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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building

General Santos City


1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
Lx/4 Ly - Lx/2 Lx/4
(2) Fy : 276MPa

3. Design Load y
(1) Dead Load : 5.150KPa x
(2) Live Load : 1.915KPa B1

4. Section Size

(1) Span(X) : 2.850m
(2) Span(Y) : 4.250m Lx/2

(3) Thickness : 125mm

(4) Cover : 20.00mm


(5) Use clear span : Yes

5. Slab Type & Support

(1) Slab Type : 2-Way Slab
(2) Support Type : Case-8 X1 X2 X3
(3) Boundary Beams : B1 : 250 x 400 / B2 : 250 x 400 / B3 : 250 x 500 / B4 : 250 x 500

6. Determine the design type of slab

(1) Calculate span ratio [ Use clear span ]
Lx = 2.600m
Ly = 4.000m
Span Ratio( Lx / Ly ) = 0.650 >= 0.5 -> 2-Way Slab

7. Check Load
(1) Calculate factored load
LCB01 = 7.210KPa ( 1.4D )
LCB02 = 9.244KPa ( 1.2D+1.6L )
ωu = 9.244KPa

8. Check Thickness of Slab

(1) Calculate factors
β = lny / lnx = 1.538
αm = 6.359 (α1 = 4.728, α2 = 7.380, α3 = 6.664, α4 = 6.664)
(2) Calculate minimum thickness required
ln (0.8 + (fy / 1400))
hreq = = 90.00mm
36 + 9β
h = 125mm > hreq = 90.00mm → O.K

9. Check Capacity of Slab

(1) Calculate Moment & Shear [ Direction X ]
Bar-1 P12@250 - P12@250
Bar-2 P12@250 P12@300 P12@250
Bar-3 P10@300 P12@300 P10@300
Moment Coefficient (DL) 0.000 0.0440 0.000
Moment Coefficient (LL) 0.000 0.0590 0.000
Moment Coefficient (FL) 0.0740 0.000 0.000
Shear Coefficient 0.740 0.000 0.000

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Mu (kN·m/m) 4,624 3,060 1,020

Vu (kN/m) 8,893 0.000 0.000
øMn (kN·m/m) 20,640 17,422 20,640
øVn (kN/m) 57,407 57,407 57,407
Mu / øMn 0.224 0.176 0.0494
Vu / øVn 0.155 0.000 0.000

(2) Calculate Moment & Shear [ Direction Y ]

Bar-1 P12@200 - P12@200
Bar-2 P12@200 P12@300 P12@200
Bar-3 P10@300 P12@300 P10@300
Moment Coefficient (DL) 0.000 0.00900 0.000
Moment Coefficient (LL) 0.000 0.0110 0.000
Moment Coefficient (FL) 0.0240 0.000 0.0240
Shear Coefficient 0.260 0.000 0.260
Mu (kN·m/m) 3,550 1,429 3,550
Vu (kN/m) 4,807 0.000 4,807
øMn (kN·m/m) 21,934 15,176 21,934
øVn (kN/m) 50,448 50,448 50,448
Mu / øMn 0.162 0.0942 0.162
Vu / øVn 0.0953 0.000 0.0953

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa

3. Design Load
(1) Dead Load : 4.050KPa
(2) Live Load : 3.830KPa y

4. Section Size

(1) Span : 1.500m

(2) Thickness : 125mm
(3) Cover : 20.00mm Lx

5. Slab Type & Support

(1) Slab Type : 1-Way Slab
(2) Support Type : Case-3
X1 X2 X3
6. Check Load
(1) Calculate factored load
LCB01 = 5.670KPa ( 1.4D )
LCB02 = 10.99KPa ( 1.2D+1.6L )
ωu = 10.99KPa

7. Check Thickness of Slab

(1) Calculate minimum thickness required
hreq = L/24.00 = 62.50mm
h = 125mm > hreq = 62.50mm → O.K

8. Check Capacity of Slab

(1) Calculate Moment & Shear
Bar-1 P12@300 - P12@300
Bar-2 P12@300 P12@300 P12@300
Bar-3 P10@400 P12@300 P10@400
Moment Coefficient 0.0833 0.0714 0.0417
Shear Coefficient 0.575 0.000 0.375
Mu (kN·m/m) 2,060 1,766 1,030
Vu (kN/m) 9,478 0.000 6,181
øMn (kN·m/m) 17,422 17,422 17,422
øVn (kN/m) 57,407 57,407 57,407
Mu / øMn 0.118 0.101 0.0591
Vu / øVn 0.165 0.000 0.108
sbar,req (mm) 457 457 457
sbar / sbar,req 0.328 0.328 0.328

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : END(I)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 300 x 500mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 2.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 4.422kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 0.553kN·m
(3) Vu : 10.61kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)
(4) Skin Bar : 1-P12 (As = 113mm²) (at Tension Region)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(1) Calculate design parameter

β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 84.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0001
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0001
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0072
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 49.29mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 107kN·m
øMn = 95.89kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.00576 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 84.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0004
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0004
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0072
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


As fy
a= = 49.29mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 107kN·m
øMn = 95.89kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.0461 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 435mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 75.59kN
Vu < øVc → Shear reinforcement is not required
(2) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 283kN
(3) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 358kN
Vu / øVn = 0.0296 → O.K
(4) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 109mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 109mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 109mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 109mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 95.89kN·m
øMn- = 95.89kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 47.95kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 118kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 29.57kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 150mm
Dimmin = 300mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

Section : MIDDLE
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 300 x 500mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 2.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 0.000kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 2.211kN·m
(3) Vu : 5.306kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@200 (As = 157mm²)
(4) Skin Bar : 1-P12 (As = 113mm²) (at Tension Region)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq = 2

s = 84.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0002
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0002
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0072
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 49.29mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 107kN·m
øMn = 95.89kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.0231 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
Moment is zero. Skipped.
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
Moment is zero. Skipped.
(4) Calculate moment capacity
Moment is zero. Skipped.

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 435mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 75.59kN
Vu < øVc → Shear reinforcement is not required
(2) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 70.64kN
(3) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 146kN
Vu / øVn = 0.0363 → O.K
(4) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 217mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 217mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 217mm
s = 200mm < smax = 217mm → O.K
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check moment strength of sections
øMn+ = 95.89kN·m
øMn- = 95.89kN·m
øMn.max = 118kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 29.57kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 150mm
Dimmin = 300mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

Section : END(J)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 300 x 500mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 2.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


45.5 300


5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 4.422kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 0.553kN·m
(3) Vu : 10.61kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 4-P20 (As = 1,257mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 111mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)
(4) Skin Bar : 1-P12 (As = 113mm²) (at Tension Region)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 84.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0001
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0001
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


ρ= = 0.0072
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 49.29mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 107kN·m
øMn = 95.89kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.00576 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq = 2
s = 169 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0005
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0005
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0102
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 65.72mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 131kN·m
øMn = 118kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.0374 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 412mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 71.67kN
Vu < øVc → Shear reinforcement is not required
(2) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 268kN
(3) Calculate ratio of shear capacity

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


øVn = øVc + øVs = 340kN

Vu / øVn = 0.0313 → O.K
(4) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 103mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 103mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 103mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 103mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 95.89kN·m
øMn- = 118kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 59.14kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 118kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 29.57kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 150mm
Dimmin = 300mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : END(I)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 300 x 500mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 2.600m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 20.21kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 2.526kN·m
(3) Vu : 29.47kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 4-P20 (As = 1,257mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 111mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)
(4) Skin Bar : 1-P12 (As = 113mm²) (at Tension Region)

2022-07-14 09:48 1
Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 84.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0002
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0002
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0072
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 49.29mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 107kN·m
øMn = 95.89kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.0263 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 169 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0022
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0022
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0102
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


As fy
a= = 65.72mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 131kN·m
øMn = 118kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.171 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 412mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 71.67kN
Vu < øVc → Shear reinforcement is not required
(2) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 268kN
(3) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 340kN
Vu / øVn = 0.0868 → O.K
(4) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 103mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 103mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 103mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 103mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 95.89kN·m
øMn- = 118kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 59.14kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 118kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 29.57kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 150mm
Dimmin = 300mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

Section : MIDDLE
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 300 x 500mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 2.600m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 0.000kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 10.10kN·m
(3) Vu : 14.73kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@200 (As = 157mm²)
(4) Skin Bar : 1-P12 (As = 113mm²) (at Tension Region)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq = 2

s = 84.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0010
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0010
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0072
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 49.29mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 107kN·m
øMn = 95.89kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.105 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
Moment is zero. Skipped.
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
Moment is zero. Skipped.
(4) Calculate moment capacity
Moment is zero. Skipped.

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 435mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 75.59kN
Vu < øVc → Shear reinforcement is not required
(2) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 70.64kN
(3) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 146kN
Vu / øVn = 0.101 → O.K
(4) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 217mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 217mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 217mm
s = 200mm < smax = 217mm → O.K
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check moment strength of sections
øMn+ = 95.89kN·m
øMn- = 95.89kN·m
øMn.max = 118kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 29.57kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 150mm
Dimmin = 300mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

Section : END(J)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 300 x 500mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 2.600m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


45.5 300


5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 20.21kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 2.526kN·m
(3) Vu : 29.47kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 4-P20 (As = 1,257mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 111mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)
(4) Skin Bar : 1-P12 (As = 113mm²) (at Tension Region)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 84.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0002
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0002
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


ρ= = 0.0072
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 49.29mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 107kN·m
øMn = 95.89kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.0263 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq = 2
s = 169 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0022
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0022
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0102
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 65.72mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 131kN·m
øMn = 118kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.171 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 412mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 71.67kN
Vu < øVc → Shear reinforcement is not required
(2) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 268kN
(3) Calculate ratio of shear capacity

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


øVn = øVc + øVs = 340kN

Vu / øVn = 0.0868 → O.K
(4) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 103mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 103mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 103mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 103mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 95.89kN·m
øMn- = 118kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 59.14kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 118kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 29.57kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 150mm
Dimmin = 300mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : END(I)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 300 x 500mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 31.08kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 3.885kN·m
(3) Vu : 41.44kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)
(4) Skin Bar : 1-P12 (As = 113mm²) (at Tension Region)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(1) Calculate design parameter

β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 84.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0004
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0004
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0072
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 49.29mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 107kN·m
øMn = 95.89kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.0405 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 84.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0030
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0030
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0072
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


As fy
a= = 49.29mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 107kN·m
øMn = 95.89kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.324 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 435mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 75.59kN
øVc < Vu < øVc → Minimum shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.381mm²/mm
Av,req = Av.min = 0.381mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 283kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 358kN
Vu / øVn = 0.116 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 109mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 413mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 109mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 109mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 95.89kN·m
øMn- = 95.89kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 47.95kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 95.89kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 23.97kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 150mm
Dimmin = 300mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : MIDDLE
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 300 x 500mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 0.000kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 15.54kN·m
(3) Vu : 20.72kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@200 (As = 157mm²)
(4) Skin Bar : 1-P12 (As = 113mm²) (at Tension Region)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(1) Calculate design parameter

β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 84.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0015
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0015
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0072
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 49.29mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 107kN·m
øMn = 95.89kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.162 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
Moment is zero. Skipped.
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
Moment is zero. Skipped.
(4) Calculate moment capacity
Moment is zero. Skipped.

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 435mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 75.59kN
Vu < øVc → Shear reinforcement is not required
(2) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 70.64kN
(3) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 146kN
Vu / øVn = 0.142 → O.K
(4) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 217mm

Nleg Av1
sreq = = 217mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 217mm
s = 200mm < smax = 217mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check moment strength of sections
øMn+ = 95.89kN·m
øMn- = 95.89kN·m
øMn.max = 95.89kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 23.97kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 150mm
Dimmin = 300mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

Section : END(J)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 300 x 500mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame

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General Santos City


45.5 300


5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 31.08kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 3.885kN·m
(3) Vu : 41.44kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)
(4) Skin Bar : 1-P12 (As = 113mm²) (at Tension Region)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 84.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0004
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0004
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0072
bw d
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K

(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 49.29mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 107kN·m
øMn = 95.89kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.0405 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 84.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0030
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0030
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0072
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 49.29mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 107kN·m
øMn = 95.89kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.324 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 435mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 75.59kN
øVc < Vu < øVc → Minimum shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.381mm²/mm
Av,req = Av.min = 0.381mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 283kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 358kN
Vu / øVn = 0.116 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 109mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 413mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 109mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 109mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 95.89kN·m
øMn- = 95.89kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 47.95kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 95.89kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 23.97kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 150mm
Dimmin = 300mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : END(I)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 58.23kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 29.49kN·m
(3) Vu : 47.46kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 119 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0059
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0075
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 54.55kN·m
øMn = 49.10kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.601 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 59.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0120
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0113
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 59.14mm
0.85 f'c bw
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 79.27kN·m
øMn = 71.34kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.816 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 335mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 48.49kN
øVc < Vu < øVc → Minimum shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av,req = Av.min = 0.317mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 188kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 237kN
Vu / øVn = 0.200 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 83.63mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 495mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 83.63mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 83.63mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 49.10kN·m
øMn- = 71.34kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 35.67kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 71.34kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 17.84kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

Section : MIDDLE
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 16.99kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 25.38kN·m
(3) Vu : 30.78kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@175 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(2) Check space of rebar

280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq = 2
s = 59.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0050
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0050
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0113
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 59.14mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 79.27kN·m
øMn = 71.34kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.356 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq = 2
s = 119 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0033
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0033
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0075
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 54.55kN·m
øMn = 49.10kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.346 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 335mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 48.49kN
øVc < Vu < øVc → Minimum shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av,req = Av.min = 0.317mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 62.15kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 111kN
Vu / øVn = 0.278 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 167mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 495mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 167mm
s = 175mm > smax = 167mm → N.G

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check moment strength of sections
øMn+ = 71.34kN·m
øMn- = 49.10kN·m
øMn.max = 71.34kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 17.84kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

Section : END(J)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 58.23kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 29.49kN·m
(3) Vu : 47.46kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
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General Santos City


s = 119 < 440mm → O.K

(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0059
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0075
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 54.55kN·m
øMn = 49.10kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.601 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 59.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0120
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0113
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 59.14mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 79.27kN·m
øMn = 71.34kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.816 → O.K
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 335mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 48.49kN
øVc < Vu < øVc → Minimum shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av,req = Av.min = 0.317mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 188kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 237kN
Vu / øVn = 0.200 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 83.63mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 495mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 83.63mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 83.63mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 49.10kN·m
øMn- = 71.34kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 35.67kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 71.34kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 17.84kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : END(I)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 43.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 94.48kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 29.25kN·m
(3) Vu : 98.09kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 4-P20 (As = 1,257mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 109mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(1) Calculate design parameter

β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 119 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0058
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0075
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 54.55kN·m
øMn = 49.10kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.596 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 445mm, Nreq =2
s = 123 < 445mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0240
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0160
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


As fy
a= = 78.86mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 95.17kN·m
øMn = 85.65kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 1.103 → N.G

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 314mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 45.52kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 70.09kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 118kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 236kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.809mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.809mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 177kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 222kN
Vu / øVn = 0.441 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 78.50mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 194mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 78.50mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 78.50mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 49.10kN·m
øMn- = 85.65kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 42.83kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 85.65kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 21.41kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : MIDDLE
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 43.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 14.04kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 36.73kN·m
(3) Vu : 66.51kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 2-P16 (As = 402mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 61.50mm)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(2) Bot Bar : 3-P16 (As = 603mm²)

Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@175 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 61.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0073
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0072
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 37.85mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 52.84kN·m
øMn = 47.56kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.772 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 445mm, Nreq =2
s = 127 < 445mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0027
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0027
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


ρ= = 0.0048
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 25.24mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 36.15kN·m
øMn = 32.53kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.431 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 337mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 48.78kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 23.64kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 126kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 253kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.255mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 62.52kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 111kN
Vu / øVn = 0.598 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 168mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 495mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 168mm
s = 175mm > smax = 168mm → N.G

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check moment strength of sections
øMn+ = 47.56kN·m
øMn- = 32.53kN·m
øMn.max = 85.65kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 21.41kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 250mm

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

Section : END(J)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 43.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 94.48kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 29.25kN·m
(3) Vu : 98.09kN

6. Reinforcement

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(1) Top Bar : 4-P20 (As = 1,257mm²)

Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 109mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 119 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0058
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0075
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 54.55kN·m
øMn = 49.10kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.596 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 445mm, Nreq =2
s = 123 < 445mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0240
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0160
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 78.86mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 95.17kN·m
øMn = 85.65kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 1.103 → N.G

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 314mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 45.52kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 70.09kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 118kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 236kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.809mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.809mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 177kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 222kN
Vu / øVn = 0.441 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 78.50mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 194mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 78.50mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 78.50mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 49.10kN·m
øMn- = 85.65kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 42.83kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 85.65kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 21.41kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : END(I)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 43.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 72.88kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 28.74kN·m
(3) Vu : 67.47kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 4-P20 (As = 1,257mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 109mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(1) Calculate design parameter

β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 119 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0057
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0075
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 54.55kN·m
øMn = 49.10kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.585 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 445mm, Nreq =2
s = 123 < 445mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0177
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0160
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


As fy
a= = 78.86mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 95.17kN·m
øMn = 85.65kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.851 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 314mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 45.52kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 29.27kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 118kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 236kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.338mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.338mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 177kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 222kN
Vu / øVn = 0.304 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 78.50mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 465mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 78.50mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 78.50mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 49.10kN·m
øMn- = 85.65kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 42.83kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 85.65kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 21.41kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : MIDDLE
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 43.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 14.50kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 28.74kN·m
(3) Vu : 37.81kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(2) Bot Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)

Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@175 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 59.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0057
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0113
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 59.14mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 79.27kN·m
øMn = 71.34kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.403 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 445mm, Nreq =2
s = 123 < 445mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0028
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0028
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


ρ= = 0.0075
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 54.90kN·m
øMn = 49.41kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.294 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 335mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 48.49kN
øVc < Vu < øVc → Minimum shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av,req = Av.min = 0.317mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 62.15kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 111kN
Vu / øVn = 0.342 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 167mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 495mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 167mm
s = 175mm > smax = 167mm → N.G

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check moment strength of sections
øMn+ = 71.34kN·m
øMn- = 49.41kN·m
øMn.max = 85.65kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 21.41kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : END(J)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 43.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 72.88kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 28.74kN·m
(3) Vu : 67.47kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 4-P20 (As = 1,257mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 109mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 119 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0057
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0075
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 54.55kN·m
øMn = 49.10kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.585 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 445mm, Nreq =2
s = 123 < 445mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0177
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0160
bw d

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K

(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 78.86mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 95.17kN·m
øMn = 85.65kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.851 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 314mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 45.52kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 29.27kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 118kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 236kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.338mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.338mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 177kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 222kN
Vu / øVn = 0.304 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 78.50mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 465mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 78.50mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 78.50mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 49.10kN·m
øMn- = 85.65kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 42.83kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 85.65kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 21.41kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 250mm
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : END(I)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 2.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 75.89kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 65.17kN·m
(3) Vu : 76.42kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 119 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0136
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0075
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 54.55kN·m
øMn = 49.10kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 1.327 → N.G

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 119 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0161
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0075
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 54.55kN·m
øMn = 49.10kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 1.546 → N.G

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 335mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 48.49kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 37.24kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 126kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 251kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.404mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.404mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 188kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 237kN
Vu / øVn = 0.323 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 83.63mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 389mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 83.63mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 83.63mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 49.10kN·m
øMn- = 49.10kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 24.55kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 104kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 26.05kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : MIDDLE
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 2.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 36.92kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 34.65kN·m
(3) Vu : 71.64kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)

(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@175 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 119 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0069
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0075
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 54.55kN·m
øMn = 49.10kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.706 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 119 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0074
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0075
bw d
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K

(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 54.55kN·m
øMn = 49.10kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.752 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 335mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 48.49kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 30.86kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 126kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 251kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.335mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.335mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 62.15kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 111kN
Vu / øVn = 0.647 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 167mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 470mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 167mm
s = 175mm > smax = 167mm → N.G

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check moment strength of sections
øMn+ = 49.10kN·m
øMn- = 49.10kN·m
øMn.max = 104kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 26.05kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : END(J)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 2.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 75.89kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 65.17kN·m
(3) Vu : 76.42kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 5-P20 (As = 1,571mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 111mm)

(2) Bot Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq = 2
s = 59.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0136
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0113
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 59.14mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 79.27kN·m
øMn = 71.34kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.914 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 119 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0182
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement

ρ= = 0.0199
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 98.57mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 116kN·m
øMn = 104kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.728 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 317mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 45.88kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 40.72kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 119kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 238kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.467mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.467mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 178kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 224kN
Vu / øVn = 0.341 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 79.13mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 337mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 79.13mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 79.13mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 71.34kN·m
øMn- = 104kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 52.10kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 104kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 26.05kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(1) Calculate section dimension limit

Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : END(I)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 500mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 3.800m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 75.27kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 55.38kN·m
(3) Vu : 57.78kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 5-P20 (As = 1,571mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 111mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)
(4) Skin Bar : 1-P12 (As = 113mm²) (at Tension Region)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 59.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0066
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0087
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 59.14mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 105kN·m
øMn = 94.74kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.585 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 119 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0099
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0151
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


As fy
a= = 98.57mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 159kN·m
øMn = 143kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.526 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 417mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 60.38kN
øVc < Vu < øVc → Minimum shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av,req = Av.min = 0.317mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 234kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 295kN
Vu / øVn = 0.196 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 104mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 495mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 104mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 104mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 94.74kN·m
øMn- = 143kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 71.60kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 143kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 35.80kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 150mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

2022-07-14 09:48 3
Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : MIDDLE
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 500mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 3.800m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 41.78kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 49.42kN·m
(3) Vu : 44.73kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 4-P20 (As = 1,257mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 111mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@200 (As = 157mm²)
(4) Skin Bar : 1-P12 (As = 113mm²) (at Tension Region)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 119 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0065
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0122
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 78.86mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 129kN·m
øMn = 116kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.425 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 119 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0049
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0049
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0058
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 71.89kN·m
øMn = 64.70kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.646 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 412mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 59.73kN
øVc < Vu < øVc → Minimum shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av,req = Av.min = 0.317mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 66.98kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 127kN
Vu / øVn = 0.353 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 206mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 495mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 206mm
s = 200mm < smax = 206mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check moment strength of sections
øMn+ = 116kN·m
øMn- = 64.70kN·m
øMn.max = 143kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 35.80kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 150mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

Section : END(J)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 500mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 3.800m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 75.27kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 55.38kN·m
(3) Vu : 57.78kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 5-P20 (As = 1,571mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 111mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)
(4) Skin Bar : 1-P12 (As = 113mm²) (at Tension Region)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(1) Calculate design parameter

β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 59.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0066
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0087
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 59.14mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 105kN·m
øMn = 94.74kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.585 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 119 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0099
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0151
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


As fy
a= = 98.57mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 159kN·m
øMn = 143kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.526 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 417mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 60.38kN
øVc < Vu < øVc → Minimum shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av,req = Av.min = 0.317mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 234kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 295kN
Vu / øVn = 0.196 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 104mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 495mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 104mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 104mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 94.74kN·m
øMn- = 143kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 71.60kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 143kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 35.80kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 150mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : END(I)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 43.50 / 43.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 2.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 88.74kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 62.57kN·m
(3) Vu : 87.48kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 445mm, Nreq =2
s = 123 < 445mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0128
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0075
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 54.90kN·m
øMn = 49.41kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 1.266 → N.G

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 445mm, Nreq =2
s = 123 < 445mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0190
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0075
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 54.90kN·m
øMn = 49.41kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 1.796 → N.G

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 337mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 48.78kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 51.59kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 126kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 253kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.556mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.556mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 189kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 238kN
Vu / øVn = 0.367 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 84.13mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 283mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 84.13mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 84.13mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 49.41kN·m
øMn- = 49.41kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 24.71kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 105kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 26.24kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : MIDDLE
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 43.50 / 43.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 2.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 44.10kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 32.72kN·m
(3) Vu : 81.79kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)

(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@175 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 445mm, Nreq =2
s = 123 < 445mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0065
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0075
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 54.90kN·m
øMn = 49.41kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.662 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 445mm, Nreq =2
s = 123 < 445mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0088
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0075
bw d
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General Santos City


ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K

(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 54.90kN·m
øMn = 49.41kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.893 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 337mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 48.78kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 44.01kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 126kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 253kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.474mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.474mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 62.52kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 111kN
Vu / øVn = 0.735 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 168mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 332mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 168mm
s = 175mm > smax = 168mm → N.G

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check moment strength of sections
øMn+ = 49.41kN·m
øMn- = 49.41kN·m
øMn.max = 105kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 26.24kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : END(J)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 43.50 / 43.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 2.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 88.74kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 62.57kN·m
(3) Vu : 87.48kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 5-P20 (As = 1,571mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 109mm)

(2) Bot Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 445mm, Nreq = 2
s = 61.50 < 445mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0128
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0112
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 59.14mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 79.79kN·m
øMn = 71.81kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.871 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 445mm, Nreq =2
s = 123 < 445mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0215
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement

ρ= = 0.0197
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 98.57mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 117kN·m
øMn = 105kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.845 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 319mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 46.17kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 55.07kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 120kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 239kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.627mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.627mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 179kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 225kN
Vu / øVn = 0.388 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 79.63mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 251mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 79.63mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 79.63mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 71.81kN·m
øMn- = 105kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 52.49kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 105kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 26.24kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(1) Calculate section dimension limit

Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : END(I)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 500mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 7.000m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 178kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 52.90kN·m
(3) Vu : 122kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)
(4) Skin Bar : 1-P12 (As = 113mm²) (at Tension Region)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(1) Calculate design parameter

β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 119 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0063
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0058
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 71.89kN·m
øMn = 64.70kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.818 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 119 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0234
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0058
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 71.89kN·m
øMn = 64.70kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 2.744 → N.G

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 435mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 62.99kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 78.18kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 163kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 326kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.652mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.652mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 245kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 308kN
Vu / øVn = 0.395 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 109mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 241mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 109mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 109mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 64.70kN·m
øMn- = 64.70kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 32.35kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 143kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 35.80kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 150mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : MIDDLE
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 500mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 7.000m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 15.41kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 129kN·m
(3) Vu : 83.83kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(2) Bot Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)

Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@200 (As = 157mm²)
(4) Skin Bar : 1-P12 (As = 113mm²) (at Tension Region)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq = 2
s = 119 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0163
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0058
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 71.89kN·m
øMn = 64.70kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 2.001 → N.G

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 119 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0018
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0018
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement

ρ= = 0.0058
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 39.43mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 71.89kN·m
øMn = 64.70kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.238 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 435mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 62.99kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 27.78kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 163kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 326kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.232mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 70.64kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 134kN
Vu / øVn = 0.627 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 217mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 495mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 217mm
s = 200mm < smax = 217mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check moment strength of sections
øMn+ = 64.70kN·m
øMn- = 64.70kN·m
øMn.max = 143kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 35.80kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 150mm
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

Section : END(J)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 500mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 7.000m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 178kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 52.90kN·m
(3) Vu : 122kN

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 5-P20 (As = 1,571mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 111mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 3-P16 (As = 603mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)
(4) Skin Bar : 1-P12 (As = 113mm²) (at Tension Region)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 61.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0062
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0055
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 37.85mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 69.48kN·m
øMn = 62.53kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.846 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 119 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0260
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051

f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0151
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 98.57mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 159kN·m
øMn = 143kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 1.240 → N.G

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 417mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 60.38kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 81.66kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 156kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 313kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.711mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.711mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 234kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 295kN
Vu / øVn = 0.413 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 96.00mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 221mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 96.00mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 96.00mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 62.53kN·m
øMn- = 143kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 71.60kN·m)
øMn+ < øMn- /2 → N.G
(2) Check moment strength of sections

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


øMn.max = 143kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 35.80kN·m)

øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 150mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : END(I)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 0.000kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 50.91kN·m
(3) Vu : 50.73kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 4-P16 (As = 804mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 105mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P16 (As = 402mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(1) Calculate design parameter

β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 123 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0103
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0048
bw d
ρ < ρmin → N.G
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 25.24mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 35.93kN·m
øMn = 32.33kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 1.575 → N.G

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
Moment is zero. Skipped.
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
Moment is zero. Skipped.
(4) Calculate moment capacity
Moment is zero. Skipped.

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 337mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 48.78kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 2.602kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 126kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 253kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Av.req0 = = 0.0280mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 189kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 238kN
Vu / øVn = 0.213 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 84.13mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 495mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 84.13mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 84.13mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 32.33kN·m
øMn- = 58.05kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 29.03kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 58.05kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 14.51kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

Section : MIDDLE
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 0.000kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 72.37kN·m
(3) Vu : 35.88kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 2-P16 (As = 402mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 3-P16 (As = 603mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@175 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 61.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0151
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement

ρ= = 0.0072
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 37.85mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 52.84kN·m
øMn = 47.56kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 1.522 → N.G

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
Moment is zero. Skipped.
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
Moment is zero. Skipped.
(4) Calculate moment capacity
Moment is zero. Skipped.

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 337mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 48.78kN
øVc < Vu < øVc → Minimum shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av,req = Av.min = 0.317mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 62.52kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 111kN
Vu / øVn = 0.322 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 168mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 495mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 168mm
s = 175mm > smax = 168mm → N.G

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check moment strength of sections
øMn+ = 47.56kN·m
øMn- = 32.33kN·m
øMn.max = 58.05kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 14.51kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
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General Santos City


øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

Section : END(J)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 250 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 0.000kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 50.91kN·m
(3) Vu : 50.73kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 4-P16 (As = 804mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 105mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P16 (As = 402mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 123 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0103
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0048
bw d
ρ < ρmin → N.G
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 25.24mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 35.93kN·m
øMn = 32.33kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 1.575 → N.G

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
Moment is zero. Skipped.
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
Moment is zero. Skipped.
(4) Calculate moment capacity
Moment is zero. Skipped.

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General Santos City


9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 337mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 48.78kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 2.602kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 126kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 253kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.0280mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.317mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 189kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 238kN
Vu / øVn = 0.213 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 84.13mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 495mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 84.13mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 84.13mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 32.33kN·m
øMn- = 58.05kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 29.03kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 58.05kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 14.51kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 250mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : END(I)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 200 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 3.000m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 58.12kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 29.77kN·m
(3) Vu : 52.10kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 2-P16 (As = 402mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P16 (As = 402mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 73.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0074
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0060
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 31.55mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 35.58kN·m
øMn = 32.02kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.930 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 73.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0151
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0060
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 31.55mm
0.85 f'c bw
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 35.58kN·m
øMn = 32.02kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 1.815 → N.G

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 337mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 39.03kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 17.44kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 101kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 202kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.254mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.188mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.254mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 152kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 191kN
Vu / øVn = 0.273 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 84.13mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 619mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 84.13mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 84.13mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 32.02kN·m
øMn- = 32.02kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 16.01kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 32.02kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 8.005kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 200mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : MIDDLE
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 200 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 3.000m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 41.11kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 41.59kN·m
(3) Vu : 45.97kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 2-P16 (As = 402mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 4-P16 (As = 804mm²)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)

Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 105mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@175 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 73.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0120
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0127
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 63.09mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 63.11kN·m
øMn = 56.79kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.732 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 73.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0104
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
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General Santos City


ρ= = 0.0060
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 31.55mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 35.58kN·m
øMn = 32.02kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 1.284 → N.G

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 316mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 36.65kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 12.43kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 94.85kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 190kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.254mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.143mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.254mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 58.71kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 95.36kN
Vu / øVn = 0.482 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 158mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 619mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 158mm
s = 175mm > smax = 158mm → N.G

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check moment strength of sections
øMn+ = 56.79kN·m
øMn- = 32.02kN·m
øMn.max = 32.02kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 8.005kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 200mm

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General Santos City


Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

Section : END(J)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 200 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 3.000m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 58.12kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 29.77kN·m
(3) Vu : 52.10kN

6. Reinforcement

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(1) Top Bar : 2-P16 (As = 402mm²)

Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P16 (As = 402mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 73.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0074
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0060
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 31.55mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 35.58kN·m
øMn = 32.02kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.930 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq = 2
s = 73.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0151
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
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General Santos City


ρmax = ρet = 0.0232

(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0060
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 31.55mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 35.58kN·m
øMn = 32.02kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 1.815 → N.G

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 337mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 39.03kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 17.44kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 101kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 202kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.254mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.188mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.254mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 152kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 191kN
Vu / øVn = 0.273 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 84.13mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 619mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 84.13mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 84.13mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 32.02kN·m
øMn- = 32.02kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 16.01kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 32.02kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 8.005kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 200mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : END(I)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 200 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 3.000m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 20.85kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 24.25kN·m
(3) Vu : 19.27kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 3-P16 (As = 603mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P16 (As = 402mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 73.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0060
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0060
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 31.55mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 35.58kN·m
øMn = 32.02kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.757 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 36.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0051
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0090
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 47.32mm
0.85 f'c bw
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 52.05kN·m
øMn = 46.85kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.445 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 337mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 39.03kN
Vu < øVc → Shear reinforcement is not required
(2) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 152kN
(3) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 191kN
Vu / øVn = 0.101 → O.K
(4) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 84.13mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 84.13mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 84.13mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 84.13mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 32.02kN·m
øMn- = 46.85kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 23.42kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 46.85kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 11.71kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 200mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

Section : MIDDLE
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(1) F'c : 20.68MPa

(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 200 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 3.000m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 9.407kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 14.64kN·m
(3) Vu : 17.69kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 2-P16 (As = 402mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 4-P16 (As = 804mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 105mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@175 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2

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General Santos City


s = 73.00 < 440mm → O.K

(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0040
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0040
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0127
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 63.09mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 63.11kN·m
øMn = 56.79kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.258 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 73.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0023
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0023
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0060
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 31.55mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 35.58kN·m
øMn = 32.02kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.294 → O.K
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 316mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 36.65kN
Vu < øVc → Shear reinforcement is not required
(2) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 58.71kN
(3) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 95.36kN
Vu / øVn = 0.185 → O.K
(4) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 158mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 158mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 158mm
s = 175mm > smax = 158mm → N.G

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check moment strength of sections
øMn+ = 56.79kN·m
øMn- = 32.02kN·m
øMn.max = 46.85kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 11.71kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 200mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

Section : END(J)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 200 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(4) Splicing Limit : 0%

(5) Span : 3.000m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 20.85kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 24.25kN·m
(3) Vu : 19.27kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 3-P16 (As = 603mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P16 (As = 402mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 73.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0060
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
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General Santos City


ρmax = ρet = 0.0232

(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0060
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 31.55mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 35.58kN·m
øMn = 32.02kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.757 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq = 2
s = 36.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0051
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0090
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 47.32mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 52.05kN·m
øMn = 46.85kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.445 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 337mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 39.03kN
Vu < øVc → Shear reinforcement is not required
(2) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)

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General Santos City


Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 152kN
(3) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 191kN
Vu / øVn = 0.101 → O.K
(4) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 84.13mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 84.13mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 84.13mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 84.13mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 32.02kN·m
øMn- = 46.85kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 23.42kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 46.85kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 11.71kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 200mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : END(I)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 200 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 3.000m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 1.111kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 1.494kN·m
(3) Vu : 3.695kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 4-P16 (As = 804mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 105mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P16 (As = 402mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)
(4) Skin Bar : 1-P12 (As = 113mm²) (at Tension Region)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 73.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0004
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0004
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0060
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 31.55mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 35.58kN·m
øMn = 32.02kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.0467 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 73.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0003
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0003
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0127
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


As fy
a= = 63.09mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 63.11kN·m
øMn = 56.79kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.0196 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 337mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 39.03kN
Vu < øVc → Shear reinforcement is not required
(2) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 152kN
(3) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 191kN
Vu / øVn = 0.0194 → O.K
(4) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 84.13mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 84.13mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 84.13mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 84.13mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 32.02kN·m
øMn- = 56.79kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 28.40kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 56.79kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 14.20kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 200mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

Section : MIDDLE
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 200 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 3.000m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 0.000kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 2.023kN·m
(3) Vu : 2.032kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 2-P16 (As = 402mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 4-P16 (As = 804mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 105mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@200 (As = 157mm²)
(4) Skin Bar : 1-P12 (As = 113mm²) (at Tension Region)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar

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General Santos City


280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 73.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0005
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0005
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0127
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 63.09mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 63.11kN·m
øMn = 56.79kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.0356 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
Moment is zero. Skipped.
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
Moment is zero. Skipped.
(4) Calculate moment capacity
Moment is zero. Skipped.

