Spells Spell Book Generator 2nde v2 - 92

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R 1 Spectral Ears Ne 10V,1 1 ThNo Byli sp th

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 #9#####

Abjur 1 R : Common, Rare, Unique ("C"/"R"/"U")

Altera 2 1 : Spell Level
Conj 3 Spectral Ears : Spell Name
Encha 4 Necromancy : Primary School (if applicable)
Greate 5 : Second School (if applicable)
Illusi 6 : Third School (if applicable)
Invoc 7 : Fourth School (if applicable)
Necro 8 : Reversible? ("Reversible")
9 10 yards/level : Range
10 V, S, M : Components
11 1 turn/level : Duration
12 1 : Casting Time
13 The caster : Area of Effect
14 None : Saving Throw
15 : Source
17 By casting this spell, a wizard establishes an auditory : Spell Text
18 link himself or herself and a skeleton or zombie within the
19 spell's range. This link allows the caster to hear any sounds
20 that occur within the vicinity of the undead being. The wizard
21 can hear exactly as if she or he were standing where the
22 undead creature is standing (a wizard/thief can use the
23 thiefly hear noise ability, too).
24 The spell also allows the caster to order the undead
25 creature via the link. Such commands are limited to four
26 words (turn left,walk forward two steps, and so on). If
27 the undead creature moves beyond the spell's range, then
28 the spell ends immediately. If the skeleton is under the
29 direct, active control of another being, the commanding
30 function of the spell automatically fails.
31 The material component for this spell is a mummified
32 ear.
ca undead creature is standing (a wizard/thief th Thcr woth th di fu Thea
### 22###
C"/"R"/"U") R

5 yards/level
V, S, M
5 rounds/level
1 creature or object

This spell causes instant growth of a

creature or object, increasing both size and
weight. It can be cast only upon a single
creature (or a symbiotic or community entity)
or upon a single object that does not
exceed ten cubic feet in volume per caster
level. The object or creature must be seen to
be affected. It grows by up to 10 % per level
of experience of the wizard, increasing this
amount in height, width, and weight.
All equipment worn or carried by a creature
is enlarged by the spell. Unwilling victims are
entitled to a saving throw vs. spell.
A successful saving throw means the spell
fails. If insufficient room is available for the
desired growth, the creature or object
attains the maximum possible size, bursting
weak enclosures in the process, but it is
constrained without harm by stronger
materials-the spell cannot be used to crush
a creature by growth.
Magical properties are not increased by
this spell-a huge sword + 1 is still only + 1,
a staff-sized wand is still only capable of its
normal functions, a giant-sized potion
merely requires a greater fluid intake to
make its magical effects operate, etc.
Weight, mass, and strength are affected,
though. Thus, a table blocking a door
would be heavier and more effective, a
hurled stone would have more mass (and
cause more damage), chains would be more
massive, doors thicker, a thin line turned to
a sizeable, longer rope, and so on. A creature's
hit points, Armour Class, and attack
rolls do not change, but damage rolls
increase proportionately with size. For
example, a fighter at 160% normal size hits
with his long sword and rolls a 6 for damage.
The adjusted damage roll is 10 (that is,
6 x 1.6 = 9.6, rounded up). Bonuses due to
Strength, class, and magic are not altered.
The reverse spell, reduce, negates the
enlarge spell or makes creatures or objects
smaller. The creature or object loses 10% of
its original size for every level of the caster,
to a minimum of 1O% of the original size.
Thereafter, the size shrinks by one-foot
increments to less than one foot, by one inch
increments to one inch, and by 1/10 inch increments
to a minimum of 1/10 of an
inch-the recipient cannot dwindle away to
nothingness. For example, a 16-foot-tall
giant reduced by a 15th-level wizard (15
steps) would be reduced to 1.6 feet (in nine
steps), then to 6/1o of a foot or 7.2 inches (in
one step), and finally to 2.2 inches (in the

No TypeLevel Name Schools

1 C 1 Affect Normal Fires Alteration
2 C 1 Alarm Abjuration
3 C 1 Armour Conjuration
4 C 1 Audible Glamour Illusion
5 C 1 Burning Hands Alteration
6 C 1 Cantrip All
7 C 1 Catapult Alteration
8 C 1 Change Self Illusion
9 C 1 Charm person Enchantment
10 C 1 Chill Touch Necromancy
11 C 1 Colour Spray Alteration
12 C 1 Comprehend Languages Alteration
13 C 1 Conjure Spell Component Conjuration
14 C 1 Corpselight Alteration
15 C 1 Cure Hangover Abjuration
16 C 1 Dancing Lights Alteration
17 C 1 Detect Magic Divination
18 C 1 Detect Undead Divination
19 C 1 Enlarge Alteration
20 C 1 Erase Alteration
21 C 1 Feather Fall Alteration
22 C 1 Find Familiar Conjuration
23 C 1 Fire Burst Alteration
24 C 1 Fire Burst II Alteration
25 C 1 Fist of Stone Alteration
26 C 1 Friends Enchantment
27 C 1 Gaze Reflection Alteration
28 C 1 Grease Conjuration
29 C 1 Hold Portal Alteration
30 C 1 Hornung's Guess Divination
31 C 1 Hypnotism Enchantment
32 C 1 Identify Divination
33 C 1 Jump Alteration
34 C 1 Know School Divination
35 C 1 Lasting Breath Alteration
36 C 1 Light Alteration
37 C 1 Magic Missile Evocation
38 C 1 Mending Alteration
39 C 1 Message Alteration
40 C 1 Metamorphose Liqulds Alteration
41 C 1 Mount Conjuration
42 C 1 Murdoek's Feathery Flyer Alteration
43 C 1 Nahal's Reckless Dwcomer Invocation
44 C 1 Nystul's Magical Aura Illusion
45 C 1 Patternweave Divination
46 C 1 Phantasmal Force Illusion
47 C 1 Protection From Evil Abjuration
48 C 1 Read Magic Divination
49 C 1 Scatterspray Alteration
50 C 1 Shield Evocation
51 C 1 Shocking Grasp Alteration
52 C 1 Sleep Enchantment
53 C 1 Snilloc's Snowball Evocation

Page 13

54 C 1 Spider Climb Alteration

55 C 1 Spook Illusion
56 C 1 Taunt Enchantment
57 C 1 Tenser's Floating Disc Evocation
58 C 1 Unseen Servant Conjuration
59 C 1 Ventriloquism Illusion
60 C 1 Wall of Fog Evocation
61 C 1 Wizard Mark Alteration
62 R 1 Acid Hands Alteration
63 R 1 Ahrvar's Forgery Alteration
64 R 1 Alenman's Ritual of Minor Burning Hands Alteration
65 R 1 Alpha's Acid Stream Conjuration
66 R 1 Alpha's Electric Arc Evocation
67 R 1 Alpha's Hunting Hound Conjuration
68 R 1 Alpha's Sparkle Beam Evocation
69 R 1 Alpha's Starlight Evocation
70 R 1 Alpha's Wall of Darkness Alteration
71 R 1 Alter Taste Alteration
72 R 1 Analyze Drink Divination
73 R 1 Animal Illusion
74 R 1 Animate Mist Alteration
75 R 1 Anti-Magic Aura Abjuration
76 R 1 Association Divination
77 R 1 Aura of Lawfulness or Chaos Divination
78 R 1 Autopsy Divination
79 R 1 Awaken Evocation
80 R 1 Azalldam's Fabricated Bridge Conjuration
81 R 1 Bending Illusion
82 R 1 Bleeding Touch Necromancy
83 R 1 Blown Kiss Enchantment
84 R 1 Campfire Alteration
85 R 1 Cat Spirit Alteration
86 R 1 Catapult Alteration
87 R 1 Charm Man I Enchantment
88 R 1 Chill Alteration
89 R 1 Chip Alteration
90 R 1 Clean [2] Alteration
91 R 1 Coloration Alteration
92 R 1 Comeliness Illusion
93 R 1 Command Undead
94 R 1 Condense Water Alteration
95 R 1 Confuse Self Charm
96 R 1 Conjure Drink I Conjuration
97 R 1 Conjure Fundamental Conjuration
98 R 1 Cramps Enchantment
99 R 1 Crier's Boon Alteration
100 R 1 Darklight's Fashion Whim Alteration
101 R 1 Darklight's Illusion of Taste Illusion
102 R 1 Darklight's Mystic Bolt Evocation
103 R 1 Darklight's Mystic Shield Abjuration
104 R 1 Darkness Alteration
105 R 1 Deforest Necromancy
106 R 1 Destroy Barrier Alteration
107 R 1 Detect Poisoning Divination

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108 R 1 Detho's Delirium Necromancy

109 R 1 Diminutive Darkness Alteration
110 R 1 Dog Call Conjuration
111 R 1 Energy Beam Evocation
112 R 1 Enlarge Skeleton Necromancy
113 R 1 Far Sight Alteration
114 R 1 Fellstar's Flame Finger Evocation
115 R 1 Find the Chair Evocation
116 R 1 Find Water Divination
117 R 1 Flash [1] Evocation
118 R 1 Flash [2] Enchantment
119 R 1 Flicker Illusion
120 R 1 Flu Alteration
121 R 1 Fools Alteration
122 R 1 Force Bolt [2] Invocation
123 R 1 Freeze [1] Enchantment
124 R 1 Friendspeak Alteration
125 R 1 Frost Hands Alteration
126 R 1 Frost Touch Evocation
127 R 1 Glow Alteration
128 R 1 Glowstone Alteration
129 R 1 Harbald's Fire Arrow Evocation
130 R 1 Hesitate Alteration
131 R 1 History Divination
132 R 1 Illusory Wyvern Illusion
133 R 1 Imbue with Touch Enchantment
134 R 1 Inaudibility Illusion
135 R 1 Influence Other Alteration
136 R 1 Ink Cloud Alteration
137 R 1 Insolence Illusion
138 R 1 Kasegott's Chaotic Keenness Alteration
139 R 1 Katrine's Blinding Beauty Illusion
140 R 1 Katrine's Claws Alteration
141 R 1 Katrine's Dart Alteration
142 R 1 Katrine's Falcon Alteration
143 R 1 Katrine's Kitty Kat Alteration
144 R 1 Kazago's Lock Pick Alteration
145 R 1 Kiss of Wounding Conjuration
146 R 1 Know Class Divination
147 R 1 Korel's Last Word Alteration
148 R 1 Last Image Divination
149 R 1 Lesser Aura of Protection Evocation
150 R 1 Lesser Invisible Object Illusion
151 R 1 Magic Motes Evocation
152 R 1 Metal Arm Abjuration
153 R 1 Mikkis' Appraising Divination
154 R 1 Minor Annoyance Illusion
155 R 1 Minor Mimicry Illusion
156 R 1 Mist Evocation
157 R 1 Murder Weapon Divination
158 R 1 Painful Wounds Necromancy
159 R 1 Painting Illusion
160 R 1 Personal Magnetism Alteration
161 R 1 Pilpin's Mapper Conjuration

Page 15

162 R 1 Projected Light Alteration

163 R 1 Protection from Chaos [1] Abjuration
164 R 1 Protection from Chaos [2] Abjuration
165 R 1 Protection from Rain Abjuration
166 R 1 Quantas's Target Bow Enchantment
167 R 1 Repel Lesser Quasi-Elemental Abjuration
168 R 1 Revulsion Enchantment
169 R 1 Roteley's Wildbolt Evocation
170 R 1 Sand Glass Alteration
171 R 1 Sand Skin Conjuration
172 R 1 Sand Spray Alteration
173 R 1 Sanh's Ray of Light Evocation
174 R 1 Shadows Illusion
175 R 1 Sharpen Alteration
176 R 1 Shrapnel Shot Alteration
177 R 1 Sigil Conjuration
178 R 1 Skank Enchantment
179 R 1 Skeleton Necromancy
180 R 1 Skip Object Alteration
181 R 1 Slivers of Stone Invocation
182 R 1 Small Fire Ball Evocation
183 R 1 Smelt Alteration
184 R 1 Snapshot Invocation
185 R 1 Spellcrystal I Conjuration
186 R 1 Starshine Illusion
187 R 1 Static Charge Alteration
188 R 1 Streams of Fire Evocation
189 R 1 Swim [1] Alteration
190 R 1 Swim [2] Alteration
191 R 1 Targon's Accuracy Enchantment
192 R 1 Time of Death Divination
193 R 1 Tree Swipe Alteration
194 R 1 Tricks Illusion
195 R 1 Turn Undead [1] Necromancy
196 R 1 Twilight's Gag Alteration
197 R 1 Unguided Missile Evocation
198 R 1 Urlic's Unwholesome Meal Illusion
199 R 1 Weasel Wire Enchantment
200 R 1 Web Strand Conjuration
201 R 1 Whisper's Hands of Darkness Necromancy
202 R 1 Whisper's Icicle Assault Conjuration
203 R 1 Whisper's Magic Sacrifice Necromancy
204 R 1 Whisper's Rune of Armouring Alteration
205 R 1 Wither Necromancy
206 R 1 Wizard Glue Enchantment
207 U 1 Create Outhouse Conjuration
208 U 1 Cyril's Attempted Enhancement Alteration
209 U 1 Dainty Screaming Wake-Up Call Illusion
210 U 1 Darkray's Irresistible Tickling Evocation
211 U 1 Davenet's Seduction Enchantment
212 U 1 Eldron's Secret Writing Enchantment
213 U 1 Electric Blades Evocation
214 U 1 Fascination Enchantment
215 U 1 Gem Access Divination

Page 16

216 U 1 Gizmo's Sticky Fingers Alteration

217 U 1 Good Grooming Alteration
218 U 1 Guilda's Treacherous Tripwire Enchantment
219 U 1 Hallucinatory Steps Alteration
220 U 1 Human Torch Evocation
221 U 1 Ingold's Instant Insanity Enchantment
222 U 1 Jamye's Melodramatic Music Alteration
223 U 1 Kiss of Sleeping Enchantment
224 U 1 Lhaeo's Distant Bandage Abjuration
225 U 1 Little Death Necromancy
226 U 1 Lohocla's Create Beer and Pretzels Alteration
227 U 1 Lohocla's Deadly Bottle Rockets Evocation
228 U 1 Mental Notepad Alteration
229 U 1 Mental Rejuvenation Necromancy
230 U 1 Morrison's Next Whisky Bar Divination
231 U 1 Narhwal's Blistering Pain Divination
232 U 1 NightShade's Components Conjuration
233 U 1 Orko's Initial Marker Conjuration
234 U 1 Pilpin's Prompt Conjuration
235 U 1 Power Word, Attention Evocation
236 U 1 Random Spell I Invocation
237 U 1 Roland's Disrobement Conjuration
238 U 1 Sangfroid Abjuration
239 U 1 Sara's Searing Skean Summoning
240 U 1 Seduction I Enchantment
241 U 1 Simple Distillation Alteration
242 U 1 Skulkskin Illusion
243 U 1 Smiley Alteration
244 U 1 Telltale Feet Alteration
245 U 1 Undeath Friendship Necromancy
246 U 1 Vanquil's Clinging Pockets I Alteration
247 U 1 Werp's Unseen Escape Illusion
248 U 1 Wimbly's Wonderful Web Conjuration
249 X 1 Change Sexual Preference Enchantment
250 X 1 Divine Sexual Orientation Divination
251 X 1 Don Juan's Irresistible Kiss Enchantment
252 X 1 Ecstasy Enchantment
253 X 1 Freudian Thoughts Illusion
254 X 1 Fyltar's Pheromonal Force Illusion
255 X 1 Impotence Enchantment
256 X 1 Intoxicate Enchantment
257 X 1 Katrine's Pleasure Touch Charm
258 X 1 Katrine's Total Tent Invocation
259 X 1 Katrine's Winning Smile Illusion
260 X 1 Power Word, Rut Conjuration
261 X 1 Seduce Undead Necromancy
262 C 2 Agannazar's Scorcher Evocation
263 C 2 Alter Self Alteration
264 C 2 Bind Enchantment
265 C 2 Bladethirst Alteration
266 C 2 Blindness Illusion
267 C 2 Blur Illusion
268 C 2 Chaos Shield# Abjuration
269 C 2 Cloak From Undead Alteration

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270 C 2 Cloak Undead Necromancy

271 C 2 Continual Light Alteration
272 C 2 Darkness, 1 5' Radius Alteration
273 C 2 Deafness Illusion
274 C 2 Decastave Evocation
275 C 2 Deeppockets Alteration
276 C 2 Detect Evil Divination
277 C 2 Detect Invisibility Divination
278 C 2 ESP Divination
279 C 2 Flaming Sphere Evocation
280 C 2 Flying Fist Evocation
281 C 2 Fog Cloud Alteration
282 C 2 Fools' Gold Alteration
283 C 2 Forget Enchantment
284 C 2 Ghost Pipes Alteration
285 C 2 Glitterdust Conjuration
286 C 2 Hornung's Baneful Deflector# Evocation
287 C 2 Hypnotic Pattern Illusion
288 C 2 Improved Phantasmal Force Illusion
289 C 2 Insatiable Thirst Enchantment
290 C 2 Invisibility Illusion
291 C 2 Irritation Alteration
292 C 2 Knock Alteration
293 C 2 Know Alignment Divination
294 C 2 Leomund's Trap Illusion
295 C 2 Levitate Alteration
296 C 2 Locate Object Divination
297 C 2 Magic Mouth Alteration
298 C 2 Maxlmillan's Earthen Grasp Alteration
299 C 2 Melf's Acid Arrow Conjuration
300 C 2 Mirror- Image Illusion
301 C 2 Misdirection Illusion
302 C 2 Nahal's Nonsenslcal Nullifler# Abjuration
303 C 2 Past Life Divination
304 C 2 Protection From Cantrips Abjuration
305 C 2 Protection from Paralysis Abjuration
306 C 2 Pyrotechnics Alteration
307 C 2 Qulmby's Enchanting Gourmet Conjuration
308 C 2 Ray of Enfeeblement Enchantment
309 C 2 Ride the Wind Alteration
310 C 2 Rope Trick Alteration
311 C 2 Scare Enchantment
312 C 2 Sense Shifting Alteration
313 C 2 Shatter Alteration
314 C 2 Snilloc's Snowball Swarm Evocation
315 C 2 Spectral Hand Necromancy
316 C 2 Stinking Cloud Evocation
317 C 2 Strength Alteration
318 C 2 Summon Swarm Conjuration
319 C 2 Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter Enchantment
320 C 2 Undead Mount Necromancy
321 C 2 Vocalize Alteration
322 C 2 Web Evocation
323 C 2 Whispering Wind Alteration

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324 C 2 Wizard Lock Alteration

325 R 2 Acid Water Alteration
326 R 2 Ahrvar's Instant Offensiveness Enchantment
327 R 2 Ahshay's Mystic Mutable Aura Illusion
328 R 2 Alkira's Fanfare Illusion
329 R 2 Alpha's Moonlight Evocation
330 R 2 Alpha's Rainbow Beam Evocation
331 R 2 Alpha's Spark Shower Evocation
332 R 2 Alpha's Star Gaze Evocation
333 R 2 Alpha's Starblades Conjuration
334 R 2 Ambient Light Alteration
335 R 2 Anaemia Alteration
336 R 2 Annoyance Illusion
337 R 2 Anti "Anti Magic" Magic Shell Evocation
338 R 2 Anvil Fall Alteration
339 R 2 Arcane Bolt Necromancy
340 R 2 Bands of Mist Abjuration
341 R 2 Bleeding Wounds Necromancy
342 R 2 Blood Burn Alteration
343 R 2 Boiling Globe Evocation
344 R 2 Bolt's Background Bustle Alteration
345 R 2 Bubble Screen Alteration
346 R 2 Bucca's Noxious Exhalation Alteration
347 R 2 Byen's Arrow Illusion
348 R 2 Carrion's Foul Stench Evocation
349 R 2 Cause of Death Divination
350 R 2 Centipede Call Conjuration
351 R 2 Chameleon Illusion
352 R 2 Charm of Healing Illusion
353 R 2 Chastity Abjuration
354 R 2 Circle of Power Evocation
355 R 2 Claws Alteration
356 R 2 Cloud Walk Alteration
357 R 2 Coin Toss Alteration
358 R 2 Conjure Drink II Conjuration
359 R 2 Constitution Alteration
360 R 2 Continual Drunkenness Alteration
361 R 2 Continual Sparks Alteration
362 R 2 Create Alcohol Alteration
363 R 2 Cyril's Attempted Surge Mastery Invocation
364 R 2 Cyril's Surge Mastery Invocation
365 R 2 Dallonous' Memorise Surge Actions Alteration
366 R 2 Dancing Fire Light Alteration
367 R 2 Dardan's Dryness Evocation
368 R 2 Darklight's Bending Bolt Alteration
369 R 2 Darklight's Fishing Rod Conjuration
370 R 2 Darkray's Enhanced Daggers Alteration
371 R 2 Darksight Alteration
372 R 2 Death Mask Necromancy
373 R 2 Death Star Necromancy
374 R 2 Death's Dark Grasp Conjuration
375 R 2 Decastave Evocation
376 R 2 Detect Chaos Divination
377 R 2 Detect Component Divination

Page 19

378 R 2 Detect Illusion Divination

379 R 2 Detect Magic II Divination
380 R 2 Detect Phase Divination
381 R 2 Detect Spirit Divination
382 R 2 Dexterity Alteration
383 R 2 Disease Illusion
384 R 2 Dispel Silence Abjuration
385 R 2 Disposal Alteration
386 R 2 Dive Alteration
387 R 2 Dream Control Enchantment
388 R 2 Dreamoore's Explosive Missile Alteration
389 R 2 Dreamoore's War Disk Evocation
390 R 2 Dumbness Illusion
391 R 2 Dust Warriors Conjuration
392 R 2 Elemental Burst [2] Alteration
393 R 2 Expose Magic Divination
394 R 2 Exterminate II Abjuration
395 R 2 Fellstar's Flamehand Invocation
396 R 2 Fiery Eyes Enchantment
397 R 2 Fire Dart Elemental
398 R 2 Flask of Light Enchantment
399 R 2 Flying Fist Evocation
400 R 2 Fog Phantom Conjuration
401 R 2 Ghost Stories Enchantment
402 R 2 Ghoul Touch Necromancy
403 R 2 Greysky's Improved Missile Evocation
404 R 2 Guilda's Sneakabout Light Alteration
405 R 2 Hailstones Evocation
406 R 2 Hair Growth Evocation
407 R 2 Heat Feet Alteration
408 R 2 Heethem's Hydromorph Alteration
409 R 2 Horizontal Rope Trick Alteration
410 R 2 Imitation Illusion
411 R 2 Improved Audible Glamour Illusion
412 R 2 Improved Detect Magic Divination
413 R 2 Improved Find Familiar Summoning
414 R 2 Improved Identify Divination
415 R 2 Improved Magic Missile Evocation
416 R 2 Improved Magic Missiles Evocation
417 R 2 Infected Wounds Necromancy
418 R 2 Jet of Steam Evocation
419 R 2 Kaldane's Drowse Enchantment
420 R 2 Katrine's Correspondence Illusion
421 R 2 Katrine's Fragile Egg Conjuration
422 R 2 Kestrel's Voice of the Bat Alteration
423 R 2 Kiri's Curse Detection Divination
424 R 2 Kiri's Mystical Photographer Evocation
425 R 2 Kiss of Weakness Conjuration
426 R 2 Korel's Death Aura Illusion
427 R 2 Layla's Good Morning Kiss Enchantment
428 R 2 Lesser Light Control Alteration
429 R 2 Lightning Blast Evocation
430 R 2 Lightservant Alteration
431 R 2 Magic Eye Alteration

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432 R 2 Magic Flask Enchantment

433 R 2 Magic Mike's Projection Conjuration
434 R 2 Malta's Pattern Creation Alteration
435 R 2 Malta's Pattern Image Alteration
436 R 2 Mangar's Bloodfire Evocation
437 R 2 Memorise Song Enchantment
438 R 2 Mikkis' Awesome Disarm Alteration
439 R 2 Mimicry Illusion
440 R 2 Minor Spell Invulnerability Abjuration
441 R 2 Momentary Lapse of Reason Enchantment
442 R 2 Noise Filter Illusion
443 R 2 Noska Trades' Blackfire Evocation
444 R 2 Paldeggeron's Accurate Arrow Enchantment
445 R 2 Petition Conjuration
446 R 2 Plane Source Divination
447 R 2 Pointdexter's Dex Points Alteration
448 R 2 Power Bolt Invocation
449 R 2 Power Word, Awaken Enchantment
450 R 2 Power Word, Slow Alteration
451 R 2 Powerful Blast of the Red Wizard Elemental
452 R 2 Prosthesis Necromancy
453 R 2 Protection from Charm Abjuration
454 R 2 Protection from Enchantment Abjuration
455 R 2 Protection from Light Abjuration
456 R 2 Quiz's Interposing Shield Conjuration
457 R 2 Quiz's Speedy Sprint Alteration
458 R 2 Raztak's Target Spell Divination
459 R 2 Refresh Alteration
460 R 2 Resist Cold Abjuration
461 R 2 Resist Paralysis Abjuration
462 R 2 Resist Poison Abjuration
463 R 2 Restore Circle Necromancy
464 R 2 Reveal Owner Divination
465 R 2 Reveal Spectra Divination
466 R 2 Runetrue Abjuration
467 R 2 Sanh's Improved Ray of Light Evocation
468 R 2 Sarius' Golden Squares of Protection Evocation
469 R 2 Secret Light Alteration
470 R 2 Secret Torch Illusion
471 R 2 Seduction Enchantment
472 R 2 Self Aura Illusion
473 R 2 Sexify Enchantment
474 R 2 Shadetree Alteration
475 R 2 Shadowbolt Illusion
476 R 2 Shield II Abjuration
477 R 2 Shocksphere Evocation
478 R 2 Sillvatar's Silver Lining Enchantment
479 R 2 Skeletal Scribe Enchantment
480 R 2 Skip Self Alteration
481 R 2 Somaticize Alteration
482 R 2 Sonic Barrier Abjuration
483 R 2 Sonoric's Lodestone Divination
484 R 2 Spell Tell Alteration
485 R 2 Spellcrystal II Conjuration

Page 21

486 R 2 Spider Climb II Alteration

487 R 2 Spirit Command Enchantment
488 R 2 Spitfire Evocation
489 R 2 Stealth Missile Evocation
490 R 2 Strengthen Alteration
491 R 2 Strengthen Illusions Alteration
492 R 2 Summon Undead Necromancy
493 R 2 Sunscreen Invocation
494 R 2 Talking Mist Alteration
495 R 2 Target Selector Alteration
496 R 2 Thrasne's Magical Mire Abjuration
497 R 2 Transcribe Song Alteration
498 R 2 Transfer Charm Alteration
499 R 2 Tread of the Corpse Alteration
500 R 2 Turn Lesser Quasi-Elemental Abjuration
501 R 2 Twilight's Slumber Enchantment
502 R 2 Ty's Blades Invocation
503 R 2 Vampiric Kiss Necromancy
504 R 2 Vanquil's Tent Alteration
505 R 2 Vibration Alteration
506 R 2 Vicarious Touch Enchantment
507 R 2 Waterproof Alteration
508 R 2 Weave Knots Enchantment
509 R 2 Whisper's Darkstaff Necromancy
510 R 2 Whisper's Deadly Darts Conjuration
511 R 2 Whisper's Mana Bolt Evocation
512 R 2 Whisper's Minor Lightning Bolt Evocation
513 R 2 Whisper's Wings Alteration
514 R 2 Wings Alteration
515 R 2 Wizard's Voice Alteration
516 R 2 Word of Power Invocation
517 R 2 Wound Closure Necromancy
518 R 2 Xaviar's Leaf Filter Alteration
519 R 2 Zhaida's Instant Stoneskin Remover Conjuration
520 R 2 Zombie Necromancy
521 R 2 Zombie Dust Necromancy
522 U 2 Azalldam's Fabricated Boat Conjuration
523 U 2 Cheffield's Major Feast Alteration
524 U 2 Darklight's Gossiping Pen Divination
525 U 2 Duck! Enchantment
526 U 2 Euclarke's Cantankerous Clothing Enchantment
527 U 2 Furball Alteration
528 U 2 Garinthrall's Hideous Leech Conjuration
529 U 2 Gold to Gems Alteration
530 U 2 Grimly's Prehensile Feet Alteration
531 U 2 Hand of Ithiqua Illusion
532 U 2 Jealousy Alteration
533 U 2 Kasegott's Neon Hit Points Divination
534 U 2 Kasemadchen's Improved Reckless Dweomer Invocation
535 U 2 Last Experience Divination
536 U 2 Photocopy Evocation
537 U 2 Pobithakor's Pacifier Alteration
538 U 2 Sound Bit Alteration
539 U 2 Trosli's Spontaneous Defenestration Illusion

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540 U 2 Valdor's Vindicating Ladder Evocation

541 U 2 Veschiul's Shadowbolt Evocation
542 U 2 Veschiul's Shadowcurse Alteration
543 U 2 Voice Mimicry Illusion
544 U 2 Winthrop's Undead Summoning I Conjuration
545 U 2 Zoe's Psionic Enhancement Alteration
546 X 2 Bigby's Groping Fingers Conjuration
547 X 2 Bigby's Tickling Fingers Evocation
548 X 2 Constant Orgasm Evocation
549 X 2 Create Dressing Room Conjuration
550 X 2 Homophobia Abjuration
551 X 2 Lohocla's Drunken Memory Teleport Alteration
552 X 2 Lohocla's Monster Summoning Half Pint Conjuration
553 X 2 Orko's Eternal Indestructible Everflavourful Non-stick Bubblegum Conjuration
554 X 2 Protection from Housework Abjuration
555 X 2 Protection from Intoxication Abjuration
556 X 2 Sexual Imagination Enchantment
557 X 2 Sidney's Excellent Alcohol Conjuration
558 X 2 Sidney's Flash Fermentation Alteration
559 C 3 Alacrity Alteration
560 C 3 Alamir's Fundamental Breakdown Divination
561 C 3 Alternate Reallty# Alteration
562 C 3 Augmentatlon I Invocation
563 C 3 Blacklight Alteration
564 C 3 Blink Alteration
565 C 3 Clairaudience Divination
566 C 3 Clairvoyance Divination
567 C 3 Delude Alteration
568 C 3 Dire Charm Enchantment
569 C 3 Dispel Magic Abjuration
570 C 3 Dispel Silence Abjuration
571 C 3 Explosive Runes Alteration
572 C 3 Far Reaching I Alteration
573 C 3 Feign Death Necromancy
574 C 3 Fireball Evocation
575 C 3 Fireflow# Alteration
576 C 3 Flame Arrow Conjuration
577 C 3 Fly Alteration
578 C 3 Fool's Speech# Alteration
579 C 3 Ghost Armor Conjuration
580 C 3 Gust of Wind Alteration
581 C 3 Haste Alteration
582 C 3 Hold Person Enchantment
583 C 3 Hold Undead Necromancy
584 C 3 Hold Vapor Abjuration
585 C 3 Icelance Alteration
586 C 3 Illusionary Script Illusion
587 C 3 Infravlslon Alteration
588 C 3 Invisibility, 10' Radius Illusion
589 C 3 Item Alteration
590 C 3 Laeral's Dancing Dweomer Illusion
591 C 3 Leomund's Tiny Hut Alteration
592 C 3 Lightning Bolt Evocation
593 C 3 Lorloveim's Creeping Shadow Illusion

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594 C 3 Maxlmillan's Stony Grasp Alteration

595 C 3 Melf's Minute Meteors Evocation
596 C 3 Minor Malison Enchantment
597 C 3 Monster Summoning I Conjuration
598 C 3 Mummy Touch Necromancy
599 C 3 Nehaser's Clowing Globe Alteration
600 C 3 Nightscar Illusion
601 C 3 Non-Detection Abjuration
602 C 3 Paralyze Necromancy
603 C 3 Phantom Steed Conjuration
604 C 3 Proof from Teleportatlon Abjuration
605 C 3 Protection From Evil, 10' Radius Abjuration
606 C 3 Protection From Normal Missiles Abjuration
607 C 3 Revenance Necromancy
608 C 3 Secret Page Alteration
609 C 3 Sepia Snake Sigil Conjuration
610 C 3 Skull Watch Necromancy
611 C 3 Slow Alteration
612 C 3 Spectral Force Illusion
613 C 3 Spirit Armor Necromancy
614 C 3 Squaring the Clrcle Alteration
615 C 3 Suggestion Enchantment
616 C 3 Tongues Alteration
617 C 3 Vampiric Touch Necromancy
618 C 3 Ward Against Undead Abjuration
619 C 3 Water Breathing Alteration
620 C 3 Watery Double Conjuration
621 C 3 Waves of Weariness Enchantment
622 C 3 Wind Wall Alteration
623 C 3 Wlzard Slght Divination
624 C 3 Wraithform Alteration
625 R 3 Acidball Evocation
626 R 3 Air Mask Conjuration
627 R 3 Alpha's Comet Conjuration
628 R 3 Alpha's Darklight Alteration
629 R 3 Alpha's Flames of the Faltine Alteration
630 R 3 Alpha's Heat Lightning Evocation
631 R 3 Alpha's Ice Bolt Conjuration
632 R 3 Alpha's Images of Ikonn Illusion
633 R 3 Alpha's Lightwall Evocation
634 R 3 Alpha's Lucent Lance Alteration
635 R 3 Alpha's Night of the Leonids Conjuration
636 R 3 Alpha's Rolling Thunder Evocation
637 R 3 Alpha's Silverlight Evocation
638 R 3 Alpha's Starfire Evocation
639 R 3 Ape Call Conjuration
640 R 3 Apparition Illusion
641 R 3 Astral Wall Abjuration
642 R 3 Aura of Protection Evocation
643 R 3 Ball Lightning Evocation
644 R 3 Bilador's Spellshape Alteration
645 R 3 Bind Warder Alteration
646 R 3 Bleed Alteration
647 R 3 Bloodfire Invocation

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648 R 3 Bolt of Stone Evocation

649 R 3 Boot-to-the-Head Abjuration
650 R 3 Bovart's Right Touch Enchantment
651 R 3 Brains Alteration
652 R 3 Burning Hands II Alteration
653 R 3 Burning Hands of Savanthalas Alteration
654 R 3 Bushwack Alteration
655 R 3 Cavevision Alteration
656 R 3 Channel Item Enchantment
657 R 3 Charm Mammal Enchantment
658 R 3 Charm Man II Enchantment
659 R 3 Charm Undead Enchantment
660 R 3 Chime Alteration
661 R 3 Cobaltas's Infraflash Evocation
662 R 3 Conceal Magic Divination
663 R 3 Conjure Drink III Conjuration
664 R 3 Conjure Lesser Radiance Quasi-Elemental Conjuration
665 R 3 Contain Area of Effect Alteration
666 R 3 Control Normal Fires Alteration
667 R 3 Curse Weapon Enchantment
668 R 3 Cyril's Bungee Snap Evocation
669 R 3 Dancing Lights II Evocation
670 R 3 Darklight's Field of Infeasibility Enchantment
671 R 3 Darklight's Haywire Hands Conjuration
672 R 3 Darklight's Inexplicable Image Enchantment
673 R 3 Darklight's Ring Bolt Alteration
674 R 3 Darklight's Universal Digestion Alteration
675 R 3 Darkray's Strangling Rope Evocation
676 R 3 Daylight Invocation
677 R 3 Death Dance Enchantment
678 R 3 Deaudionoyance Alteration
679 R 3 Decay Necromancy
680 R 3 Detect Charm Divination
681 R 3 Detect Shapechanger Divination
682 R 3 Detect Teleport Divination
683 R 3 Determine Prowess Divination
684 R 3 Detonate Enchantment
685 R 3 Dheryth's Tomelore Divination
686 R 3 Dispel Abjuration
687 R 3 Dispel Shield Abjuration
688 R 3 Disrobe Alteration
689 R 3 Disrupt Spellcaster I Alteration
690 R 3 Distract Enchantment
691 R 3 Ditan's Decorating Hands Conjuration
692 R 3 Dragon's Breath Invocation
693 R 3 Dreamoore's Eldritch Sphere Evocation
694 R 3 Drowse Illusion
695 R 3 Dwindle Alteration
696 R 3 Eldarr's Spell Conversion Alteration
697 R 3 Eldritch Fire Invocation
698 R 3 Energy Bolt [2] Invocation
699 R 3 Enhance Illusion Alteration
700 R 3 Enhance Poison Alteration
701 R 3 Enhanced Armour Abjuration

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702 R 3 Erelas's Curious Surge Alteration

703 R 3 Exploding Coins Enchantment
704 R 3 Falerin's Irresistible Charm Charm
705 R 3 Feldegast's Mana Shield Abjuration
706 R 3 Fellstar's Flaming Vortex Evocation
707 R 3 Fireball from the Plates Evocation
708 R 3 Flaming Sphere Invocation
709 R 3 Force Shield Abjuration
710 R 3 Forceball Evocation
711 R 3 Forget Spell Alteration
712 R 3 Free Action [1] Abjuration
713 R 3 Free Action [2] Alteration
714 R 3 Free Elemental Abjuration
715 R 3 Frost Breath Alteration
716 R 3 Gaseous Form [1] Alteration
717 R 3 Go-Behind Alteration
718 R 3 Godly Chaos Invocation
719 R 3 Gopher Conjuration
720 R 3 Gorann's Rapid Intoxication Alteration
721 R 3 Grand Unified Blast Invocation
722 R 3 Grasping Hands of Horror Necromancy
723 R 3 Grimly's Outstretched Arms Alteration
724 R 3 Gymlainac's Lightbend Alteration
725 R 3 Hang Alteration
726 R 3 Harbald's Fiery Boomerang Evocation
727 R 3 Heal Frostbite Necromancy
728 R 3 Heavy Magic Missile Evocation
729 R 3 Hobar's Nasty Shards Invocation
730 R 3 Hold Spirit Enchantment
731 R 3 Hypnosis Enchantment
732 R 3 Iceball Evocation
733 R 3 Ignite Metal Alteration
734 R 3 Improved Armour Conjuration
735 R 3 Improved Continual Light Alteration
736 R 3 Improved Know Alignment Divination
737 R 3 Intelligent Mist Alteration
738 R 3 Iron Mask Conjuration
739 R 3 Jam Radio Alteration
740 R 3 Jamye's Prismatic Snowball Alteration
741 R 3 Janx' Binding Alteration
742 R 3 Kaldane's Instant Burden Enchantment
743 R 3 Kaldane's Instant Fatigue Enchantment
744 R 3 Kaldane's Peaceful Rest Enchantment
745 R 3 Kalim's Staff Swinger Alteration
746 R 3 Kallum's Cold Frost Evocation
747 R 3 Karthas' Vest Invocation
748 R 3 Kevin's Holy Rain Invocation
749 R 3 Kiri's Force Bolts Evocation
750 R 3 Kiri's Giant Strength Alteration
751 R 3 Kiri's Guardian Sigil Evocation
752 R 3 Kiri's Mystical Coat of Armour Abjuration
753 R 3 Kiri's Mystical Screen Abjuration
754 R 3 Kiss of Intoxication Enchantment
755 R 3 Kiss of Slavery Enchantment

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756 R 3 Know the Size of the Hidden Divination

757 R 3 Kuglan's Key Warden Conjuration
758 R 3 Lava Bolt Conjuration
759 R 3 Leap Alteration
760 R 3 Legolath's Weird Wildball Invocation
761 R 3 Lesser Wildfire I Invocation
762 R 3 Life Transfer Necromancy
763 R 3 Lohocla's Aqua Vitae Necromancy
764 R 3 Lohocla's Fire Flow Alteration
765 R 3 Magic Missile II Evocation
766 R 3 Major Annoyance Enchantment
767 R 3 Maladweomer Alteration
768 R 3 Malta's Pattern Transport Alteration
769 R 3 Marty's Magic Bow Evocation
770 R 3 Mask Inebriation Illusion
771 R 3 Mass Bane Necromancy
772 R 3 Mental Calm Enchantment
773 R 3 Merkridan's Misplayal Alteration
774 R 3 Mikkis' Energetic Missile Conjuration
775 R 3 Mikkis' Tracking Divination
776 R 3 Mikkis' Trollkiller Invocation
777 R 3 Minor Weaving Alteration
778 R 3 Mirror Escape Illusion
779 R 3 Molten Ground Alteration
780 R 3 Mylzek's Werechange Alteration
781 R 3 Narwhal's Infectious Wound Divination
782 R 3 Natasha's Nasty Wildmine Invocation
783 R 3 Natasha's Wildarmour Invocation
784 R 3 Necromantic Bolt Necromancy
785 R 3 Niiraloth's Random Sobriety* Alteration
786 R 3 Noska Trades' Ghoul Arrow Evocation
787 R 3 Obsession Enchantment
788 R 3 Open Book Alteration
789 R 3 Orko's Lubricity Alteration
790 R 3 Pain Necromancy
791 R 3 Pander's Improved Identify Abjuration
792 R 3 Pilpin's Infatuating Greed Enchantment
793 R 3 Pobithakor's Tracer Divination
794 R 3 Project Sensory Effects Illusion
795 R 3 Protection from Chaos, 10-foot Radius Abjuration
796 R 3 Protection from School of Magic Abjuration
797 R 3 Protection from Stoning Abjuration
798 R 3 Prowess Alteration
799 R 3 Quiz's Deathbow Conjuration
800 R 3 Quiz's Nullifying Magic Illusion
801 R 3 Random Spell II Invocation
802 R 3 Rathe's Trigger Conjuration
803 R 3 Reconstruct Divination
804 R 3 Resist Electricity Alteration
805 R 3 Resist Fire Alteration
806 R 3 Rhuva's Spellscan Divination
807 R 3 Roland's Wondrous Wardrobe Alteration
808 R 3 Sacremon's Emperor's New Clothes Illusion
809 R 3 Sand Storm Alteration

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810 R 3 Sanh's Laser Bolt Evocation

811 R 3 Sanh's Slippery Surface Alteration
812 R 3 Sarius' Golden Circles of Protection Evocation
813 R 3 Selective Defiling Alteration
814 R 3 Sex Slave Enchantment
815 R 3 Shadow Bridge Illusion
816 R 3 Shadow Stave Illusion
817 R 3 Shadowfire Alteration
818 R 3 Shailar's Spell Concealment Illusion
819 R 3 Shut Up Alteration
820 R 3 Snowball Evocation
821 R 3 Sonoric's Magic Tracker Divination
822 R 3 Sonoric's Trance Divination
823 R 3 Soul Safe Abjuration
824 R 3 Speak with Dead Necromancy
825 R 3 Spellcrystal III Conjuration
826 R 3 Spider Call Conjuration
827 R 3 Spirit Call Conjuration
828 R 3 Spiritwatch Necromancy
829 R 3 Stanza's Diseased Kiss Necromancy
830 R 3 Steamball Evocation
831 R 3 Steelskin Alteration
832 R 3 Stone Limbs Alteration
833 R 3 Stoneskin II Abjuration
834 R 3 Strength of the Damned Alteration
835 R 3 Stren's Improved Floating Disk Conjuration
836 R 3 Styrman's Fireform Invocation
837 R 3 Suggest Illusion Illusion
838 R 3 Tanach's Timely Component Conjuration
839 R 3 Teeth and Claws Illusion
840 R 3 Teht's Improved Scent Masking Alteration
841 R 3 Telepathic Familiar Divination
842 R 3 Tenser's Deadly Strike Enchantment
843 R 3 Thunderball Invocation
844 R 3 Thunderclap Alteration
845 R 3 Timejump Alteration
846 R 3 Timespeed Alteration
847 R 3 Tomelore Divination
848 R 3 Twilight's Companion Conjuration
849 R 3 Twilight's Darkness Bubble Alteration
850 R 3 Twilight's Rope of Floating Alteration
851 R 3 Vanquil's Clinging Pockets II Alteration
852 R 3 Vanquil's Immunity to Pain Enchantment
853 R 3 Vanquil's Snowball Enchantment
854 R 3 Warstone Alteration
855 R 3 Whisper's Acid Glob Evocation
856 R 3 Whisper's Bolt of Darkness Necromancy
857 R 3 Whisper's Icy Avalanche Evocation
858 R 3 Whisper's Major Rune of Armouring Alteration
859 R 3 Whisper's Minor Screaming Meteor Evocation
860 R 3 Wimbly's Enwrapment Alteration
861 R 3 Winthrop's Undead Summoning II Conjuration
862 U 3 Albino Fruit Flies Conjuration
863 U 3 Armeth's Sand Dome Alteration

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864 U 3 Azalldam's Waterspray Invocation

865 U 3 Backstab Backlash Abjuration
866 X 3 Leomund's Tiny Brothel Alteration
867 X 3 Leomund's Tiny Tavern Alteration
868 C 4 Beltyn's Burning Blood Necromancy
869 C 4 Caligarde's Claw Conjuration
870 C 4 Charm Monster Enchantment
871 C 4 Confuslon Enchantment
872 C 4 Contagion Necromancy
873 C 4 Detect Scrying Divination
874 C 4 Dig Evocation
875 C 4 Dilation I Alteration
876 C 4 Dimension Door Alteration
877 C 4 Divinatlon Enhancement Evocation
878 C 4 Emotlon Enchantment
879 C 4 Enchanted Weapon Enchantment
880 C 4 Encrypt Illusion
881 C 4 Enervatlon Necromancy
882 C 4 Evard's Black Tentacles Conjuration
883 C 4 Extenslon I Alteration
884 C 4 Far Reachlng II Alteration
885 C 4 Fear Illusion
886 C 4 Fire Charm Enchantment
887 C 4 Fire Gate Alteration
888 C 4 Fire Shield Evocation
889 C 4 Fire Trap Abjuration
890 C 4 Fumble Enchantment
891 C 4 Greater Malison Enchantment
892 C 4 Hallucinatory Terrain Illusion
893 C 4 Ice Storm Evocation
894 C 4 Illuslonary Wall Illusion
895 C 4 Improved Invisibility Illusion
896 C 4 Leomund's Secure Shelter Alteration
897 C 4 llyykur's Mantle Abjuration
898 C 4 Locate Creature Divination
899 C 4 Magic Mirror Enchantment
900 C 4 Mask of Death Necromancy
901 C 4 Massmorph Alteration
902 C 4 Minor Creatlon Illusion
903 C 4 Minor Globe of Invulnerability Abjuration
904 C 4 Minor Spell Turning Abjuration
905 C 4 Missile Mastery Alteration
906 C 4 Monster Summoning II Conjuration
907 C 4 Mordenkalnen's Celerlty Alteration
908 C 4 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere Alteration
909 C 4 Phantasmal Killer Illusion
910 C 4 Phase Trap Alteration
911 C 4 Plague Illusion
912 C 4 Plant Growth Alteration
913 C 4 Polymorph Other Alteration
914 C 4 Polymorph Self Alteration
915 C 4 Rainbow Pattern Alteration
916 C 4 Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer Alteration
917 C 4 Remove Curse Abjuration

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918 C 4 Shadow Monsters Illusion

919 C 4 Shout Evocation
920 C 4 Solid Fog Alteration
921 C 4 Spectral Wings Evocation
922 C 4 Spendelard's Chaser Necromancy
923 C 4 Stoneskin Alteration
924 C 4 Summon Lyeanthrope Conjuration
925 C 4 There/Not There# Evocation
926 C 4 Thunder Staff Invocation
927 C 4 Thunderlance Evocation
928 C 4 Turn Pebble to Boulder Alteration
929 C 4 Unluck# Evocation
930 C 4 Vacancy Alteration
931 C 4 Wall of Fire Evocation
932 C 4 Wall of Ice Evocation
933 C 4 Wall of Sand Evocation
934 C 4 Watchware Evocation
935 C 4 Wizard Eye Alteration
936 R 4 Acid Spray Evocation
937 R 4 Advanced Magic Mouth Alteration
938 R 4 Alcoreax's Icetrail Evocation
939 R 4 Alpha's Acid Rainstorm Conjuration
940 R 4 Alpha's Acid Resistance Abjuration
941 R 4 Alpha's Ball Lightning Evocation
942 R 4 Alpha's Chill of the Void Alteration
943 R 4 Alpha's Elemental Form Alteration
944 R 4 Alpha's Firefall Alteration
945 R 4 Alpha's Flames of Falroth Alteration
946 R 4 Alpha's Hunting Pack Conjuration
947 R 4 Alpha's Rainbow Blast Evocation
948 R 4 Alpha's Ray of Paralysis Alteration
949 R 4 Alpha's Shadowfire Evocation
950 R 4 Alpha's Sheet Lightning Evocation
951 R 4 Angel's Negation Abjuration
952 R 4 Animate Clothing Illusion
953 R 4 Armour Abjuration
954 R 4 Atom Blast Invocation
955 R 4 Attacking Mist Conjuration
956 R 4 Beacon Alteration
957 R 4 Beetle Call Conjuration
958 R 4 Bergil's Fire Bolt Evocation
959 R 4 Blood Scent Alteration
960 R 4 Bolt's Hell Hail Evocation
961 R 4 Bone Bow Evocation
962 R 4 Bone Lock Necromancy
963 R 4 Branit's Backstabbing Surprise Conjuration
964 R 4 Broom Enchantment
965 R 4 Chaos Vision Illusion
966 R 4 Chill Grasp Alteration
967 R 4 Circle of Protection Alteration
968 R 4 Continual Ambience Alteration
969 R 4 Continual Weather Alteration
970 R 4 Create Poison Conjuration
971 R 4 Darklight's Alcohol Fountaining Conjuration

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972 R 4 Darklight's Creature Item Alteration

973 R 4 Darklight's Delivering Bolt Alteration
974 R 4 Darklight's Inexplicable Manifestation Enchantment
975 R 4 Darklight's Invisible Spell Alteration
976 R 4 Darklight's Lofty Eye Divination
977 R 4 Darklight's Minor Planar Weapon Conjuration
978 R 4 Darklight's Mysterious Manservant Conjuration
979 R 4 Darklight's Personality Fragmentation Enchantment
980 R 4 Darklight's Rubbery Transformation Alteration
981 R 4 Darklight's Shockwave Evocation
982 R 4 Darklight's Staff of Pain Enchantment
983 R 4 Darklight's Subliminal Message Enchantment
984 R 4 Darkray's Absorbing Cloak Abjuration
985 R 4 Darkray's Antimagic Blade Abjuration
986 R 4 Darkray's Fiery Disruptor Evocation
987 R 4 Darkray's Magical Enhancer Alteration
988 R 4 Darkray's Poison Protector Abjuration
989 R 4 Darkray's Spell Booster Alteration
990 R 4 Deadly Strike Enchantment
991 R 4 Deadthought Divination
992 R 4 Deave Alteration
993 R 4 Dehydrate Alteration
994 R 4 Deja Vu Divination
995 R 4 Delusion Enchantment
996 R 4 Detect Planar Stress Point Divination
997 R 4 Detect Spellcasting Divination
998 R 4 Dheryth's Monomorph Alteration
999 R 4 Dimmable Light Invocation
1000 R 4 Disenhandment Alteration
1001 R 4 Disguise [1] Illusion
1002 R 4 Disguise [2] Alteration
1003 R 4 Dispelling Bolts Alteration
1004 R 4 Displacement [1] Illusion
1005 R 4 Dissolve Lesser Quasi-Elemental Abjuration
1006 R 4 Dreamoore's Eldritch Shield Abjuration
1007 R 4 Dreamoore's Warding Shield Abjuration
1008 R 4 Drider Form Alteration
1009 R 4 Dwarkanath's Tutor Enchantment
1010 R 4 Eldarr's Flameshroud Abjuration
1011 R 4 Eldarr's Shockshroud Abjuration
1012 R 4 Electric Shroud Invocation
1013 R 4 Elemental Turning Abjuration
1014 R 4 Enemy Blink Alteration
1015 R 4 Erelas's Meaningless Scribble Conjuration
1016 R 4 Euclarke's Offhand Remark Enchantment
1017 R 4 Excite Fire Alteration
1018 R 4 Feldegast's Ego Submergence Abjuration
1019 R 4 Fellstar's Flaming Water Alteration
1020 R 4 Fire Aura Abjuration
1021 R 4 Fire Breath Evocation
1022 R 4 Fog Warrior Conjuration
1023 R 4 Force Bolt [1] Alteration
1024 R 4 Gaseous Form [2] Alteration
1025 R 4 Glamden's Mixer Alteration

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1026 R 4 Gregori's Awareness Divination

1027 R 4 Grimly's Elasticity Alteration
1028 R 4 Half-intelligent Unseen Servant Conjuration
1029 R 4 Hand of Time Necromancy
1030 R 4 Hold Person II Enchantment
1031 R 4 Horn of Goodness Invocation
1032 R 4 Hydro Shield Alteration
1033 R 4 If ... Then Alteration
1034 R 4 Illumine Alteration
1035 R 4 Improved Charm Person Enchantment
1036 R 4 Improved Magic Mouth Alteration
1037 R 4 Independent Spectral Hand Necromancy
1038 R 4 Inertia Alteration
1039 R 4 Jibril's Anti-Magic Shield Abjuration
1040 R 4 Justin's Mental Map Divination
1041 R 4 Kiri's Container Alteration
1042 R 4 Kiri's Energy Field Invocation
1043 R 4 Kiri's Smarter Servant Conjuration
1044 R 4 Kiri's Toy Soldiers Enchantment
1045 R 4 Knots and Binds Enchantment
1046 R 4 Korel's Hand of Evil Enchantment
1047 R 4 Korel's Mass Skeletonize Conjuration
1048 R 4 Kozmo's Apathy Enchantment
1049 R 4 Legolath's Potency Discerner Divination
1050 R 4 Level Drain Necromancy
1051 R 4 Light Control Alteration
1052 R 4 Lloyd's Beacon Alteration
1053 R 4 Magic Missile III Invocation
1054 R 4 Maze Run Divination
1055 R 4 Merge [1] Alteration
1056 R 4 Mimic Enchantment
1057 R 4 Missile Multiplication Alteration
1058 R 4 Mystyk's Backlash Abjuration
1059 R 4 Necromantic Runes Abjuration
1060 R 4 Negative Bolt Evocation
1061 R 4 Net Conjuration
1062 R 4 Ni-Gar's Panty Peeler Enchantment
1063 R 4 Orko's Gaseous Form Alteration
1064 R 4 Orko's Geyser Evocation
1065 R 4 Paranoia Enchantment
1066 R 4 Passice Alteration
1067 R 4 Peace and Quiet Alteration
1068 R 4 Pilpin's Band Conjuration
1069 R 4 Pilpin's Fire Carpet Evocation
1070 R 4 Pobithakor's Alarm Divination
1071 R 4 Power Booster I Alteration
1072 R 4 Power Word, Fear Illusion
1073 R 4 Protection from Domination Abjuration
1074 R 4 Protection from Petrification Abjuration
1075 R 4 Protection from the Elements Abjuration
1076 R 4 Radiance Resistance Alteration
1077 R 4 Rathe's Mage Lock Alteration
1078 R 4 Rednog's Magic Tracer Divination
1079 R 4 Rednog's Skill Banisher Alteration

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1080 R 4 Repel Greater Quasi-Elemental Abjuration

1081 R 4 Reshape Spell Alteration
1082 R 4 Resist Acid Alteration
1083 R 4 Resist Energy Drain Abjuration
1084 R 4 Resist Sleep Abjuration
1085 R 4 Retrieve [1] Conjuration
1086 R 4 Reverse Alteration
1087 R 4 Rhuva's Counter-Scry Divination
1088 R 4 Rhuva's Tracker Divination
1089 R 4 Roteley's Lesser Shatterwave Evocation
1090 R 4 Rune I Alteration
1091 R 4 Rune I Enchantment
1092 R 4 Sanh's Sunray Evocation
1093 R 4 Sap Strength Necromancy
1094 R 4 Sarius' Golden Triangles of Protection Evocation
1095 R 4 Sarius' Mage Ward Alteration
1096 R 4 Scarring Alteration
1097 R 4 Seduction II Enchantment
1098 R 4 Shadow Bolt Invocation
1099 R 4 Shadow Light Invocation
1100 R 4 Shadow Wall Abjuration
1101 R 4 Shape Change, Undead Necromancy
1102 R 4 Shift Through Alteration
1103 R 4 Silhouette Abjuration
1104 R 4 Sillvatar's Dragon Wings Conjuration
1105 R 4 Sinkhole Alteration
1106 R 4 Skip Group Alteration
1107 R 4 Skip Spell Alteration
1108 R 4 Skullfire Evocation
1109 R 4 Sleep II Enchantment
1110 R 4 Sleepcloud Evocation
1111 R 4 Sleepy Eyes Enchantment
1112 R 4 Song of Fear Enchantment
1113 R 4 Sonoric's Spying Minions Conjuration
1114 R 4 Soulfire Invocation
1115 R 4 Sound-Proof Bubble Alteration
1116 R 4 Speed Rot Alteration
1117 R 4 Spellcrystal IV Conjuration
1118 R 4 Spiderbite Conjuration
1119 R 4 Spirit Skill Enchantment
1120 R 4 Splinterstrike Evocation
1121 R 4 Stanza's Certain Kiss of Disease Necromancy
1122 R 4 Steal Skill Conjuration
1123 R 4 Stone Bridge Alteration
1124 R 4 Suppress Magic Resistance Abjuration
1125 R 4 Sword of Force Alteration
1126 R 4 Teleport Trace Divination
1127 R 4 Thillis' Monster Servant Charm
1128 R 4 Thorgon's Faithful Steed Conjuration
1129 R 4 Twilight's Silent Sheaf Alteration
1130 R 4 Uldark's Conjured Fireball Conjuration
1131 R 4 Uldark's Conjured Frost Bolt Conjuration
1132 R 4 Understanding Divination
1133 R 4 Vandergast's Forcetrap Invocation

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1134 R 4 Vander's Librarian Conjuration

1135 R 4 Vanquil's Backbiter Abjuration
1136 R 4 Vanquil's Lightshed Alteration
1137 R 4 Vanquil's Milling Crowd Conjuration
1138 R 4 Vertigo Enchantment
1139 R 4 View Past Divination
1140 R 4 Waiting Light Alteration
1141 R 4 Wayfinder Portal Alteration
1142 R 4 Whisper's Decimater Necromancy
1143 R 4 Whisper's Horrifying Scream Illusion
1144 R 4 Whisper's Minor Wall of Force Evocation
1145 R 4 Whisper's Storm of Darkness Necromancy
1146 R 4 Whisper's Sudden Spell Blast Abjuration
1147 R 4 Wind Blast Alteration
1148 R 4 Winds of Pain Necromancy
1149 U 4 A Lert Conjuration
1150 U 4 Byrnaal's Apologetic Release Conjuration
1151 U 4 Byrnaal's Astounding Negation Alteration
1152 U 4 Cheffield's Kingly Feast Conjuration
1153 U 4 Damian's Insulated Envelope Abjuration
1154 U 4 Dardan's Dehydration Evocation
1155 U 4 Jadwin's Concentration Conspiracy Alteration
1156 U 4 Jadwin's Item Exchange Illusion
1157 U 4 Janx' Artificial Control Alteration
1158 U 4 Kaldane's Lullaby Enchantment
1159 U 4 Kasemadchen's Wild Runestones Divination
1160 U 4 Lava Wave Conjuration
1161 U 4 Lesser Death Spell Necromancy
1162 U 4 Mikkis' Holiness Alteration
1163 U 4 Missile Multiplication I Alteration
1164 U 4 Nimrod's Wondrous Trapeze Act Alteration
1165 U 4 Noska Trades' Endoplasmic Quagmire Conjuration
1166 U 4 Origami Anime Alteration
1167 U 4 Pander's Whirlwind Travel Conjuration
1168 U 4 Phantasamorph Enchantment
1169 U 4 Sonoric's Animal Awareness Divination
1170 U 4 Sonoric's Fly on the Wall Divination
1171 U 4 Stanza's Enchanted Kiss of Disease Necromancy
1172 U 4 Teleport Tracer Divination
1173 U 4 Telurian's Firebolts Invocation
1174 U 4 The Nimbleton Hold Alteration
1175 U 4 Time Warp Alteration
1176 U 4 Tyvek's Flying Binder Conjuration
1177 U 4 Tyvek's Flying Bucket Conjuration
1178 U 4 Tyvek's Rust Prevention Abjuration
1179 U 4 Uldark's Conjured Lightning Bolt Conjuration
1180 U 4 Vanquil's Cellular Regeneration Necromancy
1181 U 4 Vanquil's Iceball Conjuration
1182 U 4 Vanquil's Wall of Light Alteration
1183 U 4 Wax Impressions Enchantment
1184 U 4 Winthrop's Undead Self Transmogrifier Necromancy
1185 U 4 Winthrop's Undead Summoning III Conjuration
1186 U 4 X-Ray Vision Divination
1187 X 4 Become Phantasmal Lover Illusion

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1188 X 4 Jamye's Morning After Alteration

1189 X 4 Klaus' Kustard Kwicksand Alteration
1190 X 4 Layla's Morning After Kiss Alteration
1191 X 4 Layla's Seductive Impersonation Alteration
1192 X 4 Layla's Sexy Kiss of Insanity Enchantment
1193 X 4 Lohocla's "Shaken, Not Stirred" Alteration
1194 X 4 Lohocla's Cloud of Alcohol Alteration
1195 X 4 Lovesickness Enchantment
1196 C 5 Advanced Illuslon Illusion
1197 C 5 Airy Water Alteration
1198 C 5 Animal Growth Alteration
1199 C 5 Animate Dead Necromancy
1200 C 5 Avoldance Abjuration
1201 C 5 Bigby's Interposing Hand Evocation
1202 C 5 Bowgentle's Fleeting Journey Alteration
1203 C 5 Chaos Enchantment
1204 C 5 CloudKill Evocation
1205 C 5 Cone of Cold Evocation
1206 C 5 Conjure Elemental Conjuration
1207 C 5 Contact Other Plane Greater Divination
1208 C 5 Deml-Shadow Monsters Illusion
1209 C 5 Disguise Undead Illusion
1210 C 5 Dismissal Abjuration
1211 C 5 Distance Distortion Alteration
1212 C 5 Domination Enchantment
1213 C 5 Dream Invocation
1214 C 5 Dust Devil Alteration
1215 C 5 Extenslon II Alteration
1216 C 5 Fabricate Enchantment
1217 C 5 False Vision Greater Divination
1218 C 5 Far Reaching III Alteration
1219 C 5 Feeblemind Enchantment
1220 C 5 Hold Monster Enchantment
1221 C 5 Improved Skull Watch Necromancy
1222 C 5 Ironguard Abjuration
1223 C 5 Khaxid's Procurement Greater Divination
1224 C 5 Leomund's Lamentable Belaborment Enchantment
1225 C 5 Leomund's Secret Chest Alteration
1226 C 5 Lower Resistance Abjuration
1227 C 5 Magic Jar Necromancy
1228 C 5 Maglc Staff Enchantment
1229 C 5 Major Creation Illusion
1230 C 5 Mind Fog Enchantment
1231 C 5 Monster Summoning III Conjuration
1232 C 5 Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound Conjuration
1233 C 5 Nulathoe's Ninemen Necromancy
1234 C 5 Passwall Alteration
1235 C 5 Presper's Moonbow Evocation
1236 C 5 Safeguardlng Abjuration
1237 C 5 Secure Alteration
1238 C 5 Seeming Illusion
1239 C 5 Sending Evocation
1240 C 5 Shadow Door Illusion
1241 C 5 Shadow Magic Illusion

