuvenates, anti-ageing:
Achar Rasayan – rejuvenation by means of good conduct / Who can get most
out of Rasayana therapy:
Person who are-

Satyavadi – truthful
Akrodha – free from anger
Nivrutta Madya Maithunaat – devoid of alcohols and sex indulgence
Ahimsaka who do not indulge in violence (himsa) or exhaustion
Anaayaasa – peaceful and pleasing in their speech
Prashanta – calm
Priyavaadi – who talk sweetly
Japa Shaucha para – who do regular Mantra chanting and who are clean
Dheera – courageous
Daana nitya – who regularly donate
Tapasvi – who meditate
who regularly o몭er to the Gods, cows , Brahmanas, teachers, preceptors
Sama Jaagarana Swapna – whose period of awakening and sleep are regular
Nitya ksheera ghrutaashee – who habitually take milk and ghee
Desha Kaala Pramanajna – who are acquainted with the measurement of
(things appropriate to) the country and the time
Yuktijna – who are experts in the knowledge of rationality
Anahankruta – who are free from ego
Shastaachaara – whose conduct is good
Asankeerna – who are not narrow minded
Adhyaatma – who have love for spiritual knowledge
Pravanendriya – who have in excellent sense organs are conditions
Who have reverence for seniors Astikas (those who believe in the existence
of God and validity of the knowledge of the Vedas), and
Jitaatmana – having self- control and
Who regularly study scriptures, get the best out of rejuvenation therapy.

Thus the rejuvenation e몭ects of good conduct are described. [30-35]

Ineligible persons for Rasayana

In brief, a person, who is not free from the mental and physical defects, does never
get the e몭ects of rejuvenation therapy.

The recipes described here promote longevity and recent old age as well as
a몭iction by diseases. These recipes produce e몭ects in persons whose mind and
body are clean and who are self- controlled.

The physician should never describe or speak anything about these recipes to a
person with evil designs, who is not free from diseases, who is not a Dvijati
(Brahmana, Ksatriya and Vaisya) and who has no faith in this therapy. [36-38]
Importance of a physician
Recipes for rejuvenation, aphrodisiacs and medicines for the treatment of diseases
– all of them are dependent upon the physician. Therefore, a wise person should
extend his utmost respectful regards to a Pranacharya (teacher of life science) who
is endowed with intellect and the knowledge of the Vedas, as Indra o몭ered prayers
to the Ashwinis.

The Ashwinis are the twin physicians of the gods, who share the o몭erings in the
Yajna (sacred oblation to the 몭re).
When the head of Yajna (the name of mythical God) was decapitated, these two
physicians connected the head to his body again.
They connected the loose teeth of Pusan (the sun),
The treated eyes of Bhaga (one of the gods similar to Sun) and sti몭ness of the arm
of Indra.
They treated and cured the moon when he was a몭ected with Rajayakshma
(tuberculosis) because of the depletion his Soma (cooling essence); he was cured
by them and was endowed with happiness again.
The sage Chyavana, the Son of Bhrigu, in his old age got a몭icted by Kama (sex
desire). As a result of it, he was deprived of his completion and voice, the Ashwinis
made him young again.

Because of these and many other activities, these two supreme divine physician
became objects of frequent prayers by the great souls like Indra etc. for this the
Dvijats (Brahmanas, Ksatrias and Vaisyas) prescribe di몭erent types of Graha
(vessels for taking Soma), Stotra (songs of prayers), Mantra (incantations ), havis
(oblations to 몭re) and Dhumra Pashu (brown coloured animals for sacri몭ce).

If the havana (oblation to 몭re) is o몭ered in the morning, then the Soma (the juice of
some plant), is shared by Shakra (Indra) along with the Asvins. In Sautramani (a
type Yajna), the almighty God along with the Ashwinis, rejoice Indra, Agni and the
Ashwinis- these are the three gods who are invariably o몭ered prayers by Dvijas.

The Vedic chantsare recited as prayers to them. No other God is respected so


So even the Gods, who are free from old age and death along with their king
sincerely o몭er prayers to these twin divine physicians, the A. Let alone the mortals
in the world who are a몭icted by miseries because of death, disease and old age,
and who seek happiness the mortals must specially extend their respectful regard
to a physician.
to a physician.

Pranacharya – Physician who can save life:
The physician who is endowed with good conduct and intellect and who is a
Dvijathi (Brahmana, Kshatriya and Vaishya), and who is well versed in scriptures,
may be considered as a preceptor and o몭ered respectful regards by the living
beings. This physician is called Pranacharya (teacher of science of life). [39-51]

Vaidya, Dvija
De몭nitions of Vaidya and Dvija:
After the completion of the medical education, the physician takes a second birth
(jati) and is called “Vaidya”.This title is not given to him because of his expertise in
the previous birth.

After the completion of the medical education, the physician is certainly of

endowed with either Brahma sattva (the mental faculty of Brahma) or Rushi Sattva
(mental faculty of a Rishi). Therefore, he is called a “Vaidya “and Dwija”. A person
desirous of a happy life should never covet his possessions or show anger to the
Pranacharya (a teacher of the science of life) or do any harm to him. [52-54]

Duties of patient and physician

A person who has been treated by the physician should reciprocate by helping him
(in some way or the other) whether such reciprocation was assumed in advance or
not. If he does not do so, he has no redemption.

The physician should treat all his patients like his children. He should take care of
their health and keep them away from miseries, if he is desirous of Dharma
(Virtues) par excellence.

The great sages devoted to righteousness have propagated Ayurveda with their
desire for attainment of Dharma (righteousness), Artha (wealth), Kama (satisfaction
of the worldly desires) and Akshara Sthana (salvation).

A person who pursues medical profession just out of compassion for the living
being and not for Artha (wealth) or Kama (satisfaction of the worldly desires) excels
all others.

A physician, who practices his profession as a commercial commodity for earning

wealth, is (as a matter of fact) running after heap of ash instead of gold.

Patients su몭ering from serious diseases are dragged towards death by Yama (the
God of death). Therefore, in this world, there is none equal to a physician, who can
help an individual with both dharma (righteousness) and Artha (wealth). There is no
other gift which excels the gift of life.

Compassion for the living creates is the dharma (righteousness) par excellence. A
physician, who enters into medical professions keeping this ideal in view,
accomplishes his objects best and gets happiness par excellence. [52-62]

In this quarter dealing with “the original propagation of Ayurveda”, the following
topics have been discussed in detail-

1. The original propagation of Ayurveda.

2. The method of use of celestial drugs which are auspicious
3. The e몭ects of rejuvenation therapy containing gems and jewels which is like
ambrosia but slightly less in quality.
4. The conversation of India with the Siddhas (the accomplished sage) and
Brahmcharins (those observing celibacy) [63-64]

Thus, ends the fourth quarter of “Ayurveda samutthana” (original propagation of
the science of life) of the chapter on Rasayana – rejuvenative; anti-aging
(rejuvenation) of Chikitsa Section in Agnivesa’s work, as redacted by Charaka.
Thus is the end of the chapter on rejuvenation therapy.

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Charaka Chikitsasthana 1.1 What Is Ayurveda? 5 Chyawanprash Uses, Dose,

Abhaya Amalakeeya Dimensions Of The Ancient How To Take, Ingredients,
Rasayana Indian Health Wisdom! Side E몭ects
02/07/2015 17/01/2011 08/09/2009
In "Text Books" In "Ayurveda" In "Ayurvedic Medicine"

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