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Signaling Quality with Return Insurance: Theory and

Empirical Evidence
Chong Zhang, Man Yu, Jian Chen

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Chong Zhang, Man Yu, Jian Chen (2021) Signaling Quality with Return Insurance: Theory and Empirical Evidence. Management

Published online in Articles in Advance 08 Dec 2021


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Articles in Advance, pp. 1–21 ISSN 0025-1909 (print), ISSN 1526-5501 (online)

Signaling Quality with Return Insurance: Theory and

Empirical Evidence
Chong Zhang,a Man Yu,b,* Jian Chenc,*
Department of Management, Tilburg University, 5037 AB Tilburg, Netherlands; b Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics,
and Operations Management, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong; c Research
Center for Contemporary Management, Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at Universities, School of Economics and
Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
*Co-corresponding authors
Contact:, (CZ);, (MY);, (JC)

Received: February 13, 2019 Abstract. This paper examines an innovative return policy, return insurance, emerging on
Revised: September 14, 2020; May 7, 2021 various shopping platforms such as and Return insurance is under-
Accepted: July 31, 2021 written by an insurer and can be purchased by either a retailer or a consumer. Under such
Published Online in Articles in Advance: insurance, the insurer partially compensates consumers for their hassle costs associated
December 8, 2021 with product return. We analyze the informational roles of return insurance when product quality is the retailer’s private information, consumers infer quality from the retailer’s price
and insurance adoption, and the insurer strategically chooses insurance premiums. We
Copyright: © 2021 INFORMS show that return insurance can be an effective signal of high quality. When consumers
have little confidence about high quality and expect a significant gap between high and
low qualities, a high-quality retailer can be differentiated from a low-quality retailer solely
through its adoption of return insurance. We confirm, both analytically and empirically
with a data set consisting of more than 10,000 sellers on, that return insurance is
more likely adopted by higher-quality sellers under information asymmetry. Furthermore,
we find that the presence of the third party (i.e., the insurer) leads to double marginaliza-
tion in signaling, which strengthens a signal’s differentiating power and sometimes
renders return insurance a preferred signal, in comparison with free return, whereby re-
tailers directly compensate for consumers’ return hassles. As an effective and costly signal
of quality, return insurance may also improve consumer surplus and reduce product re-
turns. Its profit advantage to the insurer is most pronounced under significant quality

History: Accepted by Vishal Gaur, operations management.

Funding: The work of C. Zhang was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China [Grant
2020AAA0103801]. The work of M. Yu was supported by the Hong Kong Research Grant Council
[Grant RGC16505020] and the National Natural Science Foundation of China [Grant 72022023].
The research of J. Chen was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [Grant
Supplemental Material: The e-companion is available at

Keywords: return insurance • signaling quality • online retailing

1. Introduction billions of dollars every year, and digital shopping

As we enter an era of online shopping, managing seems to have exacerbated the pain. Online channels
product returns becomes increasingly important for are reported to suffer a higher rate of return compared
retailers. On the one hand, ease of returns has been with traditional “bricks-and-mortar” stores; it is esti-
demonstrated as a key factor determining consumers’ mated that at least 30% of all products ordered online
online purchases; UPS consumer surveys show that are returned, a sharp contrast to the 8.9% bought in
90% of shoppers review the return policy and 67% do physical shops.
so before purchasing. Among those prepurchase re- E-commerce returns are particularly important to
viewers, 81% may complete their purchase if hassle- both consumers and retailers for a simple reason. With-
free returns are in place. In another survey, 81% of out the ability to physically inspect and appraise the
consumers stated that they are less likely to make a fu- items, consumers are highly uncertain about quality of
ture purchase when they have to pay for return ship- the products online. With the surge of online shopping,
ping. On the other hand, product returns cost retailers costs incurred because of the uncertainty are huge.

Zhang, Yu, and Chen: Signaling Quality with Return Insurance
2 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–21, © 2021 INFORMS

For example, return shipping costs were predicted to Specifically, we consider an online retailer offering a
reach $550 billion by 2020 in the United States alone. product of either high or low quality to consumers
These costs pose a heavy burden on both consumers who are uncertain about the product quality before
and retailers and may represent “a major obstacle to on- purchase. Quality is the retailer’s private informa-
line shopping in general”.1 tion and determines the probability of consumers re-
Aiming to ease users’ burden of return-shipping questing product return after they receive the item,
costs,, a major Chinese online shopping with a smaller chance that consumers return a
platform, took the initiative in 2010 to codevelop a higher-quality item. The retailer chooses whether to
“return shipping insurance” (hereafter referred to purchase return insurance from an insurer for the
as return insurance) with an insurance company, buyers of its product. If it purchases the insurance,
Huatai Property & Casualty (P&C). In 2013, Alibaba consumers’ hassle cost for product returns will be
went forward to cofound the first online-only insur- shared by the insurer. Otherwise, consumers have
ance company, Zhong An P&C, which specialized in the option of purchasing the return insurance them-
underwriting return insurance on along selves. The insurer decides on the insurance premi-
with Huatai P&C.’s major competitor, ums for the retailer and the consumers., also introduced in 2013 a similar insurance Our framework leads to the following interesting
jointly with People’s Insurance Company (Group) of results and insights.
China and China Life. First, we confirm that return insurance can serve
Return insurance is purchased, by either a retailer as a credible signal of high quality. It either conveys
or a consumer, at the time of an online transaction. If high quality alone or facilitates signaling by price. A
the consumer later returns the product, the insurer high-quality retailer’s incentive for differentiation
(the insurance company) will pay the beneficiary (the through insurance is the strongest when consumers
consumer) a prespecified insured amount, so as to ex ante have little faith about high quality and there
compensate for the return-shipping fee. By 2015, the exists a significant gap between high and low quali-
annual sales of return insurance had boomed to $170 ties. In other cases, return insurance assists quality
million, with a peak daily volume of $15 million on differentiation by retail price via a reduction in de-
November 11, 2015, China’s Black Friday. In 2019, a mand sensitivity to quality and an increase in the
total of around 15 billion policies of return insurance low-quality retailer’s cost if he or she mimics a low
had been sold. Zhong An P&C, one of the largest Chi- price by the high-quality retailer. In particular, com-
nese insurers for return insurance, enjoyed 190.4% pared with the low-quality retailer, the high-quality
yearly growth in premiums of the insurance in 2019.2 retailer is more likely to adopt return insurance in
Whether to purchase the return insurance for its presence of information asymmetry. Interestingly,
consumers is entirely at each retailer’s discretion and this result is in stark contrast to our finding in the
is readily observable to all potential shoppers. It is in- full-information case, where the insurance is more
triguing to notice that, despite the potential benefits of often adopted by the low-quality retailer.
the return insurance, not all the retailers choose to The result that return insurance, under asymmet-
participate. Several interrelated questions naturally ric quality information, is more often associated
arise. Why is the return insurance adopted by some with higher quality is not only proven analytically,
retailers, but not the others? What factors determine but also verified empirically. Specifically, we collect
the profitability of the return insurance to a retailer? and analyze a data set consisting of more than 10,000
How do a retailer’s characteristics, especially the qual- retailers on In our statistical tests, we ob-
ity of the products that it is selling, play a role in its serve consistent and significant positive correlations
adoption (or otherwise) of the return insurance? Can between retailers’ quality ratings and adoption of re-
the shoppers infer some useful information about a re- turn insurance. We also find that insurance adoption
tailer from its decision on insurance adoption? As con- can be positively correlated with the level of infor-
sumer uncertainty is the primary driver for online mation asymmetry in a product category.
product returns, can return insurance serve as an in- Second, although signaling by return insurance is
formation proxy to mitigate consumer uncertainty so effective, it is very costly. This can be particularly at-
as to reduce product return? Above all, a fundamental tributed to the presence of a third party, that is, the in-
question is on the welfare implication of the return in- surer. We discover that the third party leads to double
surance. Who benefits from it, the retailers or the con- marginalization in quality signaling, which renders
sumers? Does anyone get worse off? the signal more expensive to adopt and also to mimic.
To address these questions, we construct a game- The latter effect strengthens the differentiating power
theoretical model with asymmetry quality informa- of return insurance, making it sometimes a preferred
tion and focus on the role of return insurance in signal by a high-quality retailer, in comparison with
communicating quality information to consumers. free return, whereby the retailer itself acts as the
Zhang, Yu, and Chen: Signaling Quality with Return Insurance
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–21, © 2021 INFORMS 3