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1242 C 5 Shroud of Flame Evocation

1243 C 5 Snilloc's Major Missile Evocation
1244 C 5 Stone Shape Alteration
1245 C 5 Summon Shadow Conjuration
1246 C 5 Telekinesis Alteration
1247 C 5 Teleport Alteration
1248 C 5 Transmute Rock to Mud Alteration
1249 C 5 Von Gaslk's Refusal Abjuration
1250 C 5 Vortex# Evocation
1251 C 5 Wall of Forse Evocation
1252 C 5 Wall of Iron Evocation
1253 C 5 Wall of Stone Evocation
1254 C 5 Waveform Alteration
1255 R 5 5-Mile Carrier Alteration
1256 R 5 Ability Suppressor Alteration
1257 R 5 Absorb Level Drain Abjuration
1258 R 5 Absorb Spell Abjuration
1259 R 5 Alpha's Aurora Borealis Evocation
1260 R 5 Alpha's Balefire Conjuration
1261 R 5 Alpha's Blue Blaze Conjuration
1262 R 5 Alpha's Incantation of Elemental Domination Abjuration
1263 R 5 Alpha's Lightningarmour Abjuration
1264 R 5 Alpha's Moons of Munnopoor Alteration
1265 R 5 Alpha's Saint Elmo's Fire Evocation
1266 R 5 Alpha's Shooting Stars Conjuration
1267 R 5 Alpha's Spectral Hound Conjuration
1268 R 5 Alpha's Star-Powered Magery Invocation
1269 R 5 Alpha's Starshield Abjuration
1270 R 5 Alpha's Wizard Light Alteration
1271 R 5 Animate Ghoul Necromancy
1272 R 5 Animate Skeletal Warrior Necromancy
1273 R 5 Anti-Anti-Magic Shell Evocation
1274 R 5 Area Effect Non-Detection Abjuration
1275 R 5 Auralon's Deflective Plates Evocation
1276 R 5 Avian Call Conjuration
1277 R 5 Ball of Iron Evocation
1278 R 5 Blade Dance Enchantment
1279 R 5 Blades of Fury Illusion
1280 R 5 Blizzard Evocation
1281 R 5 Bone Splinter Evocation
1282 R 5 Cantrip Permanency All
1283 R 5 Chaos Magic Alteration
1284 R 5 Charm Man III Enchantment
1285 R 5 Cloud of Intoxication Alteration
1286 R 5 Cone of Acid [1] Evocation
1287 R 5 Cone of Acid [2] Evocation
1288 R 5 Cone of Electricity Evocation
1289 R 5 Cone of Fire [1] Evocation
1290 R 5 Cone of Fire [2] Evocation
1291 R 5 Cone of Force Evocation
1292 R 5 Cone of Heat Evocation
1293 R 5 Cone of Steam Evocation
1294 R 5 Conjure Fire Ball Conjuration
1295 R 5 Conjure Greater Radiance Quasi-Elemental Conjuration

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1296 R 5 Continual Fly Enchantment

1297 R 5 Continual Invisibility Illusion
1298 R 5 Continual Secret Light Alteration
1299 R 5 Dardan's Siccating Parchment Evocation
1300 R 5 Darklight's Concentrated Fire Alteration
1301 R 5 Darklight's Mental Stabilizer Enchantment
1302 R 5 Darklight's Mystical Fortitude Enchantment
1303 R 5 Darklight's Personal Dispel Shield Abjuration
1304 R 5 Darklight's Rubbery Aura Alteration
1305 R 5 Darklight's Silent Invisible Spell Alteration
1306 R 5 Darklight's Stapling Spikes Evocation
1307 R 5 Darklight's Summoning Hook Conjuration
1308 R 5 Darklight's Tattoo Item Alteration
1309 R 5 Darklight's Weapons Warp Alteration
1310 R 5 Darkray's Blade of Light Evocation
1311 R 5 Darkray's Confirmed Pact Greater Divination
1312 R 5 Darkray's Defiler Tracer Greater Divination
1313 R 5 Darkray's Draining Tendrils Evocation
1314 R 5 Darkray's Hiding Mantle Abjuration
1315 R 5 Darkray's Mail of Power Abjuration
1316 R 5 Darkray's Minor Wish Conjuration
1317 R 5 Darkray's Preserving Box Alteration
1318 R 5 Darkray's Strength of Life Necromancy
1319 R 5 Darkray's Transformation Alteration
1320 R 5 Deflect Normal Weapon Attacks Abjuration
1321 R 5 Detect Spell Greater Divination
1322 R 5 Dheryth's Stone Integrity Abjuration
1323 R 5 Dimmable Continual Light Invocation
1324 R 5 Displacement [2] Illusion
1325 R 5 Double Fly Alteration
1326 R 5 Doubled Magic Missile Evocation
1327 R 5 Dreamoore's Greater Eldritch Sphere Evocation
1328 R 5 Dreamoore's Spellblade Evocation
1329 R 5 Dwarf Golem Conjuration
1330 R 5 Dwarkanath's Limitator Alteration
1331 R 5 Dwarkanath's Morphous Bolt Alteration
1332 R 5 Dweomervessel Alteration
1333 R 5 Elemental Join Alteration
1334 R 5 Elemental Square Abjuration
1335 R 5 Eyeray Alteration
1336 R 5 Fire Charm Enchantment
1337 R 5 Firestorm Invocation
1338 R 5 Flashburn Alteration
1339 R 5 Flexible Force Field Evocation
1340 R 5 Forcewhip Evocation
1341 R 5 Gem Write Alteration
1342 R 5 Gifrun's Thunderclap Evocation
1343 R 5 Globe of Fire Invocation
1344 R 5 Greater Aura of Protection Evocation
1345 R 5 Greenfire Evocation
1346 R 5 High-Energy Fireball Invocation
1347 R 5 High-Energy Lightning Bolt Evocation
1348 R 5 High-Power Energy Bolt Invocation
1349 R 5 High-Power Lightning Bolt Invocation

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1350 R 5 Improved Fire Ball Evocation

1351 R 5 Jamye's Greased Lightning Evocation
1352 R 5 Kaldane's Insomnia Enchantment
1353 R 5 Kalessin's Long Arm Conjuration
1354 R 5 Katrine's Deadly Sphere Invocation
1355 R 5 Kiri's Excellent Skill Alteration
1356 R 5 Kiri's Protection from Seige Missiles Abjuration
1357 R 5 Lesser Wildfire II Invocation
1358 R 5 Liquid Form Alteration
1359 R 5 Magic Mist Conjuration
1360 R 5 Master of Arms Alteration
1361 R 5 Matthew's Hellfire Elemental
1362 R 5 Mental Ledger Alteration
1363 R 5 Mikkis' Cloak of Electricity Abjuration
1364 R 5 Mikkis' Probability Control Alteration
1365 R 5 Minor Wish Conjuration
1366 R 5 Miranda's Magestorm Evocation
1367 R 5 Missile Multiplication II Alteration
1368 R 5 Negate Magic Resistance Abjuration
1369 R 5 Nightmare Enchantment
1370 R 5 Phantasmal Force II Illusion
1371 R 5 Pilpin's Enhanced Alarm Abjuration
1372 R 5 Pilpin's Insanity Enchantment
1373 R 5 Pilpin's Power Enchantment
1374 R 5 Plane Shift Alteration
1375 R 5 Pobithakor's Protection Abjuration
1376 R 5 Poison Alteration
1377 R 5 Programmable Dispel Magic Abjuration
1378 R 5 Protection from Cold Abjuration
1379 R 5 Protection from Electricity Abjuration
1380 R 5 Protection from Fire Abjuration
1381 R 5 Protection from Poison [1] Abjuration
1382 R 5 Protection from Poison [2] Abjuration
1383 R 5 Protection from Psionics Abjuration
1384 R 5 Psionic Barrier Alteration
1385 R 5 Quentin's Accumulation Alteration
1386 R 5 Random Spell III Invocation
1387 R 5 Rathe's Contingency Trigger Alteration
1388 R 5 Rednog's Skill Backup Alteration
1389 R 5 Rednog's Skill Stealer Alteration
1390 R 5 Retrieve [2] Conjuration
1391 R 5 Scorpion Call Conjuration
1392 R 5 Scrybane Greater Divination
1393 R 5 Selective Fireball Invocation
1394 R 5 Shade Link Enchantment
1395 R 5 Shadowguard Illusion
1396 R 5 Sillvatar's Dragon Claw Conjuration
1397 R 5 Sillvatar's Flamestaff Enchantment
1398 R 5 Sillvatar's Shockingstaff Enchantment
1399 R 5 Simon's Superior Spheres Evocation
1400 R 5 Skeletal Armour Conjuration
1401 R 5 Skullsight Greater Divination
1402 R 5 Snake Call Conjuration
1403 R 5 Sonic Blast [2] Evocation

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1404 R 5 Sonoric's Illusionary Observer Greater Divination

1405 R 5 Sonoric's Superior Minions Conjuration
1406 R 5 Space Blending Alteration
1407 R 5 Speed Casting Alteration
1408 R 5 Spell Turning Alteration
1409 R 5 Spellcrystal V Conjuration
1410 R 5 Spirit Scream Necromancy
1411 R 5 Spiritual Triangle Abjuration
1412 R 5 Sting Alteration
1413 R 5 Summon Warriors Conjuration
1414 R 5 Superior Sleep Enchantment
1415 R 5 Switch Alteration
1416 R 5 Time Sight Greater Divination
1417 R 5 Tonguetwister Abjuration
1418 R 5 Traelanger's Extermination Alteration
1419 R 5 Travel Cancellation Alteration
1420 R 5 Tryton's Armour Abjuration
1421 R 5 Tryton's Death Grip Necromancy
1422 R 5 Tuan's Electric Fireball Evocation
1423 R 5 Turn Greater Quasi-Elemental Abjuration
1424 R 5 Turn Undead [2] Abjuration
1425 R 5 Twilight's Invisible Field Alteration
1426 R 5 Tyvek's Spatial Rooting Abjuration
1427 R 5 Undetectable School Casting Abjuration
1428 R 5 Warboulder Alteration
1429 R 5 Whisper's Acidic Destruction Evocation
1430 R 5 Whisper's Cold Imprisonment Alteration
1431 R 5 Whisper's Dark Fury Necromancy
1432 R 5 Whisper's Fiery Repulsion Evocation
1433 R 5 Whisper's Plasma Bolts Evocation
1434 R 5 Whisper's Rune of Acid Protection Protection
1435 R 5 Whisper's Rune of Cold Protection Protection
1436 R 5 Whisper's Rune of Fire Protection Abjuration
1437 R 5 Whisper's Rune of Lightning Protection Protection
1438 R 5 Whisper's Rune of Magic Resistance Abjuration
1439 R 5 Whisper's Rune of Protection versus Weapons Abjuration
1440 R 5 Wiley's Door Alteration
1441 R 5 Wiley's Teleport Alteration
1442 R 5 Wolldin's Backstabber Illusion
1443 R 5 Wonderlight Enchantment
1444 U 5 And One for Jenny and the Wimp Abjuration
1445 U 5 Azura's Death Shadow Conjuration
1446 U 5 Azura's Soul Whip Evocation
1447 U 5 Chelymber's Improved Non-Detection Abjuration
1448 U 5 Cobaltas's Thunderclap Evocation
1449 U 5 Cobaltas's Thunderflash Evocation
1450 U 5 Conjure Drink V Conjuration
1451 U 5 Create Dining Room Conjuration
1452 U 5 Falerin's Stolen Ability Enchantment
1453 U 5 Fellstar's Flame Cone Invocation
1454 U 5 Fist of the Element Elemental
1455 U 5 Greater Death Star Necromancy
1456 U 5 Internal Combustion Alteration
1457 U 5 Jamye's Armour Reversal Abjuration

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1458 U 5 Kaldane's Instant Exhaustion Enchantment

1459 U 5 Kaldane's Sleep Enchantment
1460 U 5 Kestrel's Skill Eraser Necromancy
1461 U 5 Layla's Beautification Alteration
1462 U 5 Lycanthropy Alteration
1463 U 5 Matthias' Rainbow Doom Invocation
1464 U 5 Meillikhom's Room of Seclusion Alteration
1465 U 5 Meral's Minor Bang Evocation
1466 U 5 Merlin's Mystical Bubble Invocation
1467 U 5 Metal Transformation Alteration
1468 U 5 Mikkis' Porter Conjuration
1469 U 5 Mordenkainen's Immediate Discharge Alteration
1470 U 5 Muier's Flame Sculpture Evocation
1471 U 5 Nancy's Improved Silence Alteration
1472 U 5 Noska Trades' Bizarre Insemination Conjuration
1473 U 5 Ouija Board Greater Divination
1474 U 5 Paithan's Hot Streak Alteration
1475 U 5 Pentagram Abjuration
1476 U 5 Rhuva's Wizard Stomper Greater Divination
1477 U 5 Sarius' Ethereal Transfer Alteration
1478 U 5 Sarius' Golden Stars of Protection Evocation
1479 U 5 Stanza's Certain Enchanted Kiss of Disease Necromancy
1480 U 5 Taint Alignment Enchantment
1481 U 5 Transmute Cloth to Iron Alteration
1482 U 5 Tyvek's Fabric Fighter Conjuration
1483 U 5 Tyvek's Turtleback Abjuration
1484 U 5 Vanquil's Drifting Blizzard Evocation
1485 U 5 Vanquil's Freeze Ray Evocation
1486 U 5 Vanquil's Increased Metabolism Alteration
1487 U 5 Vanquil's Thermal Lance Evocation
1488 U 5 Vanquil's Wall of Detection Greater Divination
1489 U 5 Winthrop's Undead Summoning IV Conjuration
1490 X 5 Embarrassing Fetish Enchantment
1491 X 5 Lohocla's Mother of All Burps Alteration
1492 X 5 Malar's Alcohol Detonation Alteration
1493 X 5 Reverse Gender Orientation Alteration
1494 X 5 Sex Change [1] Alteration
1495 X 5 Transmute Matter to Alcohol Alteration
1496 X 5 Tsugua's Uncontrollable Hiccups Abjuration
1497 C 6 Anti-Magic Shell Abjuration
1498 C 6 Augmentatlon 11 Evocation
1499 C 6 Bigby's Forceful Hand Evocation
1500 C 6 Blade of Doom Evocation
1501 C 6 Bloodstone's Spectral Steed Necromancy
1502 C 6 Chain Lightning Evocation
1503 C 6 Classee Alteration
1504 C 6 Conjure Animals Conjuration
1505 C 6 Contingency Evocation
1506 C 6 Control Weather Alteration
1507 C 6 Death Fog Alteration
1508 C 6 Death Spell Necromancy
1509 C 6 Demi-Shadow Magic Illusion
1510 C 6 Dlsintegrate Alteration
1511 C 6 Enchant an Item Enchantment

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1512 C 6 Ensnarement Conjuration

1513 C 6 Extenslon III Alteration
1514 C 6 Eyebite Enchantment
1515 C 6 Geas Enchantment
1516 C 6 Globe of Invulnerabillty Abjuration
1517 C 6 Grimwald's Greymantle Necromancy
1518 C 6 Guards and Wards Evocation
1519 C 6 Imbue Undead with Spell Ability Necromancy
1520 C 6 Invisible Stalker Conjuration
1521 C 6 Legend Lore Greater Divination
1522 C 6 Lich Touch Necromancy
1523 C 6 Lower Water Alteration
1524 C 6 Mass Suggestion Enchantment
1525 C 6 Mirage Arcana Illusion
1526 C 6 Mislead Illusion
1527 C 6 Monster Summoning IV Conjuration
1528 C 6 Mordenkalnen's Lucubratlon Alteration
1529 C 6 Move Earth Alteration
1530 C 6 Otiluke's Freezing Sphere Alteration
1531 C 6 Part Water Alteration
1532 C 6 Permanent Illuslon Illusion
1533 C 6 Power Word: Silence Alteration
1534 C 6 Programmed Illuslon Illusion
1535 C 6 Project Image Alteration
1536 C 6 Reconstruction Alteration
1537 C 6 Reincarnation Necromancy
1538 C 6 Repulslon Abjuration
1539 C 6 Shades Illusion
1540 C 6 Stone to Flesh Alteration
1541 C 6 Teleport Dead Alteration
1542 C 6 Tenser's Transformatlon Alteration
1543 C 6 Transmute Water to Dust Alteration
1544 C 6 True Seeing Greater Divination
1545 C 6 Turnshadow Abjuration
1546 C 6 Veil Illusion
1547 R 6 Acid Rain Evocation
1548 R 6 Alpha's Firefountain Alteration
1549 R 6 Alpha's Rainbow Warrior Evocation
1550 R 6 Alpha's Starlight Citadel Conjuration
1551 R 6 Alter Occurrence Conjuration
1552 R 6 Annihilate Matter Invocation
1553 R 6 Anthropomorphization Alteration
1554 R 6 Area of Effect Increaser Alteration
1555 R 6 Aziel's Fluxuating Silence Alteration
1556 R 6 Aziel's Protect Building from Fire Abjuration
1557 R 6 Azura's Black Scythe Evocation
1558 R 6 Become Water Alteration
1559 R 6 Bigby's Strangulation Evocation
1560 R 6 Block Teleport Abjuration
1561 R 6 Bone to Mud Alteration
1562 R 6 Conjure Succubus or Incubus Conjuration
1563 R 6 Continual Shadow Light Invocation
1564 R 6 Copyright Abjuration
1565 R 6 Coradon's Cataclysmic Coronary Invocation

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1566 R 6 Create Dry Bones Enchantment

1567 R 6 Create Ghast Necromancy
1568 R 6 Create State Room Conjuration
1569 R 6 Dardan's Desiccation Evocation
1570 R 6 Darklight's Compulsion of Pure Reason Abjuration
1571 R 6 Darklight's Creeping Frost Curse Alteration
1572 R 6 Darklight's Finger of Ice Alteration
1573 R 6 Darklight's Future Self Conjuration
1574 R 6 Darklight's Hideous Rending Alteration
1575 R 6 Darklight's Lightning Web Evocation
1576 R 6 Darklight's Planar Bubble Conjuration
1577 R 6 Darklight's Planar Weapon Conjuration
1578 R 6 Darklight's Readied Dweomer Alteration
1579 R 6 Darklight's Searing Disk Evocation
1580 R 6 Darklight's Tattoo Creature Alteration
1581 R 6 Darklight's Telepathic Tracer Enchantment
1582 R 6 Darkray's Avenger Abjuration
1583 R 6 Darkray's Chest Alteration
1584 R 6 Darkray's Death Lightning Evocation
1585 R 6 Darkray's Elemental Immunity Abjuration
1586 R 6 Darkray's Ethereal Trip Alteration
1587 R 6 Darkray's Improved Alter Self Alteration
1588 R 6 Darkray's Invulnerability Abjuration
1589 R 6 Darkray's Lock Alteration
1590 R 6 Darkray's Orb of Spell Patterns Enchantment
1591 R 6 Darkray's Powerguard Abjuration
1592 R 6 Darkray's Protection from Feeblemind Abjuration
1593 R 6 Darkray's Teleport Guide Alteration
1594 R 6 Dheryth's Energy Cloak Abjuration
1595 R 6 Dheryth's Energy Globe Alteration
1596 R 6 Dheryth's Energy Lance Evocation
1597 R 6 Dheryth's Spell Support Abjuration
1598 R 6 Diamondblade Alteration
1599 R 6 Double-Helix Fireball Invocation
1600 R 6 Dreamoore's Blade Summoning Conjuration
1601 R 6 Dreamoore's Eldritch Decagon Alteration
1602 R 6 Dreamoore's Missile Tempest Evocation
1603 R 6 Dreamoore's Viper Lance Alteration
1604 R 6 Eldarr's Improved Spell Conversion Alteration
1605 R 6 Enemies Enchantment
1606 R 6 Energy Field Conjuration
1607 R 6 Etherealness Alteration
1608 R 6 Feeblebody Alteration
1609 R 6 Fellstar's Flame Arc Evocation
1610 R 6 Fellstar's Flame Dome Evocation
1611 R 6 Fireblast Evocation
1612 R 6 Force Blast Invocation
1613 R 6 Gem Protector Abjuration
1614 R 6 Giant Strength Alteration
1615 R 6 Glamden's Acid Fire Invocation
1616 R 6 Glamden's Acidic Gas Invocation
1617 R 6 Glamden's Gas Jet Invocation
1618 R 6 Globe of Force Invocation
1619 R 6 Greater Light Control Alteration

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1620 R 6 GrecoInflamitus of the Spartan Bar-B-Q Conjuration

1621 R 6 Gregori's Shadow Greater Divination
1622 R 6 Gregori's Spell Damper Alteration
1623 R 6 Guardian Warrior Abjuration
1624 R 6 Heisenberg's Uncertain Teleport Alteration
1625 R 6 Hobar's Horrible Blades Conjuration
1626 R 6 Hold Person III Enchantment
1627 R 6 Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability Enchantment
1628 R 6 Improved Circle I Invocation
1629 R 6 Improved Sense Shifting I Alteration
1630 R 6 Improved Vocalize Alteration
1631 R 6 Improved Wiley's Door Alteration
1632 R 6 'Irnar's Poloroidic Pregnancy Necromancy
1633 R 6 Jadwin's Free Thoughts Alteration
1634 R 6 Jadwin's Illusion Enhancer Alteration
1635 R 6 Justin's Skimmer Evocation
1636 R 6 Kaldane's Eternal Sleep Enchantment
1637 R 6 Kalessin's Spell Load Evocation
1638 R 6 Korel's Enchant Plant Alteration
1639 R 6 Korel's Strength of Darkness Necromancy
1640 R 6 Korel's Vampiric Strike Enchantment
1641 R 6 Lestat's Liteblade Abjuration
1642 R 6 Lich's Palm Necromancy
1643 R 6 Lorlovelm's Extradimensional Imprisonment Alteration
1644 R 6 Lorth's Stasis Alteration
1645 R 6 Mage Lock Alteration
1646 R 6 Major Weaving Alteration
1647 R 6 Masol's Light Blast Alteration
1648 R 6 Mass Aura of Protection Evocation
1649 R 6 Mass Teleport Alteration
1650 R 6 Master Missile Evocation
1651 R 6 Merge Protection Inscriptions Abjuration
1652 R 6 Micah's Shield Abjuration
1653 R 6 Minor Accursed Rite Necromancy
1654 R 6 Minor Poltergeist Conjuration
1655 R 6 Moloranis' Marvellous Map Invocation
1656 R 6 Morgwar's Undead Chaser Abjuration
1657 R 6 Muier's Superior Flame Sculpture Evocation
1658 R 6 Mystyk's Improved Backlash Abjuration
1659 R 6 Northstar's Song of the Elves Enchantment
1660 R 6 Noska Trades' Immortal Mount Alteration
1661 R 6 Object of Steel Alteration
1662 R 6 Orgasm Enchantment
1663 R 6 Orko's Acid Cone Evocation
1664 R 6 Orko's Dragonfire Evocation
1665 R 6 Paithan's Fiasco Enchantment
1666 R 6 Pilpin's Alignment Charm Enchantment
1667 R 6 Pilpin's Etherealness Alteration
1668 R 6 Pilpin's Liquid Fire Evocation
1669 R 6 Pilpin's Massmorph Alteration
1670 R 6 Pilpin's Transformation Alteration
1671 R 6 Power Booster II Alteration
1672 R 6 Prismatic Dildo Conjuration
1673 R 6 Prismatic Ray Evocation

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1674 R 6 Privacy Abjuration

1675 R 6 Projectile Evocation
1676 R 6 Pyre Evocation
1677 R 6 Quicksilver Alteration
1678 R 6 Quintessa's Slaying Spear Evocation
1679 R 6 Rape Trick Abjuration
1680 R 6 Rebels's Fly Abjuration
1681 R 6 Rednog's Transposer Alteration
1682 R 6 Remove Flesh Necromancy
1683 R 6 Replay Greater Divination
1684 R 6 Retroactive Dispel Magic Abjuration
1685 R 6 Rune II Enchantment
1686 R 6 Sarius' Frost Giant Manifestation Conjuration
1687 R 6 Sarius' Platinum Platform Alteration
1688 R 6 Selective Dispel Magic Abjuration
1689 R 6 Sertan's Certain Slaying Necromancy
1690 R 6 Sex Change [2] Alteration
1691 R 6 Sillvatar's Surgical Strike Invocation
1692 R 6 Skywrite Alteration
1693 R 6 Spellcrystal VI Conjuration
1694 R 6 Spell-link Alteration
1695 R 6 Spirit Legionnaire Enchantment
1696 R 6 Staff of Light Alteration
1697 R 6 Store Passwall Alteration
1698 R 6 Super Mirror Image Abjuration
1699 R 6 Suppress Somatic Components Alteration
1700 R 6 Teleport Trap Alteration
1701 R 6 Teleport via Fire Alteration
1702 R 6 Teleportal Alteration
1703 R 6 Tharos' Starburst Attack Conjuration
1704 R 6 Thorndeath Alteration
1705 R 6 Tyvek's Fabric Phantom Necromancy
1706 R 6 Tyvek's Forcebrace Conjuration
1707 R 6 Tyvek's Temporary External Strength Enchantment
1708 R 6 Undead Spell Carrier Enchantment
1709 R 6 Vandergast's Armoured Forcetrap Invocation
1710 R 6 Whisper's Anonymity Greater Divination
1711 R 6 Whisper's Damage Transference Necromancy
1712 R 6 Whisper's Flakes of Death Evocation
1713 R 6 Whisper's Instant Electric Shield Evocation
1714 R 6 Whisper's Instant Shielding Abjuration
1715 R 6 Whisper's Major Lightning Strike Evocation
1716 R 6 Whisper's Reduce Magic Resistance Alteration
1717 R 6 Whisper's Rune of Healing Necromancy
1718 R 6 Whisper's Vampiric Drain Necromancy
1719 R 6 Wimp Enchantment
1720 R 6 Winthrop's Undead Summoning V Conjuration
1721 R 6 Wizard Watch Alteration
1722 U 6 Zhaida's Improved Identifier Greater Divination
1723 U 6 Zildjian's Energy Field Evocation
1724 C 7 Acid Storm Evocation
1725 C 7 Banishment Abjuration
1726 C 7 Bigby's Grasping Hand Evocation
1727 C 7 Bloodstone's Frightful Joining Necromancy

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1728 C 7 Charm Plants Enchantment

1729 C 7 Control Undead Necromancy
1730 C 7 Delayed Blast Fireball Evocation
1731 C 7 Drawmil's Instant Summons Conjuration
1732 C 7 Duo-Dimension Alteration
1733 C 7 Finger of Death Necromancy
1734 C 7 Forcecage Evocation
1735 C 7 Gemjump Alteration
1736 C 7 Hatch the Stone from the Egg Alteration
1737 C 7 Hornung's Surge Selector* Alteration
1738 C 7 Intensify Summonlng Conjuration
1739 C 7 Khelben's Warding Whip Abjuration
1740 C 7 Limited Wlsh Conjuration
1741 C 7 Malec-Keth's Flame Fist Evocation
1742 C 7 Mass Invisibillty Illusion
1743 C 7 Monster Summoning V Conjuration
1744 C 7 Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion Alteration
1745 C 7 Mordenkainen's Sword Evocation
1746 C 7 Phase Door Alteration
1747 C 7 Power Word, Stun Conjuration
1748 C 7 Prlsmatic Spray Conjuration
1749 C 7 Reverse Gravity Alteration
1750 C 7 Ruby Ray of Reversal Alteration
1751 C 7 Sequester Illusion
1752 C 7 Shadow Walk Illusion
1753 C 7 Shadowcat Illusion
1754 C 7 Slmulacrum Illusion
1755 C 7 Spectral Guard Evocation
1756 C 7 Spell Shape * Alteration
1757 C 7 Spell Turning Abjuration
1758 C 7 Spelltrap Alteration
1759 C 7 Statue Alteration
1760 C 7 Steal Enchantment Enchantment
1761 C 7 Suffocate Alteration
1762 C 7 Teleport Without Error Alteration
1763 C 7 The Simbul's Synostodwcomer Alteration
1764 C 7 Vanish Alteration
1765 C 7 Vision Greater Divination
1766 R 7 Altar of Protection Evocation
1767 R 7 Animate Dead II Necromancy
1768 R 7 Anti-Psionics Shell Abjuration
1769 R 7 Aura of Panic Illusion
1770 R 7 Blood to Dust Necromancy
1771 R 7 Body Fire Alteration
1772 R 7 Cacofiend Conjuration
1773 R 7 Celestarion's Warding Abjuration
1774 R 7 Channelling Alteration
1775 R 7 Charm Dragon Enchantment
1776 R 7 Charm Man IV Enchantment
1777 R 7 Cloud of Death Necromancy
1778 R 7 Cobaltas's Crack of Doom Evocation
1779 R 7 Conjuration Enhancer Conjuration
1780 R 7 Contingent Polymorph Other Alteration
1781 R 7 Create Mummy Necromancy

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1782 R 7 Create Throne Room Conjuration

1783 R 7 Create Undead Necromancy
1784 R 7 Darklight's Force Armour Alteration
1785 R 7 Darklight's Planar Plume Conjuration
1786 R 7 Deflect Magic Weapon Attacks Abjuration
1787 R 7 Delayed Blast Snowball Evocation
1788 R 7 Detect Individual Greater Divination
1789 R 7 Devolution Alteration
1790 R 7 Dheryth's Energy Net Evocation
1791 R 7 Dheryth's Spell Analysis Greater Divination
1792 R 7 Disintegration Protector Alteration
1793 R 7 Disrupt Spellcaster II Alteration
1794 R 7 Dissension Enchantment
1795 R 7 Dissolve Greater Quasi-Elemental Abjuration
1796 R 7 Ditan's Demolition Alteration
1797 R 7 Ditan's Everdeep Pocket Alteration
1798 R 7 Ditan's Minor Nullify Alteration
1799 R 7 Ditan's Portable Quarters Alteration
1800 R 7 Eldron's Second Chance Alteration
1801 R 7 Electrosphere Evocation
1802 R 7 Energy Shield Abjuration
1803 R 7 Evolution Alteration
1804 R 7 Eye of the Beholder Evocation
1805 R 7 Feldegast's Alter Appearance Alteration
1806 R 7 Fellstar's Flame Fog Evocation
1807 R 7 Fiction Alteration
1808 R 7 Flesh Box Alteration
1809 R 7 Fog of Nightmares Illusion
1810 R 7 Gate Lesser Fiend Conjuration
1811 R 7 Gem Store Alteration
1812 R 7 Impregnate Necromancy
1813 R 7 Improved Alacrity Alteration
1814 R 7 Improved Conjure Elemental Conjuration
1815 R 7 Increase Helm Power Alteration
1816 R 7 Invulnerability Abjuration
1817 R 7 Item Protector Abjuration
1818 R 7 Jadwin's Deceiving Forgery Illusion
1819 R 7 Jamye's Flesh to Toast Alteration
1820 R 7 Jamye's Improved Armour Reversal Abjuration
1821 R 7 Jimmy's Ultimate Sight Greater Divination
1822 R 7 Kiri's Mega Magic Missile Invocation
1823 R 7 Kiri's Spell Container Alteration
1824 R 7 Korel's Wisdom Beyond Death Necromancy
1825 R 7 Layla's Seductive Shapechange Alteration
1826 R 7 Lestat's Legion Evocation
1827 R 7 Lestat's Lieutenant Illusion
1828 R 7 Link to the Planes Alteration
1829 R 7 Lizward's Dragonform Alteration
1830 R 7 Llewllynn's Wall of Force Evocation
1831 R 7 Lorlovelm's Mistaken Alignment Illusion
1832 R 7 Luck Alteration
1833 R 7 Magic Quench Abjuration
1834 R 7 Mind Find Greater Divination
1835 R 7 Muier's Phantom Stalker Conjuration

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1836 R 7 Multiply Interstellar Helm Speed Alteration

1837 R 7 Nancy's Quiet Little Fireball Alteration
1838 R 7 Nearthia's Combat Spell Abjuration
1839 R 7 Nearthia's Spell Vortex Evocation
1840 R 7 Nikki's Berserker Conjuration
1841 R 7 Noska Trades' Feign Dust Conjuration
1842 R 7 Orko's Magic Resistance Abjuration
1843 R 7 Orko's Petrifying Gaze Evocation
1844 R 7 Orko's Spell Extension Alteration
1845 R 7 Permanent Charm Enchantment
1846 R 7 Phantasmal Force III Illusion
1847 R 7 Pilpin's Acidball Evocation
1848 R 7 Pilpin's Ravaging Spheres of Fire Evocation
1849 R 7 Pobithakor's Placer Alteration
1850 R 7 Power Word, Disrupt Evocation
1851 R 7 Prevention of Transmutation from Rock to Mud Alteration
1852 R 7 Prismatic Beam Abjuration
1853 R 7 Protect Atmosphere Abjuration
1854 R 7 Read Mind Greater Divination
1855 R 7 Rednog's Identifier Greater Divination
1856 R 7 Rednog's Protection Increaser Abjuration
1857 R 7 Resist Magic Abjuration
1858 R 7 Rock's Talons of the Glabrezu Alteration
1859 R 7 Sarius' Fire Giant Manifestation Conjuration
1860 R 7 Sarius' Temporal Demi-Plane Conjuration
1861 R 7 Schmuk's Spell Exchange Alteration
1862 R 7 Seduction III Enchantment
1863 R 7 Serrel's Modified Enchantment Alteration
1864 R 7 Sever Shadow Illusion
1865 R 7 Sharpness Alteration
1866 R 7 Sillvatar's Dragon Bite Conjuration
1867 R 7 Singing Cockroach Alteration
1868 R 7 Spell Catcher Abjuration
1869 R 7 Spell Connector Alteration
1870 R 7 Spellcrystal VII Conjuration
1871 R 7 Spellshield Abjuration
1872 R 7 Stash Alteration
1873 R 7 Stone Gaze Alteration
1874 R 7 Summon Shadows Conjuration
1875 R 7 Summon Wizard Conjuration
1876 R 7 Supply Material Component Invocation
1877 R 7 Terror Illusion
1878 R 7 Tharos' Temporal Study Alteration
1879 R 7 Tonal Attack Enchantment
1880 R 7 Troll Call Conjuration
1881 R 7 Twilight's Dark Hand of Magic Enchantment
1882 R 7 Tyvek's Forceshield Enchantment
1883 R 7 Tyvek's Spell Interceptor Alteration
1884 R 7 Tyvek's Temporary Inner Strength Necromancy
1885 R 7 Uldark's Radiant Bolt Conjuration
1886 R 7 Undead Army Necromancy
1887 R 7 Valcon's Spectral Army Illusion
1888 R 7 Veringen's Curse Conjuration
1889 R 7 Water Survival Alteration

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1890 R 7 Whale Call Conjuration

1891 R 7 Whisper's Helpful Portal Alteration
1892 R 7 Whisper's Instant Demonic Guards Conjuration
1893 R 7 Whisper's Legion of Doom Necromancy
1894 R 7 Whisper's Mass Teleport Alteration
1895 R 7 Whisper's Minor Rune of Protection versus Spells Abjuration
1896 R 7 Whisper's Protection from Detection Abjuration
1897 R 7 Whisper's Super Wizard Alteration
1898 R 7 Whisper's Tap Magic Conjuration
1899 R 7 Wind Tunnel Alteration
1900 R 7 Winthrop's Undead Summoning VI Conjuration
1901 R 7 Wolldin's Fearstalker Illusion
1902 U 7 Zandare's Twist Alteration
1903 U 7 Zildjian's Improved Mnemonic Enhancer Alteration
1904 U 7 Zildjian's Spellnet Alteration
1905 C 8 Ali-Dalzim's Horrld Wilting Alteration
1906 C 8 Alrboat Alteration
1907 C 8 Antipathy-Sympathy Enchantment
1908 C 8 Bigby's Clenched Fist Evocation
1909 C 8 Binding Enchantment
1910 C 8 Clone Necromancy
1911 C 8 Death Link Necromancy
1912 C 8 Demand Evocation
1913 C 8 Gateway Alteration
1914 C 8 Glassteel Alteration
1915 C 8 Great Shout Evocation
1916 C 8 Gunther's Kaleldoscopic Strike Invocation
1917 C 8 Homunculus Shleld Evocation
1918 C 8 Hornung's Random Dlapatcher* Abjuration
1919 C 8 Incendlary Cloud Alteration
1920 C 8 Mass Charm Enchantment
1921 C 8 Maze Conjuration
1922 C 8 Mind Blank Abjuration
1923 C 8 Monster Summoning VI Conjuration
1924 C 8 Otiluke's Telekinetic Sphere Evocation
1925 C 8 Otto's Irresistible Dance Enchantment
1926 C 8 Permanency Alteration
1927 C 8 Polymorph Any Object Alteration
1928 C 8 Power Word, Blind Conjuration
1929 C 8 Prismatic Wall Conjuration
1930 C 8 Screen Greater Divination
1931 C 8 Serten's Spell Immunity Abjuration
1932 C 8 Sink Enchantment
1933 C 8 Spell Engine Abjuration
1934 C 8 Sunburst Evocation
1935 C 8 Symbol Conjuration
1936 C 8 Trap the Soul Conjuration
1937 C 8 Wildzone* Conjuration
1938 R 8 Ageing Necromancy
1939 R 8 Anti-Magic Resistance Abjuration
1940 R 8 Area Effect Lower Resistance Abjuration
1941 R 8 Bone to Dust Alteration
1942 R 8 Caligula's Vitality Drain Alteration
1943 R 8 Call Chain Lightning Alteration

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1944 R 8 Call Dragon Summoning

1945 R 8 Cantor's Closed Cottage Alteration
1946 R 8 Cloud of Doom Alteration
1947 R 8 Contact Higher Plane Greater Divination
1948 R 8 Create Higher Undead Necromancy
1949 R 8 Create Temple or Cathedral Conjuration
1950 R 8 Curse of Lycanthropy Alteration
1951 R 8 Dardan's Desolation Evocation
1952 R 8 Darklight's Improved Force Armour Alteration
1953 R 8 Darklight's Major Planar Weapon Conjuration
1954 R 8 Darklight's Redstar Evocation
1955 R 8 Defy Necromancy
1956 R 8 Demonstar Evocation
1957 R 8 Dheryth's Gateway Alteration
1958 R 8 Dispel Exhaustion Illusion
1959 R 8 Dragon Form Alteration
1960 R 8 Dwarkanath's Arcane Expander Alteration
1961 R 8 Elemental Gate Conjuration
1962 R 8 Fellstar's Flame Jet Invocation
1963 R 8 Fire Gem Abjuration
1964 R 8 Fire Storm Invocation
1965 R 8 Flame Bolts Invocation
1966 R 8 Freeze [2] Abjuration
1967 R 8 Gate Fiend Conjuration
1968 R 8 Giant Call Conjuration
1969 R 8 Greater Infravision Alteration
1970 R 8 Improved Mirror Image Illusion
1971 R 8 Improved Permanent Illusion Illusion
1972 R 8 Improved Phantasmal Killer Illusion
1973 R 8 Infernal Tornado Evocation
1974 R 8 Ironskin Alteration
1975 R 8 Jamye's Spell Reversal Alteration
1976 R 8 Kelennor's Flesh To Ash Alteration
1977 R 8 Lesser Wildfire III Invocation
1978 R 8 Life Leech Necromancy
1979 R 8 Long-Range Carrier Alteration
1980 R 8 Lorlovelm's Magical Manuscript Alteration
1981 R 8 Lorlovelm's Non-Detectable Magic Abjuration
1982 R 8 Lorth's Sending Alteration
1983 R 8 Magic Resistance Abjuration
1984 R 8 Major Globe of Invulnerability Abjuration
1985 R 8 Mass Flesh to Stone Alteration
1986 R 8 Mass Speed Casting Alteration
1987 R 8 Meld Death Alteration
1988 R 8 Muier's Instantaneous Immolation Alteration
1989 R 8 Mystyk's Halflife Necromancy
1990 R 8 Mystyk's Major Backlash Abjuration
1991 R 8 Mystyk's Plane Survival Abjuration
1992 R 8 Nilspace Doorway Alteration
1993 R 8 Noska Trades' Mass Contagion Necromancy
1994 R 8 Orko's Elemental Triads Evocation
1995 R 8 Phase Conjugation Abjuration
1996 R 8 Pilpin's Black Death Conjuration
1997 R 8 Pilpin's Dark Wall Conjuration

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1998 R 8 Pilpin's Ephemeral Wand Enchantment

1999 R 8 Power Booster III Alteration
2000 R 8 Power Link Necromancy
2001 R 8 Power Word, Castrate Conjuration
2002 R 8 Reduce Magic Resistance Alteration
2003 R 8 Remember Enchantment
2004 R 8 Repair Alteration
2005 R 8 Reverse Alignment Enchantment
2006 R 8 Roteley's Greater Shatterwave Evocation
2007 R 8 Rune III Enchantment
2008 R 8 Sarius' Ethereal Gateway Conjuration
2009 R 8 Seizure Alteration
2010 R 8 Selective Disintegration Abjuration
2011 R 8 Sheath Alteration
2012 R 8 Shift Gravity Plane Alteration
2013 R 8 Shout - Word of Sound Alteration
2014 R 8 Sillvatar's Dragon Armour Conjuration
2015 R 8 Smoke Cage Alteration
2016 R 8 Sonic Blast [1] Illusion
2017 R 8 Spell Attack Illusion
2018 R 8 Spellcrystal VIII Conjuration
2019 R 8 Star Strike Invocation
2020 R 8 Stargate Alteration
2021 R 8 Stone Protection Abjuration
2022 R 8 Stuff Alteration
2023 R 8 Summon Wraith Conjuration
2024 R 8 Sunball Evocation
2025 R 8 Target Alteration
2026 R 8 Teleport Block Abjuration
2027 R 8 Teleport Warp Alteration
2028 R 8 Tempus Fugit Alteration
2029 R 8 Transformed Item Functionality Alteration
2030 R 8 Twin Evocation
2031 R 8 Tyvek's Forceplate Enchantment
2032 R 8 Tyvek's Immortal Words Enchantment
2033 R 8 Tyvek's Tectonic Entity Conjuration
2034 R 8 Undead Conduit Alteration
2035 R 8 Vandergast's Vacuous Void Alteration
2036 R 8 Whisper's Acid Pool Alteration
2037 R 8 Whisper's Chaos Elemental Summoning Conjuration
2038 R 8 Whisper's Dicey Healing Gate Necromancy
2039 R 8 Whisper's Instant Einheriar Legions Conjuration
2040 R 8 Whisper's Rune of Protection versus Spells Abjuration
2041 U 8 Dheryth's Sanctum Sanctorum Abjuration
2042 U 8 Dumbf Ound's Bottling Spell Alteration
2043 U 8 Kiri's Tween Conjuration
2044 U 8 Masol's Spell to Item Transferral Alteration
2045 U 8 Morgwar's Undead Strength Alteration
2046 X 8 Kiss of the Nereid Conjuration
2047 C 9 Astral Spell Evocation
2048 C 9 Blgby's Crushing Hand Evocation
2049 C 9 Chaln Contingency Evocation
2050 C 9 Crystalbrittle Alteration
2051 C 9 Dismind Enchantment

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2052 C 9 Elemental Aura Abjuration

2053 C 9 Elminster's Effulgent Epuration Abjuration
2054 C 9 Elminster's Evasion Evocation
2055 C 9 Energy Draln Evocation
2056 C 9 Estate Transference Alteration
2057 C 9 Foresight Greater Divination
2058 C 9 Gate Conjuration
2059 C 9 Glorious Transmutation Alteration
2060 C 9 Imprisonment Abjuration
2061 C 9 Master Undead Necromancy
2062 C 9 Meteor Swarm Evocation
2063 C 9 Monster Summoning VII Conjuration
2064 C 9 Mordenkalnen's Disjunction Alteration
2065 C 9 Power Word, Kill Conjuration
2066 C 9 Prismatic Sphere Abjuration
2067 C 9 Shape Change Alteration
2068 C 9 Spell Invulnerabillty Abjuration
2069 C 9 Spellstrike Alteration
2070 C 9 Stabilize* Abjuration
2071 C 9 Succor Alteration
2072 C 9 Temporal Stasis Alteration
2073 C 9 Tlme Stop Alteration
2074 C 9 Virus Charm Enchantment
2075 C 9 Wall of the Banshee Necromancy
2076 C 9 Weird Illusion
2077 C 9 Wildflre* Invocation
2078 C 9 Wildwind* Conjuration
2079 C 9 Wish Conjuration
2080 C 9 #VALUE! Alteration
2081 R 9 Animate Dead III Necromancy
2082 R 9 Animate Golem Alteration
2083 R 9 Anti-Gravity Alteration
2084 R 9 Balefire Alteration
2085 R 9 Bind Helms Alteration
2086 R 9 Bone Shatter Evocation
2087 R 9 Celestarion's Barrier of Blackwhite Abjuration
2088 R 9 Celestarion's Total Blast Evocation
2089 R 9 Chaos Environment Alteration
2090 R 9 Charm Man V Enchantment
2091 R 9 Cloud of Great Intoxication Alteration
2092 R 9 Coalthirst's Universal Mindbender Enchantment
2093 R 9 Coradon's Conflagration Invocation
2094 R 9 Create Battlement Conjuration
2095 R 9 Curse of Undeath Necromancy
2096 R 9 Dalen's Mental Resistance Abjuration
2097 R 9 Damian's Mindswap Enchantment
2098 R 9 Darklight's Poetic Justice Conjuration
2099 R 9 Darklight's Superior Force Armour Alteration
2100 R 9 Darklight's Ultimate Invisibility Illusion
2101 R 9 Death Wind Conjuration
2102 R 9 Demonic Immunity Abjuration
2103 R 9 Dheryth's Magnificent Mansion Alteration
2104 R 9 Ditan's Nullify Alteration
2105 R 9 Ditan's Portable Dwelling Alteration

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2106 R 9 Ditan's Power Stripping Alteration

2107 R 9 Ditan's Resolidification Alteration
2108 R 9 Dual Casting Alteration
2109 R 9 Eldarr's Major Spell Conversion Alteration
2110 R 9 Energy Ball Evocation
2111 R 9 Energy Bolt [1] Evocation
2112 R 9 Expanded Awareness Alteration
2113 R 9 F.A.E. Evocation
2114 R 9 Falstaffe's Ethereal Firestorm Conjuration
2115 R 9 Fellstar's Flame Sheet Evocation
2116 R 9 Fenzill's Phantasmal Fingers Necromancy
2117 R 9 Genocide Evocation
2118 R 9 Greater Disintegration Abjuration
2119 R 9 Greater Extradimensional Space Alteration
2120 R 9 Greater Invisibility Alteration
2121 R 9 Heartbreaker Conjuration
2122 R 9 Hellfire [1] Necromancy
2123 R 9 Hellfire [2] Necromancy
2124 R 9 Hindsight Greater Divination
2125 R 9 Hobar's Mass-Mover Alteration
2126 R 9 Hold Non-Evil Enchantment
2127 R 9 Immediate Devolution Alteration
2128 R 9 Implant Object Alteration
2129 R 9 Improved Circle II Invocation
2130 R 9 Improved Evolution Alteration
2131 R 9 Improved Permanency Alteration
2132 R 9 Improved Sense Shifting II Alteration
2133 R 9 Improved Simulacrum Illusion
2134 R 9 Kiri's Damnable Banishment Alteration
2135 R 9 Kiri's Dimensional Teleport Alteration
2136 R 9 Kiri's Immunity Abjuration
2137 R 9 Kiri's Improved Spell Engine Invocation
2138 R 9 Kiri's Possession Enchantment
2139 R 9 Kiri's Soul Transfer Necromancy
2140 R 9 Kiri's Sphere of Annihilation Invocation
2141 R 9 Kiss of Death Conjuration
2142 R 9 Lazatar's Spellstopper Abjuration
2143 R 9 Lazzaro's Murderous Sword Enchantment
2144 R 9 Lichdom Alteration
2145 R 9 Lorth's Translocation Alteration
2146 R 9 Magic Swarm Alteration
2147 R 9 Mass Death Necromancy
2148 R 9 Master Weaving Alteration
2149 R 9 Melf's Ultimate Megablast Evocation
2150 R 9 Mental Library Alteration
2151 R 9 Merge [2] Alteration
2152 R 9 Mezzalldam's Choking Fist Evocation
2153 R 9 Mezzalldam's Lightning Swarm Invocation
2154 R 9 Milt's Miniature Alteration
2155 R 9 Morgwar's Undead Spellpower Alteration
2156 R 9 Muier's Most Excellent Flame Sculpture Evocation
2157 R 9 Muier's Nefarious Nuke Evocation
2158 R 9 Munch Magic Item Alteration
2159 R 9 Mystyk's Mystical Missile Invocation

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2160 R 9 Naked Fury Alteration

2161 R 9 Noska Trades' Selective Death Spell Necromancy
2162 R 9 Nuke Evocation
2163 R 9 Orko's Absorption Alteration
2164 R 9 Orko's Dimensional Travel Alteration
2165 R 9 Orko's Laser Evocation
2166 R 9 Orko's Mnemonic Enhancer Alteration
2167 R 9 Orko's Permanency Alteration
2168 R 9 Orko's Time Travel Alteration
2169 R 9 Phantasmal Force IV Illusion
2170 R 9 Phasing Ship Abjuration
2171 R 9 Pilpin's Nightmare Enchantment
2172 R 9 Pilpin's Soul Exchange Alteration
2173 R 9 Planar Gateway Conjuration
2174 R 9 Power Drain Evocation
2175 R 9 Power Word, Banish Conjuration
2176 R 9 Power Word, Vaporisation Alteration
2177 R 9 Prismatic Shard Conjuration
2178 R 9 Regenerative Restoration Abjuration
2179 R 9 Return Necromancy
2180 R 9 Rip Life Necromancy
2181 R 9 Rune IV Enchantment
2182 R 9 Sarius' Endosmotic Zone of Magic Alteration
2183 R 9 Selective Mordenkainen's Disjunction Abjuration
2184 R 9 Shade Transformation Alteration
2185 R 9 Sheets of Acid Fumes Evocation
2186 R 9 Sheets of Electricity Evocation
2187 R 9 Sheets of Fire Evocation
2188 R 9 Sheets of Force Evocation
2189 R 9 Sheets of Frost Evocation
2190 R 9 Shockwave Invocation
2191 R 9 Sillvatar's Dragon Breath Conjuration
2192 R 9 Sillvatar's Superior Summons Conjuration
2193 R 9 Spellcrystal IX Conjuration
2194 R 9 Sphere of Annihilation Evocation
2195 R 9 Square the Circle II Alteration
2196 R 9 Staff of Smiting Alteration
2197 R 9 Summon Cissaldan Conjuration
2198 R 9 Surge's Planar Conduit Alteration
2199 R 9 Symmetry Evocation
2200 R 9 Tabra's Dragonshape Alteration
2201 R 9 Telnorne Force Layer Evocation
2202 R 9 Time Reaver Alteration
2203 R 9 Trade Life Necromancy
2204 R 9 Transformed Spellcasting Alteration
2205 R 9 True Aura Evocation
2206 R 9 Tyvek's Indestructible Cover Abjuration
2207 R 9 Uldark's Ultimate Summoning Conjuration
2208 R 9 Whisper's Archomental Summoning Conjuration
2209 R 9 Whisper's Devilish Army Conjuration
2210 R 9 Whisper's Malicious Elemental Gates Conjuration
2211 R 9 Whisper's Nefarious Spell Crystal Summoning Conjuration
2212 R 9 Whisper's Penultimate Death Strike Necromancy
2213 U 9 Ding Shu's Draconian Holocaust Invocation

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2214 U 9 Ding Shu's Marvellous Chopsticks Conjuration

2215 U 9 Ralorn's Bolt of Dragon Slaying Necromancy
2216 U 9 Rednog's Layering Spell Alteration
2217 X 9 Stanza's Kiss of Immortal Despair Alteration

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T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10T11T12T13T14
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Evocation 10 y V, S 4 ho 1 ro Up t Non PHB When an acausof rat cub thr
ToucV, S Spec1 ro 1 creNon PHB By meansa mawerno creanot
Phantasm 60 y V, S 3 ro 1 HearSpecPHB When thewiz whaand a f sou
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10 feV, S 1 ho 1 SpecNon PHB Cantrips dur of s methowene
150 V,S 1 r 1 One NonFRA By meanssin stra Thereacgro
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Charm 120 V, S Spec1 1 pe Neg.PHB This spellcas bip of dry gobl
0 V, S 3 ro 1 The Neg.PHB When theblu enercre suc mus
0 V, S Inst 1 5' x SpecPHB Upon casta v to six in wiz
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Necromancy 10 y V,S 1 tu 1 1 b NonFRA This spel a p gre castpro The
Rever0 V, S Spec1 One Non The NeThis spel int intodiff intoThe
40 y V, S 2 ro 1 SpecNon PHB When a dawiz fourlantglo by
0 V, S 2 ro 1 10' pNon PHB When thewiz 10 fdiremagstr
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Rever5 yarV, S 5 ro 1 1 creNeg.PHB This spel cre wei cre or exc
30 y V, S Perm1 1 scrSpecPHB The erasemagfro or run and
10 y V 1 ro 1 SpecNon PHB When thisobj masins sec inc
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Evocation Fire 5 ya V, S Ins 1 One NegTOM When thisas afire creapoi 10
Evocation Fire 0 V, S 24 h 1 ro One One-Joe CoThis spel foo pro poi magor
0 V, S 1 ro 1 The NonTOM Upon comp handand and 18/ the cast
Charm 0 V, S 1d4 1 60-f SpecPHB A friends gai creathe rea new
0 V, S 2 ro 1 SpecNon PHB The gaze mirrwiz atta cha eyeb
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120 V,S 1 r 1 1 ta NonFRA By meansschowil speccon no r
5 ya V, ld4 1 One NonTOM This spel can Hannumscorfigure.
60 y V, M1 tur 1 20-f SpecPHB This spel to t spe thi sha poi
60 y V, S Inst 1 1 or Non PHB Use of th fiv for stri cre mus
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Summoning 10 y V, S 2 ho 1 tur 1 moNon PHB By meansa n Thethe ret of
0 V, 1 ro 1 The Non TOM Upon castundall merge wIf
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Phantasm ToucV, S 1 da 1 ro SpecSpecPHB By meansmorthe not Fur of m
10 V, 1 r 3 10- Spe TOM Patternweapp pot pap woroverlap
Phantasm 60 y V, S Spec1 400 sSpecPHB This spellobjewitheffebel that
ReverToucV, S 2 ro 1 Crea Non PHB When thisbarrone rec Firsenc
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20 y V,S Ins 1 One NonFRA This spel of aga aut use The

Page 55

ToucV, S 3 ro 1 Crea Neg.PHB A spider to wel dowbe thro

Phantasm 0 V, S Spec1 1 creNeg.PHB A spook suponto or knoadv
60 y V, S 1 ro 1 30-f Neg.PHB A taunt spand creacas cre mea
20 y V, S 3 tur 1 SpecNon PHB With this slig knofamloc thr
Summoning 0 V, S 1 hou1 30-f Non PHB The unseeminand chaistr of
Phantasm 10 y V, M4 ro 1 1 creSpecPHB This spel voi sim suc fro The
30 y V, S 2d4 1 20' c Non PHB By castingbil wit obs bey vap
ToucV, S Perm1 Up t Non PHB When thisto i run cha spelsto
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30 y V, S Inst 1 One SpecJason The spell sho maxdamint to d
10 y V, S Inst 1 One SpecJason This spellwizaone lev thr met
Summoning 10 y V, S 12 tu1 ro One Non Jason This spel comof wil are furt
0 V, S Inst 1 20-foSpecJason This spel and effefor use dra
Illusion 5 yarV, S 1 tur 1 ro 10 sqNon Jason This spel fill vis onlybe Sta
60 y V, S 1 ro 2 10 feNon Jason This spel seendispIt pas from
Rever0 S 1 tur 1 One Non Philip This spel and alcoor l app Now
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Phantasm 3 yarV, S Spec1 One SpecBrian An illusi bei famirab one a s
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Enchantment Metamagic 70 y S, M1d4 9 One SpecK. Ya The originwaspowbeensmalit
0 V, S Inst 5 Two Non Geoff When castintoof atha the connected as a single
30 y V, S 2 ro 1 ro One Non DanielThis spel all this chaosteawou
Necromancy 0 V, MSpec1 tur One Non Al Sin With this corpcomspe prior to
0 V, S Inst 1 ro 10-f NegaAugustThis spel inst suc (whthe spell is cast.
Summoning 0 V, S 2 ro 1 10-y Non Azall Using thi sha 5 y end sup wei
100 V, M3 ro 3 One Non VegardThis spel its ill a piece of a mirror.
10 y V, S Inst 1 One NegaRobertThis spel Wizvic damcomponent of this spell is
Charm Metamagic 0 S 1 ro 1 One Non John This spel 12 fthe withto during combat and su
Fire 10 y V, S Inst 1 One Non ThomaThis spellkindthe castpoi use
0 S, M1 tur 5 Crea NegaUnknoCat spirit withof t recispe reci
0 V, S 1 ro 1 One Non Perry By means(i. flas a mwil spe
Charm 16 feV, S 1d4+1 1d4 NegaJohn This spel wiz for to cThelea
10 yaV, S 1 ro 1 One NegaPeter This spel slo suffwit undare also immune to th
30 feV, S Perm1 One cNon Perry This spel spelcub be den fiv
0 V, S Inst 4 Crea NegaUnknoThis part Roseapp Whefilt was
1 yarV, S 1 day1 10 s NegaBrian This spel bothsaviis to obje
Phantasm Rever0 V, S 1 hou1 ro Crea NegaBrian A comelin(or ill present
0 V, S 1 ho 1 The None Thi exaccan req com
Water 60 y V, S Perm1 ro 10 sqNon RonaldWhen castair a spsim con spe
0 V, S 1d8 2 The Non The WThis low-cas pre tho ene Als
Summoning 10 feS Perm1 SpecNon Kai RoThis spel by tlev drinother hand.
Summoning 60 y V, S 30 r 2 ro SpecNon Kris < With this ele Cat eve to cbucket of water or a d
Charm 30 y V, S 2 ro 1 One NegaPeter This spel suf move Cre elementals) are not affect
Evocation 0 V, S 1 tur 1 Crea Non David This simpleffoPer cri to rec
0 V, S Spec1 The Non Keith Created drel Thi cur Howfine
0 V, S Spec1 MealSpecKeith Designed this eat up tpra muc
0 V, S Inst 1 10-foOne-Keith This spel fro inst wiz matttarg
0 V, S 4 ro 1 6-incNon Keith This spel of p(us blo Arecent
Illusion Phantasm 0 V, S 1 hou1 40-f Non Jim VaThis spel for pen howmaterial component for t
0 V, S Perm1 ro SpecSpecKeith This spelltur and pla Def5-fo
Metamagic 120 V, S Perm1 One NegaPeter This spel the are it protection spell broken is
Necromancy 0 V, S 1 tur 1 ro SpecNon Geoff With this poi det pla level of being able to ide

Page 56

0 V, S 1 ro 2 Crea NegaPerry The castedru worcreasavicre

1 yarV, S 2d4 1 2-fo NegaBrian This spelllighthe blocwoulso o
Summoning 30 y V, S 2 ro 1 SpecNon Peter This spel dogtas from th Wiz
60 y V, S Inst 1 One Non FrancoThis spellIns dra ver nee rod to avoid taking m
ToucV, S 1 tur 1 One None Thi or s ind remaon
0 V, S 2 ro 1 ro Crea SpecBrian This spelltimeduritimeanytdis
Fire 25 y V, S Inst 1 One One-FellstaWhen thisfort autodam1d1dam
0 V inst 1 Crea Non NemesiWhen castste summay be comfortable in watch
Water 1 milS 2 ro 1 tur One Non Geoff When castY-s direran dividiv
12 y V 3 ro 1 One NegaUnknoVictims frounto-hin their eyes.
10 yaV, S 1 ro 1 One cSpecA.C. <In castin thi desimemcre att
Phantasm 60 y V, MInst 1 One SpecS. W. When thisa maut tar savithe
1 feeV, M1d6 2 One NegaAugustThis spell1d6any sub Flu by 5
Metamagic 0 S Spec1 SpecNon Phill A wizard givespelthe cas oth
Evocation 40 y V, S Inst 1 One Non Jason This spel castwea18/ used to set off traps, or fo
30 feV, S Inst 1 8 cubNon JosephThis spel the ins par ice. The ice is non-magic
10 feV 1 ro 1 One Non ThomaThis spel comyouas timeI r
0 V, S 1 ro 1 SpecNon UnknoThis spel handpoint per level of the wizard.
0 V, S 1 ro 1 Crea Non JohnnyThis spel add cre take double damage.
2 feeV, S 1 hou5 One NegaAugustThis spel glo dis throa - read
0 V, M1 ho 1 PebbNon ThomaThis spel eno peb mutsto mid
Fire 0 S, M5 hou1 One Non Paul F When castitse etc it wThedoes
120 V 2 ro 1 One NegaPeter This spel the amocreaimmune to hesitate.
0 V, S Inst 1 tur One Non Jim GiThis spel impthe sec Theins
Phantasm 50 feV, S 1 tur 1 SpecNon ThomaThis spel dra wyve Dexout mov
0 V, S 2 ro 1 ro ObjeNon The G The objecabilsub comp the spe
Phantasm 0 S, M1 tur 2 Crea NegaThomas By meansinauthe ite this ver
1 feeV, S 1 ro 5 One NegaAugustOn succespro hiccchokthi yel
30 y V, S 2d4 1 20-f Non Steve Upon castwat coveor stat wat
Phantasm 2 ya V, S 1 ro 1 One NegaBrian This spel insuobs is the twis
Wild Magic 0 V, S 1 rou1 The Non Marc This spel the eff castWilbonu
Phantasm 0 V 1 hou1 ro The Non ThomaThis spellappeincras wmorebon
0 V, S 5 ro 1 The Non ThomaThis spel of Thi tweasuc bas
20 feV, S Inst 1 One NegaThomaThis causeetc targdammisstarg
0 V 1 ho 1 ro The Non ThomaThis spel as timewit this will
0 V, S 1 da 1 ro The Non ThomaThis spellunticastcon ten thi
0 S, M1 day1 ro The Non Marti This spel poc treathe Thi the
Summoning 0 S Inst 1 Crea One-The CaWhen a wiand comdamspellcaster, to a maximum
0 V, S 1 ro 1 ro One NegaAl Sin This spel if t app for than on
10 feV, S 1 ro 1 20-y NegaEdwardKorel the insuall waswouThu
Necromancy 0 V, S Inst 1 ro One Non Geoff When thecorplearof dwizasaving throw.
0 V, S 1 tur 1 The Non FrancoThis spel app gra Notanother.
Phantasm 1 ya V, S 1 tur 1 One oNon Brian This spel 2ndcreawizaqui and
0 V, S Spec1 The Non Benja Casting mthe add bey mothav
0 V, S 1 ro 2 The Non Al Sin The spell medpie vanieffect.
0 V, S 1 tur 1 ro ObjeNon SamuliThe valueof takecan the caster. The material c
5 feeV, S 1 ro 1 One NegaMarti This spellmosapp the suc exp
Phantasm 0 V, S Spec1 Crea SpecBrian This spel app ill fir comcre
20 y V, S 2 ro 1 Up t Non JosephMist crea redudis dec effeThe
Necromancy 0 V, S 1 tur 1 ro WeapNon Geoff The castedet has victThecaster.
10 y V, S 1 rou1 One SpecRobertThis spel or at pai vic to
Phantasm 12 feV Conc1 2-fo NegaUnknoBy the mewharemawhatcan do so can also recogn
5 yarV, S 5 ro 5 SpecNegaWillia By meanstar withdra is a cre
Summoning 0 V, S 6 tur 1 SpecNon Pilpin This spel dur (doovel (st add

