Lfo I RFP 03152018

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‘Inc SencECOMMSSION BULLETIN VACANT POSITIONS (Pursuant to R.A. 7041) March 15, 2018 Date of Release Published by: Civil Service Commission Leyte Field Office I Tacloban City 2” Floor Tacloban Convention Center Table of Conte A. NATIONAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES 1, Department of Interior and Local Government .. 2. National Irrigation Administration 3. National Maritime Polytechnic 4, Technical Education and Skills Development Authority .. B. LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS 1. LGU-Capoocan 2. LGU-Leyte 3. LGU- Sta. Fe Date Released: March 15, 2018 CS Form No. 9 Series of 2017 To: CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (CSC) Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT Request for Publication of Vacant Positions This is to request the publication in the CSC website of the following DILG Region 8 vacant positions: Date: Electronic copy to be submited to the Ci ‘must be in MS Excel format MARIVEL C. SACENDONCILLO, Regional Di (Head of Agency) V February 26, 2018, ‘Salary! Qualification Standards Plat No. | Position Title | Plantilla tem No. | Job! | Annual Salary Experion Competency UF ea Education | Training . Eligibility esac Assig 120 hours of Five (5) |CORE and LEADERSHIP Isupervisory/ eee 2 Competencies: Imanagemi uncional 1. Managing Local leomicg and. (SuPeNsor knowledge & information 2 1 [Government |) Goo8-57-1998 26 | PHP 1,105,296,00 |Masteral Degree |sevelopment —|Y/ cesoces _ [Poly Research and Analysis | Easter (Operations lor Equivalent freweigpmmert — Imanagem 3. Influence 4. Program officer vill lent Management 5, Relationship lundertaken |e rene auitding 6. Effective within the last 5 |® communication 7. Technical years Proficiency soor-14112017 corer ‘9 |CORE and LEADERSHIP tor LGOOs and |Four (4) carerenciand L007-1409-2017 40 hours of | |years in Functional 1. Managing Local supervisory’ —_|position/s Knowledge & Information 2 2, {Sovernment ey PHP 679,568.00 |Masteral Degree|management involving |CS ProtiSecond JPolcy Research and Analysis | Leyte, lOperations Jor Equivalent learning and |managem lieve! eligibility |. infuence 4. Program @ lofficer VIL ldevelopment ent and Management 5. Relationship LG007-1408-2017 intervention _|supervisio lundertaken —_|n lwithin the last § lyears Building 6. Effective ICommunication 7. Technical Proficiency ‘Salary Qualification Standards Pla No. | Position Title | Plantilla item No. | Job/ | Annual Salary Experien Competency UF a Education | Training oot Eligibility eaters Assig 40 hours of CORE and LEADERSHIP supervisory’ [4 years of edict bee , Master's degree management [supervisor Functional 1) Critical and Chiet Jor Certicate in learning and ly/ fanaitica Thinking ; 2) A 3 |Administrative |CADOFS-27-2005 24 [PHP 679,588.00 Leadership and |éevelopment |managem |o,r"0" 82094 process Orientation: 3) bate Officer Management intervention —_Jent IGIDIITY Effective Communication, 4) Irom tne CSC undertaken _experienc Financial Mgt. Proficiency 8) Lamers eas |s sministratve! Support oars Service Proficiency. L6006-58-1998 CORE and LEADERSHIP Lco0s-524.2017 Four (4) Competencies eae years in Functional 1. Managing cal 1Lc006-523-2017 Sereertia alsa position’s fenowiedge & Information 2 pletion of 4, [Government 22 | pup7o4e0400 lecoreerctovant are Cex [voWng_|CS Protsecond |Paicy Research and Analysis [Norther Operations |. Go06-622-2017 eae Training Course Imranagem |ievel elghilly 3. Intuence 4 Program [Regione etree vi i aes Manegemert &. Rettionstip eee Buicing 6. Effective Bi Icommunicaton 7. Techical L.6006-521-2017 Proficiency L6005-399-1998 Lcoos-422-1908 CORE and LEADERSHIP Competencies* L.005-262-1998 Parc veroaita Local ——s 2 years Knowledge & information 2 IGovernment 8 hours relevant [relevant CS ProfiSecond Policy Research and Analysis |. in 6 lopeuuce 20 PrP sssseaco — Jacyroereovat [eas “Ei rere. eteibiny [simaerces eye Mune Caer ‘ol Fj Management 3: Retaonship Buicing 6. Etfective L6005-329-1998 ICommunicaion 7. Technical Proficiency Salen ‘Qualification Standards Pi No. | Position Title | Plantilla item No. | Job/ | Annual Salar 5 Experion |] gy, Competency (if Pay "Y | Education Training Pes Eligi ema Assi eO0s be eee) JCORE and LEADERSHIP Competencies" LGoo3-48-1998 Functional: 1. Managing jLocal } year knowledge & Information 2. : [Bachelor's catbay Government |4 hours relevant Jrelevant _|CS Prot/Second |Policy Research and Analysis. LGoo3-51-1998 v © operations 18 | PHP 246,120.00 degree relevant raining spenene lieve eigtity [8 lueree« Progam [ond Tas Sacer to the jo ie IManagement 5. Relationship Building 6. Effective Communication 7. Technical Proficiency TGO02-712-1988 002-720-1998 LG002-705-1998 LG002-693-1998 LG002-718-1998 LG002-694-1998 LGO02-711-1998 |CORE and LEADERSHIP LG002-671-1998 Icompetencies” Functional: 1. Managing Local LGO02-743-1998 btidars Kknowiedge & Information 2. Government |i.gQ02-702-1998 ireg [None [CS ProfiSecond |Policy Research and Analysis Iu, 7a\| eee 6002-70: 13 | PHP 200,688.00 faegree relevant |None Required |Pors eg lever siginty fo mnnence Progam (Muni Officer I! LG002-645-1998 the jab |Management 5. Relationship Building 6. Ettectve Pee alee |Communication 7. Technical LGuoz-668-1998 Proficiency LG002-670-1998 LG002-676-1998 1LG002-667-1998 1LG002-732-1998 1LGO02-715-1998 LGoo2-752-1998 No. Position Title Plantilla Item No. Salary Joby Pay Annual Salary Qualification Standards Plac Education Training Experien ce. Eli Competency (if applicable) Assig [Administrative Officer V |ADOFS-78-2005 18 PHP 457,020.00} Bachelor's ldegree relevant to the job training 2 years [8 hours relevant relevant lexperienc le ICS Prot/Second level eligibility |CORE and LEADERSHIP ICompetencies* Functional 1. Critical and lAnalytical Thinking; 2 Process Orientation; 3. [Collaboration/Working with hers 4. Information/Data/Records Management; 5 | Administrative Proficiency. HRMD: Recruitment and Selection; HRMD: Learning land Development; HRMD: Performance Management: land Employee Welfare and [Benefits Administration Regional |Taclobat ‘Statistician | ISTAT1-13-1998 "1 PHP 242,148.00 Bachelor's ldegree relevant to the job None Required None Required ICS ProffSecond Level Eligibility CORE Competencies* Functional: 1. Effective ICommunication 2, CollaborationWorking well lwith others 3. Technical Proficiency: a. Data Collection Jand Management IRegiona Taclobar 10 [Administrative Assistant I ADAS2-268-2005 |ADAS2-278-2005 PHP 195,384.00] Completion of 2 lyears studies in [College training 1 year |4 hours relevant |relevant lexperienc. le Ics Sub- ProfiFirst Level Eligibility CORE Competencies" Functional: 1. Critical and [Analytical Thinking 2. Process Orientation 3. CollaborationWorking well Jwith others 4. Information |;DatarRecords Management §, Financial Mgt. Proficiency 6 /Administrative! Suppor Service Proficiency Biliran ay [Eastern Provinci Salary Qualification Standards Ee No. | Position Title | PlantillaitemNo. | Job/ | Annual Salary Experien] pig Competency (iF Pay Education Training a Eligibility retina) Assi ICORE Competencies* Functional: 1. Ctical and ; [Analytical Thinking 2. Process year Crientation 3. ; Completion of 2 ICs Sub-Profi [Administrative /4 hours relevant |relevant [Colaboration Working welt |Leyte P ST lADA6.216-2005 6 [PHP 172,080.00 years stucles 0 farang exparenc [Fst Level Ranchosaleneean | \oncs eee le igibility \/Data/Records Management 5. Financial Mgt. Proficiency 6 JAdministrative/ Support Service Proficiency [ADA4-210-2005 ICORE Competencies* 210-1 Functional: 1. Critical and pe 212-2006) Janata Thinking 2, Proces [Region Orientation 3. Leyte P Completion of 2 ICs Sub-Profi JADAd-211-2005 None [Collaboration Working well Office: 12 Tea 4 | PHP 152,086.00 [years studies in JNone Required [POTS 04 Festa Raicrena Wares Caen Ronee College igibility |;Data/Records Management 5,|Boronge Financial Mgt. Proficiency 6. lofices JADA4-216-2005 [Acministrativer Support Service Proficiency Interested and qualified applicants should signify their interest in writing, Attach the following documents to the application letter and send to the address below not late March 20, 2018. 