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 316mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 36.65kN
Vu < øVc → Shear reinforcement is not required
(2) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 51.37kN
(3) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 88.02kN
Vu / øVn = 0.0231 → O.K
(4) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 158mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 158mm

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General Santos City


smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 158mm

s = 200mm > smax = 158mm → N.G

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check moment strength of sections
øMn+ = 56.79kN·m
øMn- = 32.02kN·m
øMn.max = 56.79kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 14.20kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 200mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

Section : END(J)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 200 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 3.000m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame

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General Santos City


45.5 200


5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 1.111kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 1.494kN·m
(3) Vu : 3.695kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 4-P16 (As = 804mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 105mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P16 (As = 402mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 63.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)
(4) Skin Bar : 1-P12 (As = 113mm²) (at Tension Region)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 73.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0004
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0004
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement

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General Santos City


ρ= = 0.0060
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 31.55mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 35.58kN·m
øMn = 32.02kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.0467 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq = 2
s = 73.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0003
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0003
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0127
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 63.09mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 63.11kN·m
øMn = 56.79kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.0196 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 337mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 39.03kN
Vu < øVc → Shear reinforcement is not required
(2) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 152kN
(3) Calculate ratio of shear capacity

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General Santos City


øVn = øVc + øVs = 191kN

Vu / øVn = 0.0194 → O.K
(4) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 84.13mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 84.13mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 84.13mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 84.13mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 32.02kN·m
øMn- = 56.79kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 28.40kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 56.79kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 14.20kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 200mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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General Santos City


Section : END(I)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 200 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 35.70kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 27.28kN·m
(3) Vu : 42.58kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 69.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0068
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0094
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 49.29mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 53.70kN·m
øMn = 48.33kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.565 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 69.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0091
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0094
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 49.29mm
0.85 f'c bw
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 53.70kN·m
øMn = 48.33kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.739 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 335mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 38.79kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 5.054kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 100kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 201kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.254mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.0548mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.254mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 151kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 189kN
Vu / øVn = 0.225 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 83.63mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 619mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 83.63mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 83.63mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 48.33kN·m
øMn- = 48.33kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 24.17kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 48.33kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 12.08kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 200mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : MIDDLE
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 200 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 15.39kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 16.46kN·m
(3) Vu : 34.78kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)

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General Santos City


Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)

(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@200 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 69.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0040
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0040
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0094
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 49.29mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 53.70kN·m
øMn = 48.33kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.341 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 69.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0038
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0038
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0094
bw d
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General Santos City


ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K

(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 49.29mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 53.70kN·m
øMn = 48.33kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.318 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 335mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 38.79kN
øVc < Vu < øVc → Minimum shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.254mm²/mm
Av,req = Av.min = 0.254mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 54.38kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 93.18kN
Vu / øVn = 0.373 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 167mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 619mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 167mm
s = 200mm > smax = 167mm → N.G

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check moment strength of sections
øMn+ = 48.33kN·m
øMn- = 48.33kN·m
øMn.max = 48.33kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 12.08kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 200mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : END(J)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 200 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 35.70kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 27.28kN·m
(3) Vu : 42.58kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter

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General Santos City


β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 69.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0068
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0094
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 49.29mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 53.70kN·m
øMn = 48.33kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.565 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 69.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0091
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0094
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 49.29mm
0.85 f'c bw
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General Santos City


ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 53.70kN·m
øMn = 48.33kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.739 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 335mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 38.79kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 5.054kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 100kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 201kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.254mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.0548mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.254mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 151kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 189kN
Vu / øVn = 0.225 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 83.63mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 619mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 83.63mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 83.63mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 48.33kN·m
øMn- = 48.33kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 24.17kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 48.33kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 12.08kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 200mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : END(I)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 200 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 73.80kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 23.95kN·m
(3) Vu : 60.82kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 5-P20 (As = 1,571mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 111mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(1) Calculate design parameter

β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 34.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0060
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0141
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 73.93mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 77.35kN·m
øMn = 69.61kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.344 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 69.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0229
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0248
bw d
ρ > ρmax → N.G
(5) Calculate moment capacity

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General Santos City


As fy
a= = 123mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.825
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 111kN·m
øMn = 91.21kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.809 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 317mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 36.71kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 32.15kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 95.00kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 190kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.254mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.368mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.368mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 143kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 179kN
Vu / øVn = 0.339 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 79.13mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 427mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 79.13mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 79.13mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 69.61kN·m
øMn- = 91.21kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 45.61kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 91.21kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 22.80kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 200mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : MIDDLE
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 200 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 6.859kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 38.42kN·m
(3) Vu : 30.91kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 2-P20 (As = 628mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(2) Bot Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)

Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@200 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 34.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0098
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0141
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 73.93mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 77.35kN·m
øMn = 69.61kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.552 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 69.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0017
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0017
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
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General Santos City


ρ= = 0.0094
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 49.29mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 53.70kN·m
øMn = 48.33kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.142 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 335mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 38.79kN
øVc < Vu < øVc → Minimum shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.254mm²/mm
Av,req = Av.min = 0.254mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 54.38kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 93.18kN
Vu / øVn = 0.332 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 167mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 619mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 167mm
s = 200mm > smax = 167mm → N.G

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check moment strength of sections
øMn+ = 69.61kN·m
øMn- = 48.33kN·m
øMn.max = 91.21kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 22.80kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 200mm
Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Section : END(J)
1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 200 x 400mm (R-Section)
(2) Cover : 45.50 / 45.50 mm
(3) Compression : Not Considered
(4) Splicing Limit : 0%
(5) Span : 4.500m

4. Seismic Design Parameters

(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame



5. Moments and Forces

(1) Mu,top : 73.80kN·m
(2) Mu,bottom : 23.95kN·m
(3) Vu : 60.82kN

6. Reinforcement
(1) Top Bar : 4-P20 (As = 1,257mm²)
Layer 1 : 2 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)
Layer 2 : 2 EA (Cc = 111mm)
(2) Bot Bar : 3-P20 (As = 943mm²)
Layer 1 : 3 EA (Cc = 65.50mm)

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General Santos City


(3) Stirrup : 2-P10@50.00 (As = 157mm²)

7. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Positive)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 34.50 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0060
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0141
bw d
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 73.93mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 77.35kN·m
øMn = 69.61kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.344 → O.K

8. Check Bending Moment Capacity (Negative)

(1) Calculate design parameter
β1 = 0.850
(2) Check space of rebar
280 280
smax1 = 380 ( ) - 2.5cc smax2 = 300 ( )
fs fs
smax = min ( smax1 , smax2 ) = 440mm, Nreq =2
s = 69.00 < 440mm → O.K
(3) Calculate required ratio of reinforcement
( f'c )1/2 1.4
ρmin.11 = 0.25 ρmin.12 =
fy fy
ρmin.1 = max ( ρmin.11 , ρmin.12 ) = 0.0051
4 Mu
ρmin.2 = = 0.0237
3 ø fy bd(d-a/2)
ρmin = min ( ρmin1 , ρmin2 ) = 0.0051
f'c εc
ρεt = 0.85 β1 ( )( ) = 0.0232
fy εc + 0.004
ρmax = ρet = 0.0232
(4) Check ratio of tensile reinforcement
ρ= = 0.0201
bw d

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General Santos City


ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K

(5) Calculate moment capacity
As fy
a= = 98.57mm
0.85 f'c bw
ø = 0.900
Mn = As fy (d - a/2) = 91.06kN·m
øMn = 81.95kN·m
(6) Calculate ratio of moment capacity
Mu / øMn = 0.901 → O.K

9. Check Shear Capacity

(1) Calculate shear strength by concrete
ø = 0.750 d = 312mm
øVc = ø 0.17 f'c bw d = 36.18kN
Vu > øVc → Shear reinforcement is required
(2) Calculate required shear strength by shear reinforcement
Vs.req = ( Vu - øVc ) / ø = 32.84kN
Vc1 = 0.33 f'c bw d = 93.65kN Refer to []
Vc2 = 0.66 f'c bw d = 187kN
Vs.req < Vc2 → O.K
bw bw
Av.min1/s = 0.062 f'c Av.min2/s = 0.35
fyt fyt
Av.min = max [ Av.min1 , Av.min2 ] = 0.254mm²/mm
Av.req0 = = 0.382mm²/mm
fyt ㆍ d
Av.req = max [ Av.min , Av.req0 ] = 0.382mm²/mm
(3) Calculate shear strength by stirrup
Nleg = 2 Av1 = 78.60mm² (P10)
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 140kN
(4) Calculate ratio of shear capacity
øVn = øVc + øVs = 177kN
Vu / øVn = 0.344 → O.K
(5) Calculate spacing limits for reinforcement
smax.0 = min [ d/4, 6DMainBar 150mm ] = 78.00mm
Nleg Av1
sreq = = 412mm
smax = min [ smax.0 sreq ] = 78.00mm
s = 50.00mm < smax = 78.00mm → O.K

10. Check Moment Strength by Seismic Provision

(1) Check positive moment strength at connection
øMn+ = 69.61kN·m
øMn- = 81.95kN·m (øMn,- /2 = 40.98kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn- /2 → O.K
(2) Check moment strength of sections
øMn.max = 91.21kN·m (øMn.max /4 = 22.80kN·m)
øMn+ ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K
øMn- ≥ øMn.max /4 → O.K

11. Check Section by Seismic Provision

(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimlimit = min [0.3h, 250 mm] = 120mm
Dimmin = 200mm
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General Santos City


Dimmin > Dimlimit → O.K

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General Santos City


1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 400 x 400mm
(2) Lx : 3.525m
(3) Ly : 3.525m
(4) Kx : 0.500
(5) Ky : 0.500
(6) Splicing Limit : 50%
(7) Frame Type : Braced Frame 400

4. Forces
(1) Pu : -16.33kN
(2) Mux : 5.675kN·m
(3) Muy : -74.56kN·m
(4) Vux : 42.06kN
(5) Vuy : 4.111kN
(6) Pux : 139kN
(7) Puy : -28.29kN

5. Factors
(1) Cmx : 0.850
(2) Cmy : 0.850
(3) βdns : 1.000

6. Rebar
(1) Main Bar
Layer-1 : 8 - 3 - P20 ( Cc = 40.00mm, As = 2,514mm² )
Layer-2 :-
Layer-3 :-
Layer-4 :- : 2,514mm²
(2) Hoop Bar
End : P10@50.00
Middle : P10@150
(3) Tie Bar
Apply Tie Bar to Shear Check : Yes
Tie Bar : P10 ( Fy = 276MPa )

7. Option
(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame

8. Calculation Summary
(1) Check Design Parameter
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Rebar Ratio ( Min. ) 0.0157 0.0100 0.637 ρmin / ρ
Rebar Ratio ( Max. ) 0.0157 0.0600 0.262 ρ / ρmax
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General Santos City


(2) Check Moment Capacity ( Neutral axis )

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Moment Capacity ( Dir. X ) ( kN·m ) 5.675 7.800 0.728 Mux / øMnx
Moment Capacity ( Dir. Y ) ( kN·m ) -74.56 101 0.737 Muy / øMny
Axial Capacity ( kN ) -16.33 -22.46 0.727 Pu / øPn
Moment Capacity ( kN·m ) 74.78 102 0.737 Mu / øMn

(3) Check Shear Capacity

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Shear Strength ( Dir. X ) ( kN ) 78.15 323 0.242 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. X ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sx / sx,max
Shear Strength ( Dir. Y ) ( kN ) 51.53 313 0.164 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. Y ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sy / sy,max

(4) Check Dimension by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Section Dimension Limit ( mm ) 400 300 0.750 Dimmin,limit / Dimmin
Section Dimension Ratio 1.000 0.400 0.400 Dimratio,min / Dimratio

(5) Check Rebar Limit by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. X ) ( mm² ) 157 118 0.751 Ashx,min / Ashx
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. Y ) ( mm² ) 157 118 0.751 Ashy,min / Ashy

9. Check Slenderness Ratio

Column under tension force. Skipped.

10. Check Magnified Moment

(1) Calculate moment magnification factor
δns.x = 1.000
δns.y = 1.000

11. Check Minimum Moment

Column under tension force. Skipped.

12. Check Design Moment

Column under tension force. Skipped.

13. Check Design Parameter

Calculation Summary ( Check Design Parameter )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Rebar Ratio ( Min. ) 0.0157 0.0100 0.637 ρmin / ρ
Rebar Ratio ( Max. ) 0.0157 0.0600 0.262 ρ / ρmax

Rebar Ratio ( Min. ) 0.64

Rebar Ratio ( Max. ) 0.26

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate rebar ratio
Ag = 160,000mm², Ast = 2,514mm²
ρmin = 0.0100, ρmax = 0.0600, ρ = 0.0157
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(2) Calculate eccentricity
Column under tension force. Skipped.
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(3) Calculate concentric axial load capacity

P0 = 0.85f'c ( Ag - Ast ) + fy Ast = 3,635kN
P0.max = 0.80P0 = 2,908kN
Pt = fy Ast = -867kN

14. Check Moment Capacity ( Balanced axis )

(1) Calculate capacity of compression stress block
β1 = 0.850
c = 255mm, a = β1 ㆍ c = 216mm
Acom = 83,984mm²
ccx = 94.99mm, ccy = 2.111mm
Cc = 0.85 ㆍ f'c ㆍ Acom = 1,477kN
Mnx = Cc ㆍ ccy = 3.118kN·m
Mny = Cc ㆍ ccx = 140kN·m
(2) Calculate capacity of rebar
ds fs As Fs dy Mnx dx Mny
i εs
(mm) (MPa) (mm²) (kN) (mm) (kN) (mm) (kN)
1 372 -0.001379 -276 314 -86.65 -160 13.86 -160 13.86
2 366 -0.001316 -263 314 -82.72 0.000 0.000 -160 13.23
3 361 -0.001254 -251 314 -78.78 160 -12.61 -160 12.61
4 201 0.000630 126 314 39.58 160 6.333 0.000 0.000
5 41.31 0.002513 276 314 86.65 160 13.86 160 13.86
6 46.62 0.002451 276 314 86.65 0.000 0.000 160 13.86
7 51.94 0.002388 276 314 86.65 -160 -13.86 160 13.86
8 212 0.000505 101 314 31.71 -160 -5.074 0.000 0.000

∑Fs = 83.10kN
∑Mnx = 2.519kN·m
∑Mny = 81.30kN·m
(3) Calculate nominal capacity for neutral axis
Pb = Cc + Ps = 1,560kN
Mnx = Mnx.conc + = 5.637kN·m
Mny = Mny.conc + = 222kN·m
Mn = ( Mnx )2 + ( Mny )2 = 222kN·m

15. Check Moment Capacity ( Neutral axis )

Calculation Summary ( Check Moment Capacity ( Neutral axis ) )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Moment Capacity ( Dir. X ) ( kN·m ) 5.675 7.800 0.728 Mux / øMnx
Moment Capacity ( Dir. Y ) ( kN·m ) -74.56 101 0.737 Muy / øMny
Axial Capacity ( kN ) -16.33 -22.46 0.727 Pu / øPn
Moment Capacity ( kN·m ) 74.78 102 0.737 Mu / øMn

Moment Capacity ( Dir. X ) 0.73

Moment Capacity ( Dir. Y ) 0.74

Axial Capacity 0.73

Moment Capacity 0.74

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate capacity of compression stress block
c = 57.80mm, a = β1 ㆍ c = 49.13mm
Acom = 17,003mm²
ccx = 179mm, ccy = 10.43mm
Cc = 0.85 ㆍ fck ㆍ Acom = 299kN
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General Santos City


Mnx = Cc ㆍ ccy = 3.118kN·m

Mny = Cc ㆍ ccx = 53.38kN·m
(2) Calculate capacity of rebar
ds fs As Fs dy Mnx dx Mny
i εs
(mm) (MPa) (mm²) (kN) (mm) (kN) (mm) (kN)
1 372 -0.016295 -276 314 -86.65 -160 13.86 -160 13.86
2 366 -0.016019 -276 314 -86.65 0.000 0.000 -160 13.86
3 361 -0.015743 -276 314 -86.65 160 -13.86 -160 13.86
4 201 -0.007444 -276 314 -86.65 160 -13.86 0.000 0.000
5 41.31 0.000856 171 314 53.80 160 8.607 160 8.607
6 46.62 0.000580 116 314 36.45 0.000 0.000 160 5.833
7 51.94 0.000304 60.83 314 19.11 -160 -3.058 160 3.058
8 212 -0.007996 -276 314 -86.65 -160 13.86 0.000 0.000

