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The Brief

Over 43,000 women were arrested

for prostitution in the U.S. in 2010

the release of tens of thousands of po-

litical prisoners since 1961.
The proposal on prostitution has set
off a firestorm of opposition from faith
groups, other human-rights advocates,
feminist organizations and celebrities
like Meryl Streep and Lena Dunham.
They argue that full legalization would
enrich pimps but do little to help pros-
tituted women, whom they describe as
vulnerable and often trafficked from
poor nations. They want resources for
those who sell sex but punishment for
those who buy or profit from it, point-
ing to countries like Sweden, which
banned the purchase of sex in 1999.
And they cite a 2012 study in the jour-
nal World Development that found that
where prostitution is legal, trafficking
An influential human-rights group increases to meet demand.

weighs the legalization of sex work The data on this subject is not per-
fect, but it suggests that the majority of
people who work in the sex industry do
For Marian Hatcher, prostitution tional is wading into the debate. On so against their will. The U.N.-affiliated
was not a choice. Ensnared in an abu- Aug. 11 the group is scheduled to vote International Labor Office estimated in
sive relationship with a man she says on a draft proposal that would recom- 2014 that more than 4.5 million people
hooked her on crack and then pimped mend complete global decriminaliza- work in forced prostitution, and sexual
her out, she describes years spent host- tion for both buyers and sellers of sex. exploitation generates an estimated
ing “sex parties” in a basement. Eleven Pointing to research long promoted by $99 billion a year (in a sex industry val-
years after her arrest and rehabilitation, sex-industry advocates, Amnesty’s pro- ued at around $186 billion total, accord-
Hatcher now counsels trafficking vic- posal suggests that bringing sex work- ing to a report cited by the European
tims in the Chicago area and works with ers out from the shadows would enable Parliament). Amnesty’s argument is that
police to catch sex buyers. Best of all, them to seek protection from abuse and decriminalizing and regulating the in-
she is reunited with her five kids. “On give them better access to health and dustry could prevent this exploitation.
Mother’s Days I tried to smoke enough social services. The U.N. has also pub- Even if Amnesty votes yes on the
crack to blow my heart up,” she recalls lished reports suggesting that legalizing proposal, it won’t be official unless the
of her years selling sex. “It is not work. prostitution would reduce AIDS. board approves it in October. But as
It’s not an occupation.” Amnesty International lobbies lawmakers in France and parts of the
The question of whether prostitution for human rights in more than 190 U.K. consider laws against buying sex
is inherently exploitative is as old as countries, but can’t make or enforce while sex workers agitate loudly for
the sex trade itself, but now the human- laws. Still, its recommendations carry full legalization, the debate is sure to
rights organization Amnesty Interna- weight—Amnesty’s activism has led to continue. —charlotte alter

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