75 Multiple Choice Questions For SCI 104 Final

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Divine Word College of Legazpi

School of Education, Arts and Sciences


Instruction: Please choose the letter of the best answer.

1. What will happen to the flow of electrons if there are two contiguous insulating materials?
a) The electrons will flow freely from material to material.
b) The electrons will flow freely only to first material.
c) The electrons will never flow and will stay to the point of contact of material.
d) The electrons will limitedly flow to the first material.
2. Which among the choices below is not a conducting material?
a) Human body
b) Metals
c) Glass
d) Water
3. Which of the choices below will have the lowest force based on the magnitude of charges?
a) -1e
b) -2e
c) -3e
d) -4e
4. Which shows the right relationship between the force and distance?
a) Force ↓ , Distance ↓
b) Force ↑ , Distance ↑
c) Force ↑ , Distance ↓
d) Force = Distance
5. When an atom describes to be a negatively charge atom, it usually ________ electrons.
a) Loss
b) Gain
c) Has electrically neutral
d) Has the same amount
6. Protons are located in the nucleus of the atom. The proton has ______.
a) No charge
b) A negative charge
c) A positive and a negative charge
d) A positive charge
7. Plastic rod rubbed with fur and glass rod rubbed with silk.
a) Repel each other
b) Mix up with each other
c) Attract each other
d) None of the above
Divine Word College of Legazpi
School of Education, Arts and Sciences

8. Unlike charges always ________.

a) Cancel each other
b) Repel each other
c) Attract each other
d) None of the above
9. As per Coulomb's law, the force of attraction or repulsion between two point charges is directly
proportional to the _________.
a) Sum of the magnitude of the charges
b) Square of the distance between them
c) Product of magnitude of charges
d) Cube of the distance
10. What is the coulomb’s force between the 2 point charges 10µC and 5µC placed at a distance of
a) 0.2 N
b) 0.5 N
c) 2 N
d) 10 N
11. Two charges 1C and -4C exists in air. What is the direction of force?
a) From 1C to -4C*
b) From -4C to 1C
c) Away from 1C
d) Away from -4C
12. Which of the following is a vector quantity?
a) Electrical potential
b) Electrical field intensity
c) Electric charge
d) All of the above
13. Electric lines of force about a negative point charge are _______.
a) Circular, anticlockwise
b) Circular, clockwise
c) Radial, inward
d) Radial, outward
Divine Word College of Legazpi
School of Education, Arts and Sciences

14. The force of attraction or repulsion between two charges q1 and q2 at a distance d meters apart
is proportional to the product of charges q1 and q2 and is inversely proportional to the distance
square between two charges. Above statement is attributed as:
a) Lenz’s law
b) Faraday law
c) Maxwell’s law
d) Coulomb’s law
15. Coulomb is the unit of which quantity?
a) Field strength
b) Charge
c) Permittivity
d) Force
16. What is the value of constant K in the Coulomb’s law?
a) 9 X 103
b) 9 X 105
c) 9 X 107
d) 9 X 109
17. Two charges are placed at a certain distance apart. A brass sheet is placed between them. The
forces between them will ________.2
a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) Remains unchanged
d) None of the above
18. In conductors, electrons can flow because their _______.
a) ions are free
b) protons are free
c) electrons are free
d) negative ions are free
19. Which among the choices below is a poor conductor of electricity?
a) Silver
b) Aluminum
c) Water
d) Copper
20. Ions are charged particles. They are formed when an atom is _______.
a) Gains or loses electrons
b) Loses electrons
c) Gains electrons
Divine Word College of Legazpi
School of Education, Arts and Sciences

d) Shares electrons
21. What kind of material has the capability to restrict the flow of electrons?
a) Insulators
b) Conductors
c) Electrolytes
d) Bases
22. When electrons emit from any metal then ________ charge creates on it.
a) Positive
b) Negative
c) Neutral
d) None is correct
23. Metals are divided into ______ according to the energy bands.
a) Insulator
b) Conductor
c) Semiconductor
d) All are correct
24. Which is an example of a conductor material?
a) Gold
b) Germanium
c) Mica
d) Plastic
25. Which among the following is not an insulator?
a) Wool
b) Plastic
c) Silver
d) Paper
26. Why is copper a preferred choice in making electrical wires?
a) Poor conductors of electricity
b) Copper is a good conductor of electricity
c) Superconductors
d) insulators
27. What is the inverse of resistance called?
a) Inductance
b) Conductance
c) Resistivity
d) Permittivity
Divine Word College of Legazpi
School of Education, Arts and Sciences

28. The resistance of the conductor is directly proportional to _______.

a) Length
b) Area of cross-section
c) Temperature
d) Resistivity
29. Current carrier in conductors is _______.
a) Electron
b) Proton
c) Neutron
d) All of the above