∑Fs = -324kN
∑Mnx = 5.549kN·m
∑Mny = 59.09kN·m
(3) Calculate nominal capacity for neutral axis
Pn = Cc + Ps = -24.96kN
Mnx = Mnx.conc + = 8.667kN·m
Mny = Mny.conc + = 112kN·m
Mn = ( Mnx )2 + ( Mny )2 = 113kN·m
(4) Calculate strength reduction factor
εt.min = 0.0017, εt.max = 0.0050
εt = 0.015917
ø = 0.900
(5) Calculate axial load and moment capacities
øPn = -22.46kN
øMnx = 7.800kN·m
øMny = 101kN·m
øMn = 102kN·m
Mux / øMnx = 0.728 < 1.000 → O.K
Muy / øMny = 0.737 < 1.000 → O.K
Pu / øPn = 0.727 < 1.000 → O.K
Mc / øMn = 0.737 < 1.000 → O.K

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General Santos City


P (kN)






100 M (kN·m)
0 (-16,75)











16. Calculate Shear Force by Special Provisions for Seismic Design (Direction Y).
(1) Calculate bending strength for design shear force.
ø = 1.000
Mprx,I.CW = 82.93kN·m
Mprx,J.CW = 98.70kN·m
Mprx,I.CCW = 82.93kN·m
Mprx,J.CCW = 98.70kN·m
(2) Calculate design shear force by special provision for seismic design
Vey1 = (Mprx,I.CW + Mprx,J.CW )/Lny = 51.53kN
Vey2 = (Mprx,I.CCW + Mprx,J.CCW )/Lny = 51.53kN
Vey = max(Vey1 , Vey2 ) = 51.53kN

17. Calculate Shear Force by Special Provisions for Seismic Design (Direction X).
(1) Calculate bending strength for design shear force.
ø = 1.000
Mpry,I.CW = 136kN·m
Mpry,J.CW = 139kN·m
Mpry,I.CCW = 136kN·m
Mpry,J.CCW = 139kN·m
(2) Calculate design shear force by special provision for seismic design
Vex1 = (Mpry,I.CW + Mpry,J.CW )/Lnx = 78.15kN
Vex2 = (Mpry,I.CCW + Mpry,J.CCW )/Lnx = 78.15kN
Vex = max(Vex1 , Vex2 ) = 78.15kN

18. Check Shear Capacity

Calculation Summary ( Check Shear Capacity )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Shear Strength ( Dir. X ) ( kN ) 78.15 323 0.242 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. X ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sx / sx,max
Shear Strength ( Dir. Y ) ( kN ) 51.53 313 0.164 Vux / øVnx

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General Santos City


Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. Y ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sy / sy,max

Shear Strength ( Dir. X ) 0.24

Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. X ) 0.50

Shear Strength ( Dir. Y ) 0.16

Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. Y ) 0.50

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate maximum space
ø = 0.750
hx = 280mm
Smax1 = min[6DMainBar , 0.25B, 0.25D, 150] = 100mm
Smax2 = 100 + (350-hx )/3 = 123mm
Smax = min(Smax1 , Smax2 ) = 100mm
(2) Calculate Shear Strength (Direction X)
s = 50.00mm < smax = 100mm → O.K
øVc = ø0.17 (1+ ) f'c bw d = 88.67kN
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 234kN
øVn = øVc + øVs = 323kN
Vu / øVn = 0.242 → O.K
(3) Calculate Shear Strength (Direction Y)
s = 50.00mm < smax = 100mm → O.K
øVc = max( ø0.17 (1+ ) f'c bw d, 0 ) = 79.22kN
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 234kN
øVn = øVc + øVs = 313kN
Vu / øVn = 0.164 → O.K

19. Check Dimension by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Calculation Summary ( Check Dimension by Special Provision for Seismic Design )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Section Dimension Limit ( mm ) 400 300 0.750 Dimmin,limit / Dimmin
Section Dimension Ratio 1.000 0.400 0.400 Dimratio,min / Dimratio

Section Dimension Limit 0.75

Section Dimension Ratio 0.40

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimmin,limit = 300mm
Dimmin = 400mm
Dmin > Dmin,limit → O.K
(2) Calculate section dimension ratio
Dimratio,min = 0.400
Dimratio = 1.000
Dimratio > Dimratio,min → O.K

20. Check Rebar Limit by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Calculation Summary ( Check Rebar Limit by Special Provision for Seismic Design )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. X ) ( mm² ) 157 118 0.751 Ashx,min / Ashx
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. Y ) ( mm² ) 157 118 0.751 Ashy,min / Ashy
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General Santos City


Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. X ) 0.75

Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. Y ) 0.75

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate amount of transverse rebar (Direction X)
sbc f'c Ag
Ash,min1 = 0.3 (( )-1 ) = 92.36mm²
fyt Ach
sbc f'c
Ash,min2 = 0.09 = 118mm²
Ash,min = max (Ash,min1 Ash,min2 ) = 118mm²
Ashx = 157mm² > Ashx,min = 118mm² → O.K
(2) Calculate amount of transverse rebar (Direction Y)
sbc f'c Ag
Ash,min1 = 0.3 (( )-1 ) = 92.36mm²
fyt Ach
sbc f'c
Ash,min2 = 0.09 = 118mm²
Ash,min = max (Ash,min1 Ash,min2 ) = 118mm²
Ashy = 157mm² > Ashy,min = 118mm² → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 400 x 400mm
(2) Lx : 3.525m
(3) Ly : 3.525m
(4) Kx : 0.500
(5) Ky : 0.500
(6) Splicing Limit : 50%
(7) Frame Type : Braced Frame 400

4. Forces
(1) Pu : 50.06kN
(2) Mux : 7.300kN·m
(3) Muy : 91.59kN·m
(4) Vux : 74.65kN
(5) Vuy : 13.41kN
(6) Pux : 304kN
(7) Puy : 129kN

5. Factors
(1) Cmx : 0.850
(2) Cmy : 0.850
(3) βdns : 1.000

6. Rebar
(1) Main Bar
Layer-1 : 12 - 4 - P25 ( Cc = 40.00mm, As = 5,891mm² )
Layer-2 :-
Layer-3 :-
Layer-4 :- : 5,891mm²
(2) Hoop Bar
End : P10@50.00
Middle : P10@150
(3) Tie Bar
Apply Tie Bar to Shear Check : Yes
Tie Bar : P10 ( Fy = 276MPa )

7. Option
(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame

8. Calculation Summary
(1) Check Design Parameter
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Rebar Ratio ( Min. ) 0.0368 0.0100 0.272 ρmin / ρ
Rebar Ratio ( Max. ) 0.0368 0.0600 0.614 ρ / ρmax
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(2) Check Moment Capacity ( Neutral axis )

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Moment Capacity ( Dir. X ) ( kN·m ) 7.300 19.43 0.376 Mux / øMnx
Moment Capacity ( Dir. Y ) ( kN·m ) 91.59 245 0.374 Muy / øMny
Axial Capacity ( kN ) 50.06 134 0.373 Pu / øPn
Moment Capacity ( kN·m ) 91.88 246 0.374 Mu / øMn

(3) Check Shear Capacity

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Shear Strength ( Dir. X ) ( kN ) 189 446 0.425 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. X ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sx / sx,max
Shear Strength ( Dir. Y ) ( kN ) 166 439 0.378 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. Y ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sy / sy,max

(4) Check Dimension by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Section Dimension Limit ( mm ) 400 300 0.750 Dimmin,limit / Dimmin
Section Dimension Ratio 1.000 0.400 0.400 Dimratio,min / Dimratio

(5) Check Rebar Limit by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. X ) ( mm² ) 236 120 0.508 Ashx,min / Ashx
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. Y ) ( mm² ) 236 120 0.508 Ashy,min / Ashy

9. Check Slenderness Ratio

(1) Calculate radii of gyration
rx = 0.3D = 120mm
ry = 0.3B = 120mm
(2) Calculate slenderness ratio
= 0.625
= 0.625
kx lux M1x
= 14.69 < min(34 + 12 , 40.0) = 26.50 → Not Slender
rx M2x
ky luy M1y
= 14.69 < min(34 + 12 , 40.0) = 26.50 → Not Slender
ry M2y
10. Check Magnified Moment
(1) Calculate moment magnification factor
δns.x = 1.000
δns.y = 1.000

11. Check Minimum Moment

(1) Calculate minimum eccentricity
emin.x = 15 + 0.03D = 27.00mm
emin.y = 15 + 0.03B = 27.00mm
(2) Calculate minimum moment
Mmin.x = Pu emin.x = 1.352kN·m
Mmin.y = Pu emin.y = 1.352kN·m

12. Check Design Moment

(1) Calculate design moment
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General Santos City


Mc.x = Mux = 7.300kN·m

Mc.y = Muy = 91.59kN·m
Mc = 91.88kN·m

13. Check Design Parameter

Calculation Summary ( Check Design Parameter )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Rebar Ratio ( Min. ) 0.0368 0.0100 0.272 ρmin / ρ
Rebar Ratio ( Max. ) 0.0368 0.0600 0.614 ρ / ρmax

Rebar Ratio ( Min. ) 0.27

Rebar Ratio ( Max. ) 0.61

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate rebar ratio
Ag = 160,000mm², Ast = 5,891mm²
ρmin = 0.0100, ρmax = 0.0600, ρ = 0.0368
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(2) Calculate eccentricity
ex = Mc.y / Pu = 1,830mm
ey = Mc.x / Pu = 146mm
e = Mc / Pu = 1,835mm
Rotation angle of neutral axis = 84.78°
(3) Calculate concentric axial load capacity
P0 = 0.85f'c ( Ag - Ast ) + fy Ast = 4,740kN
P0.max = 0.80P0 = 3,792kN
Pt = fy Ast = -2,031kN

14. Check Moment Capacity ( Balanced axis )

(1) Calculate capacity of compression stress block
β1 = 0.850
c = 268mm, a = β1 ㆍ c = 228mm
Acom = 84,208mm²
ccx = 94.47mm, ccy = 5.791mm
Cc = 0.85 ㆍ f'c ㆍ Acom = 1,481kN
Mnx = Cc ㆍ ccy = 8.574kN·m
Mny = Cc ㆍ ccx = 140kN·m
(2) Calculate capacity of rebar
ds fs As Fs dy Mnx dx Mny
i εs
(mm) (MPa) (mm²) (kN) (mm) (kN) (mm) (kN)
1 391 -0.001379 -276 491 -135 -160 21.66 -160 21.66
2 382 -0.001270 -254 491 -125 -53.33 6.651 -160 19.95
3 372 -0.001162 -232 491 -114 53.33 -6.082 -160 18.25
4 362 -0.001053 -211 491 -103 160 -16.54 -160 16.54
5 256 0.000136 27.18 491 13.34 160 2.135 -53.33 -0.712
6 150 0.001325 265 491 130 160 20.81 53.33 6.936
7 43.48 0.002513 276 491 135 160 21.66 160 21.66
8 53.19 0.002405 276 491 135 53.33 7.221 160 21.66
9 62.90 0.002296 276 491 135 -53.33 -7.221 160 21.66
10 72.62 0.002187 276 491 135 -160 -21.66 160 21.66
11 179 0.000999 200 491 98.04 -160 -15.69 53.33 5.229
12 285 -0.000190 -38.04 491 -18.67 -160 2.988 -53.33 0.996

∑Fs = 287kN
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General Santos City


∑Mnx = 15.94kN·m
∑Mny = 175kN·m
(3) Calculate nominal capacity for neutral axis
Pb = Cc + Ps = 1,767kN
Mnx = Mnx.conc + = 24.51kN·m
Mny = Mny.conc + = 315kN·m
Mn = ( Mnx )2 + ( Mny )2 = 316kN·m

15. Check Moment Capacity ( Neutral axis )

Calculation Summary ( Check Moment Capacity ( Neutral axis ) )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Moment Capacity ( Dir. X ) ( kN·m ) 7.300 19.43 0.376 Mux / øMnx
Moment Capacity ( Dir. Y ) ( kN·m ) 91.59 245 0.374 Muy / øMny
Axial Capacity ( kN ) 50.06 134 0.373 Pu / øPn
Moment Capacity ( kN·m ) 91.88 246 0.374 Mu / øMn

Moment Capacity ( Dir. X ) 0.38

Moment Capacity ( Dir. Y ) 0.37

Axial Capacity 0.37

Moment Capacity 0.37

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate capacity of compression stress block
c = 125mm, a = β1 ㆍ c = 106mm
Acom = 35,237mm²
ccx = 155mm, ccy = 13.84mm
Cc = 0.85 ㆍ fck ㆍ Acom = 620kN
Mnx = Cc ㆍ ccy = 8.574kN·m
Mny = Cc ㆍ ccx = 96.23kN·m
(2) Calculate capacity of rebar
ds fs As Fs dy Mnx dx Mny
i εs
(mm) (MPa) (mm²) (kN) (mm) (kN) (mm) (kN)
1 391 -0.006418 -276 491 -135 -160 21.66 -160 21.66
2 382 -0.006185 -276 491 -135 -53.33 7.221 -160 21.66
3 372 -0.005951 -276 491 -135 53.33 -7.221 -160 21.66
4 362 -0.005717 -276 491 -135 160 -21.66 -160 21.66
5 256 -0.003160 -276 491 -135 160 -21.66 -53.33 7.221
6 150 -0.000603 -121 491 -59.24 160 -9.478 53.33 -3.159
7 43.48 0.001954 276 491 135 160 21.66 160 21.66
8 53.19 0.001720 276 491 135 53.33 7.221 160 21.66
9 62.90 0.001486 276 491 135 -53.33 -7.221 160 21.66
10 72.62 0.001252 250 491 123 -160 -19.67 160 19.67
11 179 -0.001305 -261 491 -128 -160 20.50 53.33 -6.832
12 285 -0.003862 -276 491 -135 -160 21.66 -53.33 7.221

∑Fs = -471kN
∑Mnx = 13.01kN·m
∑Mny = 176kN·m
(3) Calculate nominal capacity for neutral axis
Pn = Cc + Ps = 149kN
Mnx = Mnx.conc + = 21.58kN·m
Mny = Mny.conc + = 272kN·m
Mn = ( Mnx )2 + ( Mny )2 = 273kN·m
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General Santos City


(4) Calculate strength reduction factor

εt.min = 0.0017, εt.max = 0.0050
εt = 0.006410
ø = 0.900
(5) Calculate axial load and moment capacities
øPn = 134kN
øMnx = 19.43kN·m
øMny = 245kN·m
øMn = 246kN·m
Mux / øMnx = 0.376 < 1.000 → O.K
Muy / øMny = 0.374 < 1.000 → O.K
Pu / øPn = 0.373 < 1.000 → O.K
Mc / øMn = 0.374 < 1.000 → O.K

P (kN)




125 (50,92) (134,246) M (kN·m)













16. Calculate Shear Force by Special Provisions for Seismic Design (Direction Y).
(1) Calculate bending strength for design shear force.
ø = 1.000
Mprx,I.CW = 265kN·m
Mprx,J.CW = 320kN·m
Mprx,I.CCW = 265kN·m
Mprx,J.CCW = 320kN·m
(2) Calculate design shear force by special provision for seismic design
Vey1 = (Mprx,I.CW + Mprx,J.CW )/Lny = 166kN
Vey2 = (Mprx,I.CCW + Mprx,J.CCW )/Lny = 166kN
Vey = max(Vey1 , Vey2 ) = 166kN

17. Calculate Shear Force by Special Provisions for Seismic Design (Direction X).
(1) Calculate bending strength for design shear force.
ø = 1.000
Mpry,I.CW = 338kN·m
Mpry,J.CW = 330kN·m
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General Santos City


Mpry,I.CCW = 338kN·m
Mpry,J.CCW = 330kN·m
(2) Calculate design shear force by special provision for seismic design
Vex1 = (Mpry,I.CW + Mpry,J.CW )/Lnx = 189kN
Vex2 = (Mpry,I.CCW + Mpry,J.CCW )/Lnx = 189kN
Vex = max(Vex1 , Vex2 ) = 189kN

18. Check Shear Capacity

Calculation Summary ( Check Shear Capacity )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Shear Strength ( Dir. X ) ( kN ) 189 446 0.425 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. X ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sx / sx,max
Shear Strength ( Dir. Y ) ( kN ) 166 439 0.378 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. Y ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sy / sy,max

Shear Strength ( Dir. X ) 0.42

Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. X ) 0.50

Shear Strength ( Dir. Y ) 0.38

Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. Y ) 0.50

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate maximum space
ø = 0.750
hx = 163mm
Smax1 = min[6DMainBar , 0.25B, 0.25D, 150] = 100mm
Smax2 = 100 + (350-hx )/3 = 162mm
Smax = min(Smax1 , Smax2 ) = 100mm
(2) Calculate Shear Strength (Direction X)
s = 50.00mm < smax = 100mm → O.K
øVc = ø0.17 (1+ ) f'c bw d = 94.82kN
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 351kN
øVn = øVc + øVs = 446kN
Vu / øVn = 0.425 → O.K
(3) Calculate Shear Strength (Direction Y)
s = 50.00mm < smax = 100mm → O.K
øVc = ø0.17 (1+ ) f'c bw d = 88.32kN
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 351kN
øVn = øVc + øVs = 439kN
Vu / øVn = 0.378 → O.K

19. Check Dimension by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Calculation Summary ( Check Dimension by Special Provision for Seismic Design )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Section Dimension Limit ( mm ) 400 300 0.750 Dimmin,limit / Dimmin
Section Dimension Ratio 1.000 0.400 0.400 Dimratio,min / Dimratio

