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n Guest Column : PAGE 4

Zubin Zack, O. C. Tanner India

n Interview: PAGE 6
Sanchayan Paul, Vodafone India

The new world of

Total Rewards
Changing business dynamics have reformed the
Total Rewards program with an increased focus on aligning
it with the organisation’s business strategy

Find’s career articles, expert advice and tips, Jobs & Career section
2 Study

Changing spectrum of
Total Rewards strategy
Organisations invest huge amount of money and resources on Total Rewards programs.
How does India Inc. implement this concept? TimesJobs study finds out interesting pointers
on how Indian firms view the concept, make it work on ground and perceive its future

Apeksha Kaushik, What are the key benefits of Which element is most
EARLY 43 per cent of the
surveyed organisations Total Rewards strategy? critical to building and
have a well-built Total executing a successful Total
Rewards strategy and for
Rewards strategy?
about 23 per cent it is in
the planning stage.
Total Rewards, by definition, encompass 10%
not only compensation and benefits
but also the personal and professional 30% 15%
growth opportunities and a motivating
work environment. A Total Rewards
approach helps both employer and
employee to look beyond monetary
rewards and strategically evaluate the
20% 25%
value of non-monetary rewards.
A well-executed Total Rewards
strategy helps in increasing employee
productivity and enhancing business
Retaining high performers 50%
Engaging employees

Benefits and Attracting talent

opportunities Increasing business output

Retaining employees has been stated as Implementing the Alignment with business objectives

the key benefit of Total Rewards strategy Effective communication
by nearly 40 per cent of the surveyed Inputs from employees/HR
organisations. Since Total Rewards caters For nearly 50 per cent organisations the /business leaders
to all the essential requirements of an most important aspect while executing Understand generational or other
employee, it is claimed to be a powerful Total Rewards strategy is aligning it with demographic differences
employee retention tool. business objectives.
Another 30 per cent felt that it helps Another 25 per cent feel that effective that communication is a two-way process
in engaging employees, about 20 per communication at various stages of and often neglect the importance of
cent said it helps in attracting potential implementing the program are crucial to listening to the employee voice.
talent and rest 10 per cent cited that its success. This is one of the key reasons which
the biggest advantage of Total Rewards
However, the critical issue here is that results in failure of the Total Rewards
is that it helps in increasing business
most organisations don’t understand program.


The loopholes What is your Total Rewards

Nearly 40 per cent organisations stated priority for 2016?
lack of awareness/communication about SPEAK
Total Rewards as the biggest barrier in
effective implementation of the program, % 45
followed by lack of support from leaders. Improve employee
Total Rewards need effective engagement and retention
An effective Total Rewards strategy
management to suit business goal and creates a competitive advantage
employee needs and thus leadership for the organisation. A successful
Improve alignment
support is imperative for the success of
the program.
30% with business rewards strategy has to justify
return on investment (ROI). The
Nearly 25 per cent of the survey money spent should get maximum
respondents also felt that budget returns in terms of relevance to the
Improve suitability for
constraints possess a big challenge in diverse workforce 15% different priorities of employees,
execution of the Total Rewards strategy. organisation level, or regions. The

What is the key barrier to 10% measure of success has to focus

on contribution of each aspect
Improve talent attraction
effective implementation of of rewards on business outcome,
rather than launch of variety of
Total Rewards strategy? and organisations need to take that
programs to create a feel-good
into account while designing the Total
factor for program administrators.
Rewards and benefits package.
The success of the strategy is
10% The study further revealed that Baby heavily dependent on a robust and
Boomers, owing to their proximity to consistent communications plan.
retirement, give more importance to
25% post- retirement benefits after the Vipin Arora,
Compensation Director,
in-hand salary in their compensation
25% and benefits package. Gen X, on the Asia-Pacific, Honeywell International
India Pvt Ltd
other hand, prefers other benefits such
as flexible work arrangements and more
40% work-life balance.
This generation is typically at a stage
where they are supporting either
ageing parents or growing children, or For us changing workforce
Lack of awareness demographics and evolving
both. Finally, Gen Y gives almost equal
Lack of support from leaders preference to retirement, medical and employee lifestyle, means
Budget constraints other benefits. All these influencers need shaping a diverse, future
Cultural barriers to be factored in while designing a Total fit workforce through Total
Rewards strategy. Rewards. Our approach ensures
Total Rewards priority Conclusion
external customer focus, internal
segmentation and differentiated
2016-17 The survey results suggest there is
rewards. We have built a benefits
For nearly 45 per cent organisations portfolio that delivers employee
an increased focus on Total Rewards
employee engagement and retention care, helps build an inclusive work
program now. There have been
will be the biggest Total Rewards priority environment while ensuring the
considerable changes in the Total
in 2016-17, followed by aligning the right return on investment. We are
Rewards landscape and it is evolving
Total Rewards program with the overall committed to offering holistic Total
continuously. India Inc. requires a holistic
business strategy. Rewards by giving more ‘power’
approach for effective and efficient
About 30 per cent organisations are in the hands of the employees
implementation of the program. The
looking at improving the Total Rewards through a bouquet of flexible work
results also point out some critical
alignment with business strategies arrangements, called ‘V-Flex’.
areas where the organisations need to
and 15 per cent wants to improve improve their efforts. The primary one Sanchayan Paul,
its suitability for the increasing set among them is, creating an effective Head of Performance, Rewards &
of diverse workers. In fact, another two-way communication channel with Recognition, Vodafone India Ltd.
TimesJobs study revealed that nearly the employees who are the ultimate
87 per cent employees prefer a beneficiaries of a company’s Total
customised compensation structure Rewards program.