1. Fully accomplished Personal Data Sheet (PDS) with recent passport-sized 2. Performance rating in the present position for one (1) year (if applicable); 3. Photocopy of certificate of eligibility/ratingllicense; and 4, Photocopy of Transcript of Records. QUALIFIED APPLICANTS are advised to hand in or send through courier their application to MARIVEL C. SACENDONCILLO, CESO Il Regional Director ———_——_Regional Director DILG Regional Office 8, Kanhuraw Hill, Tacloban City APPLICATIONS WITH INCOMPLETE DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE ENTERTAINED. picture (CS Form No. 212, Revised 2017) which can be downloaded at www.csc.gov. (CS Form No. 9 Senes of 2017 Republic ofthe Philippines [NATIONAL IRRIGATION ADMINISTRATION REGION 8 eur ube Va Peston tony Peto | ori NSS To: CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (CSC) FIELD GFFIEE! ‘isobar ending nt OC ta Pau ‘(Head\of Agency) oat se Guan See | on rset Pein Ti Pay | Salary Competency | Assignment (as Education ‘Training ‘Experience Eligibitity ct applicable) aac [Bachelor's degree | 3 years of |Managemert cot | mse | zo frseraonfrcronnna, [S00 Fon fa wm eee, ne Ietevant tothe ob traning experience lowest {Divsson [Seten” [Bachelor's degree | |i hows of [3 years of tion, Prom | ass | zo fescassn renames [SO Fen ase wr Foros forme foe eS ores bones bec [Bachelors degree | [2 years of Management ene — be zee | 18 pssraoco ncn fomer — fraseo wn me's es si mt tency OM — \Bachelor's degree! 1 year of Pare frorern | roeer| 14 fpsirsnscolatnomene [MSS own fa ao wm fe Interested and quaifedappicnts shoul sony the trestin ting, Atach the flowing documents tthe appcaon ltr and endothe acess below nt ter than March 25,2018 1. Fu eccompished Personal Data Sheet (POS) wth recent passpr sized pice (0S Form No. 212, Revised 207) which canbe downloaded a _WHW.CSC. OV. ph, 2 Perermance ring inthe presen poston one) year (applicable; . 3 Photocopy of certficate of etigibilityiratingllicense; and 4 Pholocopy fTensrt of Records. ‘QUALIFIED APPLICANTS are advised to hand in er send though courefemail thei application to Fermina B. Ning et SONNE reer [NIA Region 8, Merasboras, Taleban Cy ‘rma riaregon®@gmailcom [APPLICATIONS WITH INCOMPLETE DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE ENTERTAINED. €S Form No. 9 ‘leon Spy ob ebrtcg woe CB Series 02017 U5 i MS Ec oma Republic of the Philippines: TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY- Regional Office No. Vill Brgy. Abucay, Tacloban City Request for Publication of Vacant Positions Ai LEYTE FIELD OFFICE | To: CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (CSC) - This is to request the publication ofthe following vacant positions of TECHNI a neat Qualification Standards 7 ; ary! Job Pay | Annual No.| Position Title Pantila item No. ‘ompetenc Grade Salary | Education | Training | Experience Eligibility cme at |werk etectiveyn voeatona education land vainrg, Paricipatam workpiace (eaciaeeae eee career Service |communcation; Werk in team Lilt cceaieg — [ mennOetecTesbeacaeaney [¢ miot4n 09st |fonexson soot ery ||{ wos ceerat (One) YO ener eactecea [Sap eee Ca rae |e fstevanttothe2e rang eleva: epenence [Pens eee procedures; Promote progam and servoes; Uiiza IT applications interested and qualified appicants shoud signi thei interest in wring, Attach the following documents tothe aplication leter and send tothe address below not ater than March 26, 2018 {Fully accomplished