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{ SiMPLY A2 Key for Schools 8 Practice Tests Writing © as Tutor i Speaking (04> Tutor : TEST 1 Part 6- Question 1 You want to goto anaterschool art club with your English end Peter on Monday. Wie anemalto Pete Wee 35 words mors ee | Suggested Structure « Writing Ideas 1 Ask Peterto jin the arta. ‘Tell him te reason you want him ogo with yeu |e tetinin what wings you wl lam, | ete peter nos tating you back home Part 7- Question 82 “SAMPLE ANSWER - Question 31 Hipster ow that ou wanted wo start a new hobby. Youcan come to ths afterschool at la with recon Morsay. Wecan ean how to drew ars na bigeles As, ny moter wl ve you faaeecte xt me now what you think Fres Useful Vocabulary + Use vocabulary rating to hobiak. ‘ub, member meting, oi * ls, usevoeabury resting to art and mu pain, sowing pion, tor + You conus pases Lets 901, Why an we, etme ow ook atthe thee pete Wit the try shown nthe plete We 35 word oF more, i i Writing Tips for Part 7 + Lokat the thre pictures and dee whats pening in |e Thinkabout wat nfrmstion you wl need (You mst use eormation om al tre ltrs. + Wieyour eon tre pic pope before wiing Suggested Structure & Writing Ideas + tare with wha you ae doingin theft plete and ‘rte about wat happening nthe secon pleure Where areyouand whete are your books? ‘rte wha stoppning the ie etre What the teacher saving you? Is he aney wth you? And wy? SAMPLE ANSWER - Question 32 ‘one morning was wating for he bus shoo was ling ry books my hands. When the busartwed san a seat and put my Book next tome. When sew my bus stop, got ofthe bs ‘uly thou thm. Ay astoom, my | teacher asked me about my Books ana she was not hap wth. Useful Vocabulary | * Use vocab rating to raven iver set ate, bs 0p * Ala use vocabulary lating seek vou can use pases ie: as waltng for got Hat on TEST 2 Parts Question 31 ‘ead this era fom your Ens fend Tim, Wee an ema to Tim and rswer hs questions, Wete 25 word or more. ENGI 7 Useful Vocabulary ‘SAMPLE ANSWER - Question 31 , * Use vocabulary reltng to museums tm, ‘exon, sce, tem gue i + Alo use veabulany relating going out Underground i tp, be mocking forward to go with you tothe ence marevmon Studs. wl be ‘asorf we goon the underground to * You can use phrases the: et ther Wecanleave a1, Ianto | ecole at wil ot, ergata Elncccrmesiirtterenen | fehtiten ana tte the Ensen tour ‘Suggested Structure a Writing Ideas ms a a ‘Tein about the vt the museum, {Sy hw you ae traveling tothe muzour ‘elt nate you wart toleane snd wi, ‘ wete what youwartt dor seat the mureum, Part7 -Question 32 {ook atthe three petures Write the sory shown Inthe pcre, Wit 35 words or more VRITIN Useful Vocabulary * Use vocabulary relating to museurs/elres. SAMPLE ANSWER- Question 32, ‘eniioon, ors painting, tou vitor Als, use veabury relating ood an sks, ‘Mega ants ae taling onthe phone about ‘xffes, to, cke,Sonduiches {he Museum of Moder Aft. There 3 newex * You conus vases te: hit by popular rst that they bth want They are taking about, Theresa, They go for @ | tosee. They meet thee the next dy and decd 1 orora cafe later wit th Feng Ble. ‘hey arehavng a eet time! Suggested Structure a Writing Ideas yg tt ts aegis a B tecmevees qatar tet nttenoemne ety | Skits casneaneacatiete | soni cy SIMPLY Cambridge A2 KEY (Ket) Cure TEST 3 Part 6- Question 31 Youre goirgonaschoo trp to land. wets an emalito your Engi end Bobby Useful Vocabulary * Use vocabulary eating to rave 1. lan orport arpone * Als, you cou use vocabulary relating to thes. ‘seer Jumper owes raincoat * You anus pases ie: 1s very. thing my Lets meet ot ‘Suggested Structure a Writing Ideas + tar by saying how you el about the ep. 1 Saywht clothes you wil ake and why ‘wire wnat time you wil meet tte por and sy wha te yur Mat Part 7-Question 32 SAMPLE ANSWER - Question 31 boy, theca the weather tere anit ivy cl So am aking my warmer clothe wth me, a mg coatand my jumper Our as at nthe mocnng and suggest we meet a he alert at Sam, etme know # you saree Evora ok tthe tre pictures. White he tory shown inthe pues Wits 38 words or mors, Useful Vocabulary + Use vocabularretatingt the beach son sa, plying, towel