30. Which among the following group is insulator?

a) Silver, copper, gold
b) Paper, glass, cotton
c) The human body, wood, iron
d) Glass, copper, paper
31. An uncharged object has _______.
a) More protons
b) More electrons
c) Equal electrons and protons
d) No protons and electrons
32. Where an electric charge experiences a force, there is a ______.
a) Electric fields
b) Magnetic fields
c) Force fields
d) Gravitational fields
33. The conventional direction of electric field is ________.
a) Positive to negative
b) Negative to positive
c) No specific direction
d) Direction cannot be determined.
34. What happens when one material is rubbed against another?
a) The material becomes electrically neutral
b) The material becomes electrically charged
c) The material becomes negatively charged
d) The material becomes positively charged
Divine Word College of Legazpi
School of Education, Arts and Sciences

35. Which of the following represents the electric field map due to a combination of two positive




Divine Word College of Legazpi
School of Education, Arts and Sciences

36. Compare the Gravitational Field and the Electric Field produced by a proton.
a) The Gravitational Field is the same strength as the Electric Field.
b) The Electric Field is stronger and is in the same direction as the Gravitational Field.
c) The Electric Field is stronger and in the opposite direction of the Gravitational Field.
d) The Gravitational Field is stronger and is in the same direction as the Electric Field.

37. An electric field due to a positive charge is represented by

the diagram. At which of the following points is the electric
field strongest in magnitude?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

38. . In the diagram below, the electric potential at point A is V.

What is the electric potential at point B in terms of V?

a) 2V
b) 4V
c) ½v
d) ¼v

39. The force between two charges is 120 N. If the distance between the charges is doubled, the
force will be ______.
a) 60 N
b) 30 N
c) 40 N
d) 15 N
Divine Word College of Legazpi
School of Education, Arts and Sciences

40. Which atomic parts are matched correctly to their charges?

a) Protons: positive, neutrons: no charge, electrons: negative
b) Atomic parts don’t have charges
c) Protons: negative, neutrons: no charge, electrons: positive
d) Protons: no charge, neutrons: positive, , electrons: negative

41. A phenomenon in which a charged body attracts uncharged body is called ______.
a) electrostatic induction
b) electric current
c) charge movement
d) magnetic induction

42. Electric current originates from which part of an atom?

a) Nucleus
b) Entire atom acting as a unit
c) Positively charged protons
d) Negatively charged electrons

43. A series circuit consists of three resistors. Two resistors are 1.4 k each. The total resistance is 12
k. The value of the third resistor is ___________.
a) 92 k
b) 920
c) 9200
d) 92000

44. Resistance is a measure of a material’s opposition to ______.

a) Voltage
b) Current
c) Electric force
d) Movement of protons

45. What are the basic components of a simple electric circuit?

a) Energy source
b) Connecting wires
c) Switch
d) All of the above
Divine Word College of Legazpi
School of Education, Arts and Sciences

46. A series circuit consists of three resistors with values of 140, 250, and 220. The total resistance is
a) 330
b) 610
c) 720
d) None of the above

47. The difference in electrical potential between the two stated or assumed places.
a) Potential difference
b) Electric field industry
c) Electric field
d) Electric field intensity

48. A charge of 6 C flows through the copper wire for 2 seconds connected across cell of potential
difference 25 V, the work done is ______.
a) 100 J
b) 150 J
c) 200 J
d) 250 J

49. What is the SI unit for potential difference?

a) Volt
b) Ampere
c) Watt
d) Joule
50. A charge of 10 coulombs flow through the conductor for 2 seconds, the electric current flowing
through the conductor is ________.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

51. How much resistance allows 6 V battery to produce a current of 0.006 A?

a) 90 ohms
b) 95 ohms
c) 100 ohms
d) 105 ohms
Divine Word College of Legazpi
School of Education, Arts and Sciences

52. Which is the right formula for getting the value of current?
a) I = VR
b) I =V/R
c) I = R/V
d) I= 2V/R

53. What is the value of resistance if the current is 1 A with a voltage of 100?
a) 90 ohms
b) 100 ohms
c) 110 ohms
d) 120 ohms

54. What voltage will produce 3 A through a circuit that has 15 ohms of resistance?
a) 43 V
b) 44 V
c) 45 V
d) 46 V

55. In the ohm’s law, Current is _______ proportional to the resistance.

a) Directly
b) Indirectly
c) Either directly or indirectly
d) Can’t determine

56. Ohm’s law formula is _______.

a) I = V/R
b) V = IR
c) R = V/I
d) All are correct

57. The Unit of Current (I) is _______________.

a) Ohm
b) Ampere
c) Volt
d) Siemen
Divine Word College of Legazpi
School of Education, Arts and Sciences