Guest column: Total Rewards program

The new differentiators in

Total Rewards program

Zubin Zack “IN TODAY’S CUT- employee bonding sessions - say annual
OTAL Rewards are events, world-class awards, rewards and
understood globally as a
THROAT COMPETITION, appreciation strategies - an organisation
holistic program to nurture TOTAL REWARDS ARE AN can inspire more employees to achieve
employees. Everything greater success.
from the organisation that
EMPLOYEE PROGRAM Today businesses are seeking out greater
can benefit an employee; comes under THAT NO ORGANISATION resourses to ensure that their employees
the purview of Total Rewards including stay happier and feel looked after.
salary, emoluments, training, recognition,
CAN AFFORD TO MISS ON” With diversified HR policies - including
leaves etc. While employees are attracted customised work timelines, work from
to employers because of competitive home, flexi hours etc - employers are
salaries, profits and employer branding, it making the workplace experience more
is the Total Rewards program (comprising holistic. From Fortune 500 companies
of talent management, recognition & to innovative startups, managements
company culture) that are now being have been increasingly utilising HR
used to attract and retain talent. 2.0 measures to increase engagement
Delving further, the Total Rewards among employees and build a
strategies are a set of recognitions that ubiquitous brand. These engagement
allow a company to recognise, praise and activities, benefits, communication
commend hardworking employees with strategies etc. along with leadership
the aim of sustaining a motivated and actions go a long way in projecting
engaged workforce. a positive company culture where
employees love to come to work.
Total Rewards come in all shapes and
sizes. Through these methods, employers Saying that, employing a robust Total
hope to align personal and professional Rewards program comes with its set of
goals of their employees with those of challenges as well. The management
the business while ensuring employees’ needs to skillfully access the need,
overall job satisfaction. Companies who relevance, worth and focus of such a
offer such rewards often attract talented, program to have the desired effect.
hardworking individuals. A deftly managed and well thought
company to adequately reward talented out Total Rewards program offers the
Today, finding dedicated individuals
employees. This means that talented organisation a chance to woo star
is a relentless struggle for companies.
individuals are praised when it is due and employees and also keep a tab on the
Employers are faced with an initial
they become aware of their significance business’ health.
challenge of attracting such individuals
and later to keep them satisfied with in the company. This motivates the In conclusion, it is safe to allude that
their role and loyal to the company. In individual, which on a broader scale the Total Rewards program is a method
recent studies, employees have exhibited can lead to individual’s increased to align business focus to employee
a preference for organisations that invest productivity and also contribute to the master plan and achieve superior results
in developing employee skills while business results. that better the business aim. The Total
offering opportunities for learning and Furthermore, the Total Rewards programs Rewards program also ensures that the
growth. They are drawn to employers often encourages other employees to employees respect their responsibilities
who wish to nurture their existent emulate the hardworking individuals. and help build up an enviable brand that
abilities and add value to their life skills. Recognising and showing appreciation the stakeholders are
to a dedicated individual sets a standard proud of.
Apart from employee retention, Total
Rewards also impact talent management, for the peers. To ensure a greater reach
which takes a holistic approach to of Total Rewards program, the leadership The author is Director
hiring, training and retaining employees. also needs to be involved in its strategy. & Chief Recognition
Implementing Total Rewards schemes This is the second new differentiator of Strategist,
through talent management allows a the Total Rewards program. By including O. C. Tanner India