ls, use oeabulry lating spor. ‘beach vlleyba, team player * You anus phrases he: She wonted to poy, She stig on, She oxted Suggested Structure & Writing Ideas «4 saywhatthe gis din. How does he fee? {Sythe people tha have served ore the wel ae Istheg nappy an exited? ‘Wirt abou what game they are paying. ‘SAMPLE ANSWER - Question 32 Velen was laying on the beach by here she was tart tage bore. Then hr rends 4 ame. She was realy excita to sae term. They kod her to play a ame of beach voy i She sai she wanted to pay velba, oo. ; [vr nce TEST 4 Part 6- Question 31 feo the eral rom your Enlsh ren ane Wie an email. Jan and ae er questions. Useful Vocabulary Enea omatoeae a + Use vocabulary lating ong. boat water wna harbour + Ao use vocabulary relating to hot fod {shen chis burgers soup, pze "You can ue phase ike Doyou onto We cn meet at We could 9010 Suggested Structure & Writing Ideas «srt with ting ane sag. Jane where you want to meet he and at what Se, 1 Sere you santo ent and where ster you ge sang Part 7- Question 32 Lok tthe thee pitures. Wit the story showin the pcre. Wt 35 words or moe mH EE Useful Vocabulary \ * Use vocabulary elt to traveling on water. 5, bat spake * le, ue vocabulary retin to the weathers, ‘unm, ey ron thunderstorm * You amuse pase is Siento how, He decised to Suggested Structure & Writing Ideas Say wha the boy doing and what the weather she af wha started to happen while he was sang. ire tout what happens othe oy and whathe Do you want go sang wth me on Sunday? ‘We'an meet tthe tan tation 3¢ 10” oth ‘We could ote the fh and chip restaurant we le afterward What da you the? SAMPLE ANSWER - Question 32 Last Sunday ws sunny and warm a iat, Sososn decided 90 sling. Suen 3 ‘hnderstor began. ooh was ila sox {and dnt know what to do, Then, he fl Int the water He was ery care He reed to wim back tos bot. SiMPLY Cambridge AZ KEY (Ket) woe TEST5 Part 6 - Question 31 Temerrow yu are going shopping with your Enlsh Her, ames. Wee an email James. Wee 25 words ormere [ Ul Vraulary een ene | ceochumetennen te = EFequeoeyroorelial Sram ee ‘Shopping centre? want buy apa ier, ‘ett dot want to spend more than 0 pound. What about yu? Woulé you ket uy anything? * You can use task: | yu ef want ob, want to spend ‘Suggested Structure & Writing Ideas ‘Te ames ty want do tomorow and where you ~ Fst ay wht you wou toby and then ay how mich money you can spend 1 Maybe ah mes he wart to uy anne. Part 7-Question 32 eck atthe three pictures Wrte the story shown nthe pcures. Wie 38 word or more, ESA Useful Vocabulary * Use vocabulary relating to phones ‘pp tet mobi mart phon, seen camera ‘SAMPLE ANSWER - Question 32 + Also, use vocabulary clang oan, ht tlk Spek shout met lr atthe park toh that * You conus praesie ‘wanted buy 3 new bile phone and t mtrted to buy She needsanew, We both went to -—««=«*«‘lare sai tat she alone a ew one | Sowe both went toa shop and gt two i smart phones. Now we ean cha and text © Suggested Structure « Writing Ideas 1 sey what you andthe pare talking about ‘wnt about what typeof shop yeu aren and why you + Sap fyeu bought anying wre Sout what you are doing in plete te, ‘ach other on our new phones | TEST 6 Part 6 Question 32 fod the ema ram your Engle ren Erma. Write a email and answer her questions. RE 4 1 1 f Useful Vocabulary * Use worabulryrlatng to animals ‘monkey elephant bear snake | Ao, use weeabulay eating tcf lunch cates rom, soft rink * You con se phases the Bethe by want 9 Se, We can have Suggested Structure & Writing Ideas |e Tell Emma what ine you would eto get othe 200 | Candin 1 Soywhatanmal you weuld et se0 atthe 0, | Stages ther things to white you ae ther, Part 7- question 32 SAMPLE ANSWER - Question 31 Tokmms Abou the 200 tomorrow be thereby 10. ant tose the monkey th elephants and he bears, Weean have inch tthe 20 cafe and then vit thet hop, {okt the tee ptires Wete te ory shown inthe pictures Wite 35 words or mor, f Useful Vocabulary * Use vocabiir relating the besh 5, bal sist, | + Also, use veabulary rating to fei Sister brother parents ule * You anus pares ie | tit they were, They decided ta, Ak them to ‘Suggested Structure & Writing Ideas