58. When 500 Voltage (V) applied to the 2KΩ Resistance (R) then what will be Current (I) according
to the Ohm’s Law?
a) 0.50 A
b) 0.25 A
c) 0.75 A
d) 4 A

59. If the resistance in a circuit with constant voltage increases, the current will ________.
a) Increase
b) Decrease *
c) Stay the same
d) Not enough information

60. Ohm’s law describes the mathematical relationship between ______.

a) Resistor size and resistor value
b) Ohms, kilo ohms, mega ohms
c) Resistance, voltage, and current
d) None of the above

61. Least current will flow through ______.

a) 18 ohm resistor
b) 5 ohm resistor
c) 10 ohm resistor
d) 25 ohm resistor

62. Which among the following is ohmic component?

a) Resistors
b) Power
c) Force
d) All of the above

63. What happens when two north poles of magnets are placed together?
a) They repel. *
b) They attract.
c) They cancel each other out.
d) The strength of the magnet is doubled
Divine Word College of Legazpi
School of Education, Arts and Sciences

64. What is our best evidence that Earth has a magnetic field?
a) All things fall toward Earth’s center.
b) A compass needle lines up with it.
c) Winds blow from east to west.
d) Earth’s oceans all have currents.
65. What characteristics do magnetic substances have?
a) They can give a “shock” when you touch them.
b) They can push or pull objects they are not touching.
c) They are always black and cold to touch.
d) They fall faster than other objects when you drop them.

Use the table below for numbers 66- 69.

Appliances Wattage
Air-conditioning unit (0.75 Horsepower) 727
Desk fan 50
TV set 90
Flat iron 650
Fluorescent lamp 20
Rice cooker 450
Refrigerator 170
Sewing Machine 75
Water Heater 1500
Vacuum Cleaner 400

66. What will be the total cost for the month of November for water heater if we use it 1 hour a
a) 44
b) 45
c) 46
d) 47

67. What’s the cost of electricity of flat iron?

a) 65
b) 6.5
c) 0.65
d) 0.065
Divine Word College of Legazpi
School of Education, Arts and Sciences

For numbers 68 – 69

If we only have rice cooker and desk fan at home that accumulate daily consumption of 3 hours for rice
cooker and 8 hours for desk fan.

68. What is the total use of rice cooker for the month of December?
a) 90
b) 91
c) 93*
d) 94

69. What will be our total consumption for the month of December?
a) 53.25
b) 54.25
c) 55.25
d) 56.25

70. The resistance of a conductor varies inversely as ______.

a) Length
b) Area of cross-section
c) Temperature
d) Resistivity

71. Which material is magnetic?

a) Carbon
b) Cobalt
c) Sodium
d) Copper

72. A bar magnet is divided in two pieces. Which of the following statements is true?
a) The bar magnet is demagnetized.
b) The magnetic field of each separated piece becomes stronger.
c) The magnetic field of each separated piece becomes stronger.
d) Two new bar magnets are created.
Divine Word College of Legazpi
School of Education, Arts and Sciences

73. Why iron is suitable material for the core of a transformer?

a) It is a metal
b) It will not get hot
c) It is easily magnetized
d) It is an e electrical conductor

74. A bar magnet is divided in two pieces. Which of the following statements is true about the force
between the broken pieces if they face each other with a small separation?
a) There is an electric repulsive force between the broken pieces.
b) There is an electric attractive force between the broken pieces.
c) There is a magnetic repulsive force between the broken pieces.
d) There is a magnetic attractive force between the broken pieces.

75. How is Earth’s magnetic field similar to that of a magnet?

a) It has North and South poles.
b) It is hundreds of miles long.
c) It is made in Earth’s core.
d) It is shaped like a horseshoe.
Divine Word College of Legazpi
School of Education, Arts and Sciences

Answers: 25. C 51. C

26. B 52. B
1. C 27. B 53. B
2. C 28. A 54. C
3. A 29. A 55. B
4. C 30. B 56. D
5. B 31. C 57. B
6. D 32. A 58. B
7. C 33. A 59. B
8. C 34. B 60. C
9. C 35. D 61. D
10. A 36. C 62. A
11. A 37. A 63. A
12. B 38. D 64. B
13. C 39. B 65. B
14. D 40. A 66. B
15. B 41. A 67. C
16. D 42. D 68. C
17. B 43. C 69. B
18. C 44. B 70. B
19. C 45. D 71. B
20. A 46. B 72. D
21. A 47. A 73. C
22. A 48. B 74. D
23. D 49. A 75. A
24. A 50. D

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