Regulation: 1. Organizer

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The organization and holding of this tournament is in accordance with the Internal rules
for the order and manner of organizing and conducting the training and competition activities of the
employees of the Ministry of Interior, approved by Order 8121h-762 /02.07.2019 of the Minister of
Interior and Art. 9, para 1 of the Rules for organizing and conducting competitions in fire sports from
2022. Odessos Cup is part of the sports calendar of the Bulgarian Fire Sport Federation for 2022.

1. Organizer
The general management of the organization and conduct of the competitions is carried
out by the General Directorate of Fire Safety and Protection of the Population - Ministry of Interior
(GDPBZN) and the Bulgarian Federation of Fire Sports (BFPPS). Co-organizer is the Municipality of
Varna. The overall organization for the preparation and immediate conduct of the competition is
assigned to RDPBZN-Varna, SC on PPS-Varna and the main panel of judges at BFPPS.
2. Purpose and tasks
• increasing the professional training of employees as an element of the training process;
• formation and improvement of mental, physical and moral-volitional qualities in the
conditions of teamwork;
• strengthening friendly relations and cooperation between clubs and firefighters from
different cities and countries;
• development and popularization of fire sports and the firefighting profession.

3. Type of competition and disciplines:

The international fire sports tournament for the Odessos Cup for women and men is held
in accordance with the Rules for organizing and conducting competitions in PPP of BFPPS from 2022,
which are in accordance with the Rules of IFRS. The competition is in the following disciplines:

4. Time and place:

The competitions will take place from September 25 to October 1, 2022 at the Lokomotiv
Sports Complex in the city of Varna, at the address: Varna, 187 Slivnitsa Blvd.

5. Management of the competition:

1. Leader - Tihomir Totev
2. Deputy leader - Stoyan Stoyanov
3. Commandant - Valentin Nikolov
4. Safety Officer – Ivaylo Bilchev
5. Responsible for welcoming, accommodating and feeding the participants - Yordan
6. Media relations- Violeta Stoykova
7. Chief Judge - Nikolay Nikolaev

8. Judge-speaker - Eli Ivanova, Ivaylo Metodiev

9. Starter - Georgi Georgiev
10. General Secretary of the competition - Kaloyan Belchev

6.Program of the competition:

September 25 (Sunday)
- Arrival and accommodation of foreign teams

September 26 (Monday)
- Arrival and accommodation of the Bulgarian teams - technical conference, drawing lots -
testing of the sports facilities according to the schedule of Lokomotiv Stadium - meeting
with the representatives of the teams and the panel of judges.
September 27 (Tuesday)
- Assault ladder, semi-final and final series in the discipline "Assault ladder" - Grand
opening of the competition
September 28 (Wednesday)
- 100-meter obstacle course
September 29 (Thursday)
- Combat deployment from a motor pump
September 30 (Friday)
- Fire relay 4100 meters - Solemn closing of the competition and awarding of the winners
and prize-winners - Departure of the Bulgarian teams
October 1 (Saturday)
- Departure of foreign teams

7. Right to participate:
Club women's and men's teams from all countries, invited by the organizers and confirmed
their participation in time, take part in the competitions. Team composition - 12 people, of which 10
athletes, 1 coach and 1 head.

8. Ranking and awards:

The complex ranking is carried out according to art. 91 of the Rules for organizing and
conducting competitions in fire sports. In each discipline, the teams receive penalty points equal to
their place in the standings. The complex ranking is done in ascending order of time based on the
smallest amount of penalty points of the teams received in the four disciplines. If two teams have the
same number of points, the team that showed a better result in the discipline "Combat deployment from
a motor pump" is ranked first.
The team ranking in the disciplines is determined by the smallest amount of time from the
considered participants. In case of equality of the sums from the times of two or more teams, the teams
are awarded one place, a subsequent place is not awarded. The team that does not score 6 results is
awarded a place after the teams with 6 times. If two or more teams have the same incomplete number
of credited times, then the higher place is awarded to the team that has a smaller sum of times shown
by the participants and counted in the competition.
The championship in the disciplines, including the combat deployment, is determined by
the better result shown by the athletes in one of the two attempts. In case of a tie in the times, the
competitor / team with a better second experience ranks first. If the results of both attempts are equal,