Wee what he ciren re doing on the beach inthe 1 Soya they fn on he beach nthe secon itre | Fie bout what hey do with the dog and what happened “SAMPLE ANSWER - Question 32 Priya and nay were playing on the beach, Wii they were tuning sroun, they found 3 og toed Sad an hangs they decides torakertto ther parents und ask ther oaks Ithome. They agreed and everyone was happy. The dog was happy too! Ea ASC Ga Goo) eee TEST7 Part 6- Question 31 Youre going 3 music concer wth you Enlsh ren, Paul on Saturday. Writ nema 0 Pa Part 6 WRITING TUTO Useful Vocabulary | + Use vocabulary relating to musi event “SAMPLE ANSWER - Question 31 concer musiln rock Singer Hey Pou, + Alo use vocabulary resin tote, “The concert on Satay tare 7pm We must ar te, on ine, or {get the 6:20 ant be thereon tne, mesg * You ean use phases he {eo wear my blk Jean and my new red jah, We mus ge ere, start, m going to wear iat are you ging to wear? ‘Suggested Structure a Writing Ideas Soy what ime the concert wl star 1 Say how yu are bath going to get to the concer. J Tel Paul wnat Cotes you are ging o wear, Aakhim wnat es gong to wea, Part? - Question 32 {ook atte thee pictures Wite the stor shown nthe plctures. Wit 35 words of more Useful Vocabulary * Use vocabulary relating to tate ‘rofl bus ne, move ‘The trac inthe ety Was horn ast Mon * Ais, se voeabulry reiting to body pas. day. deed to walk to coege at dy frm eg, eae neck Stead of tating the bur While was yng Em Ti SAMPLE ANSWER - Question 32 + Youcan use pases the: {toss the oad car itm. broke yee ‘ {etd was ying, broke my tnd yr eit Te er me ot ofpaint Suggested Structure & Writing Id Say whatis happening inthe it ptr. Why ae there Inthe second pleuresaywhattneboyisdoingandwhy | heisdome | ~ + Soy what appened thm. | ‘ie about why he Boy sin hogpal and wha the doctor Oe Acad TEST 8 Part 6 Question 31 Read the ema fom your English fend Mary. Wee an emallto Mary and answor her questions. Wit 25 word oF more Useful Vocabulary il SAMPLE ANSWER- Question 31 * Use voeabuarreating tthe cinema May Sees ‘About Thursday, ike te wate the new ‘Ab, use vocab ary rltng to places. i Wonder Weman fins st 6 which homeschool gym station cafe ve stime to go fora hot chocolat fer * Youcan use pases the im, Tellme what ye nk Tele what et ators ot } : Suggested Structure & Writing Ideas 1 Sat by sen toutes plans fr Ynuedoy = el Mary what youn do afer te im Mary contac you total you he agrees with you, Part 7- Question 32 ok tthe tee pictures Wit the try shown nthe ictres, Wit 3 words or mre. Useful Voeabulay * Use orabuley relating to types f fins comedy, saperer, ory pole [SAMPLE ANSWER - Question 32, * Also, use veabury relating to a god ine, ‘wonderful reo fants nce * You can use phases the: They lon tog, They oto the, They hada ‘Suggested Structure & Writing Ideas * Soy whet the boys doing who he scaling and why. 1 Forthesecond pure, what the cheer se dong 1 Soywhereeyareand what they oud be watching 1 Saywhere they aren pcre thee and what hey want ‘obo ‘ona Saturday aternoon, Gary was on he hone with hens. They slanred to goto ‘he ema to wath the latest super ln, ‘Aer the in they decided ogo to their vous burger shop ana have dene. The ci ‘ren hada wonder sel | Speaking Tutor PRACTICE TEST 1 Part 1 ee Phase 1 About ou Ong Jn comet € [at tee Te Te Geek 2 my. ‘ceore, b tmincold 4 teow ee 3 tte 6 Tce na alton Athos My nn 0) Nw (0%). 1 nen (town). ame ne feoure, Phase2 Sports 1. What sports doyou enov playing? 2. whedo yout playa sports with? | where d0 you got play sports? a {© when do you usualy play sports? ike paying sports with ny fonds. We have good time together [sally pay sports atthe weekend and sometimes ‘ons Weanesdoy evening he plying footalland basket. #4. sual pay spor at thelocal sports centr, ‘xtended Response 2 Use worn the coms the op. ‘wor ected another than too__when best has ret momen as (2) ny footbat team) Tast month We pled agin tar fm (i) school and we played much bette (5), theme wore ver (6). time or team oper because this the ist Wotidays 1 Wher did you go for yourlas halaay? 2 ow longa take you to ge there? 