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About this Document
Riddhi Infosystem (India) Pvt. Ltd. is pleased to submit a System requirements study Report for the
implementation of R-Logic ERP system at Geekom Logitech Pvt Ltd R-Logic application will be delivered
on the guidelines of this document.

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Document No. R0001

Document Description SRS document (Accounts Masters)

Version 1.0

Prepared By Ashok M. Pandya

Release Date 10th February 2015

Contact details 9820211969 / 6138 0909

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1.1 Chart Of Account

1.1.1 Account Group -------------------------------------------------------------- 5-6
1.1.2 Accounts Ledger ------------------------------------------------------------ 7-9
1.1.3 Accounts Sub Ledger ----------------------------------------------------- 9-10
1.1.4 Opening Ledger ---------------------------------------------------------- 10-11
1.1.5 Sub Ledger Mapping ----------------------------------------------------- 11-12
1.1.6 Ledger Budget---------------------------------------------------------------12

1.2 General
1.2.1 Cost Center Category -------------------------------------------------------- 12
1.2.2 Cost Centre ---------------------------------------------------------------------13

1.2.3 Analysis Group ----------------------------------------------------------- 13-14

1.2.3 Analysis Head ------------------------------------------------------------ 14-15

1.3 Operational Ledger Creation---------------------------------------------------------15

1.3.1 Branch Ledger Creation --------------------------------------------------------16
1.3.2 Customer Ledger Creation------------------------------------------------------17
1.3.3 Supplier Ledger Craetion-------------------------------------------------------18
1.3.4 Vehicle Ledger Creation--------------------------------------------------------19
1.3.5 Vehicle Analysis Creation-------------------------------------------------------20
1.3.6 Vehicle loan Ledger Creation---------------------------------------------------21
1.3.7 Driver Ledger Creation ---------------------------------------------------------22

1.4 Operational Ledger Mapping

1.4.1 Cuslomer Ledger Mapping -------------------------------------------------- 23
1.4.2 Supplier Ledger Mapping ---------------------------------------------------- 24
1.4.3 Branch Ledger Mapping ----------------------------------------------------- 25
1.4.4 Customer Ledger Creation -------------------------------------------------- 26
1.4.5 Supplier Ledger Creation ---------------------------------------------------- 27
1.4.6 Branch Ledger Creation ----------------------------------------------------- 28

1.5 General
1.5.1 Bank ----------------------------------------------------------------------------29-30

1.5.2 Bank Drawn On ----------------------------------------------------------------30-31

1.5.3 TDS Exemption Rate-----------------------------------------------------------30-31

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1.6 Cheque Control

1.6.1 Cheque series generation ----------------------------------------------------------31

1.6.2 Cheque series allocation ------------------------------------------------------------31

1.6.3 Cheque series Transfer---------------------------------------------------------------32

1.6.4 Physical Cheque Cancellation--------------------------------------------------------33

1.6.5 Preserve Cancel Cheque--------------------------------------------------------------34

1.1.1 Account Group

Account group master is used to define accounting heads in the system. Each group head depending upon its accounting group type classifies
the nature of the account.

The accounting structure forms basis for books of accounts, profit and loss account, and balance sheet for the companies forming the
business group.

A business group can have multiple companies. Each of them can have multiple divisions. System facilitates books of accounts for divisions,
companies, and merged reporting for the group of companies.

Account Group Master

Account group master has one record per group. It has:

 Name of the group

 Parent group in the hierarchy if any
 Whether ‘system defined’ or ‘user defined’ – as some of the groups are readily defined in the system and cannot be changed by the user.
Others can be added and changed by the user.
 The basic accounting types are Liability, Asset, Income, or Expense
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 Index No. is Sort order for the purpose of formatting the trial balance and balance sheet

Types of Accounting Groups

There are Four Types of Accounting Groups


System Defined / User Defined

System Defined

System defined standard groups. Each group is of one of the four basic types as ‘Asset’, ‘Liability’, ‘Income’, or ‘Expense’. This is generic
accounting structure starting from four basic types, under which account groups are organized. These are top-level groups and do not have
any ‘parent group’. R-Logic System pre-defined groups in the system; User can define their own sub groups according to their requirements.