Personal Data Sheet (PDS) with recent passport sized picture (CS Form No, 212, Revised 2017) which can be downloaded at www csc gov ph, 2. Service Records; : 3. Ust of training programs attended indicating the no. of training hours together withthe certified photocopies of training centitcates; Jot and tone Beaton System (PES) Ratings for January to June 2017 and Juy to December 2017 for outside applicants o Indu Performance Commitment Revcw (IPC) ratings for January 2017 and July to December 2017 for TESDA applicants or applicants from other government agencies of at least Very Satisfactory Rating, 5. For government employee only: 2 copy of previous appointment; 6. Potential Assessment Forms to be accomplished by your Immediate Supervisor and one (1) Peer, 7. Accomplishments/Achievements done during the last three (3) years to be endorsed by the Head of Office: 8. Statement of duties and responsibilites for the positions held indicating the specified period covered (mm-dd-y to mm-d-y) 9. Certified true copy of transcript of records/aiploma; and 10, Certified true copy of Eligibility by CSC or PRC. 2S Form No. 9 ‘Sores of 2017 To: CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (CSC) Republic of the Philippines TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY- Regional Office No. Vill Brgy. Abucay, Tacloban City Request for Publication of Vacant Positions ‘This is to request the publication ofthe following vacant positions of TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND ‘Eeciocapy bo subtea oe OSG No. | Position Title Plantilia item No. Salary! Job/ Pay Grade Annual Salary Qualification Standards Education Training Experience Eligibility ‘Competency (it applicable) Fallure to complete the submission of above documents within the set deadline shall mean disinterest to ve forthe position paving the way for norvinclusion in the deliberation process. QUALIFIED APB APPLICATIONS WITH INCOMPLETE DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE ENTERTAINED. CS Form No. 9 ‘Becton copy to be submited tothe Series of 2017 must be in MS Excol format Republic of the Philippines ea LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT-CAPOOCAN, LEYTE RECE Request for Publication of Vacant Positions MAR | CIN SERVICE To: CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (CSC) ‘the LEYTE FIELE to request the publication of the following vacant positions of Local government Unit-Capoocan, Leyte in the CSC website: FE CLAIRE GAROLINO-PARAGATOS (Head of Agency) Date: February 20, 2018 ‘Salary! Qualification Standards Plantilla | Job/ | Annual Salary No.| Position Title tem No. | Pa (PHP) i Competency ean 0 Education Training Experience Eligibility | (f applicable) ead ngneeiing [18 hours of 3 years relevant RAToeO Office of the 1 |MGADH (Engineer tv) |__x-2 2 241,008.00 [relevant tothe job [evant waining _ |experience eae [Etementary School ottice ofthe |Graduate with valid] 1 year experience | i. erseucte tv one required |e" 0H Diver's Manip 2_|priver XI-40 3 102,480.00 |{ivers license License Interested and qualified applicants should signify their interest in writing. Attach the following documents to tie application letter and send to the address below not later than April 3 1. Fully accomplished Personal Data Sheet (PDS) with recent passport-sized picture (CS Form No. 212, Revised 2017) which can be downloaded at www.csc.gov.ph; 2. Performance rating in the present position for one (1) year (if applicable); 3. Photocopy of certificate of eligibility/ratingflicense; and 4. Photocopy of Transcript of Records. QUALIFIED APPLICANTS are advised to hand in or send through courier/email their application to: FE CLAIRE CAROLINO-PARAGATOS ‘Municipal Mayor A Pob. Zone |, Capoocan, Leyte ‘tglagera@yahoo.com.ph APPLICATIONS WITH INCOMPLETE DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE ENTERTAINED. . CS Form No. 9 Series of 2017 5 Eo a A A Po 237 ]AM Republic of the Philippines Folie COMMISSION Municipality of Leyte LEYTEFIELD OFFICE! Request for Publication of Vacant Positions FOR THE MUNICIPAL MA Electronic copy tbe submit must be in MS Exe To: CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (CSC) This is to request the publication of the following vacant positions of LGU Leyte, Leyte in the CSC website: ALVARD C. SUMIYAN, J MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATOP ARNOLD JAMES M. YSIDO! ‘Municipal Mayor Date: March §, 2018 Salary! Qualification Standards jonthi | No.