Section Dimension Limit 0.75

Section Dimension Ratio 0.40

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimmin,limit = 300mm
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General Santos City


Dimmin = 400mm
Dmin > Dmin,limit → O.K
(2) Calculate section dimension ratio
Dimratio,min = 0.400
Dimratio = 1.000
Dimratio > Dimratio,min → O.K

20. Check Rebar Limit by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Calculation Summary ( Check Rebar Limit by Special Provision for Seismic Design )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. X ) ( mm² ) 236 120 0.508 Ashx,min / Ashx
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. Y ) ( mm² ) 236 120 0.508 Ashy,min / Ashy

Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. X ) 0.51

Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. Y ) 0.51

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate amount of transverse rebar (Direction X)
sbc f'c Ag
Ash,min1 = 0.3 (( )-1 ) = 80.26mm²
fyt Ach
sbc f'c
Ash,min2 = 0.09 = 120mm²
Ash,min = max (Ash,min1 Ash,min2 ) = 120mm²
Ashx = 236mm² > Ashx,min = 120mm² → O.K
(2) Calculate amount of transverse rebar (Direction Y)
sbc f'c Ag
Ash,min1 = 0.3 (( )-1 ) = 80.26mm²
fyt Ach
sbc f'c
Ash,min2 = 0.09 = 120mm²
Ash,min = max (Ash,min1 Ash,min2 ) = 120mm²
Ashy = 236mm² > Ashy,min = 120mm² → O.K

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General Santos City


1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 400 x 400mm
(2) Lx : 3.525m
(3) Ly : 3.525m
(4) Kx : 0.500
(5) Ky : 0.500
(6) Splicing Limit : 50%
(7) Frame Type : Braced Frame 400

4. Forces
(1) Pu : 74.29kN
(2) Mux : 9.937kN·m
(3) Muy : 74.38kN·m
(4) Vux : 63.34kN
(5) Vuy : 2.685kN
(6) Pux : 311kN
(7) Puy : 271kN

5. Factors
(1) Cmx : 0.850
(2) Cmy : 0.850
(3) βdns : 0.807

6. Rebar
(1) Main Bar
Layer-1 : 12 - 4 - P25 ( Cc = 40.00mm, As = 5,891mm² )
Layer-2 :-
Layer-3 :-
Layer-4 :- : 5,891mm²
(2) Hoop Bar
End : P10@50.00
Middle : P10@150
(3) Tie Bar
Apply Tie Bar to Shear Check : Yes
Tie Bar : P10 ( Fy = 276MPa )

7. Option
(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame

8. Calculation Summary
(1) Check Design Parameter
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Rebar Ratio ( Min. ) 0.0368 0.0100 0.272 ρmin / ρ
Rebar Ratio ( Max. ) 0.0368 0.0600 0.614 ρ / ρmax
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(2) Check Moment Capacity ( Neutral axis )

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Moment Capacity ( Dir. X ) ( kN·m ) 9.937 33.65 0.295 Mux / øMnx
Moment Capacity ( Dir. Y ) ( kN·m ) 74.38 252 0.295 Muy / øMny
Axial Capacity ( kN ) 74.29 256 0.290 Pu / øPn
Moment Capacity ( kN·m ) 75.04 254 0.295 Mu / øMn

(3) Check Shear Capacity

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Shear Strength ( Dir. X ) ( kN ) 198 446 0.445 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. X ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sx / sx,max
Shear Strength ( Dir. Y ) ( kN ) 160 445 0.359 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. Y ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sy / sy,max

(4) Check Dimension by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Section Dimension Limit ( mm ) 400 300 0.750 Dimmin,limit / Dimmin
Section Dimension Ratio 1.000 0.400 0.400 Dimratio,min / Dimratio

(5) Check Rebar Limit by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. X ) ( mm² ) 236 120 0.508 Ashx,min / Ashx
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. Y ) ( mm² ) 236 120 0.508 Ashy,min / Ashy

9. Check Slenderness Ratio

(1) Calculate radii of gyration
rx = 0.3D = 120mm
ry = 0.3B = 120mm
(2) Calculate slenderness ratio
= 0.625
= 0.625
kx lux M1x
= 14.69 < min(34 + 12 , 40.0) = 26.50 → Not Slender
rx M2x
ky luy M1y
= 14.69 < min(34 + 12 , 40.0) = 26.50 → Not Slender
ry M2y
10. Check Magnified Moment
(1) Calculate moment magnification factor
δns.x = 1.000
δns.y = 1.000

11. Check Minimum Moment

(1) Calculate minimum eccentricity
emin.x = 15 + 0.03D = 27.00mm
emin.y = 15 + 0.03B = 27.00mm
(2) Calculate minimum moment
Mmin.x = Pu emin.x = 2.006kN·m
Mmin.y = Pu emin.y = 2.006kN·m

12. Check Design Moment

(1) Calculate design moment
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General Santos City


Mc.x = Mux = 9.937kN·m

Mc.y = Muy = 74.38kN·m
Mc = 75.04kN·m

13. Check Design Parameter

Calculation Summary ( Check Design Parameter )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Rebar Ratio ( Min. ) 0.0368 0.0100 0.272 ρmin / ρ
Rebar Ratio ( Max. ) 0.0368 0.0600 0.614 ρ / ρmax

Rebar Ratio ( Min. ) 0.27

Rebar Ratio ( Max. ) 0.61

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate rebar ratio
Ag = 160,000mm², Ast = 5,891mm²
ρmin = 0.0100, ρmax = 0.0600, ρ = 0.0368
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(2) Calculate eccentricity
ex = Mc.y / Pu = 1,001mm
ey = Mc.x / Pu = 134mm
e = Mc / Pu = 1,010mm
Rotation angle of neutral axis = 80.46°
(3) Calculate concentric axial load capacity
P0 = 0.85f'c ( Ag - Ast ) + fy Ast = 4,740kN
P0.max = 0.80P0 = 3,792kN
Pt = fy Ast = -2,031kN

14. Check Moment Capacity ( Balanced axis )

(1) Calculate capacity of compression stress block
β1 = 0.850
c = 284mm, a = β1 ㆍ c = 241mm
Acom = 84,504mm²
ccx = 93.48mm, ccy = 10.61mm
Cc = 0.85 ㆍ f'c ㆍ Acom = 1,486kN
Mnx = Cc ㆍ ccy = 15.76kN·m
Mny = Cc ㆍ ccx = 139kN·m
(2) Calculate capacity of rebar
ds fs As Fs dy Mnx dx Mny
i εs
(mm) (MPa) (mm²) (kN) (mm) (kN) (mm) (kN)
1 415 -0.001379 -276 491 -135 -160 21.66 -160 21.66
2 397 -0.001192 -238 491 -117 -53.33 6.243 -160 18.73
3 379 -0.001006 -201 491 -98.73 53.33 -5.265 -160 15.80
4 362 -0.000819 -164 491 -80.40 160 -12.86 -160 12.86
5 256 0.000292 58.38 491 28.66 160 4.586 -53.33 -1.529
6 151 0.001403 276 491 135 160 21.66 53.33 7.221
7 46.08 0.002513 276 491 135 160 21.66 160 21.66
8 63.76 0.002327 276 491 135 53.33 7.221 160 21.66
9 81.44 0.002140 276 491 135 -53.33 -7.221 160 21.66
10 99.12 0.001953 276 491 135 -160 -21.66 160 21.66
11 204 0.000843 169 491 82.73 -160 -13.24 53.33 4.412
12 310 -0.000268 -53.64 491 -26.33 -160 4.213 -53.33 1.404

∑Fs = 330kN
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General Santos City


∑Mnx = 27.00kN·m
∑Mny = 167kN·m
(3) Calculate nominal capacity for neutral axis
Pb = Cc + Ps = 1,816kN
Mnx = Mnx.conc + = 42.76kN·m
Mny = Mny.conc + = 306kN·m
Mn = ( Mnx )2 + ( Mny )2 = 309kN·m

15. Check Moment Capacity ( Neutral axis )

Calculation Summary ( Check Moment Capacity ( Neutral axis ) )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Moment Capacity ( Dir. X ) ( kN·m ) 9.937 33.65 0.295 Mux / øMnx
Moment Capacity ( Dir. Y ) ( kN·m ) 74.38 252 0.295 Muy / øMny
Axial Capacity ( kN ) 74.29 256 0.290 Pu / øPn
Moment Capacity ( kN·m ) 75.04 254 0.295 Mu / øMn

Moment Capacity ( Dir. X ) 0.30

Moment Capacity ( Dir. Y ) 0.30

Axial Capacity 0.29

Moment Capacity 0.30

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate capacity of compression stress block
c = 152mm, a = β1 ㆍ c = 129mm
Acom = 39,050mm²
ccx = 149mm, ccy = 22.96mm
Cc = 0.85 ㆍ fck ㆍ Acom = 687kN
Mnx = Cc ㆍ ccy = 15.76kN·m
Mny = Cc ㆍ ccx = 102kN·m
(2) Calculate capacity of rebar
ds fs As Fs dy Mnx dx Mny
i εs
(mm) (MPa) (mm²) (kN) (mm) (kN) (mm) (kN)
1 415 -0.005171 -276 491 -135 -160 21.66 -160 21.66
2 397 -0.004822 -276 491 -135 -53.33 7.221 -160 21.66
3 379 -0.004474 -276 491 -135 53.33 -7.221 -160 21.66
4 362 -0.004125 -276 491 -135 160 -21.66 -160 21.66
5 256 -0.002053 -276 491 -135 160 -21.66 -53.33 7.221
6 151 0.000020 3.925 491 1.927 160 0.308 53.33 0.103
7 46.08 0.002092 276 491 135 160 21.66 160 21.66
8 63.76 0.001744 276 491 135 53.33 7.221 160 21.66
9 81.44 0.001395 276 491 135 -53.33 -7.221 160 21.66
10 99.12 0.001047 209 491 103 -160 -16.45 160 16.45
11 204 -0.001025 -205 491 -101 -160 16.11 53.33 -5.369
12 310 -0.003098 -276 491 -135 -160 21.66 -53.33 7.221

∑Fs = -402kN
∑Mnx = 21.63kN·m
∑Mny = 177kN·m
(3) Calculate nominal capacity for neutral axis
Pn = Cc + Ps = 284kN
Mnx = Mnx.conc + = 37.39kN·m
Mny = Mny.conc + = 280kN·m
Mn = ( Mnx )2 + ( Mny )2 = 282kN·m
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General Santos City


(4) Calculate strength reduction factor

εt.min = 0.0017, εt.max = 0.0050
εt = 0.005432
ø = 0.900
(5) Calculate axial load and moment capacities
øPn = 256kN
øMnx = 33.65kN·m
øMny = 252kN·m
øMn = 254kN·m
Mux / øMnx = 0.295 < 1.000 → O.K
Muy / øMny = 0.295 < 1.000 → O.K
Pu / øPn = 0.290 < 1.000 → O.K
Mc / øMn = 0.295 < 1.000 → O.K

P (kN)




125 (74,75) M (kN·m)












16. Calculate Shear Force by Special Provisions for Seismic Design (Direction Y).
(1) Calculate bending strength for design shear force.
ø = 1.000
Mprx,I.CW = 252kN·m
Mprx,J.CW = 310kN·m
Mprx,I.CCW = 252kN·m
Mprx,J.CCW = 310kN·m
(2) Calculate design shear force by special provision for seismic design
Vey1 = (Mprx,I.CW + Mprx,J.CW )/Lny = 160kN
Vey2 = (Mprx,I.CCW + Mprx,J.CCW )/Lny = 160kN
Vey = max(Vey1 , Vey2 ) = 160kN

17. Calculate Shear Force by Special Provisions for Seismic Design (Direction X).
(1) Calculate bending strength for design shear force.
ø = 1.000
Mpry,I.CW = 358kN·m
Mpry,J.CW = 342kN·m
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Mpry,I.CCW = 358kN·m
Mpry,J.CCW = 342kN·m
(2) Calculate design shear force by special provision for seismic design
Vex1 = (Mpry,I.CW + Mpry,J.CW )/Lnx = 198kN
Vex2 = (Mpry,I.CCW + Mpry,J.CCW )/Lnx = 198kN
Vex = max(Vex1 , Vex2 ) = 198kN

18. Check Shear Capacity

Calculation Summary ( Check Shear Capacity )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Shear Strength ( Dir. X ) ( kN ) 198 446 0.445 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. X ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sx / sx,max
Shear Strength ( Dir. Y ) ( kN ) 160 445 0.359 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. Y ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sy / sy,max

Shear Strength ( Dir. X ) 0.44

Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. X ) 0.50

Shear Strength ( Dir. Y ) 0.36

Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. Y ) 0.50

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate maximum space
ø = 0.750
hx = 163mm
Smax1 = min[6DMainBar , 0.25B, 0.25D, 150] = 100mm
Smax2 = 100 + (350-hx )/3 = 162mm
Smax = min(Smax1 , Smax2 ) = 100mm
(2) Calculate Shear Strength (Direction X)
s = 50.00mm < smax = 100mm → O.K
øVc = ø0.17 (1+ ) f'c bw d = 95.09kN
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 351kN
øVn = øVc + øVs = 446kN
Vu / øVn = 0.445 → O.K
(3) Calculate Shear Strength (Direction Y)
s = 50.00mm < smax = 100mm → O.K
øVc = ø0.17 (1+ ) f'c bw d = 93.61kN
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 351kN
øVn = øVc + øVs = 445kN
Vu / øVn = 0.359 → O.K

19. Check Dimension by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Calculation Summary ( Check Dimension by Special Provision for Seismic Design )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Section Dimension Limit ( mm ) 400 300 0.750 Dimmin,limit / Dimmin
Section Dimension Ratio 1.000 0.400 0.400 Dimratio,min / Dimratio

Section Dimension Limit 0.75

Section Dimension Ratio 0.40

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimmin,limit = 300mm
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General Santos City


Dimmin = 400mm
Dmin > Dmin,limit → O.K
(2) Calculate section dimension ratio
Dimratio,min = 0.400
Dimratio = 1.000
Dimratio > Dimratio,min → O.K

20. Check Rebar Limit by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Calculation Summary ( Check Rebar Limit by Special Provision for Seismic Design )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. X ) ( mm² ) 236 120 0.508 Ashx,min / Ashx
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. Y ) ( mm² ) 236 120 0.508 Ashy,min / Ashy

Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. X ) 0.51

Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. Y ) 0.51

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate amount of transverse rebar (Direction X)
sbc f'c Ag
Ash,min1 = 0.3 (( )-1 ) = 80.26mm²
fyt Ach
sbc f'c
Ash,min2 = 0.09 = 120mm²
Ash,min = max (Ash,min1 Ash,min2 ) = 120mm²
Ashx = 236mm² > Ashx,min = 120mm² → O.K
(2) Calculate amount of transverse rebar (Direction Y)
sbc f'c Ag
Ash,min1 = 0.3 (( )-1 ) = 80.26mm²
fyt Ach
sbc f'c
Ash,min2 = 0.09 = 120mm²
Ash,min = max (Ash,min1 Ash,min2 ) = 120mm²
Ashy = 236mm² > Ashy,min = 120mm² → O.K

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General Santos City


1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 400 x 400mm
(2) Lx : 3.200m
(3) Ly : 3.200m
(4) Kx : 0.500
(5) Ky : 0.500
(6) Splicing Limit : 0%
(7) Frame Type : Braced Frame 400

4. Forces
(1) Pu : 77.21kN
(2) Mux : 0.212kN·m
(3) Muy : 83.84kN·m
(4) Vux : 59.32kN
(5) Vuy : 13.05kN
(6) Pux : 62.73kN
(7) Puy : 62.96kN

5. Factors
(1) Cmx : 0.850
(2) Cmy : 0.850
(3) βdns : 0.425

6. Rebar
(1) Main Bar
Layer-1 : 8 - 3 - P20 ( Cc = 40.00mm, As = 2,514mm² )
Layer-2 :-
Layer-3 :-
Layer-4 :- : 2,514mm²
(2) Hoop Bar
End : P10@50.00
Middle : P10@150
(3) Tie Bar
Apply Tie Bar to Shear Check : Yes
Tie Bar : P10 ( Fy = 276MPa )

7. Option
(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame

8. Calculation Summary
(1) Check Design Parameter
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Rebar Ratio ( Min. ) 0.0157 0.0100 0.637 ρmin / ρ
Rebar Ratio ( Max. ) 0.0157 0.0600 0.262 ρ / ρmax
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(2) Check Moment Capacity ( Neutral axis )

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Moment Capacity ( Dir. X ) ( kN·m ) 0.212 0.321 0.659 Mux / øMnx
Moment Capacity ( Dir. Y ) ( kN·m ) 83.84 122 0.685 Muy / øMny
Axial Capacity ( kN ) 77.21 112 0.690 Pu / øPn
Moment Capacity ( kN·m ) 83.84 122 0.685 Mu / øMn

(3) Check Shear Capacity

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Shear Strength ( Dir. X ) ( kN ) 110 320 0.343 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. X ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sx / sx,max
Shear Strength ( Dir. Y ) ( kN ) 42.84 320 0.134 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. Y ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sy / sy,max

(4) Check Dimension by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Section Dimension Limit ( mm ) 400 300 0.750 Dimmin,limit / Dimmin
Section Dimension Ratio 1.000 0.400 0.400 Dimratio,min / Dimratio

(5) Check Rebar Limit by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. X ) ( mm² ) 157 118 0.751 Ashx,min / Ashx
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. Y ) ( mm² ) 157 118 0.751 Ashy,min / Ashy