the competitor / team that achieved the better result from the first attempt is ranked first. In case they
are equal according to this indicator, they are ranked in the same place.
Participants in the semifinal series are the eight competitors who showed the best result in
one of the two attempts. The numbers of the corridors are determined by the results of the preliminary
series in the scheme: 1 semi-final series - 5,1,4,8 result; 2 semifinal series - 6,2,3,7 result respectively
1,2,3,4 corridor.
The two winners of the semi-final series participate in the final series, as well as the two
competitors who achieved the best results in the semi-final series. The start corridors in the final series
are determined by lot between the finalists. The results shown by the athletes in the semi-final and final
series are not included in the total time of the teams.
For the ranking in the discipline "Fire Relay 4x100m" is taken the better result achieved
by one of the two teams of each team. In case of a tie in the relay results, the team that has a better
result than its second relay team is ranked higher. In case of a tie and in these results, the teams are
ranked in the same place (no subsequent place is awarded).
Outside the general ranking, in the individual disciplines for men, semi-final and final
series are held for the award of the director of the Regional Directorate of Fire Safety and Protection of
the Population - Varna. They involve the top eight first times, from each of the teams, except for those
teams whose competitors participate in the main semifinal series. Exceptionally, with the permission of
the Chief Judge, the participation of the second competitor from the respective team is allowed.
2. In the disciplines "Climbing with an assault ladder" and "100-meter obstacle course"
participate 8 competitors, 6 best results are respected.
3. In the discipline "Fire Relay 4 × 100 meters" - participate 2 different teams, it is
considered - 1 better result.
4. In the discipline "Combat deployment from a motor pump" 1 team (7 people)
participates, the better result of both attempts is taken into account.

9. Awards:
The teams that took 1st, 2nd, 3rd place are awarded with cups, medals and diplomas, the
other participants - with certificates of participation. Competitors from the teams that took 1st, 2nd, 3rd
place in the disciplines "Climbing with an assault ladder", "100-meter obstacle course", "Fire relay
4x100 m", "Combat deployment from a motor pump" and those in the complex ranking are awarded
with medals , diplomas and gifts.

10. Required documents:

1. Application for participation of the competitors from the team, who have passed a pre-
competition medical examination, according to appendix 1 of the Rules for organizing and conducting
competitions under PPP from 2022;
2. List of the competitors in the separate disciplines with their sequence of starting within
the team, according to appendix 1b of the Rules for organizing and conducting competitions in PPP
from 2022;
3. Protocol from the tests of the assault ladders, the baton ladders and the harnesses
4. The identity of the competitors shall be certified by an official card of an employee of
the General Directorate of the Ministry of Interior - Ministry of Interior or a membership card to the
SCPPS with the presentation of an identity card or a passport.

11. Deadline and procedure for submitting applications:

1. Preliminary applications for participation in the competitions, dates of arrival
(departure), type of transport and the composition of the delegations must be made by 29.08.2022 by e-

2. A list of the competitors in word format for the individual disciplines should be sent to by September 20, 2022.
3. The required documents under item 9 of this Regulation shall be left to the Secretary
General of the competition, on the day of the technical conference.
12. Accommodation:
The costs of organizing and conducting the competition are at the expense of the
organizers. The expenses for food, transport and accommodation, insurance of the participants against
accidents and medical care are at the expense of the sending organizations. The price for
accommodation and food is within the BGN equivalent of 30 euros per person per day, depending on
the place of accommodation.

13. Medical insurance during the competition:

The tournament organizers provide a medical person during the tournament. The person in
charge of medical insurance is Dr. Dobrin Vassilev.

14. Anti-epidemic measures related to COVID -19

During the tournament it will be obligatory to control the observance of the anti-epidemic
measures, valid for the Republic of Bulgaria. Measures are envisaged for disinfection of the facilities
and all surfaces that come into contact with the participants on the occasion of the competition.
Quarantine of people possibly infected with COVID – 19 was organized in separate rooms. Within ten
days before the tournament, SC on PPP - Varna will notify all team leaders of anti-epidemic measures
that are mandatory for the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria for outdoor sports events

For additional information: +359 878 63 67 63 – Stoyan Stoyanov, +359 887 10 27 00 -

Ivaylo Metodiev and e-mail:

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