insurer and directly compensates consumers for re- 1988), selling through a reputable retailer (Chu and
turn hassles. In addition, return insurance as a costly Chu 1994), creating a scarcity (Stock and Balachander
signal manifests itself in an interesting result that, the 2005), selecting a slower service rate (Debo et al.
option to purchase return insurance, albeit well- 2012a), rationing capacity in advance selling (Yu et al.
intended, does not necessarily benefit the retailer. 2015), and setting a high funding target for crowd-
Contrary to the intuition that an extra option cannot funding (Chakraborty and Swinney 2021). Kirmani
hurt, sometimes both high-quality and low-quality re- and Rao (2000) provide a comprehensive review of the
tailers get strictly worse off by this option. We discuss literature on signaling product quality.
the rationale behind this result with a detailed Different from these studies, our paper shows that
example. return insurance can serve as an effective signal of
Third, although return insurance may not always high quality. Moreover, in addition to analytical
benefit the retailer, it can be a blessing to consumers. proofs, we provide the first empirical evidence for
In particular, return insurance can lead to both fewer adopting return insurance to convey high quality. In
product returns and higher consumer surplus for a similar spirit, Geng and Li (2017) examine return
three reasons: (i) it helps consumers make a better- insurance under asymmetric information about seller
informed purchasing decision by separating retailers quality. Assuming homogenous consumers and exo-
of different quality, (ii) the retail price may be lower genous insurance premiums, they derive some neces-
when quality is revealed, and (iii) consumers’ hassle sary conditions for the premiums, under which only
costs for product returns are shared by the insurer. a high-quality seller adopts the insurance. In contrast,
Fourth, from the insurer’s perspective, offering the we consider heterogenous consumers and fully charac-
return insurance directly to consumers is never profit- terize the signaling equilibrium for given premiums,
able, regardless of whether quality information is which specifies when and how a high-quality seller
symmetric or not. Doing so to the retailer, however, is can be separated from a low-quality seller. Further-
advantageous only in the presence of information more, we endogenize the insurer’s premium decisions
asymmetry. Taking advantage of the high-quality re- and analyze the insurer’s role in determining the
tailer’s desire for differentiation, the insurer benefits signaling outcome. We also derive insights as to,
the most from sales of return insurance under either among others, the impact of return insurance on
significant quality dispersion, as is the situation on profits and surplus and the comparison of return in-
surance with other signals like free return and ad-, or high uncertainty toward quality, as
vertising as well as implications of the insurer’s extra
what might happen on new shopping platforms.
levers, such as its private information and choice of
Last but not the least, we confirm our main results,
mostly by analytical proofs and also with numerical
Among the aforementioned signaling papers,
examples, in several variants of the base model, which
Moorthy and Srinivasan (1995) and Lutz (1989) are
incorporate insurer’s private information, endogenous
most closely related to our work. Similar to us, these
return compensation, quality-dependent costs and
authors also evaluated the efficacy of signaling quality
valuations, and consumer heterogeneity in prior
with after-sales services; Moorthy and Srinivasan
knowledge about quality. In the extensions we also
(1995) focused on money-back guarantee (i.e., a full-
derive insights regarding the effects of the newly
refund return policy), and Lutz (1989) examined war-
added features on return insurance adoption. Besides,
ranty (i.e., a monetary payment to consumers in case
we find that, compared with advertising, return insur- of a product breakdown). These papers show that
ance is a preferred signal by high-quality retailers high quality can be signaled by a money-back guaran-
when return compensation is high. tee and a low warranty coverage, respectively. Differ-
ent from Moorthy and Srinivasan (1995) and Lutz
2. Literature Review (1989), which analyze interaction between different
Our paper falls within the research area of signaling types of retailers and consumers, our signaling model
product quality. A primary research agenda in this captures interplay among three parties: consumers, re-
area is to identify and evaluate actions or strategies tailers, and an insurer (see Figure S.1 for description
with which a high-quality producer or service provid- of process flows in the models).3 Particularly, a critical
er can distinguish itself from a low-quality one. Pio- difference among the three papers is in the party
neered by the seminal work of Spence (1973), studies who determines the cost of the signals; the costs of
in this area have examined various signals of quality, money-back guarantee in Moorthy and Srinivasan
including price (see, e.g., Bagwell and Riordan 1991), (1995) are return-processing cost and refunded price,
advertising (see, e.g., Milgrom and Roberts 1986), war- both related to the first party, that is, the retailer;
ranty (Lutz 1989), money-back guarantee (Moorthy in Lutz (1989), the cost of warranty depends on both
and Srinivasan 1995), umbrella branding (Wernerfelt the warranty payment chosen by the seller and
Zhang, Yu, and Chen: Signaling Quality with Return Insurance
4 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–21, © 2021 INFORMS

product-maintenance efforts chosen by consumers and Agrawal (2021) assessed the effects of changing re-
thus lies with both the first and second parties, where- turn period policies.
as in our model the cost of return insurance (i.e., the A few recent studies examine return insurance, but
premium) is endogenously determined by a self- not in the context of signaling quality. Lin et al. (2020)
interested third party, the insurer. We discover that examined a seller’s decision on whether to adopt re-
the presence of a third party leads to double marginal- turn insurance when consumers are uncertain about
ization in signaling, which strengthens a signal’s dif- their valuations of a product. Li et al. (2018) analyzed
ferentiating power. Additionally, if the third party has retailer competition under return insurance. Both pa-
private information about quality, it caters the cost of pers assumed exogenous insurance premiums. Endog-
the signal to quality and may in turn enhance the sig- enous premium decision allows us to reveal the effect
naling capability of the instrument. Besides, we also of double marginalization in signaling by return insur-
reveal how return insurance can facilitate price signal- ance. Geng et al. (2017) examined an insurer’s deci-
ing by reducing demand sensitivity to quality and by sions on premium and return compensation assuming
raising a low-quality retailer’s cost if he or she at- exogenous functions for insurance demand and return
tempts to imitate a low price of a high-quality one. quantities. In contrast, we adopt a game-theoretical
In a related vein, several models examine the role framework and develop micromodels capturing indi-
of corporate insurance in signaling firms’ financial vidual decisions of various players (consumers, retail-
risks. Thakor (1982) and Grace and Rebello (1993) er, and insurer) as well as interdependence among
demonstrated that firms with favorite information these decisions. A similar approach was adopted by Li
about their future prospects (e.g., default probabili- et al. (2020b), which examined return insurance poli-
ty, operating revenues, insurable loss) can signal cies under consumer regret.
themselves to investors by acquiring higher cover- In addition to these analytical models on return in-
age of debt insurance. Seog (2006) showed that when surance, Shao et al. (2013) and Chen et al. (2018) em-
firms are privately informed about their insolvency pirically examined the effects of return insurance on
risk, liability insurance may be purchased for a sole consumers’ product purchases and returns. Interest-
purpose of signaling low default risk to consumers. ingly, Shao et al. (2013) discovered through consumer
Akin to our work, these studies analyze signaling questionnaires that some consumers perceive return
models with three parties, among which insurers are insurance as a signal of quality. Although their study
neither senders nor receivers of the signals. It is com-
did not verify whether such a perception reflects reali-
monly assumed in these studies that the insurance
ty, our empirical investigation confirms a positive cor-
market is competitive such that the insurance is sold
relation between product quality and return insurance
at actuarially fair prices. In contrast, we consider an
adoption and thus resonates well with the finding in
insurer optimizing over premiums and thus capture
Shao et al. (2013).
more active roles played by the insurer.
Our paper departs from the product-return litera-
Also relevant to our paper is prior work on firms’
ture (including the aforementioned studies on return
product-return policies. A focal research question
insurance) in two major aspects. First, we focus on
in this literature stream has been about the optimal
the informational role of return insurance. We prove,
refund amount (full, partial, or none) for product
both analytically and empirically, its capability of
returns. For example, Davis et al. (1995) and Che
signaling high quality to consumers when quality
(1996) investigated the impact of full-refund policies
by comparing them with no-return policies. Su (2009) information is asymmetric. Second, because return
examined product-return policies in supply chains. insurance is provided by a self-interested third-party
Shulman et al. (2011) and McWilliams (2012) charac- and we analyze the third party’s decisions in details,
terized competitive product-return policies. Ofek our product-return model offers insights as to the
et al. (2011) evaluated the impact of product returns strategic interactions among consumers, retailers,
on multichannel retailers. Altug and Aydinliyim and a return-related service provider.
(2016) analyzed optimal return policy, when con-
sumers may wait for sales. More recently, Najafi and 3. Model
Duenyas (2018) evaluated profit advantage of a new Consider a retailer offering a product of either high
return policy, where consumers are offered an op- (H) or low (L) quality to consumers who are uncertain
tion to forgo a full refund for returns in exchange about the product quality before purchase. Quality is
for a price discount. Samatli et al. (2018) examin- private information of the retailer and determines the
ed return policies under consumer loss aversion. probability that consumers will request product re-
Hwang et al. (2020) and Nageswaran et al. (2020b) turn after they receive the item. Although customers
studied return partnerships that enable online re- cannot observe the product quality before purchase,
tailers to offer offline product returns. Ertekin and they draw inference about quality from the retailer’s
Zhang, Yu, and Chen: Signaling Quality with Return Insurance
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–21, © 2021 INFORMS 5