3. What is yous on hoy? 4 What asthe bes food you had on olay? |, Ietok usmere han one hour because there wat at oft went to London. nd also ited some important places 4. Frely ed te paz itwas the bert pra Fe ever ‘extended Response 2 Use te morn the batt compete the gaps takes Tran becuse Slowiy "shy were | really enoys visting the London Gye. le a very big a ‘We hod aise onan) wes arst 3 wesw 30 (4). laces fom high up. Brides) “mnie, becue the whee! moves o WP). hey becae wae 8 Clee fy andthe a) ‘ese! Part2 Different holiday activites Phase. 1 Conect the serene Ech setne ho an mt ni 2 mot sure whe'sin the pictur. could be a lke or an bathe to vit nad or week because can gt ‘ay trom ome, And the weather wl be 0d, an orion «& The ther pobam that scared forhigh places, What shout you? Teno looking besa pictures nthe at gery, Do you the waking the countryside? IRemt ean whats inthe ptore don el ike waking ante park "dor elke ny. 20. Math the arth the eters o fom sets han te ets tht ov pee wth 1 Ith hat tng an ans fon because "dor think hat wsting an sand is 3. Climbing mountains i dangerous 4. dor thiok that lining mounting Ss dangerous because 5. Goingfor a walkin the countrys is ‘ie 6, think tat ental ogo or walkin she course, 7. Some prone thnk that mig to an art trey borg, 4, Tekin tat simmingin a pools very interesting, 1. if weather isbag, you wihave noting todo there 1 ihe countryside faraway rom where you tne. but think that those people dont undead Art. {4 you can swim inthe sea nd pay eamesin the water. f butyouneedtohove thei oes {C ifyouhave an aeeldet i fet oi a doctor. | because you can go there with your end and ply ames nthe water peopl hte ah euent wth tem efor ey ame: Tet hr tg a nif bee you sn si ihe ‘anda gaesin te oer Wer fou te? Wel one/tore bese 2 Now colette bor ove yourfosure sti. hy fou 2 because Phase2 ote rot ane Te omer yoo th 2. you prefer to go only on your own with ike going on olidy with my ends because we play sane together Inte going on holiday alone. ao sfer fam with other people, Ie my ens. "ike going on holy on my own, because can do ‘thethings want When my ends are there, we it @>. 1 What ind of tooks do you enjoy ening? 2. What do yu tke bem about tha Kind of Books? 3. Where do youbuy books? ) 4 when do you ad books? ike adventure stoi, | sual buy Boks anne. lhe this type ef Books because they have et con, alot of flere things happen tte people haracers) inthe ston, 4. usual rea nthe evening oust before gto bed Extended Response ee 2 writen have feo! st changes he The) nnn Bok (2) readiscalea reat, Expectations andi 3) by Dike raat @ month Ws very interesting how Pi ie 6) Sn rem very pore becomes ery 6. Pp ors nnn i calle Ete, bt she does (wna te same wy shopping 1 What do youl buy when you go shopang? 2 How much do you usualy spend pe month sonclotes? 3 What the mos expensive thing you've ever bough? 4 Where do yous shopping? aa 2. {usually goto the shopping centre becouse snot fe from my heme 'b.|donthink ht spend more than SO eur The most expensive ting tht ve ever Bouse my rable phone. 4. Te buying clothes arses. ‘Extended Response awe nba = pie imho bought ot vine) weak went tothesnoe shop wo weeks) ‘bt they ea ‘he colour waned They sald hat they needed ‘ der hom at that would have to wale (6) a weet ha hem 0 (nn that agro towalt So last week wertttheshopand(@) them, Part2 Diflorent things todo ata party Phase a 1. Coc the enters th sence has oe mista on {| nf te dancing on pets. What about ou? Tove dance wth my ends fun Do yo ey dancing? ink play vdeo somes a parte wong Whe! do vou ‘nine 44. Tmenoy plying video games with ny ends, (© I dri realy ike bose pone {Ct eamdo beter thing ats pay, s0 would’ choose play dort realy ke meat ardthe most people cok mest ‘when they have a barbus hh. Tlvebarbecies, a0 ejoy help wth the cooking. Perperee peer aes 25. Moth he umber we eee am ences Tho te setencs tou are Taeree 1 Ithinkthatdancngisfon because 2. or fn video ames ecg 3 1think thot lying board games very Ineresting Benue 4 dont think hat playing board eames Isieresting Bocauee 5, [think tat signg snes nice 6 Iahink that having» Barecieis boring because 2 | don'think barbecues ae boring | prefer ging ou