Page 57

0 V, S 1 tur 1 50-f Non FrancoA beam offro or bcan be temporarily extinguish

Rever0 V, S 2 ro 1 Crea Non UnknoThis spellin i sumthe foo enc
Rever0 V, S 2 ro 1 Crea Non Peter This spelltha creamann Thethis
0 S, M1 hou1 The Non Geoff After cas sta spl con and his
0 V, S 2d4 2 Bow Non Quant While thi (whTheThesomIf t
Elemental 0 V, S 1 ro 1 10-f Non FrancoThis spel quasi-elementals from entering the ar
Rever0 V, S 1 tur 1 Crea NegaMario Successfuto act spe fee ind
Wild Magic 60 feV, S Inst 2 SpecSpecMichaeThis powehar himThecha wiz
1 fooV, S PermSpecSpecNon MarcosThis simp(up spe waycre arti
0 V, S Spec1 ro The Non UnknoBy this s rep eno of coloMul
20 feV, MInst 1 SpecNon UnknoBy meansa hois r succfor pen
6 yarV, S Inst 1 One NegaMax BeThis spel lighvic wiz per all
Phantasm 0 or V, S Spec1 SpecNon Brian This spellof Hidcov thi pen
0 V, S 3 mo1 tur One Non UnknoThis keepper (i.e., in combat).
Evocation 120 V, S Inst 1 One One-Benja This spelltravcre targTheshr
Summoning 0 S, MPerm1 ObjeNon Jim VaThe wizarsea ope per the use
Charm 0 V, S 5 ro 1 Crea NegaJames This spel nyminsapophaughty, preppy girls.
0 V, S Perm1 ho CorpNon Jeff V With this a s dea thr is crea
60 feV, S Spec1 SpecSpecJoshuaThis spel greaand sav rec (wh
Evocation 30 y V, S Inst 1 One Non Peter This spel unerof ano ele agai
Fire 5 yarV, S Inst 2 One One-UnknoThis is s exc targdamand mat
0 V, S Perm2 ro SpecNon Keith This spel reprfor A wthe tab
Evocation 0 V, S Inst 0 One Non Geoff With this eve parchment or vellum.
Invocation 0 V, S 1 mo1 ro One SpecKris < With this to crequforgwil deto
Phantasm 0 S, M1 tur 5 30-f Non Jim VaThis spel dimlup tThecau con
0 V, S 4 ro 2 Crea NegaAugustThis spel the cre +1 pthe wizard. The material
Fire 10 yaV, S Inst 1 One One-Peter This spellwit lev damThewhich the wizard hol
0 V, S 1d6 t1 Crea Non Max BeWhen castgranspelhis howe und
Rever30 y V, S 3 ro 1 One SpecPeter This spel Theloa chardoe The
0 V, S Spec1 ro One Non Jeffre When casaccueve con on cas
Necromancy 0 V, S Inst 9 CorpNon Geoff This spel the no otherwise.
3 yarV, S 1 ro 1 One Non UnknoBy use ofthe atta so apoi The
Phantasm 0 V, S 1 ro 1 10-f SpecJim VaThe wizarcol equasemspe att
0 V, S 1d4 t1 2d6 NegaAl Sin By meansturnor oth spelpos
20 yaS, M3 ro 2 One NegaRobertTwilight'sspelonl alt als soun
6 yarV, S Inst 1 SpecNegaMax BeThis is a stra on ipermsav red
Phantasm 0 V, S 1 tur 5 Two NegaBrian This spellcomthe Witrespor
0 S, M1 tur 4 One Non Phill Weasel wiwit enc lockabo mod
0 V, S 2 ro 1 Crea NegaAlly' This spel tar sav una succoth
0 V, S Inst 1 The Non RobertThis spellnegative material instead of fire.
Summoning 20 yaV Inst 1 SpecNon RobertThis is a magare of mis has
0 V, S Spec1 The Non RobertThis spel to lif the memfro
0 V, S 1 we1 tur GarmNon RobertThis spel embtra the gar pro
30 y V, S Inst 1 100 sSpecGeoff This spel squ thatof 1of whol
0 S, MPerm1 SurfaNon Phill Wizard glsuc pouby tmultstr
Summoning 10 feV, S 5 ro 1 tur 6 squNon Kai RoThis spel flo - ahfur toi whi
Wild Magic 0 V, S 1 ro 5 One Non Craig With this of t the enh wil The
Phantasm 10 feS Inst 1 One SpecThomaThis spellpierThereq wiz his
20 yaV, S 1 ro 1 One Non DimitrUpon casthan tic humcan for
Charm SpecV, S Perm1 ho One SpecDave The spell ori wil has app to c
0 V, S Spec1 One Non The WEldron's pap the contcon cas
0 V Spec1 Two Non UnknoThis spel han hit elecsamstu
Charm 12 feV, S 20 t 1 One NegaJohn The affecfol (herbea ber con
10 feV, S 3 tur 1 The Non Kai RoThis spel wit sto lev spe gem

Page 58

0 V, S 1 tur 1 ro One Non ElvnS This spel duncli addepoc the

Rever0 V, S Inst 1 One Non Barba This spellsha sce fil agent.
Charm 0 V, S 1 ro 1 Trip NegaColin One wire suc traprod or tigh
Illusion Phantasm 10 feS 2d6 1 tur One NegaAugustThis spel thinthe forgIt eff
0 V, S 3 ro 2 The Non UnknoThis spel eng equ and fla surr
Charm 0 V, S 1 ro 5 The Non Ingol When castfor inc his immhis
Conjuration Enchantment Charm 10 y V, S 4 ro 1 One iNegates The spell per bat det are rope, and a lace hand
Charm Rever0 S 10 r 1 Crea Non John When a wiand comslu nor rev
5 yarV, S Inst 1 One Non Paul F When thisof spe dea TheThe
60 feV, S 1d4+1 One NegaJeff V This spel cre Hit paralysed for 1d4+1 rounds.
10 y V, S Spec1 tur SpecNon Reid Lohocla dcre nouand Wheappe
50 y V, MInst 1 One Non Reid This spel himhaveper con a be
0 V, S PermSpecThe Non Paul DThis spel portstorwasThethe
0 V, S Perm1 ro Crea Non Brian This spellto res wil the target's hair or a bit o
0 V, S Inst 5 One Non Keith This spel gooall a meloc spe
0 V, MSpec1 Pers NegaEric WThis is a spelvic of t Lar tou
Summoning 0 V, S Inst 1 One Non Steve This spel ent comTomaft adv
Summoning 5 yarV, S Spec1 ro One Non Orko When thiscol a d fir col the spell is a piece of
Summoning 0 V, S 1 we1 The Non Pilpin This spel eve (wi wil can piece of elephant hid
0 V Inst 1 All cNon David This is a comutt and langmak
Evocation Wild Magic 0 V Inst 1 One Non Peter This risk ene oth eff lev that
Summoning 1 yarV, S Inst 1 The Non Magii-This spel replclo any can don
0 V, S 1 tur 1 The Non Marti This spel 1st-bar sec per tau
60 y V, S Spec2 One Non Sara Sara's se of fla the dag fla
Charm 1 ya V, S 1 tur 1 One NegaJohn This spel custper att def cha
0 V Perm1 5 galNon Christ No materiver to the somEac
Phantasm 0 S, M1 tur 1 Crea Non Brian Similar tospe his not car activity
Evocation 10 feS Perm1 One Non Kai RoThis spel be the an ipai of d
ThroV, S 1 tur 1 One Non Eric WThis spel vic (theinf the mag
0 V, S 1 tur 1 The Non Peter This spel nor and the nor friendly reaction roll
0 V, S 1 hou1 ro SpecNon JosephBy castingsmapockinsi "cli give
Phantasm 0 V, S 1 ro 1 The Non Brian This spel invithe fiveis the same as invisibility
Evocation 1 yarV, S 2 ro 1 One Non Paul DThis spel matecaptimmoff, can eas
Charm 120 V, S Spec1 One NegaThe CaThe victi eff rec spe rec If t
Rever10 y S, MSpec1 One Non Mario This spel cre is casting
Charm 0 S Spec1 Crea Non Hugo When a wiand comkis for one tenth of a round p
Charm 5 ya V, S 1 ro 1 One NegaThe CaThe gestucau erotTheeff sav
Invocation HearV, M1 tur 1 One Non Mario Sage's noplay(or A psub exa
Phantasm 10 y S, M1 ro 1 10-y NegaMario This spel adj aut aff petal, crushed during the
Charm 5 ya V, S 10 r 1 One NegaJohn This spellhimint The"Basav
Rever100 V, S Spec1 One NegaThe NeThis spel sta int gre morThe
Illusion 0 V, S 1 ho 1 The Non ThomaThis spel thatill pleain inte
Evocation 10 feV, M1 ni 1 One Non ThomaThis spel blu pouor owei spel
Phantasm 0 V, S 5 ho 1 ro The Non ThomaThis is a It t wit thi imparc
Summoning 5 yarV 1 hou1 One Non The CaWhen thissex a + withoth stat
10 y V, S 24 h 1 One Non Mario This spel eng cas alt exa cau
20 V,S 2 r 3 2-fo NonFRA Upon castthe targhit fir he
0 V, S 3d4 2 The Non PHB When thisalt clo shorhumsha
30 y V, S 1 ro 2 SpecNon PHB When thiscan objeropefee plus
Tou V,S 1 r 2 Bla NonFRA For the r any bonwit fad the
Phantasm 30 y V Spec2 1 creNeg.PHB The blindbec beforemor blin
Phantasm 0 V, S 3 ro 2 The Non PHB When a blcau blu tio att -4 p
0 V, ldl 2 The Spe TOM Followingdis suc des suffwas cre
Tou V,S 1 ro 2 One NonFRA By meanscre o undinv tak wil

Page 59

10 f V,S 1 tu 2 1 or NegFRA This spel rad det longcen any

60 y V, S Perm2 60-f SpecPHB This spellthatunt dis penaspel
10 y V, S 1 tur 2 15-f Non PHB This spel darkuse workis spel
Phantasm 60 y V, S Spec2 1 creNeg.PHB The deafnbec sou thr -1 poth
0 V,S 1 r 2 Cas NonFRA The materpie van magonl exis
Enchantment ToucV, S 12 h 1 tur 1 ga Non PHB This spel pre tha or r GP num
Rever60 y V, S 5 ro 2 10-f Non PHB This spel of any ali cumalig
10 y V, S 5 ro 2 10-f Non PHB When thespelbeinare tionor c
5 ya V, S 1 ro 2 1 cr Non PHB When an E abl cre undknomor
10 y V, S 1 ro 2 3-fo Neg.PHB A flamingglobThi wizaIt r suc
10 y V,S 1 ro 2 Spe NonFRA This spellnor forcdeteto see it
Water 10 y V, S 4 ro 2 SpecNon PHB The fog cone larghar wizaAs a
Illusion 10 y V, S 1 ho 1 ro 10 cuSpecPHB Copper coto ggoldmagper equ
Charm 30 y V, S Perm2 20-f Neg.PHB By meanscauso for one of t ence
Tou V,S Spe 1 r One NonFRA When thisnonins It can hum
Summoning 10 y V, S Spec2 20-f SpecPHB This spellgoldThoing ties Arm
Tou V, 2 ro 2 One NonTOM This spellshi is she servtar
Phantasm 30 y S, MSpec2 30-f Neg.PHB When thisa w in t loo gazitai
Phantasm 60 y V, S Spec2 200 sSpecPHB Like the this creaspelmaitra
Charm 5 ya V, S 1 ro 2 One NegTOM This spelldes throthe fin in
Phantasm ToucV, S Spec2 Crea Non PHB This spel van nor courcall can
10 y V, S Spec2 1 to Neg.PHB An irritat the thicelepcal sion
Rever60 V Spec1 10 sqNon PHB The knockloc ope tric ens ope
Rever10 y V, S 1 ro 1 ro 1 creNeg.PHB A know alard ali not and rou
Phantasm ToucV, S Perm3 ro ObjeNon PHB This falseothespe spe suc ratc
20 y V, S 1 tur 2 1 creNeg.PHB When a lecan objea mlevecan
Rever20 y V, S 1 ro 2 SpecNon PHB This spel famislo the videyar
10 y V, S Spec2 1 ob Non PHB When thisthe tha sag mescan
Earth 10 y V, 3 r 2 One Spe TOM This spel ris turf, su Thesiz
180 V, S Spec2 1 tar SpecPHB By meansa mafir lev nonThe
Phantasm 0 V, S 3 ro 2 6-fooNon PHB When a mi spe duparo the blur
Phantasm 30 y V, S 8 ho 2 1 creNeg.PHB By meansrec (detty, pits tion
Tou V, ld6 2 Cre NonTOM This spel cre detecreatureWhe
Tou V, Spe 1 r One NonTOM By touchispe dec any as a bon
ToucV, S 5 ho 1 ro Crea Non PHB By castin immotheuse cas (su
Tou V, 1 tu 2 One NonTOM The recipto slo als att Thi
120 V, S Spec2 1 fir Non PHB A pyrotecfire at t duc colorou
Summoning 0 V,S 1 ho 2 40-f NonFRA This specdev and otherwiThe
Charm 10 y V, S 1 ro 2 1 creNeg.PHB By meansard Str upohumto a
Air 5 ya V, 1 tu 2 One NegTOM This spel to the alt of and
ToucV, S 2 tur 2 SpecNon PHB When thisrop ropeperpTheext
Charm 30 y V, S 1d4 2 15-f SpecPHB This spel thanint fri adj enc
0 V, S 3 tur 2 The Non TOM Sense shi spelthe modthe app
30 y V, S Inst 2 3-fooNeg.PHB The shatt thatglasbottAll of t
10 y V,S Ins 2 30-f 1/2 FRA By meansmagrangevercas of
30 y V, S 2 ro 2 1 op Non PHB This spel shapali castlevewiz
30 y V, S 1 ro 2 20-f SpecPHB When a stcre up cre suc ree
ToucV, S 1 ho 1 tur Pers Non PHB Applicati Str poinis a rior the
Summoning 60 y V, S Spec2 10-f Neg.PHB The swarm lowcan by atta cas
Charm 60 y V, S 1 ro 2 1 or Neg.PHB The victi thinimmslig On vic
10 V,S 2 ho 2 1 m NonFRA By meanshor moucreacastequ
Tou S,M 5 ro 2 One NonFRA The recipiver so l the requeff
5 yarU S, 2 tur 2 SpecNeg.PHB A web speof swebmassol floo
Phantasm Air 1 milV, S Spec1 2-fooNon PHB By meansto des can the spec

Page 60

ToucV, S Perm2 30 sqNon PHB A wizard cheser aff dooing

Water 20 y V, S 1 ro 2 One Non JohnnyThis spel this tak sub the acidic substance to be
Charm 120 V, S 2 ro 1 One NegaTim PrThis spellint spo inteThethe
Phantasm 0 V, S 1 day1 ro ObjeSpecAhsha This spel Nysali the hig on
Phantasm 0 V, S 6 houSpecCrea SpecCoyd DWhen castWhe40 sim arr the
5 yarV, S 1 tur 1 ro 10-foNon Jason This spel dowcleaals is with
10 feV, S Inst 2 One NegaJason This spel and the wiz col occ
0 V, S 1 ro 2 20 fe1/2 Jason The wizarpur 1d4up, wea+1
60 y V Inst 2 One SpecJason This spel wiz wiz be to- in
10 feV, S 1 rou2 One Non Jason This spel lev the sla wizahig
60 y V, S 1 tur 2 20-y Non Brian This spellWiththeris objeeff
Necromancy 0 V, S Perm7 Crea NegaAl Sin By meansmajoThewarlacktem
5 feeV, S 1 ro 2 One SpecMarti This is a (q.vvic annobeg The
0 V, S 1 day1 ro Crea SpecRaphe By meanscreais t rec throdes
10 yaV 1 ro 1 SpecNegaUnknoWhen thisass aff i.e feetcub
60 feS, MInst 1 One Non Jim VaThis spel wiz The material component for this
20 feV, S 1 tur 2 One Non ThomaThis spel siz tar Eveher (ro
30 y V, S 1 ro 2 One NegaRobertThis spel bleevic of DMkee
Fire 40 y V, M4 ro 2 One 1/2 Bret MBy meansblo On fee rounorga
5 yarV, S Spec2 20-f 1/2 Steve This spel extrdamind lev tem
0 V, S 5 ro 2 SpecNon Phill This spellspecare Ins sou nois
0 V, S 1 ro 2 30-f Non Steve Upon castsphevisi als Thesam
25 feV, S 1 tur 4 One SpecAndrew As a wizauna fri of h(po exh
Phantasm 0 V, S 6 tur 1 ro One Non Brian Several d of Yass wouill take
30 y S, M1 rou3 20-f NegaGarint This spel stin sti It h one mat
Necromancy 0 V, S Inst 1 tur One Non Geoff With this damact of set of
Summoning 40 y V, S 2 ro 2 SpecNon Peter This spel cen els the foll Wi
Phantasm 0 V, M1 ro 1 ro Crea Non Jim VaThis spellgea to dist unl hide
Phantasm 0 V, S 5 ro 1 ro Crea Non UnknoCharm of tha of this speldam
Rever0 S, M1 tur 2 Crea NegaMario This spel and wit any subjas
SpecV, S SpecSpecSpecNon Willia This powecreapos inc and fro
0 V, S 1 ro 2 One Non Max BeWhen castthe not of damThe
0 V, S 1d6 t3 Crea Non UnknoThis spel smorat fro mustwil
30 feS, MInst 2 One Non JosephCoin Tosstheninn to act vict
Summoning 10 feS Perm1 SpecNon Kai RoThis spel qualper app the container in hand and
0 V, S 1 hou1 tur Pers Non Benja Applicati a numagrecito race
Enchantment Charm 10 y V, S Perm1 ro One NegaKeith This spel eye cas throdissA c
0 V, S Perm2 One Non Max BeA modifieobj ele ign A v1 i
Conjuration Rever0 V, S 1 tur 2 One Non Philip This spellcastthe ale cha Sinc
Evocation SpecV, S Inst 3 SpecNon Craig This spel aut of crol has wha
Evocation Wild Magic SpecV, S Inst 2 SpecNon Craig This spel it r eff all the cre
Wild Magic 0 V, S 2 hou1 ro The Non Mark LIf a wild dur cha wil sur att
Evocation Fire 60 y V, S 1 ro 2 Spec1/2 UnknoThis spel Pla hea doi att for
30 y V, S 1 hou2 One cNon Craig This spel ino mincolluse tha
Metamagic SpecV, S Inst 2 (b SpecNon Keith This Metaray-all direat e deg
Evocation 0 V, S 1 tur 1 ro SpecNon Keith This amusof han ene int wai
Evocation 0 V, S SpecSpecSpecNon DimitrWith this int plussuf damis
0 V, S 5 ro 2 Crea Non NathanThis spel darkof pblindness due to natural or m
0 S, M1 ro 2 30-f NegaBret MWhen thisThi the orif fal the
60 y V, S 3 ro 2 10-f Non Bret MThis spellgrouare anytspe und
Summoning Necromancy 10 y V, S 1 ro 2 One SpecGarint This spel MagMaxWhespe targ
0 V, S 1 ro 2 SpecNon Perry By meansmagspe castbea last
Rever60 y V, S 5 ro 2 10-y Non UnknoThis spelldetelaw, if the reverse, detect law, is
0 V, S 1 ro 1 ro 1-ya Non Joe CoThis spel spe scr of the for

Page 61

Illusion Phantasm 0 V, S 3 ro 1 RangNon Jim VaThe wizarabi spell is a feather-duster, which is

0 V, S 3 ro 2 60-y Non UnknoThis spellhas wiz diviyardany
5 yarV, S 1 ro 2 The Non Scott When thisthatmeadef eth spi
Rever20 yaV, S Spec5 One Non UnknoDetects t (en the but natuinvi
0 V, S 1 hou1 tur Pers Non Benja Applicati numb maggrouclass. M
Phantasm 30 y V, S Spec2 One NegaBrian Similar t causdis str assohea
10 yaS, M1 ro 2 15-f Non Jason When castits the Thewhibe worth at least 50 g
Evocation 0 V, S 1 day2 12-inSpecThomas The casti wiz sub dia of avan
Evocation Rever10 y V, S 1 ro 1 One NegaSteve This spel at spe HowvictThe
Charm Phantasm 1 fooV, S speci1 One NegaAugustThis spel the dre sourTheof
Evocation 0 V, S Spec2 SpecSpecJonath This spel whiat 1 doe enc pur
60 y V, S Spec2 SpecNon Jonath The war dtowa20 declhit The
Phantasm 30 y V, S Spec2 One NegaBrian This spel bel bli or vic this
Summoning Necromancy 5 yarV, S Spec3 20-y Non UnknoThe matermanrock1 skthe ren
Elemental 60 feS, MInst 3 10-f Non Jim VaThis spellsmapeo wil fee ten
10 yaV, S Inst 4 SpecNon UnknoThis spellcasttel effewillcast
0 V, S 1 tur 2 Crea NoneUnknoExterminapla req onl ins spell is a bit of fly-pa
Evocation Fire 0 V Spec2 Crea 1/2 FellstaWhen castlighshe equ thr use
Charm 0 V, S 3 ro 2 The Non Jim VaBy meansunnaa s focuin ainit
Fire 10 yaV, S Inst 2 SpecNon NathanSimilar t lev mis nonfire.
0 V, S Until2 ro Flas Non The ti This enabfirs for ill spe res
0 V, S 1 ro 2 SpecNon Perry Invented ere the in wIt of
Summoning Water 0 V, S 1 tur 3 SpecNon AugustThis spel can fog can comspe
Illusion Phantasm Rever0 V, S Spec1 ro Crea Nega<lrw5 The wizarcre hea the -4. att
0 V, S 2 ro 2 The NegaBret MCasting t ter dec thr fai cas
20 yaV, S Spec2 One Non Paul DThis spel mis spe numof e2 missiles, level 4-6:
5 feeV, S 1 tur 2 5-fo Non Colin This spellfoll eye dur pre is i
10 yaV, S Inst 4 5-fo Non Peter This spel cau are roll stonThe material compon
Rever0 S, M1 tur 2 Crea NegaM. KinThis spel victthe hair(which belongs to the alte
20 y V, S 1 ro 3 One SpecRob vaThis spel blis +2 bonratefir
Enchantment 10 feV, S 2 tur 2 One SpecDavid This somefou sub a f Thethe
0 V, S 2 tur 2 SpecNon Jim VaWhen castfro in mFiv spa may
Phantasm 0 V, S 2 tur 2 The SpecBrian This spellwiz cha inc observer
Phantasm 10 feV, S Conc2 1 fooNegaKai RoThis spel be the ver samwou
0 V, S 2 ro 2 10-f Non UnknoThis spel yards range.
Rever1 milV, S Spec1 up One NegaUnknoThis spel att typ spe Fur his
0 V, S 1 ro SpecOne Non UnknoThis spel lev versus a cursed item.
60 y V, S Inst 2 One Non KennetThis spellnot damage.
6 yarV, S Inst 2 SpecNon Max BeImprovedvar numis foun D1
30 y V, S 1 da 2 One NegaRobertThis spel or vic wouhea at
5 feeV, S Inst 2 One NegaMax BeThis spel handa s per throw indicates that it mi
Charm 30 y V, S 3 ro 3 SpecNon JoshuaThe victi cen affeCre to Clas
Phantasm 0 V, S 1 mo2 20-f Non ThomaThis spel rel an spe req what
Summoning 0 V, S 2 day1 ro Egg Non ThomaThis spel hol pouup typitim
0 V, S 1 tur 3 The Non Thomas This spel saf can dir sur and
0 V, S 1 ro 5 20 feNon David When a wioff in t in aThevalu
0 V, S Inst 1 ro Piec Non David This spel Hanabilcon tri The
Summoning 0 V, S Spec1 Pers Non John When a wivic cau rec turns.
Phantasm Necromancy 0 V, S 2 hou2 10-f Non EdwardKorel's d of are the Theente
Charm 0 S Inst 1 Crea Non A.C. <This spel fav natural hangovers.
60 y V, S Conc2 10-f Non FrancoThe casterthe different in different parts of the
60 y V, S Inst 2 One 1/2 Benja When thethatof a mand a piece of glass.
Conjuration Summoning 0 V, S 2 tur 2 30-y Non Jay <kThis spell(q.vform300lig 10-
0 V, S speci20 mOne Non AugustBy meansspelcastocc be act

Page 62

0 V, S 12 h 1 tur One Non The ti The flask tim wiz one If t fla
0 V, MOne 2 One Non Magic For this par spe and 4-i for
0 V, S PermSpecSpecNon Dean With this Malbut be matinto
0 V, S Spec1 ho One Non Dean With this undto rec time(eve
Necromancy Fire 40 y V, S 2 ro 2 One 1/2 MangaThis spel of los ign comcaster.
Charm 0 V, S Perm1 The Non Marti This spel thenwithThi somwords, "spread the ne
30 y V, S Inst 2 One SpecSamuliThis causfla rec a s ite pen
Phantasm 0 V, S 3 ro 2 Crea Non Brian This spel Howand con wayspel
0 V, S 2 ro 3 The Non Benja This spel aroupen pre peneHow
Charm 60 y V, S 1 ro 2 1d4 NegaBrian This spel disoIf o throTheben
10 yaS, M1 ro 2 5-fooSpecUnknoAll creatuthe oth if bac noi
Necromancy Fire 0 V, S 1 tur 2 1-fo Non Noska When thisshe hol Throthe the
SpecV, S 1d6 t1 SpecNon Adam D When cast(i.e nor sit as wears off upon the ar
Summoning SpecV Inst 1 ro One SpecUnknoThis spel to extra-planar being may then cont
Rever5 yarV, S Inst 2 One NegaUnknoReveals t phe dimto obs this spell is a lodesto
0 V, S 6 tur 1 tur Crea Non KennetSimilar tocharinc and affected
Evocation 60 feS, MInst 1 One Non Jim VaThis spel of this spell is a piece of cat skin.
Charm 1d3 fV Spec1 SpecSpecCoyd DThis spel A DsomThebel subj
60 yaV 5 ro 1 One SpecPeter This spel the 3rd-level slow. There is a -2 pena
SpecV, S 1 ro 2 10-f SpecC.D. HCasting osmosul tre rounexpl
0 V, S Perm1 ro Crea SpecJohn Prosthesi pro be In abo usu
0 V, S 1 tur 2 Crea Non Peter This spel wizaspelor person with a Charisma o
0 V, S 1 ro 2 Crea Non Geoff The recipsle one Notalr fem
0 V, S 1 hou2 Crea Non Peter The recipall spe fai whilnot
Summoning 0 V, S Spec3 ro The Non Brian This spel musthis Quian i med
0 V, S Spec1 tur The Non Brian This spell50 onl spelWhe1 r
Wild Magic 0 V, S 1 ro 2 30-f NegaKris < When thisver say A nof a spe
Rever0 V, S 1 day1 ro Crea NegaUnknoThis spellcleafor not wadclea
0 V, S 1 tur 1 ro Crea Non UnknoExcept asspell resist cold (q.v.).
0 V, S 1 ro 5 Crea Non Geoff For the duparadra effefutuThe
0 V, S 3 ro 2 Pers Non Peter This spellpoi thr the not normally grant one.
0 V, S Perm2 SpecNon Jim VaThis spel mermagical material, usually a ball o
0 V, S 1 ro 1 ro Item Non Geoff The casteownintewit houfor
10 y V, S 1 ro 1 ro One NegaChrist This spel spe or caststa to r
Invocation SpecV, M1 tur 5 ro SpecNon UnknoThis is a dra cre equaNotext
6 yarV, S Inst 2 One NegaMax BeThis spel thr damvic (-2 As p
0 V, S 1 tur 2 One fNon Willia This spel aro han wiza(othbel
Rever60 y V, M1 tur 1 20-f SpecNiels This spellthatin etc. dar Lig
Phantasm 0 V, S 6 tur 1 ro One Non UnknoThis spel be willas tor ben
Charm SpecV, S PermOne One SpecJim VaThe wizarto her wil spelthe
0 V 1 ro 5 The Non VegardThis spel more powerful. Opponents get a -1 to
Charm Illusion Phantasm 0 V, S Spec1 ro Pers NegaJim VaThe recipbec matand Comby casti
Illusion 0 V, S 1 hou5 ro SpecNon David When thissha suc Bencoo any
Phantasm SpecV, S Spec1 ro One Non Aaron This spel wiz and requObvAfte
10 y V, S 5 ro 2 The Non UnknoThis spel wiz * * * Aga
60 y V, S Inst 2 2-in 1/2 Paul DThis spel outwmaxexp off, and
Charm 0 V, S 1 ro 2 MeleNon Allan This spel propwiz Whepie abso
Necromancy 0 V, S 1 day4 Skel Non The WaThis spel but greacomThe skeleton is only cons
0 V, S Spec3 The Non JoshuaThis is a the the ski numb 5th
0 V Spec1 The Non NathanWith this commusta bound or otherwise restricte
0 S, M1 tur 2 10-f Non Geoff This spel can ass int makglobe.
SpecV, S 1d4 2 SpecNon Tim PrUsing thi of wizaetc. reg dis
Line V 1d6 1 The Non Healt When thepro whattypeintewis
Invocation 0 V, S 2 mo2 ro One cSpecKris < Except asspell spellcrystal I (q.v.).

Page 63

0 V, S 1 ro 1 ro Crea Non UnknoBy this s crea(feeone 1st-The

Charm 30 y V 1 ro 1 One NegaPhill This spel cre the if Dic summoning wizard's
Fire 3 ya V, S 1 ro 3 One Non Roger The casti of sdo damit i Thi
10 yaS Inst 2 One Non JosephThis spellcas chanmage/thieves for example.
0 V, S 10 ye1 weSton Non UnknoThis enabwallfor be Aft mate
Metamagic Illusion 0 V, S Spec2 ro Crea NegaKai RoThis spel succlevemayversa -1
30 y V, S 1 tur 2 SpecNon UnknoThe spell wit spe exc TheTrea
Evocation 0 S, M3 tur 1 tur Crea Non Ally' Through tthe ultr acc spelcreatures).
30 y V, S Spec2 20-foNon UnknoThe talki ani is wiz 25 All
Enchantment Charm Metamagic 20 feV, S Spec2 ro 10 feNoneKai RoThis spellthe Thecastlev poss
20 y V, S 1 tur 2 10-f SpecThe DeThis spellof areaof throbon
Evocation 0 S, M1 ro 2 One Non Marti This spel hea bar musThi tra
Enchantment 10 feV, S Inst 1 One Non A.C. <This spel cha cha cas Dento herself, as she is of
0 V, S 1 hou2 Crea Non Garint The creat bec bas of per be i
Elemental 30 y V, S 1 ro 2 One NegaFrancoThis spel to f the at least 10 gp.
Charm 10 yaS, M5 ro 3 20-y NegaRobertTwilight' 2d6and either a pinch of fine sand or
Evocation 40 y V, S Inst 4 SpecNon The WWith this of by acastethetarg
0 S 1 ro 1 Crea Non Hugo When a winec Aftewil hit points already.
0 V 4 hou2 11-f Non JosephThis spel winprectim out ent
10 feV, M1 ro 3 One SpecVegardThis spel sav bec fumb masor disintegrate. The m
10 yaV, S 1 ro 1 One Non The G The creat atta Notsuc the a vi
Evocation Water 0 V, S 1 hou1 Crea Non Thomas This spel any at t effeto des
5 ya V, S Spec2 SpecNon Aaron This spel (up aro usuaIt mat
0 V 2 ro 2 One Non RobertThe ultima s has of ppla can
60 y V, S Inst 2 SpecNon RobertWhen thisintotha shieHowe tho
60 feV Inst 2 One Non RobertThis bolt Theto f the targtem
10 yaV, S Inst 2 One 1/2 RobertThis spel des is o howe onl nor
0 V, S 1 tur 2 The Non RobertThis simpsho in cTheTo of 3
0 V, S 3 ro 3 ro Crea Non UnknoBy this s cre are armweaspel
Evocation 50 yaV, S Spec5 30-f Non David Wizard's vmagis desithr all
Evocation 100 V, S Inst 1 One Non Jim VaThis spelltar of gold piece and a silver piece.
0 V, S Perm5 Crea Non Geoff This spel inf woupos to extr
Divination 0 V, S 1 ro 2 The SpecBrian The castinhis weresighThi it will not detect invi
Evocation 2 yarV, S 3 ro 2 One Specèdne BThis spel of sto the AC mod
0 V, S Perm1 ho CorpNon Jeff V This spella s zommatuninterrupted time.
10 y V, S 2 ro 1 20-f NegaAl Sin Blowing dsaveof t ini tha this spell: it operates
Summoning 0 V, S 1 tur 2 SpecNon Azall This spellsha maysqu any 1 tu
30 y V, S Perm5 ro Four Non Paul DWhen thisof pwiz coo cer exc
Enchantment 0 V, S Spec6 SpecNon Keith To use th newa f ink one a 1-
Charm 10 y V, S Inst 1 One Non UnknoBy this s cre cre to mhan seco
10 yaV, S 1 rou4 One NegaDavid By use ofto charany thr In g
Evocation 10 y V, S 1 ro 3 20-f NegaBrend Supposedlfrie creado all will
Summoning 150 V, S Spec2 One NegaGarint This is a spe Whein targimm
Rever0 V, S Perm1 ro 200 Non Thomas By meansminwiz spe rig amo
0 V, S 1 hou3 HumaNon JoshuaThis spellwel sho the Theeff
Phantasm 30 y V, S 3 ro 2 One NegaBrian A target be pbut to wiz reg
6 feeV, S 2 tur 2 1d6 NegaJohn The affecthe qua Int is a bein
Wild Magic 0 V, S 1 rou2 60-foNon Marc This spel to hran the castThe
Evocation Wild Magic SpecNon Spec1 SpecSpecMarc This spel tha withspenversres
Necromancy 0 V, S 1 ro 1 ro One Non Geoff With this lif makcomponents are a convex len
Sigh V, S Inst 2 SpecNon UnknoThis spellto lik to t dist the
0 V Inst 1 se The Non Paul DThis spel Whasav the Thetonight, I have a head
0 V, MSpecSpecAs faNon UnknoTo cast t matthe poi to per
Phantasm 20 y V, S Inst 1 One NegaTrosli This spel Thecomwal stu spe

Page 64

60 y V, S Inst 2 One SpecBrian This spel of meneras the run

120 V, S Inst 2 SpecNon Aaron Veschiul' the requlev 40 fee
30 y V, S Spec3 SpecNegaAaron The shadoof ei.e. and somcon
Phantasm 0 V 1d6 2 The SpecS. W. By meansof hea mimand mim
Summoning Necromancy 30 y V, S 5 ro 1 SpecNon Al Sin This spel whethe eve fro The
Rever0 V Spec2 One NegaRyan BThis is a psi res be dis use
30 y S Inst 2 One Non UnknoThis spel use donherecare, if TSR wishes to cla
1 yarV, S 1 ro 2 One SpecMax BeWhen castto savethr sel whil
0 S 1 tur 2 Crea SpecMario This spel gre sus spe malto
Summoning 10 feV, S Spec1 tur 5 squNon Kai RoThis spellcan usedvanionesnorm
Rever20 y V, S 1 tur 3 One NegaMario Homophobi and migvoi violHom
Wild Magic 5 feeV Perm2 SpecSpecReid Another osis quitqui wouto t
Summoning 20 y V, S 1 ro 2 SpecNon Reid This chaoLohboospe rewale
0 V, S Perm5 SpecNon Orko This spel sub nev be rewThe
Rever0 V, S 1 day1 ro One Non David Although thr pro on of and
0 V, S 1 hou1 Pers Non A.C. <This spel of aintoxication.
Charm Rever1 fooV, S 3 ro 1 ro One NegaNeil RBy meansthe spelcasematfor the reverse, sexua
10 feV, S Perm2 One hNon BrotheThis spel wit alc con Oneval
15 feV, S Perm5 One hNon BrotheThis spel tim a m tru If rese
0 V, 1 tu 1 The NonTOM The use oto s and alacrity Cas
Tou V, Spe 1 r One Spe TOM By castin ing chemicaThecas
0 V, Ins 3 Cre NonTOM With this varionl one one pre
Evocation 0 V, Spe 2 Spe NonTOM This spel spe rol total. The
10 y V,S 1 ro 3 20fo NegFRA Upon caststa dar inf nor atta
0 V, S 1 ro 1 The Non PHB By meanshis one in melmiss
SpecV, S 1 ro 3 SpecNon PHB The clair to his of t fac plac
SpecV, S 1 ro 3 SpecNon PHB Similar tocla see ran fromloc
0 V, S 1 tur 3 The Neg.PHB By meanscon creathe highto
Charm 120 V,S 1-4 3 One NegFRA By meansper enj atta duraspe
120 V, S Inst 3 30-f Non PHB When a wicha comFirseff abil
Alteration 0 S,M 1 ro 3 10-f NonFRA This spel withduradispactions
ToucV, S Spec3 10-f NonePHB By tracin boowri una matedet
0 CompSpe 2 Spe NonTOM This spel of one aff foll com
ToucV, S 1 hou1 Crea Non PHB By meansoth Hit leveimpAlt
Fire 10 y V, S Inst 3 20-f 1/2 PHB A firebal whidamwiz for (up
Fire 30 V, 1 ro 3 One NonTOM This spel fir pro sha the can
Summoning Fire 30 y V, S 1 ro 3 SpecNon PHB This spellcan bol one dra spel
ToucV, S 1 tur 3 Crea Non PHB This spel the affehoriif a a d
Tou V, 1 ho 1 tu Cast NonTOM With this oth a s Cre be touc
Tou V,S 1 ro 1 1 cr NonFRA An improv provtra AC and alre
Air 0 V, S 1 ro 3 10-f Non PHB When thisori direof ext unp
60 y V, S 3 ro 3 40' c Non PHB When thiscre movgainmovrou
Charm 120 V, S 2 ro 3 1 to Neg.PHB This spe cre Thehumsmadwa
60' V, S 1d4 5 1d3 Neg.PHB When cast1d3are morsingspel
10 y V,S Spe 3 20-f Spe FRA This spel fur wit inc clo eff
10 y V,S Spe 3 Spe NonFRA This spellpresremspellongin t
Phantasm ToucV, S 1 da SpecCreatSpecPHB This spel ins papeapp wri who
ToucV, S 2 ho 1 ro Crea Non PHB By meansthe 60 sourtendnot
Phantasm ToucV, S Spec3 10-f Non PHB This spellcreaGeabut centTho
ToucV, S 4 ho 3 2 cu.SpecPHB By meansto s the Optnowone
Phantasm 20 y V,S 1 tu 3 40- NegFRA This spellwhiimathe magical
0 V, S 4 ho 3 15-f Non PHB When thisan des sph lowgro
40 y V, S Inst 3 Spec1/2 PHB Upon castreleene lev 10d6eff
0 V, 1 ro 7 The NonTOM This spel elo ratemaxcaster.

Page 65

20 V, 5 r 3 One Spe TOM This spel a mor acastspe sam

Alteration 70 y V, S Spec3 1 tar Non PHB This spel glo he one inf stru
Charm 60 f Comp2 ro 2 30- NonTOM This spel all undesaving tAlt
Summoning 30 y V, S 2 ro 3 SpecNon PHB Within onwiz mon1st appedes
Tou V,S 1 ro 3 Cre NegFRA Upon castabildis spe infl the dura
Tou V,S Per 3 One NonFRA This spel finecomwit brightn
Phantasm 30 y S, 1 da 3 One NegFRA This spel uposee indispelcha
ToucV, S 1 ho 3 1 creNon PHB By castin cre div cla spelmag
Tou V,S 1 ro 3 Cas NonFRA Upon castto tou the no ill e
Phantasm ToucV, S 1 ho 1 tur SpecNon PHB When thisa qucan it, spe pha
0 V,S 2 ho 2 tu 10 y NonFRA By meansfro gat the dimother su
ReverToucV, S 2 ro 3 10-f Non PHB The globeidenevi largeff cre
ToucV, S 1 tur 3 Crea Non PHB By meanstotamisssmait dam
Tou V,S Spe 1 tu UndeNonFRA By meansthe the dis of imm
ToucV, S Until1 tur 1 pagNon PHB When castact to mapbur of a
Summoning 5 ya V, S Spec3 1 sigNon PHB When thissymworsprilivi who
Tou V,S 1 tu 2 20-f NonFRA This spel comhumis s sku soc
90 y V, S 3 ro 3 40' c Neg.PHB A slow spmovIt n doe or an
Phantasm 60 y V, S Spec3 40' c SpecPHB The spectrin are implast ceases.
0 V, 2 ro 3 The Spe TOM This spel wit tak armmaisav
0 V, 1 ro 2 Spe NonTOM Squaring shaplstt aff squaring
Charm 30 y V, M1 ho 3 1 creNeg.PHB When thisinf by a s acti cre
Rever0 V, M1 ro 3 30-f Non PHB This spel undtheyThi ani und
0 V, S One 3 The Non PHB When themeleoppcas a 1 whe
0 V,S 1 ro 3 10 f NegFRA This spel cre castfaint bl Und
Water ReverToucV, S 1 ho 3 Crea Non PHB The recipableof one cas of
Summoning Enchantment Water Tou V, S Spec 3 One NegTOM This spel largwincastspelimm
Charm 40 y V,S 1 ro 3 One NegFRA Upon castis A s effeWiscol
Air 10 y V, S 1 ro 3 A 10'SpecPHB This spellcur con to or uns
0 V, 1 ro 3 The NonTOM Upon comp glo aur Onlto t gran
Illusion 0 S, M2 ro 1 The Non PHB When thisof is s inc or btho
1 yarV, S Inst 3 20-f 1/2 Max BeThis spelldamguano and caustic soda.
Summoning Air 0 V, S 2 tur 4 Crea NegaJosep This spellconnmascon in and
Evocation 10 feV, S Inst 3 SpecNon Jason This spel noximp3d6wil of
10 yaV, S 1 tur 3 15-f Non Jason This spel darksee lig vis com
Evocation Fire 0 V, S 2 ro 3 SpecNon Jason This spel the and Thewiz prot
10 yaV, S Inst 3 One 1/2 Jason This spel stri poi cre creadam
Summoning 60 y V, S Inst 3 SpecSpecJason With this fab ice. inc very3d1
Phantasm 0 V, S 2 ro 3 15-f Non Jason This spel (q. exp app dist end
10 yaV, S 1 ro 3 10-foSpecJason This spel int thr negafirs not
10 y V, S 1 ro 1 ro SpecNon Jason There musspe the conclan lan
Summoning 30 y V, S 1 ro 3 SpecNon Jason This spel numwit ano 1d4tar
0 S Spec1 5-fooSpecJason The wizarrol wit be aut Tho
60 y V, S 2 ro 3 30-f SpecJason This spellthatday is v dev roun
Fire 30 y V, S 1 ro 1 5-fo SpecJason This spel fla sav (-2 Cre etc.
Summoning 30 y V, S 2 ro 3 SpecNon Peter This spellit, to f otheremarea
Phantasm 0 V, M1 ro 1 ro Crea NegaJim VaThis spellhor Thethe magiown
Conjuration 1 yarV, S 1 tur 1 ro 100 sNon UnknoThis crea des whipro charthe
0 V, S 1 tur 3 The Non FrancoThis spel protection, subtracting 3 from all atta
1 yarV, S Inst 3 20-f 1/2 Max BeThis spellele is a ball of bat guano and iron fil
10 yaV Spec3 Up toNon Grego When cast, areaFor wal withinch
Charm 0 V, S 1 ro UntilPers NegaRobertBind wardene enh enh is con
5 feeV, S 1 tur 3 One 1/2 AugustWhen castduraturnhig eff neg
Evocation Fire 30 feV, S Spec2 One 1/2 Ally' This spel glo mis rea and round. The material c

Page 66

40 y V, S Inst 3 One 1/2 Peter This spel feetmaxto mustwo

10 y V, S 1 ro 5 One Non UnknoBoot-to-t the rec for lev dam
0 V, S 1 yea1 ho LimbNegaKen FoThis spel enabsen and is a are attached.
0 S, M6 hou1 ho Crea Non UnknoThe recipIntellig N
Fire 10 feV, S Inst 2 The 1/2 UnknoThis spel does twice the amount of damage an
Fire 0 V, S 1 ro 1 (if 5-fo 1/2 Savan When the(he is muse use rece
Evocation 120 V, S 2 ro 3 One tNegaAlly' This spel immof elveThebri
0 V, S 1 hou3 One Non Ally' This spelltherdar component is a live firefly.
Invocation SpecV, S Perm1 ho One SpecWillia This spel cre rin Theacti a se
Charm 10 feV, S Spec5 One NegaAlly' This spel cha The material components are a fe
Charm 16 feV, S 1d6+1 1d6 SpecJohn Except ascha leadmana g oth
Charm Necromancy 30 y V, S Spec3 One SpecUnknoThis spel monster, except as noted above and t
30 feV, S Spec1 ro One Non UnknoThis spel (sp rin a n wil con
0 S Inst 2 20-foSpecBladehThis is a thoshowwash over them, but will be o
0 V, S 4 hou3 ObjeNegaPaul DCast this undThethr magic...
Summoning 10 feS Perm1 SpecNon Kai RoThis spel deteis w1 keper hav
Summoning Elemental 30 y V, S 1 tur 3 ro SpecSpecFrancoWith this rad wil Thetimethe
Metamagic 0 V, S Spec3 ro Crea Non Kai RoThis spel lev are areaspelint
Fire 1 fooV, S 1 ro 2 1 cubNon Brock This spel or causa fi burncan
5 feeV, S 1 rou3 One NegaUnknoThis spel is ownspeldama equ
Wild Magic 30 feV, S Inst 3 One SpecCraig This uniqmagmaghad has lon
SpecS 1 da 1 One Non Jim GiThis spellexp sep behadan cast
Illusion 0 V, S 2 tur 3 SpecNon Keith This spel spe xix loc Thearo
0 V, S Spec3 1 yarNegaKeith This spel pro ten be direarc
0 V, S Spec1 ro ObjeNon Keith This spel nex imaany morspe
Metamagic SpecV, S Inst 2 (b SpecNon Keith This Metaray-Thereq the then
0 V, S 24 h 5 One Non Keith This spellper be sti versIn
10 yaV, S 1 ro 3 One NegaDimitrUsing thishumthri TheHe ctar
Evocation 10 feV, S 1 hou5 120-fNon Kai RoThis spel creaThuthi mons area
Charm 40 y V, S 1 ro 3 One cNegaBret MVictims olik tha undfro this
120 S, M3 ro 6 One Non Ally' This spellsile equ cre nongua
0 V, S Spec3 The NegaBret MWhen thispowcon env lev or
30 y V, S 1 tur 1 ro One Non Geoff This spel effesav wanexacrecipient.
10 y V, S 1 ro 1 ro One NegaPeter By meanssha victthrocan wil
0 V, S Conc3 240- Non UnknoAfter cas any planwiz location within the range
10 feV, S 1 ro 3 One SpecDavid This spel of t DMpowworIf
Invocation Evocation 10 yaV, S Inst 5 One Non Jason This spel ene arealeveexam doe
Rever0 V, Minst 15 r BookNon Jim GiWith this scrocon inf Nontho
30 feV, S Perm1 SpecNon Jim VaBy use ofeffepartwiz dowof t
0 V, S Until1 ro The Non RussiaWhen thissur bodspelThi pol
60 y V, S Spec3 One NegaKennetThe targeSucctha exc and cre
5 yarV, S 2d4 3 One NegaPeter This spel rou thi dis victspell-like abilities are
Charm 60 feV, MInst 1 One NegaJim VaThis spel bef spelhas int con
Summoning SpecV, MSpec4 SpecNon Ditan This spel the cas des han a single pair of white
Evocation 20 feV, S 1 ro 1 Spec1/2 Brian With this dragpoi numstr is
20 y V, S Spec3 1-fo Non Jonath This poteglo 90 wiz ret Once
Phantasm 3 ya V, S 1 ro 1 One Non Brian This spel exh fall Armrateof
0 V, S 1 tur 3 The Non Jim VaThe wizarheigite any undefined and to the DM
0 V, S 3 tur 1 tur The Non Eldarr This spel of t eff castbe acon
Evocation Fire 60 feV, S Inst 1 One 1/2 Jim VaThe wizarof tar poi makcreatures take no dam
Evocation 40 feV, S Inst 3 Spec1/2 FrancoThis spel lig dra cre Thelength.
30 y V, S 1 ro 3 One Non Mark AThis spel thei(no forcillu doe
Invocation Evocation Rever1 fooV, S 1 hou7 One SpecKris < With this a p suc spe castThe
0 V, S Spec3 Crea NegaUnknoThis spelltha 4. spelpoints of Armour Class r

Page 67

Wild Magic 0 V, S 1d4 5 20-foSpecDave This spel creamayexa Thethe

0 V, S Spec3 One Non UnknoThis spel an the enc tri the
0 V, S 1d4 1 10-y SpecThe WDevelopedlimbper castto or
Metamagic 0 V, S 4 ro 1 ro The Non Ron < This spel resucas Dic spe there was a saving th
10 yaV, S 1 ro 3 8x2 f1/2 FellstaThis spel res fee the acr per
Fire 10 y V, S Inst 3 20-f 1/2 Perry This is esHanSin dev (q.vnot
Evocation 10 feS, M1 ro 2 One NegaJim VaThis spel beindireinf comthu
0 V, M5 ro 1 The Non Jim VaThis spel at per Theweamak
1 yarV, S Inst 3 20-f 1/2 Max BeThis spelldammata giant's club.
Metamagic 100 V, S Inst 3 One NegaPhill When castwizaThesuc tar spe
0 V, S 5 ro 3 Crea Non UnknoThis spel parawit webalrein which case it gives
0 V, S 2 tur 3 Crea Non KennetThis spel nor or effewit com
Elemental 10 yaV, S Inst 3 One NegaPeter This spel inn use deviand cre
Evocation 0 V, S 1 da 1 tur The Non Willia This spel to bre inn for bas
0 V, S 1d6 3 Crea NegaTim PrThis spel a picreaa s spelThe
Illusion Phantasm 30 y S, M1 ro 2 SpecNegaBrian The wizarthi (th an of a s
Wild Magic 0 V, S Spec1 ho The Non James This spel for a s or msph wiz
Summoning 40 feV, S 2 hou2 ro One NegaAugustWhen castcra has Howtim tho
0 V, S Spec1 One NegaKeith This spel castintowil the spel
Evocation 10 y V, S Inst Spec20-f 1/2 Ken ArThis spel res creadamversthi
10 yaV, S Inst 1 One NegaThe JaThis spel wiz han undeVic area
0 V, S 2 ro 3 Pers Non JoshuaThis spellbothThedes sho may
Wild Magic 0 V, S 1d4 3 Crea Non JosephThis wildcreaclo swato Cla
0 V, S 3 da SpecThe Non UnknoBy castingheldthe tha hav requ
60 y S, M5 ro 1 3-fooSpecPaul F Upon castof can the boothe
0 V, S Perm1 ro The Non Perry This minodamfro 2 l cau onl
12 yaV, S Inst 3 SpecNon Max BeThis is t magimpmis the miss
Evocation 60 feV, S Inst 5 One 1/2 Sol SuHobar crecol cas add exp targ
Charm 120 V, S 2 ro 3 One tNegaUnknoThis spel theyanotget theyHel
Charm SightV, S 24 h 1 One NegaJim VaThe victi by thosali app Wis
1 yarV, S Inst 3 20-f 1/2 Max BeThis spelldamguano and powdered glass.
Evocation 0 V, S 4 ro 5 One SpecPatric By meansmetbla o has ble 2d6
0 V, S Spec3 ro Crea Non ArrvidThis spellpro dis wiz Notvisi
Rever60 y V, S Perm3 60-f SpecBrock This spellcan nearcontpowlev
10 feV, S Inst 1 One Non Jim VaThis spel cre the hol lev int
10 y V, S 1 ro 3 SpecNon UnknoThis spel and Theelemint deli
Summoning 10 y V, S 8 ro 7 One Non BoudeThis spel hel gra weaablepow
Divination 0 V, S 1 tur 3 100- Non UnknoThis spel second level from crossing the bound
Conjuration Enchantment 0 V, S 1 ro 3 One SpecD.J. MWhen castthe duralev per cha
0 V, S Spec1 ro ObjeNegaKen FoThis spellrecithe the rec spell is a small ball o
Charm 30 y V, S 2 ro 3 One NegaJoshuaThe victim tha inc one tha abo
Charm 20 y V, S Spec2 1d3 cSpecJoshuaSimilar tomusthe all the ever
Charm Rever10 y V, S Spec1 ro One Non JoshuaThis spel aff timerest exa can
3 yarV, S Spec3 The cNon Sam GWith this a s and con qua equ
100 V, S Inst 3 30-y 1/2 Paul DThis spel par cre per halfand
0 V, S 1 ro 1 ro The Non Kurki The shimm act tra somall a b
20 y S, M1 ro Spec3-fooSpecPaul F This spel fin ste Thecon cre
20 feV, S 1 ro 4 One NegaDavid This spel powThelev Theinit
0 V, S 2 tur 1 ro Pers Non David The persoStr is 1 Thetype which strength is to
0 V, S Spec1 ro One Non David This spel Uneof up tcastExa
0 V, S Spec1 ro Pers Non David This spel sur armspe aga The
0 V, S 3 tur 3 Pers Non David When thisreputo the person's saving throws pe
Charm 0 S 1 tur 1 Pers Non A.C. <This spel enters a state of great intoxication.
Charm 0 S Spec1 Pers Non John When a wiand comChedur unquestioningly.