price and adoption (or lack thereof) of return insur- infinitesimal, and the total number of consumers is
ance from an insurer.4 normalized to unity.
Specifically, we borrow a quality model widely The retailer decides on the product price p as well
adopted in the literature of consumer returns (see, e.g., as on whether to purchase return insurance at a pre-
Moorthy and Srinivasan 1995 and McWilliams 2012); mium i for each item sold. If the insurance is not pur-
let αH (αL) denote the probability that a product of chased by the retailer, the consumers may be offered
high (low) quality “works” (in this case the consumers by the insurer an option to buy the insurance at a pre-
will keep the product). Conversely, 1 − αH (1 − αL ) is mium ic. If neither party purchases the insurance, the
the probability that a product of high (low) quality consumers incur a hassle cost hc for returning the
“fails,” in which case consumers will return it. Natu- product, which represents time and efforts spent in re-
rally, a high-quality product is less likely to fail, that packing and delivering the product to a courtier (or
is, 0 < αL < αH < 1. According to a recent consumer scheduling a home pickup), as well as return shipping
survey,1 three top reasons for online product returns fee. With an insurance, however, the insurer compen-
are “received damaged product,” “product received sates the consumers for a return shipping fee in the
looks different,” and “received wrong items.” Al- amount of hc − h0 , such that the consumers’ hassle cost
though there can be other reasons for returns, such as is reduced to h0 (0 ≤ h0 < hc ).5 The residual cost h0 cap-
product misfit (Su 2009, Gao and Su 2017, Nageswaran tures a consumer’s return-handling time, efforts, and
et al. 2020a), to account for the top three reasons, our expenses not covered by the insurance. The retailer’s
notion and model of product quality focus both on de- marginal cost is independent of quality and normal-
sign/manufacturing quality (whether a product is ized to zero.6 The salvage value of a returned product
with inherently flawed design and thus prone to defect is also normalized to zero for both types of retailer. To
and whether a manufacturing process consistently avoid trivial cases, we assume that, regardless of the
delivers attributes as designed) and service quality insurance coverage, consumers return a defective item
(whether the online product description truthfully re- and retain a properly functioning item.7 Furthermore,
veals its attributes and whether the received package for the case where quality is publicly known, we as-
is consistent with the order). For ease of exposition, we sume that without insurance, both types of retailers
primarily follow the design/manufacturing interpreta- obtain positive expected profits.
tion when referring to quality, but our results also ap- Because product quality is the retailer’s private in-
ply to service quality. formation, the insurer is also uncertain about quali-
Consumers are uncertain about product quality ty.8 We assume in the base model that the insurer
when making purchase. Their prior beliefs are that the shares the common prior belief with the consumers,
product is of high quality with probability q. They up- and examine in Section 7.1 the scenario when the in-
date this belief according to the retailer’s sales offer surer is better informed than the consumers about
(price and return insurance) before committing to their quality. The insurer is self-interested and aims to
purchase. Each buyer will receive one unit of the prod- maximize its own benefit; if the insurer does not of-
uct, which we shall refer to as an “item.” Upon receiv- fer any insurance, its profit is zero; otherwise, the in-
ing an item, the consumer inspects and discovers its surer chooses to whom, the retailer or the consumers
condition. For a given product quality (high or low), or both, to offer the insurance, and the insurance
each item’s revealed condition (“work” or “fail”) is premiums i to the retailer or/and ic to the consumers
independently drawn from the aforementioned proba- (thereafter referred to as firm premium and consum-
bilistic model. Consumers have heterogeneous valua- er premium, respectively). Naturally, the premiums
tions, θ, for a properly functioning item; θ ∈ (0, θ] are announced to the retailer and the consumers, re-
and follows a general distribution with distribution spectively, before their insurance-adoption deci-
function F(·) and density f (·). We further assume that sions. In the base model, we further assume that the
f (·) > 0 for θ ∈ (0, θ) and that the distribution has an premiums are publicized upfront.9 Hence, the insur-
increasing failure rate (IFR). On the other hand, a de- er’s premium decision is based solely on the prior
fective item has zero value for all the consumers. We belief and its anticipation of the retailer’s and the
primarily focus on the case that the valuations θ are in- consumers’ responses. The sequence of events is
dependent of quality and analyze the case of quality- shown in Figure 1.
dependent valuations in §SH. Following the prevalent We model the retailer-consumer interaction as a sig-
practice on and, we assume that naling game, that is, a sequential game with incom-
consumers receive a full refund of the price paid for re- plete information, and search for a perfect Bayesian
turned products, but the hassle cost they incur for equilibrium (Fudenberg and Tirole 1991). There are
product returns (including but not limited to return typically two types of perfect Bayesian equilibria: sep-
shipping cost) depends on whether a return insurance arating and pooling equilibria. A separating equilibri-
is purchased, as detailed below. Each consumer is um is an equilibrium where a high type reveals his or
Zhang, Yu, and Chen: Signaling Quality with Return Insurance
6 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–21, © 2021 INFORMS

Figure 1. Sequence of Events

Consumers decide whether to

Insurer announces buy the product and purchase If an item fails, consumer
premiums i and i c return insurance returns it to retailer


Consumers arrive and Each item’s condition (“work” or “fail”)

retailer announces ( p,I) is revealed to its buyer

her type with a strategy different from that of the low they will receive because a high-quality product may
type. In contrast, in a pooling equilibrium, retailers of also fail. In this case, the retailer’s purchase of the
different types adopt the same strategy, and conse- return insurance does not change the consumers’
quently, consumers cannot infer the retailer’s type quality perception. Instead, it alleviates consumers’
from the strategy. concerns about product-return hassle and promotes
In our signaling game, the retailer has two possible online shopping. We summarize the retailer’s and
signals: the price and the purchase of the return insur- consumers’ optimal strategy for given insurance pre-
ance. Therefore, a separating equilibrium is one in miums i and ic in Lemma 1.
which the two types of retailers differ in at least one of
Lemma 1 (Full Information, Given Insurance Premiums i
the two signals. That is, either only one type buys the
and ic). Let it  (1 − αt )(hc − h0 ), t ∈ {H, L}. Given insur-
insurance or, alternatively, the two types quote differ-
ance premiums i and ic, the optimal strategies of the type-t
ent prices, and either both or neither buys the insur-
retailer and of the consumers are as follows:
ance. In a pooling equilibrium, the two types quote
• If 0 < i ≤ min {iH , ic }, both types buy return insurance;
the same prices, and either both or neither buys the
• If min {iH , ic } < i ≤ min {iL , ic } (this case is valid only if
ic > iH), only the low type buys return insurance. Consumers
While searching for perfect Bayesian equilibrium,
purchase insurance for the high-quality product if and only if
we employ the intuitive criterion (Cho and Kreps
ic ≤ iH ;
1987) to restrict the customers’ off-equilibrium beliefs.
• If i > min {iL , ic }, neither type buys return insurance.
The criterion requires that, if an off-equilibrium strate-
Consumers purchase insurance for the type-t product if and
gy is dominated by only one type of retailer’s equilib-
only if ic ≤ it , t ∈ {H, L}.
rium strategy, consumers are able to perfectly infer
the retailer’s type upon observing this off-equilibrium Under full information, return insurance increases
strategy. For other off-equilibrium strategies, consum- consumers’ expected surplus from a purchase and al-
ers believe that the retailer is of low type. In addition, lows the retailer to raise the selling price. Note that
if multiple equilibria exist, we focus on the equilibri- the consumers’ expected surplus increases by exactly
um that is Pareto-dominant from the retailer’s per- the amount of it, which equals to the probability of
spective, that is, the equilibrium in which both types returning a type-t product (1 − αt ) multiplied by the
of retailers obtain (weakly) higher profits than they do reduction in hassle cost due to insurance (hc − h0 ).
in other equilibrium. As the leader of the signaling Given that consumers also have the option to pur-
game, the retailer can select the most preferred equi- chase the insurance at premium ic, the maximum
librium and expect consumers to anticipate the choice that they are willing to pay for the insurance offered
(Yu et al. 2015). For further tie-breaking, if the retailer by the retailer is min (ic , it ), which also sets an upper
is indifferent about whether to purchase the insur- bound for the increase in the retailer’s price due to
ance, we assume that it opts for insurance adoption. insurance. As shown in Lemma 1, if and only if the
We start from the benchmark where product qua- insurance premium is lower than this upper bound,
lity is publicly known in Section 4 and proceed in the type-t retailer is able to recover the insurance
Section 5 to the main case with asymmetric quality cost from the higher selling price and gain from
information. adopting the insurance.
Because iH < iL, the lemma also implies that, under
4. Full Information About Quality symmetric quality information, a low type is more
In this section, we examine the case where product likely to adopt the return insurance than a high type.
quality is public knowledge. Even when the consum- Because the insurance reduces consumers’ hassle cost
ers know the product quality before purchase, they in case of product return, it increases the proportion
are still unsure about the condition of the items that of consumers who are willing to give the product a
Zhang, Yu, and Chen: Signaling Quality with Return Insurance
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–21, © 2021 INFORMS 7

try. The increase is more pronounced for a lower- 5.1.2. Retailer’s Problem. By the consumer analysis,
quality product because it is associated with a higher when a type-t retailer chooses the strategy (p, I) and
chance of return. Thus, in the full-information setting, consumers hold a posterior belief b, the retailer’s ex-
the low type can afford a higher premium (i.e., pected profit is
min {iH , ic } < i ≤ min {iL , ic }) and purchase the insur-
πait (p,I,b)  (αt p − iI)
ance more often than the high type. We shall see that  
the result is drastically different when consumers are α(b)p + (1 − α(b))h0 I + min{(1 − α(b))h0 + ic , (1 − α(b))hc }(1 − I)
F̄ :
uncertain about quality.
One can also infer from Lemma 1 that, when quality (1)
information is perfectly and publicly available, the in- As alluded to in Section 3, in a separating equilibrium,
surer would not sell return insurance to either type of either only one type of retailer buys the insurance or, al-
retailer or to the consumers. This is because the insur- ternatively, the two types quote different prices, and ei-
er’s expected cost of covering a purchase of the type-t ther both or neither buys the insurance. Thus, there are
product is exactly the same as the retailer’s or the possibly four kinds of separating equilibria: only the
consumers’ maximum willingness to pay for the cov- high type adopts insurance; only the low type adopts
erage. Consequently, the insurer’s expected profit is insurance; both types adopt insurance and differ in
zero, and the return insurance ceases to be a viable price; and neither type adopts insurance and differs in
option in the full-information setting (Corollary 1). price. In all the separating equilibria, the low type fol-
Asymmetric quality information, however, will allow lows its full-information strategy since the posterior be-
the insurer to capitalize on the sales of the return in- lief for all of the off-equilibrium strategies is zero. The
surance, as we shall show in the next section. high type’s decision problems in the four kinds of equi-
Corollary 1 (Full Information). The insurer never offers libria are similar, and we formulate the third kind as an
fi fn
return insurance. example. For convenience, let pt and pt denote the
type-t retailer’s full-information equilibrium prices with
5. Asymmetric Information and without insurance, respectively. In the separating
We now study the case when consumers are unsure equilibrium where both types adopt insurance, the high
about the product quality before purchase. We will first type solves the following problem:
characterize the signaling equilibrium for given insurance max πaiH (p, 1, 1)
premiums and, subsequently, analyze the insurer’s premi- fi fn
um decision. Based on the equilibrium analysis, we will s:t: πaiL (pL , 1, 0) ≥ πaiL (pL , 0, 0),
then examine the welfare implication of return insurance. fi
πaiL (pL , 1, 0) ≥ πaiL (p, 1, 1),