9. Check Slenderness Ratio

(1) Calculate radii of gyration
rx = 0.3D = 120mm
ry = 0.3B = 120mm
(2) Calculate slenderness ratio
= 0.625
= 0.625
kx lux M1x
= 13.33 < min(34 + 12 , 40.0) = 26.50 → Not Slender
rx M2x
ky luy M1y
= 13.33 < min(34 + 12 , 40.0) = 26.50 → Not Slender
ry M2y
10. Check Magnified Moment
(1) Calculate moment magnification factor
δns.x = 1.000
δns.y = 1.000

11. Check Minimum Moment

(1) Calculate minimum eccentricity
emin.x = 15 + 0.03D = 27.00mm
emin.y = 15 + 0.03B = 27.00mm
(2) Calculate minimum moment
Mmin.x = Pu emin.x = 2.085kN·m
Mmin.y = Pu emin.y = 2.085kN·m

12. Check Design Moment

(1) Calculate design moment
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General Santos City


Mc.x = Mux = 0.212kN·m

Mc.y = Muy = 83.84kN·m
Mc = 83.84kN·m

13. Check Design Parameter

Calculation Summary ( Check Design Parameter )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Rebar Ratio ( Min. ) 0.0157 0.0100 0.637 ρmin / ρ
Rebar Ratio ( Max. ) 0.0157 0.0600 0.262 ρ / ρmax

Rebar Ratio ( Min. ) 0.64

Rebar Ratio ( Max. ) 0.26

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate rebar ratio
Ag = 160,000mm², Ast = 2,514mm²
ρmin = 0.0100, ρmax = 0.0600, ρ = 0.0157
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(2) Calculate eccentricity
ex = Mc.y / Pu = 1,086mm
ey = Mc.x / Pu = 2.741mm
e = Mc / Pu = 1,086mm
Rotation angle of neutral axis = 89.92°
(3) Calculate concentric axial load capacity
P0 = 0.85f'c ( Ag - Ast ) + fy Ast = 3,635kN
P0.max = 0.80P0 = 2,908kN
Pt = fy Ast = -867kN

14. Check Moment Capacity ( Balanced axis )

(1) Calculate capacity of compression stress block
β1 = 0.850
c = 247mm, a = β1 ㆍ c = 210mm
Acom = 83,861mm²
ccx = 95.17mm, ccy = 0.0903mm
Cc = 0.85 ㆍ f'c ㆍ Acom = 1,474kN
Mnx = Cc ㆍ ccy = 0.133kN·m
Mny = Cc ㆍ ccx = 140kN·m
(2) Calculate capacity of rebar
ds fs As Fs dy Mnx dx Mny
i εs
(mm) (MPa) (mm²) (kN) (mm) (kN) (mm) (kN)
1 361 -0.001379 -276 314 -86.65 -160 13.86 -160 13.86
2 360 -0.001376 -275 314 -86.48 0.000 0.000 -160 13.84
3 360 -0.001373 -275 314 -86.31 160 -13.81 -160 13.81
4 200 0.000570 114 314 35.82 160 5.731 0.000 0.000
5 40.06 0.002513 276 314 86.65 160 13.86 160 13.86
6 40.28 0.002511 276 314 86.65 0.000 0.000 160 13.86
7 40.51 0.002508 276 314 86.65 -160 -13.86 160 13.86
8 201 0.000564 113 314 35.47 -160 -5.676 0.000 0.000

∑Fs = 71.81kN
∑Mnx = 0.111kN·m
∑Mny = 83.10kN·m
(3) Calculate nominal capacity for neutral axis
Pb = Cc + Ps = 1,546kN
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General Santos City


Mnx = Mnx.conc + = 0.244kN·m

Mny = Mny.conc + = 223kN·m
Mn = ( Mnx )2 + ( Mny )2 = 223kN·m

15. Check Moment Capacity ( Neutral axis )

Calculation Summary ( Check Moment Capacity ( Neutral axis ) )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Moment Capacity ( Dir. X ) ( kN·m ) 0.212 0.321 0.659 Mux / øMnx
Moment Capacity ( Dir. Y ) ( kN·m ) 83.84 122 0.685 Muy / øMny
Axial Capacity ( kN ) 77.21 112 0.690 Pu / øPn
Moment Capacity ( kN·m ) 83.84 122 0.685 Mu / øMn

Moment Capacity ( Dir. X ) 0.66

Moment Capacity ( Dir. Y ) 0.69

Axial Capacity 0.69

Moment Capacity 0.69

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate capacity of compression stress block
c = 61.24mm, a = β1 ㆍ c = 52.06mm
Acom = 20,709mm²
ccx = 174mm, ccy = 0.366mm
Cc = 0.85 ㆍ fck ㆍ Acom = 364kN
Mnx = Cc ㆍ ccy = 0.133kN·m
Mny = Cc ㆍ ccx = 63.39kN·m
(2) Calculate capacity of rebar
ds fs As Fs dy Mnx dx Mny
i εs
(mm) (MPa) (mm²) (kN) (mm) (kN) (mm) (kN)
1 361 -0.014660 -276 314 -86.65 -160 13.86 -160 13.86
2 360 -0.014649 -276 314 -86.65 0.000 0.000 -160 13.86
3 360 -0.014637 -276 314 -86.65 160 -13.86 -160 13.86
4 200 -0.006800 -276 314 -86.65 160 -13.86 0.000 0.000
5 40.06 0.001038 208 314 65.22 160 10.43 160 10.43
6 40.28 0.001027 205 314 64.52 0.000 0.000 160 10.32
7 40.51 0.001016 203 314 63.82 -160 -10.21 160 10.21
8 201 -0.006822 -276 314 -86.65 -160 13.86 0.000 0.000

∑Fs = -240kN
∑Mnx = 0.224kN·m
∑Mny = 72.56kN·m
(3) Calculate nominal capacity for neutral axis
Pn = Cc + Ps = 124kN
Mnx = Mnx.conc + = 0.357kN·m
Mny = Mny.conc + = 136kN·m
Mn = ( Mnx )2 + ( Mny )2 = 136kN·m
(4) Calculate strength reduction factor
εt.min = 0.0017, εt.max = 0.0050
εt = 0.011798
ø = 0.900
(5) Calculate axial load and moment capacities
øPn = 112kN
øMnx = 0.321kN·m
øMny = 122kN·m

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General Santos City


øMn = 122kN·m
Mux / øMnx = 0.659 < 1.000 → O.K
Muy / øMny = 0.685 < 1.000 → O.K
Pu / øPn = 0.690 < 1.000 → O.K
Mc / øMn = 0.685 < 1.000 → O.K

P (kN)






100 (77,84) (112,122) M (kN·m)












16. Calculate Shear Force by Special Provisions for Seismic Design (Direction Y).
(1) Calculate bending strength for design shear force.
ø = 1.000
Mprx,I.CW = 68.54kN·m
Mprx,J.CW = 68.54kN·m
Mprx,I.CCW = 68.54kN·m
Mprx,J.CCW = 68.54kN·m
(2) Calculate design shear force by special provision for seismic design
Vey1 = (Mprx,I.CW + Mprx,J.CW )/Lny = 42.84kN
Vey2 = (Mprx,I.CCW + Mprx,J.CCW )/Lny = 42.84kN
Vey = max(Vey1 , Vey2 ) = 42.84kN

17. Calculate Shear Force by Special Provisions for Seismic Design (Direction X).
(1) Calculate bending strength for design shear force.
ø = 1.000
Mpry,I.CW = 185kN·m
Mpry,J.CW = 167kN·m
Mpry,I.CCW = 185kN·m
Mpry,J.CCW = 167kN·m
(2) Calculate design shear force by special provision for seismic design
Vex1 = (Mpry,I.CW + Mpry,J.CW )/Lnx = 110kN
Vex2 = (Mpry,I.CCW + Mpry,J.CCW )/Lnx = 110kN
Vex = max(Vex1 , Vex2 ) = 110kN

18. Check Shear Capacity

Calculation Summary ( Check Shear Capacity )
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General Santos City


Category Value Criteria Ratio Note

Shear Strength ( Dir. X ) ( kN ) 110 320 0.343 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. X ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sx / sx,max
Shear Strength ( Dir. Y ) ( kN ) 42.84 320 0.134 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. Y ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sy / sy,max

Shear Strength ( Dir. X ) 0.34

Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. X ) 0.50

Shear Strength ( Dir. Y ) 0.13

Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. Y ) 0.50

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate maximum space
ø = 0.750
hx = 280mm
Smax1 = min[6DMainBar , 0.25B, 0.25D, 150] = 100mm
Smax2 = 100 + (350-hx )/3 = 123mm
Smax = min(Smax1 , Smax2 ) = 100mm
(2) Calculate Shear Strength (Direction X)
s = 50.00mm < smax = 100mm → O.K
øVc = ø0.17 (1+ ) f'c bw d = 85.84kN
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 234kN
øVn = øVc + øVs = 320kN
Vu / øVn = 0.343 → O.K
(3) Calculate Shear Strength (Direction Y)
s = 50.00mm < smax = 100mm → O.K
øVc = ø0.17 (1+ ) f'c bw d = 85.85kN
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 234kN
øVn = øVc + øVs = 320kN
Vu / øVn = 0.134 → O.K

19. Check Dimension by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Calculation Summary ( Check Dimension by Special Provision for Seismic Design )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Section Dimension Limit ( mm ) 400 300 0.750 Dimmin,limit / Dimmin
Section Dimension Ratio 1.000 0.400 0.400 Dimratio,min / Dimratio

Section Dimension Limit 0.75

Section Dimension Ratio 0.40

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimmin,limit = 300mm
Dimmin = 400mm
Dmin > Dmin,limit → O.K
(2) Calculate section dimension ratio
Dimratio,min = 0.400
Dimratio = 1.000
Dimratio > Dimratio,min → O.K

20. Check Rebar Limit by Special Provision for Seismic Design

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General Santos City


Calculation Summary ( Check Rebar Limit by Special Provision for Seismic Design )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. X ) ( mm² ) 157 118 0.751 Ashx,min / Ashx
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. Y ) ( mm² ) 157 118 0.751 Ashy,min / Ashy

Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. X ) 0.75

Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. Y ) 0.75

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate amount of transverse rebar (Direction X)
sbc f'c Ag
Ash,min1 = 0.3 (( )-1 ) = 92.36mm²
fyt Ach
sbc f'c
Ash,min2 = 0.09 = 118mm²
Ash,min = max (Ash,min1 Ash,min2 ) = 118mm²
Ashx = 157mm² > Ashx,min = 118mm² → O.K
(2) Calculate amount of transverse rebar (Direction Y)
sbc f'c Ag
Ash,min1 = 0.3 (( )-1 ) = 92.36mm²
fyt Ach
sbc f'c
Ash,min2 = 0.09 = 118mm²
Ash,min = max (Ash,min1 Ash,min2 ) = 118mm²
Ashy = 157mm² > Ashy,min = 118mm² → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 400 x 400mm
(2) Lx : 3.200m
(3) Ly : 3.200m
(4) Kx : 0.500
(5) Ky : 0.500
(6) Splicing Limit : 50%
(7) Frame Type : Braced Frame 400

4. Forces
(1) Pu : 77.21kN
(2) Mux : 0.212kN·m
(3) Muy : 83.84kN·m
(4) Vux : 59.32kN
(5) Vuy : 1.052kN
(6) Pux : 62.73kN
(7) Puy : 63.60kN

5. Factors
(1) Cmx : 0.850
(2) Cmy : 0.850
(3) βdns : 0.525

6. Rebar
(1) Main Bar
Layer-1 : 12 - 4 - P25 ( Cc = 40.00mm, As = 5,891mm² )
Layer-2 :-
Layer-3 :-
Layer-4 :- : 5,891mm²
(2) Hoop Bar
End : P10@50.00
Middle : P10@150
(3) Tie Bar
Apply Tie Bar to Shear Check : Yes
Tie Bar : P10 ( Fy = 276MPa )

7. Option
(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame

8. Calculation Summary
(1) Check Design Parameter
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Rebar Ratio ( Min. ) 0.0368 0.0100 0.272 ρmin / ρ
Rebar Ratio ( Max. ) 0.0368 0.0600 0.614 ρ / ρmax
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(2) Check Moment Capacity ( Neutral axis )

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Moment Capacity ( Dir. X ) ( kN·m ) 0.212 0.663 0.319 Mux / øMnx
Moment Capacity ( Dir. Y ) ( kN·m ) 83.84 255 0.329 Muy / øMny
Axial Capacity ( kN ) 77.21 231 0.334 Pu / øPn
Moment Capacity ( kN·m ) 83.84 255 0.329 Mu / øMn

(3) Check Shear Capacity

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Shear Strength ( Dir. X ) ( kN ) 217 437 0.496 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. X ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sx / sx,max
Shear Strength ( Dir. Y ) ( kN ) 69.71 437 0.160 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. Y ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sy / sy,max

(4) Check Dimension by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Section Dimension Limit ( mm ) 400 300 0.750 Dimmin,limit / Dimmin
Section Dimension Ratio 1.000 0.400 0.400 Dimratio,min / Dimratio

(5) Check Rebar Limit by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. X ) ( mm² ) 236 120 0.508 Ashx,min / Ashx
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. Y ) ( mm² ) 236 120 0.508 Ashy,min / Ashy

9. Check Slenderness Ratio

(1) Calculate radii of gyration
rx = 0.3D = 120mm
ry = 0.3B = 120mm
(2) Calculate slenderness ratio
= 0.625
= 0.625
kx lux M1x
= 13.33 < min(34 + 12 , 40.0) = 26.50 → Not Slender
rx M2x
ky luy M1y
= 13.33 < min(34 + 12 , 40.0) = 26.50 → Not Slender
ry M2y
10. Check Magnified Moment
(1) Calculate moment magnification factor
δns.x = 1.000
δns.y = 1.000

11. Check Minimum Moment

(1) Calculate minimum eccentricity
emin.x = 15 + 0.03D = 27.00mm
emin.y = 15 + 0.03B = 27.00mm
(2) Calculate minimum moment
Mmin.x = Pu emin.x = 2.085kN·m
Mmin.y = Pu emin.y = 2.085kN·m

12. Check Design Moment

(1) Calculate design moment
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Mc.x = Mux = 0.212kN·m

Mc.y = Muy = 83.84kN·m
Mc = 83.84kN·m

13. Check Design Parameter

Calculation Summary ( Check Design Parameter )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Rebar Ratio ( Min. ) 0.0368 0.0100 0.272 ρmin / ρ
Rebar Ratio ( Max. ) 0.0368 0.0600 0.614 ρ / ρmax

Rebar Ratio ( Min. ) 0.27

Rebar Ratio ( Max. ) 0.61

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate rebar ratio
Ag = 160,000mm², Ast = 5,891mm²
ρmin = 0.0100, ρmax = 0.0600, ρ = 0.0368
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(2) Calculate eccentricity
ex = Mc.y / Pu = 1,086mm
ey = Mc.x / Pu = 2.741mm
e = Mc / Pu = 1,086mm
Rotation angle of neutral axis = 89.81°
(3) Calculate concentric axial load capacity
P0 = 0.85f'c ( Ag - Ast ) + fy Ast = 4,740kN
P0.max = 0.80P0 = 3,792kN
Pt = fy Ast = -2,031kN

14. Check Moment Capacity ( Balanced axis )

(1) Calculate capacity of compression stress block
β1 = 0.850
c = 247mm, a = β1 ㆍ c = 210mm
Acom = 83,868mm²
ccx = 95.16mm, ccy = 0.209mm
Cc = 0.85 ㆍ f'c ㆍ Acom = 1,475kN
Mnx = Cc ㆍ ccy = 0.308kN·m
Mny = Cc ㆍ ccx = 140kN·m
(2) Calculate capacity of rebar
ds fs As Fs dy Mnx dx Mny
i εs
(mm) (MPa) (mm²) (kN) (mm) (kN) (mm) (kN)
1 361 -0.001379 -276 491 -135 -160 21.66 -160 21.66
2 361 -0.001375 -275 491 -135 -53.33 7.198 -160 21.59
3 360 -0.001370 -274 491 -135 53.33 -7.176 -160 21.53
4 360 -0.001366 -273 491 -134 160 -21.46 -160 21.46
5 253 -0.000073 -14.60 491 -7.165 160 -1.146 -53.33 0.382
6 147 0.001220 244 491 120 160 19.17 53.33 6.389
7 40.13 0.002513 276 491 135 160 21.66 160 21.66
8 40.48 0.002509 276 491 135 53.33 7.221 160 21.66
9 40.83 0.002505 276 491 135 -53.33 -7.221 160 21.66
10 41.18 0.002501 276 491 135 -160 -21.66 160 21.66
11 148 0.001207 241 491 119 -160 -18.97 53.33 6.323
12 255 -0.000086 -17.15 491 -8.418 -160 1.347 -53.33 0.449

∑Fs = 225kN
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General Santos City


∑Mnx = 0.624kN·m
∑Mny = 186kN·m
(3) Calculate nominal capacity for neutral axis
Pb = Cc + Ps = 1,700kN
Mnx = Mnx.conc + = 0.932kN·m
Mny = Mny.conc + = 327kN·m
Mn = ( Mnx )2 + ( Mny )2 = 327kN·m

15. Check Moment Capacity ( Neutral axis )

Calculation Summary ( Check Moment Capacity ( Neutral axis ) )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Moment Capacity ( Dir. X ) ( kN·m ) 0.212 0.663 0.319 Mux / øMnx
Moment Capacity ( Dir. Y ) ( kN·m ) 83.84 255 0.329 Muy / øMny
Axial Capacity ( kN ) 77.21 231 0.334 Pu / øPn
Moment Capacity ( kN·m ) 83.84 255 0.329 Mu / øMn