Page 68

0 V, S Inst 3 ro SubsNon Keith Occasionaa d gen and cle dep

Summoning 40 feV, S 1 tur 7 SpecNon Kugla Kuglan's wiz sha key THAess
Summoning Elemental Fire 10 yaV, S Inst 3 One Non NathanThis spel thr appl3d6wil beyo
0 V, S 1 tur 1 Crea Non AugustWhen thisabila to A nAlsowit
Evocation Wild Magic 10 y V, S Inst 3 20-f 1/2 Tim LaLegolath'srespdif par douthos
Evocation Wild Magic Fire 0 V Inst 1 One Non Peter Lesser wiany the the spell's effects are made a
0 V, S 3 tur 1 tur 1-yarNon MattheBy use ofplanforcstre in t revi
0 V, S Perm9 Crea Non Reid The greattha hea Knobeg The
Fire SpecV, S 1 ro 3 SpecNon Reid After the shoocan the sur The
60 y V, S Inst 3 One Non UnknoThis imprwizacan spe is h hav
Charm 5 feeV, S 1 ro 3 One 1/2 Marti This is a annohe it i castspe
Metamagic 10 yaV, S 1 ro 3 One NegaPeter Maladweom victdamsav ongcharmed by the victim
0 V, S Inst 1 tur SpecNon Dean With this fro the big to t The
0 (a V, S 1 ro 3 Cast Non Marty Marty's mthe eff eachwizaatt
Rever0 V, S 3d6 1 ro One SpecKeith This spel (butto l insi interati
30 y V, S Inst 3 Up t NegaRobertThis spel tou It musthe on
Charm 10 feV, S 1 ro 3 One SpecBrian When casteffethr aversav the
2 ya V, S 2 ro 1 ro One SpecMerkr This spel bec int nonthe bard
Invocation Evocation 30 yaV, S Inst 3 Up t Non SamuliThis spellpos mis cre a s 1d4
0 V, S 1 hou1 ro The Non SamuliBy meansaodeor can tha crea
Evocation 5 yarV, S 1 ro 3 One 1/2 SamuliThis spel willcau sav suc The
0 V, S 1 ro SpecThe Non Kris < With this abilcastwhospelif h
Phantasm 0 S, M3 ro 1 Cast Non UnknoThis spel 1d4(in dif hav poi
Fire 20 feV, S 1 ro 1 ro 2-fooNon VernonThis spel in i cas rocksli met
0 V 2 ro 1 The Non Mark tMylzek's hal cas ten and Whe
0 V, S 1 tur 2 WeapNegaEric WThis spel Theweause the mat
Evocation Wild Magic 0 V, S Spec1 ro ObjeNon GeorgeWhen thisrad the the rec sele
Evocation Wild Magic 0 V, S 1d6 3 The Non GeorgeThis spel Wheroll per mag(se
60 y V, S Inst 1 One NegaChrist When thehis Thiscre suf poin
0 V, S 1d4x3 The Non Keith This spel by say to randoml
Necromancy 70 y V, S Inst 3 One NegaNoska Ghoul arreve tar pro nevedam
0 V, S 1 tur 3 Pers NegaMario A person ero spe eff fee the
0 V, S Vari 1 ho TomeSpecJim VaThis spel cau the the ord want
3 feeV, S 1 ro 3 SpecSpecOrko When casteffeobj impthroext
50 feV, S 3 ro 1 One NegaJim VaWhile undexc gre target for the spell to remain
Divination 10 f V, S 1 ro SpecOne SpecPanderWhen Pand sub houspe corrint
Charm 60 y V, S 1 day1 ro One NegaPilpin This spel ove throhe act wha
Evocation SpecS Spec1 SpecNon Paul DThis spel PowPar to Thi Dun
0 V, S 1 ro 3 20 y NegaJohn With this ontoactuspe pag nor
Rever0 V, S 2 ro 3 10-f Non UnknoThis spel chaos (q.v.) except with respect to its
0 V, S 1 tur 3 Crea NegaDavid This spel agaicasthis his Chry
0 V, S 2 ro 3 One cNon Ally' This spel formthe 20- component is a basilisk's
Rever0 S, M24 h 3 Crea Non Mario This spel sta org hav the eng
Summoning SpecV, S Spec3 Spec1/2 Brian At the co the if h bowDexthe
Phantasm 30 y V, S 1 ro 3 One SpecBrian When thisof for somthe The
Evocation Wild Magic 0 V Inst 3 One Non Peter This spellthat it duplicates the effects of a 4th-
3 ya V, S Spec1 tur One SpecAaron The trigg cas foo wizaof sec
0 V, S 1 ro 5 One Non Paul DThis spel bur it. oth casevery
0 V, S 1 tur 1 ro Crea Non UnknoExcept aspriest spell resist electricity (q.v.).
Fire 0 V, S 1 tur 1 ro Crea Non UnknoExcept aspriest spell resist fire (q.v.).
0 V, S 4 ho 1 mi 10-y Non Colin Provided he are locawithsuff
0 V, S 5 ro 3 Crea NegaMagii-This spel targof t clo the the
Phantasm 5 yarV, S 2 ro 3 One NegaDavid This spel pranposstar sca Any
60 y V, S 1 tur 4 50-f SpecMicha This spel san be ucap as be

Page 69

6 yarV, S Inst 3 One NegaMax BeSanh's la ray A f eye a damonochromatic and n

Evocation 1 yarV, S Spec3 SpecSpecMax BeWhen castunstsli che fol *
0 V, S 1 tur 3 One fNon Willia This spel whiany Armevermele
Necromancy 20 y V, S Spec3 SpecNegaMattheAs a presepresdef lea Thi the
Charm 10 y V, S 1 day3 One NegaMario This veryint bri spe has not
Phantasm 20 feV, S 1 ro 1 ro 5-fooSpecAaron This brin bel in t Thewei obj
Phantasm 0 V, S 3 ro 8 SpecNon Aaron This spel giv fro duraTheeve
Invocation Evocation Fire 10 y V, S 1 tur 3 20-f SpecPeter Shadowfirspe Therip wiz hal
0 V, S Spec1 The SpecDavid By use ofcon an applfoo Vie
60 feV, M1 ro 1 One NegaJim VaThis spel skinmayhis neg the works will be bro
10 yaV, S Inst 3 2-ya 1/2 UnknoA snowbalbei the of of area
SpecV, S 1d4 3 20-f Non Tim PrWith this any the pre of hwiza
Enchantment Charm SpecV, S 1 ro 3 10-f Non Tim PrThis spel pro the muswit occ
Necromancy 0 V, S 1 day1 tur Crea SpecGeoff With this in athusrol hea char
1 fooV, S Spec1 tur One SpecPeter This spellspe bodpos lies wil
Invocation 0 V, S 3 mo3 ro One cSpecKris < Except aswizard spell spellcrystal I (q.v.).
Summoning 20 y V, S 2 ro 3 SpecNon Peter Spider ca the and Thi Lol on the w
Summoning Rever10 y V, S 3 ro 1 ro SpecNon UnknoThis summ halfit wizawhiHit
0 V, S 1 hou1 tur 100- Non Kurki This spel per by tthe abo any
0 S Perm1 Pers NegaA.C. <This spel the victim.
1 yarV, S Inst 3 20-f 1/2 Max BeThis spellbla is a ball of bat guano and salt fro
0 V, S 1 ro 3 Crea Non Peter This spellto r has damspell is a small steel bar.
10 yaV, S 2 ro 3 1d4 NegaPeter Unless thethe and rai cre is
0 V, S Infin1 Crea Non Jim VaThe recipnoncre component for this spell is a
Necromancy 0 V, S 3 tur 1 tur Pers Non Garint This is a oth can Thisbin the
Evocation 0 V, S 3 tur SpecSpecNon Dean This spel big als dis the use
Fire 0 V, S 1 ro 1 ro The Non StyrmaThis spel magiinit doe any spe
Phantasm 6 yarV, S 4 ro 3 One NegaPaul DThis devi the illu the coulThi
Summoning 0 V, S Perm1 tur The Non Sol SuThis spel gui des or be hwor
Phantasm Necromancy 60 y V, S Spec3 One Spec<lrw5 After cas towpredcreaadv fle
10 yaV, S 1 ro 2 One NegaJoe <pThis spel Advthe smeto mat
1 milV, S 1 hou1 ro One Non UnknoThis spel minpro tha the sep
0 V, S 1 ro 3 SpecNon TenserThis spel att eve oppohan missile weapons. The
Evocation 100 V, S Inst 3 20-f 1/2 Jeff S When theblo s the bec Becals
0 V, S Inst 3 20-foNegaAlly' At the co fro cas per suc cast
Enchantment 0 V Spec1 The Non JosephTimejumpsec rou shif"re the
Enchantment 30 feV, M2 ro 3 One cNon JosephThis spellup tflowminaff by t
Rever0 V, MSpec15 r BookNon UnknoWith tomelangabo con comThe
Summoning 1 milS, MSpec2d125 an NegaRobertThis spel famto his of i or
10 yaS, M5 ro 4 30-f Non RobertThis spel pen exi The material component for t
0 S, M5 ro 1 ro One SpecRobertThis spel temIn aand a c burs
0 V, S 1 hou1 ro SpecNon JosephThis spellin t this not thatspell.
Illusion Phantasm 0 V, S 1 ro 2 Crea SpecJosephThis spel fee ind can take(lik
Evocation 25 yaV, S Inst 1 One SpecJosephThis spel (al Whehan hit tar
0 V, S Spec4 SpecNon UnknoThis spel largan are a c flin
10 y V, S Inst 3 Spec1/2 RobertThis spellHoweff damsubsHow
10 y V, S Inst 3 20-f Non RobertThis spellsav spelinvuwil anti-magic shell can p
10 yaV 1 ro 1 15-y Non RobertThe casti comthe all 1d4sno
0 V, S 1 we2 tur GarmNon RobertThis spel arminc spelwiz mult
60 y V, S Inst 3 One SpecRobertThis spel and wit stri ver tra
5 yarV, S 1 ro 3 One Non Paul DWhen thismatever the To dwas
Summoning Necromancy 30 y V, S 5 ro 2 SpecNon Al Sin This spel for spellow(thi the
Summoning 30 y V, S Spec3 One NegaUnknoThis spel ann obs frui sub savi
0 V, S 1 hou1 ro SpecNon Micha This spellthe thi suf of t num

Page 70

Evocation Water 0 V, S Inst 3 50-f 1/2 Azall This spel the wiz damcau a s
0 V, S 1 tur 1 ro The Non RussiaThis spel of t bac the att the
0 V, S 5 hou3 15-f Non The CaWhen thissou 7 otcreawit it,
0 V, S 5 hou3 One Non The NeA spell s not Leowithits Leo
Fire 10 y V,S 3 ro 4 One NegFRA By meansble con inf Opeedg
Summoning 60 V,S 1 ro 4 Spec NegFRA By meansinv numan aagainst
Charm 60 V, S Spec 4 1 or NegPHB This spellbut seve2d4it o mor
Charm 120 V, 2 r 4 Up Spe PHB This spel creaand spelper savi
30 y V, Perm 4 1 Cr NegPHB This spel in aimmdis see Dex
O V, ld6 3 120 Spe PHB By meansbec meamirrbal pro
30 U S 1 ro 4 5-fo Spe PHB A dig specub (i.e lat hol fro
0 CompSpe 4 Spe NonTOM Dilation of eareasti a s 50-f
O V Ins 1 The NonPHB By meansins dis for the des
0 Comp2 t 4 The NonTOM This spel dur any and length
Charm 10 y V, Spec 4 20f NegPHB When thisa s creatures. 1.
Tou V, 5 ro1 turn Wea NonPHB This spel mag+1 Thuhammad
Phantasm 10 f V,S Per 4 Spe NonFRA By meansno mmadoth thostha
10 y V, ld4 4 1 cr NegPHB This spel sub his rel subjadju
Summoning 30 V, 1 ho 1 round30 s NonPHB This spel ten memflooundfee
O V Spe 2 Spe NonPHB By use ofpro 1st lev minfor
0 CompSpe 4 Spe NonTOM This spell3rd-speland inc level has its range ex
Phantasm O V, Spe 4 60' NegPHB When a fefort creaawaAff the
Charm Fire 10 y V, 2 ro 4 15-f NegPHB By meansnorm fla age gos the
Fire 0 V,M Ins 3 Cas NonFRA Upon castlargimmto 5thatrema
Alteration Fire O V S 2 r 4 The NonPHB This spel waratta aga to the
Evocation Fire Tou V, Per 1 turn Obj 1/2 PHB Any closecoffbe wcen spe sec
Charm 10 y V, 1 ro 4 30-f Spe PHB When a fucre bec trip it, dro
Charm 60 f Comp2 ro 4 30- NonTOM This spel minplachostOptto
Phantasm 20 y V, 1 ho1 turn CubeNonPHB By meansillu the can cre ter
10 y V, Spe 4 Spe NonPHB This spel castdowinf withfal
Phantasm 30 V, Per 4 1' x NonPHB This spellflooper abs withequ
Phantasm Tou V, 4 r 4 Cre NonPHB This spellspeleit spe thatshi
Enchantment 20 V, ld44 turns30 s NonPHB This spel cal of the sod feet
0 V,S 1 ro 4 Cas NonFRA When Illyis cov Thi abilare
50 y V, 1 tu 5 One NonTOM This spellobj obj cre turnthe
Divination Tou V, 1 ro1 hourSpe NonPHB By meansnor a cr scr description
Tou V, 1 ho 1 r One NonTOM By castin cor somaccudupof the
10 y V, Spe 4 One NonPHB When thisof per alte comcop
Phantasm Tou V, 1 ho1 turn Spe NonPHB This spel ite goopul fro ite
0 V, 1 ro 4 5-fo NonPHB This spel shi thateffeeff are
0 V, 3 ro 4 The NonTOM This spelltur wiz inc spelfoll
10 y V,S 4 r 4 One NonFRA While thisthe ranghur ret a + 4 t
Summoning 40 V, 3 r 4 Spe NonPHB This spel sumsumany cas ceas
Invocation 0 V, 1 tu 4 Spe NonTOM Mordenkai lev wiz climaff cast
Evocation 20 y V, 1 ro 4 1-fo NegPHB When thisof creathe succsphe
Phantasm 5 ya V, 1 ro 4 1 cr Spe PHB When thisthe imafea somvis
20 V,S 1 ro 4 One NegFRA Upon castcreafromeff pla the time
Phantasm Tou V,S 7 da 4 Cre NegFRA When cast, fro app con cov of
10 y V, Per 4 An a NonPHB When a plcau entacre movtha
5 ya V, Per 4 1 cr NegPHB The polym thatand the a l int
0 V 2 tu 4 The NonPHB When thisass tha to wiz and
Illusion Phantasm 10 y S, Spec 4 30f NegPHB By meansglo pat fasclas leve
0 V, 1 d 1 turn The NonPHB By meansmemaddispe spell). The
Rever Tou V, Per 4 Spe Spe PHB Upon castabl obj undthe shi

Page 71

Phantasm 30 y V, S 1 ro 4 20-f Spe PHB A wizard use semThemonof

O V, Ins 1 10- Spe PHB When a shhimemitpri his wit
Water 30 V, 2d4 4 20' NonPHB When thisbil wallvapocubifor
Tou V,S 1 tu 4 Spe NonFRA This spellfly gra 26 fog spectral
Tou V,S 1 tu 8 One NonFRA This spel fac exp Howeffeingeste
Tou V, Spe 1 1 cr NonPHB When thisgai blowsha sto sna
Summoning Spec V, Spec 1 tu One NegTOM This spellful and fol For the
30 V, 1-6 1 r 10' NonTOM This pecuflucTheobj 10' x 10
Evocation 0 V, Ins 4 20' 1/2 TOM Upon comp his thu 20' cre mus
Cast V,S 1 rou 4 Cast Non FRA Upon castfor or castdesiof
Rever Tou V, Spe 4 Spe NonTOM At the culhur spe 3d6 targwea
10 y V, 2dl 4 One NegTOM With this neg sur all spelran
Illusion Phantasm 10 y V, 1 ho 4 10-f NonPHB When a vacau neg areaoth plac
Fire 60 V, Spe 4 Spe NonPHB The wall oimmshi spe up spel
10 y V, 1 tu 4 Spe NonPHB This spel as or awith the eff
5 ya V,S 1 ro 4 Spe NonFRA This spel foot4 fecastcast it
Tou V,S Spe 1 r One NonFRA The wizarnondooror malerasle
O V, 1 ro1 turn Spe NonPHB When thiscre himat as the
0 V, S Inst 4 Spec1/2 Paul DWhen thisext yar circstar The
10 feV, S Spec 4 One Non UnknoThis spel acti funcdestroyed or the dweomer dis
0 V, S 1 ro 4 SpecNegaAlcoreThis spel dir act the feetwav
Summoning 240 V, S Inst 5 30-f 1/2 Jason This spel of hwit spelexp des
0 V, S Spec1 ro Crea Non Jason This spel poinwiz bee protred
10 y V, S 4 ro 5 Spec1/2 Jason The casteele and movdia dissipat
Evocation 0 V, S 1 ro 5 20-foNon Jason This spel fro Its tre bas dam
Elemental 0 V, S Spec1 tur Crea Non Jason Use of th creaele wit all cre
Fire 10 yaV, S Spec 4 SpecSpecJason This spel spelThaspeland this
Evocation Fire 10 y V, S 1 ro 1 ro SpecSpecJason This spel singoppoobjestat but
Summoning 30 y V, S 5 ro 1 ro SpecNon Jason This spel willcomposi D
0 V, S Inst 4 1-fo NegaJason This spel is and lar sim fle
10 feV, S 2 ro 1 One NegaJason The wizarcastfingsav unl par
Necromancy Fire 0 V, S Inst 4 1-foo1/2 Jason This spel of g1d4suc hal wil
30 y V, S Inst 4 10-foSpecJason This spellwithele musrou for
Enchantment 0 S Perm 1 Pers Non A.C. <This spel cau nonin detail in The Net Carnal K
Phantasm Necromancy 60 y V, S Spec 4 One Spec<lrw5 By castin an dra recepre gen
0 V, S 1 tur 4 Crea Non Ally' This spel arma 7 11t is spe
Evocation 5 feeV, S Inst 1 1 po Non Jim VaThis spel sub level of the wizard to creatures w
Summoning 10 y V, S 1 ro 3 SpecNon UnknoThis spel ele tri firs bee The
60 y V, S 1 ro 4 5-mi Non FrancoA ray of be level of the caster to any creature
Summoning 50 y V, S 1 ro 4 SpecNon Peter This spel wiz beetle
Fire 20 yaV, S Insta 4 Spec1/2 Bergil The spell poi dambe fnot spr
0 V, S 9 ro 4 Crea Non Steve This spellblo damsce are wan
10 yaV, S Spec 7 40-f Non Phill Hell hail diff sto hai fla fai
0 S, M1 ro 4 SpecNon Bret MThis spel of can ran Themag
10 yaV, S 2 ro 4 One SpecPeter This spelleffemaksav mustAny
0 V, S Spec1 tur Pers NegaArrvidThis spel recibeh seminot bac
0 V, S 1d6 1 tur BrooNon Geoff A witch ufli poutur mis bro
Phantasm Wild Magic 10 yaV, S 1 tur 2 ro 10-y Non UnknoThis spel con wiz the Objas w
Necromancy 0 V, S Spec 1 Crea Non Savan This spel tou cas sav speltouc
Necromancy Summoning 0 V, S Perm1 tur SpecNon Jim VaBy meanspro tie ele wiz cre
60 y V, S Perm 4 60-y Non Paul DThis spel (q.v.), except as noted above.
40 yaV, S Perm 4 10-yaNon Keith This spel It indepos the It i
0 S, M1 ro 4 SpecSpecAlly' This spel poi agaiouning imm
0 V, M3 ro 1 20-foNon Keith This spel webdis alc Upon gre

Page 72

20 feV, S Perm1 tur One SpecKeith This spel but by tspe pie than
Metamagic 10 yaV, S Inst 2 (b SpecNon Keith This spellnor deliare boltcer
Illusion 0 V, S Spec1 ro One Non Keith This spel nextcho cas it be v
Metamagic 0 V, S 1 ro 1 ro One NegaKeith This metalowemak1 p con spe
0 V, S 5 ro 1 ro Sigh Non Keith This unussur dur fee the not
Wild Magic 0 V, S 5d6 1 ro SpecNon Keith This spel is s usuabe adama abi
0 V, S 1 we1 tur The Non Keith This spel cal withper obe usu
60 yaV, S Spec 4 One NegaKeith This rath cre throhardsee tar
0 V, S 2 ro 5 The Non Keith This spel ext fal wiz oppthe
0 V, S Inst 4 30 feSpecKeith This puls swinthu widits follows
Rever 0 V, S 2 ro 4 The cNon Keith This spellstr is as aaffemin
0 V, S 3 day 4 SpecNegaKeith This spelldra by the Theall
Evocation 0 V, S Spec1 ro The Non DimitrWhen a wiaur formits cas abso
Evocation 0 V, S 5 ro 4 SpecNon DimitrThis spel pri on and castEve
10 yaV, S Spec 4 SpecNon DimitrDarkray fmis a hoThelev per
Evocation 0 V, S Spec 4 The Non DimitrThis spel can cas full inclis
Evocation 0 V, S Spec 4 Crea Non DimitrSince poi thi Theinj surrthe
Evocation 0 V, S 1 ro 4 The Non DimitrThis is a str last Whiby ttent
0 S 1d6 1 The Non Jim VaThis spel weamust be the one using the weapo
Necromancy 0 V, S Spec1 tur CorpNon Geoff This is e the the for inf loc
Illusion Phantasm 10 yaV, S 3 ro 4 One SpecPaul DThis spel sen overthe creafor
10 yaV, S Inst 4 One 1/2 Peter This spel (masub spe Cre the
20 y V, S Perm 1 One Non VernonThis spel pointele makful to t
Charm Illusion 10 feV, S 1 tur 4 One NegaAugustThis spel thi modimaterial component for this s
SpecV, S SpecSpecSpecNon Kai RoThis spel wheThi poinfor dep
10-yaV, S 1 ro 4 SpecNon UnknoThis spel bein10 the wiza(pri
0 V, S 1 day 4 The Non Jim GiThis spel doe loc cre spe wis
Evocation 10 feV, S 1 tur 4 60-f NegaKai RoThis spel absois detebe or t
0 V, M4 ro 4 SpecNon Bret MBy meansand the do (wi do
Phantasm 0 V, S 1 tur 1 tur The Non Jim VaThis spel humhe by ubui clot
0 V, S 1 tur 1 tur Crea Non Ally' This spel aff inchcre withthis
20 feV, S Inst 5 One Non Ally' This spel boltif is a bit of india rubber.
0 V, S 24 ho 4 Crea NegaUnknoWhen castbe castto ahit aim
Elemental 30 y V, S Perm 4 One NegaFrancoThis spel quasqua shield, worth at least 20 gp.
30 y V, S Spec 1 One Non Jonath This spel att sphewhewithNot
10 y V, S Spec 4 One Non Jonath The wardicre inv whipar dire
0 V, S 1 tur 1 ro The Non Peter This spel the dridspe spe nig
0 V, S 1 hou2 ro Crea NegaDavid Dwarkanath req Any(or tut tuto
Evocation Fire SpecV, S 1 ro 4 The SpecEldarr When thisshr shr evo fire of
Invocation Evocation SpecV, S 1 ro 4 The SpecEldarr This spellthe det des lighspel
Evocation 0 V, S 2 ro 4 Crea 1/2 Ally' The creat cri spe res component is a piece of g
Elemental 0 V, S 1 rou 5 60-f NegaPeter This spel the dea the areaspe
Enchantment Charm 30 y V, S Inst 4 4d6 NegaJay <kMakes anlikeof by 12, I use them all on him
10 y S, MPerm 4 One Non Dave When thisand one ran the it
Charm 10 yaV, S 1 rou 3 30-f NegaDavid By utteri cre dea victunusspe
Fire 20 feV, MInst 1 One 1/2 Jim VaThis spellfee the minis s mate
0 V, S 1 da 1 tur The Non Ron < This spellminver cas ale a spell of greater leve
Evocation Water 10 yaV, S 2 ro 4 10-fo1/2 FellstaThis spellflamare castof t mus
Fire 0 V, S 2 ro 4 The SpecPerry By meansof castpro magsimi
Fire 0 V, S Spec 4 50-fo1/2 Peter This spelldimthe damimmspel
Evocation Water 0 V, S 1 ro 1 ro SpecNon AugustThis spel cre can damwiz has
Evocation 0 S, MInst 2 SpecNegaBrock This spel wiz whaobjeboltthe
Rever 0 V, S 1 tur 4 Crea NegaKennetThis spel whiwiz a b gas lig
10 feV, S Inst 4 One Non GlamdThis spel pos speland DMMas

Page 73

0 V, S 3 ro 3 100- Non David This spel beinand thr addisch

0 V, S 2 tur 5 Pers Non JoshuaBy castin the gai turnhis dam
Summoning 10 feV, S 1 tur 4 One NegaKai RoThis spel has det can nobif h
0 V, S 1 ro 1d4+Crea NegaGeoff After castban an last and it cannot be reversed
Charm 120 V, S 1 ro 4 One NegaUnknoThis spel saving throw is made at -6.
Evocation Rever 0 V, S 1 ro 4 50-foSpecAlexanTo cast t aga sev of rol If t
Evocation 0 V, S 2 ro 4 The Non UnknoBy castin of col or but oth
Wild Magic 0 V, S Spec 4 One Non Steve Upon castthe con coulif . act
60 y V, S 1 tur 4 One SpecUnknoThe Illumcre of cas glo rou
Charm 80 feV, S Spec 4 One NegaJim VaThis spel tru doe humto If t
SpecV, S Spec 4 One Non UnknoThis spel wordcast spells).
30 yaV, S 2 ro 2 One Non Christ This spel life wizais han wiz
20 yaV, S 1 tur 4 One NegaTim PrThis spel 100fly air to cunw
0 V, S 1 ro 1 One Non Jibril The reciparo hav magimaterial component of th
1 mi V, S Perm10 m1-mi Non Colin Outdoors cou visi bui the like. The material com
0 V, S 1 day 4 ContNon David This usef bac duraAnythe The
Evocation 10 feV, S 1 ro 4 One 1/2 David When castthe cubetheyelecpoi
Summoning SpecV, S Until3 ro SpecNon David After thiscall coo ser is (fee
10 feV, S 1 ro 5 SpecNon David This spel ful ani Cla of:
5 ya V, S Spec1 tur SpecNon Aaron This is a has Thecas wiz cast
Charm Necromancy 10 feV, S 1 ro 4 One NegaEdwardIn castingone is whoThequi
Summoning Necromancy 10 y V, S Spec1 ro SpecNon EdwardThis spel creafle hor cor can
Charm 10 feV, S 1 tur 1 ro One NegaM.C. CThis spel wil in aspelloc opti
Wild Magic 0 V, MInst 1 ho Item SpecTim LaThis spel any)stre app Durcom
5 yarV, S Inst 4 One NegaPeter When a wiene str exp aga against this spell.
60 y V, S Conc 4 50-f Non FrancoThis spellallowing control in a 50-foot radius g
0 V, S Spec 1 SpecNon Joe CoBy meansins matval wishtak
Evocation 60 feV, S Inst 4 One Non UnknoThis spel functions at quadruple damage and w
Wild Magic 0 V, S 1 tur 4 Crea Spec<colot In the ca recicon bonuIf trac
0 V, S 1d6 1 ro Pers NegaThe ti This spel peo sim har par mer
Charm 10 feV, S 1 ro 4 One NegaTim PrThis spel sig direori of t beg
0 V, S 1 ro 5 One Non Ally' When thisfir sepabonuspe of this spell is a 2 foo
Invocation Evocation 0 V, S 1 rou 4 The Non Mysty When thisshelsee det linehit
Evocation 0 V, S Perm1 tur Obje1/2 Garint This spel otheThi for Anythe
20 yaV, S Inst 4 One 1/2 UnknoThis combpra matTheantiand
Summoning 10 y V, S 1 tur 4 15-foSpecSteve This spel the of wasspelwra
Charm 0 S 1 ho 1 One Non Keith This enchvic onl of or off
0 V, S 1 ro 4 Crea Non Orko This spel or gcha Orka b har
0 V, S 1 ro 5 5-ya SpecOrko This spel in afir strubli sav
Illusion Phantasm 10 yaV, S 1 hou 6 One SpecJosephParanoia crea3 p leavElvestil
20 feV, S 4 tur 6 SpecNon Perry This spellice. ten as passwall affects earth elem
Enchantment 0 V, MSpec1 ro 10-f Non UnknoTo cast t a p and Thecomall,
Summoning 60 y V, S 3 tur 1 ro SpecNon Pilpin This spel pla spe nonis pla
Fire 60 y V, S Conc 4 20-foNegaPilpin The fire fir cov of Thedam
Rever 0 V, S 1 day1 ro One Non Paul DThis spellwheor hav det The
Evocation Invocation 0 V, S 5 ro 4 tur The Non Kai RoPower boos spelcastetc spelsto
Phantasm 5 yarV Spec 1 One NegaPeter This spel or dro at this spell.
0 V, S 5 ro 4 Crea Non UnknoThis spelldomor allow domination.
0 V, S 2 ro 4 Crea Non Peter This spel petrboneffective against all attacks w
Elemental 0 V, S 2 ro 1 ro Crea Non Peter This spel spe manele rec spel
Evocation 0 V, S 1 ro 4 The Non FrancoThe casteand pure energy) for the duration of t
0 V, S Perm1 ro Port Non Aaron The magemainthe magmean wor
Metamagic 30 feV, S 1 tur 4 ro 10-f Non Kai RoThis spel wiz are one impthe
10 feV, S 1 ro 4 ro One NegaKai RoThis spellfro cho THAhit poi

Page 74

Elemental 0 V, S 1 ro 4 10-f Non FrancoThis spel quasi-elementals from entering the ar

Metamagic 0 S Inst 1 ro SpecNon Johan By castingcur his his It c som
0 V, S 1 tur 1 ro Crea Non UnknoThis spellelecaci is an alkaline substance.
0 V, S 1 tur 1 ro Crea Non Peter This spel ene aga althdrain spell.
Alteration 0 V, S Spec 4 One Non Steve This spel wit ret exa sle wit
Summoning Divination SpecV, S Spec1 tur SpecNon UnknoThis spel ins morthe Whemar
0 V, S Inst 4 One SpecMax BeThis spellpre are spe small silver mirror.
0 V, S 8 ho 4 20-y SpecColin The wizarare realimmget any
10 yaV, S 1 da 4 One NegaColin The wizartargpos inv wiz dire
1 fooV, S Inst 5 5-fo NegaMichaeThis spel cas cas withsimifra
Metamagic SpecV, S Unti 1 tur SpecSpecAlly' This spel enerworcomlevel of the spell containe
0 V, S Unti 1 tur SpecNon Max BeThis spel enerworcomcontained in the rune.
80 y V, S Inst 4 One NegaMax BeSanh's su and radileveat far
Summoning 0 V, S Perm 3 Crea NegaRobertThis spel roll dea not cre aga
0 V, S 1 tur 4 One fNon Willia This spel whimis Cla sti boul
Enchantment 0 V, S Perm1 ro One Non Willia This spel posscreaAll app dura
Enchantment Charm 5 yarV, S Perm 2 One NegaPeter This spel Unlit reg dis their Charisma lower
Charm 10 y V, S 1 ho 1 One SpecJohn Except assedufunctions exactly as seduction I (
Evocation 60 y V, S Inst 3 One 1/2 Ally' Use of shmissstr and this spell is a bit of masca
Evocation 10 feV, S 1 tur 4 60-f NegaKai RoThis spel thi not dimnot can
Conjuration 1 yarV, S 1 tur 1 ro 100 sNon UnknoThis spellfor clai basiwallwal
0 V, S 1 tur 1 ro The Non Peter This spel rar the manabilabil
0 V 1 ro 1 Crea Non Josep This spelleth ratethe targatta
Evocation 30 feV, S 1 ro 1 ro One NegaAugustThis spel dur dis eve bad The
Summoning 0 V, S 2 ro 4 The Non Allan When thisdra wiz the tak of
30 feV, S 6 ro 4 Up toNegaMicha Upon the tar (ca cou or clos
60 feV, S Spec1 ro One Non JoshuaThis spel can rounwiz rou rad
SpecV, S Spec1 ro SpecNon JoshuaWith this the to spelOncis
Necromancy Fire 100 V, S Inst 4 100- 1/2 The WaThis spel it lev for plated skull.
Charm 60 y V, S 5 ro 3 SpecNon ArrvidThis spellcre rad be cadd can
10 y V, S 1 ro 4 40x2Non Max BeThis spellinst per be tim Ther
Charm 40 y V 2 ro 1 One NegaPeter This is a sumdea awavic is b
Charm 0 V, S 1 ro 4 100- NegaJim VaBy use ofhorrcre or f component for this spell
Summoning Divination SpecV, S 1 hou1 tur SpecNon Tim PrThis spel ser weasumlan ethe
Necromancy Fire 5 yarV, S 1 ro 4 One Non Kurki The spell fry effeobvhav fir
5 feeV, S 2 ro 4 10-f NegaJohan If the cas wit the *
Necromancy Rever100 fV, S Inst 4 One NegaThe WaAny undea tak les eff cal mouse steeped in frui
Invocation 0 V, S 4 mo4 ro One cSpecKris < Except aswizard spell spellcrystal I (q.v.).
10 feV, S Inst 4 30-foNegaAlly' This spellamobodysav cre spell. The material co
0 V, S 1 tur 1 ro Pers Non UnknoThis spella w usi disappears upon completion
Necromancy 0 V, S Unti 4 Crea 1/2 The WaThis spel it s cas spell is a half-split thigh bone
Rever 0 S Perm 1 Pers Non A.C. <This spellcho sexual disease.
0 V, S Spec1 tur SpecNon UnknoThis spellwil to aregagaina f
10 feV, S 1 tur 6 SpecNon UnknoThis spel feetsaf Theshould be knotted togethe
10 yaV, S 1 ro 1 ro One Non UnknoBy meansmagall chanareacan
Evocation 0 V, S 3 ro 1 ro The Non DennisThis spel Warwhihan dus spe
10 yaS 10 r 3 One Non Geoff The wizarlikethe recarecetele
5 feeV, S Spec2 ro One NegaMichaeMonster sdoe monhumtha sav
Summoning 0 V, S Spec 4 SpecNon Brock When castThedist wiz at It h
10 yaS 1 tur 4 15-f Non RobertThis spellthatCre Howspe sheaf, then those two
Summoning Fire 10 yaV, S Inst 4 15-f 1/2 Allan This spellhowevocdirea s and
Summoning 20 yaV, S Inst 4 50-f 1/2 Allan This spellIt c of planis 5 1d6
5 feeV, S 1 ro 4 One NegaJosephThis spel creaFor somcan ask
Evocation 5 yarV, S Spec 4 One NegaVanderWhen thiswizabol If a dissren

Page 75

Summoning 20 y V, S 6 ho 1 mi One Non Colin This spel and refewouwiz spell roughly doubles
Evocation 0 V, S 4 hou2 ro The Non JosephVanquil'sbac non-wiz an i sur
60 y V, S 1 tur 3 ro SpecNon JosephLightshedone roun(excas osph
Summoning 5 yarV, S 5 ro 1 ro SpecNegaJosephMilling c peo opi cro made rel
Charm 10 yaV, S 2 ro 4 One NegaPeter Those affseve50%be ffal rou
0 V, S 1 tur 1 ho 5-yarNon VernonWhen thisa t speccomTenint
30 y V, S Spec 4 SpecNon FrancoIn conjunca li speldec sounds, a touch, violent a
Divination SpecV, S Spec2 ho SpecNon Ron < This spel whiusedcry portide
60 y V, S SpecSpecOne NegaRobertWhen thiscast-4. vapowhisix
Phantasm SpecV Inst 1 SpecSpecRobertWhen theAll Cre by the attack at -2 against th
0 V, S 1 ro 4 SpecNon RobertThis less thaton owil sidecas
10 yaV, S Inst 4 20-foNon RobertThis spel centa h aroudamthis
0 V, S Spec1 tur One SpecRobertThis defe wiz rel castof t will
Evocation Air 30 feV, S Spec 7 One Non AugustThis spel movloospapecau and
Summoning Air 30 y V, S 1 rou 4 One SpecRobertThis spel woueffecan comof salt.
Summoning Evocation 0 V 2 tur 1 10-foNon Jeff T This spel humneitthe aro danger it senses, prov
Summoning 0 V, S Inst 1 ho SpecNon Phill This spellyouwit ByrThi adve
Necromancy 10 yaV, S 1 ro 7 One 1/2 Phill This spel 1% (ro this TheThe
Summoning 30 y V, S Perm1 tur One Non Paul DThis spellbri qua and add des
0 V, S 2 ro 4 The SpecJay <kDue to hi crafWhelig (muc*
10 y V, S 7 ro 3 30-f SpecCraig When thisiss the of musthro
Illusion 0 V, S Spec 4 SpecNon Jadwi By meansrequcre thi inteNon
10 yaV, S 1 tur 4 1/4 cIllus Jadwi This spel Eacanotis not crea
Enchantment 0 V, S 1 yea1 ho DeviNegaKen FoThis spel thatsho att acc but
Charm 30 y V, S 1 ro 6 SpecNon JoshuaThis spellvic det creaeff spel
Wild Magic SpecV, S Spec1 ro SpecSpecMarc This powethe fle spe When a 1,
Summoning Elemental Fire 10 yaV, S Inst 4 One SpecNathanThis spellof per suc ratebey
10 yaV, S Inst 4 One Non Peter This spellPlayer'
Rever 0 V, S 1d6 4 SpecSpecSamuliThe castestar evilcas the thr
Evocation 0 V, S One 6 MissNon Jay <kA missilemakThesta this You
0 V, S Spec1 ro SpecNon JoshuaThis spel len for the ext ina
Necromancy 10 yaV, S 1 ro 4 80-f SpecNoska When thisupoof f spe 1d3feet
SpecV, S 1 hou1 tur 50-f Non Jason This spel thatcre castonl fun
Summoning Air 0 V, S Spec1 ro SpecNonePanderThis spel equ this the Thetra
Charm Illusion Phantasm 10 yaV, S Spec 6 One NegaDavid By meansthinhas for del magi
Enchantment Charm SpecV, S Spec 4 One NegaTim PrWith this Tinycre versThedur
Necromancy SpecV, S 2 ro 1 tur SpecNon Tim PrThis spel insespelcla con the
0 S Perm 1 Pers NegaA.C. <This spell inflicts one random magical sexual d
50 y V, S Inst 4 SpecNon Peter Teleport ttele tel in t gen cho
Evocation Fire 120 fV, S Inst 1 ro Spec1/2 WarlocThis spel sin indepersmulcan
Enchantment 0 V, S 1 da 1 tur The Non NathanBy meansholdbef the ava morn
SpecV, S 3 ro 4 40-foSpecUnknoThis is a the as appropriate spell.
100 fV, S Spec 4 One SpecThe WaThis spel as hur she or sav
100 V, S 1 tur 4 One Non The WaThis spel hol smarcomoppothe
0 V, S 1 da 4 One SpecThe WaTired of wit occ comint the
Summoning 40 yaV, S Inst 4 Spec1/2 Allan This spellcon lighthatas t iden
0 V, S 4 ro 4 Crea Non JosephCellular rthe Oncdamage
Evocation 100 V, S Inst 4 20-f 1/2 JosephThere areand lev Thediff Evo
Evocation 60 feV, S 1 tur 4 20 sqSpecJosephVanquil'swal (pr wallis oth
0 V, MSpecSpecAs faNon UnknoTo cast t somclotis c rec leve
0 V 2 tur 4 The Non Al Sin This spel creaspe fre pol und
Summoning Necromancy 30 y V, S 5 ro 3 SpecNon Al Sin This spel for spellowspe fol
0 V, S 1 ro 4 Crea Non KennetThe recipithr rangdue fee doors w
Phantasm 5 yarV, S Unti SpecOne SpecAdelheWhen thisthe the suc of pin

Page 76

Enchantment Charm 0 V, S 1d6 4 Intel NegaD.J. MThis spel houbet Thecomcom

0 V, S 1 ho 4 3-fooNon Iain C This spel comand gro are mate
0 S Perm 1 Pers NegaA.C. <This spel act forg(or will.
0 V, S 1 day 5 The Non A.C. <This spel sed his nondan tha
Necromancy Rever 0 S Perm 1 Pers Non A.C. <This spel Laynot affect any other forms of insa
SpecV, S 3 ro 6 SpecSpecReid This spelltre dia of not vict
Evocation 10 y V, S 1 ro 4 5 cubNon Reid Another pvap ree Thi tint clo
Charm 6 feeV, S Spec 4 One NegaJohn This spel wizavic dri res to
Phantasm 60 y V, 1 ro 1 ro One Spe PHB This spellspe to the wiz tha
Air 0 V. 1 tu 5 10' NonPHB The airy suc a l the placspe
Rever 60 V, 1 ro 5 Up t NonPHB When thisall eig to t thi imp
10 V, Per 5 r Spe NonPHB This spel monfro demcau and
Alteration Rever 10 V, Per 5 Up Spe PHB By meansa n objehimatte rep
10 y V, 1 ro 5 Spe NonPHB Bigby's i to app cho the reg
Tou V,S Spec 5 One NegFRA By castin indito remathe his init
Charm 5 yaV, S 1 ro 5 Up Spe PHB This spellcon bei wiz monInte
10 y V, S 1 ro 5 40' NonPHB This spel gha tox 4 + 5 + pois
O V, Ins 5 Spe 1/2 PHB When thiscon ori ext and cast
Summoning Elemental 60 V, 1 tu 1 tu Spe NonPHB There areele an athi comcon
0 V Spe 1 tu Spe NonPHB When thishis ord powcon DM
Phantasm 30 V, 1 ro 5 20- Spe PHB This spellspe monnorm madof
Phantasm Necromancy 10 y V,S 1 Tu 1 T 1 U NonFRA By meansapp app hea wertell-tal
10 U S Per 1 r 1 cr NegPHB By meansPri ena exisMagi spel
10 y V, 2 tu 5 One NonPHB This spel comroc mussumser
Charm 10 y V, Spe 5 1 pe 0NegPHB The domin to cthe Int Elv as
Illusion Phantasm Rever Tou V, Spe 1 tur 1 creNon PHB The dreammesmesAt tmussome
30 feV, S 1 ro 2 SpecNon Jim VaThis spel ele doufeetIt 30 f
0 V Spe 4 Spe NonPHB This spel extedura50%.
Alteration 5 yaV, S Per Spec 1 cu NonPHB By meansto cpro the bri pat
0 V, ld4 5 30-f NonPHB When thisto of epoinTo scr
0 CompSpe 5 Spe NonTOM This spellreacof any 4th- or 5th-level spell is
Charm 10 y V, Perm 5 1 creNeg.PHB This spel or Fee deg subjwish
Charm 5 ya V, 1 ro 5 1 to NegPHB This spel cre in s holdthr is
Tou V,S Unti 6 20- NonFRA This spel use Lik enc midan a
Alteration Tou V,S 5 1 ro One NonFRA By meanshiminc pas wercan
Summoning Spe V, 1 ro 1 tu Spe NonTOM This spel rar castcon des modifie
Evocation 10 V Spe 5 1 or Spe PHB This devi cre dis cha rou des
Conjuration Summoning Spe V, 60 1 tu 1 ch NonPHB This spel che pla of exc con
Alteration 60 V, 1 t s One NonTOM Using thi the maglowenor additio
10 y V, Spe 1 r 1 cr Spe PHB The magicshif(a cas bet thu
Charm Tou V, Spe Spe The NonTOM This spellspelThuleve2nd, or
Phantasm 10 V, Spe 1 tu Spe NonPHB Like the cre matan nat wiz
Charm 80 y V, S 3 tu 3 20-f NegTOM A mind fothe vic penalty A c
Summoning 50 V, 4 r 5 Spe NonPHB This spel monspe Thethe com
Summoning 10 U S Spe 5 Spe NonPHB By meanssumhe per doorpha
Tou V,S Per 5 OneNon FRA This spel dec rep hea body (in
30 V, 1 ho 5 Spe NonPHB A passwalto or spe wal hig
10 y V,S 1-4 5 Spe NonFRA This spel moocau col dan motes w
0 V, 1 tu 5 15- NonTOM Use of th the reb damfor othe
Tou V,S Per 5 10 s NonFRA By castin dooor destdooinc
Phantasm 10-f V, 12 5 1 pe NonPHB This spellapp lev cha Theany
Rang V, Spe 1 tu 1 cr NonPHB By meanscon famknothe the
Phantasm 10 S 1 ro 2 Spe NonPHB By meansthe per this dartfor
Phantasm 50 y V, Spe 5 Spe Spe PHB The shadowiz to c3rd can bol

Page 77

Fire 10 V,S One 5 One NegFRA Also callespelfla negaini tar

60 y V,S Ins 5 1 cr NonFRA This spellfol dis longmis sin
Tou U S Per 1 r 1 cu NonPHB By meansfor tha sto tra This
Summoning Necromancy 10 V, 1 r 5 10- NonPHB When thiscon Comexp are att
10 y V, Spec 5 Spe NegPHB By meansto movprovsingle s
Tou V Ins 2 s Spe NonPHB When thisins cer on wel fact
Earth Rever 10 y V, Spe 5 s One NonPHB This spel int the lengfor into
10 y V, 1 ho 5 20-f NonTOM This poweuna doorwayThethe
30 V, ld4 5 5-fo 1/2 TOM A vortex bar castthe 7'- mom
30 y V, 1 tu 5 Up t NonPHB A wall ofbarrto t can mosdis
5 ya V, Per 5 15 s NonPHB When thisa veThi closint its
5 ya V,S Per 5 Spe NonPHB This spelltha is por The20
Wild Magic Water 40 S, 1d1 5 10- 1/2 TOM By meansshapall formlarglar
0 V, S Inst 1 tur SpecNon UnknoThis spel shoowithmiles away, but the size of th
10 yaV, S 1d4 5 One NegaPeter This spel exa petrbe sbe abi
0 V, S 3 tur 5 Crea NegaUnknoWhen caston ttar fir woubit of sponge.
Metamagic 0 V, S 1 tur 5 The Non Peter This spel casthe aga sav two
0 V, S Spec3 1-fooSpecJason This spel the wizacon spe is a
Summoning Fire 0 V, S Spec5 5x30SpecJason This spel pla vis matver thr
Evocation 0 V, S Inst 5 50-f SpecJason By extendpur out (oncwiz All
Enchantment Elemental 0 V, S 3 tur 1 tur The Non Jason In the ca domof this cha atte
Evocation 0 V, S 3 ro 1 ro Crea Non Jason The subjenor per elecpro ele
Invocation Evocation 0 V, S Spec2 ro SpecNon Jason By the usof the creawiz of
Fire 5 yarV, S 1 rou5 SpecSpecJason This spellhim5-f -2 t tar axe
Summoning 5 feeV, S Inst 5 SpecSpecJason This spel six spe and feetfor
Phantasm SpecV, S 6 tur 1 tur SpecNon Jason This spel withpawInt cre poi
0 V, S PermSpecThe Non Jason This spel visi wizaspe the wiz
Alteration 0 V, S 4 ro 1 ro The Non Jason When thisski nighis c har incl
Evocation 10 yaV, S 1 tur 1 ro 30-f Non Jason This spel lighof mor othe mov
10 y V, S Perm1 ro SpecNon Peter This spel any and Thewil him
10 y V, S 1d4 5 SpecNon Peter This spel powlev the Att sav
0 V, S 1 tur 1 1-fooNon KennetThis spellof eshelThis spell was researched by
Metamagic 10 feV, S 1 hou5 3-fooSpecKai RoThis spellareaeff nonverypene
0 V, S 1 tur 5 The Non Mark ACasting offor pla latt bol off
Summoning 120 V, S 1 ro 5 SpecNon Peter This spel lev one remeven in
5 yarV, S Perm5 1-foo1/2 Joe CoBall of ir off iro leve5d10is
30 y V, S 1 ro 4 One Non Jason The casterou of t nor onceall
Phantasm 30 feV, S 1 ro 6 SpecSpecAlly' This spel cre cre it any Eac
10 yaV, S 1 ro 5 5-fo SpecUnknoThis spellfol mis ext fir thr
0 V, S 1 rou5 Crea SpecAllan Once this in when mayThewhi
0 V, S Spec1 ho ObjeNon UnknoUnlike th objeeg. Whemaymay
Wild Magic 5 feeV, S Perm5 1-fooNon Allan This spellReadet onl is The
Charm 16 feV, S 1d8+1 1d8 SpecJohn Except asI. I of t (makhis group still get to mak
Evocation 10 y V, S 1 ro 5 One Non RonaldThis spellspe clo roll cas wil
0 V, S Inst 5 Spec1/2 UnknoThis spelltha The material component is one c
5 feeV, S Inst 5 Spec1/2 Max BeThis rare aci tooth of a black dragon.
5 feeV, S Inst 5 Spec1/2 Max BeThis spellele magnetite.
Fire 0 V, S Inst 5 Spec1/2 UnknoWhen thisori is obj is wou
Fire 5 feeV, S Inst 5 Spec1/2 Max BeThis spellof brimstone.
5 feeV, S Inst 5 Spec1/2 Max BeThis spellwit madis typical).
5 feeV, S Inst 5 Spec1/2 Max BeThis spellcon of coal or brimstone.
5 feeV, S Inst 5 Spec1/2 Max BeThis spellwit salt from boiled seawater.
Fire 10 yaV, S Inst 7 20-f 1/2 Todd OIn effect, Howthe the are For
Summoning Elemental 30 y V, S 1 tur 5 ro SpecSpecFrancoThis spellqua the tabl D10 1

Page 78

0 V, S Spec5 Crea NegaUnknoThis spel applcastother half tomorrow.

0 V, S Spec5 Crea NegaUnknoThis spel invihas cas tod impr
60 y V, M1 tur 1 20-f SpecNiels This spel doe req It lig of
0 V, S 7 ro Spec30-f SpecCraig Dardan's as cas the for a s
Metamagic Fire 20 feS Spec1 (b One SpecKeith This Metawit the spelfou sav
0 V, S Perm1 ho Crea SpecKeith This spel insafail thatsuf cas
10 y V, S Spec5 SpecNon Keith This spellmagieff which d
Metamagic 0 V, S Spec1 ro One Non Keith This spel stat mag+50not affe
0 V, S 3 ro 6 ObjeNon Keith This spel alt res the the thi
Metamagic 0 V, S 1 ro 1 ro One NegaKeith This metaIt f makidamcon inv
10 y V, S Spec5 One NegaKeith This spellsiz throknoccon The
60 y V, S Spec5 One NegaKeith This spel planene sho of t cas
0 V, S Perm2 tur ObjeNon Keith This spel tat of t obj tra to
0 V, S 2 ro 5 SpecNon Keith This spellpie tha bodinst aga
0 V, S 1 ro 1 ro SpecNon DimitrUpon casthimene of effeThe
SpecV, S 2 we1 tur 2 cr Non DimitrThis spel of willThefro get
60 y V, S 1 day1 tur One-SpecDimitrTo cast t as t when
Necromancy 0 V, S Spec5 5-fooSpecDimitrUpon castnumthe emitAnymust
Evocation 0 V, S Spec5 The Non DimitrUpon castcan env Whebri If t
Evocation 0 V, S Spec1 ro Crea Non DimitrWith this Thehis DexFor wou
Invocation SpecV SpecSpecSpecSpecDimitrThis is a minit dur inteA li
10 feV, S 1 we1 tur One Non DimitrWith this matenonhas freeAfte
0 V, S 1 tur 5 The Non DimitrWith this 6 ando hit Str Whil
Evocation 0 V, S 3d6 1 The Non DimitrWhen themasor thi direind
0 V, S Spec5 Crea Non UnknoWhen castrec poi missins wal
0 V, S 1 ro 1 tur 30-y Non Geoff Spell cas this exa in t Onerev
Rever10 yaV, S 1 ye 1 tur One Non Jim GiThis spel of 1. I o 2. I h
Evocation 20 feV, S Perm5 90-f NegaKai RoThis spel with the exceptions noted above.
Phantasm 0 V, S 1 tur 6 The Non Patric This spel lev spellowfor chameleon.
0 V, S 1 tur 5 Crea Non KennetThis spellfor Guide, page 77, for notes on aeri
60 y V, S Spec5 One Non KennetThis spellabo maximum number of missiles im
20 y V, S Spec5 1-fo Non Jonath This spellinf 2d6experience does 32-42 damag
50 y V, S Spec1 ro SpecNon Jonath The spell cir con wiz Thesele
Summoning 0 V, S Perm4 tur SpecNon UnknoThis spel - which Stone AC:
Enchantment 0 V, S Until1 tur The Non David Dwarkanat cau abileff abi and
Evocation 10 yaV, S Inst 4 One 1/2 David Dwarkanat mayof s une reg lev
Enchantment SpecV, S 1 hou1 tur SpecNon JoshuaThis spel wintakeano fol dwe
Elemental Enchantment Charm 5 yarV, S 1 tur 1 ro One SpecNathanWith this A s has wizainc non
Elemental 0 V, S Perm1 tur SpecNon Jim VaBy meanscir elemnat ins wat
Metamagic SpecV, S Spec1 tur The Non Max BeThis metasuc sphecau handwiza
Charm Fire 10 feV, S 2 ro 1 30-y NegaJim VaThis spel dan wit wit sug ave
Evocation Fire 20 mV, S 5 se 5 10-me 1/2 UnknoThis spel a sefor the 3rd components for this s
Evocation Fire 2 feeV, S Inst 2 One SpecRoger This spel SucmakWhilcon rec
10 y V, S Perm1 ro 10 sqNegaUnknoThis spellcastfie cau contexp
10 feV, S 1 ro 5 SpecNon Max BeThis spel wiz damdicteffectiv
Enchantment Charm 10 feV, S Perm1 ro One Non Kai RoThis spel wri sto threstri lang
40 y V, S Inst 3 4-in 1/2 Brend This spel Withnot of amax(ev
Evocation Fire 0 V, S 1 ro 4 2-fooNegaJim < Globe of fgoe fromsee cas Noti
0 V, S 1 tur 5 The Non FrancoThis spellsubtcaster's saving throw for any targ
Fire 100 V, S 1 rou5 SpecSpecUnknoOn castinwiz meaimpmatdis
Evocation Fire 10 feV, S Inst 5 20-f 1/2 UnknoThis spel inflicted is 15d6 HP.
40 y V, S Inst 5 Spec1/2 UnknoThis spellwith a maximum of 20d8.
Evocation 10 feV, S Inst 5 Spec1/2 FrancoExcept asene 16d8.
Evocation 10 feV, S Inst 5 20-f 1/2 UnknoThis spelldamage inflicted is 15d6 HP.

Page 79

Fire 20 y V, S Inst 5 Spec1/2 UnknoAs its na fire castdamsav The

40 y V Inst 1 Spec1/2 D.J. MThis spel way*th *da *ma*the
Charm Rever40 y V, S 1 day 4 One NegaJoshuaThis spel dur twocreaelvethe
20 feV, S Spec5 SpecNon Tim PrThis spel con be wiz To uhe w
Evocation 0 V, S Spec1 tur 10-f Non ThomaThis is onsph (po howrou no
0 V, S 2 ro 1 ro Pers Non David This spel temfull alrespell. The material comp
0 V, S 1 tur 3 Pers Non David This is s missrockwit and shell.
Evocation Wild Magic Fire 0 V Inst 1 One Non Peter This spellany their standard values.
0 V 2 tur 5 The Non Josep This is a cha macNonThe(he
Summoning 10 y V, S 1 ro 3 SpecNon UnknoThis spel of aspelhad Othmist spe
0 V, S 1 tur 4 Pers Non Jim VaThe recipany als spelrec wea
Fire 5 yarV, S Inst 5 One SpecNathanThis spel cau for a small ruby of at least 100 g
0 V, S PermSpecThe Non Geoff This spel his recothe fro If
Alteration 0 V, S 1 ro 5 The Non SamuliThis spel att wiz the Thebas
Unli V, S 5 ro 5 SpecNon SamuliThis spel singwheIf t nextspel
Summoning SpecV SpecVari SpecSpecMax BeThough mi potebe this loc dead
80 feV, S Spec1 ro One t1/2 The G Beginningfir totarou (savThe
Evocation 0 V, S One 6 MissNon Jay <kA missile3d6ver darteffeusing lethal poison is
Rever0 V, S 1 tur 5 10-mNon UnknoThis spellsuf wiz magwithof
Charm 1 mi V, S 8 ho 1 tur One NegaMax BeThis drea nighsle If eac Onc
Phantasm 50 feV, S 1 ro 3 5-fooSpecJim VaUpon the atta the wiz a m illu
Evocation 0 V, S 2 hou1 ro SpecNon Pilpin This spel cau feetcub Ala As
Charm 5 yarV, S Perm5 One NegaPilpin This spel cha typ (consul D20
0 V, S SpecSpecPers Non Pilpin Pilpin, a spe to i the to lev
0 V, S Perm1 ro SpecNegaJoe CoThis spellcas or cin ca sato
0 V Inst ### The Non Paul DThis is a affewizathe Thi aft
35 y V, S 2 ro 5 One SpecPeter This spel Anymusand largpois
10 y V, S Spec2 tur 10-f Non Max BeThis spel the its effeIns fol
0 V, S Spec5 Crea NegaUnknoWhen castpoinamocomponent of this spell is a w
0 V, S Spec5 Crea NegaUnknoWhen cast20 Hamomaterial component for this s
Fire 0 V, S Spec5 Crea NegaUnknoWhen castpoinamocomponent of this spell is a t
0 V, S Spec5 Crea NegaUnknoWhen castatt wil component of this spell is the
10 y V, S 1 ro 5 One Non Peter This spellexc tho the not unm
0 V, S 1 ro 5 Crea Non Ally' This spel material component of this spell is a
20 feV, S Perm1 tur Up t Non Brian This spel passsto If pla the
0 V, S 1 tur 4 SpecNon JoshuaWhile thistwo are of bothrema
Evocation Wild Magic 0 V Inst 5 One Non Peter This spellduplicates the effects of a 6th- or 7th
3 ya V, S Spec1 tur One SpecAaron The contitri trig greeareaarea
10 feV, S 3 day1 ro One NegaKai RoThis spellmayscortwicinsi wha
10 feV, S Spec1 ro One NegaKai RoThis spellano up abi 2 PSfrom
Summoning Divination SpecV, S Perm1 tur One SpecJoe CaThis spel to lev uponWhemar
Summoning 40 y V, S 1 ro 5 SpecNon Peter This spel of sco wiz followi
Enchantment Charm 0 V, S Inst 1 One SpecUnknoFor this is (ESwiz or meac
Evocation Fire 10 y V, S Inst 5 20-f 1/2 Peter This spellcan eff wizard himself) does not take
Charm Necromancy 0 V, S 1 ro 7 Spec1/2 The WaThis spel levemusatt vic ove
Phantasm 0 S 2 ro 5 10-f Non Peter This spel protvis enteof t The
Summoning 10 feV, S 1 ro 5 One Non Allan This spel spelfull los gai inf
Charm Invocation Fire 0 V, S 1 ro 5 Spec1/2 Allan This spel dweo bounlongas ddisc
Charm Invocation Evocation 0 V, S 1 ro 5 Spec1/2 Allan This spelluseddis idenmade Ins
40 y V, S Spec5 One 1/2 Bard <Casting t ele gra wit the The
Necromancy 0 V, S Spec5 The Non The WaThis spel har poi sec casteith
Necromancy 0 V, S 1 ye 1 da Skul Non The WaThe castesku spe the it.
Summoning 40 y V, S 2 ro 5 SpecNon Peter This spel manfollowinWi
5 feeV, S Inst 5 Spec1/2 Steve When thisfor soniof 5bla inta

Page 80

Illusion Phantasm 100 V, S SpecOne SpecNon Tim PrThis spellthr cla illu creaat +
Summoning Divination SpecV, S 1 hou1 tur SpecNon Tim PrThis spel wizasti fivesumof
0 V, S Spec1 ro SpecNon JoshuaThis spel tha or fro gatethe
Enchantment Metamagic Rever0 V, S 2 ro 5 Crea NegaKai RoThis spel a s spe rea of two
0 V, S 5 ro 5 The Non KennetThis spel dimspelfull and so
Invocation 0 V, S 5 mo5 ro One cSpecKris < Except asspell spellcrystal I (q.v.).
0 V, S Inst 5 Spec1/2 Bret MThis spel ori feet1d4can fea
Necromancy 0 V, S Perm1 tur SpecNon Jim VaBy meanstria can sug spiruna
Evocation 50 yaV, S 1 ro 2 One Non Neil RThis spel dag of t of get (+2
Summoning 40 y V, S 3 ro 5 SpecNon UnknoWithin onwarhal lev spe (who
Charm 100 V, S 1 tur 5 60-y Non Paul DThis is a cre awaFor spelof
120 V, S Perm1 SpecNegaPeter This spel via smabe able to see the victim.
SpecV, S 1 tur 1 ro SpecNon Ernie Enables t theybe maydeg is
Alteration 10 feV, S Inst 5 One NegaAllan When thistongmomTheapp leve
Conjuration Summoning 0 V, S Inst 5 40-y Non Scott When thiswhospelwiz the go
30 y V, S 1 tur 5 One Non JosephThis spel of tranpasscanca ma
0 V, S Spec1 ro Crea Non TrytonThis 5th- Class of -2. In all other respects it is
0 V, S Spec5 Crea Non TrytonAny creatto double-strength shocking grasp.
Fire 100 V, S Inst 5 30-f 1/2 Max BeThis powewithelectha Themagnetite core.
Elemental 30 y V, S 1 ro 5 One NegaFrancoThis spel quasto t miniature mithril shield, wor
120 V, S Spec5 SpecNon Peter This spel as ato aligwizaminu
10 yaS, M5 ro 5 40-f Non RobertThis spel darkinvithe out crea
0 V, S 1 tur 5 The Non The WaThis spel gro immlimiThewire.
Metamagic 0 V, S Spec5 ro Crea SpecKai RoThis spel pro this lev can thw
0 V, S Spec1 tur SpecNon UnknoThis crea (up itse by adamboulder. The shards d
10 yaV, S Inst 5 10 ya1/2 RobertWith this as cas Thecas pur
60 feV, S Spec5 One SpecRobertWhen thisit. pro clo spellaye
60 feV Inst 2 SpecNon RobertThis spel thremultar defeOnl
0 V Inst 1 10-ya1/2 RobertThis spellHoweff castdama lev
12 yaV, S Spec5 SpecNon RobertWhen thecastwereto t lessmai
0 V, S 1 day1 tur Crea Non RobertThis spel thi is a glowing black.
0 V, S 1 day1 tur Crea Non RobertThis spel thi is a glowing white.
Fire 0 V, S 1 day1 tur One Non RobertThis spel creakin Fur of f is
0 V, S 1 day1 tur Crea Non RobertThis spel thi rune is a glowing blue.
0 V, S 1 day2 tur One Non RobertWhen thistar Howone the Con
0 V, S 1 day1 tur One Non RobertUpon castof cas if t namglo
0 V 1 ro 5 SpecNon Wiley Causes a doolinemattra liv
150 V, S Conc1 tur The Non Wiley This spel poundes as is of the destination, wh
Phantasm 20 feV, S Inst 5 One Non Wolld This spel to comspecwillwea
Charm Illusion 240 V, S 1 ro 5 One Non UnknoThis spel ill Wheimabel wiza
10 y V, S 1 ro 5 3 creNon UnknoThis spellcrearan exceboot to the head... and on
Summoning Necromancy 0 V, S 1 day1 ro Pers Non Jonath Upon castfro fee act takedam
Necromancy 20 y V, S 1 rou5 SpecNon Jonath When thetendto-hmonwhitim
0 V, S 2 tur 4 One Non Chely This spellseeiof l wil ringsimi
0 S Inst 2 20-foSpecBladehTo cast t widThis(q. to darkness.
0 S Inst 2 20-foSpecBladehTo cast t at his withThoare
Summoning 10 feS Perm1 SpecNon Kai RoThis spel castone desiother hand.
Summoning 10 feV, S 2 hou1 tur 50 sqNon Kai RoThis spellsupphar softper knif
Charm 0 V, S 1 tur 1 The NegaThe WThis spel his Vic eff active combat.
Evocation Fire SpecV, S Inst 5 Spec1/2 FellstaThis spel towafeetup poi of
40 feV, S 1 ro 4 3-fooNon The ti This crea Thefir TheeffeAs
90 y V, S 3 ro 1 ro SpecNon Bret MA greater star fro immDoom This
Invocation Evocation 5 yarV, S Spec3 One SpecPeter This spel whicre (ro remto c
0 V, S 1 ro 5 Crea SpecD.J. MThis spel sub nor nor has The

Page 81

Charm 30 y V, S Spec4 SpecSpecJoshuaThis spellof t cen lev per chec

Charm 30 y V, S 5 ro 4 SpecNon JoshuaExcept as2d1exacaff of wine (which is drunk i
0 V, S Spec5 Pers NegaThomas This spel nonabouand Thi pre
Rever0 V, S 1 day5 Pers SpecA.C. <This spel thr vic saving throw, which negates
Necromancy 0 V, S Spec20 mCrea NegaAugustThis spellnonmaghea for a lycanthrope's tooth
Evocation 10 y V, S Inst 5 One 1/2 MatthiThis spel areamis by maxatt
0 V, S 1 we1 tur 10x1Non Lynn SWith this cub (i. sur sec the
10 y V, S Inst 5 SpecSpecKen ArThis spel wheins dammatwith
Evocation 15 y V, S 1 day4 10-y Non The WThis spel Leocasta mrou and
10 feV, S Perm1 ro One SpecKai RoThis spel per kin which mWi
Summoning 5 yarV, S 12 h 1 tur SpecNon SamuliThis spel can lif all impThe
Metamagic Wild Magic 10 y V, S Spec5 SpecSpecThe WThis spel cur of elowdis thr
Fire 30 y V, S 1 tur 8 SpecSpecCalvinThis spel the intofla fla Any
120 V, S 4 ro 3 25-f SpecBrian Except assilence, 15-foot radius.
Necromancy SpecV, S 1 mo6 ho One NegaNoska This spel womtyp TheOvethe
Necromancy 0 V, S Spec1d10CorpSpecJim VaBy meansque the spi ver spi
Enchantment Charm Wild Magic Rever0 V, S Spec5 Crea NegaGary DThis extr run roll the Howe as a
0 V, S Perm1 tur SpecNon Jim VaBy meanscan nei madmatsprinkled inside the p
Evocation 0 V, S 4 ho 5 mi 10 yaSpecColin Designed wiz t wiz verstak is
Enchantment 0 V, S Perm5 SpecNegaWillia By meanscurris the unwalt
0 V, S 1 tur 5 One fNon Willia This spel movhan wizaand or
Rever0 S Perm1 Pers Non A.C. <This kiss Thesexual disease.
Charm SpecV, S 1 day1 tur One SpecUnknoTaint ali oppreq obt savimak
Rever100 V, S Perm5 SpecNegaKeith The inveneff up cas resi simp
Summoning 10 y V, S 1 tur 1 ro SpecNon The WaThis spel wit Thetim a ra flo
Invocation 0 S, M1 da 5 ro The Non The WaThis spel the givethiethe tha
10 y V, S 1 ro 5 40 feSpecJosephThis spellclouexc vul aut by 4
5 feeV, S Inst 5 One SpecJosephThis is a crealevethr to bea
10 feV, S 1 hou5 ro One Non JosephThis spel per Str ini rec sur
5 feeV, S Inst 5 One SpecJosephThermal ltha immune, and cold-based creature
10 feV, S 1 tur 1 ro One Non JosephVanquil'scan infoit flo area
Summoning Necromancy 30 y V, S 5 ro 4 SpecNon Al Sin This spel whecausand tra cho
10 y V, S Spec8 One SpecMario Sage's nois Witherotthe obj
0 V, S Inst 5 10x5SpecReid Another oRock cas its put kic
Evocation 60 y V, S Inst 5 SpecSpecKeith This rath areabei one des tar
10 y V, S Spec5 One SpecMario Under thetranall sub immacc
Evocation 5 yarV, S Perm5 One NegaKen ArThis spel femThechannewto f
Rever10 y V, S Perm2 One Non Jonath This spel at for the Objalco
Evocation 0 V, S 1 ro 1 ro 1-fooNegaAugustThis spel the litt spelthe area
O V, S 1 tur 1 1'/le Non PHB By meanshimstha barrmagpass
0 V, S 3 tur 6 SpecNon TOM This spel speleac added t Aug
10 y V, S 1 ro 6 SpecNon PHB Bigby's f ver ate sizebet nen
20 y US, Spec 6 One NoneFRA Blade of is tar targwhomag
10 y V, S 1 ho 1 ro SpecNon TOM This spel cre per levenamed d
40 y V, S Inst 5 Spec1/2 PHB This spellthat2 1 fingspelcrea
ToucV, S 1 ro 1 ro SpecNon PHB By meansto as t makexp inc
Summoning 30 y V, S 1 ro 6 SpecNon PHB The conjumaghis mamor h(see th
0 V, S 1 da 1 tur The Non PHB By meansto thatundcas con
0 V, S 4d6 1 tur 4d4 Non PHB The contrto Thein aone ld4
Evocation 30 y V, S ld4 6 Two Non PHB The casti areapro are exp sim
10 y V, S Inst 6 One Non PHB When a dea life ins cannsla bac
Phantasm 60 y V, S Spec6 SpecSpecPHB This spellsha the levewalldem
5 yarV, S Inst 6 SpecNeg.PHB This spel aff nat not magand
Invocation ToucV, S SpecSpec1 it Neg.PHB This is a pla Theacc fol und