5.1. Signaling Equilibrium for Given πaiH (p, 1, 1) ≥ max {πaiH (p , I, 0)}:
p , I
Insurance Premiums
When quality information is private, the return insur- By (1), we elaborate the three constraints as follows:

ance can play a dual role of mitigating consumers’ fi αL pL + (1 − αL )h0
purchasing risk and signaling unknown quality. Spe- (αL pL − i)F̄
cifically, the consumers’ and the retailer’s decision  fn

problems are elaborated below. fn αL pL + min {(1 − αL )h0 + ic , (1 − αL )hc }
≥ αL pL F̄
5.1.1. Consumers’ Problem. Upon observing the re-
tailer’s price p and insurance-adoption strategy I ∈ {0, 1}   (2)
with I  1 (I  0) representing the retailer (not) adopt- fi αL pL + (1 − αL )h0
(αL pL − i)F̄
ing the insurance, consumers update their belief about αL
quality; let b denote the posterior probability of the retail- αH p + (1 − αH )h0
er being of high quality and α(b) : bαH + (1 − b)αL de- ≥ (αL p − i)F̄
note expected probability of return given posterior b.   H 
αH p+(1−αH )h0
Subsequently, consumers decide whether to buy the (αH p−i)F̄ ≥max (αH p −iI)
product and, if so, whether to purchase the insurance αH p , I

in case that the retailer does not adopt it. In particular,  

αL p +(1−αL )h0 I+min{(1−αL )h0 +ic ,(1−αL )hc }(1−I)
given I  1, a consumer with valuation θ buys the prod- F̄ :
uct if and only if θ ≥ α(b)p + (1 − α(b))h0 =α(b), and given
I  0, the consumer buys the product if and only if (4)
θ ≥ α(b)p + min {(1 − α(b))h0 + ic , (1 − α(b))hc }=α(b) and The constraints ensure no profitable derivation for ei-
buys the insurance if and only if ic ≤ (1 − α(b))(hc − h0 ). ther type from the equilibrium strategy. Specifically,
Zhang, Yu, and Chen: Signaling Quality with Return Insurance
8 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–21, © 2021 INFORMS

the first two constraints guarantee that the low type • (Pooling) when i ∈ [ī, + ∞), neither type buys in-
follows its full-information strategy and adopts insur- surance, and the two types’ selling prices are the same.
ance, and the last constraint implies the high type’s Consumers buy the insurance if and only if
preference for its own equilibrium strategies over all ic ≤ i0 : qiH + (1 − q)iL .
of the other strategies. ii. Under asymmetric information, the high (low) type is
Likewise, to sustain, for example, a pooling equilib- more (less) inclined to adopt the return insurance compared
rium where neither type offers insurance, the pooling with the full-information strategy.
price, denoted by ppn, needs to satisfy both πai H (p , 0,
pn iii. Whenever the high type buys insurance under asym-
q) ≥ maxp,I {πH (p, I, 0)} and πL (p , 0, q) ≥ maxp,I {πai
ai ai pn
L (p, metric information, his or her selling price in equilibrium is
I, 0)} so as to ensure no profitable derivation for either lower than or equal to his or her optimal price under full in-
type. Furthermore, by the intuitive criterion, the pool- formation and insurance adoption.
ing equilibrium is sustained if there does not exist an iv. Separation of the two types is more likely to occur with
off-equilibrium strategy (p , I ), which is associated a higher consumer premium ic. Mathematically, ī is nonde-
with a posterior belief b  1, such that it is profitable creasing in ic.
for the high type alone to deviate from the equilibri-
Proposition 1 is illustrated in Figure 2 (left panel)
um strategy to (p , I ), that is, πai ai  
H (p , 0, q) < πH (p , I , 1)
ai   and confirms that return insurance can serve as a
and πai (p pn
, 0, q) ≥ π (p , I , 1).
L L credible signal of quality (ref. the case of “separation
By the equilibrium conditions, we derive the two
by insurance” in part (i)). When the firm premium i is
types’ strategies and profits in all possible equilibria
intermediate, the high type is the sole adopter of in-
and then apply the Pareto-dominant and tie-breaking
surance on the market, and thus, the consumers can
criterions to obtain the overall equilibrium. We pre-
discern high-quality products by the return-insurance
sent the equilibrium outcome in Proposition 1.
coverage. The low type does not have an incentive to
Proposition 1 (Asymmetric information, Given Insurance imitate the high type because he or she could not gain
Premiums i and ic). as much from buying the insurance as the high type.
i. There exist two thresholds, i and ī, on the firm premium To see the rationale, recall that, if a retailer adopts the
i and a threshold, q̄, on the prior belief q, such that the re- insurance, the premium i needs to be paid for each
tailer’s and the consumers’ equilibrium strategy are as purchase, and yet the revenue is collected only from
follows: those buyers who eventually keep the product. If a
• (Separating by price) when i ∈ (0, min {i, ī}], both low type follows the high type to purchase the insur-
types buy insurance and yet their selling prices are ance, he or she can attract the same amount of sales as
different; the high type, and yet a higher portion of the pur-
• (Separating by insurance) when i ∈ (i, ī) (this case is chased items will end up being returned. Hence, for
valid only if 0 ≤ q < q̄), only the high type buys insur- the low type, the increase in the materialized profits
ance. Consumers buy the insurance for the low-quality due to insurance is lower than that for the high type,
product if and only if ic ≤ iL ; and so is the benefit of the insurance.

Figure 2. Insurance-Adoption Strategies of the Two Types in Equilibrium (Left Panel): θ ~ U[0, 350]; hc  12, h0  3, αH  0:9,
αL  0:5, ic  6; High Type’s Equilibrium Profits (Right Panel): θ ~ U[0, 350], hc  12, h0  3, αH  0:9, q  0:2, ic  ∞









70 α L = 0 .2
α L = 0 .5
69 α L = 0 .7

5 10 15 20
Zhang, Yu, and Chen: Signaling Quality with Return Insurance
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–21, © 2021 INFORMS 9

The equilibrium outcome characterized in part (i) of example, a special case that the insurance reduces the
the proposition sharply contrasts with Lemma 1; hassle cost to zero (i.e., h0  0). In this case, product
whereas the return insurance is more often adopted return under insurance coverage is hassle free, and
by the lower-quality retailer in the full-information hence, consumers do not need to factor the return
setting, the result is reversed under asymmetric infor- probability in their purchasing decisions; they would
mation. Information asymmetry enhances the high buy as long as their valuations exceed price. That is,
type’s motivation to buy the insurance, and yet its ef- return insurance diminishes the importance of return
fect is exactly the opposite of the low type (part (ii)). rate to the consumers, and consequently, it closes
In particular, when i ∈ (min (iH , ic ), ī), the high type the gap between the two types of retailers. Hence,
would not buy insurance under full information and the low type is less motivated to mimic a high
yet does so in the presence of information asymmetry. type, as the revenue gain from doing so is smaller.
This is because the insurance separates the high type Second, cost-wise, it is more expensive for the low
from the low type and boosts consumers’ willingness type to mimic a low price in presence of the insur-
to try the high type’s product. On the other hand, for ance; although by imitation the low type achieves
i ∈ (ī, min (iL , ic )), asymmetric information creates op- higher sales, he or she also has  to incur a higher in-

portunity for the low type to hide his or her inferior surance cost. That is, in (3), iF̄ αH p + (1 − αH )h0 =αH ≥
fi fi
quality by pooling with the high type, and the gain iF̄(αL pL + (1 − αL )h0 =αL ) for p lower than pL .
from doing so outweighs the benefit of the insurance Part (iii) explains how the high type should adapt
because the firm premium i is high. Hence, under his or her selling price to information asymmetry,
asymmetric information, the return insurance is more given that he or she adopts the insurance. To distin-
likely to be adopted by higher-quality retailers. We guish him- or herself from the low type, he or she
shall empirically verify this result in Section 8. may need to distort his or her price by decreasing it
The informational role of the return insurance is from the full-information level. Reducing instead of
best illustrated by an observation impossible in the raising the selling price is preferred by the high
full-information setting, that the high type’s equilibri- type, because the former is associated with a lower
um profit sometimes increases in the insurance premi- signaling cost. To be specific, suppose, for example,
um i (see right panel of Figure 2). Although a higher i that the two types initially pool at a same price
raises the insurance cost, it discourages the low type’s and both adopt the insurance, and the high type at-
imitation and lowers the high type’s signaling cost. tempts to lower price to differentiate him- or herself.
Thus, contrary to intuition, the high type may prefer a Whereas a price reduction decreases both types’
pricier insurance. margin by the same amount, the high type enjoys a
Besides being capable of conveying quality alone, larger increase in the materialized sales due to his or
the return insurance can also facilitate signaling by her lower return rate. Thus, a price cut hurts the low
price, as one can infer from the proposition. Specifi- type more than the high type and, consequently, is
cally, in the absence of the insurance, price alone able to achieve an effective separation. The high
cannot effectively signal quality; that is, a pooling type’s downward price distortion may sometimes
equilibrium is sustained when i  ∞, as in part (i). If render his or her price even lower than the low
both types forsake the insurance, they prefer pooling type’s price in equilibrium, as in Section 5.2.
in prices too; the low type favors concealing his or We note some interesting interplay between the
her or her true quality, and the high type would rath- insurance offers made to the retailer and to the con-
er not differentiate him- or herself, because a drastic sumers, as revealed by part (iv). When the return
price distortion is necessary to deter the low type’s insurance becomes less attractive to the consumers
imitation. In contrast, if both types buy insurance, (ic increases), it is purchased more frequently by the
separation by price alone can be sustained in equilib- retailer. To understand the logic, consider an extreme
rium, because the high type does not have to distort case where consumer insurance is free (ic  0). In
his or her price as much to differentiate. Particularly, this case, consumers always buy the insurance, and
a moderate price reduction effectively separates the thus, their return hassle cost is h0, independent of
two types. This is because of two effects of the in- the retailer’s adoption decision. An increase in the
surance. First, it mitigates return hassles, and thus consumer premium reinforces the retailer’s incen-
demand becomes less sensitive to risk of returns. tive to adopt the insurance, because it can both re-
Mathematically, for given price p and sufficiently duce hassle cost and convey quality information.
small h0, the difference  in the two types’
 demand Consequently, the insurances offered to the retailer
with insurance, F̄ αH p + (1 − αH )h0 =αH − F̄ αL p + (1− and to the consumers are substitutes, from the
αL )h0 =αL ), is less than or equal to that without insur-
viewpoint of the insurer. Is it profitable to offer
ance, F̄ αH p + (1 − αH )hc =αH − F̄ αL p + (1 − αL )hc =αL . both? What are the optimal premiums i and ic? We
To see the rationale behind this effect, consider, for answer these questions next.
Zhang, Yu, and Chen: Signaling Quality with Return Insurance
10 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–21, © 2021 INFORMS