Moment Capacity ( Dir. X ) 0.32

Moment Capacity ( Dir. Y ) 0.33

Axial Capacity 0.33

Moment Capacity 0.33

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate capacity of compression stress block
c = 116mm, a = β1 ㆍ c = 98.44mm
Acom = 39,112mm²
ccx = 151mm, ccy = 0.449mm
Cc = 0.85 ㆍ fck ㆍ Acom = 688kN
Mnx = Cc ㆍ ccy = 0.308kN·m
Mny = Cc ㆍ ccx = 104kN·m
(2) Calculate capacity of rebar
ds fs As Fs dy Mnx dx Mny
i εs
(mm) (MPa) (mm²) (kN) (mm) (kN) (mm) (kN)
1 361 -0.006356 -276 491 -135 -160 21.66 -160 21.66
2 361 -0.006347 -276 491 -135 -53.33 7.221 -160 21.66
3 360 -0.006338 -276 491 -135 53.33 -7.221 -160 21.66
4 360 -0.006329 -276 491 -135 160 -21.66 -160 21.66
5 253 -0.003566 -276 491 -135 160 -21.66 -53.33 7.221
6 147 -0.000803 -161 491 -78.81 160 -12.61 53.33 -4.203
7 40.13 0.001960 276 491 135 160 21.66 160 21.66
8 40.48 0.001951 276 491 135 53.33 7.221 160 21.66
9 40.83 0.001942 276 491 135 -53.33 -7.221 160 21.66
10 41.18 0.001933 276 491 135 -160 -21.66 160 21.66
11 148 -0.000830 -166 491 -81.49 -160 13.04 53.33 -4.346
12 255 -0.003593 -276 491 -135 -160 21.66 -53.33 7.221

∑Fs = -431kN
∑Mnx = 0.428kN·m
∑Mny = 179kN·m
(3) Calculate nominal capacity for neutral axis
Pn = Cc + Ps = 257kN
Mnx = Mnx.conc + = 0.737kN·m
Mny = Mny.conc + = 283kN·m
Mn = ( Mnx )2 + ( Mny )2 = 283kN·m
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General Santos City


(4) Calculate strength reduction factor

εt.min = 0.0017, εt.max = 0.0050
εt = 0.005615
ø = 0.900
(5) Calculate axial load and moment capacities
øPn = 231kN
øMnx = 0.663kN·m
øMny = 255kN·m
øMn = 255kN·m
Mux / øMnx = 0.319 < 1.000 → O.K
Muy / øMny = 0.329 < 1.000 → O.K
Pu / øPn = 0.334 < 1.000 → O.K
Mc / øMn = 0.329 < 1.000 → O.K

P (kN)




125 (231,255) M (kN·m)

0 (77,84)













16. Calculate Shear Force by Special Provisions for Seismic Design (Direction Y).
(1) Calculate bending strength for design shear force.
ø = 1.000
Mprx,I.CW = 112kN·m
Mprx,J.CW = 112kN·m
Mprx,I.CCW = 112kN·m
Mprx,J.CCW = 112kN·m
(2) Calculate design shear force by special provision for seismic design
Vey1 = (Mprx,I.CW + Mprx,J.CW )/Lny = 69.71kN
Vey2 = (Mprx,I.CCW + Mprx,J.CCW )/Lny = 69.71kN
Vey = max(Vey1 , Vey2 ) = 69.71kN

17. Calculate Shear Force by Special Provisions for Seismic Design (Direction X).
(1) Calculate bending strength for design shear force.
ø = 1.000
Mpry,I.CW = 354kN·m
Mpry,J.CW = 339kN·m
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Mpry,I.CCW = 354kN·m
Mpry,J.CCW = 339kN·m
(2) Calculate design shear force by special provision for seismic design
Vex1 = (Mpry,I.CW + Mpry,J.CW )/Lnx = 217kN
Vex2 = (Mpry,I.CCW + Mpry,J.CCW )/Lnx = 217kN
Vex = max(Vex1 , Vex2 ) = 217kN

18. Check Shear Capacity

Calculation Summary ( Check Shear Capacity )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Shear Strength ( Dir. X ) ( kN ) 217 437 0.496 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. X ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sx / sx,max
Shear Strength ( Dir. Y ) ( kN ) 69.71 437 0.160 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. Y ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sy / sy,max

Shear Strength ( Dir. X ) 0.50

Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. X ) 0.50

Shear Strength ( Dir. Y ) 0.16

Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. Y ) 0.50

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate maximum space
ø = 0.750
hx = 163mm
Smax1 = min[6DMainBar , 0.25B, 0.25D, 150] = 100mm
Smax2 = 100 + (350-hx )/3 = 162mm
Smax = min(Smax1 , Smax2 ) = 100mm
(2) Calculate Shear Strength (Direction X)
s = 50.00mm < smax = 100mm → O.K
øVc = ø0.17 (1+ ) f'c bw d = 85.84kN
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 351kN
øVn = øVc + øVs = 437kN
Vu / øVn = 0.496 → O.K
(3) Calculate Shear Strength (Direction Y)
s = 50.00mm < smax = 100mm → O.K
øVc = ø0.17 (1+ ) f'c bw d = 85.87kN
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 351kN
øVn = øVc + øVs = 437kN
Vu / øVn = 0.160 → O.K

19. Check Dimension by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Calculation Summary ( Check Dimension by Special Provision for Seismic Design )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Section Dimension Limit ( mm ) 400 300 0.750 Dimmin,limit / Dimmin
Section Dimension Ratio 1.000 0.400 0.400 Dimratio,min / Dimratio

Section Dimension Limit 0.75

Section Dimension Ratio 0.40

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimmin,limit = 300mm
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General Santos City


Dimmin = 400mm
Dmin > Dmin,limit → O.K
(2) Calculate section dimension ratio
Dimratio,min = 0.400
Dimratio = 1.000
Dimratio > Dimratio,min → O.K

20. Check Rebar Limit by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Calculation Summary ( Check Rebar Limit by Special Provision for Seismic Design )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. X ) ( mm² ) 236 120 0.508 Ashx,min / Ashx
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. Y ) ( mm² ) 236 120 0.508 Ashy,min / Ashy

Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. X ) 0.51

Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. Y ) 0.51

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate amount of transverse rebar (Direction X)
sbc f'c Ag
Ash,min1 = 0.3 (( )-1 ) = 80.26mm²
fyt Ach
sbc f'c
Ash,min2 = 0.09 = 120mm²
Ash,min = max (Ash,min1 Ash,min2 ) = 120mm²
Ashx = 236mm² > Ashx,min = 120mm² → O.K
(2) Calculate amount of transverse rebar (Direction Y)
sbc f'c Ag
Ash,min1 = 0.3 (( )-1 ) = 80.26mm²
fyt Ach
sbc f'c
Ash,min2 = 0.09 = 120mm²
Ash,min = max (Ash,min1 Ash,min2 ) = 120mm²
Ashy = 236mm² > Ashy,min = 120mm² → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm

2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa
(3) Fys : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size : 400 x 400mm
(2) Lx : 3.200m
(3) Ly : 3.200m
(4) Kx : 0.500
(5) Ky : 0.500
(6) Splicing Limit : 50%
(7) Frame Type : Braced Frame 400

4. Forces
(1) Pu : 86.08kN
(2) Mux : 0.000kN·m
(3) Muy : -72.74kN·m
(4) Vux : 46.01kN
(5) Vuy : 13.05kN
(6) Pux : 68.20kN
(7) Puy : 62.96kN

5. Factors
(1) Cmx : 0.850
(2) Cmy : 0.850
(3) βdns : 0.638

6. Rebar
(1) Main Bar
Layer-1 : 12 - 4 - P25 ( Cc = 40.00mm, As = 5,891mm² )
Layer-2 :-
Layer-3 :-
Layer-4 :- : 5,891mm²
(2) Hoop Bar
End : P10@50.00
Middle : P10@150
(3) Tie Bar
Apply Tie Bar to Shear Check : Yes
Tie Bar : P10 ( Fy = 276MPa )

7. Option
(1) Special provisions for seismic design is applied.
(2) Frame Type : Special Moment Frame

8. Calculation Summary
(1) Check Design Parameter
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Rebar Ratio ( Min. ) 0.0368 0.0100 0.272 ρmin / ρ
Rebar Ratio ( Max. ) 0.0368 0.0600 0.614 ρ / ρmax
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(2) Check Moment Capacity ( Neutral axis )

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Moment Capacity ( Dir. X ) ( kN·m ) 0.000 0.000 0.000 Mux / øMnx
Moment Capacity ( Dir. Y ) ( kN·m ) -72.74 261 0.279 Muy / øMny
Axial Capacity ( kN ) 86.08 308 0.279 Pu / øPn
Moment Capacity ( kN·m ) 72.74 261 0.279 Mu / øMn

(3) Check Shear Capacity

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Shear Strength ( Dir. X ) ( kN ) 222 437 0.508 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. X ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sx / sx,max
Shear Strength ( Dir. Y ) ( kN ) 13.05 437 0.0299 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. Y ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sy / sy,max

(4) Check Dimension by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Section Dimension Limit ( mm ) 400 300 0.750 Dimmin,limit / Dimmin
Section Dimension Ratio 1.000 0.400 0.400 Dimratio,min / Dimratio

(5) Check Rebar Limit by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. X ) ( mm² ) 236 120 0.508 Ashx,min / Ashx
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. Y ) ( mm² ) 236 120 0.508 Ashy,min / Ashy

9. Check Slenderness Ratio

(1) Calculate radii of gyration
rx = 0.3D = 120mm
ry = 0.3B = 120mm
(2) Calculate slenderness ratio
= 0.625
= 0.625
kx lux M1x
= 13.33 < min(34 + 12 , 40.0) = 26.50 → Not Slender
rx M2x
ky luy M1y
= 13.33 < min(34 + 12 , 40.0) = 26.50 → Not Slender
ry M2y
10. Check Magnified Moment
(1) Calculate moment magnification factor
δns.x = 1.000
δns.y = 1.000

11. Check Minimum Moment

(1) Calculate minimum eccentricity
emin.x = 15 + 0.03D = 27.00mm
emin.y = 15 + 0.03B = 27.00mm
(2) Calculate minimum moment
Mmin.x = Pu emin.x = 2.324kN·m
Mmin.y = Pu emin.y = 2.324kN·m

12. Check Design Moment

(1) Calculate design moment
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General Santos City


Mc.x = Mux = 0.000kN·m

Mc.y = Muy = -72.74kN·m
Mc = 72.74kN·m

13. Check Design Parameter

Calculation Summary ( Check Design Parameter )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Rebar Ratio ( Min. ) 0.0368 0.0100 0.272 ρmin / ρ
Rebar Ratio ( Max. ) 0.0368 0.0600 0.614 ρ / ρmax

Rebar Ratio ( Min. ) 0.27

Rebar Ratio ( Max. ) 0.61

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate rebar ratio
Ag = 160,000mm², Ast = 5,891mm²
ρmin = 0.0100, ρmax = 0.0600, ρ = 0.0368
ρmin < ρ < ρmax → O.K
(2) Calculate eccentricity
ex = Mc.y / Pu = 845mm
ey = Mc.x / Pu = 0.000mm
e = Mc / Pu = 845mm
Rotation angle of neutral axis = 90.00°
(3) Calculate concentric axial load capacity
P0 = 0.85f'c ( Ag - Ast ) + fy Ast = 4,740kN
P0.max = 0.80P0 = 3,792kN
Pt = fy Ast = -2,031kN

14. Check Moment Capacity ( Balanced axis )

(1) Calculate capacity of compression stress block
β1 = 0.850
c = 247mm, a = β1 ㆍ c = 210mm
Acom = 83,856mm²
ccx = 95.18mm, ccy = 0.000mm
Cc = 0.85 ㆍ f'c ㆍ Acom = 1,474kN
Mnx = Cc ㆍ ccy = 0.000kN·m
Mny = Cc ㆍ ccx = 140kN·m
(2) Calculate capacity of rebar
ds fs As Fs dy Mnx dx Mny
i εs
(mm) (MPa) (mm²) (kN) (mm) (kN) (mm) (kN)
1 360 -0.001379 -276 491 -135 -160 21.66 -160 21.66
2 360 -0.001379 -276 491 -135 -53.33 7.221 -160 21.66
3 360 -0.001379 -276 491 -135 53.33 -7.221 -160 21.66
4 360 -0.001379 -276 491 -135 160 -21.66 -160 21.66
5 253 -0.000081 -16.30 491 -8.000 160 -1.280 -53.33 0.427
6 147 0.001216 243 491 119 160 19.10 53.33 6.367
7 40.00 0.002513 276 491 135 160 21.66 160 21.66
8 40.00 0.002513 276 491 135 53.33 7.221 160 21.66
9 40.00 0.002513 276 491 135 -53.33 -7.221 160 21.66
10 40.00 0.002513 276 491 135 -160 -21.66 160 21.66
11 147 0.001216 243 491 119 -160 -19.10 53.33 6.367
12 253 -0.000081 -16.30 491 -8.000 -160 1.280 -53.33 0.427

∑Fs = 223kN
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General Santos City


∑Mnx = 0.000kN·m
∑Mny = 187kN·m
(3) Calculate nominal capacity for neutral axis
Pb = Cc + Ps = 1,697kN
Mnx = Mnx.conc + = 0.000kN·m
Mny = Mny.conc + = 327kN·m
Mn = ( Mnx )2 + ( Mny )2 = 327kN·m

15. Check Moment Capacity ( Neutral axis )

Calculation Summary ( Check Moment Capacity ( Neutral axis ) )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Moment Capacity ( Dir. X ) ( kN·m ) 0.000 0.000 0.000 Mux / øMnx
Moment Capacity ( Dir. Y ) ( kN·m ) -72.74 261 0.279 Muy / øMny
Axial Capacity ( kN ) 86.08 308 0.279 Pu / øPn
Moment Capacity ( kN·m ) 72.74 261 0.279 Mu / øMn

Moment Capacity ( Dir. X ) 0.00

Moment Capacity ( Dir. Y ) 0.28

Axial Capacity 0.28

Moment Capacity 0.28

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate capacity of compression stress block
c = 122mm, a = β1 ㆍ c = 104mm
Acom = 41,576mm²
ccx = 148mm, ccy = 0.000mm
Cc = 0.85 ㆍ fck ㆍ Acom = 731kN
Mnx = Cc ㆍ ccy = 0.000kN·m
Mny = Cc ㆍ ccx = 108kN·m
(2) Calculate capacity of rebar
ds fs As Fs dy Mnx dx Mny
i εs
(mm) (MPa) (mm²) (kN) (mm) (kN) (mm) (kN)
1 360 -0.005832 -276 491 -135 -160 21.66 -160 21.66
2 360 -0.005832 -276 491 -135 -53.33 7.221 -160 21.66
3 360 -0.005832 -276 491 -135 53.33 -7.221 -160 21.66
4 360 -0.005832 -276 491 -135 160 -21.66 -160 21.66
5 253 -0.003215 -276 491 -135 160 -21.66 -53.33 7.221
6 147 -0.000598 -120 491 -58.73 160 -9.397 53.33 -3.132
7 40.00 0.002019 276 491 135 160 21.66 160 21.66
8 40.00 0.002019 276 491 135 53.33 7.221 160 21.66
9 40.00 0.002019 276 491 135 -53.33 -7.221 160 21.66
10 40.00 0.002019 276 491 135 -160 -21.66 160 21.66
11 147 -0.000598 -120 491 -58.73 -160 9.397 53.33 -3.132
12 253 -0.003215 -276 491 -135 -160 21.66 -53.33 7.221

∑Fs = -388kN
∑Mnx = 0.000kN·m
∑Mny = 181kN·m
(3) Calculate nominal capacity for neutral axis
Pn = Cc + Ps = 343kN
Mnx = Mnx.conc + = 0.000kN·m
Mny = Mny.conc + = 290kN·m
Mn = ( Mnx )2 + ( Mny )2 = 290kN·m
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(4) Calculate strength reduction factor

εt.min = 0.0017, εt.max = 0.0050
εt = 0.005020
ø = 0.900
(5) Calculate axial load and moment capacities
øPn = 308kN
øMnx = 0.000kN·m
øMny = 261kN·m
øMn = 261kN·m
Mux / øMnx = 0.000 < 1.000 → O.K
Muy / øMny = 0.279 < 1.000 → O.K
Pu / øPn = 0.279 < 1.000 → O.K
Mc / øMn = 0.279 < 1.000 → O.K

P (kN)




125 (86,73) M (kN·m)












16. Calculate Shear Force by Special Provisions for Seismic Design (Direction Y).
(1) Calculate bending strength for design shear force.
ø = 1.000
Mprx,I.CW = 0.000kN·m
Mprx,J.CW = 0.000kN·m
Mprx,I.CCW = 0.000kN·m
Mprx,J.CCW = 0.000kN·m
(2) Calculate design shear force by special provision for seismic design
Vey1 = (Mprx,I.CW + Mprx,J.CW )/Lny = 0.000kN
Vey2 = (Mprx,I.CCW + Mprx,J.CCW )/Lny = 0.000kN
Vey = max(Vey1 , Vey2 ) = 0.000kN

17. Calculate Shear Force by Special Provisions for Seismic Design (Direction X).
(1) Calculate bending strength for design shear force.
ø = 1.000
Mpry,I.CW = 364kN·m
Mpry,J.CW = 347kN·m
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Mpry,I.CCW = 364kN·m
Mpry,J.CCW = 347kN·m
(2) Calculate design shear force by special provision for seismic design
Vex1 = (Mpry,I.CW + Mpry,J.CW )/Lnx = 222kN
Vex2 = (Mpry,I.CCW + Mpry,J.CCW )/Lnx = 222kN
Vex = max(Vex1 , Vex2 ) = 222kN