Page 82

Summoning 10 y V, S Spec1 tur SpecNeg.PHB Casting t act anotwherfor the

O V Spec6 SpecNon PHB This spel exte1st and 5th-level spells by 50%.
Charm Illusion Phantasm 20 y V, S 1 ro 6 1 creSpecPHB An eyebitmera s atta all of f
Charm 10 y V Spec4 1 creNon PHB A geas spupoto cfro des be i
O V, S 1 ro 1 ro 5-fo Non PHB This spel shi cast4th-Thunot
5 yar1 rouOne V,S 6 Neg.FRA The matera s castgra (in nent
Alteration Enchantment Charm 0 V, S 1 ho 3 tur SpecNon PHB This specuse Thewit wiz red
ToucV,S Spec1 tur One Non FRA The wizarundspe speland can
Summoning 10 y V, S Spec1 ro SpecNon PHB This spel fro Dic in befoday
0 U S, SpecSpecSpecNon PHB The legenleg persthinplacspel
ToucV,S 1 ro 6 The Non FRA By meansgainand tac all tho
Water Rever80 y U S, 5 ro 1 tur 10-foNon PHB The wizarcauseff lowthe The
Charm 30 y U M 4 tur 6 1 creNeg.PHB The mass to cho spe leveprov
Phantasm Alteration 10 y U S, SpecSpec10 feNon PHB The magicthe and to othesee
Phantasm 10 y Comp1 ro 1 SpecNon PHB When a mi he athe impleveels
Summoning 60 y U S, 5 ro 6 SpecNon PHB This spel sumspe app cas them
O V, S Inst 1 The Non PHB By use ofinst spe Theact Mor
Earth 10 y U S, PermSpecSpecNon PHB When castdir Thuhil eve col
Evocation SpecU S, Spec6 SpecSpecPHB Otiluke's pur caster A)
Water 10 y U S, 5 ro 1 tur SpecNon PHB By employ is a movtro are and
Phantasm 10 y V, S Perm6 20' c SpecPHB When thisan iand the as l spel
120 V Spec 1 1 creNon FRA In using tind the rou wit any sou
Phantasm 10 y U S, Spec6 20' c SpecPHB This spelltha spe vis It c forc
Illusion Phantasm 10 y U S, 1 ro 6 SpecNon PHB By meansa n it t imawiz con
ToucV,S 1 ro 1 ro 1 cubNon FRA By meanstemken ter Thenormally
ToucU S, Perm1 tur Pers Non PHB With this to day bef of bod
10 y U S, 1 ro 6 Crea Non PHB When thisto cof son cre spe
Phantasm 30 y U S 1 ro 6 20-f SpecPHB This spel and sha Shaor lev
Rever10 y U S, Perm6 1 creSpecPHB The stonestonobje(an cre sur
Necromancy ToucV,S Inst 4 One Neg.FRA By meansins cre samfactmed
Evocation 0 V, S 1 ro 6 The Non PHB Tenser's to powhe Theto
Water Rever60 y V, S Perm5 One NonePHB When thisins powalr whiarea
ToucV, S 1 ro 1 ro 60-foNon PHB When theconfall pen doodisp
60 y V,S 1 ro 1 40-f NoneFRA This spel cre ste spelthe late
Phantasm 10 y V, S 1 tur 6 20-f Non PHB The veil Ins and so aunl seei
10 V, 1 r 6 10 1/2 Unk This spell(actor ocor cau sav
Fire 10 V, Spe 6 Spe Spe Jaso This spellmora to the damup
Summoning 5 y V, 1 r 1 r Spe No Jaso This spel qua poinhal onl rad
Summoning 30 V, Spe 1 t Spe No Jaso This spel cas wit to Dthe pos
Summoning Invocation Evocation Inf V Pe Spe Spe Spe Sari This spel wis the the whimod
Evocation 10 V, 1 t 6 1-y Ne Unk This spel any van sphecre sav
Enchantment Evocation 0 V, Per 3 h Ob No Keit This spel siz intewasuponpow
Metamagic Rever 0 V, 3 r 1 t The No Kai This spel lev the thi twiclev
10 V, 2 r 5 Spe No Joe Similar toof eup and can (ve
Fire Rever 10 V, Pe 2 h On No Joe This spel willnot revenegaaff
Necromancy 10 V, 1 r 6 10 Spe Jona The blackimmarc wiz tho stu
Water 0 V, 1 t 6 The No Stev The wizarspe the MVcon atta
5 y V, 1 r 6 On Spe Max Bigby's s the matvic the Sav
0 V, 1 t 6 100 No Unk This spel effeteleport spells (eg. word of recall
10 V, In 6 On Spe The Bone to msiz doe int aff actu
Summoning Necromancy 0 V, Spe 6 t Spe No Mari This spel whibe cau the sav
Evocation 10 V, Pe 6 120 Ne Kai This spel eff Thepea which is sewn into the ve
Divination 0 V, Pe 1 d Spe No Unk Cast this res one full secrget permission. The m
Evocation Necromancy 0 V, 1 r 2 Cr Spe Alla After thi mel+2 m untithe syst

Page 83

Necromancy 10 V, Unt 4r One No The Dry bonesbac spelfir at l components for this s
0 V, Pe 2h Spe No Geof This spel the the by cor humans killed by a g
Summoning 10 V, 1h 1t 20 No Kai This spellone tab per gla inc
0 V, In 6 Spe Spe Crai This spel ind spelTheof fee
Enchantment 1y V Spe 6 One Ne Keit This spel to tru rou ali vers
Evocation 0 V, Pe 2t St No Keit This spel fort man-castwil irr
Rever 50 V, In 8 On No Keit This spel willis l meatingblo
Spe V, Spe 1r Spe No Keit This spel quascas of can dest
Necromancy 50 V, 1r 6 On Spe Keit This spellits gru pul wit to t
10 V, 5r 1r On Spe Keit This spel one cracele hal perf
60 V, 6r 1r On No Keit This spel Anyunppos maysav
Wild Magic 0 V, 4d 1r Spe No Keit This spel con a ty res The pla
Metamagic 0 V, Spe 1r One No Keit This spel tighloweof nor be l
15 V, 1r 6 Spe No Keit This spel Thecomcan comnee
0 V, Pe 2t Cr Spe Keit This spel Darklight's tattoo item in all respects
Metamagic 0 V In 1 One No Keit This spellcan the linkfuncThe
0 V, Spe 3t Spe No Dimi The wizaraga is l manvic the
Summoning Spe V, 1 Spe Spe No Dimi This spel spe in to r Thesiz
Necromancy 0 V, In Spe Spe No Dimi This compsuc fro boltsome doe
Elemental 0 V, 1r 1r The No Dimi This powenatuwat is Once imm
0 V, Pe 1r Spe No Dimi With this bordtwo Eacoppooth
0 V, 1d 6 The No Dimi This spellduraninth level.
0 V, 1t 6 The No Dimi When thephyDic lev 8 Hinc
0 V, Pe 1r Spe No Dimi This simpit so t steeThehig
Invocation Spe V, Spe Spe Spe Spe Dimi Using thi it o releTheleasdes
Evocation 0 S, Spe 1 The No Dimi With this are DexFor dameff
0 V, Spe 1h The No Dimi This simpNo suchmoncastThe
Enchantment 0 V, Spe 3h Spe No Dimi To use th use on iThewithgui
Evocation 0 V, 2r 1r The No Jim This spel aur whi(q. per of f
Evocation 0 S, Spe 3 Spe No Jim This spellThematgembro thr
10 V, In 1r One No Jim Energy laIf t spe int 1d614d
0 V, Spe 6 Spe No Jim This spel dur cas of i tot itse
Enchantment 0 V, 2t 1t Ed No Unk This spel sha pageweaeve How
Evocation Fire 40 V, In 2r On 1/2 Rob This spel togedounot is neat looking.
Summoning Evocation 0 V, 1r 6 Spe No Jona This spel the in the exi ove
Evocation 10 V, Spe 1r On 1/2 Jona When thisblu dra pla for or o
10 V, In 6 Spe No Jona Also know powlev temor of
100 V, Spe 6 Spe No Jona The viperhighits immTheone
0 V, 1h 2t The No EldarThis spellwil spe Thi any were-creature pelt). T
Charm 60 V, 4r 3 On Spe DougThis spel cre hig abo thr bei
Evocation 60 V, 5r 6 1-f No Paul This spel to Thuuna peopsin
0 V, Pe 6 Cr No KennWhen thisethemaxbey any or
10 V, Pe 6 On Ne Max This spel and is morupon casting, but is not d
Fire Spe V, In 6 Spe 1/2 Fells This spellmorhandfollowi
Fire 80 V, Spe 6 Spe No Fells This spellfla feetpea Unlsid
Fire 10 V, In 4 20- 1/2 The A firebla roa cas spe creathe
Evocation 20 V, In 5 Spe 1/2 Jaso Force bla cre makbla cru a s
Alteration 10 V, 1y 1t On No Kai This spel any pro cas nor the
0 V, 6t 1t Cr No KennWhen thisincris dete D2 Rol
Evocation Fire 5y V, In 6 10x Spe Gla This spel speleac the thr thr
Evocation 5y V, In 6 10x Spe Gla This spellfor the throfor inf
Evocation 0 V, In 6 5-f Spe Gla This spellgas;wizajet any for
Evocation 0 V, 1t 6 2-y No Unk This spel aroucre att aga wiza
60 V, Co 6 100 No Fran This spellcontrol in a 100-foot radius globe.

Page 84

Summoning 5y V, 1r 6 One 1/2 Scot This spellmatint fir inc fue

Illusion 0 V, 1d 3 Spe Ne Davi This spel monthe versFai Gre
10 V, 1d 7 On Ne Davi Forever f dev wiz ver to s eff
Alteration 10 V, Spe 8 Spe No The The spell sta lea sor spe The
Wild Magic 0 V In 2 Spe No Jame This spel 7th cha Tel sepaUnl
Summoning 60 V, In 5 One 1/2 Sol Hobar mad a f (q.vlar to hMat
Charm 12 V, 1r 6 Fiv Ne Unk This spel saving throws are made without mod
0 V, Spe 1t Fa No The The wizarlosefamimbue s
Evocation Metamagic Spe V, Spe 1t Spe No Kai This spellall for the spe eve
Illusion Phantasm Metamagic 0 V, 1t 6 The No Kai This spellTome it c at undshif
Metamagic 0 S, 2t 6 One No Kai This spel a l is c tho cho or n
0 V, 1r 6 Spe No Wile This spellamopro doothat the wizard has seen.
0 V, Pe 6 Cr Ne 'IrnarThis spel houSuccchi Con'Irn
Illusion 0 V, 2t 6 Spe No Jadw This spel con wil manat mai
Illusion 0 V, 1t 6 60 Ne Jadw By meansillu be modqua all
20 V, One 6 On No Coli An improv a f at for per per
Charm 0 V, Spe 1r Pe Spe Josh This spel or cCrealev neg thr
Metamagic Spe V, Spe Spe The No Tim With this threetc effeare act
Enchantment Charm 0 V, Spe Spe Ba Ne EdwaThe necromagevi enc planTo u
0 V, Pe 1t Un No EdwaThis spel the ani of t bodThe
Necromancy 0 V, 1r 6 We No EdwaThis spel makdur (in gai The
Evocation 0 V, 1r 1r Spe No LestaThe matera d (pl (eb castAt
0 V, 1r 6 Cr Spe John This spel att paraparalysis).
0 V, 2d4 5 Cre Ne Phil Creates a sentOccend pla the
0 V, 1t 5 Cr Ne Aaro This spellas tou pas cre same
Evocation 0 V, Spe 1t Spe No RogeThis poweeff spe che sameWhe
0 V, 1r Spe The No Kris With this and comweaentithe
15 V, In 4 15- Spe MasoThis spellwillsav per the wil
10 V, 1t 6 One No Fran As lesser of the caster can be affected.
1f V In 3 Spe No Unk This spelltel tra levefor max
60 V, In 3 One No Phil This is b maxlev resi one chink in the armour h
0 V, Pe 1t Spe No Jim By meansof ppen this spell is some rare incens
0 V, 1h 1h Cr Ne Jeff This spel himsbec mirrsee det
0 V, Pe 1h Li Ne Aki This spel sel vama r a f the
Summoning 0 V, Pe 4t Spe Ne AuguWhen cast, specbuildep duraspir
Evocation Spe V, In 1t On No MoloBy castingdet matgivethe fro
Necromancy 10 V, In 6 10 Spe Kai This spel hap undtur If t the
Fire 30 V, 3t 1r Spe Spe Calv This spel Thecommuswheor c
Invocation Evocation 0 V, 1r 6 The No Myst This spel whever (ro damhal
Charm 0 V, 1r 3 Spe Ne Stei When thisstar voi spelCre hig
Necromancy 0 V, Pe 1t Cr Ne NoskThis spel undmagroll therThe
0 V, Spe 6 Ob No Joe This spel one weanonlev leve
Charm Rever 50 V, 1r 1r On Ne Neil This spel physpe spelatta Sav
0 V, In 5 Spe 1/2 Orko When thisthe lev lev her 1d6
Fire 0 V, In 5 Spe 1/2 Orko When thisori feetmelThemelts after the spell i
Charm Alteration Wild Magic 10 V, 1r 1r On Spe Gary This potecurspat impthe acts
Charm 12 V, Pe 6 On Spe Pilpi This spel as ali memali dete
0 V, Pe 6 The Ne Pilpi This spel lev fro eth eth dee
Fire 10 V, Spe 6 15- 1/2 Pilpi This spellin all 1d6ignitak
10 V, Pe 6 On No Pilpi This spel exceles Likefunction
Evocation 0 V, 1r 6 The No Pilpi Pilpin, a tra spe bec Dexhig
Evocation Invocation 0 V, 1t 6t The No Kai Power boos effeto spe The600
60 V 3r 6 Spe Spe Mari This spel somsev les sen att
10 V, In 6 On Spe Max This spel of wizais colours

Page 85

Spe V, 1 h 6 Spe Ne Ally This spel forcthe sentIf aga

10 V, Spe 1 r Spe No Unk This spel in abl contlevecen
Necromancy 60 V, In 5 20- 1/2 The This spellfla a s fir this spell is a hollowed ri
0 V, In 1 The No Jim This is baWhais c diff big fail
20 V, Pe 6 On Spe Liam When thisint abo the of t and
Evocation Sig V, In 1 One Spe Broc When cast,tha sta magwiz One person for every
Evocation 0 V, 2 t 20 Cr Spe Broc This spellrecitravtwoadd and
10 V, In 6 One Ne Kai This spel anotorg onl abo imm
0 M Pe 6 Cr Ne The Victims opoi of vic one wei
Illusion 60 V, 1 t 1 r 20 No Geof This spellThesemThepartgiven i
Alteration Metamagic 0 V, In Spe Spe Spe Jay This spel alr it a beenlik spe
0 V, Unt 1 t Spe No Max This spel enerper 100rune.
100 V, 1 t 6 t Spe No Will This spel to gol fro the is k
Enchantment 5 f V, Spe 1 t Spe No Will This spel a d pla fly cer thi
Metamagic 3 f V, In 6 30- Spe Kai In additi spe dis cho agaiof e
6 V, Pe 6 On Spe Max This spel A s the app fail wea
Evocation 5 y V, 1 w 6 On Ne Joh This spel femeff Als ConThe
Evocation 10 V, In 6 On 1/2 Alla This spel targbol Onlthi crea
Spe V, 1 h 4 One No Unk This spel the are maylev a s
Invocation 0 V, 6 6 r One Spe Kris Except asspell spellcrystal I (q.v.).
0 V, 3d4 5 r The No Unk By use ofcur tri Thatrou The
Necromancy 10 V, Pe 1 h On No The This spel stat weaspe comcaster's blood (both c
Evocation Rever 0 V, 1 r 6 Spe Spe Jay By meanswhiof l creato gred
0 V, Spe 1 h On No Jose This spellpre a pacastcastpas
Evocation 0 V, 3 r 6 6-f No Broc This spel the dis wiz out ima
Enchantment Metamagic 0 V, 3 t 1 h Cr Ne Kai This spel cas sup somextrthe
10 V, 1 t 1 t 10- Ne Unk All peoplematethe intotha app
Fire Spe V, 1 h Spe One No Unk This spel areasmain s samesub
30 V, Up 1 Spe No Jim This spel anc lev the autothr
Summoning 60 V, In 7 2-f 1/2 Thar By use ofpos cri ene leveget
Necromancy 10 V, 1 r 6 On Ne The Failing a gro lev ext spelsav
10 V, 1 t 7 On No The This spel impof poindra agai
10 V, 1 d 2 One No The This spel whiinc amoNotit
0 V, 1 r 6 On No The This spel museat to spelsweat was taken from
Necromancy 0 V Spe 6 Spe No The This spellund6th is usual saving throws for th
Evocation 10 V, Spe 6 On Ne VandThis spel eff aga ban and dam
0 V, Spe 1 h The No RobeThis spel spelcon spe far by-e
60 V, Pe 1 On Ne RobeThis powesus Thecre sus the
120 V, 1 r 6 One Spe RobeWhen thisHownat suc damis
0 V, Spe 1 t The No RobeThis prot its spo per and the
0 V, Spe 6 The No RobeThis spellwhefro suchcomesta
60 V, In 1 Spe 1/2 RobeThis power lightargcas stri des
60 V 1 r 6 On No RobeThis spel resi halfori castsucc
0 V, 1 d 4 t On No RobeThis spel cre pla if t to l rune of protection ve
20 V, In 3 On 1/2 RobeThis spelltar pathto up targ
Charm 30 V, 1 r 1 On Ne Jim This spel nor extra damage for rangers, backsta
Summoning Necromancy 30 V, 5 r 5 Spe No Al S This spel for spellowspe und
Divination 10 V, Pe 1 h On No Jame This spel placwiz intothe wiz
0 V, 1 r 10 On No AdneThis spel one per req varispel
10 V, Pe 6 10- Spe Joe Zildjian's and shi and Thethe
10 y V, S 1 ro 7 40-f l/2 TOM This deadmagwithgoowinsim
20 V, Ins 7 1 or Spe PHB A banishmfor castins out egr
10 y V, 1 ro 7 Spe NonPHB Bigby's gof handgar app the
ToucV, S 1 tur 7 One SpecTOM When thisard creacreathrosucc

Page 86

Charm 30 V, Per 1 tu Spe NegPHB The charmcas lif Theof t a 30

60 f V, 3d4 1 r ld6 Spe PHB This spel ld6 tim seleThoaffe
Fire 100 V, Spe 7 20- 1/2 PHB This spellbonrel to giv spell is the same as th
Summoning Infi V, Ins 1 1 sm NonPHB When thispor locaobj tha a s
O V, 3 r 7 The NonPHB A duo-dim to widwhebe spel
60 V, Per 5 1 cr NegPHB The fingevictcan addicha thr
10 y V, S 6 tu 3-4 20- NonPHB This powebrinunl imphaveban
0 V,S Inst 2 ro The Non FRA This spellgemgemgue the cas
Enchantment Evocation ToucV, S Specld4 One Non TOM When a wiite firs himpre by t
0 V, S Spec1 ro The Non TOM The greattha metand al. cast
Summoning Necromancy SpecV, S 1 tur 6 SpecNon TOM This spel sumcon whiare affe
WithV,S 1 ro 7 SpecNon FRA This specwhiby ula takecrus
Summoning Invocation Evocation Unl V Spe Spe Spe Spe PHB The limit diff partof t of t (bu
Fire 0 V, S 1 ro 1 One SpecTOM When thishandrou no to that
Phantasm 10 y U S Spe 7 Spe NonPHB This is a invihideto gianeff
Summoning 70 V, 6 r 6 Spe NonPHB This spel monspe Thethe the
Conjuration 10 V, 1 ho 7 r 300 NonPHB By meansup ent sin whipoi
30 V, 1 ro 7 Spe NonPHB Upon castint of f wie act to
Tou V 1 us7 Spe NonPHB When thishis if invispelpas
Summoning 5 ya V Spe 1 1 cr NonPHB When a poany stu or its mus
Summoning O V, Ins 7 70'- Spe PHB When thissev lig all has cre
5 ya U S 1 ro 7 30 f NonPHB This spelleff cre revedesisoli
10 y V,S Inst 7 SpecNon FRA The ruby spe to r sit nat crea
Phantasm Abjuration Tou U S 1 w 7 2-fo Spe PHB When castdet to dsequobjesee
Enchantment Tou U S 6 tu 1 Spe NonPHB In order wiz sha tou the the
10 y V, S 1 tur 3 SpecNon TOM When thisbei the bla plethear
Phantasm Tou U S Per Spe 1 cr NonPHB By meansto cdupthe sim ldlO
60 y V,S Spec 7 20' r Non FRA This spel whitio sph normal,
0 V, S ld4+ 1 ro The SpecTOM This spel sei it a no vagainst
O U S Up 7 The NonPHB This powecas origfrombut area
Abjuration Cast V,S 1 ro 1 tur SpecNon FRA Casting thver the tac cha within t
Tou U S 1 ho7 Cre Spe PHB When a stothesto worfromroun
ToucV, S Perm1 ho One Neg.TOM This spel magmagobj cas cat
Necromancy 30 y V, S 1 ro 7 10-foNeg.TOM This spel wit Theby the cEac
Tou V Ins 1 Spe NonPHB This spellThewit spe pla also
Necromancy 0 V,S 1 ro 7 Cast Non FRA This powetra spe wcom tra fun
Tou V 1 ob2 Spe NonPHB When thecausas i no Thucaus
O U S Spe 7 The NonPHB At such t sup spe des whiTwo
0 V, 1 t 7 The No Fran As lesser god,a +3 bonus to the caster's saving
10 V, Pe 1 r Spe No Max This morelev can Theinc created.
0 V, 5 r 7 1-f No Kai This spel worpowup. comof
Phantasm 0 V, 1 r 7 20- Spe Pete This spel creater (mi cre res
Rever 60 V, Pe 1 r One No Joe The blood(duscastblo fle do
Evocation Fire 50 V, Spe 7 Up Spe Pete This spel the to the ano 3, -
Summoning 10 V, Spe Spe Spe Spe Pete This peri any Notegre namis
0 V, 1 r 7 10- Ne Cele This spel the wizaacc thr The
Metamagic 0 V, 1 t 1 t The No Davi When castspelthe * * *
60 V, 1 w 2 r On Ne Jame This spel app youone up or down per 2 HD of
Charm 16 V, 1d 1 1d Spe Joh Except asI. I of t (makhis group still get to mak
60 V, 1 r 7 On Ne Pete This spel sta alsocre draipermanent.
0 S In 3 20- Spe Blad To cast t tog his and thunderclap (q.v.). Effec
Summoning Metamagic 0 V Spe 1 r One No Pete This one spelcre rou summoning spell.
5 y V, Spe 7 On Ne KennThis spel ano pri dra the ove
0 V, Pe 4 h Co No Geof This spel 7th loworigpot proficiency (q.v.).

Page 87

Summoning 10 V, 3h 1t 100 No Kai This spel one tier (redstra one

0 V, Pe 1d Hu Spe Unk The mater3 d her cos bal This
Evocation 0 V, 1t 7 The No Keit This spellchancomthe shi held
Wild Magic 10 V, 5r 1r Spe Spe Keit This spel a s shoobut des who
0 V, Spe 7 Cr No Unk This spel wit has magcan stri
100 V, Spe 7 20- 1/2 Unk This spel damto this fireball).
10 V, 2h 7r One No Max This is acind spe succThisnon
Divination 10 V, Pe Spe On Spe Will This spel sca creahas Thedes
10 V, In 3 On No Jim Note that just Whebril Damthr
20 V, In 1t On No Jim When spell deteidencas thremak
Enchantment 0 V, Spe 7 Cr No Kai This spel saviuntiTheprotected.
Metamagic 5y V, 1d 7 One Ne Pete This is a onl castspe ene from
Charm 10 V, 2r 7 30- Ne Pete This spellcon speltar spe be
Elemental 30 V, Pe 7 On Ne Fran This spel quasquasi-elemental dies.
120 V, Pe 5 10 No Dita By meanswhethe spelall 75%
0 V, Pe 6 On No Dita By use ofcapares Thepocket.
Necromancy 20 V, 1d 7 On Ne Dita With the cneg spelcreawiz to
Conjuration Spe V, 1d 5r Spe No Dita When this100the lev the pass
0 V, Spe 2 Cre Ne The This spel acc reli travtha loss
10 V, In 7 3-y 1/2 Paul This spel ThismorWheare dur
0 V, 1r 7 On No Max When castwiza(hi dir For sub
Divination 10 V, Pe Spe On Spe Will This spel dev lab cre Thedes
Spe V, Spe 7 Spe Spe Unk In order eye and sho (in ran
0 V, Pe 1d The No Ron This spel alt bac Comeliness, if this optional s
Fire 10 V, 1r 7 40 1/2 Fells This spel clo dir diretowrou
Spe V, 1r 7 Spe No MarkThis spel Fic Anycas thr som
Necromancy 0 V Pe 7 It No The This spel ins sto sizethe caster can remove the
Phantasm 10 V, 2r 7 On Spe Pete This spel vic pha inf wil area
Summoning 10 V, 1t 1r Spe Spe Pete This is th har any and wiz sav
Enchantment Charm 10 V, 1w 1 100 Spe Kai This spel kin wit con the cap
Rever 0 V, Spe 7 Cr Ne Mari This spel cre life pos is in
Metamagic 0 V, 3r 7 Cr No Kai This spel tim if red rou roun
Summoning Elemental 60 V, 1t 3r Spe No Pete This is a thatHowper the can
Rever 10 V, 1d 3r On Ne Kai This spel cas nor towin sig
0 V, 2r 7 The No Pete This spel spe onlybonuper pro
10 V, Spe 7r On No Kai This spel any protincllig sav
0 V, 1t 1r Spe No Jadw By meansbe iwiz abl pas gly
10 V, Pe 7 On Ne D.J. This spel pie vic intosubjtoa
0 V, 1 7 Cr Spe D.J. This spel revethe For armothe
0 V, 3r 1r Spe No The This combdet the yar can spe
Evocation 60 V, In 1 On No Davi In all res tha mulHandbook).
Metamagic 0 V, 1r 1r It No Davi The purpoint the the con spo
0 V, Pe 1t Un No EdwaThis spel zomInteremTheand
Divination 10 V, Spe 1r Spe Spe A.C. This spel sex atte or the whe
Spe V, 1t 1r Spe No LestaThis spel wiz leveare wit dis
Necromancy Spe S, 1d6 1r Spe No LestaThis spel to t and ove Theis e
0 V, 1m 1 One Ne Kai This spellalloeve possplanare
0 V, 1t 5 The No Lizw This spel lim spelwillcastCom
30 V, 1r 7 10 No Llew This spell(q.vfor Versha the
Phantasm 0 S, 1w 7 Cr No Phil For purpoali onl withnot mag
0 V, 1r 1r Cr Ne AuguThis spellduraabi Cla thinhor
Alteration 5f V, Pe 1r 1-f No Alla This spellReadet onl nonThe
0 V, 1r 1r 100 No Unk This is a for loc enc minthr
Summoning 10 V, Spe 1r Spe No Calv This vari pha fro cas ser stal

Page 88

Rever 10 V, 1w 3t On Ne Kai This spellspe doe leveabo Thi

Evocation Fire 100 V, Spe 7 20- 1/2 Bri This spelladdeneut1d4retubla
Alteration Divination 0 V, 2r 7 The No Near This spel of t inv It (i. (or
0 V, 1r 1r On No Near Once this app contof He cas
Summoning Wild Magic 100 V, 1d 7 Spe No Stev This spel for wizaexp ber dis
Necromancy 0 V, 3h 1 Cr No NoskUpon castto acon con rei but
10 V, 1r 5 On No Orko Upon the drasres levea p magi
5y V, 1r 7 Per Ne Orko While thi lik in Thegaz to t
0 V Spe 7 Spe No Orko This spellquaddur 7th the indicated duration.
Charm 5y V, Pe 4 On Ne Pete This spel can breacha cre saving throw versus t
Phantasm 100 V, 2r 2 5-f Spe Jim By use ofall illu Cre che effe
100 V, In 7 20- Ha Pilpi This spellin area Cre lev cas
Fire Spe V, 1r 1r One Ne Pilpi This spel spelglo dir sph sub
Divination Spe S Spe 0.5 Spe No Paul This spellthe the wiz pro wiz
120 V In 1 On Spe Davi This spel targcanntwe a s word
Earth Rever 10 V, Pe 1t 40 No KennThis spel areareveor aThi cast
Conjuration Summoning 0 V, In 7 70 Spe Unk This spellGreat for zapping dragons, demons e
Alteration 10 V, 1w 5r One No Kai This spel per Thefromall the
Rever 0 S Spe 3r Cr Ne AuguBy meansvic can inf A s con
Rever 1 f V, 1r 1r On Spe Kai With this key are spelabo item
Rever 0 V, Spe 1t The No Kai This spel bonone hav bee bon
0 V, 1t 7 Cr No Max When castleveinc yousec flayer.
Enchantment Charm 0 V, 2r 7 The No Kai This spel a g (sh as at cas
Fire 100 V, 1t 7t Spe No Will This spel per gol gia spelkil
Evocation 10 V, 1h 1t Spe No Will This spellcre pla invitruefor
Enchantment 0 V, In 7 The No The This enabHe Thelevemayat
Charm 10 V, 12 1 On Spe Joh Except asI. I the 4th-level spell seduction II (m
0 V, 1d 3 Ob No The This spel an cas is otheall
Phantasm 0 V, 1t 7 Cr Spe Unk This spel the spelseleThewil
0 V, 1r 1r Ed No Max When cassha lev enc Thedue
Summoning 10 V, 1r 7 On No Alla This spellsha as ins matsuc
0 S, 12 1r 400 Spe Bren The ultimroa roaccamthe cumu
Metamagic 0 V, 1r 5r 10- No Kai This spelltwo be l a wicau The
Metamagic 0 V, Spe 7r The No Kai This spellspelof t spelconnUnde
Invocation 0 V, 7 7r One Spe Kris Except asspell spellcrystal I (q.v.).
0 S Spe 0 Spe No Unk Spellshielges spa remend per
30 V, Spe 1h Th No Unk Stores a a c pas equ sta he w
0 V, 1r 7 The Ne Pete This spel medmusspe Gazcre
Summoning Necromancy 10 V, 1r 5 10- No S.C. When thisthr con shadows remain until slain, t
Summoning 50 V, 4r 7 Spe No Unk Within onto lev wil and wil
Evocation 0 V, Spe 8h Spe No Kai This spel sup the be enchwhi
Phantasm 5y V 1r 3 Spe Ne Pete This is a sho fol vic fol 6+1-
1f V, Spe 6 Spe Spe Thar When thiswil throdoosiz be a
Charm 60 V, 1r 2 On Spe Jim This spel knofor Int dur mad
Summoning 40 V, 1r 7 Spe No Pete This spel the trol can typ at the DM's discretion
Charm Necromancy 10 S, 2r 5 On Ne RobeTwilight' spe Hal any aff spel
0 V, 1d 1h On No The This spel shi cas han the duration ends, the shi
10 V, In 2 On No The This spel ironspelcla dispel itself.
0 V, 1r 3 Pe No The This spellwatethe tim spe rev
Summoning 100 V, Spe 7 One 1/2 Alla When thisbet thr slo specnot
36 V, 2r 1 Spe No Pete This spel bat spe ver res ani
Phantasm 20 V, Spe 2t Spe No Valc Using thi any typ Theof accordi
Summoning 0 V, 1d 1t No Warl With the fro mattoo cre kno
Enchantment Water 5y V, 1d 7 Spe No Pete This multele ope for *Wathe

Page 89

Summoning 12 V, 2 r 7 Spe No Pete This spellbelow.

60 V, Spe 7 3x1 No RobeThis spel an a poor opas This
60 V, Spe 1 Spe No RobeThis spel one age the tal fla
60 V, 6 t 1 t Spe No RobeThis is a ani yar of t lon low
0 V In 2 One Spe RobeThis spel of t stuftele undeUnw
0 V, 1 d 4 t On No RobeThis spel cre inv protection versus weapons.
0 V, Spe 3 t Up No RobeWhen castpro whionl ten his
0 V, 2 r 3 The No RobeBy meanscastup to two spells per combat roun
Summoning Wild Magic 0 V, Spe 7 The Spe RobeThis unprtha tha gat gat rounds
Air 0 V, 1d 1 Spe No Jim By use often str con the be
Summoning Necromancy 30 V, 5 r 6 Spe No Al S This spel of zomwravamThe
Phantasm 10 V, Spe 7 On Spe Woll This spellmucsha wizapur chec
Enchantment 10 V, Pe 7 Spe Ne John By meanseffeins wiz the pull
0 V, 1 d 5 r The No Joe This spel tha sevethree 2nd-level spells, etc.).
0 V, 1 d Spe The Spe Joe Zildjian' spelcre heldhe wlas
Necromancy 20 y V, S Inst 8 30-f 1/z TOM This spel of einfl cas throw,
Enchantment 1 mi V, S 1 ho 1 ro SpecNon TOM This spel cas towcha by one-man
Charm 30 U S 2 ho 1 h Spe Spe PHB This spel vib locaspecof mus
5 ya U S 1 ro 8 Spe NonPHB The Bigbya h a f mencau No
Evocation 10 U S Spe Spe 1 cr Spe PHB A bindingto pla musoth The
Tou U S Per 1 tu Spe NonPHB This spel demclonind memreal
240 V,S 1 tur 8 1 tar Neg FRA Also call this a t age infl the
Enchantment Charm Spe U S Spe 1 tu 1 cr Spe PHB This spel wiz tact the (seewill
10 y V,S 1 ro 8 10-f Non FRA By meansa mthe vio div side
Tou U S Per 8 Obj NonPHB The glassmagisubsunbrsmaaff
0 V,M Inst 1 90-f SpecFRA Upon uttecasthor are inf of the c
Evocation 5 yarV, S Inst 8 One Neg.TOM When thiskal fingallowedThi
Necromancy 0 V, S 1 ro 3 The Non TOM By creati sep ext is i minwizard'
30 y V Inst 2 One Neg.TOM With the can himsavisuc are
Evocation 30 U S 4 r 2 Spe 1/z PHB An incendthe spe are len bill
Charm 5 yaCompSpe 8 Spe NegPHB A mass chor cha howwhoDic
Summoning 5 ya U S Spe 3 1 cr NonPHB An extradbei subjforctotaMino
30 U S 1 d 1 1 cr NonPHB When theis c all or aga div
Summoning 80 U S 7 r 8 Spe NonPHB This spel sumld3 in atta he
Alteration 20 U S 2 ro 4 1-fo NegPHB This spel levespheobjewei wei
Charm Tou V ld4 5 Cre NonPHB When an O pla rec fee makany
Spe U S Per 2 r Spe NonPHB This spelloth Theis know
5 ya U S Var 1 r Spe Spe PHB This spel int othethe thr die
Summoning 5 ya V Spe 1 15- NonPHB When a pocas are selethe affe
Summoning 10 U S 1 tu 7 Spe Spe PHB This spel up mulpro scinvis
Illusion 0 U S 1 ho 1 tu 30-f Spe PHB This spel cre and castnot illu
Tou U S 1 tu 1 ro Cre NonPHB By use ofcon and tou of by t
Alteration 10 y U S Spe 8 1 cr Spe PHB By meansa crflo the the At t
Alteration 0 V,S Perm1 tur 1o-f Non FRA In castingint tha casteng inv
0 V,S Inst 4 10-foSpecFRA The sunbudia castper The sun
Summoning Tou U S Spe 8 Spe Spe PHB A symbolaffereadupocastsym
Summoning 10 U S Per Spec 1 cr Spe PHB This spell(andgemmusfinal wo
Summoning 0 V, S 2d6 ld6 300' Non TOM This powemagwil maghas of wild
5 y V, In 8 On Spe Pete Upon castwiz str humintestr
0 V, 1 r 8 The No Pete This spel wouwithant undeIf
Metamagic 10 V, In 8 30- Spe Kai This spel It a sph castuse effe
20 V, Spe 5 Spe Ne Jim This spel its and col fo The
0 V, Spe 7 Spe No Tim This terr rev spe Theof and
Evocation 0 V, 1 t 1 t 360 1/2 Davi This spellcall lig lighThi sou

Page 90

40 V, Spe 4r Spe Ne Jame This spel on dact determi

Conjuration Spe V, Spe 8r Spe No Cant This spel Morclo demthe *
Invocation Evocation 60 V, 1r 7 On Ne Pete The cloudto str at the discretion of the DM.
0 V Spe 2t Spe No Pete This spellall spell.
0 V, Pe Spe Spe No Pete Create hi morwaysou dis (li
Summoning 10 V, 3h 2t One No Kai This spellkin ben covealta lev
Necromancy 10 V, Pe 8 On Ne Kai This spel cur deataff castsuff
0 V, 1r 8 25- Spe Crai The casti dry vegesee claycra
Evocation 0 V, 2t 8 The No Keit This spel armoThecapafli arm
Wild Magic 0 V, 2d4 1r Spe No Keit This spellwei poleact pla roll on
100 V, In 2 On No Keit This spellout mis It winvuhit
0 V, 1h 1r Spe No The This spel hal turnext thi caster's own). It is co
0 V, 1r 8 One Spe Unk This powelowthe at vnea bri
10 V, 1r 8 10- No Jim This spellpor bee per Noncrea
Rever 10 V, 3t 1r One Spe Kai This spel comare doesif die
0 V 1r 10 On No Jame The spell table t
0 V, 1d 3t Spe No Davi This spel varispe of gro not
Elemental 50 V, Spe 1h One No Unk This spel fre pri stanwiz it last
Evocation Fire 10 V, 1 5 Spe 1/2 Fells When thishandlev the norm wil
Evocation Fire 0 V, Spe 3t On No AuguThis spel the valu(cu Thi has
Evocation Fire 10 V, In 8 60- 1/2 Pete Fire stor spelfla saving throw allowed for hal
Evocation Fire 10 S, 1d 1r Spe 1/2 Jaso This spel fla spe sumfort use
5y V, 1d 1 On No KennThis spel Thi cre the Theguy
Summoning 20 V, 2t 2r Spe Spe Pete This spellthe ris -2 pHowcom
Summoning 50 V, 1r 8 Spe No Pete This spel mann sumcommuni Wiz
0 V, 1d 8 The No Pete This spellgreaon other people.
Phantasm 0 V, 4r 4 12- No Max This spel morthe dev damdis
Phantasm 20 V, Pe 8 One Spe Kai This spel bonuse in dvanithro
Phantasm 5y V, 1r 8 On Spe Pete This spellthe he cHowArmThe
10 V, 1r 1d Spe No Dark While thegat combas pro Eac
0 V, Spe 8 Cr No Kai This spel 6th the unlesto not
0 V, 1 8 Cr Spe D.J. This spel mucaffeindisuc to s
Necromancy 10 V, 1t 7 On Spe J.D. This spel a pispe embfles The
Evocation Wild Magic Fire 0 V In 1 One No Pete This spellany a -1.
Rever Spe V, Spe 8 Spe Ne Geof This spel the or gnumdiv a p
100 V, In 1t Spe No Unk Long-ranglevel of wizard.
Illusion Phantasm 0 V, 1m 1t Scr No Phil This spel dimebe call is i see
Illusion Phantasm 0 V, Spe 8 On No Phil This spel magcan Inteno lon
0 V, Spe 8 One Ne Aaro The sendifor lev wiz the pos
0 V, 1d 1r Cr No Davi As the namagof the creaspel
0 V, 1r 4 10 No Unk This spel (q.vfuncwiz through it.
Rever 5y V, Pe 8 Spe Ne Pete Mass fleshIt a are ran to s nor
Enchantment Metamagic Rever 0 V, 5r 8 One Ne Kai This spel multou cir qua cont
Necromancy 0 V, 1r 1r The No The This spellundnec mumlim the
0 V, 1r 5 Cr No Calv By use ofanotcre abiloppstr
5y V, In 8 On Ne Myst When thiswiz to-hmis hit roll
Invocation Evocation 0 V, 1r 8 The No Myst This spel fol hal versthe suc
Alteration 0 V, 1d 1h One No Myst This spel planhav que of t wiz
Enchantment 0 V, Pe 6h Spe No Keit This is a bef builbei the and
5y V, Pe 8 One Ne NoskThis spel in exp subjThedis
Elemental 15 V, In 6 Spe 1/2 Orko When thisor two mus+ 1 sav
0 V, 1r 8 On No Max This powedir stre fro TheIf t
Summoning 12 V, Spe 1r Spe No Pilpi This spellyer Thesspe humnum
Summoning 20 V, 1d 7 Fif Ne Pilpi The spell to sou or death,

Page 91

0 V, 24 Spe Wa No Pilpi This dangfor whiTheenc chos

Evocation Invocation 0 V, 2 t 8 t The No Kai Power boos effesev spe Therub
10 V, 1 t 10 On Ne Geof This spel whion rou vic her
Summoning 5 y V Pe 8 10- No The When thisthe castcre poincasting. The current h
Evocation 10 V, 1 r 8 On No Stev This spel Toma m thr dur was
Charm Rever 0 V, Spe 5 Cr Ne AuguBy meansfor imaaga Thefor
0 V, Pe 8 r Spe No Max This spel rep lev Thethe and
Charm 18 V, Pe 3 On Ne Pete This spel a s wil neu lawfare
2 f V, In 9 10- Ne Mich This is a sha praclab les thr
0 V, Unt 1 t Spe No Max This spel of omayand inks per level of the spel
Summoning 20 V, Spe Spe Spe No Will This spel gat alt pla mustthe
Charm 10 V, 1 r 5 r On Ne Broc When castthe duraand spe affe
5 f V, 1 r 8 20 Ne Kai This spel addetheias t the wor
Conjuration Summoning 0 V, Pe 8 Ob No Paul When thisand fav willTheby m
Enchantment 100 V, 1 h 1 r On Spe Kai This spellmaxshi or dowupwa
Evocation 0 V In 1 5-f 1/2 Jim This spel fie doi of bre stur
Summoning 0 V, 1 r 8 The No Alla When thiscoa comCla age fro
Evocation 10 V, 1d 7 20- Spe Max This spel to for forcclo mis
Phantasm 0 S In 1 60- Ne Jim By meansthe cre det draiCre
Phantasm 30 V, Spe 8 Spe Spe Kai This spel spelloweIf des If t
Invocation 0 V, 8 8 r One Spe Kris Except asspell spellcrystal I (q.v.).
Evocation 10 V, 1 r 8 100 1/2 Kai This spellcon oth causof inte
Inf V, 1 h 1 t Tw No Unk This spel loc crosRanthe wiz
10 V, 1 h 1 t 30 No KennThis spel eff doorpol roc othe
Conjuration 0 V Spe Spe Obj Ne The This spellind stu rou is spel
Summoning Necromancy 10 V, 1 r 5 10 No Geof This spel con Theor t in res
10 V, In 8 20- 1/2 Max This powerhoweeff sim sunlthro
Invocation Evocation Sig V, Spe 3 Spe No Jona This spellany as s the arr pers
10 V, 1 h 1 t One Spe Geof This spel the feetreg Teleerr
10 V, 1 d 1 r 10- No Unk This spelleff the Theopeninc
Enchantment Charm Illusion Rever 10 V, 1 t 1 t 100 Ne Kai Some of yArcand firs charfast
0 V, 1 h 1 r Cr Spe Kai This spel ownsha the bodsha
0 V, Spe 20 Spe No Broc This spel exaccha fraction
0 V, 1 d 1 h On No The This spel suit levehimwei any
0 V, Spe Spe Spe No The This spel commak700lett vie
Enchantment 10 V, 1 h 1 d On No The This spel Usi It behaves as a half Hit Dice ston
Necromancy 1 m V, Spe 8 On Ne The This spel undfor nor Thea d
10 V, In 8 5-f Spe VandThis spel cau effepoi blo mor
60 V, 1 r 8 10- No RobeWhen thisstat Movthi whilyin
Summoning Elemental 60 V, 1 t 8 Spe No RobeThis powecha spe sou intelate
20 V, Spe 4 On Spe RobeThis poweinsi res whithe can
Summoning 60 V, 1 t 8 Spe No RobeThis fun spe fro whoupoten
0 V, 1 d 5 t On No RobeThis spel tar of protection versus weapons.
10 V, Pe 1 h Tw No Jim This spellvol tel ins bor effe
Enchantment 30 V, Spe 1 r On Ne Dum This spellpowstu one shribot
Summoning 0 V, In 1 h The No Davi Upon casthos des ins whefoe
Enchantment 0 V, Spe Spe It No MasoWhen thishol anotnegacas firs
Necromancy 10 V, Pe 1 h On No Kai This spel gra of cos per wiz
Summoning 0 S In 1 Cr Spe Vinn When thethr doesn't drown, he finds total ecst
Tou U S Spe 9 Spe NonPHB By meansprojpla beh (th all
5 ya U S 1 ro 9 Spe NonPHB The Bigbyhugthe han er, an
0 V, S 1 da 2 tur The Non TOM This poweconting Chaeithaut
Tou V, Per 9 Area Spe PHB The magicwheto t as bmetgol
Charm ReverToucV 5 Spec1 creNeg.FRA This spel minbodforcpla It

Page 92

Evocation Elemental 0 V 1 ho 1 ro The Non TOM This spellpendele elemfrom mo

10 feV,S 1 tur 1 SpecNon FRA This powenumas Eachabsoor
O V,S Inst 1 tur Cast Non FRA A customigen tionundeer's oth
Necromancy Tou U S Per 3 1 cr NonPHB By castin cha Neging As sMel
0 V, S Perm10 t 1,000Non TOM This powelar any and tra Pri
0 U S 2d4 1 r Spe NonPHB This spel sixt ano specof t wiz
Summoning Rang V, Spe 9 Spe NonPHB The casti Fir bet is spe bei
ToucV, S Perm1 tur SpecNon TOM This spellgol for sto and dur
Rever Tou U S Per 9 1 cr NonPHB When an ithe ent (seespheThe
10 y V,S 2 ro 5 SpecNeg.FRA This powecon as i the so for the
40 y U S Ins 9 Area 1/2 PHB A meteor specballeit eig fro
Summoning Rang V, 8 r 9 Spe NonPHB This spel sumspe thator rounds after the spell
Enchantment 0 V Ins 9 30-f Spe PHB When thiscal exc the beincom
Summoning 5 ya V Per 1 10-f NonPHB When a poone spelpowhit wit
Conjuration Summoning 0 V 1 tu 7 10- Spe PHB This spel up ing giv Thiscol
0 V, 1 tu 9 The NonPHB With this the bel singspe and
ToucV,S 1 ro 1 tur 1 pe Non FRA The recipicomlikespelof the s
10 y V,S Inst 1 SpecNon FRA This extr the mitsspelthe roun
0 V, S ld4 +1 tur 30-foNon TOM This spel castSta allorad The
Enchantment Rever Tou V, Spe 1 to 1 in NonPHB By castingpowobjeetc. the its
Rever 10 V, Per 9 One NonPHB Upon castthe ani meaIts per
0 V Spe 9 15- NonPHB Upon castcau in t sph inst to
Charm ToucV,S Spec1 ro SpecNeg.FRA Virus chaver spe init ind thr
0 V, S Inst 9 30-f Neg.TOM At the cu wiz For fee vs. deat
Phantasm 30 U S Con 9 20-f Spe PHB This spel wit fea seemof awiz
Evocation 0 V Vari 1 Vari Vari TOM By meanscha sha ene but has
Summoning Air 100 V, S ld3 t 8 SpecNon TOM This spellwil coloindi150 the
Summoning Unl V Spe Spe Spe Spe PHB The wish a li wit to bfromcas
30 y V,S 1 tur 9 20-f Non FRA By means of tspe dima di sid
10 V, Pe 1 r Spe No Max This morecreaidentical to animate dead II.
Invocation 0 V, Pe 1 h In No Kris With this gol animpro blood.
Enchantment 10 V, Pe 9 h 10- Ne Kai This spelleff the cru doothat
Fire 30 V, In 1 Up No RobeBalefire i usi affeMore befoare
Invocation 10 V, Pe 10 One No Kai This spel hel qui ver one wit
0 V, 1 r 9 Cr Spe Alla This is a idena s followi Pl
Necromancy 0 V, 1 r 2 r 10- Spe Cele This spel protbut Whesur the
Necromancy 240 V, In 9 One Spe Cele This spel when tot in 1. stri
Wild Magic 10 V, Spe 1 t Spe No Unk This spel tha ver fro All pol
Charm 16 V, 1d 1 1d Spe Joh Except asI. I of (makhis group still get to mak
Evocation 10 V, 2 t 1 r On No RonaThis spellblu fro alonthe spe
Charm 5 y V, Pe 1 d On Spe Tim Using thisper bel spe paciinto
Evocation 15 V, 4 r 9 Spe 1/2 Alla This spellwit fla ini victthr
Summoning 10 V, 1 d Spe One No Kai This spel as i inc a si wiz cou
10 V, Pe 1 r On Ne Kai This spel maguntimatthe happ
20 V, 2 r 9 One Ne RyanThis spel a s bei Thi lea pow
Charm 70 V, Pe 9 On Ne Jay When thistar of rel bot whi
Enchantment Un V Spe Spe Spe No Keit This spel cas pla Theto jus
Evocation 0 V, 3 t 9 The No Keit This spel 8th leveSupeve spe
0 V, 1 d 9 Cr No Keit This spel con merpot Theultr
Summoning Necromancy Air 20 V, 1 r 1 t 20 Spe Kai This spel Thi to has suff1d3+
0 V, Spe 1 r The No Jay Casting t demend powtel etc
Conjuration 10 V, Spe 9 r Spe No Jim This spel wiz 7th Verof cha
Necromancy 30 V, 1 9 On Ne Dita This spel nullabi ite art affe
Conjuration Spe V, 1 d 8 r Spe No Dita This spel qua Thehomkit add

Page 93

Necromancy 100 V, Per 2r On Spe Dita When thisneg fro the affeclas
0 V, In 1r It No Dita This spellbre crysdro it b pie
0 V, Unt 1t Sel No Max This rare onc to uthe wizathis
0 V, 1h 3t The No EldarThis spellexc spelThespell conversion, except t
Rever 60 V, In 9 20- 1/2 Max This firebmatmatThelev hal
Rever Spe V, In 1r Spe No Max This spel thatenera rewiz The
Divination Rever 5 y V, 1t 9 On No Paul This spel abo fol deteinvidete
100 V, In 2t One No The When castbas late mis alw this
Summoning Fire 0 V, 1t 1t 1/2 No Fals By castin fir the wiz dia bein
Fire Spe V, In 9 Spe 1/2 Fells This is antha Theso i fla will
40 V, 2r 9 One No FenziThis spel diff a to an onl the
Necromancy 5y V, Pe 9 20- Spe Alla This spel specspelfort creamor
Alteration 100 V, In 9 10- Ne Max This powecas 100Theuse -2
Enchantment 0 V, 1w 1t On No Max This poweweelev transplanar quartz per 6 level
Illusion 0 V, Unt 9 On No Max This poweuserdesithe to-hine
Summoning 6f V, Pe 1t On Ne Joh This spel thr cre creainc poi
Fire 10 V, Spe 9 On No Nath The victi is 2 damene wraor
Fire Spe V, Spe 1 On Ne Eric This is th in Aftesle Theonl
0 V, 1t 2h The No Davi This powehe safeevenadd poin
0 V In 1 On Ne Sol This spelltel muspar be teleported to a location
Charm 12 V, 1t 2r Spe Spe Alva When a wior can 1d4be aThi
Divination 10 V, Pe Spe On Spe Will This spel sca creaIn stri all
Necromancy 0 V, Pe 1h On Ne The This spel bei musski points can be implanted.
Evocation Metamagic Un V, Spe 2t Spe No Kai This spellof passing over one planar level per l
Divination 10 V, Pe Spe On Spe Will This spel dev laboIn stri all
Enchantment Charm Metamagic 10 V, Pe Spe Spe No Kai This spel fol * (if tha whet
Illusion Phantasm Metamagic 0 V, 1d 1h Cr No Kai This spellspe tou desitimeinc
Phantasm 0 V, Pe 9S Cr No Max Improvedsim rei simulacrum.
5f V, In 5 On Ne Davi This is a to cre to Thethe
0 V, In 1r On No Davi Upon castcastequ any numto
0 V, 1r 8 Pe No Davi When a widef Thenonfro con
Evocation 0 V, Pe 1r Up No Davi When cast, insucomany beinunaw
Charm 10 V, 2r 1r On Ne Davi This spel the knofor abilthr
0 V, In 1t Th Ne Davi This moraanothit in t Conmay
Evocation 10 V, 1r 1r Spe No Davi This spel Mas * * himThe
Summoning 0 S Pe 3r Cr No Joh When thepoi The creature cannot be resurrecte
0 V, Pe 2h 100 No Laza This very etc obt thanas the
50 V, 1r 9 Spe No Lazz This spel spe the to modsay
0 V, Pe 3h The Spe Unk When thisfai res to be of eighteenth level to be
0 V, In 1r The No Aaro Lorth's t devihimmentthe anyt
0 V, Spe Spe The No Unk Magic swa spelcau inc intocom
50 V, In Spe Spe Ne Max Mass deatver of the castAll
0 V, 1r Spe The No Kris With this powthe persstrulos
0 V, In 3 10- 1/2 Melf This is t owncastmag9d6hal
0 V, Pe Spe The No Paul This spellrec thendateThi kno
10 V, Pe 24 One Spe Kai This spel cre are and For pot
3y V, 1r 9 Spe No Alla This spel handhandreq not +2
Evocation 10 V, 2r 9 5-f 1/2 Alla When thisshoodist str thr Whe
0 V, Spe 3r Pe Ne Jame To be ablesuc fro the onc rol
Necromancy 10 V, Pe 1d On No Kai This spel giv use spe hav und
Fire 30 V, 6t 1t Spe Spe Calv This spel Thesuc coulbal one
0 V, In 1t 10- Spe Calv This incr wanuponevercre 1d2
0 V, 1h 1h Ma Spe Jim By meanspowspe var poi ite
Evocation 10 V, Spe 9 Spe Spe Myst This spel the stri sur at - the

Page 94

250 V, Spe 10 20- No Chri In my prefou anc Aftebef scr

0 V, 1r 6h 1/2 No NoskThis spellof erespof aDurwiz
0 V, In 3h 100 No Unk Creates a wizais pur a year.
Evocation 0 V, 5r 9 The No Orko This spel magpotenot absoeff
0 V, Spe 1t Th Ne Orko This spel the dimcomday rol
Spe S In 1r On Spe Orko Upon uttepos of d20%this is
0 V, 1d 1t The No Orko This spel meamemcan retaThe
Spe V, Pe 4 Spe No Orko This spel sav per spelof Constitution for each c
0 V, Spe 1t Th No Orko This spel by withgen willpas
Phantasm 5f V, 1r 4 On Spe Jim When thisthe swethe stri the
Alteration 10 V, 1w 1d 3t No Kai This spel the has comcas othe
Charm Necromancy Pla V, Spe Spe On Spe Pilpi This spel contthatnonat l The
Necromancy 0 V, Pe 1t Tw Spe Pilpi This spel wiz wit spiraff und
Summoning 10 V, 1 Spe On No Kai This spel mattThecan one the
Necromancy 0 V, 1r 3 Cr Ne Kris This spel and the throof 100
Summoning 20 V In 1 On No Phil This spel on athatcan the alre
Conjuration Summoning 0 V, Pe 9 10 No Paul When thismateThi bri can affe
Summoning Evocation 100 V, 1t 1r Spe Spe The This spel a chlon As pprotmag
Alteration 0 V, 1w 1d Cr No Kai This spellregeslowany lossthr
0 V Unt 1d The No The This spel all gri healthat know it.
0 V, Pe 9 Cr Ne The This spellDic magthrores stol
0 V, Unt 1t Spe No Max This spel of omayand powerful rune spell norm
0 V, 1d Spe Spe No Will This poweact dia in aext mak
10 V, In 1r On Spe Kai This spel but one wheby tto r
Illusion 0 V, Pe 1 The No Keit This was tra alte lic wasThe
10 V, In 7 50- 1/2 Max This spel wiz dragon scale. The saving throw i
10 V, In 7 50- 1/2 Max This spelllevecomponent is a blue dragon scale
Fire 10 V, In 7 50- 1/2 Max This spellwiz dragon scale. The saving throw i
10 V, In 7 50- 1/2 Max This spel wiz stellar dragon scale. The saving t
10 V, In 7 50- 1/2 Max This spel wiz dragon scale. The saving throw i
Evocation 0 V, 1r 9 10 1/2 Jaso This spel sur cas halfaut Dex
Summoning 10 V, In 9 Spe Spe Alla This spel dra hea comcomatt
Summoning Rever 0 V, Spe 2t Spe No Alla The castepre the Thebe eWhe
Invocation 0 V, 9 9r One Spe Kris Except asspell spellcrystal I (q.v.).
40 V, Pe 12 2-f No Unk This anci Aknmuscon exi req
Conjuration Summoning Metamagic 0 V, 3r 2r The Spe Kai This spel Magi this cut as l size
Enchantment Charm 0 V, Pe 1d Haz No Jim This spel fin sta a d dustfor
Summoning 30 V, Spe 9 Spe No MorgAs in HarThebet Cis wil dire
Evocation Summoning 0 V, 1t 5 The 1/2 The Upon castwit and to to cast
0 V, In 3h 10- No Unk This spel simuwhithe rad art
0 V, 1t 9 Th No Davi This spel has typ comact ite
10 V, Pe 1h On No Will This spellcre for demThea h
Enchantment Evocation 10 V, In 1h On No Kai This spel act powyea has char
0 V, Spe 1r On Ne The This spel wit morspe thentha
Enchantment Charm Metamagic 0 V, Spe 1t The No Kai This spella t lev last spelto
0 V 1h 9 The No Fran This spellcast * * qua *
0 V, 1r 1 The No The This spel a b is i blo or it,
Summoning Rever 10 V, 1r 9 Spe Spe Alla This spellsumm Sill tim wiz thi
Summoning Elemental 60 V, 1r 9 Spe No RobeThis powedomele powdamhit,
10 V, 1r 1 Spe No RobeThis powe20 devithe unhesti
Summoning Elemental 20 V Spe 3 On Spe RobeThis spel but the to odo crea
Summoning 60 V, Spe 2 Spe Spe RobeThis spellspelis Upon fro crea
Spe V Pe 1 Spe Spe RobeThis specibot rup minminothe
Evocation 200 V, 1r 9 2f 1/2 Geof This spel app Thethe damthe

Page 95

Summoning 12 V, 2r 6 12 No Geof This spel lon DexVic whiwit

20 V, Pe 9 On Ne Max This spel dra die leveper a wyrm or greater dra
Enchantment Charm Metamagic 0 V, Spe 3 h Cr Ne Kai This spellwhitheslay aftespe
Necromancy 0 S, Pe 1 Cr No A.C. This spel insaby whothe be i

Page 96

to thator affeareagestThefuelcastare Thesimilar creatures.
can As areawit the rin 60- for eac sou Ethenot creaor dis Thea ti wire.
cumof Theadd prevdispcumpoinimpabs granful Thuan aan spe highUntithe gai Thecured leather that has been blessed by a cleric.
to is spelaudimenlev tha spe ThumarTheaud typ be castsqu menroa 16 the A c bel and fai fromspe pha Thebit of wool or a small lum
jets abo Any1d3for to damrec toucpar can other action is taken.
the the effeTheof hof s smamateext toolpowWhatakewiz can chi tric eth glowhandup and rug spe and entertaining simpler for the wizard.
not (ot spell wiThi int pat It hit dep guideli WeaSmaLarge item (2-3 Ibs.) 2-4 points
dupldoe of is per DMundif inc doestoucand the ruse can be discovered in this way.
hobnixioth cha Thespeldue per gro an adamsav If t throfri Thethe aut cas Thusui castthe an twoend bey mushis Thethe
spe 1 pothe not theitoucpoi magThi cre suf must1d4 rounds + 1 round per level of the caster.
spelDic vs. affeCre thr thanstr withthe rou morestu coh Thea p coloured red, yellow, and blue.
the impdoeswri can equ be rbut dec foi secrspe con Thea pi Thecan rendinc above.
beeswaxIf dep evena cavernThecomimppea manjewecan the A s thr be single Att bat should D4Roll 1 2 3 4
brigdetaile Thepen fir per manhugbe undundis which eThethe and be nec in alteration magic).
maksuc Eff the hangover.
vag to pla spelstr upoThe(seethe Theeit a glow-worm.
10%if a etc. sca wal metmorare loc con spe evi creatures are not necessarily magical.
req motiit d It obs sto thi ind tha Thebit of earth from a grave.
lev be of amoAll is entiA s fail des att weak con mata c Magthis a st nor meremakWeitho wouhur cau massa si hit rol inc
illu Nonerasthe wri liketo caster, 40 % for a 2nd-level caster, etc. ).
eff ceascan cre and wiz objelon or tot leveFor ran and thi free(sucblo spe of wind and similar spells.
famsen wit as at ove sumThethanpoi upowiz fambonuhavecas sizeThefamat a empgenecomove Thuorcstho its tin on! If s
successfully suffer no damage.
someng the melecan,the gra half damage. The material component is a pinch of sulphur.
the cast Whilspells requiring somatic components.
ten spe fri sit dec migmighins creaand The(or ver the spell.
upocontsuffSucthe affeaga bei active gaze attacks are blocked by this spell.
gre Thosav the thr cre sud the are use a r Mataffewie throinit immmusatt can otherou Thebit of pork rind or butter.
bur exp can spe neg broken or physically battered down.
objects Thecla wit vis ind of on the not the goblins Thefac Horhor 2,6 the Cle those wHorsizeparticularly popular with moneylende
aftetim Notspe cas undeCreathr Thosavecastcas a pethr enspelled it.
magiit cas the fal the any Theabo of by fal one discwiz fiveof two)cas ite somcannThedamfewhas numpowcha (41 or l
two jumor gThegra caster when the spell is cast.
or creat Thi sta of ouna div found oTheof paper or vellum.
figure. Therec the cha forced to take a breath as per the rules.
hav for fro sim Thecen mobicre and Sucsuc spe cre itse darkdir (butif t Lig creaand ArmspelThepiece of phosphorescent moss.
howthatspelbe adir of t out Spesingcan att effeinf For the has at 7at 9capatargdesired.
hol hea spelof athe can vol menThetwoall likelihood) or two burrs.
cre wiz travof t 10 fwhothatthe the Thespeaundspe and doe Theshort piece of copper drawn fine.
Magthr the intocha liq of t poisonsLiv exc SucFailthe Onlcastsize. Thethe on poisdangerous.
levecho mounts Cast 1st 4th 8th13th 15th 18th lev Thegearcas 4th sad saddgainsamThebit of hair from the type o
hei of ehor wal have a A wweight Whedis plummetThe material component is an eagle's feather.
occurs Bef spe be aspe ann othemagmagtri actuTable 2 Becmage res magtha res comtakes in casting Nahal's reckless dwcomer.
conjthe ite it i bea spelthe tha the and trueThesqu the object that receives the aura.
overlap Aft ran papestu gar studied Therou throis f thropatttruly r Afteatte for to det req acc Rearea diff ext makthis worvalue.
or sensstr spelapp con movdamexp (pa thatis a thi CreasubjundThethe eff of t on Thebit of fleece.
creaany are Sec magiove the spelprevpre thr life expecastThi by natuimpwei nat to f suc bei con lik ThismakforcTo tracflo
intenor wri a c is inscpar use the of t one Themincast the spell.
ins those caNo aff egg marare aff enchantCre dam1-4 suc creaspelSiz Magbig willsca scatters Theare obj poi Spescatsaving
dev bulland Thesav basiapplfro move to interpose itself.
sho plus(e. sho Whito bodtha tou the spell.
wit creaHit Dic Dic are eff creafirs For kob(2d gnolHit enouSla cre Awasle sub Thepinccricket.
aff shi same prSni a l adv mulobjeeffectivTheice or a Therspelpie. These reports are unconfirmed.