5.2. Insurer’s Optimal Decisions on Premiums Proposition 3 reveals the insurer’s positive gain from
Anticipating the consumers’ and retailer’s responses selling the return insurance to the retailer, for which a
to the option of adopting insurance, the insurer choo- necessary and sufficient condition is the presence of
ses the insurance premiums, i and ic, to maximize its asymmetric information.
expected profit. Denote the type-t retailer’s equilibri-
Proposition 3 (Asymmetric Information). The insurer
um pricing strategies by p∗t (i, ic ). By Proposition 1, the
always offers the insurance to the retailer.
insurer solves maxi,ic ΠaI (i, ic ), where
  The insurer’s profit originates from the high type’s
⎪⎧⎪ αH p∗H (i, ic ) + (1 − αH )h0 desire for differentiation. As illustrated in Figure 3,
⎪⎪⎪ q(i − iH )F̄
⎪⎪ αH when the consumers have little confidence about high
⎪⎪ fi
αL pL + (1 − αL )h0 quality and the difference between the two quality
⎪⎪ +(1 − q)(i − iL )F̄ , levels is large (i.e., small q and low αL for a given αH),
⎪⎪⎪ αL
⎪⎪ the high type anticipates a substantial loss if he or she
⎪⎪ i ∈ (0, min {i, ī}], is either misperceived as or is mixing with the low
⎪⎪ αH p∗H (i, ic ) + (1 − αH )h0 type. Thus, he or she has a strong motivation for dis-
⎪⎪⎪ q(i − iH )F̄
⎪⎪ αH tinguishing him- or herself by insurance and would
ΠI (i, ic ) : ⎪
a + (1 − q)(min {ic , iL } − iL ) not mind paying for it. The insurer then takes advan-
⎪⎪ fn
αL pL + min {(1 − αL )h0 + ic , (1 − αL )hc } tage and imposes a premium much higher than his or
⎪⎪⎪ F̄ ,
⎪⎪ αL her expected cost for the coverage. On the other hand,
⎪⎪ if the consumers are very optimistic about high quality
⎪⎪⎪ i ∈ (i, ī],
⎪⎪ or the difference between high and low qualities is
⎪⎪⎪⎪ (min {ic , i0 } − i0 ) small, the high type is not as eager to differentiate and
⎪⎪⎪ α0 p∗H (i, ic ) + min {(1 − α0 )h0 + ic , (1 − α0 )hc } adopts the insurance, not to convey information but to
⎪⎪ F̄ ,
⎪⎪⎪ α0 facilitate signaling by price. In this case, the optimal pre-
⎩ mium, i∗ , is low enough that both types buy insurance
i ∈ (ī, + ∞):
in equilibrium. Proposition 4 follows (the results are
proved in Proposition S.1 for general distributions).
We start from the insurer’s decision on the consum-
As in Figure 4 (left), under the optimal premium, the
ers’ insurance. Even though the option to purchase re-
high type’s price is lower than the low type’s price,
turn insurance has been readily available to consumers
unless the prior q is small and insurance adoption
on a few online platforms (such as and signals high quality. A lower price associated with, our following result suggests that the insurer higher quality is due to the high type’s downward
may not gain from it. price distortion (Proposition 1; (iii)). In other cases,
Proposition 2 (Asymmetric Information). The insurer the opposite result applies and follows from both a
never offers the insurance to consumers. high premium (which is factored in the high type’s
price but not in the low type’s price) and a small
The equilibrium outcome in Proposition 2 is driven price distortion by the high type (as a high premium
by the fact that quality uncertainty, as well as informa- itself deters imitation).
tion updating, is public. Hence, the insurer’s lowest
acceptable price for the insurance coincides with the Proposition 4 (Asymmetric Information, Endogenous
consumers’ highest willingness to pay for it, and the Premium). Assume that consumers’ valuation θ follows a
insurer cannot make a profit from selling to the con- uniform distribution U[0, θ] with θ sufficiently large
sumers. We note that this result is in line with news (specifically, θ > 2 1−α
αL hc − αH hc ), and h0  0. The equi-
L 1−αH

reports on Chinese insurers’ difficult situation in sell- librium premium i∗  ī  ααH0 (1 − α0 )hc . Under the equilib-
ing return insurance to consumers.10 In their struggle
rium premium, the retailer equilibrium is as follows: if
for breaking even, the consumer premiums for return
q < q̄, only the high type purchases the insurance; other-
insurance have been rapidly escalating. For some
wise, both types purchase the insurance. Furthermore, q̄
products, the premiums are even as high as the return
decreases in αL.
shipping fee, implying a sure loss for consumers. Our
analysis suggests that these market observations When is the return insurance most profitable to the
could be explained by public uncertainty about prod- insurer? We observe from numerical examples (e.g.,
uct quality. the one in Figure 4, right panel) that the insurer’s
So far, we conclude that the consumers’ return equilibrium profit peaks with either significant quality
insurance is of no profit advantage to the insurer, dispersion (i.e., a large gap between high and low
with or without information asymmetry. Nevertheless, qualities), as is the situation on, or high
Zhang, Yu, and Chen: Signaling Quality with Return Insurance
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–21, © 2021 INFORMS 11

Figure 3. Equilibrium i∗ (Left Panel) and the Two Types’ Insurance-Adoption Strategies in Equilibrium Under Equilibrium i∗
(Right Panel): θ ~ U[0, 350]; hc  12, h0  3, αH  0:9, ic  ∞

45 1.0
α L = 0 .2
40 α L = 0 .5
α L = 0 .7


10 0.2

0 0.0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
q αL

uncertainty toward quality (i.e., intermediate level of pri- with or without the option of purchasing return insur-
or belief about high quality), as what might happen on ance. The equilibrium with the insurance option is as
new shopping platforms. In particular, the insurer’s characterized in the previous subsections, and the
profit may not be monotonic in the prior belief q. To see equilibrium without the option is equivalent to a spe-
why, consider, for example, the equilibrium of signaling cial case with both premiums equal to infinity,
by insurance. On the one hand, a stronger prior belief of i  ic  ∞. By Proposition 1, the two types pool in pri-
superior quality dampens the high type’s incentive to ces in absence of the insurance.
signal, and thus the high type is less willing to pay for
the insurance; on the other hand, a larger q implies a 5.3.1. Impact on Retailer. As we noted earlier, the re-
higher chance of the insurer making sales to the retailer, turn insurance was developed to help retailers allevi-
as the retailer is more likely to be of high quality. ate consumers’ concern about product-return hassles.
Surprisingly, we find that the option to purchase the
5.3. Impact of Return Insurance return insurance, albeit well-intended, does not neces-
In this subsection, we will evaluate the welfare impli- sarily benefit the retailer. In particular, both types of
cation of the return insurance to the retailer and the retailer may get strictly worse off by such an option.
consumers by comparing the equilibrium outcomes The lose-lose outcome is proven for a given premium

Figure 4. Two Types’ Equilibrium Prices Under Equilibrium i∗ (Left Panel) and the Insurer’s Profit in Equilibrium (Right Panel):
θ ~ U[0, 350], hc  12, h0  3, αH  0:9, αL  0:5 (Left Panel)
2 α L = 0 .2
Only H Both α L = 0 .5
180 1.8 α L = 0 .7

L type's price 1.4

170 1.2


160 0.6
H type's price

150 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
q q
Zhang, Yu, and Chen: Signaling Quality with Return Insurance
12 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–21, © 2021 INFORMS

Figure 5. Impact of Return Insurance on the Two Types’ Equilibrium Profits for a Given i (Left Panel) and Under the Equilibri-
um i∗ (Right Panel): θ ~ U[0, 350], hc  12, h0  3, αH  0:9, ic  ∞, αL  0:5 (Left Panel)

i in Proposition 5 (see Figure 5, left panel) and numeri- expected number of product returns and an improvement in
cally verified under the equilibrium premium, i∗ (see the consumer surplus.
Figure 5, right panel).
The option of return insurance can benefit the con-
Proposition 5 (Asymmetric Information, Given Insur- sumers in three aspects: (i) It induces retailers of dif-
ance Premium i). When the premium i is sufficiently low ferent types to separate from each other and thus
and the prior belief q is sufficiently high, both types are allows the consumers to discern true product quality
worse off by the option to purchase return insurance. and make better-informed purchasing decisions. (ii)
The retail price may be lower due to the option of re-
To understand the rationale behind the lose-lose
turn insurance; the high type sometimes has to lower
outcome, we exemplify in Section SA.1 the interac-
his or her price (besides buying insurance) to distin-
tion among the players as triggered by the option of
guish him- or herself, and the low type’s price upon
return insurance. Particularly, a key driver is that
perfect revelation is lower than the no-insurance pool-
the low type is less incentivized to adopt insurance
ing price. (iii) Whenever the return insurance is
than the high type under information asymmetry.
adopted in equilibrium, consumers enjoy a reduction
Thus, when the insurance option is available, refus-
in their hassle costs for product return. Because of
ing to purchase insurance is interpreted by consum-
these effects, consumer surplus is boosted as long as
ers as an indicator of low quality. To avoid such the prior belief q is not too low. When the prior belief
a negative inference, both types adopt insurance, q is low, however, consumer surplus is lower with in-
which renders both worse off compared with the surance because in this case the high-type retailer’s
no-insurance pooling equilibrium when the prior be- price is significantly higher with insurance because of
lief is high. both a high insurance premium and a small price dis-
tortion. Furthermore, effect (i) results in higher (low-
5.3.2. Impact on Consumers. Thus far, we find that er) sales for the high- (low-) quality retailer, implying
the option of return insurance may not always help more (fewer) product returns when the probability of
the retailer, irrespective of product quality. The a high type, q, is high (low), as illustrated in Figure 6
good news, however, is that it may be a blessing to (left panel).
the consumers. In particular, the insurance option
may reduce the expected occurrences of product re- 6. Role of Third Party: Return Insurance
turns and, concurrently, improve aggregate consum-
vs. Free Return
er surplus. Proposition 6 follows, with an example in
Besides return insurance, another tool usually adopted
Table S.2.11
to mitigate consumers’ return hassles is free return, that
Proposition 6 (Asymmetric Information). The option of is, a promise made by a seller to fully cover the return
return insurance may lead to both a reduction in the shipping fee. Such a commitment does not involve a
Zhang, Yu, and Chen: Signaling Quality with Return Insurance
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–21, © 2021 INFORMS 13

