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““Life is the most difficult exam.

Many people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone
has a different questions”

Name: _______________________________ Date: ____________

Subject: ______________________________ Rating: __________


DIRECTION: Read each statement or question, select the word or expressions that, of those
given, best completes the statement or answers the questions, Record your answers on your
answer sheet by encircling the letter that best corresponds to your answers.

1. It is anything that an individual does that involves self- initiated action and/ or reaction to
a given situation.
a. Human Behavior
b. Human Rights
c. Human Beings
d. Human Relations

2. It is one of the human senses also known as sense of sight

a. Gustatory
b. Olfactory
c. Cutaneous
d. Visual

3. It is one of the basic forms of conflict that occurs when an individual moves closer to a
seemingly desirable object, only to have the potentially negative consequences of
contacting that object push back against the closing behavior.
a. Approach- Avoidance Conflict
b. Approach- Approach Conflict
c. Avoidance- Avoidance Conflict
d. Avoidance- Approach Conflict

4. These are somatoform disorders in which individual’s e4xperiences a relatively specific

and chronic pain that has a psychological cause.
a. Somatization Disorder
b. Somatoform Pain Disorder
c. Conversion Disorder
d. Schizophrenia

5. It is one of type of personality disorders that is characterized by an attempt to be at the

center of attention through the use of theatrical and self-dramatizing behavior. Sexual
adjustment is poor and interpersonal relationship are stormy.
a. Narcissistic Personality
b. Borderline Personality
c. Antisocial Personality
d. Histrionic Personality


6. It is one of the type of schizophrenia that is characterized principally by delusion of
persecutions and/ or grandeur. Auditory hallucination are usually present for most of the
a. Paranoid Schizophrenia
b. Simple Schizophrenia
c. Hebephrenic Schizophrenia
d. Catatonic Schizophrenia

7. It is one of the sexual deviancy which sexual pleasure is obtained by exposing one’s
genital to others
a. Exhibitionism
b. Fetishism
c. Voyeurism
d. Transvestitism

8. It is one of the common Defense mechanism which is defined as development of a traits

which are opposite of tendencies that we do not want to recognize. The person is
motivated to act in a certain way. Consequently, he is able to keep his urges and impulses
under control.
a. Repression
b. Suppression
c. Denial
d. Reaction formation

9. This behavioral disorder are blanket covering several different forms of abnormal and
pathological fear and anxiety.
a. Anxiety Disorders
b. Neurosis
c. Psychosomatic Disorders
d. Somatoform Disorder

10. It is a phobia of animals or some particular animals.

a. Ochlophobia
b. Syphilophobia
c. Mysophobia
d. Zoophobia

11. These are somatoform disorders that is defined as conditions that involve disruptions or
breakdowns of memory, awareness, identity and/ or perception
a. Somatoform Disorder
b. Somatoform pain Disorder
c. Conversion Disorders
d. Dissociative Disorders

12. It is one type of schizophrenia that manifests severe integration of personality and can be
observed through inappropriate giggling and smiling without apparent reason which to an
untrained observer may only be childish playfulness.
a. Paranoid Schizophrenia
b. Simple Schizophrenia
c. Hebephrenic Schizophrenia
d. Catatonic Schizophrenia


13. It is one type of sexual deviancy which sexual gratification is obtained primarily and
exclusively from specific objects.
a. Exhibitionism
b. Fetishism
c. Voyeurism
d. Transvestism

14. It refers to social intelligent social animals with the mental capacity to comprehend,
infer, and think in rational ways.
a. Human Beings
b. Human Behavior
c. Human Rights
d. Human Relations

15. It is one of the common Defense mechanisms, when a person uses this, he refuse to
recognize and deal with reality because of strong inner needs.
a. Repression
b. Suppression
c. Denial
d. Reaction Formation

16. A mental disorder that is generally characterized by anxiety, depression, and feelings of
unhappiness or stress.
a. Anxiety Disorder
b. Psychosis
c. Neurosis
d. Schizophrenia

17. This refers to an anxiety provoking thoughts that will not go away. Thoughts and
impulses which occur in the person’s mind despite attempt to keep them out. They seem
uncontrollable, as if they do not belong to the individual’s mind.
a. Compulsion
b. Possessive Impulses
c. Impulses
d. Obsession

18. It is one types of Dissociative Disorders which refers to loss of memory that can have
either physical or psychological cause
a. Psychogenic Fugue State
b. Amnesia
c. Depersonalization
d. Multiple personality

19. It is one type of personality disorder which individuals with this disorder have a
pervasive sense of self- importance.
a. Narcissistic Personality
b. Borderline Personality
c. Antisocial Personality
d. Histrionic Personality


20. It is one of the views in Human Behavior that emphasizes on external functions of
human being that can be observed and measured
a. Neurological vie
b. Behavioral view
c. Cognitive view
d. Psychoanalytic view

21. It is defined as the way people react to frustration

a. Frustration Tolerance
b. Frustration Reaction
c. Conflict Mechanism
d. Coping Mechanism

22. It is one of the forms of Anxiety that is intense and unrealistic fear. In this case, anxiety
is focused so intensely on some objects or situations that the individual is acutely
comfortable around it and will often go to great pain to avoid it.
a. Obsessive- Compulsive Disorders
b. Obsession
c. Compulsion
d. Phobias

23. It refers to an urge wherein a person is compelled to perform some action against his free
will and with duress as a result of external factors. This is an irresistible urge to engage in
certain pattern of behavior.
a. Compulsion
b. Possessive impulses
c. Impulses
d. Obsession

24. It is one type of Dissociative disorders that resembles amnesia in that there is a loss of
memory that the loss is so complete that the individuals cannot remember his or her
identity or previous life.
a. Psychogenic Fugue State
b. Amnesia
c. Depersonalization
d. Multiple Personality

25. It refers to cases showing delusions and impaired contact with reality but without severe
personality disorganization characteristic of schizophrenia. The main symptom is
characterize by suspicion.
a. Schizophrenia
b. Paranoid
c. Paranoia
d. Schizotypal

26. It is one view in the Human Behavior that deals with human actions in relation to events
taking place inside the body such as the brain and the nervous system
a. Neurological view
b. Behavioral view
c. Cognitive view
d. Psychoanalytic view


27. It is one of the human senses also known as sense of taste
a. Gustatory
b. Olfactory
c. Cutaneous
d. Auditory

28. It is a phobia of high places

a. Astraphobia
b. Agoraphobia
c. Malgophobia
d. Acrophobia

29. Which of the Freud’s three main structures of personality is described to be

"unconscious" and "pleasure seeking"?
a. Superego
b. Id
c. Projection
d. Ego

30. It acts according to the reality principle; i.e. it seeks to please the id’s drive in realistic
ways that will benefit in the long term rather than bringing grief.
a. Superego
b. Id
c. Projection
d. Ego

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