18. Check Shear Capacity

Calculation Summary ( Check Shear Capacity )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Shear Strength ( Dir. X ) ( kN ) 222 437 0.508 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. X ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sx / sx,max
Shear Strength ( Dir. Y ) ( kN ) 13.05 437 0.0299 Vux / øVnx
Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. Y ) ( mm )50.00 100 0.500 sy / sy,max

Shear Strength ( Dir. X ) 0.51

Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. X ) 0.50

Shear Strength ( Dir. Y ) 0.03

Spacing Limits for Reinforcement ( Dir. Y ) 0.50

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate maximum space
ø = 0.750
hx = 163mm
Smax1 = min[6DMainBar , 0.25B, 0.25D, 150] = 100mm
Smax2 = 100 + (350-hx )/3 = 162mm
Smax = min(Smax1 , Smax2 ) = 100mm
(2) Calculate Shear Strength (Direction X)
s = 50.00mm < smax = 100mm → O.K
øVc = ø0.17 (1+ ) f'c bw d = 86.04kN
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 351kN
øVn = øVc + øVs = 437kN
Vu / øVn = 0.508 → O.K
(3) Calculate Shear Strength (Direction Y)
s = 50.00mm < smax = 100mm → O.K
øVc = ø0.17 (1+ ) f'c bw d = 85.85kN
Av fyt d
øVs = ø = 351kN
øVn = øVc + øVs = 437kN
Vu / øVn = 0.0299 → O.K

19. Check Dimension by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Calculation Summary ( Check Dimension by Special Provision for Seismic Design )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Section Dimension Limit ( mm ) 400 300 0.750 Dimmin,limit / Dimmin
Section Dimension Ratio 1.000 0.400 0.400 Dimratio,min / Dimratio

Section Dimension Limit 0.75

Section Dimension Ratio 0.40

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate section dimension limit
Dimmin,limit = 300mm
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General Santos City


Dimmin = 400mm
Dmin > Dmin,limit → O.K
(2) Calculate section dimension ratio
Dimratio,min = 0.400
Dimratio = 1.000
Dimratio > Dimratio,min → O.K

20. Check Rebar Limit by Special Provision for Seismic Design

Calculation Summary ( Check Rebar Limit by Special Provision for Seismic Design )
Category Value Criteria Ratio Note
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. X ) ( mm² ) 236 120 0.508 Ashx,min / Ashx
Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. Y ) ( mm² ) 236 120 0.508 Ashy,min / Ashy

Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. X ) 0.51

Amount of Transverse Rebar ( Dir. Y ) 0.51

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50
(1) Calculate amount of transverse rebar (Direction X)
sbc f'c Ag
Ash,min1 = 0.3 (( )-1 ) = 80.26mm²
fyt Ach
sbc f'c
Ash,min2 = 0.09 = 120mm²
Ash,min = max (Ash,min1 Ash,min2 ) = 120mm²
Ashx = 236mm² > Ashx,min = 120mm² → O.K
(2) Calculate amount of transverse rebar (Direction Y)
sbc f'c Ag
Ash,min1 = 0.3 (( )-1 ) = 80.26mm²
fyt Ach
sbc f'c
Ash,min2 = 0.09 = 120mm²
Ash,min = max (Ash,min1 Ash,min2 ) = 120mm²
Ashy = 236mm² > Ashy,min = 120mm² → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14 1,700
(2) Code Unit : N, mm 850 850
2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa

3. Section

(1) Section Size
Depth : 400mm Y1

Cover : 75.00mm
(2) Column Section
Shape of Column : Rectangle
Section : 400x400mm

4. Rebar
(1) Direction Y

Layer 1 : P20@286 (As = 1,099mm²)

(2) Direction X
Layer 1 : P20@286 (As = 1,099mm²)

5. Foundation

(1) Foundation Size

Lx : 1.700m
Ly : 1.700m
fe : 126kN/m²

6. Design Load
(1) Service Load ( by Load Combinations )
Ps Msx Msy
No. CHK Name Description
(kN) (kN·m) (kN·m)
- - cLCB36 133 2.061 56.26 SERV :(D) - 0.7EY
1 Yes cLCB48 149 -1.940 41.88 SERV :(D) + 0.75L - 0.75(0.7)EY
2 Yes cLCB58 -13.67 3.862 -52.27 SERV :0.6(D) + 0.7EY
3 Yes cLCB33 85.23 46.28 1.564 SERV :(D) + 0.7EX
4 Yes cLCB35 85.23 -46.28 1.564 SERV :(D) - 0.7EX
5 Yes cLCB36 133 2.061 56.26 SERV :(D) - 0.7EY

(2) Factored Load ( by Load Combinations )

Pu Mux Muy
No. CHK Name Description
(kN) (kN·m) (kN·m)
- - cLCB10 208 3.997 80.05 1.2(D) - 1.0EY + 1.0(L)
1 Yes cLCB10 213 -3.336 77.64 1.2(D) - 1.0EY + 1.0(L)
2 Yes cLCB20 -16.33 5.675 -74.56 0.9(D) + 1.0EY
3 Yes cLCB7 128 66.27 2.714 1.2(D) + 1.0EX + 1.0(L)
4 Yes cLCB9 128 -66.27 2.714 1.2(D) - 1.0EX + 1.0(L)
5 Yes cLCB10 208 3.997 80.05 1.2(D) - 1.0EY + 1.0(L)

(3) Surcharge Load

Surface Load : 1.900KPa
Weight Density : 18.00kN/m³
Soil Height : 1.500m
(4) Self weight is considered.

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


7. Check Soil Capacity

(1) Calculate actual soil stress
qs,top-left = 17.79kN/m² qs,top-right = 155kN/m²
qs,bot-left = 12.76kN/m² qs,bot-right = 150kN/m²
qs,max = 155kN/m²
qs,max / fe = 1.228 → N.G
(2) Calculate factored soil stress
qu,top-left = 36.14kN/m² qu,top-right = 232kN/m²
qu,bot-left = 26.37kN/m² qu,bot-right = 222kN/m²
qu,max = 232kN/m² qu,min = 26.37kN/m²

8. Check Shear
(1) Calculate one-way shear
ø = 0.750
Vux = 55.05kN øVcx = 311kN
Vux / øVcx = 0.177 → O.K
Vuy = 17.06kN øVcy = 291kN
Vuy / øVcy = 0.0587 → O.K
(2) Calculate two-way shear
b0 Vc1 Vc2 Vc3 Vc Vu øVc
- Ratio
(mm) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN)
Interior 2,860 2,090 2,178 1,352 1,352 171 1,014 0.169
Edge(X) 3,130 2,287 1,868 1,480 1,480 126 1,110 0.113
Edge(Y) 3,130 2,287 1,868 1,480 1,480 126 1,110 0.113
Corner 2,415 1,764 1,323 1,142 1,142 48.83 856 0.0570


ø = 0.750
d = 315mm
Vc1 = 0.17 ( 1 + ) f'c b0 d
as d
Vc2 = 0.083 ( + 2 ) f'c b0 d
Vc3 = 0.33 f'c b0 d
Vc = min(Vc1 , Vc2 , Vc3 )
Vu = 171kN
Vu / øVc = 0.169 → O.K

9. Check Moment Capacity

(1) Calculate moment capacity (Direction X)
ø = 0.900
Muy = 30.57kN·m øMny = 83.55kN·m
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Muy / øMny = 0.366 → O.K

(2) Calculate moment capacity (Direction Y)
ø = 0.900
Mux = 15.95kN·m øMnx = 78.10kN·m
Mux / øMnx = 0.204 → O.K

10. Check Rebar

(1) Calculate minimum rebar area required
As,min = 0.00200D = 800mm²
(2) Calculate minimum rebar space required (Direction Y)
As = 314mm² (P20@286)
sreq. = 393mm
sx = 286mm < sreq. = 393mm → O.K
(3) Calculate minimum rebar space required (Direction X)
As = 314mm² (P20@286)
sreq. = 393mm
sy = 286mm < sreq. = 393mm → O.K

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm
1,400 1,400
2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size

Depth : 400mm
Cover : 75.00mm Y1

(2) Column Section
Shape of Column : Rectangle X1
Section : 400x400mm

4. Rebar
(1) Direction Y
Layer 1 : P20@272 (As = 1,154mm²)

(2) Direction X
Layer 1 : P20@272 (As = 1,154mm²)

5. Foundation

(1) Foundation Size

Lx : 2.800m
Ly : 2.800m
fe : 100kN/m²

6. Design Load
(1) Service Load ( by Load Combinations )
Ps Msx Msy
No. CHK Name Description
(kN) (kN·m) (kN·m)
- - cLCB36 211 -0.531 79.00 SERV :(D) - 0.7EY
1 Yes cLCB46 344 0.858 -16.58 SERV :(D) + 0.75L + 0.75(0.7)EY
2 Yes cLCB60 31.25 4.837 63.93 SERV :0.6(D) - 0.7EY
3 Yes cLCB33 144 49.46 7.074 SERV :(D) + 0.7EX
4 Yes cLCB35 144 -49.46 7.074 SERV :(D) - 0.7EX
5 Yes cLCB36 211 -0.531 79.00 SERV :(D) - 0.7EY
6 Yes cLCB58 120 6.108 -56.70 SERV :0.6(D) + 0.7EY

(2) Factored Load ( by Load Combinations )

Pu Mux Muy
No. CHK Name Description
(kN) (kN·m) (kN·m)
- - cLCB8 444 1.426 -49.45 1.2(D) + 1.0EY + 1.0(L)
1 Yes cLCB8 444 1.426 -49.45 1.2(D) + 1.0EY + 1.0(L)
2 Yes cLCB22 50.06 7.300 91.59 0.9(D) - 1.0EY
3 Yes cLCB7 218 72.75 9.946 1.2(D) + 1.0EX + 1.0(L)
4 Yes cLCB9 218 -72.75 9.946 1.2(D) - 1.0EX + 1.0(L)
5 Yes cLCB10 320 -0.624 113 1.2(D) - 1.0EY + 1.0(L)
6 Yes cLCB20 177 9.117 -80.74 0.9(D) + 1.0EY

(3) Surcharge Load

Surface Load : 1.900KPa
Weight Density : 18.00kN/m³

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Soil Height : 1.500m

(4) Self weight is considered.

7. Check Soil Capacity

(1) Calculate actual soil stress
qs,top-left = 43.20kN/m² qs,top-right = 86.38kN/m²
qs,bot-left = 43.49kN/m² qs,bot-right = 86.67kN/m²
qs,max = 86.67kN/m²
qs,max / fe = 0.867 → O.K
(2) Calculate factored soil stress
qu,top-left = 128kN/m² qu,top-right = 101kN/m²
qu,bot-left = 127kN/m² qu,bot-right = 99.82kN/m²
qu,max = 128kN/m² qu,min = 99.82kN/m²

8. Check Shear
(1) Calculate one-way shear
ø = 0.750
Vux = 113kN øVcx = 511kN
Vux / øVcx = 0.220 → O.K
Vuy = 96.86kN øVcy = 479kN
Vuy / øVcy = 0.202 → O.K
(2) Calculate two-way shear
b0 Vc1 Vc2 Vc3 Vc Vu øVc
- Ratio
(mm) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN)
Interior 2,860 2,090 2,178 1,352 1,352 415 1,014 0.409
Edge(X) 4,230 3,091 2,130 2,000 2,000 330 1,500 0.220
Edge(Y) 4,230 3,091 2,130 2,000 2,000 330 1,500 0.220
Corner 3,515 2,568 1,585 1,662 1,585 122 1,189 0.102


ø = 0.750
d = 315mm
Vc1 = 0.17 ( 1 + ) f'c b0 d
as d
Vc2 = 0.083 ( + 2 ) f'c b0 d
Vc3 = 0.33 f'c b0 d
Vc = min(Vc1 , Vc2 , Vc3 )
Vu = 415kN
Vu / øVc = 0.409 → O.K

9. Check Moment Capacity

(1) Calculate moment capacity (Direction X)
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


ø = 0.900
Muy = 47.69kN·m øMny = 87.65kN·m
Muy / øMny = 0.544 → O.K
(2) Calculate moment capacity (Direction Y)
ø = 0.900
Mux = 40.94kN·m øMnx = 81.92kN·m
Mux / øMnx = 0.500 → O.K

10. Check Rebar

(1) Calculate minimum rebar area required
As,min = 0.00200D = 800mm²
(2) Calculate minimum rebar space required (Direction Y)
As = 314mm² (P20@272)
sreq. = 393mm
sx = 272mm < sreq. = 393mm → O.K
(3) Calculate minimum rebar space required (Direction X)
As = 314mm² (P20@272)
sreq. = 393mm
sy = 272mm < sreq. = 393mm → O.K

2022-07-14 09:48 3
Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


1. General Information
(1) Design Code : ACI318M-14
(2) Code Unit : N, mm
1,350 1,350
2. Material
(1) F'c : 20.68MPa
(2) Fy : 276MPa

3. Section
(1) Section Size

Depth : 400mm
Cover : 75.00mm Y1

(2) Column Section
Shape of Column : Rectangle X1
Section : 400x400mm

4. Rebar
(1) Direction Y
Layer 1 : P20@341 (As = 920mm²)

(2) Direction X
Layer 1 : P20@341 (As = 920mm²)

5. Foundation

(1) Foundation Size

Lx : 2.700m
Ly : 2.700m
fe : 126kN/m²

6. Design Load
(1) Service Load ( by Load Combinations )
Ps Msx Msy
No. CHK Name Description
(kN) (kN·m) (kN·m)
- - cLCB34 232 -2.316 -67.85 SERV :(D) + 0.7EY
1 Yes cLCB28 264 0.0108 -28.42 SERV :(D) + L
2 Yes cLCB60 48.46 6.729 52.08 SERV :0.6(D) - 0.7EY
3 Yes cLCB33 136 48.06 0.405 SERV :(D) + 0.7EX
4 Yes cLCB35 136 -48.06 0.405 SERV :(D) - 0.7EX
5 Yes cLCB34 232 -2.316 -67.85 SERV :(D) + 0.7EY

(2) Factored Load ( by Load Combinations )

Pu Mux Muy
No. CHK Name Description
(kN) (kN·m) (kN·m)
- - cLCB8 327 -3.289 -97.96 1.2(D) + 1.0EY + 1.0(L)
1 Yes cLCB2 335 0.0145 -36.56 1.2(D) + 1.6(L)
2 Yes cLCB22 74.29 9.937 74.38 0.9(D) - 1.0EY
3 Yes cLCB7 207 68.34 2.048 1.2(D) + 1.0EX + 1.0(L)
4 Yes cLCB9 207 -68.34 2.048 1.2(D) - 1.0EX + 1.0(L)
5 Yes cLCB10 149 13.62 75.63 1.2(D) - 1.0EY + 1.0(L)
6 Yes cLCB8 327 -3.289 -97.96 1.2(D) + 1.0EY + 1.0(L)

(3) Surcharge Load

Surface Load : 1.900KPa
Weight Density : 18.00kN/m³
Soil Height : 1.500m

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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


(4) Self weight is considered.

7. Check Soil Capacity

(1) Calculate actual soil stress
qs,top-left = 89.83kN/m² qs,top-right = 48.47kN/m²
qs,bot-left = 91.24kN/m² qs,bot-right = 49.88kN/m²
qs,max = 91.24kN/m²
qs,max / fe = 0.722 → O.K
(2) Calculate factored soil stress
qu,top-left = 131kN/m² qu,top-right = 71.11kN/m²
qu,bot-left = 133kN/m² qu,bot-right = 73.12kN/m²
qu,max = 133kN/m² qu,min = 71.11kN/m²

8. Check Shear
(1) Calculate one-way shear
ø = 0.750
Vux = 99.00kN øVcx = 493kN
Vux / øVcx = 0.201 → O.K
Vuy = 59.59kN øVcy = 462kN
Vuy / øVcy = 0.129 → O.K
(2) Calculate two-way shear
b0 Vc1 Vc2 Vc3 Vc Vu øVc
- Ratio
(mm) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN)
Interior 2,860 2,090 2,178 1,352 1,352 304 1,014 0.300
Edge(X) 4,130 3,018 2,106 1,953 1,953 232 1,464 0.158
Edge(Y) 4,130 3,018 2,106 1,953 1,953 232 1,464 0.158
Corner 3,415 2,495 1,561 1,614 1,561 58.78 1,171 0.0502


ø = 0.750
d = 315mm
Vc1 = 0.17 ( 1 + ) f'c b0 d
as d
Vc2 = 0.083 ( + 2 ) f'c b0 d
Vc3 = 0.33 f'c b0 d
Vc = min(Vc1 , Vc2 , Vc3 )
Vu = 304kN
Vu / øVc = 0.300 → O.K

9. Check Moment Capacity

(1) Calculate moment capacity (Direction X)
ø = 0.900
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Proposed 2-Storey 8-Classroom School Building
General Santos City


Muy = 43.79kN·m øMny = 70.30kN·m

Muy / øMny = 0.623 → O.K
(2) Calculate moment capacity (Direction Y)
ø = 0.900
Mux = 30.13kN·m øMnx = 65.74kN·m
Mux / øMnx = 0.458 → O.K

10. Check Rebar

(1) Calculate minimum rebar area required
As,min = 0.00200D = 800mm²
(2) Calculate minimum rebar space required (Direction Y)
As = 314mm² (P20@341)
sreq. = 393mm
sx = 341mm < sreq. = 393mm → O.K
(3) Calculate minimum rebar space required (Direction X)
As = 314mm² (P20@341)
sreq. = 393mm
sy = 341mm < sreq. = 393mm → O.K

2022-07-14 09:48 3

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