Page 97

aff feetmovDurican dag his virt spidthe thr str a c pullthr dif the Thea d which must be eaten by the spell recipient.
a sumadspe tho The-1 the leveof sav doesa p Eachrec penaspelfun of affected at all.
cha irri fail do bcreaphyuse mis cas or dee causa mcre by abonmig+4, con cre dep pre Theis hurled at the creatures to be taunted.
of spe fee remawit of movungsix spe fast or bfromdur of crasThedrop of mercury.
act lig pousmodoocanna fomagirec spelthe all Thea piece of string and a bit of wood.
tha can voi sav deteoth pen throits comt heparchment rolled up into a small cone.
rou ten mis rou modawaThedried peas.
har mara d be Detegemexp magany can spelgra Thea p worcoloinvicasthis finger.
hit point per level of the wizard.
wiz beg per for Thobel act of of rat be whe wri the th copispe spe to eveand not consumed in the casting.
wizard iWiz Lev 1- 3- 6- 9- 13+ Thesomof each hand.
if s the a st the spe The material component is a drop of any acid.
vers(i.e., per-level) damage inflicted by the spell is doubled.
lev the wizaThe typ If is gai undlength. The material component is a piece of fresh meat.
sha add eig ver bit of crushed sunstone.
det red int the spe are of black velvet and a few bits of glass.
in oth material component is some pitch and soot, or a lump of coal.
and neg imptast A nTheHowspe tha unnTheto the taste to a previously altered drink.
are als Sincrealwill instantly know the kind of poison that just hit him!).
phantasmal force.
sizecoulran poi dwaThespelnot be sMismetspelaff the victim's saving throws can be added.
costWhen wizacov thi eve rin tha immhav a b swothe sworThesamone versof t is sur the component of this spell is an ornate fan, worth at
connected as a single item, an even stronger reading results.
use on fit humanoid, not only on lawmakers.
18+Thecas leve2-3 analintefaciThewiz con spell charge.
the spell is cast.
for spe Thedis Theof cast.
a piece of a mirror.
component of this spell is a needle.
during combat and such are thus eliminated.
consider) is to light the rope someone else is climbing.
gro doe component is whiskers from a cat.
keysempfly nor smalvel the diretoucdoes not fly, and the spell is lost.
Chasix eac ver the tha dir on before: they automatically make their saving throw.
are also immune to this spell.
to l (pa the nonper pudThea m Notewel axe Thisimpstrulong glacier will generally be safe.
bac ThesreciThi cle paraThefreshly plucked rose or similar flower.
comapp bit of phosphorus or a glowworm.
P u 20+ An successful, will negate.
per she fails, the wizard cannot try again.
spelthe the not the 2.2 square f Thesilt sim charwateThepoi Thisdoesare take
unc Thi dispel magic.
other hand.
bucket of water or a decent burning torch would suffice.
elementals) are not affected by this spell.
Cri and tim atte is r cone-like shape during the casting of the spell.
resuThetranwhinew transformation requires a recasting of the spell.
If t sav ill of t of the wizard.
Liv sav is a physvic damMaggol be damare boltthe Thi Eff armour are left to the judgement of the DM.
tre of des blo to Oththe to the Themagis fla gai are down).
material component for this spell is a red blindfold.
a c can pat whoinsi largTheif i the limiMobuna a r sav the permspelheal damage up to its new Hit Die total.
protection spell broken is totally destroyed.
level of being able to identify exactly the poison.

Page 98

aff all can con con spe wil cod spe the meaby spelis awakened.
norm a cr cou sig or i and it). continual light or ambient light.
8+ Theone A maximum of 10 dogs can be summoned.
rod to avoid taking maximum damage.
creaenl ske (as nonbonThislen the the be fal otheThecreatures.
mulConspe casting.
hav spe dambe destroyed (only one object may be targeted per casting).
may be comfortable in watching the battle.
tha restrict the depth at which to seek the water.
in their eyes.
the halved.
illu Thopro tho waycircbut persnoninst donThecou dra coulrest monaffewit on howIndior to t component for this spell is a small lump o
houcomponent for this spell is a handkerchief.
used to set off traps, or for many other uses: be creative.
ice. The ice is non-magical and can be affected normally.
Thi time or not to say something (like "the solution is...").
oint per level of the wizard.
take double damage.
components of this spell are some fireflies.
diamond: agony).
+1 dAfteto arroAfteextiwil exp Theweaa + Theof sulphur to be applied to the arrow.
immune to hesitate.
he hhouthe Thi ite antiunospe an encyclopedia.
Aft manaffefollowi Castcaster mutters the arcane verbal component.
the Thuthe itemhas Thenstr sho Theoil power.
agaiUnlby tdef hornmagiit, rec can spelThe material component for this spell is a small wad of cotton.
shr Suclev minsort, which is not consumed in the casting.
clo spelThe material component of this spell is the eye of an octopus.
rea not aut worswil the If gai a sahas stil Thewrathe guttural sound made in the throat.
Thelea pur kill on it not perisuitably preserved.
Come nonetc. Charisma, +2 Comeliness in the latter.
howlar taloTo ca fi Theis proflitt skill after finding the spell, or will start with both.
ran (whguarThismutthe initial direction the dart will take.
the morTheflig minkee of Whilstr tha fai (ad material is easily accessible, are simple enough.
Str spelWhinig lowinc to Whilver a 5 comcantmanipulation, are simple enough.
one esp worThepicks and tools, which are not consumed in the casting.
spellcaster, to a maximum of 1d3+20 points.
* S ** TauthoritEvecol app noticed.
radiren alt can worThedir qui sav the inn des the Magi loc out It's dwatwo-handed battle-axe between the eyes.
saving throw.
Notif h it visible.
fro to dremturn per level of the caster, any remaining motes wink out.

the caster. The material component is a bit of powdered silver.

Theals everTheat is ill does give it a -2 to-hit, however.
hal tha leveOncmingro att For Move is t recilast cas wal loc and for lev made by its recipient.
2nd-level wizard could create a mist of 100x50x50 feet.
material component is a pinch of powdered quartz crystal.
can do so can also recognise that it is an illusion.
willcreatur Cre spelIf t willsam(an is to rad the cur numof t areacon attr Thethe targof savi
piecNei ink.

Page 99

can be temporarily extinguished.

monFur incucre at to enc To cir pro cha respect to law or chaos.
the powdered glass for protection from chaos.
rag is the material component of this spell.
rat oppogia be aeffeone elf the Notmagprey, rubbed against the bow string.
-elementals from entering the area of effect.
the eye of a tuna.
poi lev eac dam38 guar10ddamno wizared agaidamred one one twoSpeaff tak tak of poi damthe Thetarget, can be healed normally.
tra are sha edgeIt t var comThecon sand. The lens is not expended.
castTheor some other type of fine sand.
comof material component is the sand to be sprayed.
As pbea lig itse this spell.
spe to h0 f con use this des cha Dis abouspeltho abo lig Sca for lev squ Whi(wi a n wiz duracon fading away.
.e., in combat).
damspe the at cou Howcre Theleast one pound.
but this spell is a key, which is consumed in the casting.
haughty, preppy girls.
Hit skelexp damage cannot be repaired.
as to weastrospelfurt Thebe factfor Duriand if it bri spell, at which time the spell ends.
Sli matmust be thrown at the target.
and casting.
O Le CopBr B T Ir St Sil Go Mit Mercury By dai otheabo Whecointyp maksurrver Whewei the before casting, or the
archment or vellum.
a -4(eit a s withIf s it g detofiz can areaIn the ren are dis All throw made when entering the area).
material component for this spell is a silver piece.
the wizard. The material components are a glass rod and wool.
which the wizard holds, or a pinch of sulphur.
the leg of any amphibian.
of t dea cre profnon-The(and a stone for the reverse).
as weacre been shot, the bonus is lost, thus ending the spell.

"smack" and a swing of the arm.

lowcommaterial components are some pebbles.
as an evil priest could: this spell always turns.
vic a 1 is a length of cotton cloth, in the form of a gag.
nor missmissile.
ute nau is f fol (de las be verscon exam belialarthe illu If belifor beinTheover the food (or air) where the illusion is to be created.
spelperfthe ind att ope bar sys To cmorcan poi Notethe this obvigovernment restrictions on weasel wire.
spell is a piece of spider web.
ive material instead of fire.
eac res mis wil per tar fire elementals etc.
amou the Thi wizafro Als way1 HPcou onl life Thean aexperience.
pro the pro a r of Thi robeworclo con further increase the Armour Class of the wizard.
the comb it trie out Theout has a small heart-shaped opening in its door).
the the targcov diresec Aft On adoubthe tar unc lev bef imme enhaintetiedThespe twoexam nee sec needed for this spell.
at t Kat who weren't responding to buckets of water in the morning.
the On trol On rounavo the WisIf Conor at will.
of t sol rec con ThemodspelTheWhieverdefeano vic involved.
lan remforever.
normal again.
lodestone, which is not consumed in the casting.
acc Thelevehol fro maximum of one per three levels).

Page 100

up powders, palming small objects, and better grips on weapons.

the lea compoi cut consumed. The material component is a small spring.
comin the casting and must be used to set fire to oneself.
hor cha nor period of insanity.
rope, and a lace handkerchief.
person who is magically asleep.
on ser musThischa the bunbel awaThemusban rea Theunt concentrate on this spell.
paralysed for 1d4+1 rounds.
cre widqualThealt spelThepinch of hops.
at roc bec The(anybot An castslig gen big rea tha chanspelver the wil of s WhefrombottmagOncper unercol Theto offeLike
wiz thatto can tim Theno cast.
the target's hair or a bit of their scalp.
fol and inexspe int This spell is also known as Morrison's tavern locator.
dep Thethe hands of the caster.
spe comcan restrictions in bringing forth animals or animal parts.
the spell is a piece of black cloth.
piece of elephant hide.
by tsingpoorly received in many (if not all) locales.
timethe In t is targdireis n app wiz is h Randspe in but a normal casting time of one turn or more in this list.
for wri of "HaOri apprhea leat res inst Unfmagnot wanout that you can't ever cast this spell in armour.
mate"Nuto aor s cat oth the such spells, but an exhaustive list here is unwarranted.
ind it n suc Thelev fla fla spr nor whihar of f Afteplanwil wiz eac for redustre elemexperemThemaywinmaterial plane are currently undef
is on avic rep sta rec Theonl vic cas or 16, etc.).
percthe placnowliquEffethe factdist Thi wat ele poi ind poinele this elementals either, or lower the damage it causes.
activity Thesur see firs det app ski troglodyte, skulk, pseudo-dragon, etc.).
hunmatsha doesnonwhibut running out of the bottom.
Theber voc for the spell to work.
friendly reaction roll just means a wary acceptance.
thi castatt The material component is a bit of glue and some lint.
is the same as invisibility.
can eas Duribet of dthe hel woube 1d6str In oas the If t behilin Thewhich disappear when the spell is cast.
cha pre TheInt bro thr creature Theeffects of the spell, but it isn't necessary to go into detail.
ul Sage's nIn cle lav the clai sta indiatt protwhidet Sagethe aur sub sexuality.
for one tenth of a round per round of kissing.
Als spelcau properly.
melexpemata lewd innuendo.
petal, crushed during the casting.
generepuOptwil Wispointime the creature will feel downright miserable.
per both versions is a pint of pure alcohol.
enh exa lib lookpat spell's target must be willing for the spell to function.
it. on while muttering several arcane phrases.
the eff Chasto off be within a 10-yard radius are affected.
of of Charisma is gained. These bonuses end when the spell ends.
drop of semen mixed with menstrual blood.
savicapamaymovtak the towdamageOtha s fir to the discontiSimiignite readily flammable material in its path.
can and for actutruetwoof EbreaHowadd for Theand doesfor chosspe ownA c his normal form.
red thi inc (fo LooreveOneThean osna hur the not and bre of aor saving throw vs. spell.
Thi inh provbonblade. Theblo bla time. A bladethirst cannot be made permanent.
throa -4opprolls.
penagra thr deteeffeseeing and similar magic will.
was cre Thi protpro castmage's Whecha magiof t throthe surges Thenot cha cas he shi Thusall protin the Thesurge or the spell duration exp
an act and who is Thisske and Wraare the cre sav pla affectedThebone and a pinch of powdered silver.

Page 101

deteas wcan willing Clo the the ent any other advantages.
it c at a aff creathroblinthe the and a smprooblo A c magrari ing arealig dar Thi rial lon pai ria years.
ver Thea bipiece of coal.
spe any dea meacastThebeeswax.
poleas AC0)Thelen but hamhands (cThe1-6 nonprofmagwhich aOncto dadd cas he cha damhit points are lost.
the spe totaumeFur whecas 10 cub gar (20 cre 1/6 poc ing If t mata s enc ly atel cau comIn abl are clotends.
whoor eact sen if eviltha evi atesgen (fa can powe Thewidfac haveaurareading.
sha on) cealastr seenthe Detealo Thea pi powdered silver.
metafoi to turetho Pro fro er c hel dooalwause an init tureno throtio rul app + 4,tio Thecopper piece.
subssph muspoi of t fer sav Thethersph Theer a staygui fire a s not not dowThelowpowdered iron.
TheremaswoNo and the unconsciThe fis • It wei for str tet characte• T thathit. • T cau THAmissile Thethrobe Its it. Dest
any cub sig feetAs amasmeafromvap lowand bre intoTheobs eit bre 50%. The spell cannot be cast underwater.
Anyto modery add foolby ahar thernat comGP the cold30%and wil pow500der coldcourgri false gold!)
pas cha spelpla be be aonlyvs. saveto ing cal for ries other means will do so.
one minUpowithrel valvmagins stoppedThecre and the Thi SuzIt Roypui ear ban the fill instruments.
tiondus tinureve1d4Thulast The material component is ground mica.
and posisideprotthat str Whea practi the all pro cre newtargis h spelprotcha target. Theshatters when the spell is cast.
ter 24 lcre Dicewithto infl it Themusglo filled with phosphorescent material.
spe minthe Als twocentThe material component is a bit of fleece.
poi realnot con No thir thi lookbel theifluids.
alli gea inv Ite cre disapoueve alt (thuble Thecall or r att pas dooratt alt atta chanthis morlev invispe ble Thety s bic, the former encase
fro Itc ject somimmareathr ing by 4timefirs the but ventcre ty; has cre Rasnot ter itcheaselowof is 4 lowimmand be thr
not pender wel and bar a poand by doorard twoportheldtwo the can dis Thedoorphywel ing two functions. It cannot affect a portcullis.
throleartureis its can neg Theconceals the alignment of an object or creature
tra blintrapand pri or Thepiecbe a spano when tur ment spell.
the movrateanotat maneredpushmovthe is u sionalloaffeOnctra lev sil unstpena-3, rou to makhea Theeithen shank on one end.
100the locanit sta cif req imaspe obj the blo by tTheTheobjeor can al component is a chameleon skin.
cas per spe everpla sta spe pla obj ani Thetionmanto s you,wit or aual the ble clusSuchusi is f lev to 30 comunt thu mou
ben han vic the therout lev tar throw i If gra ind of of The hanThethe equ exa cre maxmayred hand cr Thefro cast.
but (wi (Th levelas neutdamacidacidThea d adder's stomach.
it i whiact melwiseimaimaso t one amonumadd wiz imagsurviving images wink out.
or t detethe tionfail tionnot alignment, augury, ESP clairvoyance, etc.).
the ran againonali the results A ncon usuabel alignmeD10Rol 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 9 10 Thesmeared into the hair of th
When ablefrom th Wheper stick, etc.) may be substituted for bodily remains.
spe the an oft app to rat thi roll to escape the effect.
damageThea priest's robes.
creaare sighbli cessvol origThisstr and rou cov gro shapobs fill sou cesspen Cla Thefoo gui sou Maga fi tal) age per caster level.
con acti and uns cre on ithe lif meaexp will seeThecasttak such as Thepot to as Pro foo stu ret matwood and some string.
Str roll age.on -1 infl tha wil to t tur eff boncon mally.
onl If no wiUnwresist t Eac100wiz Ibs. creatureTheand a dry leaf.
up dis cre en tha wise(ex remnot intein it a the spa end the dimby ropenor to tha spa spa Thepowparchment.
wit roll Onlyall Noteundon) of aThespe ton, zombie, ghoul, ghast, or mummy.
by taff against Senfire air cus spe attemptsSeninvieffenot whoTheribbon with a small silver bell fastened to its end.
int wei the obj sav Alt aga castsuf to vs. Thechip of mica.
fire infl caster Unlis c Obsof spl mis spe aga apply. Thi spe of fir this spell is a chunk of ice or a single pearl.
han to hany han hovehandmissmorhan if t handhas the points of damage to the caster.
sea clo thr ing in rou slo ic. ate one Therotten egg or several skunk cabbage leaves.
add recitio Multi-clCla PrieRogWarWizard If fro nar Str wit Bei liza damThefewularly strong animal-ape, bear, ox, etc.
the tie spe act rec poinrou swarm iDic 01 41 71 81 91-100Thewit forcThetotatheskee effeing app onlyTheundcon swa
lingfinable cal aff regaits roll Thethe withintewithpen (av Thowithof fie Theery leveAll eac Thefeathurlwaved in one hand.
spe form. An eas hip cre fly tha regain t TheIt can undsile hit be or morbut if t Theto or red hThewat the the mount.
spell's Thisspe sil magwithoutTheno clapper.
webTheeig be ahig cas ply glueAnymustpenatwotureass roo str Strestucwearaga Cre 17 rou Str per the to gof and fee Fur
iar gen reacwhitha whewinpar wordsou whiof t lik as a m objemesmouwhispering wind.

Page 102

spe hig tha wizadur oth theyspell).

the acidic substance to be created.
thr undhea to offehea ver bas hea the the Themotion by the wizard, at the target.
aligThisdet the versIf t aur willTheapp completely.
duraThefan and dowblo relaThi reu used(i.e Theof t des comthe stat If fan whicThecastsin arr If t thr magwithin hearing range.
adv wheMooOthmatactual moonlight for a full night.
the bea Theeac poi by to t douint tha if spe of the spell is a small clear gem or crystal prism w
ban component is a bit of fur, glass, and copper.
-4, and the duration of its effects are doubled.
+2 or plane of shadow. The material component is a small silver star.
of i hal roomeff act the off wit in of this spell is a live firefly.
les the In asuffful Recpro effeOthtakethe blo Thever mustrie the matthe necromancer version.
bumblebee is used, the victim's saving throw is made at -2.
sav nor Theto samto c2 it A shpos cau she cre to manfor each shell destroyed.
doe of A feanvionl to pro Likepropelled objects, and cannot affect a sword blow or a charging creature.
he material component for this spell is a drop of poison.
ord timeOthord at Thi to hold the target rather than paralysing her.
cho pieces worth diamond.
pur Damrou rou rou rou Theof sulphur.
effewel The material component of this spell is a piece of volcanic rock.
clo car hav Thewit spe hap effothe of this spell is a small paper cone, held to the ear.
pos Theblows bubbles through while casting.
In mil pot In lou to sav a s (or dissthe spe Pot Le 6 Sti fir atta drundru chardru all indihou
and of wit thentac be ill sus eve pre ThesomSucjust so t pai att damspe eve levein werrounstr thi sur -10 sil unl be
but of Theor asaving throws versus this spell are at -1.
CausExpo Fal Dis MagiWound Thedec tra samcor always detects poison just to be sure.
9+ Theof 12 centipedes can be summoned.
weais some chameleon skin.
prieTheand a few drops of pure spring water.
is a small silver key.
Firsfro Thi of tha of wiz cen use ran rea inc oddAnycircof cir levebeinbe (or Mem per Conexp a mthe The source of this spell is the
components. The material component is the claw of a griffin.
from a nightmare.
Upovic for to piecof gol is Thecasting.
the container in hand and a snap of the fingers of the other hand.
Thecumgai is t tra wit Die Thefrom an animal known for its stanima.
remdes Thecastcreathe Net Gazcastnor ref Far reduslig magThe material component is a handful of hops and a chip o
spareliminating bothersome insects.
tra Chabit Thequantity of alcohol and its taste in the drink.
a rosur surgthe (havfire suc decrup sti fro DM:can do with a single wild surge when he can control it a bit.
tha Wheroll If t or giv For is r dambe pos of are can AspIf t wayCyril's surge mastery.
on the spe Theink.
rou Thephosphorus or witchwood.
Thi wat Thethe wit of t The material component of this spell is a beetle's carapace.
middspelto dmanon atargsomturning. Not every wizard is an automatic pool shark.
of "roll vag is partlinewiz bonumussite if bonus if he actually does. No bait is needed for this use of the spell.
suc levedag aft theyThethe bal on tAft Thethi aff Theare consumed at the end of the spell's duration or when thrown.
blindness due to natural or magical causes.
Thi or una are The material component is a live caterpillar.
Theor Theform a fresh grave.
sinkdescres to Thein cre of spe If t morThuthe suc leveenvironments.
occucan har It a movecan castThesid gui weastaf tot wis the of t to dsavicastinc hit the at t nev not caster.
aw, if the reverse, detect law, is being cast).
or the rec pre whatra have to be consulted for more specific knowledge.

Page 103

pell is a feather-duster, which is consumed in the casting.

stronger magic is in effect.
he wto bea comThewhidis cal after casting the spell.
a via r spell for 24 hours.
Thewit rec Theparticularly agile or quick animal.
If t diseint a sacha to cou or Once a d the affecting the target.
be worth at least 50 gp, and is consumed in the casting.
(moadis in livi non-pur no and down all those stairs with a chamberpot).
cas the grouele theiaff Thethe The material component of this spell is a small ball of lead.
by wit spe wizato lev arduously decorated, of at least 20 gp value.
Bothof dir damapp sil thr immediately around it.
succduration is one round per level.
androsphinxes, dragonnes and harpies.
mag(in targIf hav = 1 to the attack type of the dragon's breath weapon.
ver feetsulphur.
disbelieved successfully.
spell is a bit of fly-paper.
wit tim samcas pen Thefla taken.
hypsavieff effect.

on pre spell is cast.

swerdisaPhycastone can any dro possto of hol dist a mibe spela mmissdoi ruinreadand magan att atta (cumulative damage does not app
cra fog some smoke.
the enh off sav Aft hea ver sav Thesav and sit do nbre one to aThecomand movements, thereby directing the spell effects himself.
Elv Spelother touch spell will negate the ghoul hands.
2 missiles, level 4-6: 4 missiles, level 7-9: 6 missiles, etc.).
effematerial component for the spell is a silk black blindfold.
The material component is a handful of small stones.
(which belongs to the alteration school).
verscha AltecoldcomThe material components for this spell are 2 leaves of stinging nettle.
ThiswateHeeof (at creanat If sup evapThisadj contain a liquid.
hooat be matof yarn.
ObseWitVerySeenSeenSeenNeve * T as a fal Add* * * * * * Theeve onc imme it dopas t obs be alt specreproduced so as to have t
sho equ spe vol sou to relaThethe who can read musical notes).

con list con the Thefee los to t ali mistas sfor pro thr Theran abilper Theof her rec be Thi rewhis sta By to for del
ersus a cursed item.

00 Ran120thi Numevo rar twoDaminf are but are otherwise identical to the 1st-level spell.
inf is a powdered opal of 10 or more gold pieces value.
throw indicates that it missed, inflicting no damage.
for moreall a pinch of fine sand.
Thethe skuldeliThi pos she didn't have access to the original magic mouth spell.
out.tap (pladay hol slowly.
The material component is a bit of bat guano.
or pigments.

makicor mayof as wOncins or dis In unlemovcan TheAt scu movnot for auditory elements is set at casting time.
atural hangovers.
ifferent in different parts of the radius.
and a piece of glass.
matethread, this spell behaves as unseen servant.
be eye so do is an eye of some sort.

Page 104

Therad cyl spheAnycor Thi frustrated at not being able to hear what was happening on stage.
sur maxthe pat MatePainWovWovPainPainInlaInlaid i Pat be Theusedmaterial saves normally for any other damaging situation.
words, "spread the news") in faraway lands.
sti a 1 component is a bit of sulphur.
wiz + 1 round per level.
fiel the wit thatdireglobTheshatters at the expiration of the spell.
spell is a piece of slug.
or pil aut component is a pair of blinders.
fla Theeff comThe material components are human fat and powdered magnesium.
wears off upon the arrival at the missile's destination.
xtra-planar being may then contact the wizard through other magic).
this spell is a lodestone, which is consumed in the casting.
For for spell is a set of three small balls.
his spell is a piece of cat skin.
twi feetcre spelThecreaIf wil rea cre comp aga cre jus Wherou Any(sucverscre ind to- sin Thismaknot disrupt an invisibility spell.
rd-level slow. There is a -2 penalty to the saving throw.
egg the exp are cau eve thr dama in 2d6 inc bel apprtota* * C* * * * Undead Mo 4+ Fra be pos
if i ampstumAft to skelUnfnewof ano the cha THAlimbrot of gThi be lim intact.
person with a Charisma of at least 17.
act enc lazuli or more potent stone.
as vampires.
atta concThebef van Theis Thi Rumour has it that I often found myself too encumbered in combat to useanything other than party mem
whiunc -4 dis rest NotThisBeing a short-legged gnome, I found it quite necessary to find a methodto overcome my reduced running sp
T Thewildarouenl Thespectacular result: his tutor almost strangled him for it.
comThenonthe Theattr Thefairly freshly plucked rose or similar flower.
resist cold (q.v.).
be consumed by the recipient).
not normally grant one.
magical material, usually a ball of magical chalk.
ThuownTheownsuc handful of dust.
con spelall spe Thiswith the "chromatic wizard" character class.
run The onlSymb PentPentMagi MagThauThaumatThestick to gold inlay.
a l lighnot magical, magic resistance has no effect against this spell.
ver StreEacif (ch act red maxlessdisrWhilsqu wiz comAll by tThe source of this spell is Sarius Mendlekine.
Theisn' castbli han sunlight - the light is still hitting his body, he just can't see it.
it, han any or ord Theof her of fire.
bac allowedClasFighBarbCavaPalaWiza PriesMonkSpecRogue Thesub spe vic to pano remcombe shattered.
powerful. Opponents get a -1 to-hit per 3 levels of the caster.
by castiWiz 17+Noteworto neg Themagically prepared by a thaumaturge.
wil mann a drop of water during the casting of the spell.
can and they disappear both whether they hit the target or not.
phyby 1 point per level.
wit 1d3measpe theiIf sph sho its thr spelcreaOtherwise, this spell is similar to a fireball spell in all respects.
dis (i. silv be Thi are bol The only component for this spell are the silver pieces.
The skeleton is only consumed at the end of the duration.
rou stat int if spell caster, he will reappear instead in the nearest open space.
a bound or otherwise restricted wizard.
rangIf t a shthe Thewith the creature, up to the wizard's level in turns previously.
ini act wizaa 5 casting, then his modified initiative roll is an 8.
spellcrystal I (q.v.).

Page 105

cre and Thetyp and a piece of spider webbing can be used as a substitute).
summoning wizard's level (if the wizard is of at least sixth level).
in wfunction. The material component of this spell is a pinch of sulphur.
mage/thieves for example.
arc beforehand, to place the spell appropriately.
If s fai modiEveuse likefor up stre saviThi It mullay Thethe maxtargper Theevery spell level gained.
wortoughest undead that can be summoned) is worth 9 HD.
commessage written on it.
1) areaspelThusthr a fi affe2) reasspelogreeno wouwit Thi protcastTheany inteintoabs this per can bei wiz meaundhit a c
Thoto hig wil Obvin with spider webs when made. It can be reused.
wel onlyThetwo ounces of good ink, and a grain of diamond dust.
to herself, as she is of the same level as Anna.
spe rou tha is or oEnvimovres the sub sile undmudby avo as uAnynoi doe thu nor makNoteof The material component for this spell is a
at least 10 gp.
either a pinch of fine sand or a fresh rosebud petal.
knoaddiobt missAtt mayIn aa + not mat500 gp in value which is not consumed by the casting.
hit points already.
ten as fire Vanq hut, since he typically used all of his 3rd-level spells in combat.
or disintegrate. The material component is a rattlesnake's tail.
this Theprepared oil used to wash and anoint the hand of the recipient.
pre wat abiland If u spelThelev feather or a small square of oilcloth.
wizaThealsotheyeffeclotmayAlt any magical.
powdeath mWiz L 1 4 7 10 13 14 17+ Thearc ver tak stu Notspe spells in the original TSR lists.
sin of the spell.
Howret Intetarget's Intelligence is affected first, then his Wisdom.
all its charge is used up in that singular event.
fir etc. fir a wiwas developed by a drow wizard to augment his natural levitate ability).
roo is l ThegiveTheappespell.
is to t Thewhich the caster must speak, seal and immediately smash underfoot.
gold piece and a silver piece.
Nothea des Masa P des bac atroomnthe fin des replblo respwizard to cure diseases before any microbes are discovered.
it will not detect invisible creatures, only those using natural cover.
peb If unmsuc suc tot If t ext Thehurled towards the target.
uninterrupted time.
this spell: it operates by magic, not by inhalation.
Simbe Theboat; this carving is not consumed when the spell is cast.
Thi whiThetho skill.
one onestheidetesol but the quill pen used.
Thethe unt nev petrification or be stunned for 2 rounds.
savibut slo wealast up for must be twisted, stretched and pulled during the casting of the spell.
hairremaA dilar of In i han fall fla inst The material component for this spell is a bit of fur.
If i hugbegicre be untitim and arr TheoblihowWisAs remobe houimmone of t tim on aga the spe If t wouwilltargAlthnot
pieccon Theto l of or leveexp wizard.
feetatt pen pen of material component for this spell is a bit of monkey fur.
(with no Armour Class adjustment for Dexterity) and -4 to attack.
will come out of the spell when hit.
abo of numCre ina inv lik the rathThetar petrheadcasthit Notin eff relaThe material component of this spell is a small piece of colou
una DMscro and wizardry, which draws upon external forces.
components are a convex lens and a scalpel.
parccre cou Matnot pinch of salt (which are expended).
tonight, I have a headache" or "not on the first date".
tim tim Whecontsame decibel level as the original sound.
lea of Thi Kenlevel) with a bag of marbles and a dagger.

Page 106

tar red Theof Onlletters "I.G.A.F." below it.

gre sho doe musevery t M 300Thefrom the wizard if a modified Dexterity check was fa
T Darkne See des of pitch.
Thethi by the Casthas has has studloo looklooks r Victhas has has heardThehe con bet Theof voi manleveThislik political problems.
theithe int freepoinThe material component is a lit candle inside a small bag.
inv giveThePSPthr Thespe whiThi a psdevotale previous abilities.
care, if TSR wishes to claim this silly spell as their own, so be it)!
Theor material components are a pair of gloves and a feather.
the orgasm of normal duration.
If sto lips nailcot clo nor If c warshavdeo favosmaThegro one hor gro pro (no the cli stontri for wanarc wouThefema50
rev ave comfor the reverse).
Wheof abo ran tavebe awiz nonplaycas opt fre spe in Eveper makany sho wei dec tele Becawiz aga est the of t tele can not
the can is the mosWitmonon lev giv He Cly Everwanthe gets Table ARoll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
the flavour.
is a to pro Theacc afteTheclumof an old cobweb.

for the reverse, sexual lethargy, is a small, supple twig.

oth Sid lon impossible to speak in his constant drunken state.
aut doe dec matThi of of magtro the Halls of Valhalla).
tim tim of morani cas castspell. Thewhich is destroyed when the spell is cast.
can Inteundmemcominf spe substhe level. Theinforma5th and a n the or somethi9th ing liquid ( 14t cre uni (artifac In
all die roll Onlcan rerorec ori likecre Thebe chanTypfighto to rerol The material component is a small, unmarked die.
cas aug elapses Onlare monno bonuThecircles of bronze or silver.
his bla at for tot see intoNorblacor darea. Cre pen the bli to hit Thetho mai(succannot Thecoal and the dried eyeball of any crea
has Eachrol blinthe wiz rea posi1d8:beh left cannind obj cas blinintotra Durspe whoablewithwidmulhasteno the cast If t any)
one cornsou wiz Leathe some blo wiz spelballThesmall horn of at least 100 GP value.
Furtdoe mageagldarkpit centsee nor lig foil wizablocsimispelonl Thepowdered pineal gland.
unc throspelknodis thatthe eno ass rad ali spe self is t carry off the disguise.
as app about s Thethis charcharmedIf att tha duratak attack. Thegrancho cha willdaggfor powvs. spells to break the charm.
it d areaThi are spelEachcheccas oth dif eff 50%casteffesub dis displevenumless20 fail onlybei A denc scroitemcas ite ite
For the speldis does noThepowthe air.
exp 5% magWhedel rea amomadthe spelthe run run the spelthe the explnor (se Masters Guide).
I is wasFar samspells that have range of 0 or touch.
the knoany mis rea In alev the oth effeundesav Notaff end willrequired for bodily functions to begin again.
fire con occunor cubicub the mateheatgol req detethe suc fire Thethe fire poi mateatt intoan esav the throasi rol suf (ro whe
direthe not be rThespelratecastfla fill a 5 Thematwat sur and as i sou cre damori burned. Theand a pot of pitch.
rou eve to arr of mayverslargThethe wit pie daminfl spelfiv leveuse otheThea drop of oil and a small piece of flint.
creaas spe movpen (in Theunkadd Thea wing feather of any bird.
Oncnor spe fluentlyFoolan lan spelundcomalthoug Theof bone.
Mag+2, for Ghoweathi so the heatTheof real armor which has been worn in battle.
fla wil exp evenout mov1d6bei move manrounmosunsefee of t causThelegume seed.
per not can expeto t All areaeffeage up cummagIts material component is a shaving of licorice root.
halfhumpixiTheby tthe spelan peo saviis suf adj the spe Hel the and spe worwouend tim 5th at 7 Thepie this spell.
undethe fiel Undzomaff a saspelimmThepinch of sulphur and powdered garlic.
freein acou incineraThecha the set nor int spell wiTheaga gas vamspelis bre tra containeThiscon combladder.
particulTheinfl targrounds. Thecru targhitt single icelance.
can Illu Unascri suc awaFai a s castcas tha cou to f exa rematte hid the magapp Theink alc per usage.
suchnot Theeither a pinch of dried carrot or an agate.
oth the intobec thaninvirecispelThefor the invisibility spell.
creaObjret meror origburnspell.
A ddan are is n onl magic. Theinto the air.
creaand hut remThethe 100abo the bas agaisan wit wit greaThethe comNotfromwit eff aff be dispThesmaspell duration expires or the h
red dowhei out (e.gfro rea maydoorsto poinSavthatthe intethrobol of up footThechos10 ffivecannunyilig towits full Exa
Theflo any des a h towand surrounWhilhea can creaspe othebre the sufferedTo cthe bri Thethe worth at least 1,000 8p.

Page 107

the cas of savisuc the of the c Cre rat of bonvictim. Thetri maxhave is Thescu the expires.
matare wit no grendamThewayA) eve Init carrrou B) per the the dev forcmis the cou remremTheoff lev remspe Theof t
sch all at sav beinto - 3.
userunt ceasmonche Notesumcomphythe In knospelsumm Thea ti candle.
the duraMum and Chaunt and dis vic cur healing Theof t alt Theduricho the abil Undare aff gol ano dir dri mumthe cas Themummy dust and
Thelighrad thi to f conccha contper leveThesim ind movobjethe to spells of the 4th level and touches the globe.
pre the but willThevisi a glthe cas thr individ In asee are of t to thesindividuOncbut tru it i dur or remoThisthieand/ind
medaligor hIf a cas spelfail Thepinch of diamond dust worth 300 GP.
Cre undbe asuccopponenTheghoul flesh.
gre ins Its but monan per hit pha 4 p movbe aits castTheto 8th muddiff 10t as i 12thas i can Nottak bet 14thwererou Not
other suWhetele and wil AtteaffectedIn opengat Failexp future Speand nor whostr the teleportThediscbe sta all area. The
wit aga by fit the fromTo tra iro reverse is powdered silver.
of misssto arrotha fro lighThepiece of tortoise or turtle shell.
dis from evTheexpetur or ano ope aur bluneffeturned Theash, a pinch of dust, and a drop of blood.
pag lan cas lan contori worretucan of the cloadispdes the a c spelTheherrboggart essence.
if the it s in and cas mag+ 1 the the oth age whilsur If t dissnoi is 1 rou Theobs thatcan enticomtextTheworsnake, and a pinch of mus
90 limit th Anypaththe tha add immspe the the wizard Theacti ste des of oth sku triggereIf wil the all skul Afteslo time.
atta comaff spelof ecub the the throThedrop of molasses.
armtyp Dexteri Theand hin does notWhecastsen suc is s poi healing.
Squtraneffecan areasideof a cir Alt tra can the stanSimitra cov morarea of Thepre square.
abl musthatThemanaskithrodo autoHowwaswoured so coulis l powThecontsuc menspecthe exp If t sav tha sav (sucthe sug
wit Thi towTheton Thethe of aThemodthe spell is pronounced.
passtotanor add cas poinpoinlost poi magare unaffected by this spell.
the can do the with ea Undsav spell) f Theadd par waraga req the eff dis the spell will run to the end of its duration.
bre to an Theshort reed or piece of straw.
imaone onl an (roll r Thethe cas fro the the size of When dur is r liqutri remlevel of Theit h creaTHAduplthe abi movmay see
round wiCre whotheinext ro Thi not matis r from Kara-Tur Haiku by Lhaeo of Shadowdale).
thr maican eve cau def sto in wand bre formbar Theand a feather of exotic origin.
obj spe evil or Whilabl whewhatif a and will somAlt discspelmagove eve comsubjtha subjever en An disctypeobvite cannot tell whether a
Undin wraiundto r Theor all the the magwraexis(bo magbac end Thea bit of gauze and a wisp of smoke.
uano and caustic soda.
components when in such conditions.
whobee rol cho pitch mixed with sulphur and phosphorus.
rec cha the by darkness, either normal or magical.
Fur or will2d6suf fla Thefir per rad sta hea withif Thethe des cumon tare pre a fl of the spell, and an open flame of any size.
metthe fai gau Theof fur, and a bit of iron or lodestone.
versvic An if vic blo Thepoi the creavic if Fir the creaWatpoi wil If t sav muscar thatto Theless than 100 gp.
wiz suc (fir loc is sav not spe mirror.
tha versto in aand for rol persNatuspe duersav magiThewouThespelnor lig levewiz tha Theit. dir thatabovsou all out spe
4 in.25 modare sav bei 1d6lim lan hol rangblo arc Theand whil TypeCand SingMult Lar Mul i Direct suIf t a 5 swo
of for of of meteoric iron.
wit musaut of rounds.
to odis Alt sin blinmadintevul bli lev stu at to asilv savicreature. The material component is a bit of pure silver.
nar aut suf maxdamof this spell is a bit of silver and a shard of crystal.
doctors in these areas.
1 Hspelunwspe rouge.
astr (incdur dis astral plane. The material component is a piece of parchment.
ction, subtracting 3 from all attacks.
s a ball of bat guano and iron filings.
hemhav fee Anythe any lig enclose areas or surround people.
warhe i tho whobin voluntarily.
bouof the spell. The material component is a drop of blood.
round. The material component is a black onyx stone.

Page 108

all a fr cat thr opt of marble.

hit rou is chanunc nee Thepoi wit caster's foot does not disappear with the casting of the spell.
are attached.
Thespell is the brain of a small rodent.
twice the amount of damage and reaches 10 feet out.
wit damCre hal weapon.
(or att If t unmeachcastpen unafCre vin one maycre halfvin Thetim creeping ivy.
component is a live firefly.
He fup takitot cas his be cspelcan rec knoAt tcha wiz suc levewhitha affedis unmsuc merthe 60- cha dama sta com100 The source of this
he material components are a few holly berries.
throw to negate the effects.
ter, except as noted above and that it only works on undead.
wash over them, but will be otherwise unaffected.
the fingers of the other hand.
les the theicas away Note th D 81- Lesser InteAli ArmMovHit THANumDamSpeSpeMagSiz Mora XP valuLes
fire Thi cas castspelat t bee Thepap no less than 500 gp (the whole arrangement).
Thedet rou sizeThespelcomIf t a drop of water.
-5. weaThi dur val hit spelthe Theweapon to be cursed; it is consumed with the casting.
the loo magtwocre sec mayto Notitse but fast Theoth or a p in per smapeo tog dist In to ite sav all Thelooped at both ends.
ins Thecas therglo int dis The(an lighThi * * on lmemligh* melfor otheeff the pen whia - -5 avoicas Abuin bonu
turnwhemesmesord mayatte modWhefie maybef rea powspe gen natural aura negates the feeble cloaking of this spell.
upoobj on ver to thr str mulroll req unti"sp Thewire.
cou Cal a s "Bi int unt in ass a d mesthe a l Thi so imaine enc personality.
sufffee the mortim for madradiAlsoout pos off bol everIf t the Howin eno hav end Notboltcircumference path, than it will not loop com
cha rec firs migtha up tas the been found with only one or the other, however.
fli musDextWheinf If comdet The caster can end the spell at will.
nat It but har fee jud Thebioluminescence (gained from glow bugs).
this wiz is wit aut Theattached to 2 small sticks.
if for dur pieces of cotton.
are possdec any Themould.
On formrou sel nei in t illusions.
location within the range in which the effect occurs.
cas cre can Dei aga to the casting wizard.
to acomfeather.
in a mapowe spe 2 spelbindpres 3 tol all "a Thecas to Doperpro wiz Thethe casting.
negaing treapiece of gum.
pro magallies.
the Thi str stri comfriends which can pick up the items thus removed.
spell-like abilities are not affected.
spell is a pair of scissors, which is consumed in the casting.
a single pair of white leather gloves.
trying to imitate.
bas fir Thebro areadamsingle foes.
undefined and to the DM's discretion.
lev be to Thisa k in convand areacon comspe of t incrAs wizafig dro up fire spelthe but flo Thewere-creature; the pelt is consumed w
creatures take no damage; cold-based take double.
if t nor vic ill hit cre If t the one in sha spe EnhObesumspell Scaurlin ever wrote in his once promising career.
lethlesshis dil be spelThewidow spider, or a dove's feather for the reverse.
points of Armour Class reduction.

Page 109

versonce fo CastLeve1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16+ -9 CastLeve1 2 3 4 5 6 7

aft maytim Thecoinenchant Typecoppsilv elecgoldplatinumA mspe withmusfail the add per Theenchanted; the coins are consumed in the exp
maknor this spell, nor do any Wisdom bonuses apply.
there was a saving throw.
ordeconcmovwiz leveTherou ele str the ver spe har is, rou on magithr pos sav Thematon fmusand prematurely.
the ano tro on to cfeweven other components is of course also an option.
barrbarrgre lac of sulphur.
shi wil mis and small shield.
a giant's club.
this spell is a bit of gum arabic.
in which case it gives no further benefit.
If t duramaster.
thr Thetur no effect on creatures from the ethereal plane.
exp ten hal morThemarthis spell is the Ranger/Mage Aramor.
gas a g spell on himself - can turn non-gaseous at any time.
material component for this spell is a bit of sulphur.
priewiz Thi withfavopla cha Notroll indiTheand pri cas priewhilholy symbol.
suc Themellovethis surprise. The material component of this spell is a gopher tail.
tolewhion the back, and the verbal component is a cheery "Drink up!".
spa col Theinc ver nor samexp "maversknoTheof leveadditio For
sav therits suf magpar wiz five arms to this target, four to that one, and so on.
abi armout of onlyis, befocan Arabic.
Thi effort to create a wild magic version of invisibility.
for poinoff sho spokThewiz late Thetak norm anotfizzNo to cast the next spell after are doubled.
Thebut The(60 shorran Thethe is penaof sIf t 2 d weaThetar If t Armpro rec Aft fir exp of lev theya s Theis i exp suc
component is a clear or white gem worth at least 10 gp.
and point below 18).
tar por casting, but the lodestone remains intact.
abi component for this is a straight piece of cold iron.
wiz giveset victAft rec wiz lon To to the casting.
uano and powdered glass.
Creapoi to ver the or hhal If pen * * damAt suc modifieconsmithadam consconsecraIf poi Thesprinkled on the blade.
Dexringnot armskinpro Thelea casting. Note: the leather is reusable.
bli Thebe the continual light) will not affect this spell.
any The(al mis hav lan dic For mis magcominit Once air, samencounters.
the If t addirou hel hel remdis Noteis Theat least two square inches of cast iron.
nd level from crossing the boundary of its area of effect.
nonpro plu Thehav to the req evenThegiv enough Num 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Themar* I the sno at 4) for a number of ho
spell is a small ball of pitch or honey.
twi wit The material component is a piece of lead.
a 1 spelimm(q.valo damhit atta temConIf t all fat madact bec thr some human or humanoid being (excluding that of the caster).
houbut tim Lik fas a duThethatcan Vic the 6 hothe pea.
a + wouove Whespelwiz avoiThi onl can nor of t comThi Tra He defensive, spell, something that involved air shields.
areahis by Becathe col 1d2for Thethe respThecry direction that the wizard wishes the Iceball to go.
dur spell is a 10x10 inch piece of fine silk.
in bre If mangro of cas Theto by by exceThehas wat Theand a hair from a priest of any good alignment.
mayTheto-h(Dexhumpar Cal peo removerTheworth at least 30 gp each.
type which strength is to be gained by the spell.
tou wel OneWheani sav fiel away.
* fiel * the * effeThesbodTheplate armour of no less than 1000 gp value.
the person's saving throws per 3 levels of the caster.
s a state of great intoxication.

Page 110

suc this but leveact fall extent can be summed up as "pretty darn big!".
(undthe tou Theoth ope keysthe for objebre str Thethe dur any ste warobjedur res ope Matone Theaga Thi an the Zhentarim.
elevounces) of pumice, volcanic glass, or other lava-based rock.
turnAn can jumThegrasshopper or of a frog.
the sug the wil this For the D
spell's effects are made at a +1.
sizeplu cannThespell can - of course - only be cast by a preserver.
musago phyAftedamaffewouis fur as Thi can healof wine. An exciting concept indeed.
lev at a founA 9rat a l cas Whesuf lev the Fla can oth Thespe the alcoThepint of pure alcohol, and a flame from any source.
in afire.
bonat a A s of reduTheminiature table.
charmed by the victim would receive another saving throw).
par tha If a wil compat pattsourto the the An pat in its the comtimeTo cundcastpat the as osta sup destIf t the pat is a
invo(at targor i Themadare be provide the appropriate bonuses to-hit and to damage.
inc ove oth this Thea s percrespects it is as the former application.
handful of metal shards.
work on non-psionicists and those with wild talents.
direunt spe cou (i. emispelTheunkon the deserted island of Arremara.
thi comdiamond (together worth at least 150 gp).
thanreveal the approximate speed of the creatures followed.
sim lea this spell is a spoonful of acid.
spe goindif combe can To pchantheihea the To mage withnumcounit numb ind clotlineTheweainv finalev Beclos tha the 5 f
exp bomb that is cast down as the wizard's feet.
In pro toucann be iIn fur star of add poi versThewallbe FireNotand component for later casting (it's marked by magic).
learcas When nonspe use cas in Eveto Thetim of onl he eac Notcol ratewater (but not air) if it is a water-bound form.
a cuwil the on Theweapon as the spell is cast.
to s spelcreasurge, while the object itself is treated as the caster.
tim the matspelcause a surge.
is rateeverpoi nat Thi str musrounds per level of the wizard.
9 Noteof is ins hav wil int suf int effeto sid dangthe not comA siequ stu negaAls des either slightly or mod
paraarrows. 5 o Limany init Theof humanoid blood.
personal ethics. The material component is a crushed walnut.
wri to morpowthe book for the spell to take effect.
creacreacrawThe material component of this spell is powdered graphite.
target for the spell to remain in working.
spelver eac con end sav wiz dis 5% the the not he not lis condact sav Theequ rol rea mult5th diff any the adv tomeExadet
one pos rep thatexp For bec str owne a f inc to g(if awaShangol her takefor Whesud Quicomthe Themagpiece of lodestone.
If thento wiz whathe of eis contcon the insi If uponownscr tracusa Thi for prearranged meetings between two people.
castsub durahe deteEacis i of t comroll exam rerosav spelthe castfro seleof eran Theeffedis con is the decrper boocollected during a silt
s (q.v.) except with respect to its area of effect.
Othmagic. S A A C D I Necr Thi ele psiospell.
component is a basilisk's tail.
x caThedan sub sag Aff any els The material component is a leaf of mint.
equ cre maxFor 1d6arr the a m anotdis TheTheof gdamvaludamto use only 4d6, the gold bow's value decreases by 20 gp.
to dis tha versthersaving throw would have a -3 penalty to the dice roll.
t duplicates the effects of a 4th- or 5th-level spell.
ThetoucspelIf i willcon specPer exa A s speleffeoth Onecorrbehiregithe diredireblasspeltur pea spell.
spe is a drop of honey.
spell resist electricity (q.v.).
spell resist fire (q.v.).
con doe a handful of crystal dust.
out spe soma say Ori bec In castthe impand off in the first place in order to cast this spell.
invispell or until dispelled.
deg the spe as such,D20 01- 05 13 18 2 Nota h and Thewhithe sand storm to rise.

Page 111

monochromatic and non-magical.

* * * FAnyaff una Thesquawis 10t squ areawouwiz Thewoostonpos impThea fr ounpenaNotinvifollowi D
sim aut eff ver Eacdis to acti weadamall the the Whilfor inc maxsingthr floating circles.
can str *Toselewiththus*TomaddefiwithAnynormally associated with a preserver casting a defiling spell.
sug evil.
the a brThewizawizard can discontinue the spell at any time.
ini at of Onlonlyins realcomint 1 histaf sha objeinv ThetemIll damMatof hardwood.
occ fir potential volume. The material component is a lump of coal.
sav the makthe thr ent ser infuIf spelwizato the experience level of the wizard.
the works will be broken. The material component is a plaster.
nor sno Besliqumuscre una (di beinimppre If c poi mana hal of t in the water are tiny white quartz flakes (cf. fireball).
Theeff tractookHowe wasat It i mosalt whithe its cov Thein cleveneed not carry the item with him.
obj Upowhic-4 of t eff whi20 mayobsethe of wizaThebeg tar but whetTheand as acti be Theslapping, and other unpleasant stimuli.
spe as zomb spelbodits souls: dwarves, halflings, and humans.
goa per spe dea sumany any saving Wi L up 7 9- 13 16 21+ A none effeatte discretion of the DM.
d spell spellcrystal I (q.v.).
on the wWiz 14+ Thefra spi lowremele typ Theblood.
damblo Sec whisto aff Thi cre the if t effebut wouthansomThesuccspelThe material component is a piece of candy.
onl The material component is a recently deceased body.

s a ball of bat guano and salt from boiled seawater.

spell is a small steel bar.
affected by this spell will glide to the ground, not fall).
component for this spell is a diamond worth at least 300 gp.
spell re All jumprovStr highTheappeBrigthe pla Str At texp ene neg the Sucind gre loseCre att The
can commasdis its wizaS1 <-->CastCastdis his whilparameters are the same as Tenser's floating disk.
Durithe Obvcomsnowman's broom respectively, or whatever).
walkIf t is a spelTheinc makseeing an illusion.
or cas ves well and the component will then appear in the held vessel.
cla to aand a m sha and dis onl bar contit c (4 att targdamtoo and pha claws.
tar for example.
spelbut begins functioning again if the distance is closed.
missile weapons. The material component is a set of tiger claws.
undmaterial component is rain water from thunderstorm.
gro is a bit of ash of a tree struck by lightning.
can sol reaphome is up to the wizard.
effelon the costdouinf Theone casting.
inf divimaterial component or the reverse is a drop of black ink.
ani Intepse spelfamibur ins and deatcas beh for at least a year before casting this spell again.
The material component for this spell is a piece of obsidian.
material component for the spell.
the poi or not inv highUnwilling creatures get a saving throw versus spell.
of sim inv nor prevIf poi damIf t dampro 1d6Thi defibec the kil the wizards.
damasizeThe material components are three unworked stones.
the els targdamage.
anti-magic shell can protect the target(s) of this spell.
suc str tar travthe thennee and protthe first 5d8 HP, since that is mostly impact damage.
the Thebe tim comb gar sup If t to can wouby two.
maxdoe meterol weaSin can spe matto dust during the casting process.
Ther*as the *as *as Thethat a giant spider uses to bind up its captured prey.
ske Thebestare (th undsuchThe material component is a lit candle inside a small bag.
Whilevecharwhicre tim cha eff tak the eat pro Theany insect.
roomformcreaeno or l Largof t to Fro lan inti wit insi thr Compla eit Thesan the cas eac the like home" are said in Svirfneblin.

Page 112

by thr theisav the Thehas inf Thewhich is used up when the spell is cast.
creathe thr to bin aThi dis sit this is usually the first spell he casts.
Theext An F lo1-f the hut bei Theill desicus the althtra eff the be Thethatdispfeathers work best).
Whesou perswithtav fromTheext An F re1 d pro and hur thanTheill des cen pre Thethe bot wiz alc ill youocc Notit effe
healed. Obvplacexc hav cre effects Eachtar pen inflicte Thetargreq Ind att att cha treeCre or further Theof exposed blood and a pinch
If s makcla rounsav dir sca feeton that A cltargthe (fri hits au Thenevetyp she not direDis inf the clawOncreg if i rad att
numAll vs. infl rou ano of regacomhar cre inst the pos castsubjoth castall Aff undefuncDic Monsor H1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
adj are react as 1 2-6 7-9 10 Ac Thefor are for wanresult o Wancasttyp swi act rou per accordinIf mayexa cou the of
Att persdis comthe suscof the DM.
effecen ena of the spell Whemusis f the wiz genelan migfromwatched by Thesmahearing trumpet.
pit feetpit fiv collcollin as rapidl Anya p fal towroll in. cli creasav it e possspace a for are of con supported. Theof
appropriDil the mordil area(nu dilawizard.
(witby str nor wizaocc the the his res empsub of livi spe door spell requires one round.
All of exp divination spells in effect.
aff bondamThereg This spell c2. Ffor by) courage3. morgoohate. 4. fee all unl pro sadness. 5. neg neutfriendship.
smallar can fun as the total Misthe targduracomper withplus of the Thepowdered lime and carbon.
illegib Thecomsee sto des Othdes will of TheotheMaglan enc if u know wh Enccastspe castingsThedust or fluff and a feather.
Sucmean had one Hit dep dra che spelweaper comare rememorized. Undead are immune to this spell.
damwhotentspellcaster. Anytentthe roll succdamtentind poi sub sec ten therobjehimA gremformend of the sThetentacle from a giant octo
spelThi spelcas or mwasted.
level has its range extended by 2s%.
base1 Hthi 10t 13t Creafas to t Undtheiaffected. Thethe heart of a hen or a white feather.
obsefla thr motfla to spe Thecre samsug caster's leveThecreaobj of dur the DM'all veilpas wouoriginal fir Thesmaexc
are ava If t gateEle finds a Thi bru rec pro rep hav tha lan spe sev and local legends.
var selected. Wheimmwis equ torch. the of eshieshi shield are a A) tou wit no agaifai any damage. Thebit of phos
(if spe bothaffeoff tra 1/z tra req the det uns spe wit to cas key an spelmusld4 castsuc inf of this explosi To poutlsalt
up suc Notwhesavihe i rou Alteind creadur (see the 3rdTheof solidified milk fat.
of sav wizaincreased to -4.
gra slope, lo hallmagidur throper scene. If t suc and the the gra vol wil fall exp e.g. 120 yd. x 1 Thestonor grass blade.
per withand thu pro areaextinguisheNotespell. Thepinch of dust and a few drops of water.
thr is u nor abi seartho disappear. Thecostprepare.
atta tra lookmadinviatta sav Hit oppspe roll they spot the character).
surfres cot shuttered wWhiup tcoo qualnor aff doe othenor matas i nor machinery oTheaga loc gratthe spelto provide sThe
are: + 3 whia s allomodifie• +1pro descrip • A sho throws Thefamismall (sThecut or finished) gem.
wit the moving This
( cre or cTheindionce fr Unliby wat cannot Thebloodhound's fur.
description Thehig les by ccoma roused up. Themagton hav ope or subjis l (#e the "Miscellaneous Magic" section).
of the If a ani lik mincharact Thi alr suc the zomb Theof doppleganger's blood.
maseve rev tha and blo Cre spelare unmreq for spelceasuponstat insenatural Thehan creatures are to become.
exc spe only as longThepie pla spelspl forth.
Thisdev out the wit highglo suc lea Notedis thromir globthe wiz stanstil thouthe globe wTheor cof the spell.
dir effefro fort pro pos woulwhich t OneThethe is. Unliminotur threthreone spelthe is c full bru If atta operhas the D
a + 4 t TheTheexperie Encsav plu modonlyround. Themis ope remainder of the missile mastery spell.
monche oppcomcan wizard. Thetinycandle.
when thSpel% bgai magadd inc the the cast Thein t effecre celeany oth Thehis whiinc als against Thevessel containing centipede or mi
duraany wanmagwit thr sub str the eit struggles ofThehemhar hemispherical piece of gum arable.
spel(th it s fro monsit c inexonly in the Theare trie unc ren for sub thenhas caster. SpecCond Surpr
SubjSubjSubject is wMagWis
the timeWhecre att dis XorobjedamageMagpla the is i (sucalreind immoth normallThegainCre -2, matworth at least 50 gp-the gem is lost in
illu individuFor cas favothenrea cre dis rot % . Curbut sta at of saga or cast himThesoot or fungus.
and bushthi thi Thelevesqu des 80' 640'girt tha undeareasuch magical means as a dispel magic spell.
willThecre Int int bel on it s make retains its Thephyspol For ski magabi wingtele (cl not dra not for (Iy druiand can the
req formmove changing peWheequ par all protTheinc all somare migpenasufficiently Thubut bla or apudcapanewmovas ospe
wit All of ethr cre spe res to follow thOncneedand thatrounfromcre If t areasav blo instance), t Theges pri phosphor.
spell). The A) takeadd and any matB) leveto ccas Thismemacquired byThepiec100sec gia when the spell is cast.
althwithspe spe a cemorit savispelbefore atte Thebes exp spel(roll pe D10Roll1-50 51- 76- to It i

Page 113

wiz Dic monsamemonnor app poi dro Hit suc 1 are roundeThoto thersha with re Cl the theipetrocc will react a Thothe sup
suf sav red or cvibrbrit rec crearoll componentsTheclercan the caster Thedropsmall cone made from a bull or ram horn.
inf nor the movof rou fire burn it awa Thepin powdered animal hoof.
spectralThementand can con the is performThemanpasspas winlevewei soli cas spe accordinThefro the wings of that particular creature.
ingeste Casof the han or t the cha effects. If sec alloundeper poisnormallThewater.
fromlig effeatt has att att sto protatt by countheir normaThegra recipient's skin.
exisWhe(as muscrealycanth Upon the wardIyc it ran dia Dungeon A wwit sil eachcircwarddiamaut one tur Evebre upoof bet
Objenor cha is vie app cou theranother For doodet TheThenot the the single Theeye che not thr looknot comthroughoObje
stu una tim Addhur suf thr etc. remainsIf t stu is hurle Gia the thronot suc one are dea TheStr bar movmaxmusbe dest The
the thu Oncexi exi any infl conscon thu normallTheatta weauna but armapply toThespelinv of 5are the suc wat water, oAs
Masdet to rec rangfeetmay thrTheand exp levepeb mushas peb sep differenTherevert Thepebbpebbroc a cut g Theequ cas
Anytimeper rou worrol throws, A l neg magicalThemirror.
the and obj empnot Onlthat all is If occucan sev is t Fai invispelsee effedetect invis Thi invionl madotherwise diTheblac
10 fexp wall of fire Thevertof t fort dampoints feepoi levepas sub undtha a nesuc avoimovwallas or wiz concentrateThe
A) Iof s pri likeexp 10- wiz lon feetthr inchcre whiof pla it is ancho B) cre equalevehemlast Notetrap mobile C) Ia h she
Theposscre see addithe nee round s Opeint impsig thr a vi sand. Thedimedimmaincan dispThesand.
to ston Thethe the it gen and con but doe Thefor withknoradicas wat spe he one activati Thesmall brass or silver bell, and a shard of g
the ahe up fee can spelcan spelthe pas mouse hole Usi con bro bec concspe by oto dis spe dar con caster. Theof bat fur.
Thethrown in the direction which the cone will go.
destroyed or the dweomer dispelled.
has Cre 1 p cre hal a re siz Bureac paradro damThedamspelmomtra mateice Alc magis years to develop.
Chafull str for the spell is a small vial of aqua regia and a strip of zinc.
spe nee the vial containing lye and water.
dissipat A s con app ball if that occurs.
wit douice.
pro sav ele wit nor not ele pos of empIf t turnplantur pla tur ele versTheon hand (a handful of clay or earth or a torch flame will suffi
liq rai of t fir pro maythe vic hal Thethe les fir nor (if the bei is fromthe the of t the the plu spe magnesium, as well as an existing
wil amothe enc is rec In osaviHenfai fire whithe magithatsav as can it fail fro objerou Thebe u10- be by resi att fro
91-0 Theas t att ins ran req clo arr are ivo sounded during the casting of the spell.
Theswi pro resi poinoppoa c coldone fir ind aff con (un Theind tho ver rou Theless than 100 gp.
is mcontcre be ssavisizeat +eve worth at least 100 gp.
thr hit a black opal worth at least 500 gp.
exa (st die sav mateworth at least 50 gp.
in detail in The Net Carnal Knowledge Guide.
movmil clo clo illu Theworanimarti commis pro ani eacharmoAniboodex fur dar ins remTheani mosthe Thethe spelclo ano
pro material component of this spell is a left glove.
evel of the wizard to creatures within ten feet of blast.
(al mis acc (ch cas For mis magon musWhet retudur For mis cease to attack anyone who speaks his name.
evel of the caster to any creature directly affected by sunlight.
Not1 Htyp Othmaterial component of this spell is a small, live beetle.
tak wal hemcompen are a stick, a bit of sulphur, and a dab of royal honey.
add maxThecas sho to t in dis to the comp Notthe car water - at the DM's discretion.
per tablstordur When Whilevepowe sub be vul suf ins hea be udur fla impand Int to and exit the area freely.
hit. Thethread.
material component of the spell is a bone shard.
all A batt fift ass atta dis defeThewiz recipient, and the juice rubbed into the recipients back.
bro is. but casting time of 3.
to aAnoothethi anytNotewillcau a w simply to constantly conceal.
ori the saving throw for damage.
che ins Thetemcre circinscTheworth at least 1000 gp.
, except as noted above.
the dis sleeweadoe of humwel AgaiAst impoDayrei sno The material component is a pinch of dirt from a wild magic zone.
material component of this spell is a wand of hemlock.
dur del spe of Notesiz alc caution.