War of Talent 2.0 HR Meet 2016, Chennai

How to win the war for talent 2.0

Experts call out for improved industry-academia relationship for talent to
meet the expectations of the organisations

T Bureau is that educational institutions are failing to work much more closely and put in
HE war for talent in the to understand the gap. They look at you lot more efforts within campuses in case
country has entered (companies) only from the placement they want to see talent that will meet
another phase and the angle. But slowly, they are not realising their needs. Corporates have to put a
winning formula will require that if you don’t train the talent, they will stake on the ground and create much
organisations to proactively go down the drain.” stronger inroads into campuses.”
help institutions to produce employable
candidates, said experts at a TimesJobs.
EXPERTS UNANIMOUSLY n Dr Murali Padmanabhan, SVP
and India Head-Talent Management,
com conclave in Chennai recently. AGREED THAT REAL LIFE VirtusaPolaris: “There will always be
‘War for Talent 2.0: HR Meet 2016’ held in WORK EXPOSURE IS MUST competition for talent, even if the supply
association with Jaya Educational Trust is in excess or supply is short. Since
saw the participation of HR leaders and FOR STUDENTS DURING India is an aspirational economy, there
experts from academia. The experts also THEIR TRAININGS BEFORE is a mad scramble for jobs. Children are
answered audience questions. forced to pick science, engineering or
Here are excerpts from this discussion: THEY STEP OUT TO LOOK medicine irrespective of what the child

n David Raj, EVP & Chief HR Officer, CSS

FOR JOBS really enjoys. Parents have to let their
child work in areas they enjoy.”
Corp: “Today, IT and ITeS companies are
moving from headcount and project- n Shekar Arora, Ombudsman, Ashok
n Prof A Kanagaraj, Chairman, Jaya
based models to outcome-based models. Leyland and ED-HR & Strategy, Hinduja
Educational Trust: “Real talent will
So, you need talent who can produce Foundries: “If any company says it is
come when students at engineering
a solution. We (organisations) need to struggling to retain talent, it has already
colleges work while they learn instead
create solution-oriented talent. There is lost the war for talent. You cannot retain
of spending time only in lectures.
a myth that we need to produce digital- the talent by paying more money.
They should not make students work
oriented talent. That is not the case. We The war for talent has to be fought
after they learn. We should introduce
need a strategy to manage the digital internally. You have to enable, engage
practical-oriented student training.”
age population.” and empower talent. But this war is good
n Dhanabalan RK, Vice President- for the organisation and for talent. It is
n Saravanaprasad Balasubramanian, Human Resources, Maveric Systems: “The always the threatened immune system
AVP- Talent Acquisition & Global industry expects institutes to churn out which fights the threat and emerges
Mobilisation, Quadrant 4: “The major issue candidates they need but they too have stronger than before.”