Field Description


Group Name Alphanumeric Y Enter account group name.
Alias Alphanumeric Y User can enter alias name for group name.
Parent Group Selection N Select proper parent group from the available list. User has to click on this field
to activate list.

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Account Nature Selection Y Select proper account nature from the available list. User has to click on this field
to activate available list. This field get enable if parent group is "Primary".
Index No Numeric Y Enter Index No.

1.1.2 Account Ledger

Setup of accounts is a multi-level structure as:

a. System defined standard groups. Each group is of one of the four basic types as ‘Liability’, ‘Asset’, ‘Income’, or ‘Expense’. This is
generic accounting structure starting from four basic types, under which account groups are organized. These are top-level groups
and do not have any ‘parent group’.

b. GL heads. GL heads are general ledger account heads. They can be transacted directly, or are ‘control accounts’ representing a set
of sub ledger (SL) accounts.

Every individual account head is associated with one of the groups that is not ‘parent’ to any other account group. Every account head can be
a ‘general ledger head’ (GL) or a ‘sub-ledger head’ (SL).

Further, there are distinct types of GL and SL. They depend upon posting in the transaction and printing of the ledger as explained below.

Types of GL based on functional aspect:

1. GL can be transacted directly, and does not have any SL associated with it.

2. GL has a group of sub-ledger heads associated with it. The GL is a control account. Every posting needs to have the GL and one of the
associated sub-ledger heads specified. The amount posted to GL over transactions equals to sum of the amounts posted to individual
sub-ledgers. Here the sub-ledger has a fixed GL associated with it. No sub-ledger under the control account can be associated with any
other GL in the transaction.
Types of SL:

1. SL that can be associated with more than one (predefined in the master) GL

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Field Description


Ledger Name Alphanumeric Y Enter Ledger Name.
Alias Alphanumeric N User can enter alias name for ledger name.
Ledger Type Selection N Select proper ledger type from the available list. User has to click on this field to
activate list.
Description Alphanumeric N
User can enter description for mentioned account ledger.

Account Group Selection Y Select proper account group name from the available list. User has to click on
this field to activate list.
Is Analysis Checkbox N If user want to apply analysis required for ledger name then single click required
Required on check box.
Cost Centre Checkbox N If user want to apply cost center for ledger name then single click required on
Applicable check box.
Maintain Bill Ref. Checkbox N If user wants to maintain bill ref for ledger name then single click required on
check box.
Profit Centre Checkbox N If user wants to apply profit centre for ledger name then single click required on
Applicable check box.

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User can allow existing ledger name for accounting transaction of CO. If single
Corporate Office Checkbox N
click exist on check box then this account will reflect in all accounts transaction
of CO login.
User can allow existing ledger name for accounting transaction of ZO. If single
Zonal Office Checkbox N
click exist on check box then this account will reflect in all accounts transaction
of ZO login.
User can allow existing ledger name for accounting transaction of AO .If single
Area Office Checkbox N
click exist on check box then this account will reflect in all accounts transaction
of AO login.
User can allow existing ledger name for accounting transaction of BO. If single
Branch Office Checkbox N
click exist on check box then this account will reflect in all accounts transaction
of BO login.

1.1.3 Account Sub Ledger

Sub Ledger is defined under the Control account

Field Description


Ledger Name Alphanumeric Y Enter Ledger Name.
Alias Alphanumeric N User can enter alias name for ledger name.
Control Account Selection Y Select proper control account ledger name from the available list. User has to
Ledger click on this field to activate list.
Description Alphanumeric N User can enter description for mentioned account sub ledger.
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1.1.4 Opening Ledger

Opening records of the General ledger and Sub Ledger is defined in this form. This is further segregated on the
Hierarchy of the organization.

Field Description


Select Proper ledger name for opening balance entry. This field only shows
Ledger Name Selection Y
control & general account name. User have to enter first two character of ledger
name to activate list & need to press tab to activate opening balance details grid.

