Video Transcript-Elements of Art

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Department of Communication and Humanities

COURSE MATERIAL (Video Transcript)

First Term, AY 2020-2021

Course Description Art Appreciation

Prerequisite None
Credits 3 units
Mode of Delivery Flexible Learning and Teaching
Week Number 6.1
Lesson/Topic Content in Art
Micro-Learning At the end of the lesson, students must:
Outcomes 1. identify the different elements of art,
2. define each element of art; and
3. appreciate the relevance of each element.
Assessment Measures Refer to Class’ Facebook Group/Masao LMS
Reference The Elements and Principles of Art. (2008). Retrieved from
Video Transcript
Hi students! Welcome back to this video. It’s me again,
Ms. Gelaga. Today we are going to delve more on the world of art.
Are you ready? Let’s begin.

The topic for this video is Elements of Art. At the end

of this lesson, you shall be able to: Identify the different elements
of art; Define each element of art; and Appreciate the relevance of
each element. Are you ready? Let’s begin.

Elements of Art are the building blocks or the

ingredients of artwork. These can be the deciding factor as to what
kind of artwork an artist is going to create.

Here are the different elements of art; Line, it is a mark

on a surface with length and direction created by a tool (pencil,
pen, brush). See these popular paintings by Ansel Adams and
Pablo Picasso which uses line as the main element of their
artwork. Next is the color- consists of hue which is another term
for color, intensity also known as brightness, and value which is
the lightness or darkness of an artwork. Here are some examples
of paintings which explicitly use color as the main element of the
artwork, this is a painting by Pablo Picasso named Girl Before A
Mirror and the other one is by Wassily Kadinsky- Yellow-Red-
Blue. To continue, Space- distance or area between, around,
above, below, or within things. Space has two aspects, the positive
and negative. Positive is the object while negative is the space
around the object. An example artwork that exemplifies space is
Le Fluers by Robert Mapplethorpe. Note that space also creates
depth in the artwork through the distribution of the foreground,
middle ground and background example of which is the painting
of Claude Monet. And lastly, the texture, it is the surface quality
or "feel" of an object, its smoothness, roughness, softness, and,
etc. Texture can be actual/real meaning can be felt by the palm of
our hands or it can also be implied which can be reflected in the
artwork itself. Here is an example of which actual painting is
exemplied by Paula Nizamas and for the implied painting this is
Vincent Van Gogh named Starry Night.

That is it for the lesson, I hope you grasps and understood

the lesson. If not, feel free to replay this video or address your
question to your specific instructor. For the activity, please visit
the Masao Learning Management System. Thank you so much
for watching this video and see you in the next one. Bye!

-end of transcript-

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