Figure 6. Impact of Return Insurance on the Expected Total Number of Product Returns (Referred to as “Return”) and Consum-
er Surplus (Referred to as “CS”) Under Equilibrium Premium i∗ : θ ~ U[0, 350]; hc  12, h0  3, αH  0:9 (Left Panel); Comparison
Between Return Insurance and Free Return, Where “Better Off” Means That Return Insurance is Preferable for the High-Type
Retailer, Under Equilibrium Premium i∗ , θ ~ U[0, 350], hc  12, αH  0:9, αL  0:5, q  0:5, h0  8:6 (Right Panel)

third party (i.e., the insurer). Akin to return insurance, cannot afford a pricey insurance because of his or her
it also has the potential to signal quality. Is free return substantial returns and hence, may lower the signal-
an effective signal of quality? Should the high-quality ing cost (via a reduction in the high type’s price dis-
retailer signal through a third party (i.e., by return in- tortion). Thus, return insurance is a stronger signal
surance) or on his or her own (i.e., by free return)? We than free return in its differentiating power. Because
explore these questions in this extension (details in of its stronger differentiating power, return insurance
§SC). For a fair comparison, assume that consumers re- may outperform free return from the high type’s per-
ceive the same return compensations from return insur- spective, even if consumers experience a higher hassle
ance and free return, both equal to the return shipping cost under the former (i.e., hi > hr), as exemplified in
fee, hc − h0 . To reflect different claiming processes under Figure 6 (right panel) and Table 1.
the two return programs, assume that consumers incur Figure 6 sheds some light on why return insurance
an additional hassle cost hi ≥ 0 (resp. hr ≥ 0) for claim- is not yet as common in the United States as in China.
ing the insurance (resp. free return). Consumers in the United States are used to generous
Although free return can signal high quality, it dif- return policies, with no questions asked and all costs
fers from return insurance in terms of when the signal covered. Besides, in the United States, insurance
is valid and how the signal impacts on retailer profits, claims can be intimidating to many consumers, be-
even when the claiming hassle costs are identical (i.e., cause they typically involve a tedious and slow pro-
hi  hr). Through a comparison of the two signals, we cess through a third-party insurer. Nevertheless, the
discover that the presence of a third party introduces insurance’s successful application in China shows
double marginalization in quality signaling. Specifi- that, because of its special nature, return insurance’s
cally, because the insurer is self-interested and profits claim process can be much less daunting than that of
from selling to the high type, the insurance premium other insurances. For example, the process of return
is always strictly higher than the insurer’s expected insurance on or is highly stream-
cost of covering a purchase of the high-quality prod- lined, and particularly, with all the transaction and
uct, that is, i∗ > (1 − αH )(hc − h0 ), the latter of which is courtier data readily available from the platform, it
also the expected cost of free return for the high type. does not need to involve a consumer at all; once the
Like a double-edged sword, double marginalization seller issues a price refund, the claim process starts
leads to two opposing effects on the high type’s sig- itself and usually completes within 24 to 72 hours.12
naling cost. On the one hand, for the high type, pur-
chasing insurance from the insurer is more costly than 7. Extensions and Discussions
offering free return him- or herself. Thus, his or her In this section, we examine several variants of the
signaling cost under insurance tends to be higher; on base model: insurer’s private quality information,
the other hand, an expensive signal facilitates deter- quality-dependent cost, endogenous return compen-
rence of the low type’s imitation because the low type sation, a mix of informed and uninformed consumers,
Zhang, Yu, and Chen: Signaling Quality with Return Insurance
14 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–21, © 2021 INFORMS

Table 1. Free Return vs. Return Insurance: θ ~ U[0, 350], hc  12, αH  0:9, αL  0:3, q  0:5,
h0  10, hi  1:5, hr  0:5

Free return Return insurance

H-type L-type H-type L-type

Return program adoption Yes No Yes No

Return program cost 0.2000 – 6.0500 –
Selling price 115.9910 161.0000 151.7920 161.0000
(Full-information price) (174.5280) (161.0000) (177.7220) (161.0000)
Expected sales 0.6653 0.4600 0.5627 0.4600
Expected profit 69.3151 22.2180 73.4622 22.2180
Note. “Program cost” refers to the per-unit cost for each return program, that is, (1 − αt )(hc − h0 ) for type-t
retailer under free return and i∗ under return insurance.

and comparison of return insurance with advertising. equilibrium. Second, the high premium for the low
Below, we describe each extended model and summa- type strengthens the differentiating power of return
rize the findings. insurance and facilitates the high type’s signaling by
insurance. Specifically, it reduces the low type’s ben-
7.1. Insurer’s Private Quality Information efits from imitation because it becomes more costly
So far, we have focused on the situation when the in- to mimic insurance adoption. Hence, the high type’s
surer is equally as (un)informed about quality as the signaling cost diminishes and separation by insur-
consumers. This is aligned with the assumption that ance occurs more often than in the base model.
the retailer is new to market and thus uncertainty to- Regarding the profit implication of the insurer’s pri-
ward its quality is public. In practice, insurers may be vate information, we find that with unobservable pre-
able to acquire information about a retailer through miums the insurer always gains from the information,
certain private channels, for example, by examining because it helps the insurer avoid profit loss from sell-
the retailer’s certified credentials. In this extension, we ing to a low-quality retailer and also, sometimes, ex-
analyze the situation where the insurer has private in- tract more profits from a high-quality retailer.
formation about quality and adjusts its strategy ac- What if the firm premium is observable to consum-
cordingly. In line with current practice, we focus on ers? Because the insurer is better informed than the
the case where the insurer’s firm premium is unob- consumers, a premium observable to consumers may
servable to the consumers. Detailed analysis is provid- reveal the insurer’s private information. In §SD.2, we
ed in §SD.1. construct and analyze a sequential-signaling model
Different from the base model, where the insur- where the insurer’s private quality information may
ance is sometimes adopted by both types of retailers be conveyed to consumers through observable premi-
in equilibrium, we find that, in the extended model, ums. Surprisingly, the insurer is sometimes hurt by its
only the high-type retailer purchases insurance and private information under observable premiums. This
always does so in equilibrium. Hence, the insurer’s is because when the private information is revealed to
private information enhances the signaling capabili- consumers via premiums, it reduces the information
ty of return insurance. This result is driven by two asymmetry between the consumers and the retailer,
interrelated facts. First, the insurer has no incentive which, as we noted, is the key source of the insurer’s
to sell the insurance to a low-type retailer, as it never profitability. Thus, contrary to intuition, private quali-
gains from doing so; because the low-type retailer ty information may be disadvantageous to the insurer.
does not desire to signal by insurance, his or her It is worth noting that this finding offers an explana-
willingness to pay for the insurance never exceeds tion for the practice that the firm premium is usually
iL, that is, the insurer’s expected cost of covering a concealed from consumers.
purchase of the low-quality product. In the base
model, the insurer cannot distinguish between the 7.2. Quality-Dependent Product Cost
high type and the low type and thus has to bear the In this extension (details in §SF), we consider the case
risk of incurring a profit loss on a low-type retailer where the two types of retailers differ not only in
in the hope of gaining from a high-type one. This sit- defect rates but also in product costs. Specifically,
uation occurs when both types adopt insurance at a assume that the high type’s per-unit product cost is
low premium. Being aware of quality, the insurer, c > 0 and the low type’s product cost is normalized to
however, no longer has to sell to a low-type retailer. zero. We find that a higher product cost for higher
Instead, it raises the premium such that the low quality dampens the informational roles of the return
type has no incentive to adopt the insurance in insurance, as explained below.
Zhang, Yu, and Chen: Signaling Quality with Return Insurance
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–21, © 2021 INFORMS 15