Interview: Sanchayan Paul

Head of Performance, Rewards & Recognition, Vodafone India

‘Forward thinking organisations

articulate Total Rewards as coherent deal’
How are Total Rewards impacting tential assessments, talent management
the hiring and talent management and organisation effectiveness. You must
landscape in organisations? have a broad understanding of different
employee segments and their needs.
The concepts of ‘work’ and ‘reward’ have
Then, try to personalise and simplify it.
changed significantly over the last two
decades. Today’s workforce is more Is there a gap between how employees
diverse, not just from a demographics see Total Rewards v/s what the
perspective, but also by behavioural and company offers?
psychographic segmentation. Now talent
moves or stays, not for higher ‘Rewards’ The best organisations are quickly
alone. The Employer Value Proposition closing the gap. Employees would
(EVP) or the complete employer- need to be seen as consumers. Yet,
employee ‘deal’ is under discussion there will always be a gap as consumer
expectations are a moving target and
and negotiation. Organisations have “OUR SOCIAL AND TALENT your organisational response will go
to perform a tricky balancing act to
attract, retain and engage employees. MANAGERS REGULARLY through a filter of business realities,
statutory regulations and budgets.
Career advancement opportunities, trust PROMOTE EXCHANGE
and confidence in senior leadership,
professional development opportunities, OF IDEAS BETWEEN Please share your best practices.
work-related stress, challenging work, MEMBERS IN THE TALENT At Vodafone, we are continuously
relationship with supervisor etc. are all strengthening organisational vitality.
being viewed as ‘Total Rewards’. COMMUNITY” Performance dialogue is a continuous
affair between the line manager and
What are the trends, opportunities How do you align Total Rewards the employee, thus enabling high
and challenges in the Total Rewards Strategy to Talent Strategy? performance on a bed-rock of Total
sphere? Forward thinking organisations see Rewards processes.
A number of broad Total Rewards value in defining and articulating Total For us, changing employee
trends are emerging now which aim to Rewards as a coherent deal. They keep demographics and evolving lifestyle
address shifting business and workforce Total Rewards relevant by segmenting means shaping a diverse, future fit
dynamics. The future will be about and aligning them with organisational workforce through Total Rewards. Our
treating employees as consumers and and employee needs. Organisations like approach ensures external customer
delivering tangible employee experience. us are making efforts to understand the focus, internal segmentation and
It is about getting lean i.e. delivering requirements and level of contribution / differentiated rewards. We have built a
more with less. performance required from employees. benefits portfolio that delivers employee
It shall no more be about rewarding Total Rewards strategy addresses our care, helps build an inclusive work
a little bit to everyone, but more Talent Strategy in the following areas: environment while ensuring the right
differentiated pay for performance and n New / emerging talent segments return on investment. We are committed
pay for critical skills. n Critical skills /pivotal roles to offer holistic Total Rewards by
empowering employees through flexible
Business, HR & Rewards teams will have n Talent / skills attraction / retention
work arrangements called ‘V-Flex’.
to take note of social media trends and n High potentials & performers
pick signals while separating the noise. ‘V-Flex’ options are crafted to support
The focus shall be on making the most What are the do’s and don’ts of employees through the key junctures
of communication and technology to creating successful Total Rewards in their lives e.g. need to invest in self,
share with employees about the overall strategy? taking care of children, their education,
‘deal’ or EVP, letting them know what illness in family, etc. and thus empower
A successful Total Rewards strategy flows them both personally and professionally.
they earn and explaining how they can
from business context and is linked to
maximise their earnings and build wealth
other processes like performance & po- (As told to Neha Singh Verma)
for themselves.


8th Mega HR Conclave 2016, New Delhi

‘HR processes must change with

evolving business scenarios’
Relationship Leader, Deloitte Consulting.
The pointers of this session were –
global human capital trends for 2016,
values based leadership, employee on-
boarding, crony socialism, use of social
media in employer branding, shared
functions and adaptable organisations.
Third session was focussed on ‘Building
Capability: Challenges & Solutions’. It
was chaired by Mr Deepak Bharara ,
CHRO, Lanco Infratech Limited. Other
distinguished speakers were Ms Pooja
Malik, Vice President - HR, Anand
Automotives Limited, Ms Nasreen Khan,
Director, Catalysts India & Mr Ajay Bhatia,
Vice President – HR, Innodata.

T Bureau shared about the transforming function This session discussed on building the
of HR, social and community choices apt competencies and the panelists were
HE Delhi Management made by the organisations, emergence of the view that asking simple questions
Association (DMA) and Indus of networks, leadership at all levels. He of what, why and how gives relevant
Business Academy (IBA) also emphasised on the importance of answers. They added that it is important
organised the 8th Mega HR communication within an organisation. to assign responsibility for taking actions
Conclave on June 9, 2016 at Guest of Honour Mr Bhavdeep on the decided strategies and action
The Royal Plaza, New Delhi. The theme of Singh, CEO, Fortis Healthcare Limited plans. The highlight of the discussion
this one day conclave was ‘Transforming emphasised that it is an age of was when panelists shared some real
HR: Preparing for Tomorrow’. TimesJobs partnership, where it is important life experiences on capacity building
facilitated the event as the online for the HR to be a partner with the mechanisms.
knowledge partner. business segment. He talked about the The event concluded with the final
The conclave began with the lighting implications of technological shift and session on ‘HR Analytics & Big Data’. Mr
of ceremonial lamp followed by the requirement of open office environment. Prasheel Pardhe, Corp. Group HR COE-
welcome address and conclave overview He also shared the innovations that have Talent, HCL Technologies Ltd. moderated
by Dr Veena Swarup, Director – HR, been done at Fortis - such as having a the session. Other panelists included
Engineers India Limited & Conclave Doctor as HR Head-Recruitment. Mr Deepak Malhotra, Talent & Change
Director-8th Mega HR Conclave. The chief guest, Dr Subhash Chandra Service Area Leader, IBM, Mr Prakash
This event was graced by esteemed Khuntia, Secretary, MHRD, Govt. of Rao, Vice President & Head, mpHRO,
speakers from the HR fraternity including India shared his experiences and the PeopleStrong HR Services, Ms Suparna
HR veterans and heads from corporate importance of HR in the workplace. He Pal, Director Technology Integration,
houses such as TATA Communications, outlined ‘keeping people motivated’ Deloitte Consulting, Ms Anila Nair,
Fortis Healthcare Limited, HR Anexi Pvt. as one of the biggest challenges in the Sr HCM Presales Specialist, Solution
Ltd., JK Organisation, Deloitte Consulting, organisations. Architecture & Advisor SAP Success
Central Warehousing Corporation, Second session was about ‘New Trends Factors.
Mckinsey & Company, LANCO Infratech in Organisational Culture’. It was The last session discussed one of the
Limited, Anand Automotives Ltd., moderated by Mr Suvojoy Sengupta, emerging areas in HR - the HR Analytics.
Innodata, IBM Global Services, SAP, HCL Partner, Mckinsey & Company. The The panelists touched upon the basics
Technologies and PeopleStrong etc. panelists included Mr Ashish Arora, of Human Capital Analytics and that
The conclave was covered in four Founder & Managing Director, HR Anexi, the environment was now conducive
sessions. First session was the inaugural Mr JS Kaushal, Director-Personnel, for it. They detailed on the Descriptive,
one where in the keynote address was Central Warehousing Corporation, Mr Prescriptive and Predictive Analytics in
delivered by Mr Subodh Bharagava, A Thiru, President-HR, JK Organisation HR domain. This session saw multiple
Chairman, TATA Communications. He (EZ), Ms Sonali Dua, Global Clients queries from the audience.