ato think that we spend too much ‘ine in ont of ace, especialy when people sing and play musi too Vatway lave neve lied tem 4. Youcan ook and have un atthe same tine. {people spend too much tine costing {we antalkatthe sometime: hey re much etter {han ideo games 1: wecan dance with our ends nd laugh at the sme 28 Mow compare your none th srr aes frame: Tinto dong fr bcose we on dnc ith ur fends Fri ieee ime Wht yor tan? 2. Now cam he a att yr fori tng todo oto pare ay favour hing that ean doa party i : because = a Phase 2 ome hgh ane fo Th emo or ene oth 1. you prefer to have party at homeo inthe country de? Wi? ihe Raving partes at home becase we can do more things there ie having parties at home because my mum cooks ne food eras refer parties inthe countryside bacase they are more adventurous 4. Tree partes in he countrys because they are ery fret. The only problem i gting there (otter Gear eit 2 you prefer ining onto rend or ot of people tour pary? Wry? 1 Tin the typeof person who loves ing ith ts oF prope ». Trealy ke meeting new people and mating new ‘tends, 01 prefer itn tof people oy party. ot iow eso peoples jut inte dose fends. & on reaty ind © (othe ae - PRACTICE TEST 4 Part 1 Phase? Schoo! 1. Whats yourfavourte subject? 2. what do you the todo rng he break? 3 How do you usualy goto schoo? 4 What ime does te lesen stan? | My fvoute abc eat, ike paying football with my end, 4. | wsuaiy waktoschoo butt trating et the bus ‘tended Response nd * wey enna eso é west Ny avourte wachers rane OT Was Geen She 2) nn mp teacher when wasin primary school, she was vernal) sped so Sh eve tory rash aught story ina fan Mis Green ® mat) ‘erywelsowe a & maths reali er 8). Musi 1 Whats your ovoure ind of mus? = How often do outsten to muse? eae Wen was the last ime you bought a musiecD? = Who is your fevourte singer or band? 2 uss steno musicin the evening and at weekends ke rock muse but sometimes Tent pop ms. veneer bought a CD, bit sometimes et Ds a5 birehaay presnt, 4. 1s many bands but my favour oneis magne Dragon ur nc kag Extended Response 2.0 the wor inte ort compet thers sway tum the divcing 1 _—_—took__—_sngng Last year went (1). 580 my fevoutte band, “hee ‘he concert was abe: two hous 2). Hom myhome, Soe Bon. tetrain. There (@) «alot ot people x6) onc. Everybody was 6). ond a ‘othe songs. We hada ot oF) Part 2 Different hobbies Phase {Crete sence ae snes Noe ita on 21h ing horsesand usualy go fore with my 1b. Tone ing Noe because think own. Con den he readng Boks, preter doing another hing. Do you enyreadng? 4. Lenjoy reading books on home. done ply vleyall What about you? {mnt soe wnat ean about th tre, fIdon't rea ke litening msc on he ses. ke ring bel erce at eeu : € encase k a pestis i ve én ig a srg a> othe) ea 2 Moth he utr wh th ets frm sentences. hen ck 3. you can auph together B youdore ite storer ties best it you team how m ejle when you sre @ chi als people feel eter when they ae back rom wor but othesprofer other sports amp inno ng hoe iret andes What ojo "on eaty agree 2 Now compete the bor ott ou out hb. My favour hobby tare 2. thinknat dings hore iu interesting 2 Playing vleybalth your ends funbacause : 4 Some people ihe volybal andy restun, 5 Inmy opinion, music reaxing 6 Ithnethat ngs ike ey brea Phase 2 ne wort indoor sndeutdoo a acves. So, west‘ naar suing pool an cutoor swig ac "The words Indoor snd outdoors ae advo Soe ey he uring pol rion ox Sha mring poo S60 ‘nce he ig anne foryu The compar your anne wth 1. oyu spend your fae tne outdoors orndoors? Why? 2 Tike gong out wth my Fens because we have 3 gest tine togerne, Tne staying, baring. When have free tine, aout Howe tayngindoos so wen Ihave ee tine, stay Inand lear owt ply my puta 4. ther ae a 2. What woud you prefer to haven your house, swimming poolor a piano? Why? 3 Timthe ype of perzon who ones summing and ecg a buieing nul ey 1, ioe to hae a plano andleen how to play not ood at playing muse so meybe the sining ool woul be beter ea 4. (other : = Succeed in A2 KEY for Schaals PRACTICE TEST 5 Parta Phase2 Cinema 3 Grea ait Extended Response 20s the worden bart campet the gap Tronkeys shel —food——nimale e ves ewerance me {iste he London) vt (2) last 1 Whack of ime oyu he best? 2 How often do you go 10 the cnema? {4 Who do you te watching fms wth? fa. My lover actor Brady Cooper Iwate is wth my bes fend Beeaee we Be ‘he sme fs rely ite hor fs usualy gotwrer a mth, month) Siecot Wecoun’ ge i ra) othe armas bat we bad 3 ood (8) watching hem. Part2 Different places to eat Phase 1 Core the serene Ech sete harone mito ony, Extended Response ate even and roar te pote bb ® yay fly (2) ele Nanny McPhee’ ‘There isa ater and some cildren. The ern do bd 3. Do yout eating at fastfood rstarane? 