If entered ledger name in "Ledger Name" field having control account nature
Sub Ledger Selection Y
then this field gets activate. User have to enter first two character of sub ledger
name to activate list & need to press tab to activate opening balance details grid.
As per entered DR & CR opening details, user has to enter opening balance
amount & flag as per Total Of DR-Total of CR. If answer is +ve then DR flag
Opening Balance Numeric Y
should be there or answer is -ve then CR flag should be there. User has to enter
opening amount manually for respective company hierarchy login but this value
will get auto updated for parent hierarchy login.
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Dr/Cr Selection Y Select DR or CR flag as per transaction nature
Hierarchy Selection Y Select respective company hierarchy.
Location Selection Y Select Location name this field will show location list as per hierarchy login.
Document Type Selection Y Select proper document type from the available list. User have click on this field
to activate the document type name list.
Document No Numeric Y Enter Doc no.
Document Date Date Y Enter Doc date.Doc date should be less than financial start date.
Credit Days Numeric Y Enter Credit days.
Debit Numeric Y Enter Debit amount.
Credit Numeric Y Enter Credit Amount
Add/Edit/Delete NA Facility to add existing record & to edit or delete previous record.

1.1.5 Sub Ledger Mapping

In event of mapping the multiple GL for a Sub ledger is done through this form. E.g. Employee name is under the
Advance to Employee Account and we also wants to ask sub ledger for Loans to Employee then same is defined here.

Field Description


Select proper sub ledger name for account mapping. Account mapping means,
Sub Ledger
Selection Y user can change control account name than existing control account. User has to
Name enter first two character of sub ledger name to activate list & need to press tab
to activate Ledger name grid.

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System will fetch existing control account from sub ledger account mater with
Ledger Name Selection Y
default flag. If user wants to change default control account name then need to
click on this field to activate the list as well as single click required on check box.
Is Default Checkbox N If user wants keep selected account as default account then user needs to click
on check box.
Add/Edit/Delete NA Facility to add existing record & to edit or delete previous record.

1.1.6 : Ledger Budget :

Field Description


Select proper sub ledger name for account mapping. Account mapping means,
Sub Ledger
Selection Y user can change control account name than existing control account. User has to
Name enter first two character of sub ledger name to activate list & need to press tab
to activate Ledger name grid.
System will fetch existing control account from sub ledger account mater with
Ledger Name Selection Y
default flag. If user wants to change default control account name then need to
click on this field to activate the list as well as single click required on check box.
Is Default Checkbox N If user wants keep selected account as default account then user needs to click
on check box.

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Add/Edit/Delete NA Facility to add existing record & to edit or delete previous record.

1.2.1 Cost Centre Category

A cost center is part of an organization that does not produce direct profit and adds to the cost of running a company. Examples
of cost centers include research and development departments, marketing departments, help desks and customer
service/contact centers.

System will provide the all expenses details as per the Cost centre defined.

Field Description


Cost Category Alphanumeric Y Enter Cost Category Name.
Description Alphanumeric N User can enter description for mentioned cost centre category.

1.2.2 Cost Centre: Cost centre created can be mapped under the category and link to the department and Ledger
account in this form. This will bring the default values during the transaction.

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Field Description


Cost Centre Alphanumeric Y Enter cost center name.
Cost Category Selection Y Select proper cost category from the available list. User have to click on this
field to activate list.
Description Alphanumeric N User can enter description for mentioned cost centre.
Department Selection N Select proper department name from the available list. User have to click on this
field to activate list.
Add/Edit/Delete NA Facility to add existing record & to edit or delete previous record.
Ledger Selection N Select proper ledger name from the available list. User has to click on this field to
activate list.
Add/Edit/Delete NA Facility to add existing record & to edit or delete previous record.

1.2.3 Analysis Group

Analysis Group is to categorize various Analysis code.

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Field Description


Analysis Group Alphanumeric Y Enter Analysis group name.
Parent Group Selection N User can use any entered analysis group in above field as a parent Group.
Description Alphanumeric N User can enter description for mentioned analysis group.