The latest edition of Code Gladiators
broke all its existing records. Here is a
glimpse of what the sponsors had to say
about the event.

We believe, unless we are on The magnitude of this event is huge. India Code Gladiators is undoubtedly
platforms such as TechGig has a large number of developers, but an excellent platform designed to
we won’t have access to the being able to get them together, making test and showcase the tech skills
right kind of talent. We can go them excited, keeping them engaged and of India’s talent - We have been
to job boards and work with finally picking the cream from that is particularly impressed with how
social media sites, but I don’t amazing”. this event has scaled – in terms of
think you get access to the best Anthony Thomas, CIO GGO of GE Digital participants, submissions, languages,
coders unless you participate themes, geographic spread and
in these events. From a talent diversity. Based on our great
acquisition perspective, I think Code Gladiators is a unique contest in experience last year, we decided to
it’s important to participate in the coding world. The fact that the event sponsor Code Gladiators 2016 and
these contests if you want to entered into Limcabook of records for so I expect this relationship to get
reach out and attract the best of being India’s largest coding contest, both deeper and wider in the future
the talent. makes it a most desirable contest for tech as we expect continuous innovation
Rajeev Menon, community. It is definitely a great platform on this platform.”
Director HR of Cognizant for networking with industry peers too. Anil Apte, Director, IRIS Software
Swaminathan T V,
Executive Regional CIO, South Asia, GE Digital
TechGig Code Gladiators Two words come to mind –we are
is a fantastic initiative to proud and inspired by TGCG -I am
inculcate the spirit of healthy It’s amazing to see the buzz around TGCG. super proud to see the kind of talent
competition among all the Seeing these coders sitting together that exists among the developer
programmers we have across and coding is an amazing scenario. For community in India today, and super
the country. Competitions such a technical company like Here it is an inspired by the idea these youngsters
as this build enthusiasm and extremely important that we have the have about building apps on top of
zeal, and it is a matter of huge brightest minds with us to crack problems, real world services, that can help
pride to be able to compete at and the platform TG is the ideal platform others. TechGig was able to reach out
a national level. Talent exists we have to attract those top talents of the to thousands of programmers and
in pockets but it is hidden – country. There is no lack of talent, but the get them exposed to our location
getting that talent to the surface problem is how do we reach out to those based technologies. We were inspired
is just tremendous. TechGig, talent pools – TG gives us that platform. to see them using MapmyIndiaAPIs
through Code Gladiators, We are able to directly interact with these to build apps for Smarter Cities,
has given our associates an top coders and attract these top talents. Improving Knowldege, and Making
opportunity to don their best TG helps out reach out to the technical life fun.
coding hats and compete with minds, it will be a win win situation for a Rohan Verma,
the best in the nation. company like us and those talents who are Executive Director, MapmyIndia
Partha Ghosh, looking for a company like us.
AVP of Sears India Subhendu Roy,
Engineering Manager, Here Maps

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