RPMS SY 2021-2022: Teacher Reflection Form (TRF)

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RPMS SY 2021-2022




DIRECTIONS: Reflect on your attainment of the RPMS objective by answering the questions/prompts provided. Use
any local or official language that you are comfortable with. Use extra sheets if needed. Please limit your response to
500 words.

Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies
that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents
Context: Clara is often seen restless or unfocused in class. She also has troubles following instructions and skips
activities when left unsupervised.
Action Taken: You had a conference with her parents and found out from them that Clara was diagnosed with a
learning disability.

How will you modify the instructions for Clara to keep her focus on classroom activities? Write your reflections in
this form. Mention in your reflections a specific learning disability that you are familiar with or have researched on.

This tool was developed through the Philippine National

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government


Learning disability is a prevalent problem among pupils nowadays. This kind of disorder may affect the
students’ ability to understand, speak/write, solve mathematical problems, direct coordination, coordinate
movements, or their performance in school. Parents and other people surrounding them like teachers should
give extra attention to assist the situation of the child. It is important for parents to know that their child has
a disorder at an early age for proper diagnosis. As well as, to head up to the teachers about the child’s
situation to have extra care in terms of learning the lessons given by the school.

Pupils that have this kind of disorder usually experience difficulty inside and outside the room. Some
reasons why there are many pupils bullied by their classmates or schoolmates is because they are slow in
coping with the lessons or the actual situations are in. It is not that easy to teach students with learning
disabilities. We, teachers, are passionate enough to teach this student.

In Clara’s situation, she was unfocused in the class, skip activities as well, and had trouble understanding
the instructions of the lessons. She is an example that has a learning disorder. As a teacher, we must be
vigilant enough about the behavior of the student like in Clara’s case. We must consider the learning
environment of the pupils, and their emotional, and psychological aspects as well.

Since we had a conversation already together about parents. It is proof that we can conclude that Clara’s
condition is a learning disability. Through the support of anecdotal records plus school performance, we
can justify the views towards that child.

We, teachers, should recognize that there are many kinds of multiple intelligence students may have. We
should prepare activities that benefited only few, but all students. Let us make sure also that they are
catered equally and give them opportunities to one and all to understand the lesson.

In order to get Clara’s attention, give her an activity that she is good at then divert it to the activity that
makes her participation involved. Give her time to think and help her analyze small things little by little. In
that case, she will motivate herself to do well as time goes by. Also, appreciate the effort she exerts in
participating in such activities so that she will feel motivated.

Do have some icebreakers for the class so that Clara can manifest the learning since she feels restless.
Make Clara interact in the group activities to enhance her cooperation in the class once she finds it was
exciting in doing that activity with her classmates. Regained her interests by listening, participating, and
letting her do the assigned activities for her.

In teaching students, it is not about teaching lessons all day. Learn to study their behavior and also to come
up a with good teaching strategy. Some might be doing well, find it boring, or feel unwanted. Putting them
in activities that urge their interests will make your class lively and cooperative.
“It is not just the pupils that learned, but also yourself as a teacher”.

Having differentiated instruction in the class opens an opportunity for the struggling learners to speed up, it
enables gifted pupils to learn at a faster pace. Teachers should adjust themselves to deliver quality
instruction and be responsive to the needs of the pupils.

This tool was developed through the Philippine National

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government

RPMS SY 2021-2022




DIRECTIONS: Reflect on your attainment of the RPMS objective by answering the questions/prompts provided. Use
any local or official language that you are comfortable with. Use extra sheets if needed. Please limit your response to
500 words.

Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies
that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents

Design a lesson plan for the gifted and talented learners based on your idea on how they may be addressed in
your class. Your strategies for the gifted and talented learners must be highlighted and annotated in this form.
Attach your lesson plan here.

This tool was developed through the Philippine National

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government

This tool was developed through the Philippine National

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government

RPMS SY 2021-2022




DIRECTIONS: Reflect on your attainment of the RPMS objective by answering the questions/prompts provided. Use
any local or official language that you are comfortable with. Use extra sheets if needed. Please limit your response to
500 words.

Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching
strategies to address the needs of learners from
indigenous groups
Below is an assessment activity for a class of 30 learners, five of which belong to an indigenous peoples (IP) group.
Evaluate the appropriateness of the activity to your learners. Write your response in this form.

Directions: For your assessment, research on the following roles in your community by asking your parents or
anyone with knowledge on these roles. Choose from Set A and Set B. Explain why these are important roles.

Set A Set B
1. mayor 1. datu/chieftain
2. councilors 2. community elders
3. medical officers 3. healers

This tool was developed through the Philippine National

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government

Appropriateness of activity plays an important role of how students learn within the four corners of the
room with different cultures and traditions. Teaching styles should vary according to the pupil’s needs.

The teacher should get a knowledge more about the culture of the indigenous pupils in order to have a
better way of how students can participate and enjoy the learnings she prepared.
Appropriate activity is very essential in teaching the students. An effective way to diverse attention of
students with different cultures in learning activities.

In the given situation, the teacher has a mixture of different lifestyles, traditions, cultures, perspectives,
and beliefs in the classroom.

If the teacher used the question and answer portion technique in general because she believes that the
proper activity for all the learners should be no difference whatever or what kind of society you came

In this case, the teacher didn’t acknowledge the exemption IP students. She doesn’t care if the
Indigenous learners can engage. She just executes the activity without realizing the effective activity
strategy for the students.

Indigenous pupils have different ways of living. They are much more engaged with inextricably linked to
their identities, cultures, livelihoods, as well as their physical and spiritual well-being.
In regard to that, they need open activities to which they can relate to real-life situations.

Furthermore, IP students might have lost interest since the activity was not yet introduced or that new to
them. They might not enjoy the activity the teacher created because they need a task that caters or it can
be an interesting activity for them or an assessment that they can grip.
The teacher provides a one-sided perspective without considering the diversity of the learners in a room.
The teacher may provide other activities where the IP’s learner can join and have fun while learning.

Also, the teacher should find, in what areas the IP learners became more intrigued in learning, to
commensurate with their abilities and set them on the trajectory in order to develop their talents.

As we all know, Indigenous pupils have a unique experience based on their traditions. They learned by
listening to the stories without any interactions. IPs don’t like to be the center of attention. Also, they
have difficulty in letting teachers know what they don’t know or where they struggling to understand,
due to a sensitivity to feeling shamed.

The most effective way for the cooperative students is to provide a hands-on activity and a greater
variety of practical experiences in the lessons for all the learners.

I can use storytelling with virtual cues in my teaching to support so that IP students learn better rather
than having them read and process materials directly. Not only that, I will also provide an activity that is
related to everyday tasks so that students will be much more engaged in learning.
In order to evaluate the appropriateness of the activity, I must try this kind of technique to its
effectiveness for pupils.

Each of these people under set A and B has a major role in the community. In Set A, these are the person
who had a role in a non-indigenous individual while in set B, these are the person that governs
Indigenous people in the far-flung areas.

This tool was developed through the Philippine National

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government

RPMS SY 2021-2022




DIRECTIONS: Reflect on your attainment of the RPMS objective by answering the questions/prompts provided. Use
any local or official language that you are comfortable with. Use extra sheets if needed. Please limit your response to
500 words.

Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching
strategies to address the needs of learners from
indigenous groups
Design a lesson plan for your class that integrates aspects of indigenous peoples (IP) culture using national
mandates on indigenous people’s education (IPEd) as reference:
• Republic Act No. 8371 or the Indigenous People’s Rights Act of 1997
• DepEd Order No. 62, S. 2011 or the Adopting the National Indigenous Peoples (IP) Education
Policy Framework
• DepEd Order No. 32, S. 2015 or the Adopting the Indigenous Peoples (IP) Education Curriculum Framework

The integration of IP culture in the lesson plan must be highlighted and annotated in this reflection form.
Attach your lesson plan here.

This tool was developed through the Philippine National

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government

This tool was developed through the Philippine National

Research Center for Teacher Quality (RCTQ) with support
from the Australian Government

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