Page 114

in indeite proccre con stil cha to acreatossspeaking a command word specified by the caster upon casting.
cha fir nor wit off one Thesecocas wiz succthe target is willing to be struck or cannot dodge.
aro exa sou fee con dweit, alt the thi phe the loo Thi tha manupoint ite or dcomponent.
woucastspelreq spell must be started within the duration of this spell.
willnot spe not The spell's material component is a looking glass.
its con Notonl and nor creature01- 1. b 2. E o c 3. t c 4. c a t doub 51-
is multop-No sur thi one con eno no act pos immmorawamagcon 100lat beinsub the app spe for madcast conjuration magic.
per origexi det stu con lon mayper wit TheMaxwell inscribed upon it.
missThewal upoweadamhea are Theremper knoThe material component is a chicken bone, boiled to flexibility.
follows Siz T S M L H G rol This spell has no material component.
cre for the nextlas as t Thesta Thecan sad sin by the sho last tappThesepasta of ple can find hundreds of uses for this version.
mesfol rea par suc eve ide Theuponat or Themessage is inscribed.
(lik be t Wherou sin one two the warExaup tmis rou is sto inf adj Thethe castTheconsumed in the casting. The spell is not cumulative
speldis dispThehin ord of t Thenot consumed when the spell expires.
inf ene spe Thedo a r Thesamehas sav he meteSin missiles, they can be countered with appropriate ways.
spe Thestar a t poinper For ele he 5=6)of lon The20. augm character dies but the desired spell is completed.
aurajus numb timeIf sub if can any Thesub appraga specThepre spells do not affect it.
every other saving throw modifier.
must be the one using the weapons.
if the T Inf Wel ForgotThi eve matwire.
ableremTherof the creaof If t doe are of Theshrilemon juice.
wiz If the unt a t memorised by the wizard.
material component for this spell is a drop of perfume.
sea shapsqu rat poi the tur cas poi bec the plancon red fiv the of a c cha### con bet tim moncas Theoth lin per pla The
the spelwizaloca30 fThebe bothis mby tis comThethis wizathe exacreveof t fals unl Thisdoesdurait wrou Thi can div this wiz
wizaWhen per wizaetc Thi of wheWhedeciIf dif resefor oth wit this Whea s wit exa demass retacan alt is func WizaL 7
the like the normal light spell.
Thehav han the rec The components are a sticky length of gauze and a silver scalpel.
rea the ent detemusconstantly worn by the person to be assumed.
res of this spell is a piece of coloured clay.
is a bit of india rubber.
fro speldisplacer beast.
shield, worth at least 20 gp.
any has can grif nor which is sprinkled upon the creature to be protected.
Theper spelindidamshiedisptur Thethrown into the air as the spell is cast.
mustdis ano of the spell.
skil versTheif his cir afteski fail Alt through the use of Dwarkanath's tutor.
In aalsothe (cl victthe ver be one is i Anyundeinf a s halfThechu throend spell, but the sulphur is consumed when the spell ends.
Thesamatt pro wit In aa speel; this specimen is consumed when the spell ends.
component is a piece of glass.
on con oth is affepuff of air for earth elementals and earth for air elementals.
12, I use them all on him, have him save 12 times" won't work.
If t or 1. v 2. r If t eff samMatwasDM'as t comof per on lan Eff Eff hie perhor perhaps a simple scribble.
use scri Spesim get InteTo muscharambidextrous wizard can use this spell either.
Canlig campfires supply 30 points.
a spell of greater level.
oce an If t willthe and of in t Theext wat mean be aspelThefire poinmaxthe ele a - Thewater and oil mixture.
damsav Theeng damthi singed paper and a piece of flint.
it h is n the stomach of the wizard, inflicting 3d10 points of damage.
+1 owiz ice some smoke.
of A npoinuse alw havethr The material component for this spell is a bit of iron.
maysug cre Thethe and (ex nor creaduraThesav sav and If famicas thr ThecomNotPur vamspelthis one is fun to spring on new DMs.
res in has targhas to bThemixed with the target's potion.

Page 115

detaThecone, worth about 50 gold pieces.

damaThe material component is a lump of soft clay.
alsocont(witstil 30 pounds).
and it cannot be reversed.
g throw is made at -6.
* * * If penacon Non-affebra evi violin string.
Blu die, or atta thr versViowil dama
nor he for this version is an alkaline substance.
secocastIf . thenthe Theand app If condOnlyIf t bot collice a s magclo centre of the effects.
act maythe one otheof t Ill AursoluTra extension!
tha musIntetwenIt i eve oth sep mematt Thehas cre thi creature may become charmed to more than one wizard.

by wiz consumed in the casting.

suc Theutte(gu limimagisec obj uposec cli dir cas moucon the Phycou mustcou bac Theblown prior to shouting the command word.
material component of this spell is a gem worth at least 200 gp.
the like. The material component is powdered pineal gland.
be used to stain the inside of the container.
damwit Thespell is cast.
TheTheof gold wire worth 200 gp. The components are reusable.
Eacof lev the Thethan 10 gp each.
If t acti in cas acti suchthe Onlyuse exa lig Thelevel: Thethe untispelthe whoundiIn t gen To musthe
tha unc the the howe wanWitlon ownnor inf app han unc has re-eare headEvepro fingernail clippings from a zombie.
dea Notunc comThesavithe Fre Thepowder, which must be sprinkled over the bodies to be affected.
Phyturns. The material component is the priest's holy symbol.
withthe althTabthe the gue succonl rol thatals rol the levesur int the specaga the or add and highIf Tablas pspe Thewea
against this spell.
ing control in a 50-foot radius globe.
the spelcas spe 50 pre requthr tele deciit i not oth loc and at any one time.
ions at quadruple damage and without the damage limit.
lost If waycho museffemustha fiv slid Thewiz component of maze run is a hair from a living white rat.
followi D 100 ThemagiStu insarecipient fries. Material component is a drop of glue.
Thiswavto Once targsec let targbro Thewhich is broken to bits in the casting of the spell.
of this spell is a 2 foot long, finely crafted arrow.
lashamoatta makhal atta is d Thea g spell is cast.
whiis t fire no aTheessence.
Specbut Theeffethi of t dur to t wouldn't suggest more than half duration).
abl weathe it s vic the lar Wheals spe rea can create the net himself at cost of materials.
not to creadrinis i acc magA crcha to for norm act vic spell recipient.
due spell is a drop of water.
Cre out fol targhas spy himCurnot (speskil emoThesav app leasa mthe NPCFor whoand warBlo thr plotthe roo dowact tri
as passwall affects earth elementals.
the the Notes: great for sleeping in after a late party.
the ove pag ban Theeve and consumed in the casting.
inf the creadamsav damthe For Thethr of warfai Cre esp opt fire one doe The material component of the spell is phosphorus.
wiz use scr Theeye requires that the eye be punctured.
spel### powThebooboosbooslev boosspe An a p * * * * * * AnyThedice10 damsee Theinit the 10
this spell.
r allow domination.
effective against all attacks which turn their victims to stone.
thi comwis air, and vice versa).
ure energy) for the duration of the spell.
If tempSec obj the if ope Thefirst application and 100 gp worth of diamond dust for the second.
itemcastof prienot objeThesto for des used against the characters).
bloccreasuccspecopenTHAfighTHAsavesevethe full to uor acursThelikecreaskindirethr arm, etc.). If this is non-existent, the spell fails.

Page 116

-elementals from entering the area of effect.

the 6 (w7th-Thi wroIf t lost.
is an alkaline substance.
drain spell.
Thisthe als acti ChaworThe material component for the spell is a handful of sand.
cha concof cha obj The(bu casttho itse Thi makspell books.
small silver mirror.
nor sim Theis mormaterial component is a small silver mirror.
tar morning by recasting the spell.
or the tha doooff wavleveof poi eff Exaapp 25- 1d2tenths of a round.
level of the spell contained in the rune.
contained in the rune.
Savundsunlwiz nor vic rounlargof t ineffective against this spell.
ver Whesav Peofre diamond of 20 or more gold pieces value.
manlar pos wit ver Eacdis to acti dir die pos thanthe Whilfor inc maxgol the triangles.
bonfro the acc areasav woucreaAls unkmagthe con Thepro Aft mata s 500the not magthe 1d6 of the charges will be used.
their Charisma lowered.
unctions exactly as seduction I (make another saving throw).
this spell is a bit of mascara.
dis sne DM.withtheimagis c jus the cancthe cre lighcreaby iTheblack pearls worth no less than 50 gp each.
glyph of warding or symbol inscribed thereupon.
and this abilundThecan the of throThe material component of this spell is a bit of rotted flesh.
outlif n crearea cas in t carried are shifted to the ethereal plane.
consumed in the casting.
sca last Thetype of dragon; this component is consumed when the spell is cast.
of straigh Shoare sin the last eff tha wel * Fi ab ar * S mo st * F su th ro Shotimefro end
hol powsubjplacspeldiff musttim musrou Class is increased by 2, and all saving throws are made at -1.
two for fut exa the Thisspe Thi a mtargfail.
plated skull.
are creaThewiz up) 3d6Thewiz riskaff cre eff pinch of fine sand and rose petals, or a live cricket.
dis healConThesweet smell as opposed to cloudkill's vile green fumes.
sin (but must be heard by the victim).
component for this spell is a piece of wood that must be broken.
servand A msmathe haz movsaveIt i and willann par wil servtim tranalthsee a tuand par thatTheat f det mayto aftefaciin t
castrouncon walking slowly, or resting.
( * b t Thi att the cha the the Wizthe sou ori to hhan bef If y exa throThe material component of this spell is a
mouse steeped in fruit juice.
d spell spellcrystal I (q.v.).
spell. The material component is a live spider.
disappears upon completion of the spell.
spell is a half-split thigh bone.
exual disease.
att 20 steaare cas gra spelturnThespe tar skil not material component for Spirit Skill.
should be knotted together when the spell is cast.
res suppsou wil Thi wizawiz res whilintoThethe movsucccon Thecon ter nor up makiwiz res magThissuc as such a case, concentration by
sim smause Str Thelon Furtcaster, A c wil physpreslea Beconl mat(not consumed in the casting) and
tele scrying magic with maximum accuracy.
An sacrcha creabe rBut mayequ divisubjthatwasins be eAls spe the Thiswizatar her 14 cra gia spell...
by As ste 20t kickimmice horsbridle must be silver.
sheaf, then those two (or more) can communicate.
and cha as wiz Thi versmann rangThepinch of sulphur.
10dhalfThesnow; this is consumed with the casting.
int que the and spelwit simpFor towdes dra memwizard lets the spell end, to try to bargain with the dragon.
handlev wal targThemayban suc eac fro fir att tou thr a b madbendimmediately.

Page 117

spell roughly doubles a wizard's research efficiency.

suc bac bac When eff dama mis 1d2mis mis Onlcastare a small diamond of any size and the eyes of a common housefly.
as creaLig cas everwiz dunsphere.
onl wiz the spe cro wougnoThecha can mil or wanalt etc. Thesavirea spelmadfoc modpur worexa If t is a It i cro detect charm will reve
rempenachance for vertigo is checked each round.
24024 if t fro pastAft the if Nthe a r con Thecas as spic reprBot based o Wiza partveryknow
knows sEvecla this spell.
sounds, a touch, violent actions in the area, etc.
Oncwal egr relaapp bri has use the ring.
mussto con the sec he willthe lef the wizard, but you do not want to kill.
attack at -2 against the caster and his party.
doinsizeshrihimsforcbefore the duration expires, etc.
globtargin wspell be centred on an anti-magic shell, it would not work.
of a d spellig cou aut roll 12- At wiz inteper In day hel incense, worth at least 1000 gp.
sto or s If discdoowiz cei winand damThewiz not consumed in the casting.
of salt.
danger it senses, provided the wizard is awake.
ex-fa f camseri a w assaByrstil Nigwar on Toril).
abo sho by Notcon seniority is claimed by the original poster.
spelThea g when the feature.
a * The material component is a self addressed stamped envelope.
spe Rou Rou Rou Rou RouRouRouAll to t pudand Thepowdered bone and a bit o
spelIn illu con Thespelbefore the next spell is cast.
Thi the 5 i wiz appeTheThi the wri themaff the spell to end.
theneffelev Int tha but dev mansepafun bene1.5 poi wiz armStreArt ExcdamThi dia minute.
to apen movdes (sta effeDic rose petals.
spe the in t has the pen seenthe If namcastfor If a rangsho this 100a s them for a round for the spell to be cast successfully.
and casting).
2+1 Notcreatures from planes other than the prime material.
Thebei ult Thecru black pearl for the reverse of the spell.
your first missile hits, you have a +3 on all thereafter.
can cannhol str Aft att by ta p is c con casta time (subsequent castings will not add more charges).
move ben 1d4Dis eli pie and a vial of organic material rotten to the point of liquidity.
con lie wat hea spe per or thes(ori can par all all in con toucani to for Theimpof t consdamnor no spr If all passnum
eye whihopbei enc lim the can is loo wat the wit spelbouday Thisand the it sti hal whiwindodThe(it is wizarel abo
this the (ob maygai Thethe willcas doppleganger flesh or a small golden trinket suspended on a chain.
of of Onccan con fly to gfoo cha the Theper not apprsav wiz of dof t Thetar wizard in the casting of the spell.
disoto Thecon If c the wiz alt remspellongthe Theliving or dead, which is slain in the casting of the spell.
cts one random magical sexual disease.
be dmovwithhaveeff nonplane shifting.
but intoThisthe fac fire veryMathan apa damage instead of the target.
wiz morThewizawor(ha enchite spe whilNotehol 9th mormin220wiz morning before memorising the next day's list).
appropriate spell.
tin well, which could aid a saving victim even more.
stre easiThefeathers.
waxcas no rust. Then, there is a +4 to the item saving throw as well.
effe60 Theskin of an electric eel.
If t durapsioimmapprcan the damThebur Notabiltha and use injuup nec dead things.
pro so (li con icebwillare ice tak ConparaTheexpaUndand (vi the phyBecfun where access to the elemental planes is cut off.
throeff for are Thehal aft saviwassav tim dec Theconncas of efeetTheweablinspe pena-3 excewhothe nee bli ins bandthr
Burfre Notconfessions! Have to watch out for that.
perswhiluse fighter tables, etc.
zomTheof t relecas for theyThe material component is a lit candle inside a small bag.
doors w A Veg Iro Lead, gol Thi Inslreal pest to the ladies.
the Thisrec the more in H Gre Thealcohol, which must be passed through the gullet of the recipient.

Page 118

TheThe wizard should not be told the duration of the spell.

makiCre the for sin dro the spe dugbot app 1-2 Dextpenalty if there is nothing nearby to grab hold of.

sir sim spe similocked into the spell.

ot affect any other forms of insanity.
areaThetowshakeff the cre beg per rou sav int in t Thea d and dis dry matmil chi spell is cast.
alonA mobut it the rou lowIt c For Conwizard's W 19 A s tha checthe gas alc affethe int the
(he (he con treated by cure disease.
has sup olf vie spe vs. dis oth saving Thefleece,and several grains of sand.
bubthe bre air the sph althare swi in aonl actuundremove Thesmall handful of alkaline or bromine salts.
damrou wizais p ton inc this speTheani Dice, a Thespell is a pinch of powdered bone.
the fol atta cre remcomdis creatur A) wit ske att levesla 9th wit racial a B) Thedet tot lev the hav wiz x 12gia the spec
footdep hal wit thr awacreatur Themagupoavo of acreatureThethe nat objedrawor t creamusobj creature.
howNei the Thedoe the cast Thewiz all provsel compoinArmor CAnpoul/2 opponewcomtime. Thesoft glove.
his init Thi poi spelthe ver the nev ind but not pla musinitiati Shocan any att of tele ove other ti At 1of t inst can send de The
Int morlevel. Thepercand Thecre sav pen suc spell. AD10 Roll Thethe DMof t the dura
creaunmsla the lev immdameffect. Thespelalo breedir its rou the wil vapolowden ideaexa can it be cast underwater.
poi the wiz dia 10 poinIts glass cone of very small size.
con wat ele Dice. It i elemspe the con memele day. Thecon muscomatt comb whilwoubro the reg madsuc freecast509to 3
mayque durican pla of mayremincrgoi powprobans dis rea contact If i the las pla the Thewiz remsur questio On blocgreater
monof be deluded into believing this to be so.
tell-tal Theoth deteThothe for dis tas themthe ali Dis undby all t Thi nec nec cra areause zommatcocoon.
resi comIf t is s its leveadded t If t hom(it chooIf t ins 20%to a pla Theis distasteful to the subject creature.
wheinteTheare the or h(spe100fee and has own plaThedist creadimcan within tThesmall lump of soft clay.
spelthroWisthe wit lan for desibodcas from th Subjforcrec + 1 req are estawhicaster A pthe the warestablishment of domination.
identityAs perstra pro sen del magiawaremais d immediacan tra acti throughThesur whildef (i.e while inOncthe len per is
of egas fir (if vis sav material component of this spell is a small fan.

and cannspe spe matfabrareaone cubArt cra cryswizaappropriCasyardthe spell.

scrynec castthe scrysen vis of mussen fur cas of the s Thethe 500when the spell is cast.
any 4th- or 5th-level spell is increased by 50%.
Magthis the *** Combina Wisthrow. Thehandsph cast.
throatta penalty Theone be three-penny nail.
the skulThehea als intethe sku tho (ra but not Thewat in locathe used to Once movas whas castcausbut not Thecomcreatur
metaaffect Iro not to him. Theothepoi weasha swoMagdam+2 iEnciro the can aff Theoppwit oppwearingIf, has spelpas
modifie+ 1% pe+ 1 sub cumulat+ 2 or t bonus i +30desired • - of mate If t castand the the castdet size of Thetar mirrbac safety-
con con lamthroIntecre languagUpodis cre makare immspelmostcho convis a subject In 11 15 or hiThecast
cra musteakfit pla fitt che silv silv tha wiz matso t be one wis the wit as any Whiholdthe van can lev app liketyp booas t
additio If t spe 30%casting Thi magic r The material component is a broken iron rod.
con the recemusbodwizain allowin Whisen 10f howrel detecastmorwhetene fighogr are withThestr con attacke An requprot
Spelmemthe cas plu matstored mAll stor Spelor utime, al Onlcastapp not is impanyone Thecut wizainlaid with rubies worth at least 1,000
objeite per durarelative VegStonPrecGems MithAdamanti* IncludAtt matthe at l typetwi to create a boulder, and so on.
- 2 catepha the lev pha steed is ThewithAff the thereafter.
exp cre when and the servicesThea tiny bag and a small candle.
a locat fait cre etheguarare not If t to att stri to hnor of not Thecan maxcastintr leveyar guards, Thea ti thread.
If (witspe and counts Als bodthe cas dead. I Theamo8p. the body.
spe thatdis disppassageThepinch of sesame seeds.
motes wOn direspe the fol are TheytheyShoinflict Theby the sam1 M2 M3 M4 MotesTherdamtarget. No can spi sen spelthe
safeeffeThereb Thi damother p A wand cen creaeffect. An anor the onlythe offesaf neg damnonspells wThefro resistance.
spellim or ches Theatt castor numby fbe natured spelchest. A ktho run pro immatt can as pla of t will radThepie type.
eachnorm bet the ore indiif t be par not migogr throper slai dupindividual.
the con woropt suc cre (animalThewordrec immreceobligat Thecon one fine copper wire.
thi empdooor wiz miginviactive attempt to do so.
creathe cre magthrodamdama fir sha % odowrounding up fractions of .4 and above).

Page 119

the makone of Whitar savithe inflict Theit b tar Fla burnresi protand shr immitems, Theof small scrap of lace cloth or spider web.
addifor 15d4 + Theas damtar bet all spells which negate or affect magic missile.
res impsto are thu finecon there i Thesof the the uttered.
sha spell duThea bit of smoky quartz.
A s movdist twoThehor beyothe reascan one be rotawit migthe dis Alt exp hur wit himsten maxlev dec poi whospe saviFur
by is poueac 13t pounfampic studany has Les magpro present DestVeryStudSeenView
Never see
Tel arr 1% pro feetAny
or sinksuf tha gro suppwit the a dispelsub Evathe mudintominchangedThecla the reverse).
spe passthe lessand sufficie Thefor 12t fee amoare portthe timeThecas dis spe of canceTheblo pro not the bar effects The
in orderEacHowcas onl a 5 he dvor gre movocc toward Theits but by movthe from sidTheNonld4 Magpoi str suffer Each
it, of ais n heatweadir tele barrier. Theintoone hemcas con its creathe spe Thea pinch of powdered diamond worth 5,000gp.
ironof t cre feet12thare the If t creaso t cru 50%cha les maspoi fav roo makThocre Thesuccfor to-rust, Thesmall piece of sheet iron.
wiz wiz thi are for pas vertfounhowsup to bramp20 but of ecan squ to for sto dispby chippin Theof granite.
speleffect. Aft int liquby cou cre acr humwat and inc troughs Thecan be d90 thr int gro feet cro If 1d4cre aga Thoindicat
miles away, but the size of the bolt is still the same.
fire sav spelTheexa as nat suppressed.
bit of sponge.
spe spelthr absorb spell.
con Anylig of creaAnydamcre of t Theprism worth not less than 100 gp, a glowworm, and a pinch of phosphorus.
amorounand twobal ThedamThi ext que coldinv eve so hthr or olivi Anysav rou +1 red com500 gp and a bit of pitch.
sav if the a victim fails his saving throw versus that effect.
In ato- makatta damreg Thewillapp if a Thepen element Theof dominate.
lig tak A crcha ele con obj temof aozo of this spell is a bit of copper wire and glass thread wrapped in clay.
twoutil undthi moon rounwiz moomagBlu spe not 3d1damcre res aff othe(eg.up tsixt Bri phe aff Sil wiz resi Theinv or inv
mailIf s dodgrou the ver but the Anydamthe the the contspelele mayphosphorus, a bit of fur, amber, and a bit of cold iron.
vers-4 i fai star theiAnyorigIf sevemis of meteoric iron and a piece of igneous rock.
by the Thethe rou certto invithi run swalea By hounall Thestonholdand wizapoi if inc Theof i obs and houexistence.
bonuThethe singsuf nearor musworth at least 1000 gp.
sun the lig int cha Theif havemakto (eg.contand to visi in als spelsap 1000 gp.
symlumout Thisnor trapA wradihidiout of set thi component for this spell is a diamond worth at least 500 gp.
will not carry out suicidal requests.
cumdamon the poi per 2d4thi Theare spe wizards use this spell frequently; others may suffer alignment changes.
This spell was researched by Grimbor.
sav abo oppoit g magusu the Thewhigoldlayeas t sphea material component for this spell.
prota 1 as l Upostr heigto t rivaabs dis shatnot lis At untidis are Aurwhigroup.
Wiz 18+ Thematerial component of this spell is a feather.
Clascru cre of StreThecatapult or a boulder thrown by a storm giant, whichever is greater.
is dagger of at least 500 gp value.
is damsuc component of this spell is a 2 foot long, finely crafted longsword.
In eff A s nor acorns and any semi-precious gem worth at least 100 gp.
Thea c of t be acc Therestrict Pl hea ar leg rib spi pelv * I targ** The Mulone (anoheal
MetMetIf moncantext the item a maximum of once per hour.
cha cast.
group still get to make a personal saving throw to negate the effects.
dis one All accohas immwil Hit hig EacHit cre cre int cre no rGuidrunTheto add For houred ThehouThean exceptional vintage or a sp
he material component is one citrus fruit per level of the wizard.
ooth of a black dragon.

component is a red garnet worth at least 100 gp (cf. cone of cold).

f coal or brimstone.
alt from boiled seawater.
con withcomponent for this spell is a bit of volcanic rock.
6 8 96-00 Greater Int Ali ArmMovHit THANumDamSpeSpeMagSiz MorXP valuA g(do withbli do Continual darkness keeps them at

Page 120

other half tomorrow.

bec is on round.
reported to fail regularly.
the ontoFin and Anyrelebro parteffedeh Theveryscroll to prevent the magic from being released accidentally.
spe fai castspelversthe a spaffect spell over fourth level.
specific individual.
+50% is the maximum effect that can be achieved.
spelspell per casting. The material component is a 500 gp diamond.
Lar (a 3Thi wasfle righThe material component is the sap of a strange tropical tree.
wouthe visi of castspell.
cau limbcau targdamThecre ben reg The material component is a small, rusty iron spike.
Typare Theor corrthe chancre the Thi wiz be per dif Als sumspe des bel the cast D10 0 0 1 2 4
int upopol bac tatt items are immediately released.
targat a A wsta kil fro wiz Thehalf.
not bonexp lar Theabi * r b* L a a* f s * D m v* a c Undlif withThe
sortend Theis sub pro For eithhav if t likeTheexa weaatta TheFur Thethe Thetha the spelmorand Dispel magic must be successfully ca
knoyar Thi Thethe defiler, as long as one has some ash available.
remacreaIf t att a si can Thecastcre poi penaThetou talkcas day wiz 3 C Thenumb rel nai the casting.
for nex act othemakhid tim Thespe smaThethe off day is l TheinvideteThe material component of this spell is a 100 gp gem.
or doe spe spell is a better version of invisible mail (3rd).
eff *Reis revisub ther(wi Conis a * C e q* * I* * D * D h r Thestr is
ani fre the Evewillcon the pra Thegol expires.
ben though.
spa dis the theyAft pos willlak middsaf in giv alw Aft spell expires or with a limited wish or similar magic.
whicIf a thronor exceany sav If a the makcomthe casting.
as * * * * * * * Pos a n If t spe he left off.
i w b Sto dispthe operation of transmute mud to rock in a manner like above.
the exceptions noted above.
Guide, page 77, for notes on aerial combat.
maximum number of missiles imposed on the wizard.
experience does 32-42 damage points).
to- everdamatt infl creatures.
MovHD:Hit NumDamSpeSpeMagAli Size: S Thi pro can howTheto to i must be constructed. If it is less or equal, the spell succeeds.
Aftea l but 10t wiza1st cha are In ocomdia spe Durnor effethe cas lev Dwar effethe magThe(q. magcan cha Alsowis acc the case originally
dea Dwasuchallosamthatof Cre disagia damdamage from a bolt of fire.
con acti the Whicumu of tra con worreq somAredweIf ext clasinc pin and the container itself.
are ele the req ele donTheany wiz elemNotact caseTherthe Sec con conjis Thi to-hit for the first 2 strikes he takes against an opponent.
the corner to complete the spell.
resuwiz Onecas willexh matwiz eye is missing an eye, only one gem per 4 levels is required.
rou phydancing flame.
components for this spell are the same as those for fireball.
vic Thetwoagairesi app at least 50 gp.
livi thr dispsto of t pas theiNotair and maguna fie gen forcwelllas fie sunblig Thethe all magifor whiris are wit fro pow
Lev 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Beynei as amayter gold and mithril fibre worth at least 200 gp.
cod spe ant the Theworgemmatunl If a alte be per lev spelwiz pie morThehas a s reduction.
lik sav vic Thea legume.
the whiarr vie basebre is As he atta spr eff However, note that Jasper's horse is probably dead.
aster's saving throw for any targeting attacks.
sphea sewillRat * 2 i it * 1* * 1of aNotthe poinThe50 gp.
ted is 15d6 HP.
a maximum of 20d8.

ge inflicted is 15d6 HP.

Page 121

nor to throTheopal of not less than 200 gp in value.

It conforms to lightning bolt in all other respects.
the (su roseThefall hownot con component is a handful of belladonna leaves.
dist Dis damthe thr Thedisappears after casting.
and the indetak equaAC T 6 hewhisomact can of the Anysphewithin three feet of the caster at the time.
spell. The material component is an item related to the skill chosen.
heir standard values.
can mouMagatt dur the damor aparpartthr ite propdag hav (if one also be used in this form.
mist spe Int Env# ApInteAligHit D ArmoTHAC# AtDamaSpe SpecExp. PoinInt ele pla spelComthenatt of cau the Whecreaits Mon
matgai consumed in the casting.
a small ruby of at least 100 gp value.
wiz tim Thecry is cast.
lev wil the the plu all Therod.
cumsav levecasting will lower it by a cumulative 1% per level of the caster.
res adjudication is required.
simpunc wourou pos or att Cla EachreboThecrafpin are consumed in the casting, but the spheres are not.
using lethal poison is at the DM's option.
the The material component of this spell is a bit of gum.
Sin equ If suc pen is n pen blacof the wizard.
theieff per wiz dissipate. The material component for this spell is a bit of fleece.
con enh thr one eff Etheflyi Thea p gland.
10 A phimnot healThealo glove.
lea the spelLeve OnlyfindtrandurawizaA wspelspelthr inv two spelnowThematerial components are a drop of the wizard
can can Furtit, scri mil as well).
resort to dispel magic.
(DMAlr con spell.
* * * Thewit as the Thevel dis TheThe candle snuff is not destroyed.
component of this spell is a warm vest.
material component for this spell is a potsherd of porcelain.
component of this spell is a thick glove.
component of this spell is the tail of an adder.
(Lol(at the DM's discretion).
rial component of this spell is a metal helmet.
himthe maiis b circle of unbroken metal must be used as the outer edge.
pas fil cast.
cates the effects of a 6th- or 7th-level spell.
lev must be worth twice as much.
levea li any one willbut up charwiz is n for doe spelhas charbac not thosan i bodyfee the cur origorigcomThedep to be captured somehow w
levenorm leveis the or i bothver succaut neceacqunon-Thi levedep (16 due weathe 16, Theskil * c* i t * i u* w
can wit be spelon tcomspe the willTheIf t a geis giv Onlite six the Thefor casting. The item will replace the diamond.
Wiz 16+ This spell has no material components.
* * * * All Thebef tra Scr should somehow acquire one before beginning magical research of his own.
wizard himself) does not take any damage from the fireball.
rid demon blood and some black silk scrap.
inf wiz Thi concspe use a s dar is not sufficient, but that of a large building will do.
fro the For up in att fir atta Thedragon; this component is consumed when the spell is cast.
(incdiscmann per dissAlt staf thatplu suc the or levetar is u per are Thethe ruby is consumed when the spell ends, but the staff is not affe
it is consumed when the spell ends.
an the for ran Thetwo etc partpartsav suc Thecasttwofor cas If a det elecrefl dir sun Unuhe Thebead for each sphere created, and a bi

18+Thesumis a handful of scales from any giant snake.

carrier, making it only possible to cast underwater.

Page 122

carvill bec maktoucThethr spelis powbre posiexp Thehumanoid eye and ear.
A ma m stufthe outlalt Beinobjeversspe knoonl the the thanIt phoMajgra mateadv is i matecomAgaipro impret the Bei The
wit dama begiOccspe tra cre sol If, reascat is obj rounthe this or blenmaxsto cre his the matother, which are consumed in the casting.
etc. magspe if per spe numOnlspe init for Thualacspelspe takeallotime(formod(fo Thefor fai of cas and Thepot year.
ind pro +1 equ Spehal the bel or othe D1 Rol 01- 06- 16- 26- 36- 46- 56- 66- 76- 86- 96-00 Specastnor stavdeviIf t spell, t
spellcrystal I (q.v.).
doe eve dia Thepla autoMagTheopen-ended cone.
che The400 gp.
the A dior snot consumed by the spell.
any The typWiza u 21+ Equfor the spell is cast.
creato wizausedor t point coHit to 11+1 Notdo nget Theis tossed in the air while the wizard sings a sh
be able to see the victim.
physbri himsig caster must be stationary throughout the duration of the spell.
7th-Thecomp tongthe bonualreTheis consumed when the spell is cast.
Themusin one blow!".
(ro Mis * * * * * * * * Succspelext are magwizard's sigil painted on it.
of -2. In all other respects it is the same.
ouble-strength shocking grasp.
magnetite core.
miniature mithril shield, worth at least 50 gp.
asp required to roll 1d20 to see if the attempt is successful.
eveninviIf the is a thin piece of clear quartz crystal.
casta saif i spe ide timeall the thi castsomthe sav out Thepol tha Somoftethe spelmake ali regain D1
boulder. The shards disappear after the casting.
due other damage to the caster.
see lethmany weaIf t ani imprisoned forever.
magic stops such a bolt. Each bolt does damage for 3d6+3 points.
fla fas extending 1 yard per level, 60 degrees spread).
oth eve eve and are bol wat targimmcareknobolt and set himself aflame.
s a glowing black.
s a glowing white.
inf Notecol adj black, ice or cold glowing white.
une is a glowing blue.
rat of of protection versus weapons.
as per potion of invulnerability.
of the destination, which is not consumed.
Thetargthe nor nor alw the do nIn use bonunor Theatta the attack is made, whether it was successful or not.
Theagaifor If t wearafferou Thebut a continual light or light is not sufficient.
boot to the head... and one for Jenny and the wimp.
a plbla the Notcertmercha for are which are burned at the start of casting.
poi hea abo only 1 turn. The material component is a small leather whip.
the like.
spe Thomaknumstu per Anyinstantly dispelled.
other hand.
cov (incflo the des ThiswallThesilv tin wit ver memAgapurposes, nor can anything from it be sold from it.
active combat.
hal Thethatconsumed with the casting.
eve maydis sim ret actuThetab ele still d Theadj Theand is f
cas damit. TheStarSee pla Bot to dComshavings from a lodestone.
ini cre immu Thoof 1 h the rou meaby the flames.
spelthi dec All i.e. a + fig addeThisspe subjis be cas reveTheof no less than 100 gp value.

Page 123

Theby sav phyor r the bec houcomponent of this spell is a drop of dwarf blood mixed with tree sap.
of wine (which is drunk in the casting) and a pinch of sand.
atta EachFor of t pro the for throUseroll prieslo maton the person to be affected.
saving throw, which negates if successful.
a lycanthrope's tooth or a fresh drop of a lycanthrope's blood.
damage taken by half.
Thuroom Theroo tou At troo pos dis Thedet ext not the Theof at least two inches.
fire cau wit phybot Thedep * C 2 i * w * 4 w D p p a* a Thebli it f out sto suffentiCreaare
int Thertravmata bubble with.
Le 9 12 14 16 18+ Thehas chanironnot IronIf versbac trancastdoe Thecha to can hiz hea breaThebe affected and another bit of
enc All tru contany Thebar of iron.
for is for onl expespelof dthe wizard.
cas comthe the Thecas remrig finecou wat gallThe material component of this spell is a drop of wine.
ce, 15-foot radius.
per thr app Phyals weeThesomthatwithin 24 hours of casting.
for Thethe spellet Notelan are Theyes-lan the pus If leveign Occgro sta fir dea con Havat t hel As powspi bee rest.
durafirs Notesuccrol whicand Modrat six Conv 1d2clo Rega1 o cournat Whepro stre afteThehavefail str madmarroll madstr aut
sprinkled inside the pentagram.
nor If saviThe material component is a handful of ruby dust worth at least 25 gp.
etheOtheano pri For touceth gar to clasto Notspe agaispelThecoc into the ethereal plane will work.
def def Nonreq Eacdef randeff per pos the fiel Whilstar wiz wiz dif levemagnor ran hit for where they disappear and are replaced by the
exual disease.
hav bet or aff of Eff huma rev det no holyrev usuaspelFor * * * * * * Thewishthe If a
A s amothe revealsometswois metof mithrevein whirec ironinc reverse is a needle.
damThesword, which are consumed in the casting.
spe for The material component for this spell is a tiny scrap or a turtle shell.
inc (1d10). Hi (n 4 4+ 5+ 6+ Col dragons) might even find it refreshing.
cou of Cre par cre Hit Die. Undead take no damage from this spell.
Thethanlevethe hea inst liveThetire thatcumpenaAls eff spelspe psiobe eat Thereg wiz animate dead.
mmune, and cold-based creatures take +1 point of damage per Hit Die.
Aft lev out (theThelev slo (untfor One* s h i i t * w* w* w* t w* m* i
sha Thetheithe int freepoinThe material component is a lit candle inside a small bag.
ero feti Somheelampdra memlaw of one'one bin mocThi as maylocalif per fet This(Ca it, het Thediscall humbe the 1 i
An castmoddoe not be he is z is s the alw int The(de dir per unplan of t out smahel lar ove uns Thenau suc bec sav Any
one immyards) Dri TypBee Al WinMeaLiquor Amogreathr 4 y cell Bei tak liq (do Theof black carbonization on materials within the rad
eff to res gen is Lik no self str suc tra cumNotconcHowdif her lik a straight man.
musAt as ass roll IntefindThe material component for this spell is a golden ring.
Aft obj of car obj bac Theobj Tablit only looks like the magical item rolled).
wizard). The material component for this spell is a wart from a warthog.
it itemis or vforms. Thecha It any att aga wil nor con are whimagisword. Notnor pla fir speldemmortal Shoenclmay
dir aug damageTheor platinum.
remthe trie han for 500fee bet movmore thA c rangunyino Armits dest(to or dism The material component is a glove.
the as spell, If the damvs. spe Thesuc magof doomBla dispits vouand those wThecar saphire (value 3,000 8p).
Thetatt ech rat 48. passengAll wil poinpoints, Thewhicast.
oth energy Thedammumcre spelarcs to Eacnin hit Suconly ha The(incspeltur Thustr wit unt objeobjea la etc. creatureDir
up and by tworopt self act wayEit 2' h strengthThesmall piece of crystal or glass.
(see th Thumamsix 3 Hor everof aDiceThelevesla Conbut they resist being used for any other purpose.
speleffecastcastingsThepre affeleviof acas higher tCas 12 15 18th+Onlon tis c can the the con spe is watewil couleff
occ dec and thr and conditi Theexi hea newcha morethe and tro Constrong Mulonly in Prec---- CLEVer LigPARCle Clo Mis
and lar immthe vapours1st 2nd3rd 4th and The2ndvap str movratemovspelstri single Thedri hoohighwhich must be obtained from an a
thatDice. Cr Hi U 2 4+16+4 to 8If c atta (4d undrol sub of t by cons Cre Hi U 2 4+16+4 to In tracHit any subt
spelonl mummagthandamage per round.
sin undx 10Thecau and Creahav resi Onlybe affecTheand a pinch of dust.
the i.e. and costmosmatrespto alea embeng add har thesenchantThesho fro scr the pro matmagic aTheby con tim 8d8wor

Page 124

to and namens awapla sav if t opengateor l Thebet of t highdicehighroll. If ign spelcreatur Whecan unleSucby Evecre
5th-level spells by 50%.
spelcha whoto for gaz sav The fourChaper sin cha to t dan monhumwith +2Fea and fleethis and sub chanturnnegated Sic mer
voliWhikill to r any musthe cau in the of Scea spe spe any ing improperly cast yeas is ignored.
Thisand typesph glo globaff bro spell. Theglasexpiration of the spell.
ranging +2 tin normal If t gre to t the reg regestopgenecuri(cu tha wil whicbli poi fected bShomis throter the spelUpomat
fol upon ca1. is re 2. All 3. S s turn 4. c b direc 5. i er's 6. w appea7. addit
ske the loc Onctureit d wiz one spe is d ske has himske manspelabo dea can at any Oncas i spelcomof the r Thesmawri squid ink.
stal sen and unc Howdoe Thecominst undlanguagThebur into a crescent shape.
castinf is rumweeks. Durengaeat diviavaiis - somthe objethi riddle, Theivo itemin cal itemNat onlynote woSupext mag
of the s Theind wouand cre to sti Undral do viduals mainpararemspe expihe touc Theare of touccas brilliance.
wholevel. Thu24' of 2ext suchpoodowthe the on creacre the effect o Thesmall viIts similevecan shi the and vic Thewater spell is a sm
in to abl and it. are suffis t a - rea sav penaof contat thatspecspelperformThea s comb or a drop of sweet oil.
maiEvenof eac Mindur spe atta bit this speIn i to magiIn comonl dev arcane iAs of t upoof acrosha his imares stonnot
movwiz realcomgemwhatsee rob (se door).
monche oppif and other s Thea ti candle.
of oreq be spe are available.
dict40 tur mum240 fea sim is sub cas bef ear workbe occ req the Shothe collaps Theand creafill tours beThea mismall b
u p f T c cryst B) t c o d c a ( m m f m of no C) a h y a
long12t fee Thelast or ueffean diamor orec succpan Thetwo small sheets of crystal or glass.
thatthe illu Cre illu if s + 4 thi Cre Eff TheDispel Thebit of fleece.
any souThevoi malsou and can lowken horn of Thedis erf undsil word is used.
bounThecan as onl a sawit trig dis yardmagto ran cannaligby ekey TheThuswil level of Cre illu if s +4 thi Creaare Thespell.
unl diff to Theof comhar withtimespelinvialsotho the spe If planlineThesmall replica (doll) of the wizard.
normallyThe rec almnal propvea see item as A f to i cru wouits ren nen the str breaspell, t Theare sticky sap or gum.
for req resutou son per his cla be det charmust be D -- 96-00
to this can but pri can inst Thepai to and one ebony.
be the hav theiillusion Thewit for or l but realis the Thothe on Armtrue monsters' normal melee damage.
regafle in expeinerfor exa gol wouthe matand to be m Theearth a Theany persThesavia st bre retuhav DMby vas rege The
use of t Suchowcas sen cessport th ProbTeleporDesVeryStudSeenView Never SeTel riv 1% pro undcation alwanot hig hard su
fig the wiz he poi all poi wizato 9 t Class o All levecomThesta twi inf sta wit rol to aatt slai the spelThespe tha the course of utter
remdustturnquansoakingOnlyat Liquaffecon con cre those n Sucspe per meadamafferegathe spelThehig req materia For req
thi are or for on to humthe versali visi bor rangseeino Fur enhanceTheeye roo les for ld6 months.
cre speeundshadowAltea s of its the atta dur sha origin. Theby to abouabjurers cannot use.
makeve ill res and terr vanish.
thr ite Armits poi medto All be Subbe acidThe material components of this spell are rain water and sulphur.
2d1damfra saltpetre, magnesium, and an available fire source.
beam per ran has Cre pla withlig Thefire and Negspe damdar sur cas dis aff spelthe (eg lig this spell is a clear diamond worth no less tha
lockexp spe maywallout stil sunlhoua star sapphire and a small steel carving of a tower.
the the wiz For fre comJoh doi Ryk100Thi all modspel(ev thi che saminsaAlt aft the plane of time. Saridan subsequently went insane.
int lim inc ano the Notthe any the arti movmoveasia ta and othecomponent for this spell is a 1000 gp ruby.
ser appr(unlobjeof convknois pas ant per Bra An or act tru ful fun Theand well loved pet (not necessarily the caster's own).
Thecon fac factThuscas damcas poi pin Theno to amothusTheof fact150shr siz rad etc. Thecoma d cub 540to of bet
ideal for being stealthy but retaining spell casting ability.
wit Lib 50- spell is a miniature maquette of the house being protected from fire.
sav cumeff shaft and an adamantine blade costing 500 gp to construct.
phymovcas gro by Thewei which the caster drinks during casting.
atta firs as say TheMagthe a c cas Oncit to work.
eleport spells (eg. word of recall). It will also not effect gates.
spell m 10+ oThe material component is a club shaped piece of bone.
poi the Thi wizard. The spell is quite popular amongst Necromancers.
which is sewn into the veil's centre.
get permission. The material component is a goose' feather.
suffers damage equal to 1d4 + 1 per level of the wizard.

Page 125

components for this spell are some mummy wrappings.

humans killed by a ghast will rise as ghouls to follow the pack.
one sugaset sparthe Theoth norm creaThered alc wadChinthe sparker sets), a coffee bean and a tiny bag of tea.
Anymagmumm 6d4the Cer spelwat exp thr cre Theone mummified insect.
the effehelpthis ThecrysLycrag effeemoThestr evo WisA failed check causes the effect to end with respect to that target.
stoplayebac wit the spo of entiC l a h of haz to cis a wizards).
systthe res the tempthe warthe creature from ugly heatstroke for 2d10 turns.
sim exa wil rig inn worwit or dis be thannot plan2 wamoit i whiof the castor arr the con arr see peo as spell, do not worry yourse
unf spe ren alsoto oorg the comgreaa t newspe himself will rarely use it, due to its ruthlessness.
wheesc -4 sav Str fai Theris cou wit dispby t6d1(li ver for this spell is a scale of an electric eel.
this des cat the Thepla pos smalvac the DM must rule what counts as a sample).
01- 1. a r 2. E a n 3. o c 4. f creat 51- 1. 3 c a 2.
occ Thesav its req swinging door (no less than 300 gp cost).
bre heatIf ver by damtra Cre app not the morfro The material component is a cast iron skillet.
light's tattoo item in all respects.
red wit speltim an adowTheand twocha castNotetel contchance of backfire increases to 10% with this method.
the by aon the D Thecur res somThe* r
ext the RegAs letc one hav hourThecan are bra cas che Fro in alwaThr exa etc. lik req Theord the of t A wizard can only have one such
ThesomThecau con Theso t hap che Onlfact an Con in 10 Durenv cho prevThewhi
ele inf loweagaiExacou dam * * * * Theexa Thethe usi hav The(na divein At onl can magnor The * * *
Fro to eve material plane.

TheDiceused, with analogous decrease to the spell's power.

The spell is not cumulative with a wizard lock.
and 10 han contwel of placdesiits A c and on cas init If t castthe magcastTheexp levefift bel HertotaHe has poi init miss
not spelThe material component are two silver coins.
consume during the casting.
for howDurrar cha numb the it i spe is o As tele sta ini out.
spelare Damfire a c poinAnyeffe * * * The material component for this spell is a small shield.
large: 3 Theactsthe onlynormal blow (soft objects) or crushing blow (hard objects).
of hav spelsamTheof 100con tip and to a minimum of 1% for a 10,000 gp value gem.
per and Cer lea * * * * * * * Spedisj tha On wil has now way of detecting that the spell support has failed.
by lon Thethe fun get In is appli Oppo
Norm LargSolid me* C ** Considering only the sword's bonus of +3.
is neat looking.
aff The2d6the matconstruct.
rol damsuc unl * * * * * * Thesuc coman iron ring, and a loadstone.
boltout hits matinto the air as spell casting is completed.
ste or weeks and 250 gp construction cost.
were-creature pelt). This gem is also consumed when the spell is cast.
it Cre the neg (invsuc hemlock bud and a small piece of onyx.
tele not Spespe Dis magieffeof fiel Thespe spelIf targdur Thetha the field is brought down by spell damage.
disrant include his familiar in the weight limit.
upon casting, but is not destroyed.
Thecastcastare if l Thehe (a gradiran Anyper thr sav con Thethe is the Thea li not.
whithe cas cre dis tra spelThesulphur, both of which are consumed with the casting.
footign ver gen str DM.the additional material component of saltpetre.
has bat spell are a pearl of at least 250 gp value, and a giant's tooth.
suc cas this Theamoada smelted holy symbols. All of these components vanish in casting.
0 1- 7-1 11- 15- 18- 20-21 The * * * Othcan DunThediff Notcamthe backstab, since we multiply all damage in a thief's backst
des Imminf suc ind to t pos menThedra is cast.
fail suc the des If autothr a t this Thedra spell is cast.
of twomagTheand cast.
he bef wit dowglobe with silver linings, worth at least 300 gp.
ol in a 100-foot radius globe.

Page 126

backout.In * c a e* T a v * S o a s * * L
can aro Greof spelent Gredis Greplanthe lig the It s will not demonstrate a shadow whatsoever.
targdamleveFor detetentlev leveleveeve thatIn fro cot approximately 400 gold pieces and two weeks of construction time.
the 9d1wit If a buc Othever spe The guar C Thecas gua resistance.
tablthe detearri ind spe poinThi to per wiz wil Therol an pos cat bey Noteinterplanar travel.
destroyed during the casting, but the lodestone remains intact.
g throws are made without modification.
8 Thewizard until the familiar uses them or dies.
cir the cas unl spelin t stepvol sla cir sto lin a myTheit. by the circle of wizards complete.
Thea f in all colours.
ear Theperson to be affected by the spell.
that the wizard has seen.
are it is a violation if their creed.
ori act one Thecontrolled.
and then be made with a +2 modifier.
spe pas Thelev and motcas mercury.
feigetc. use cas pos smavalue.
If spelwiz ver TheDet see spelA s at i and for the Rel ini but cha moreMat100pai styl castrepresent is cast.
Dif pla can coman eRar be eTheact as s To enec wit To ethis pro effeins con Thi one see wit the lon Eacsee the Thereq tim
fro fourapp Dic cou moddamFre nonthe reciTheundand lev affected.
by succa w inf inclof per reg Hit excehoulev sprinkled over the weapon to be affected.
wit the famthi sumthe crysThisfor bla wei (al bal spensuf mean requTheprimvul res bla resuOptmusOn a rol D

has Tome of Magic, page 148.

If wasin if t migif t be cav likely be deposited there.
thandooind ite magmagIf ### ite If per Thetha to be named in the spell.
whiuse comrel comTo to l isn his one To invospecnumresuMul(i.e numenouinst Thelevelowis s wiz Becini fee cas weafor
sav Als thr succeffeTheof at least 500 gp. This is thrown and shattered at the impact area.
e caster can be affected.
tha Thi lot coulnot it's break into the action by researching a similar spell.
chink in the armour has been found). Damage per missile is 1d4+2.
this spell is some rare incense, worth at least 1000 gp.
ali in i comthe magsho Notpro Thelay to make, and disappears upon casting.
maycou wormagtwomakNotsna Intemodi18/00 on a vampire does apply to non-humanoids as well.
Theto which the used bone once belonged.
The * * * Whion inst wonare ter Thesomething like that) and a writing instrument of some kind.
is t the tha bonundIf undwiz fail all use nic of Thewishspecautomatically.
can to int magiThe material component of this spell is a drop of gin.
if a damsav poi Thebacklash except the gem must be worth at least 600 gp.
adjustmCreawithwithwith30+elvehuma gobogreanimdeafnon-* Elves Themoveffeson are be meaaff bonmodA c lis sav throdef
ski lea Hit moupouThethe mount. The vial must be filled with demon ichor.
onl (theoutea n Fur or hsaviaga sav by Thewhen the spell is cast.
con revefromThereverse it is a hammer, which is not consumed in the casting.
Thecrystal, allot or glass.
melts after the spell is completed.
att Cla Fur spelhor thattar he i backAt this Evespelthe 50%unl luc Thecas as foll D20 4+ The material component of th
the reveThediv sav diviIf neutdia law rest get to s get withPil cursit. soaked in the blood of a creature with the desired alignment.
the eth ethedonthe in Creabor meawoueth the cre pla excePhaetheTra bor nee pla in t beinthe gly and Travbut 120Divibut
rou rou nex pos comsuc rou una For Pilpdamsav damno Thematsoftly boiled lamp oil (dangerous to get).
Cr 6+4 If det rol remfol idea). C 6+ Thecoc casting.
acc Thelockwiz madwiz Theeaten during casting.
eachcasters head to be tied completely around each ruby.
dur functio Col R Ora Ye Gr Bl Ind Violet Eacend at wexist, both in their effects and their negations.
Wiz L 1 1 18 This spell has no material components.

Page 127

thatis c beinmusper The material component is a mirror.

gui checThetri samup morcon handtak spell.
this spell is a hollowed rib filled with bone ash and sulphur.
The material component for this spell is a drop of mercury.
magIf t bra bodof eFor be and are as foll backgTheana spe alo spe Thebac his Theglassav sav part
One person for every four levels of the wizard can be "unarmoured".
spe component of this spell is a wing of any flying creature.
fresthe the deatlungimmreplIn t cre it i the replliq levehas replobj can the psiopro psi plu invuThewit but cas use Notecon
component of this spell is a vial of spoiled food.
given i 21+ Thepas sea The material component for this spell is an hourglass.
suc For fas He eff wasbec dis NoteTransmuter, since it also belongs to his opposite school.

damhal fro spe creaas anor hardTheact cha bef kil col Oncshardia is agaimincau cur contthe Thisope requworcomcon dia
6-i 10xbut any loc to pla Notespe a 9 cre Theatt in r or plu destpla platunl res for magicre Theexp wil att (eg.the pre
mayis e sup whethe 3rd-level spell.
to suc effeThea c len for death-dealing spells and poisons.
apprpowa yin-and-yang symbol carved upon it.
needsome behistr the sig memmissWhetha so ntoucfir speltargthatSincbecaDuealt Thehea cast.
at nmil and equal to the radius of the area of effect).
spellcrystal I (q.v.).
2ndspeclin has 15. aut Thewhicare Spe500needed for the linked spells.
caster's blood (both consumed in the casting).
but lig cas intofol as hTheand pai etc rou lighdar illu Whet as act can eve Int roll the matecha wheThewhiwiz shadand wiz
the Aft and tou of ctha storcan acti opa he Thento another person, but must tell them the command word.
from the wizard).
spe year.
ThowheMatwith the ichor of some paralysing agent (ghoul's skin, for example).
loc kno(i.e recipro wiz therThisthis provquesthis It t remause preptele Thissim in t fighcre makare be t Thea small, wooden door; both are co
withvis no objethr Aft wiz willthropasspas Notefro spell are a gem, worth at least 5000 gp and the tail of a rattlesnake.
per explosion.
this spell is a bone rose sculpture.
had cast it upon them. The phantom is AC 0.
fairly resistant to damage (granting a +4 to all saving throws).
sweat was taken from.
usual saving throws for the carried spell apply.
Finawil aga Theban the als vic (in str the was successful.
Thi abi infl fin eff Thi spelwearemadivicrumble completely.
wiz onl the cre whopoi anyway.
be powthe victims may be carrying.
shi castdissit. sendfire the att cas shiespe copper rod.
for agaicas thu pro mithril shield (about the size of a coin) of 200 gp value.
aftespena si manleaving the targeting of those bolts up to the wishes of the caster.
resistance left.
rune of protection versus weapons.
sav amocan 10dA wdra at points, is first taken from those excess points.
xtra damage for rangers, backstabbing, martial arts, etc.
ghomumThetheithe int freepoinThe material component is a lit candle inside a small bag.
fro onl Sincdes If t the locaAnywil Dunthe one in aff TheTheof wit mouspell is cast, and the new sigil remains in place.
weaTheval anytIf it will cost 15,000 gp.
one not unl ann per a m bri typeViospelwit the imm(DMamou Redof wit halfflamcomGrein the the sav poi Bluepre elecCha
round peCre poi ld6 on succsuf remfurther Aci exc drop of acid.
whilevels oThecre name the defeThesub the eve the its its ironros uponsav wi the fromcou - 3 or the crearoll is poi round.
doe Thecre wei if 4,0 the Thegra as mhea can can The material component is a leather glove.
his shocpoi suffers If t joinWhilof i excludi Thesub nor unl they re If trie can the eac an IThecreaIf t add highfrom theIf t

Page 128

end doe pla fulf are abi the duplprieTheintethe die Thea p twig or leaf.
Diceaff aut Hit spelatte suc cre towaThowiz the tel and lan is undend rev minby the Thesmall piece each of bone and raw meat.
spell is the same as the 3rd-level spell fireball.
nonmusvaluworcru desiintodes tou spe ite gemcre be and magthe su If t cre cas rou the fro if s nec cre the des remthe
duothe the bet matnor inv rou followi Notbe visi of dag damFur of the poss25%entifro any Ast Thea fl (whand ave of p
cer gp a juTheby acas restoresTheincacreasuc occurec sub occ normally.
Thusenc withcau pas all throforceca A c sin the ful, creache enabfle cagedevigot spelBy tim be is 1 reserespbet inc power.
spe comatel The(nevin i in t tra not use of t Thegeming.can sha sti jumteri cha magTheplanfun the asl or if t ant nor any
for dec coveredWheing che Hat mixintoprocess Theite an mixtio det Chapter 4 of TOM.)
con creadet cho Thi reckles Theor maglevecou periregardl The material component is a brass spinner.
Thecas int creaaffethe them. Thepouch and a miniature silver candelabra.
spells Themaicastoth str direwhip ar • T nity to • T a shield• T destattack. •Th spells a Int 20%stroyed For str of tack.
worsta lim realpoinwiz dis spelwis disabas for wanthe bei Castper 100 years of regular life span.
If the roll han unticreathe han sea rou of the c Ins cho aut rou vs. sur per level of the caster.
whethe this spell upon command.
exp cre van fig can are for the Thea ti candle.
onlyare of t and beh aga obs the cha and ser doz levetra there to TheSin throdo insi Resbut and pla immhav tim to the as deci
by sworcha one-cas the by magany str eth Claspoi or thanexp upon it,Thepla cop and which disappears after the spell's completion.
dooexitof the door. Thespelwit an suc A grev not allo Theeve castof or con are whoins can be Rumada wiz por to
musexp wit rou stu hit creaaff so the current number of hit points are used.
by lessAnytou determin R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8=s
objewouthe obj spelor the areaThea lodestone and iron filings.
stra dir at l process Upositu corrof one castthe rub • Wcou awatotally • Mautogetsaffecte • K and tive dev• E bro gated an
secrOf cpro dev seeito spe undbec sta wears ofThea b of whitewash.
ard per of idlyThumovste Pri wheplane. Thetravpla poteShapla the makpla the stu (50% or unwpla the effect if successful.
maiof does noThe sha subtho s, equalosehit ownsuccessfA s 90%It can Thebla from a grey or black cat.
creaare not inst tru remof lin exe creaonl spe a vibe to and if of that Theor for dupor Themoreor aand sim requpoint, and a fully
rad pletmagic. When dontionchescre par fulfille Thewrailes the chosatiogua throeou rea struck Thedamries bla no per cas
If a ite throspe is ene the inst maglesscur tur of saved; iFor by a(a 7throor Sinccho lev sur his memlost, s If he effects
the by suchto tur cas if c the pro Fro by rol for A s div can spelturned-tFor on left affecasteffepro age creasav Partslo
within tAnycas spelmis requfectusi spe spe suc himwordabs the or pagaithenthe spelspe leveSpenot suc Thespelper 34 swithspel
tra sav ded Concer sho can be adeteDespindivid Feelthatthe equ one Thestat inst stat durationThelim iron bar, such as a nail or spike.
amulet, Thenoncan twohas (includ At tmagvs. as (su succeedIf objeIf t of i previouEvethe cha bas by -wiz enc magical
a Co2d4has tak As tmovhav of - 4, Eff reg ori untisuc Therounds aThestu tha casta successful dispel magic spell is used on it.
planbes the pla evenThethe tra cha lev do from a teleport.
any be tou poi spelcon ond been ca TheOr spe memfor scroabi healing Thethe spe to healing energy.
obj vol is three Thuspelis u If deepthe remret cas ite tha made toThewill1% planMatconnection.
the by do answis unrescorvision i Thesac cas morecha ite tha priceless item adds + 3.
+3 bonus to the caster's saving throw for any targeting attacks.
agaishe versroll rol the in ethe withThedevourer brain.
upohus spelthe wil needWhen 6th-cubiof t castThethe caster's blood.
Thepro thr fir sav fire suc of any type worth 500 gp.
ang pro the bei be * by fall servexc upodev the bet * sac Agapowinsudec hav onlyagr att fav cha * the alt bef risk
on cthe Thecrystal.
* -5% on target's magic resistance.
one up or down per 2 HD of the dragon above or below 15.
group still get to make a personal saving throw to negate the effects.
and thunderclap (q.v.). Effects are saved against separately.
summoning spell.
hippcon This spell was researched by Esmerelda.
proficiency (q.v.).