First of all, because of the cost difference, the retail signaling quality becomes less important to the high
price can signal quality in the absence of insurance. type, and return insurance is less often adopted. In par-
Consider the situation when the firm premium i is ticular, the presence of informed consumers facilitates
very high. In the base model (c  0), both types aban- separation of the two types because it aggravates the
don the insurance and pool at a common price (ref. low type’s cost if he or she attempts to imitate the high
Proposition 1). Under a positive cost difference (c > 0), type; by mimicking a high price, the low type, despite
however, pooling is no longer a stable outcome, as the tricking the uninformed consumers into believing him
high type has an incentive to differentiate by raising or her as a high type, loses the sales to some informed
price. A high price can separate the two types because ones. Thus, a pooling equilibrium does not exist, and in
it is more damaging to the low type (if he or she at- absence of insurance, pricing alone is able to effectively
tempts to mimic) than to the high type; whereas a signal quality. In this case, the role of return insurance
high price lowers sales of both types, it reduces the to- in facilitating price signaling is less important, because
tal product cost for the high type. When high quality abandoning insurance and signaling by price alone
costs more, such a signaling effect of a high price has does not only eliminate the retailer’s insurance cost but
been noted in literature (see, e.g. Bagwell and Riordan can also achieve a natural separation of the two types
1991). Furthermore, when the premium is low enough (i.e., a separating equilibrium where the two types’
to induce adoption by both types, quality is conveyed strategies and profits are the same as those in the ab-
by a high price under a great product-cost difference. sence of information asymmetry).
In such cases, the insurance continues to facilitate
price signaling and does so through its effect on the 7.3.3. Return Insurance Versus Advertising. In §SE,
demand side (i.e., by reducing demand sensitivity to we compare return insurance with uninformative
quality), whereas its effect on the cost side (i.e., by in- advertising, a well-studied signal of quality (see, e.g.,
creasing the low type’s insurance cost if he or she Milgrom and Roberts 1986). We find that the high-
mimics a low price) is no longer valid. Therefore, the type retailer’s preferred choice between the two sig-
importance of insurance is weakened by the product nals critically depends on the return compensation
cost difference, and, keeping everything else the same, offered by insurance. When the return compensation
the high type is less inclined to pay for the insurance is small, advertising outperforms insurance because
when the product cost c rises. of its lower signaling cost. Particularly, because the
advertising spending is chosen by the high-type re-
7.3. Other Extensions tailer, the amount is just enough to ensure separa-
7.3.1. Endogenous Return Compensation. In the base tion by advertising without any price distortion. In
model, the return compensation offered by return in- contrast, the insurance premium is set by the insur-
surance is exogenous. This reflects the fact that in er, and the high type sometimes needs to distort his
practice the insurer usually has very limited flexibility or her price to facilitate separation with the low
in setting the compensation level. Nevertheless, when type. If, however, the insurance compensation is
the insurer does have the flexibility to choose any high, insurance effectively alleviates return hassles
compensation, we show in §SE that the optimal com- and enhances consumers’ willingness to try. Thus,
pensation is zero. This is because a higher compensa- the high type finds it better to signal through return
tion leads to a higher premium, which triggers an insurance than through advertising.
increase in the high type’s price, and implies lower
profits for the insurer. Despite zero compensation, in 8. Empirical Analysis
equilibrium the high type always adopts the insur- In this section, we empirically verify a few key re-
ance. In this case, similar to uninformative advertising sults derived from our analytical model by analyz-
(Milgrom and Roberts 1986), return insurance consti- ing a data set collected from, where return
tutes a dissipative cost for the high type and is used insurance is prevalent. Our primary objective is to
solely for signaling quality. This finding further sub- verify whether a positive correlation is present be-
stantiates the signaling role of return insurance. tween a retailer’s adoption of return insurance and
high quality. Besides, we also examine the role of in-
7.3.2. Mix of Informed and Uninformed Consumers. In formation asymmetry as well as how the retailer’s
this extension, we incorporate consumer heterogeneity selling price correlates with its quality and insurance
in their prior knowledge about quality by considering adoption.
two segments of consumers, informed and unin-
formed, where the informed are perfectly aware of 8.1. Measures
quality, while the uninformed are uncertain about it. On, adoption of return insurance is on the re-
We show in §SG that, as more consumers are informed, tailer level; that is, if a retailer purchases return
Zhang, Yu, and Chen: Signaling Quality with Return Insurance
16 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–21, © 2021 INFORMS

Figure 7. (Color online)’s Product-Description Page control variables: geographic location (LOCATION)
of a retailer and number of years since its launch on
the platform (AGE).
As noted in our theoretical analysis, asymmetry in
quality information plays an important role in deter-
mining a retailer’s adoption of the return insurance.
To empirically test the effects of information asym-
metry, we evaluate variations in the ratings among
retailers within a specific product category, with
lower variation indicative of stronger information
asymmetry. Specifically, we first compute the rating
variance among retailers within a category for each
of the four rating types (i.e., Score, Rating_quality,
Rating_service, and Rating_description) and obtain
insurance, the insurance is applied for all of the prod- four rating variances for each category, with each
ucts offered by the retailer.13 Hence, our empirical variance corresponding to a rating type. We then
investigation is also on the retailer level. A retailer’s conduct a principle component factor analysis of the
offer of return insurance is publicly observable on opposite numbers of the four variances with vari-
product description pages (see Figure 7 for an exam- max rotation and retain a factor with eigenvalue
ple14) and can be used as a criterion for product greater than one, where all the four variances load
search. Denote the retailer’s adoption of return in- high on the factor. Finally, we normalize the factor
surance by a dummy variable, INSURANCE, which across categories and use it as the level of informa-
equals to 1 if return insurance is adopted and 0 tion asymmetry for each category.
otherwise. The description of the measures is presented in
In terms of quality measures, we rely on’s Table S.3.
seller ratings as proxies for quality (Figure 8 presents
an example. Specifically, we select four ratings that 8.2. Data Collection
are most relevant to our study: comprehensive score We focus on product categories that are highly prone
(Score), rating about product quality (Rating_quality), to consumer returns, for which a natural indicator is a
rating about service attitude (Rating_service), and rat- high category average return rate (Shang et al. 2017).
ing about “item as described” (Rating_description). tracks and posts a “rate of returns and ex-
In addition, we include some controls to capture the changes” for each seller as well as an average rate for
possibility of confounding and alternate explanations. each product category. To ensure a reasonable sample
A retailer’s insurance-adopting decision may be af- size, we choose 24 product categories with the highest
fected by factors like number of products in its assort- average rates of returns and exchanges, as in Table
ments, its product prices, and demand volumes; a S.4. For each category, we use all of its featured cate-
proxy for the last is review volume for its products.15 gories as keywords for product search and automate
We introduce three controls, number (PRODUCT_- data collection on all independent retailers found
NO), average price (AVE_PRICE), and total number through the search.16
of reviews (TOTAL_REVIEWS) of a retailer’s products The data collection spans over a week in March
found through our product search (to be detailed in 2018 and produces 13,356 distinct observations. We
Section 8.2), and log-transform them for our analysis. exclude the retailers whose comprehensive scores are
Besides this, we also include two retailer-specific null values (these retailers are too new to have a rating
record) and the retailers who sell products across mul-
Figure 8. (Color online)’s Retailer Ratings tiple categories,17 resulting in 10,471 observations. Be-
cause our model assumes full refunds for returns, we
further eliminate those retailers who do not offer
“Seven Days No Reason to Return”.18 This leads to
10,160 observations. Each observation is for a retailer,
and the data include its ratings, whether it adopts re-
turn insurance, number, average price and total num-
ber of reviews for its products found through our
search, its geographic location, and duration since its
launch on the platform.19 The description of the
10,160 observations is shown in Table S.4, and the
descriptive statistics of the sample are presented in
Zhang, Yu, and Chen: Signaling Quality with Return Insurance
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–21, © 2021 INFORMS 17

Tables S.5 and Table S.6. We also analyze the larger measures are highly significant, and their positive
sample consisting of all 13,356 of the observations, signs support positive correlation between quality
and the results are robust, as shown in §SI.1. Although and insurance adoption.
we focus primarily on the March 2018 sample as de-
scribed above, we collect and analyze another sample 8.3.2. Role of Information Asymmetry. To examine the
of panel data, tracking the retailers’ strategies and per-
association between return insurance adoption and in-
formances over six months, as detailed in §SA.
formation asymmetry, we construct the following
model. For retailer j and location m,
8.3. Results  
8.3.1. Correlation Between Insurance Adoption and μjm
Quality. We first examine the correlation between IN- log  ρ0 + ρ1 QUALITYj + ρ2 ASYMMETRYj
1 − μjm
SURANCE and QUALITY, where QUALITY is mea-
sured through either Score, Rating_quality, Rating_service, + ρ3 QUALITYj ∗ ASYMMETRYj
or Rating_description. Four logit regressions are per- + ρ4 log(AVE_PRICE)j
formed between INSURANCE and QUALITY, with
+ ρ5 log(TOTAL_REVIEWS + 1)j
each regression corresponding to a different measure
of QUALITY. To account for unobservable factors + ρ6 log(PRODUCT_NO + 1)j
related to product category and retailer location, we + ρ7 AGEj + Σρ8m LOCATION + jm ,
apply a fixed-effects model on both category and lo-
cation, as shown in (5). For retailer j, category k, and (6)
location m, where ASYMMETRYj is the information-asymmetry
  level for the category to which retailer j belongs.
log  β0 + β1 QUALITYj + β2 log(AVE_PRICE)j The regression results for model (6) are presented
1 − μjkm in Table 3. For three out of four quality measures,
+ β3 log(TOTAL_REVIEWS + 1)j we observe significant and positive coefficients for
QUALITY, confirming again that higher product qual-
+ β4 log(PRODUCT_NO + 1)j + β5 AGEj
ity increases the probability of a retailer purchasing
+ Σβ6m LOCATION return insurance for consumers. In addition, the re-
+ Σβ7k CATEGORY + jkm , (5) sults suggest positive correlations between insurance
adoption and information asymmetry. This finding is
where μjkm  Prob(INSURANCEjkm  1), and CATE- well aligned with the analytical results on the infor-
GORY represents the product category to which mational roles of return insurance.
retailer j belongs. Logit regressions based on the Regarding the role of information asymmetry, we
model and maximum likelihood estimation lead to perform two robustness checks with another proxy of
the results in Table 2. The coefficients for all quality information asymmetry and with a panel data set,

Table 2. Logit Regression Results for Model (5)