1. eI, bt peer eating wth ny far home because my mum ook Realy fod "My fami ana me have pine quite often, and we love it becase we et lovely fod and we io play games 4 aout eat at schoo? Not realy. tits bear than having lesson, What bout you "eal ike wating fm andesting psa o othe snacks, od you? things a) time. One day, Nanny MePhee is « ‘Jobin the hose Her (5) etolock (6) the eran (7) the house. she ‘changes the chien ad they Become nice nd (8) Animals spares 275 Mote he rand te te form sve a, 1. hat’ your ovsurte nama? 2 Watkin of pet would you the to have? 3. Whats te largestaniml you have ever seen? = ‘¢ whatanimalsae yu tad of? don't ke mie I saw bert the 00 anit was vere 4 Nove dogs. dow think hat eating a fat food restaurants expensive eink that eating t you erandparets hour ence becuse 2 Eating nthe countryside fun becuse 4 Eating at school cheap but, 5. Inmy opin’ boring “a ood forthe fay tobe ogrher 1. youean play games anddo ther acts nthe rsh «but the fod nt ely 04 for you 4. you esther everyday, il cot you alot of money. > en 2% how compare yur sire th our par ows Extended Response omate 2.Usetheworinthe arto compte he go SMa tho ete a fs food resourt i eenve bite fod eal god oyu What abut yo? pat ‘tom bnhday aor al apr rome brow present on 2: Now complet te bax sou your fou ple hee n-th eed nt) preter etn. ry ary ry ry = - (Ghee which war af months ogo! 0) a Iftwasenpersve But really he (7) gpeite (yon chloe Phase2 ote at ane rv Th com orem wt Home 4. th he usin with eames 1 Do you prefer eating fut ora dss ater amen? Wy? 23 like rt at afer mer usualy want teat desere. 1, I dontresty mind ke mos fut nd most deserts, dota a but the deserts, special iee-tea, ped eee T wheres yourhore? 2 Wha clours your bedroom? ao 3 Which sth restroom nour house? 4 Wheredoyouestdonerinyour house? thik’ the ving oom, ste geen €. Weinflower Set. 2 ooyoupretr your own country’ food or fod from other ploces? why? 4. Mon ofthe time we ext danerin the cen. Taverne od rom other counts so! dont realy know 1 Iprefer tala food es dco. And sary heainy 12. ow work wth yourprne Aon one quesions 4 «. Teroy eating fod om other countries, becuse the Extended Response vera 2. We the words nthe ota compet te ps. 4. (oh pas at feourte spend computer my howe brother" have PRACTICE TEST 6 (1) none Behoom sm) room inthe | 8) Torvehave 3) nm Beoom, 0 (8) 3a sa Part 1 ‘ota mein my barca shar ry room hy j then? @ Srdwe haves lotta Yourbirthday | 1, Match he stn wth ener Part2 1. When s your bthay? See oer oeer 2 What do you do on our bree? So | phase 3 where do you usualy ave our ithdey {Lone sneer ach etn ba oe par? es 4 Wo you uate to yourbthay ' Doyoutnaw how this sports wndsrting? por? wou |B the playing beset because» god eam spots ] Cn my bith usual hove party ‘asualy intel my eands aed my easemates €. Mybinhday's ia Moy. "aly have my Bethy pat in the pork What about you? oni lying tennis because prefer team sports. D9 youth playngtens? 44. Timtoo rare oy sing, Ad nk ot weathers Wine about you? ‘& Trey enyfotal but ot allo my frends kes. | Fee reer eee 2 ahi rar teeta fem sere hee Tages 2. think ha playing basttbalis Interesting because 2. {don't ink that playing football 3 think winder i angerous 4 think that noutoardings il. and dangerous Tennis can be fun ‘a, but my fiends don't frat intreting '. buted sa thats Se you hae lessons © youplay nth end. 4. youcan play win your fiends or wth yourschosl eam. youn have the rat equipment. amp 7 Tt ht lg Bok siteresting Bouse au ca ploy ‘eth our ens awh yours! wom, What oun 2: Now compet the bx obout the pth yu eb hay favourite spon i because = Z Phase2 Chart rat ane The ons or swe wth 41. Op you prefer laying or wating sports? Why? 2 Ike paying sports because | he oereing ite paying pore wth ends Fi lift ‘wren payor choo tam, «Tio fe plying spree watching hem on. 4 ome) 12. whichis more fun, playng ina team osone? 