| Position Title a tem | obi Pay roan ; Competency | a, Grade Education Training Experience Eligibility | (applicable) A years in 5 ; ; Career Service Le Municipal Government Masteral | 24hoursoftraining in| posiion’s | Covent Sones Hun 1 |Department Head 1 OHRM-2017-01 SG-24 | 48,312.00} De management and involving Second Level Me (Human Resource Mgt. Oe. supervision management aa Officer V) and supervision aaaene Interested and qualified applicants should signify their interest in writing. Attach the following documents to the application letter and send to the address below not later th 1. Fully accomplished Personal Data Sheet (PDS) with recent passport-sized picture (CS Form No. 212, Revised 2017) which can be downloaded at www.csc.gov.f 2, Performance rating In the present position for one (1) year (tf applicable); 3. Photocopy of certificate of eligibilty/ratingficense; and 4. Photocopy of Transcript of Records, QUALIFIED APPLICAN; advised to hand in or send through courier/email their application to: APPLICATIONS WIT} INCOMPLETE DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE ENTERTAINED. CS Form No. 9 [ Electronic copy to be submitted to the C rm No.8 [set he RIMS Excal foanet sores) Republic of the Philippines LGU-STAFE,LEYTE RECEIVED, Request for Publication of Vacant Positions fe FEB 27 ‘ih 0 VIL SERVICE COMMISSIOI To: CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (CSC) LEYTE FIELD OFFICE! This is to request the publication ofthe following vacant positions of LGU-STAFE ‘ualicaion Standards wo. | Postion ite | RA | er eay| Monty Salary Pace of Ass ; Ponte |e z Tonpeteney 7) Pee of Assan rade Eteaton Training Experience Erigiiy — | Gomestony BS ‘hours oft | 4 yoarretevant of : + | wemow 5 | 4 | norsstsco| —sacneorsoworee | tours ofat | 4 year relevant Lustre 2 | Brier © [+ _| Prmaatsco | elementary Schoo! Graduate | None Required | _None Required louse Municipal Sct onaet ees Bachalor's Degree i Soci a yar’ experonce| pret grade or te 2 10 | 24 | pnpazase.100| Work or Bachelors Doge None | inthe practice of beatae Loust.Feu — Preterabiy in Sociology or ay Soci Work va ralated Course | Adminiswave | 3 |g | pupacoon | Competon ot wo years | ours ofrtvant | 4 year oflovant | Cave Sern (Sub vastnaal ide ‘Studle in College training txperenee | Profesional == year of elevant | Carver Sorvce (> 5 | tecaronrm | er | 2 | pmeraraan | Compationaf wo years in| 4hours ofretvant | ereSrence on | Protessionalist LoustaFo College = DRRM level eligibility Ineesed and qualifes applicants shuld tony her iferet in wing, tach the flowing dotmens tothe pplication tr and send to the adress below notte than 1, 201 1. Fully accomplished Personal Data Sheet (PDS) with recent passport-sized picture (CS Form No. 212, Revised 2017) which can be downloaded at www.csc.gov.ph; 2. Performance rating in the present position for one (1) year (f applicable); 43. Photocopy of certificate of eligibilty/atinglicense; and 4. Photocopy of Transcript of Records. QUALIFIED APPLICANTS are favised to hand in or send through couries/email their application to: HON. Osc! NTEZA Municipal Mayor Brgy. Zone Il, Poblacion Sta Fe Leyie igu_stafe@yahoo.com APPLICATIONS WITH INCOMPLETE DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT BE ENTERTAINED.

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