Dependent variable: INSURANCE  1 if offering return insurance

A. Score B. Rating_quality C. Rating_service D. Rating_description

QUALITY 0.5833*** 0.5719*** 0.6729*** 0.9433***

(0.0804) (0.0953) (0.0892) (0.1422)
log(AVE_PRICE) 0.0778*** 0.0729*** 0.0638*** 0.0683***
(0.0184) (0.0187) (0.0188) (0.0188)
log(TOTAL_REVIEWS+1) 0.1531*** 0.1533*** 0.1543*** 0.1514***
(0.0149) (0.0115) (0.0115) (0.0115)
log(PRODUCT_NO+1) −0.048* −0.0440* −0.0402* −0.0437*
(0.0197) (0.0197) (0.0198) (0.0198)
AGE −0.1427*** −0.1425*** −0.1436*** −0.1478***
(0.0201) (0.0202) (0.0201) (0.0201)
Constant −6.9620*** −6.8260*** −7.7400*** −10.4937***
(0.7860) (0.9138) (0.8574) (1.3726)
No. of observations 10160 10159 10147 10147
Notes. Panels A−D represent various measures of seller quality. Numbers in parentheses are the standard errors.
The numbers of observations for some tests are lower than 10160, because some retailers’ certain ratings are
unavailable from
*p < 0:05; **p < 0:01; ***p < 0:001.
Zhang, Yu, and Chen: Signaling Quality with Return Insurance
18 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–21, © 2021 INFORMS

Table 3. Logit Regression Results for Model (6)

Dependent variable: INSURANCE  1 if offering return insurance

A. Score B. Rating_quality C. Rating_service D. Rating_description

QUALITY 1.1637*** 0.8948* 1.2851*** 0.5956

(0.3114) (0.3610) (0.3430) (0.4254)
ASYMMETRY 12.9129* 8.2065 14.3951* 1.1168
(6.4543) (7.5468) (7.1315) (9.3567)
QUALITY*ASYMMETRY −1.2905+ −0.7978 −1.4476+ −0.0718
(0.6777) (0.7947) (0.7507) (0.9601)
log(AVE_PRICE) 0.0532*** 0.0515** 0.0436** 0.0541***
(0.0158) (0.0160) (0.0161) (0.0163)
log(TOTAL_REVIEWS+1) 0.1445*** 0.1456*** 0.1473*** 0.1466***
(0.0104) (0.0104) (0.0104) (0.0104)
log(PRODUCT_NO+1) −0.0569** −0.0540** −0.0506** −0.0607***
(0.0172) (0.0173) (0.0174) 0.0173)
AGE −0.1141*** −0.1159*** −0.1166*** −0.1236***
(0.0183) (0.0183) (0.0183) (0.0182)
Constant −12.4353*** −9.8619** −13.5447*** −6.9828+
(2.9698) (3.4320) (3.2616) (4.1454)
No. of observations 10,160 10,159 10,147 10,147
Notes. Panels A−D represent results with various measures of seller quality. Numbers in parentheses are the standard errors.
p < 0:1; *p < 0:05; **p < 0:01; ***p < 0:001.

respectively, as detailed in §SI.2 and §SI.3. In these category as well as with the retail price. This is well
studies, we obtain similar results with even higher sta- aligned with the informational role of return insur-
tistical significance. ance identified in our theoretical analysis.

8.3.3. Effects of Quality and Insurance on Retail Price. 9. Conclusion

To explore empirically how retail price correlates with Recent years have witnessed widespread applications
product quality and insurance offers, we regress of return insurance on various online shopping plat-
log(AVE_PRICE) on QUALITY and INSURANCE, re- forms, such as,, and
spectively. We observe significant and positive corre- Aiming to alleviate shoppers’ concerns about product-
lations between price and each quality measure as return hassles, return insurance, in its essence, is a
well as between price and insurance adoption. The re- cost-sharing agreement among an insurer, a retailer,
sult, that higher prices correspond to higher qualities, and the consumers. In this paper, we demonstrate that
echoes the theoretical finding that a higher price is return insurance can also serve as an informational in-
more often associated with better quality when strument to convey a retailer’s private quality informa-
return insurance is more likely adopted by higher- tion to consumers.
quality retailers (ref. Figure 4, left panel). The positive We show that return insurance signals high quality
correlation between retailers’ prices and insurance of- when consumers have little confidence about high
fers can be attributed to three facts. First, retailers quality, and a large gap exists between the two quality
factor in their retail prices the premiums they paid to levels. In such cases, the insurer exploits the high-
insurers; second, consumers expect higher utilities quality retailer’s strong motivation to differentiate
from purchases because of reduction in return hassles him- or herself and quotes a high insurance premium
by the insurance and thus would accept higher pri- such that only the high-quality retailer adopts the in-
ces; and third, a retailer’s insurance offer may signal surance. In other scenarios, the premium is not as
its high quality, which boosts consumers’ willingness high, and both types of retailers adopt the insurance,
to pay. which can facilitate price signaling by reducing the
To summarize, this empirical evidence provides a low type’s benefits from imitation via (i) lowering de-
strong support for our conjecture that in practice mand sensitivity to quality and (ii) increasing the low
higher-quality retailers are more likely to purchase re- type’s cost if he or she attempts to mimic the high
turn insurance and thus confirm a core finding from type’s low price. We show that, because of the self-
our analytical model. Besides, we find that retailer interested insurer, double marginalization arises in
adoption of return insurance can be positively corre- quality signaling, which renders the signal more ex-
lated with the level of information asymmetry in a pensive both for the high type to adopt and for the
Zhang, Yu, and Chen: Signaling Quality with Return Insurance
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–21, © 2021 INFORMS 19

low type to mimic. Thus, return insurance has a stron- Acknowledgments

ger differentiating power than free return (where the The authors thank department editor Vishal Gaur, an
retailer plays a double role as both the product pro- anonymous associate editor, and three anonymous refer-
vider and the insurance underwriter). ees for constructive comments that led to significant im-
Despite its important impact on the retailer’s signal- provements of the paper.
ing capability, return insurance may not always im-
prove the retailer’s profitability. It sometimes renders Endnotes
both types strictly worse off. This is because the option References for returns:
of purchasing return insurance can induce the high type ScoreWhitepaper.pdf (accessed November 5, 2021); upstream
to deviate from the no-insurance pooling equilibrium
and eventually hurt both. Return insurance may, how- Upstream-Commerce (accessed October 2, 2019); retailne
ever, benefit the consumers by revealing the true quali- blog/the-real-cost-of-returns-for-retailers/ (accessed September 11,
ty, lowering the retail price, and reducing the return 2020); www.invesp
hassle. On the other hand, it is profitable for the insurer statistics/ (accessed September 11, 2020); www.sta
statistics/871365/reverse-logistics-cost-united-states/ (accessed No-
only when information asymmetry is present. We also
vember 5, 2021);
find that the insurer’s private information about quality (accessed November 5, 2021), page 8.
can enhance the signaling capability of insurance and 2
References for return insurance:
yet may not necessarily be advantageous to the insurer. n274302485.shtml (accessed November 5, 2021); www.the-digital-
Besides the analytical results, our empirical investiga- nas-first-complete-online-insurance-
tion of the retailer data set from confirms signifi- company/ (accessed November 5, 2021);
cant and positive correlations between a retailer’s quality insurance/n/2013/1114/c59941-23535966.html (accessed November
5, 2021); www.oliverwy
rating and return insurance adoption. We also observe
global/en/2016/oct/Olive rWyman_ChinaInsuretech.pdf (accessed
positive correlation between insurance adoption and in- November 5, 2021);
formation asymmetry. These results substantiate the result d.html (accessed November 5, 2021);
that return insurance is more often adopted by higher- listconews/sehk/2020/0323 2020032300436.pdf (accessed November 5,
quality sellers under asymmetric information. 2021), page 34.
Although return insurance prevails mostly on See Figure S.1 for description of process flows in the models.
Chinese shopping platforms, its applications have Some details of the paper are provided in a supplementary docu-
ment, where the numbering of sections, propositions, theorems, fig-
started to emerge outside China (e.g., in the United ures, and tables starts with an “S” for easy reference (for example,
States20). With the growing importance of product Section SA and Proposition S.1).
returns to online retailers, we believe that return in- 4
We use the terms “high (low)-quality retailer” and “high (low)
surance has great potential for broad applications in type” interchangeably.
various markets. This is because, given the mega- 5
In practice, the insurance compensation is a pre-specified
scale of online returns, seller-paid return shipping amount calculated based on the route from a consumer’s home to
may not be sustainable in the long run. Understand- a retailer’s return-handling facility, subject to a maximum amount
ing that free return is not always realistic, many con- per transaction (
00k62w.html (accessed November 5, 2021)). Thus, it may differ
sumers are willing to share the return shipping cost, from the actual return shipping fee. For analytical convenience,
as revealed by a consumer research.21 Return insur- we assume that the compensation equals to return shipping fee.
ance provides a unique opportunity for return cost In Section 6, we analyze the case where the retailer may offer free
sharing among sellers, buyers, and insurers. It al- return to cover the return shipping fee in absence of return insur-
lows sellers and buyers to “meet in the middle” and ance. To separate and compare the signaling effects of the two re-
turn programs (free return and return insurance) so as to discern
hopefully can lead to a more sustainable solution for
the third-party’s role, we preclude the retailer’s option of offering
managing online return shipping. Furthermore, as free return in the base model.
evinced by the practice in China, the process of re- 6
Product failures or defects may occur because of design flaws and
turn insurance can be much more efficient than that thus may not always imply lower costs. The assumption of quality-
of other insurances. Because the entire process of independent cost is adopted in signaling models such as in Stock
purchasing, return, and refund is embedded in the and Balachander (2005) and Yu et al. (2015). We analyze the case of
platform with all relevant data readily available to higher cost for higher quality in Section 7.2.
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when αL is sufficiently high.
turn insurance is minimal. Last but not least, as this
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certainty, which applies to many product categories surer does not have private information, its firm premium, even if
on most online shopping platforms. unpublicized, can be rationalized by consumers. We analyze both
Zhang, Yu, and Chen: Signaling Quality with Return Insurance
20 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–21, © 2021 INFORMS

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