2 Tthinkes fun you playin a ear. [think hat both cn be fun if yu ie the spot you are doing. «| don'tnow itdepends on the person (other ee ren ted PRACTICE TEST 7 art. a Phase? Your toy Tow many bothes or aster deyounave? om 2. Wat do you an your fam eo d0 together? f 2. Who do you usualy fo only with? 4 rat you father sob? 2, My father ie noo teacher were to got the cinema topsther thave ene brother and two ste 44. We usual goon halide with ow cousins and aun. Extended Response 2. Use the wore nthe Dont compete ges a pean __fomly__ much __ often wan 'squite ae, we (2) people, rv mather my ther my titers my brother and me My grandarents ve (9). dou, ade) ver). vam 6 vounae ry siters My grandes the cdot) inthe fama Clothes 1 What kindof dates do you unaly waar? 2 How many parsot gover doyouhawe? ' How often do you buy new clothes? oo 44 Where do you usualy buy lthes rom? 2. Vusualy wear jeans and jumpers sua buy my otes fom oe shops Tasuay buy thes every ewo or tires months have two pais of loves SST arc Extended Response 2. Use thewors nthe boro comokete gob fraser gree sep by bouet ers ito bay ump My fou an th toler, blue, rand (2)... My mum (a) (aha last Citas waht (9). hand (6) ano afr many Part2 Different ways of traveling Phase {caret the sree Exh sete hos ane mit on. 1 tmnt sure about his pcre. Oo you thik it's boat? &. ooyouttewoveting with car I crf min Wael by ain we hve to go fr aay. 4. IIe planar Benue is trveling to snother coun, na planes ae far, | cotke Buterbecare aero ow! Wht about you? hwo to tate te bor or the rain to et school a ort ke them, especialy whon are ae eee 2a Moth he ater wit the eters a form eters: The, ok agree 2 Traveling by busisexpensive in my town », 2 dot think woveling by vain boing 2 Trnveing bya iecomforable brecsure 4 dont thiktat traveling by e/ 5. Tene that waveling by sea/boats stow, you wavel with ends, especaly youve some snacks with you by butitcan be cheaper you get a travel ad eeyourearso you can stop wherever and whenever 4. you Book your kets ear © anditcan male you ti windy. 2% no compare your ansnrs with or prt ansuer ven by uss expen my town bu can Be cheap f Yougeretoelard whe abut youn? 2: Now caplet te box sou your force Hoy of raving [ty favourte way of waveling ee ~ Phase2 nt at rtf oT opr os th 1 bo you prefer taeling wth your family o your ends? win? 23 Tike traveling with my ends because we talk lt ‘bike traveling with my parents, specif weg for ‘ey, because they make sue tht al fu wi Rave & food tne opr ite waving lone. i aera with other people ke my fends omy amy 4. Hie rveting on mya, because ean do all the things wat. Theater problem that when my fends roel wits me, t's too nosy (oorer see 22 Oo ou prefer traveling in sunny or cody weather? Why? 3. Fm the typeof person who loves ther, £0 prefer tereling sry weather bh. When tavel pit sunny dys to lousy days but notwhen W's too ht because Rot weather makes me 1 prefer traveling in sunny weather because | dn he therain "dont ely mind what he weather ike when traveling Rave god frends o fami wit me © (other Peer ake ea iad PRACTICE TEST 8 Part Phase 2 Your area What buldines ae thee dae oyourhore? 2. Were do chive in your sea goto rnd books? 3 Were can touts sta when they vst your area? By ain orb bus ‘They can tyne own hotel They £010 the cl lb. ® #4 Tere are houses and abi supermartt, Extended Response 2. Use the word inte boro compet the gms we ia peaks toed and esther ‘here lots tings you can doin my area a we areca thes, (3). youn Swine i) Is bo the weather bad you nati becaue there are two sling) eae my house There (6) cinema, Toto ees and restaurant you ar never) wo ‘Your dat life 1 What tine do youget win tbe norang? 