1.2.4 Analysis Head

This is additional feature to analyze the in terms of accounts. This are linked to the Ledgers and as per the parameter
it request the information.

Field Description


Analysis Head Alphanumeric Y Enter analysis head name.
Analysis Group Selection Y Enter analysis group name.
Description Alphanumeric N User can enter description for mentioned analysis head.

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1.3.1: Branch Ledger Creation: This form facilitates to create the Ledger / Sub Ledger for the Branch. This process is
done by the accounts department to keep proper control of creation of Ledgers.

1.3.2 Customer Ledger Creation

This form facilitates to create the Sub Ledger as per the Customers master defined in the operation module. This
process is done by the accounts department to keep proper control of creation of Ledgers.

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1.3.3 Supplier Ledger Creation

This form facilitates to create the Sub Ledger as per the Vendor / Supplier master defined in the Operation & Fleet
module. This process is done by the accounts department to keep proper control of creation of Ledgers.

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1.3.4 Vehicle Ledger Creation : This form facilitates to create the vehicle ledger as per master define in
Operational module.

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1.3.4 Vehicle Analysis Creation :

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1.3.5: Vehicle Loan Ledger Creation: This form facilitates the user to create the Vehicle Loan Ledger /Subledger.

1.3.6: Driver Ledger Creation: This form facilitates the user to create the Ledger or sub ledger as per defined in Operational

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1.4.1 Branch Ledger Mapping

Branch wise Ledger mapping is provided in the following form

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1.4.2 Corporate Ledger Mapping: Corporate wise ledger mapping is shown in this form.

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1.4.2 Customer Ledger Mapping: All Customers master defined in the operation module is mapped with the Sub
Ledger account through the below process. Customer for whom the ledger is already specified will not appear in below
screen and any further changes will be done through Sub Ledger.

1.4.2 Supplier Ledger Mapping: All Vendors/Supplier master defined in the Operation & Fleet module is mapped
with the Sub Ledger account through the below process. Vendor/Supplier for whom the ledger is already specified will
not appear in below screen and any further changes will be done through Sub Ledger

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1.4.2 Vehicle Ledger Mapping: All vehicle master defined in the Operation & Fleet module is mapped with the Sub
Ledger account through the below process.

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1.4.2 Vehicle Analysis Mapping:

1.4.2 Vehicle Loan Mapping: All Vehicle loan define in Operation & Fleet module is mapped with the sub ledger
account through this process.

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1.4.3 Driver Ledger Mapping: All Driver Account details define in Operation & Fleet module is mapped in this form

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1.4.4 Bank Ledger Mapping: Bank Wise ledger mapping is shown in this module.

1.4.4 LR Charge Head Mapping: All charge head details define in LR/ GC form in Operational module is mapped
in with the Sub ledger as define.

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1.4.5 Trip Charge Head Mapping: All expenses details define during the Trip in operational module is mapped in
this form.

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1.4.5 Trip Settlement Charge Head Mapping:

1.4.5 Bill Charge Head Mapping All charge head details define in Operational module is mapped in with the Sub
ledger as define.

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1.5.1 Bank: This form facilitates the user to update bank name.

1.5.2 Bank Drawn On: This form facilitates the user to capture the transaction drawn on which bank.

1.5.3 TDS Exemption Rate:

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1.6.1 Cheque Series Generation : Series are decided for each Cheque type as per the company policy. In system we can
define the cheque Series by giving the start no. & the end

1.6.2 Cheque Series Allocation : This form facilitates the user to allocate the cheque series to particular branch .

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1.6.2 Cheque Series Transfer : Once the cheque series are allocate to one branch and for some emergency same series need
to transfer to other branch than this form facilitates the same.

1.6.2 Physical Cheque Cancellation : This form facilitates the user to cancel the Physical cheque . This facility may be
required when user has done the mistake/ any error while processing the transaction.

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1.6.3 Preserve Cheque Cancellation : This form facilitates the user to preserve the cancel cheque . This facility may be
required when user has done the mistake/ any error while processing the transaction.

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