2 What you eat for bratas? z 3. Where do you go ater shoo? aa ‘4 When do youd your homework? a. Forbreshlast encores or fran | dint, 1 I domynomeuork atte wend, getup? en week, I gotothesporscus. ‘extended Response Specialy share rect om ow draw ring __every doy ke spor, (| ‘eos. tothe tei uate schol ane we pay enn (2) anak) pers (8). ry rends the weekends and we fo ‘hich togetnor We e296) "Wee and ptt Now) Tearing Part2 Diflerent things that you can buy Phase 4. Corect theaters Eth stench one mito | mot sue what's in the pleturen te mil of page. ‘hat ao youth they sal? 1b, Fle to boyatraciet anda necklace bt ony he the eapersve one. Boyett buying camera? 4 hating of shoes do you het buying? (Ionita oingshopeng Usual bey tings oni. pacee 25 Macht ant itt te fr recs Tee Tage 2 Hhink shat buying apo expensive. For exmpe, ace 2 [think that baying mabe phane lest because 3 Buying a camera sinpor 46 do tink tt buying a ames Isimoorant. 5. Buying dates canbe cheap it thine hat ung shoes eft 18 Now or ith ourporne Aon onmer ues ‘2 youcan se tol people when you are not at home, Jou dont buy them ftom expersve shops. especialy you do ke phterapy. fe: eeause if they are too smal ey wll hut your eet. C iyoulle tating photos Se rics amp Fink: ying lpn een Fr eae o god one 2c How compte te bor obou yur frente ing oy. Tey cour nga bays pecs Phase 2 ‘ions be ih anes oyu Ten, compare your ans ith Jourpanne! nour 1. o you prefer buying clothe oF books? Why? 2 Iikebying ats because Ike ation mot I ikebuying ates but my mum sys that have too Trees buying lethes, because do’ ke reading suds Fen Feading books so buy aks when have a 2. Doyou refer shopping in cal shops rina bedeparment sore? Wn? Tee shopping an don't mini the shop big or [peter department stores because the lots of fifernt thing. €Tkeshoping in sll ocal shops on nk 's imgerant top smal besineses 4. ert realy mind He Boh (Othe nnn eet Test 1 Test Test 4 Test 5 passing Reading = Resdine Retain ee n u nt x Be os 7 as nS ies uh uM : is sh a st A i ee es i FY u are fra re fra hea rc bs rs re rc a u u i u Be aA is a a fee ie Pay tite ire fe ae oe Be a Bs Be Ba iBa Be a fre ae hes an fn me me ne nt Be ge rr] ae ie ze ue me fie . tae tee ae Be ee Re Re a Be a zs BA ze ze Re Re ae [ies ts mate as Boe Sinn ier af aoe ain Be oo ue ze, seen Brett Ba 2S am hem ee Ustening “Ubte Ustening Hee pn re m a 38 BA ‘ae tener | Ste i STE ane fms, Eee 2g es Tee iRetewt Ee be Sit sion Berecoar ra fans ee tea” ie ae a Be fee aM ae i Ee Be le oA [ees fee eo me bon ne my ee fee Be 2h os ee BS ze ale <4 iRa “ea ~} ssednesses ae f 5 ge 4 Test 8 Reading 28 eanfeous Ton esny # puscaen sent re: 8 ' SESES ESSE SEES ESE e ___ SIMPLY A2 Key - ANSWER KEY Vocabulary Exercises Test 1 \oeabutry Exreles ene se Bx receptionist Sine Test 3 Voeabutry Exercises beaip ae 38 Be Bd tort Sioa San Test 4 Voeabuary Earcses bembe ae aa SSrarove ecimo 2 unversty Test 5 Vocabulary Exercises Scone Seasache Test 6 vocal Execses Beaches Saute eSoat Test 7 TE ae Test 8 Vocabulary Exercises Tutor Test 1 art hase wsebaaced Stes tomy thatrnnered othe pce sate ison reatyite bingo te Test 2 rer Praca? Hobbiee inieiaabes rere be Inches (idiantobes chet ur (der kan because nso Itstorobe apt aacabarsaayse | Test 3 art Pate 2 Books [extended Response 2 oct hve writen Shopping | eben extended Response 2. Himeth boo arta | iret tings to do iat aparty Phase "ive dence fance wiry ns leek lpn eo fear dobete tn | (a Baty {Eldoret he mest SScescsee fhivbabnew tek coarcac eas ee Feeney Yestenansacae —_ Part2 oy Dirt places tat Panel TEST 4 |S oyouneestnest ant estos stant? Pse2 reteset Shoo! Unrmmesaia oy tended Reponse2. Singita Svepned 6s Stan eum lesan | hay rey Bat tb reat eaten Music ‘ended Response 2 Panta TEST 6 Dierethobbies Part teers ‘oor bihday Naming ting win Tasca saab et xonded Response Seat Inte sre ote Home Steorteplaeg, | tne Response 2 Spann | Elbetnatyietten. | &bOIRer imterangmy tole ferent sports dea “Phase =o TTS Thay ‘ended Responie2._lewether prensje tar pons TEST 7 ire shins that Prose 2 iran oer Yourtery ih tonne the | tended Response | Momiva.crtsren eae =a a | setters Cia er isgeoy scams} = auce ee oe a bre Chaining Sowa Soa you? cette | | TESTS Phase? Seen? Youre | _Daendetnponee 2

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