Page 129

one trumlar des app (furof t The1-f har lessinc cry of possibilities are as with the other room spells.
a w equ on if t persbelow 0, Thethe cor neu If fail wil ordesuchnec fai atta the Not
is b red wiz It i eithfre armspelwithmatHowNotuse pas tha Rat bla respcan Theperson.
magic) 01- 1. e d 2. d t p r 3. c 4. f
or dweap pen weap the In aatt causatt earnmisswithpowdered black sapphire which is consumed when the spell is cast.
Whewri will be found which can cut the research time in half.
nor Consali nat att res bec abi of t moseve prehThelis wanavoimustdis agaito f At bac abillis woudra of cre its expeduri
round. The maximum number of dice is 16.
roll checks TwoMore Non-deteDif ins req magwiz 2 diNonto blanpro spe the If a spelcas deteDhetrig - some Simp Open Entering
is remove this spell is with a successful dispel magic.
ano contsurveffebe ifig natueac cre one aff wasthe attack.
uasi-elemental dies.
odd Themust be smashed during spell casting.
is a remcan dispThesin Thediameter rod of pure obsidian.
Fro ownsim out fee doocomsto fin to wil Thethe and Timthineffespe the ope ThedooworkworThedoorknobs, a pint of dragonblood, and
spi the con occ cre travel t D 00 Thefro 600 gp in value which is consumed in the casting.
cau the withspelIf t throdamin hit creathe blo If t wil 4/3 volume f 20 Unlor nstr stonwiz
the in Theset the casting.
Int act and att spe fro and int an liz hor Thelis wanavoimustdis agaito f At for cha immrea nic ext chanasperouncre mak
in is n Theusedan substituFeather 0 V 1 1 1 N KenneWhewiththe plusinc be affected.
Comeliness, if this optional statistic is used.
obscmayclo dam5d1red mustthatIf a imme dambe stra components are consumed when the spell is cast.
In apersone The material component is a leaf that is showing its autumn colours.
the caster can remove the item.
Thofea any dis on ecreamonDic the typ Shamonsters will attack the victims unless they reenter the fog.
agaifreethr spelremwil Dic humaut aga wil simiabi req spe avo nee needaut Castali Thefai is broken as the spell is cast.
are Thismagshe alte onl maxcontrun ove des If t stordes amominof Thecol spelwit 100ult to actual storing gem.
esp cre rabbit's blood.
affe5 inzer spelspelto aspe eff the Theso t 10 less than 5000 gp.
can cast another spell and still maintain control of the elemental.
tim townot Thea h towfun Thestre with one enfeeblement spell per ton is needed.
cre component of this spell is a normal metal weapon of any sort.
mageff as uThesome It this protwhendirethe to ite per Theitemnor all Bothunt Thewhicthe be the writspelnormal adventuring time.
Notfor willthi pri the con nev entedec con Lesseno secoThi and by hTheins duplicated.
tire Theche the Notecountered with a wish or limited wish.
nowThi weabe samweaimpeffeThesil value.
and specbecome blue and show up as magical.
undeNotworTheat least 100 gp. It is destroyed in the casting of the spell.
an gemmeetAlthstil Int and hav othepar dis For certeno fig spelreq relation G 1 2 5 10,000
notiThi act for the cas atte Exam agaiher dist atte findwhoher spe alte whicha dec more weeks, had she wanted to.
mimcan or t wiz pos * * * cas to t diff effe* wizawiz can The500clo limiof the clone forms out of it.
Thewiz disclikedet willminhas * like* accu* cas cas the clonwiz cert* exa clo can Thecar cru and is p the gonOpt
intoalsophlotimeand hav shelten cau pla the thr res constim Theto belemdes comdia the tear.
Thi Thi Dit be distributed in the Tower of the Realms.
red.Verbar in willver Thea p pinch of diamond dust and a pinch of sapphire dust.
spe component is an item from the victim (hair, toenail, blood, etc.).
six-sided die.
rec spell is cast.
radiAboare to s spelinc 80 somHowit c dra mindThe material component of this spell is a whole mind flayer brain.
maspla Thephanhis lat Thethe The material component of this spell is a piece of clear glass.

Page 130

of levespe is hel des Thehelmappajouras fact17t savihoursavitakewitha whthe of t not Thequi wil add over the current speed.
try is a worth not less than 100 gp.
for this spell is a magical weapon, which is consumed in the casting.
Afteene has himrou tha ableTheleast 1000 gp.
ran wil Conas t comTheeve -10 the dis afferag wit Of catta kill and cho component is a small, sharp piece of metal.
Cre sca obj sca succeed.
Theof dust.
the indicated duration.
saving throw versus this spell is at -2 due to its great power.
Thesuc concoth wiz illu wiz epicbit of fleece.
wit sav una to t Thedragon.
sph 2d4suf is s Thesph meaa s fla obs If matforewil comb metThedus creacasting.
Thi defenses being compromised.
creainit Inn psi use of this spell is wasted.
reveals the need for this spell.
for zapping dragons, demons etc.
the possspe is p an be air wit the cas theito cthe Theof is air the sin Thewhieffesphesph noteThesphere of blown glass for each cre
inforel Thereciwizard.
well10dmagpro cur and powe cannaga rounite all wit hav ite spelif h not Theide utt which the yolk has been replaced with a 1000 gp diam
needhe bonwit manExadra withcho his wit dis 6 b doe is the Thecomsuc neg nextto to 19t oppowhilnor acq hav 19t sav
cas reg fin pen are hit cre silv dig In savevic neutdamlost ano If b die to cre (duesucctho Thewit durathe Theare con typ
equadamgia def creaas da n hardTheact leverou as col Oncof hfull cau AgaInt cre concany unlecas dis Thisope his all this
demvoludra magibut wiz matG pThethe for Volmakobs is A wonc to famatt for per eve pro stat Otheentreth up maythey
morfor this spell is a golden balance, worth at least 5,000 gp.
he 4th-level spell seduction II (make another saving throw).
duration. Intelligent items cannot be altered by this casting.
ESPabilillu No pro the castpro fur application of the spell.
mit spe weametals in lieu of the razor. The total cost is at least 30,000 gp.
receTheocc hav is Thedragon; these teeth are consumed when the spell is cast.
know or Theconsumed in the casting.
spelcas a mecastcastava savistorrunsremthe castdur remThehit remwel samlot (at least 1000 gp per cover).
the init the init con castpos spelred TheTheuse endsint cas Theind kobIf sle but Thecon spe nec spe des matspe ope has
spellcrystal I (q.v.).
has,in spelspeldir wormissthe theslineblo lighSyzis r wiz Syzspe fro of t cas eit for light.
per Only objects and willing victims are affected by this spell.
exc Thestone to flesh gaze, such as a medusa or basilisk.
shadows remain until slain, turned or the spell duration expires.
sumabi is 100 gp), which is consumed when the spell is cast.
levenot matsubscomp Thecastcomp not and Thefirs spe spelpagepro 500claycastsecois u quickly uses up those "unnecessary" spell books.
ref att pan whapan to Theobt those creatures with protection against fear are also immune to terror.
he castthi wiz Thesoo spe spe roo If a the (no Thefollowing: diamonds, rubies, ivory and jade.
spelare still expended.
at the DM's discretion.
Witdea whepro the Addtogetotagains a Thepos vic throThi cas crystal.
the duration ends, the shield vanishes forever (the real one too).
dispel itself.
that these hit points only stay until the end of the spell's duration.
Dura b in col col dis unique Co re or ye gr bl in violet All wiz halfver Theope 20%ent Theis s The prism is consumed with t
ghouif results are ignored; disrupted results are treated as a turn).
accordi Thewiz up tlast are thesspelEacspl the wizaa 1 6 antotaon asol be att EacCla the the numequi
castTheminweaser col app Servthe the ser sla alt han spe Addatt Thiswil made available to anyone who can predict the exact restrictio
*Wabre a s all Fiv whether water survival is dispelled.

Page 131

OnlThe whales can only be used in combat.

tak por wantgoopor to cFor tele enc thatpor oth this Thea wacas not disappear, but once broken cannot be reused for this spell.
lat cas typ takecon Theroun(bu migthatsuf eve cumspelpunane Thefur thatnot hig to let the spell take effect.
castIntespe weaThecan from a lich.
cas and to aif t not is lowthe caster will be safe.
protection versus weapons.
magiinsi or sthr con Alt kin peekfro wil the monsit extinguish one candle, and the entire spell collapses immediately.
p to two spells per combat round (if the casting times allow).
rounds For spe thi the unmmulteve cla hit Als the the liki wonder for what effect occurs in stead of this spell.
the of If i endsTheuns pul of tun the comwizacomponent for this spell is a fan.
theithe int freepoinThe material component is a lit candle inside a small bag.
the Thethe hit minatta Oncthe helpwillunc fearIf t mustthe fal victwillactuagaiwiz fearTheis roll when modiThewiz fearand the disbelieve
insi med+3 Note that clothing, armour, etc. are in the inside also.
three 2nd-level spells, etc.).
the sto of t onl spe call whewizaorg fighspe rat thata w spelor castindilast castend spellast rec cre any tha cha memspelCer
Thi and their s The material component is a bit of sponge.
one-manAlt sol plu fly the cas Theove contother actions but may not cast other spells.
reg bef comspell ca Antcre powtou vs. in t wil itchof 1spe of Failaba and untiTheof vinegar Symapplcau of cto an oor
is c it c Thusoth Theround t * T sub stu dodeffectivThedes of its c Thelea of f cur tom
formas wis accoinc rea the bin chaietc. sor siz cre carved sMagtru not leveHit can eachand thr wizacastthe thr bin of bindi
origtim and eac suchone ins destbot Theone the tim sub tot a p origclo that timFin poi the Constit Thesmabe dupl Theto t
versthe cast Savmordiv is c linktim the his the curalink-heaOnceithone the pla ing at t effect o Thetoo aga sel safeneg a si
saviOf meathatdembut suggThecon app is n spelthe on cha DM.undabi Int or they pl Thebe Thereply i Thea p con som
ration oThe10 one seensmobe ano a wall oCre one nonby lwaythator dan les area. Thethatditi on dist WitWitOn dIn diffe
per and ClasThea s steel.
of the c Thedan 8 hitio roll or All eff do dea poi are deafeneDamthe hea spl breaflic wer(se Dunfie cal pat thr Cre 20 ping
the spelwizashorcas spells. Thecastwiz dra subtres the vict Spespelworreg specific level should be determined randomly.
wizard' Thethi ope onl of 4the spe cas are they ar Theof the wizard' Themis can by by attribu At disato can be If t any
plane, r D10Rol 01- 04- 07- 13- 18- 24- 28- 31- 36- 39- 45- 48- 51- 54- 59- 62- 65- 68- 71- 74- 77- 80- 83- 86- 92- 95- 98-100
exi poi whold4 and 1-2 bur are obs wit one theyagaito by one- In ohavepyr ben a dung pile, and a pinch of dust.
expemuswithsav numand creathe eff and against charm spells does apply.
ESPkill pin pro of ballcla oth (wi powe barrier.
exp cre van fig can are for the Thea ti candle.
Anytele cas mumsph a sumoreng of aexc wei fiel the sho sub Thewith a In dia the bar this spell.
cav cre impneg tha melspellcaster were striking to do damage.
c Thethe EacConcastapp onl spe In spe objepermane Addcas permane
othedep the wellbe using t KinClas Rela SizeSha Inte A c workremchanThuper wordur wouint tur obje
totafocuCreaove not affepoindep affeed, If 2 blinpoinis turecurrotheremmagic spell.
powwit feetvis out has neg col of beinwalleach col Colo---- Red Oran Yell Gree Blue Indigo Viol
termof the hav bre gamqui pas spe stra or sho set Att det sav app of as chi a satheronl sus dis ano cancsav hid those affected by the i
morthe cre can willfor for bontyp table. Spel 1st 4th 7th-8th* IncludThedia musrec hav one carat size, intact and carried on its person
or unleor (forsuc inc the enc and spe pro nonthr gre it stand Theceasit i turnthe nex int tak one-grousec rounground.Thi
casteffeacti in exi areashi the . Oncdeacdowcome ghWhesorbeffedo sabi magnot suc bri tionengine A s rec ing art eng
• Aland saverounds. • Aland use rounds i• Alto makthe bli they ar • A ing damthey ma • A8d6with no Theare a piece of sunstone and a
Likethe followi
Thewaysbe ran and effeas the of - prison Thefor objeworsou the wortri spelAs acceaut the throw. Theindeand mattra
of wild Theon in each si Witspeltre maged magicalSpeare be ca wild Thepai hammered silver worth no less than 2,000 8p.
Cla Anypenapowworth at least 500 gp.
tha succdur contcas wizard saves successfully.
scarres whicof t Theact sol thi touched in the previous minute by Charon (the boatman of the dead).
withof t Theconsumed in the casting.
in pro and a n dra wizaTheleveat t a dethe of the age Bot wil los and age inv ret unc wiz inc a tu for Thi and the att Fina
giv Lic bid suc Zeusuc the this fate. Probably not...

Page 132

8 Theabo dragon, crafted from the finest materials, worth at least 10,000 gp.
the * dur Thewhen dup* * Creatures of Intelligence greater than 2 cannot be duplicated.
at the discretion of the DM.
e in ast outeouteouteouteouteouteouter plChaof veracity is 81%.
Hit the this the lis is blo the and the * sevepri * levemin* levemus* seveorg lost * at l cau per * leassadiothe
dur the lev leveone spelwallTheof hminrug candbannTheroom spells.
poi castimmlyc throthe is t comof t nor is unlecha duriof wThediff dep Thecontthe its Thi des oppotarget, the spell (and the component)
cremcre gro All deatthe poi rou inc for Cer spe cre spe fir immThedrop of the caster's blood.
fir MVMVatmThehoucomhit per Thehas for Theperson, to which is affixed a ruby sword and sapphire wings.
roll on 01- 1. a c 2. E r 3. m c 4. t norm 51- 1. 4 c a 2.
damunwpar randomly determined spells in memory.
caster's own). It is consumed in the casting.
resi sav effeThewit des Thi the The material component of this spell is a golden star.
Thesuccess withwithsameother plThuonl NyrIf t ope at t cou ano pla the Thefro of screen, sanctum, etc, or rooms lined with gold or lead)
scorlist zer die bel fro so this con douall If o up tthis ThethroIf t thr not comwit inf any thr factdis lost hav theithe dura
* Faa rahe i Con** The duration is halved.
wit For of wiz wheaff the rec the bei spelIn ospiccre Genspell are typically 10,000 gp.
it last Als wantwat a s of The mos E If 10-fcre through.
(les Anythe spelpos ThetheytheyotheThewiz the of in eIf inst somsep in eAt spli Thepowpowtim casting.
speltentgemA sples 18t 24thIf p a n spelthe leveis (if Remlev a g to cast spells for 20 days (due to the effects of the conduit).
saving throw allowed for half damage.
thr a soIf t damof damcomponents of this spell are a lit torch and a dragon's bone.
newis TheWhitewolf, is an hourglass.
atta actsThi the the Aft and wil typ the Exaconswhia fr kill withhav wil ownThi barbbar suc int migthe the the can Thefai
20+Thenever be spellcasters.
n other people.
component is a small mithril mirror worth not less than 500 gp.
actuhe vanisav agaitheidisbstil entathr for for Theto copa transparent again.
HavIf t tur thir Theone.If t tha reveoriginal caster.
of for cyl Str the Thecha Sul pot.
Thuswouthosif t 12 honl Thetha costbut it is cumulative with one (and only one) stoneskin.
needver benepro 8 o a 1 Lik subja n spelTheraffespe undeundecertof gtak ins he fun fro Theless than 300 gp, and a doughnut made less th
(to suc to a2d1int the smowebThi Ironthat changed Kelennor into his undead state.

hel the rec cas of blood from both parties, and a specially prepared glass screen.

detefac makdet thouTheduraspi glass prism, which is consumed in the casting.

with enchant an item.
so dIf a of (whmindoe any its minare Unwthis spell.
HanUnfoexp dea and ran enc If the ben occuA picast this spell.
through it.
Thethator several snakes from the head of a medusa would suffice.
comcharIf h mattru In t (thecastA mspe than 100 square feet per caster level.
sai The material component of this spell is an undead's hand.
A hAn magcre immArmcre The material component of this spell is some sulphur.
Anythis dissof unc nor The500the spell is cast.
Thebacklash except the gem must be worth at least 800 gp.
wizaEactimelessplanfre sin If t res MastIf nee is n inf Usi pla at t lowof maysourdeciobt a - fro infoalt make If t othehos
the a s the vol cas oth featalt is p reg wherit i Als doohol not ver wit ran pri ext int mouand manrequalo is t spe exp are
so are cur Chasus Savicreature is to be affected, its saving throw suffers a -4 penalty.
bol thr Thelike a pyramid.
offethr dodres Exa* a * * l * c Exa* * * * t * Thethreeac 1000 gp.
seasent comgiv For mid(30 numto beco Spr SumTherea (33 can A diStr whinot a sadis a s willThehumanoid flesh, which bo
Thejust Theetc. can wis gaseous death poison.

Page 133

to terr Thethe can memcre If use ironwandif spelspelThewan(DMTheThepat worspe non-magical.

booshead to be tied completely around each ruby.
rec plane.
casting. The current hit points of the creatures are used.
this bettThi of per Theunt giv dep spe abs giveFor cre spe wiz pen creature's magic resistance is reduced to 20%.
or aTheand dis and material component for the spell is a brush.
spe 200versus magical fire for the spell to work.
are throimmwill resist any effort to have it reversed back.
one poi hit hav casthandAn stu Thewhispe object affected, and more than one object can be targeted.
and inks per level of the spell contained in the rune.
the wal abilcon gat the a gaIf a blo the a g willcho 10xthe smalthrothrough Po Ra 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * cro
spasm. The material component of the spell is psehaw-monkey blood.
castThi enoudis firs disi Notewhicent eve a d dis not affedisintegrated.
is h Durges lea comexa pro Thedus aro Thi prone to cast this upon their spellbooks to always keep them handy.
upwrev not thr pro thatwougravsomThi imbthi coinof scoins at once. The scale itself has to cost no less than 10,000 gp.
1d1suf Noteff that wandering monsters within 1d6x1000 feet may be attracted.
wouTheany type of dragon; this component is consumed when the spell is cast.
wanlevebre una Thecompass needle.
howsav which mHit up up up up 5 or 6 This spell only has a somatic component.
thr resi poindamthr possnor the resi If demaffea sahit the eve Thespe time.
spellcrystal I (q.v.).
agaiele vers(es wit sun of eper int hav or get theyThelig above.
dra casting.
An Thi wil bur spelabi can ConmatThi a pretty silly spell just for castle defense.
Some Stufclerbes pointhe any resistance though).
leveThethe centre. The symbol costs 2000 gp to make and is lost in the casting.
Dexite poi and faerare glowNowor eve speldampoinDextha succwortargTherou mayinvifig par bothtar each).
tho undthe AnyautomusAttefashion. The material component is a glass globe.
affehe i the An wis cell the whowiz foo sti All tele the all Theloc casting.
timerea worrealTherou eff As no gmidcon and hav as shorcomThehas fromthe illu cau the rev In t spelrea noteBot per perm
quarpro sommagto bexa but Obvtra a l Spe(mahorrtheyis k by Thethe fig int eachthe of one item per figure can be incorporated.
5 o Thi wil this Whilunc sen and Fur The material component for this spell is a mirror.
forever (as does the real one, which is the material component).
at a fri a wish spell has a 70% chance of working.
behaves as a half Hit Dice stone golem for combat purpose.
component of this spell is an iron claw.
Notthe and Thestopper is removed and which is broken at the time of the casting.
rounpoolvolutho down half their city in some sorcerous fight.
etc Die (fo Limbo).
lev effeles effefol rou excethe of sur this If poi unt hur 1d6smeand emecreaOnlyis be aexplis p annihilated.
per to the ManIt impSincwipe out an entire army if used wisely.
protection versus weapons.
Anypas onl san lock, inlaid with gems, worth at least 10,000 gp.
Eff in wit prism.
Twedameth abilTo sfirst be cast successfully.
WhespeleithA phavespe Thetranconsumed in the casting (but after the discharge).
eve boosall weacla Thea p of increase.
oesn't drown, he finds total ecstasy.
ite (al temof Astrlevetravas hpla he hto Matbut Pri per by creatAt ato t cordast the bre dif inv astr to t Pri state o Alt
the con wiz dep upon th 2nd 4th The0, hstr han atta struheldif t autoeff formabl esc the mus25 Thea gl egg.
In the out the Chathe eit spe Spelev castspells t Unlcha the wordinstruct In the spe but sire get are to b Theits mentlev
likefor shorwill notTheite oppmusatt aff worbut affethr or inf 10%sav to chanweap and affehighAff des fro including a staff.
ica doessubjson,before Theacr dri meahar con its feelscendismas its thineve person oMinby aof t minimmbodfor this Res

Page 134

Eaccastin cfire shimmerAir • i • t cr • ab normaEar • i m • i t • a ra • abilit Fir • i • t cr • a ra • t ef • abilit

Aft out, tak Off sid on tban spe usedtenteff off tio somtionThowhicfire magsphere Spethe fectcall sil siv if t of not pote
and iteming morbri even if Whemusteva thesis tio oth plane thAls ind ate willlocationTheare worsumard whiis diately
loses twA mfor loseper adventurTheess comtou tri effect i Therou bel be of the c Thechanone the poinConsdies and becomes a shade.
Thethe et a prevent Ins of pla In athe poc Befomusfro wanFireblo suc cry morabo no moreThemovmovPri sire not visits f
dan spell. Thuswiz thi him,fro att wit warcan the is ma g tak righdef Whewiz He to yan comall spr objebonThehummingbird's feathe
portSecothe the wiz use Theste somser spell, t If t leavwizaof somethe the and app cominc the whoSucwit gat unl this spell ages the wiz
and inf speland and course Phi tha ldl of same amhowpro lea any excThetim the consumed in the process.
the gro ballwillimpbackgroThespo sunkthatint cre tha imprisoNotfre of dtwi and maxand rou Eacbe iare leveexa random
for the Thehe oof fectAll area 50 Undvs. undbonthe effe Concreaenc willthe (of cas monthe ord des withoutThea c which is consumed in
and demmumlineeffeben leavburs10ddia feetthatand bla dia poteboxthe centand tha sav ind age areathe missiles impacting.
rounds after the spell is cast.
dis enc castspe itemMoris lev itemmis rel weacan pro disj cha shelno itemsNotbusiatt an Addicas thr lose all spellcasting abilities.
muma si musand points of the creatures are used.
hav cre for Onlthe althpro col ical bro aff the stil uppthe so flo and as on the Notpri willshorspheto t acti i.e petrtranspo
uponand the he thenflametc poinsha req incurre Exaass whecha away. Wheto t unt det a d is famil A wadopwiz in dcon Unl
Whespelnecefor spelpriebe spell, L Sucent itemind A c to wall, if Invpro partsio lentwhicthe protWhespe pro by vulntio
Theto the effeTheone partSpelrefl wheretr origare ite aff gency, wish, and limited wish are not.
his movThewhen nor pro spelto dwildstrike, wildzone, and wildwind.
whothe at comis rec the ite all inst wizard. Thetra viciite sai the but go (makThegemvaluimmenc a nitimeand of the wizard).
magi(te tha and no Thesta emeeach crushed stone of at least 100 gp value.
wiz are cre greain t bet durationNotstopthe Wheis agai Nota st spelint exp embastop spell is permissible.
Theper the spelindipoincharm pOnccan ste sid spe sav moresavecha charm oThetimeviduundthe norm lim cha lon saviatt all
Thespe therthe whinot tar to auto Thean evil female elf.
to bthe to bthe them. Thethe spelrou poinretucausnemini tak is p int die the emesee of app see DurimusIf whoIf t end
Wildany onl effespellbo Anyare madeWilmagmaycreated Wilnot har hav Thealmelecdis to (equal t Wheby Ite can onl cou
rou dir OncstopThe lig Theall 2d6struaut ite lig resulting in a wild surge.
anotOthcau Str due tim whathe Castyears. Thi nec wouDMfut longwishing character out of the campaign.
plane. The30 ver the the can pie cast agaTheknovio the froming comsumWorran visucas plane. Bot thr cre one can they
dentical to animate dead II.

objeper if i the Once 10- verywit per Thedia hin hol pri fou of lik special case).
eff cause even more damage.
cha in 50 a s wouthe can spe loada G Thelin res top cha doe helms to be linked.
he ar le ri spi pel * I targ** The Curfor victvictThefoo spell is cast.
* ene * it, to-h * it, * spelare * * * dischit poi rounWhen poin * Hit per be adis Theblaccasting.
2. als 3. 4 dama5. per ind Succho Thethe casting.
to tak theiA pris car stre All spe are in enc app Thecon for the region used.
group still get to make a personal saving throw to negate the effects.
clo wiz aft to dis clouTheact not All are poi sav cre For bec cre fou by per affemodtha intoTherec add has somhourto
Thesub makmaknewalt wizacre to To cwit cha cas symcos largsub of 2the At ver spe app dwasub sec or cha to spelIf
flames Ro 1 2 3 4 Damthr onl rou hav destnewThewiz confTheand a powdered diamond worth at least 600 gp.
35 norm of Thufee ada bre col lev thanthantim maglev hei fee use towepuf balllighone lif inteup ext eac to can 75%The
a c mayposscreathr att lev trie cas plandis can diesspelof resunig cre sit per Theeachuse bonit was wizard's problem, not mine...
att pro protmina f is t not worDal had psi wal becawouincha psis subsequently killed.
* whithe and pre leve * to i wiz for wizaprieyar sav If t nev samdisappears.
end spelThecas the powThewiz vengcra inteIf t the per cau NoteffeThepoe nor memorised as well as internal spell variables such as rang
fli atmosph N FluViscousThea b wit act Str (St powe Thespe bei be fpla spelthe armAtt * * * * * *
tru div Thetra mosNo wis rel In sdea ext rat cau some inc Theperfect vacuum.
lev to t sav Theyou the Anytho int reg is enerNega protevilfourAs not personl hel Theacti vamcastuse phylprevent the destruction of its p
The tou N The duration can be split between people.
* * Verfoo migh* onl cus lev a b roo comfur fre cha migno exp * per Witcon planint TheMorinformation).
Theobs The victim's saving throw is at -8.
tha ent Theenlarge spells held within, that is consumed in casting the spell.

Page 135

skil wis turnTheeye All of wiza1d4 years.

effewillof dragon blood.
maxThesph melegg casting.
spell conversion, except that the gem must be worth at least 800 gp.
Theworsimilar value.
black diamond respectively, each worth at least 1000 gp.
trapTheinf rangWitbecolon ali evi thatTheinf wizaTheuna the agaiTheworth at least 3,000 gp.
a v cau effeThecas thr ene a di 200-Thus720qui migDamcomget exp impres the 2d8tak hol a n (no searexe inc tryi doe eff
wiz When wit thi 24 crevfir mayhar fel it dur the ord travwil this 1. fire checaga awais one unab 2. matenerof noncha
widtwidbot Thespelpoi of red +2);magin t Thearc The gems and the volcanic rock are consumed when the spell is cast.
dammaterial component for this spell is a glove.
If t the sameOthjumps rapprwit modiThi levewil limieff creacou succThetha morebut of t spelThecho as palli NotidenHalfpare

transplanar quartz per 6 levels of the wizard.

that divination. The material component is invisible stalker ichor.
cha makto slimes, etc.).
wis spe Notrou cold damage while under the effect of a hellfire spell.
24 hThi sou the cas the hit castif d the bel enchantment or greater.
eve his termdro vie Thethe aro an ihar Als vie the re-chas tar att Durrar brazier specially constructed for this purpose.
be teleported to a location chosen by the spellcaster.
thattimeAfter th There- nee wizard, who wanted to avoid fighting non-evil persona.
env Str hab spe and spe fro and lowerev dra bec Theone to lab the equ heldany resi At bac abillis woudra of cre its expe
points can be implanted.
ssing over one planar level per level of the caster.
inc org Cla (THspec(fo finadet cre Thi bec Thefor dis sav questha cas entiAt for cha immrea nic ext chanasperouncre mak
* per (no poi * thr (eit fro use * the spelthe app Theper per rest somThesix fing(if ite giveand con comit b per It
(or migheffeelem6th theican Theimmcon (ap top be arr 15, pro won'whioil inc aqu wil ope in the room for a casting time of one hour).
Hit remaThecockatrice feathers.
app spe pre in t tel get Theothewil PeoThea 179th-consumed in the casting.
one to att at +TheKir armour permanently cast on it.
reg areaWheabs mulhostint Notdoe castCre ver per spe an aWheact Themercury and gold, silver, or platinum dust worth 300 gp.
thr and Aft any resi Theshaken as the spell is cast.
occ Unwthe at - Thepre Thi loo process by finding the spell.
left to the DM).
he creature cannot be resurrected.
oth tha ext Spewiz othebe cho spelautoSpenon-spelThi earna d As spe roc direthe sincrounduridis fire trandis for to for
In sameCona f It als comuse Thecon of it) hitt succAs of rea pro tra Eacfre the spell ends.
to be of eighteenth level to be able to become a lich.
suc insuspelwillThi howe planlan place described, the wizard is slain instantly.
swarbin procbouWhesim unprbouroll rematheyDuepena * * spel * poina sydiesto aCon * wiz fail (1d howfad Theeffecas
inclsav ran effesav It dea negapar Thi auditory organs.
goinall spe TheTo learisn' rol and To invospe of is by tthe ene nextThelevelowstil wiz Becini and numweaweaof Mas
dis sti on The(go abyss). The dagger is obviously not consumed in the casting.
spelspelnec thancon in speltha Thea s magTo a p Thi spe Thespelwiz sho memorised).
lev draicas ite enc the of atha edg Thefor the tak powbel fai nee oth but aga versall onl powFor liv etc. hav the thr are
If a it wis suc rol the theibe Eacrou this hol is fist effeis d wiz Theand breapoinvictnor any atta a v roll Theany cast.
when swaligh5 feAnysuc (vi thr versthr If ful per swadur suc rou Thewhitha for this spell.
be mithminthe mithis f befodestroyed, broken, or melted, the victim dies.
it g cas str in t per theyThetheiof the add Thethe wit that scroll.
Othscu per nonfla to The material component of this spell is a drop of pure alcohol.
cre res himres spelaway enerdes eit The material component of this spell is a mushroom.
as ind magiAs snu musarti con pos The material component for this spell is a sap.
per sav secois s Theoth fail unc the If a the the newthr kill rou of are spelTheblu consumed when the spell is cast.

Page 136

the Thi cor is for cha remspell, or fall sick for 3d6 days + 1d6 days per level of wizard.
the gro Thecre pic is 5,000 gp worth of powdered diamond.

spelIf maythe spelthr Thestored then disintegrates on the ending of the spell.
tra wiz unwof t Theherbs during the casting of the spell.
6 If and comp It i bet vary ac Cr LargThis spell has only somatic components.
ivo a d cast. No spell may be enhanced more than twice by means of this spell.
of Constitution for each casting of this spell.
this spell is a small piece of oriental silk.
sav Int bit of fleece.
unc spe atmabi can she abilpossdamthe meaare workpha spa thr shipcen cap but Thepha oil castadd spell runs out or a new spell of the sa
tot dist Thewiz dre intohostOnctargatte tak poi cho hostwiz dre (i.e savisav the maxphywhoAfte50%aga regaIf of in The
and Theone Treasavinot pen sav negaThi 8th-gemone is f a - pri the A crDic Int memprofcan the sou willpre the The(cr will
muscur matper cas monFro pla to aby lay pla tim for (unlbel For of tim con = 6 Thethe up) red unt ExaThi cha up tmana
duraendswiz regained by having 3 hours of rest for every point lost.
If val magisav in oIf dis savidoe be atur coma d Theof a mummy.
cre crysThe(whThispri pri sav dur Theand maintain concentration to keep it around (just like spiritual hammer).
wit the thr app effehighbecacrearate * loss * permEachreg is l off abilonl It i Thepot mixsub ability for the wraith's essence.
that know it.
* * * * ran * Destroy an equal number of Hit Dice of undead with no saving throw.
powerful rune spell normally available.
be whiwit or tot whiAll a d twotho dis eve werexi pla the nat Theday neg of wMF the plana p det the los houpla cal
of bwhatbelisav dis the spellonethe pur the Thewit linen made from plants from a different magic dead area.
pre and not cas (se Thepla weaint inc elemThewil wiz bec Thi hea not appeevi has his spell research has taken place.
ragon scale. The saving throw is made at -4.
omponent is a blue dragon scale. The saving throw is made at -4.
ragon scale. The saving throw is made at -4.
tellar dragon scale. The saving throw is made at -4.
ragon scale. The saving throw is made at -4.
dextand Cre rou remains and a shard of a tree struck by lightning.
ran comp bre inf of tre weaaffeThedragon; this component is consumed when the spell is cast.
for marcas the the by sup wiz reveWheutt cas 100be the Themarchoserr pro wiz cas req Thefor spr for the wizard mark as well).
spellcrystal I (q.v.).
alc essethe Thi the fusehas fuseTheritu bei magisph hit tim houdea levehouuns houis stil wayIf t har Conknohit unl rea
a l of s gra yar rodeappronc wouspelor desiThesto fro do obj not caster must have unlimited access to polymorph any object spells).
weasave10dthis attack destroys the staff.
Thedis recicomcontknonot AfteworCis physpeak, and can physically adapt to any sexual physiology.
He of pphe connhe ManThi nonin see ahead, make it about as rare as wish.
getsa range of zero, so use of long-range carrier is advised.
can hea ChaAft being a gold dragon in disguise as a human.
obj spe atta are layeLimimagidispdis onl els woultop a w wouthe wereveneffeWhen extewillexc one.dus rounds.
not the can The * old * brokspel * bee tra and * bodyrei Thusis c castDMspowcomthe in t the spell to have.
vic (whmaterial component of this spell is a dagger of at least +3 enchantment.
casttranthe to cha his camsay not req somThe(re moubeltcas possible spell level.
qua * Theact normally while under the influence of this spell.
att abjurers.
thir cre adv cal not Thedir an muscreacre bothto Of cbe sen wil If t immTheleast 800 gp. The gem is consumed with the casting of th
morext cas cas sumcon TheFor the 20 of worcan sumaro woocould almost be an adventure in and of itself.
turnthe this Shouimmdev wit dur wishIf towgo bar out acc mastbargunlefur devil.
a s a p if t wil will * of ver the * rol Fai rou caus * damsho die * oxyeac 1d4poi permanent insanity.
towspe whoorigbef sho the Thermagsav cry the anotand sho Masrea the is c Evenresi of app do fac just so he does not decide to kill you,
thosphysor abi exa cas thatcou tak wil An pain(co div wil An pri (crefai exp devieff destructive, and lethal to anything near the beings
eartThedragon and a potion of firewater.

Page 137

suc suffThewhi8 s con is pla the in athe pro cou con cho trapgonThecas con the cho dep component of this spell is a pair of chopsticks
a wyrm or greater dragon slain by the wizard without using this spell.
to l eff addiwoulthrefro alrenot spelor s a si leveit i left rou staclev 62 1st-and and rou and too duraend Note2x2of 1Thissuc
the con He 0 h regabatthimfor at least a week.

Page 138


en blessed by a cleric.
bit of wool or a small lump of wax.

ing simpler for the wizard.

to if a and basi(seehar per magcha If affeby bei tor thr Notthe charme Int 3 4 7 10 13 15 19 or mNot

Onlaff ani be affecIn det located within spell range.

exa wit The6 x StreTheenl smaits to Theinc inc to inc not gia ste stepone step), and finally to 2.2 inches (in the

losered in pthe att cau if t dama

famrol die.wiz wheTheit the musWheworis unt is resuinh spe Del and unr on tPur own

rly popular with moneylenders and generals.

ful app Aft whalos for If t a CoConuntitak an Thea p fea drunpowdiv exa and can DM's
or relic might also be learned.

phorescent moss.

bit of hair from the type of animal to be conjured.

ess dwcomer.

value. Thewhicnot consumed in the casting.

Thi fro ben component for the reverse is a circle of powdered iron.

saving Thethemselves and a flint and steel or tinderbox.

Page 139

reatures to be taunted.

ell is an ornate fan, worth at least 10 gp.

to aNottha cha lakea c Hal to s of these areas of high humidity, it could be dangerous.

Page 140

or this spell is a small lump of candle wax.

yar mod5th-leve1st dist saving 5th dist saving t10t dist saving tA s spelcreaNotto l the of emean
a o wit norm
cre onl eff any

Page 141

t, can be healed normally.

before casting, or the fluid runs off.

llusion is to be created.

Page 142

cannunlesoldobj the Verstat int a s poinroc onl comWheviv Usu1% hc ar the targthossav aff thr the withare morunable to think or act coh

rial plane are currently undefined.

t necessary to go into detail.

urge or the spell duration expires.

Page 143

it. Dest TheAlc of t SooAlc magical altruism.

bic, the former encased in the latter.

Theleaf from poison ivy, oak, or sumac.
cannot affect a portcullis.

shank on one end.

tureexcecan worThesmall bit of honeycomb.

smeared into the hair of the recipient.

ge per caster level.

and some string.

bear, ox, etc.

is Thecloth.
waved in one hand.
the mount.

are can bru fla the rou suf flamhar Thebit of spider web.

Page 144

within hearing range.

clear gem or crystal prism worth at least 50 gp.

of befuminNotAlc on accomplish.
Notquality as well as on arrows.

he source of this spell is the Telnorne Mageocrat.

handful of hops and a chip of glass.

Page 145

ulative damage does not apply to the fist).

e spell effects himself.

reproduced so as to have these special effects.

els in is a yea foo Thewizathe is 0, and the familiar is not entitled to a saving throw.

Page 146

maging situation.

pt an invisibility spell.

Addche thatStr per The material component of this spell is a normal, unbroken egg.

ything other than party members for my shields. This did not fare wellwith certain people, so I created this spell.
come my reduced running speed. One who runs today fights anotherday!.

ed by a thaumaturge.

Page 147

thi soo Thered-protected) costing approximately 10 gp per lodestone.

component for this spell is a bit of zombie flesh.

as dThewiz killed.

pell is a small piece of coloured glass.

Page 148

ified Dexterity check was failed.

political problems.

timeto spelnothing more.

midUnlipermanently teleports the teleportees to the location.

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Any modiTable B Rol 1-1 16- 31- 46- 61- 71 76- 81-

doe the alc timeconThismag(potdes pro musthe bre exp nondamageThe100the smoke when the spell is complete.
unmarked die.

the dried eyeball of any creature.

the roll the can bli rol for the is l two atta accoaccolowebli dir withwrong direction to affect anyone).

break the charm.

gai this ren int nonclosare sworArtespe eff Notewhebegucannspell deSummary
StafPotiOtheArtefact* Effect negated; if ca

Thetiny ball of bat guano and sulphur.

pell duration expires or the hut is dispelled.

beguwallthe towthe TheWhesoli at a (lik cro a sabut sav all Thea birod.

Page 149

intocas minThecon and magical engraving, and it can be reused.

mummy dust and drop of blood.

appearaori human form.

of the 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-level abilities.

sugaa 5-center of the spell.

snake, and a pinch of mushroom spores.


Thea s or a drop of sweet oil.

may seeIf creacoveThesuccspelbec in t the the poi destroy Thehit Str aro damand destroy a watery double.

cannot tell whether a magical item is cursed.

pen flame of any size.

(ev spe worth no less than 100 gp.

for autoand spe worth at least 100 gp.

Page 150

The source of this spell is the Telnorne Mageocrat.

damdireversLig hal Darkness keeps them at bay.

looped at both ends.

Themagiis sil AC lev glo any sort.

th, than it will not loop completely around.

ature; the pelt is consumed with the casting.

Page 151

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16+ - Theaga the (if rou or resi spelTheAn ein sphemake

firs (incthe throlandis a hea fail
oins are consumed in the explosion.

lev Therel causwater for steamball, etc.

the exp Dexthr wiz twotim of tar Thethe the boo If thr cat

on the blade.

4) for a number of hours equal to the wizard's level.

ing that of the caster).

Page 152

the Zhentarim.

from any source.

oth cau singunuamoThechancur Som* tran* easi* (he * cre pattern in the last seconds.

in (q. magMinsuccessfully (the desired spell can be of higher level).

ked by magic).

either slightly or moderately intoxicated.

has Aft it, one los unc Conthr Thejet ste If div mulDM's
also be learned.
of lodestone.
n two people.
collected during a silt storm.

and storm to rise.

Page 153

00 Thewit int feetof wizard that the rift will be permanent.

other unpleasant stimuli.

giant skeleton or a pinch of vampire dust.

aid in Svirfneblin.

Page 154

its out Thethatdisplong).

f exposed blood and a pinch of saltpeter.
spe activat Theor claw.
6th 7th 8th 9th or ovThesecretly determined.
the the rounthe cre tha whi11 wansta normallTheshells.

tho castpoi spell reduc To amincon exc conclusion of the spell.

friendship. 6. Hmoradamcountered b7. to out lik to t countered b8. ten emo-1 acounters (a All spelsav Wiscon cho thr if they return to th

uff and a feather.

tentacle from a giant octopus or giant squid.

throw into the fire source.

B) tou wit no aga fai any damage. Theliveof four dea Anyboddamsuf atta test wiz spe resi spell.
Att hair or similar object from that person.

or grass blade.

furneighmanwriting Thesqu gra sev aug unsebe bell).

Ro 01 71- 98 Thesmoothly polished silver coin.

l containing centipede or millipede legs.

is c and minuthan Intelli If t suc hel the subject to i If t othethe bonuetc bravgrant another check to disbelieve the effect.
least 50 gp-the gem is lost in casting.

If its (Nothe riskclasabi by tspecified. Wheequ par all protTheinc all somare migto asufficiently Whebas and (i.e 1 po
wizarol the ret he wil the restored in the# cases.

cur tho of subjapplneg dispelled.

Page 155

Armmeldro with hit poiExaper monbiteatt rol or dampoininfl .4 2]. The sum is 1 + 1 + 2 = 4).

that particular creature.

expehighthe If the its attempt Anyspe fre magthe por barrier Onchel cre of bar Iyc timecircle. Thefro wortcre described above are a
res pic barrgoncei cou difficul Wheobjeeac For he percarr the fig theiwouarr cha fro eac viewingAft fromexisa p chesdis
gat sta not destroyed during casting.
dir absoof and lev abs mis pro sno thu regardleThesilver spear.
per wiz equaAll spe the bou withhave been shrunk remain so until dispelled.

comused up during spellcasting.

levesto inflicted to A wby pmusMagi
dra tho thatmagwall of ice. Thesmall piece of quartz or similar rock crystal.

r silver bell, and a shard of glass.

of bat fur.

th or a torch flame will suffice).

esium, as well as an existing fire source.
If c Fal thi verscau att rou impetc the affea s dis A fito t dra but etc mit wooobsidian.

castperform other actions.

d magic zone.

Page 156

1. t t a 2. t c 3. r 4. creat 61- 1. 2 d 2.
conjuration magic.

terial component.
uses for this version.

The spell is not cumulative with itself.

tha exc 5000 gp).

for exisThelea cast.
9 12 14 1 18+ ThevaluThethe maxradiate magic, but it may be dispelled.

d when the spell ends.

n to spring on new DMs.

Page 157

ng the command word.

Det dis knoto bacti aut Typi* * * Matbec required is some blood of the wizard (just a few drops).

item (note that special protective items are not armour).

exp agaiabn Thi wiz vic expeVan(fo Thedrop of blood from an assassinated noble or official.

pell is phosphorus.

inc exa modirounOthhoufurt findif b It i ringwit tryi end Thefor one powboosor sA c hav reduSo wit no opowbooscha thr spe

existent, the spell fails.

Page 158

es will be used.

mayThedestroyed in the casting of the spell.

Phaeth tha worbonthe suc tele maksitu ret the the end Somcham
minthe this to Va int the dir hav ser Theeac are consumed in the castin

component of this spell is a tiny triangle.

uch a case, concentration by the wizard is not necessary.

consumed in the casting) and some gold dust.

Page 159

detect charm will reveal nothing.

powdered bone and a bit of spittle.

ast successfully.

fiv one poi the car * * * * Mandet pas deg MV3-4 giv nortgui consspe longcon acti the the partNotethe cal tim nee
fift fro the can ver is Anysta by for whothr the winTheplayed to bring the whirlwind from the elemental plane of air.

l planes is cut off.

Theand a pinch of magnesium.

Page 160

sta The(se versIf AnyThehalfeff 10t tha wil any 1d110 to con At tthe comp
unticlo At wil fin himdegrintoits maycan

C) cas or the add rec these. Thi bonint destroy It bonthe goofrequently.

ball of uncured rubber.

Wancastmodswi act rou per accordinThesmall disc of bronze and a small rod of iron.

Thepla spelele morwater. The(be is a sm Air Ele Ele Water ESpeele protection from evil spell.
greater P ElemInneAstrOuteOuteOuteOuteOuteOuteOuter Pl* F reduces** cha empof vera Per pertain OptionaOptspe Manu

lishment of domination.
que sen the mesret of t sen deliver Theena unseall the sle Theand A distu turnevil sendmg.

Shoare even if he becomes undead.

is immeThewiz abjuenchantments.
safety- use equ move coTheor 10' awaThecre weasim Becgat used. Thethe of not not ope Howprotect Themir opa and aft
the theyall the exc whecomp is curre If t tha rol fai ldl spe thr thr spe the confIf six suc goinsubjThi whoeff and foo or otherwise distu
the one chesis l evenret mountedWhilthe tha res and Eth musthe it mempitems prWheto winof dimbet enc throughIf t the

warda s modis Int fro hit creasubtract D - + + + + 13 or A nhas hos takeforce inIf s occ forcTheins
th rubies worth at least 1,000 8p.

and magthe a w spe about h If off (in out spelren dir existen Thehaveimmdammotediscwit aro fas within 1Theof cobweb, an amber rod,


Page 161

f lace cloth or spider web.

sim spe wei can Bigby's hand spells also counter this spell.
the tele to sur flooAreene hazardous or even impossible.

wizard's tomb.
cha sur wildspell e Thehandful of straw.
d worth 5,000gp.
mall piece of sheet iron.

indicat If t sha sizespe alontha cur swim frBoawavves che Vesdes future Altesin ele planpoi effeimmediaThedec The oar disintegrates whe

crushed pearl and a crushed moonstone, and a pinch of diamond dust.

dea ThemetAutcon normal attacks may be used in addition to called shots.

n exceptional vintage or a sprinkling of the best hops.

nual darkness keeps them at bay.

Page 162

5 6 7 8 00 Thelong, affixed to a bit of phase spider web.

act comof hThespe fir cas nee occ Becthe fromthe att Theexc Thecha he areathatif h app The material component is a hair of the caste
agic must be successfully cast on the core gem to end the spell.

is a 100 gp gem.

of the D6 6 Thewithactually a minor wish, instead of a normal one.

qual, the spell succeeds.

the case originally.

e takes against an opponent.

Guifor overflexdumave the together.

Page 163

onc winwiz Thethe cas least 20 gp.

ents are a drop of the wizard's and recipient's blood.

to be captured somehow within the mirror on a permanent basis.

s Theori oft tha dayssaveverssav a midestslo skil poinskil the skil ret creaWhilpossis u a c poi dur poinof t If t cha * *
e the diamond.

ends, but the staff is not affected.

each sphere created, and a bit of fur.

Page 164

etherling to be summoned.
are consumed in the casting.

spell, t D The material component of the spell is a small silver mirror.

r while the wizard sings a short lullaby.

10 Thi than or equal to 16 (thus, most wizards are affected).

tho wit For castrounds. The fist attacking with THAC0 9, AC -1, doing 2d10+1 damage.

Page 165

as fro damfromTheor objedamdamonlyone oth The material component of the spell is a mushroom.

e affected and another bit of the type it is to be changed into.

A c cur minus 5% per difference in the levels of the casters (cf. dispel magic).

pear and are replaced by the floating stars.

eff duraas India-rubber.

* " p* a* a w* c g wTwo* w* i d c c* c* t c Wheof i

Theobjepart of the spellcaster.

A pis penakee a v Nonvialbur thanobj be per for Don't forgot to say "Excuse me" after the spell is over.
n on materials within the radius.

opt remcommand.

plotfactrangthannot att age chain toThea pione the caster.

twobrinthe whetha are (th companiThe(in 100of ausinrequfro des tea of t to perform its function when called upon.
Sl CLOU Par DeeFogHeaDri Thebur mixonl climatic conditions.
h must be obtained from an alchemist.
Dicedoesfor and deadremremor moreExaeighgianTheof kill ing one eno and the A dundfrom pl Thecru of 1,000 8p.

hasttim mean
day and bei one it i beg abs per and in At tknow
He syl thr the Theapplthe reg is f des pla or t must beEacobj

Page 166

vengeanA hcha has tim the cha bet and and ensntotasub to btotato breakThecaremadtim (1, cha eve bring t Simbe bre meta

pai bodfunconl att sub leveretucomact by aremeff dembonusesSle to measuccspelleveaff wise sh In afactof occ is s and

the genegen attempteThethe skull of bone used.

addit A. B. C. D. E. SuggNotwhearearemA r Thebur and umber hulk blood, and a small silver rod.
squid ink.

she givithe powe

spe swothr Once this was the sword of he who waitstill Albion's time of greatest peril, whenunto his hand it shall fly ag

water spell is a small vial of water.

an doe wit of connotherwise aware of some magic at work.

Notthe wavreacdesiroc una and relative topography.

h w l s material component is a 1,000-gp diamond.

spell. Thebit of fleece.

96-00Notnot alignmeThea small drum and a drop of blood.

lime, water, and earth.

Thetele vol throdeadgai avoid teThisrec fri urretic the por tles act are ste sponsible.
the course of uttering the spell.
500 gp value and a bit of seashell.

ar diamond worth no less than 5000 gp.

n subsequently went insane.

ly the caster's own).

aro sin castTheper the spe quoeff the castleveare savicontby the this he is a damdue def on specdef inflation) per spell level left over,

Page 167

spell, do not worry yourself about paradoxes, because it is magic.

a v c 3. a 4. norm 61- 1. 2 m s 2. ( a c 3. 2 9

i * * W a d* i D m t * With the intervention of a sorcerer-king or a divine bei

zard can only have one such chest in operation at any given time.
wit enermustorb is If t caststo rel rounwel For bre to i points of damage or 5 HP if he saves.
* Water: a gallon of water blessed by a priest.

If h when
at ins momthatstrumakThenev If t intolev damsav A wizard can only have a pair of such orbs at any given time.

ort has failed.

all damage in a thief's backstab attack.

Page 168

l u b Matphosphorus, oil or alcohol.

nstruction time.

enc enc Conmusthr sav ruinIf plansee app pla exh has etc.

16- Thethe wielder's will, or if the material component is released.

weaMajsuccessfully (the desired spell can be of higher level).

for chareff verscon are to t ArmAt tthe adj by for thr (all spe the Thea s the spell ends.

he material component of this spell is a bit of fur from a black cat.

h the desired alignment.
planthe Thecrushed phase spider hide, which disappear during casting.

Page 169

Theobsccop lea The prism disappears after the spell is cast.

contfluid reappears.

kept fresh with a preserve spell or similar effect.

the val lev fee platnee tha comhis 40x40 f10x10 f Int. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

darkare In sha lam(sa to-hpenadar pen signThebe tha vic exp and Dextherpoi Col this If t darkregishe una be forcsta rea

all, wooden door; both are consumed with the casting.

mains in place.

damThe material components are a small glass bead and a bit of fur.


the the gen His his wit cas wish speThi with th Whespirit immediately returns to his body.

Page 170

of bone and raw meat.

lev wizaeve of owiz onlyinneAst Notethatspe spe not Notbe pla Furtthe morscrying magic.
par the through the parchment loop, and both disappear forever.

Alt applcomto powusi linevia in empof dust into the air and it will disappear.
left beh Thetect pro jumby spe jumwil ide tonemagtio the lin its rock crystal.

tack. Grastr of tack. Cle str of tack. Cruing cha per atta Les battetc the whi • T nonmagforce o • T whisoli gravity,

as deci Thea msmasil when the

(It bee as evidspace created can be altered to suit the caster's wishes.)
er the spell's completion.
(such as rings).

to another plane

• L ope them. • Wopened.• A a w strubut withAnydispell • A tur turnshocmally n • Thmagic jaTheobjeoth ant fec those listed here.

ffect if successful.

point, and a fully equipped laboratory.

Theof hgua and 24, beyopursuit Thetur tri can withign not acti No pla att are oth speluntiThespecvat wit level. Thetra
effects Theno ldiamond is transformed into a lump of coal.
If atta operhas Thesmall silver mirror.
as t ove inf eve sur vs. damage,As lthe lodgand cas withare fired. Wherol tra leascasttargthe yondwasyardthe requup tfashion
such as a nail or spike.
Theite be odrained.
c spell is used on it.

confownpossthe demfienif a it, Thewil or per fro uponfie 666Thepoi sumCastinteint willper Eaca s (4d6fienimpthe fien

Page 171

nec bri A nthe the it Fin fro (i. ali dec building again.

woul 61- 1. I i 2. s w3. n c 4. d c

the ver thr Sucatt Sur lowatt rou can per the alt altoThecon rou bei embtell or counsta subjTheess vit its for of this spell is the Tel

If t simpone thatthi Fin warInt whiTheboth of which are consumed in the casting.

bs, a pint of dragonblood, and a bit of unicorn horn.

Theblu elecvalue). Both these materials disappear after the spell is cast.

hap doe Usinnor the watewiz eff we cwoodoocha giveto Chaentha g Alt rit creacre This7th spelret rai morTheess vit its

ormal adventuring time.

In aspe whia l the the abilnot comAt gai disoby of t undthe Nevimmske of Shotheiyea smabac ThethatInt agairapidly becomes impr

a mthe nor abi memthe roleplaying here.

Page 172

the current speed.

e of blown glass for each creature to be affected.

replaced with a 1000 gp diamond.

reduspelthr The(se whihiz the the needcas wit in Thean hiz as he can afford.

to in platinum and outfitting them with the poison is the character's job.
patcles preserve spell or similar effect.
Theunleone act out wiz variare magThestr eth it ast strudemref pos applhit the ver to ocastand matembThe ziggurat must weigh at le

cas knoconnector.

nnecessary" spell books.

he prism is consumed with the casting of the spell.

wiz whenthe in wiz of equ thir spe Sin per atta per inf made
amothe Misatt att of hit Hurthe nor not bonIn musthe used
an predict the exact restrictions.

Page 173

used for this spell.

ccurs in stead of this spell.

and the disbelieve check is made with a -2 penalty.

wit tim up for cas mustsav a m tim enh magins are jar the spe pas spe abo nonastr magit is l by trod hel (sp gen Finahol

a saroll to r succrel sav late creaThe1,0 of hone Noteto e.g. masthe chaotrue neuIf t cub of t onl affespell with a -2 penalty.
of an alloy of copper and zinc.
Charest all exc yearof t and withSlu the per leveBouand montHedto ar meathe Metcha its until so Minshr les gemcon hed
req in sto devised and maintained, etc.
tend to negotiate in better faith.
hair, bit of nail, etc.
In diffe Failbe intowhiMateria A castor livi col be presumaThea halocation.

the and above. Theany includi Nysite and powstroyed in the process.
ned randomly.
if the A wsuf jar mental Thebust of the spellcaster.
98-100 * C are tel Theof t mayele difficult. This determination is left to the DM.

permane s Thesto latt but normallThefab lev opt or f yea or fail Theto possmucthe detethe thatexceresearch.
magthem, thNoteWillOthnewthe pol to dea sta age usinfar whefor adjudic Thelivi not sto effeor pownot vor wouwis per

Thefeetcas prisspa and the spell is wasted.

those affected by the illusion.
tact and carried on its person.
obj Thedoe virt unhundwassurftall whilits levesomthe rise to impcreain r cas wasundebey withsch enchantment).
an to ery the stroand swothe oth from th A dspell enup abj timeabs ety spe same asA dpre willthoucastthey areAn fici
re a piece of sunstone and a naked flame.

pla tra pla on req upocan broken. Befosou pri eve by treq 10 Hgement cha the can thi adv req pla the life force.
ss than 2,000 8p.

matwhich must be consumed by the wizard.

Page 174

recently (within one year) been tortured to death.

e spell (and the component) is wasted.

w3. a 4. and 61- 1. o d t 2. ( a d n l c 4.

oms lined with gold or lead).

Theess eth fro goi the Agaspe illusionist spell, but I edited the material components a little.

cts of the conduit).

which is broken as the spell is cast.

and a doughnut made less than 24 hours previously.

maycon pla eff spe parathe pla If t charthi pro haveapp The100(i.e matbe used (i.e. a balance for the plane of concordant opposition).
menbut are is e was created by the wizard Darklight.

humanoid flesh, which both disappear upon casting.

Page 175

EacpercpurpCaseve tur feetetc. of 3cre dis For Conrea wil poi bed exp Consany Gat spe cap makvisi eth mospor tak thr wil

cas Thewhistil fro Notcastthusgro recuperation zones that could be moved...

e can be incorporated.

ableacti in t wizaby spe in Theup mean

are Thethe the to t con Manon the AAnypla the fro weaoth and the powe
resi a Sword of Life Steali

con be orderWhecontof cor acenteredPossdist appecastpronounOnlthe the to con thatfor trig Spea cacondone remcondmustcast
including a staff.
func(bo fee or que pliebody anTheoft dea for future recovery and restoration.

Page 176

• abilit Wat• i • t cr • a r • abilit TheHe the influence of an aura.

vated, Theat per ran epu cas spl maythe sph Themovcastthe sivethe moving,Thebe hav pas ers ali Nei har sphepowcan
Thi of ing cal (if clauses 1. 2. 3. U4. 5. 6. UponSupcon to eShadowdale, should it be necessary.
ies and becomes a shade.
Anyagain b Themarcon comfire or Theof othewayof the elemental plane to flood into the protected area.
hummingbird's feather.
this spell ages the wizard five years.

For and .22 onl vic encounter only one or two of them.
which is consumed in casting.
les impacting.

all spellcasting abilities.

transpo Col Glo Re Ora Yel Gre Blu Indigo Vio another plane
kill ori types ofTheworshatmean
the ends the spell immediately.
the other f Wheitemkomite maksuc har (sw affeInvumagcha magof bhe dthe drank itScr rat agaiuni nes ists) ca Liv gol pla

the wizard).

per dis of t under t Vir wiz fol cha wis nentfin 8p. comspelpas immunaffected by the virus charm.

boat witObjper sep gra comform. This decay takes ld6 + 4 hours.

env otheint not pla portal). Up Worwhinot size by Once

duradispsuccis i dispto Thespell doTheleveworplantendDM'Matdim

if t rec use rec han rig pot Thespr onc thi this spell will not work.
spel(Pl spe immregaNotesubjthr fro Witper inv fea wizaBecaminagr scrupulous magicians find mindbender a most potent tool.
at least 600 gp.
the on eithdis himsThe3 i (wi (of 100inc wei and usedfoll matcan prepprepThealwabe tIt wexists at the time.
d's problem, not mine...

l spell variables such as range.

Onlcha entiexpiThejoinweaThewhiperfectly cut opal for each five spell charges.

revent the destruction of its phylactery.

Page 177

cumholdWhepoi run modA f is suf the diesoxygTheexp are * impbe sendalc own * Manblo * ano * * comalc gla
castfly remAll surprise factor).

tar of t affeThealt cas Aft rol infl comsho Theand con unless the wizard makes a successful saving throw versus spell.

hting non-evil persona.

durithe ver sav spe fro Thethe he is Bacand unc thr resi of the of woutak Sur lowatt rou can per the alt altoThecon

it doe Usinnor the watewiz eff we cwoodoocha giveto Thethe whipha Bacand unc throresi of the tak nor abo Chaentha g
sta car thr myththe phlogiston (as long as the candle burns).
casting time of one hour).

m dust worth 300 gp.

bee EacConConsred sys Theas t against. The wizard can only protect against spells he can cast himself.

throw versus spell at -2.

successfully (the desired spell can be of tenth level).

At tmakthe effefor the If t are Theinc mermagires sur deatunwiThepowto t nor placexp life use are It ano or the or inh

Page 178

s out or a new spell of the same kind is cast.

eit of i damIf att the ver a sathe targA whos ver suc damhap of con damThecreature and a lock of hair from a night hag.
it thi comfro preserved).
afteof exa eve off rest ver out beh Thepar par of wappropriate liquid) from inhabitants of the target plane.

e wraith's essence.

pla Whebot cur det thatpos totavic rou powbec Thethe 700sid (10 monins cas thi spe the cas dor wouinscof cas be furt

e wizard mark as well).

sus dis res the comto r he alw comp

suc a u If t any whicpea per equ (ag all this and by raise dead or resurrection for bringing the victim
ymorph any object spells).

sumed with the casting of the spell.

does not decide to kill you, but hey, such is life).

al to anything near the beings so dying.

Page 179

s spell is a pair of chopsticks.

to and fas a b an powper the creaIf a wil 1d1wassphefro or whatof f Thelayefor enc wit aga blo 3000abo each and a full 7x9x3000 gp =

Page 180


tim Whedet the DM. The roll is made secretly.

certain D20Rol 1-5 6- 8-910-1 12- 14- 16-20 N* The referee can substitute other small animals suitable to the area.

Page 181

exa to t theiIf a whaeff bei mayatt etc. creait i ent the cre DexcomThe2 gpsuccand for the wizard.

Page 182

unable to think or act coherently) for one round.

Page 183

91 96 97 98 99 00All cre Table C Ro 1 6 11 16 21 23 25 27 2 2 3 Any modi

Thewiz monsterTable D

* Effect negated; if cast directly on item, item becomes non-operational for 1d4 rounds.

Page 184

or cre dur con affeInstdeteFor absohea the and If a undeeffesub desientespe Anywhen
eff resi effecre of cre its Exathe make

boo20 DextargcreaIf thr morbooTheworth at least 50 gp.

Page 185

Page 186

if they return to the affected area.

sub Addbet ass wheleveori ass the takes place.A s for for the sim pla full range oExais Dic Inteof all dra it menformerly kn

Page 187

described above are also required.

tur and the Thefur sealed inside a small box.

Page 188

s p 3. I 4. f (not 71- 1. ( h 2. I f o 3. I c c

Page 189

st a few drops).

sav eit unt fir mastheshimcas 50 oThe400for the matbei dur comcannspell will fail.

Page 190

are consumed in the casting of the spell.

Page 191

willmanthe cau Att con Bon * * * * * * been soaked and dried in various p
l plane of air.

Page 192

not pro fer maywaythe Notspe per Thepea is spelwiz milwaukee.

and maxcon eth Int (e.gcou Healine, or the plane of Elysium (NG) on the

powdered opal is consumed in the casting.

or otherwise disturbed.
cumchest is lost.

creaknoaut of t att and or humcomeve bodabi any for inefbec of t life for Theto t ran rou from th A s the jar pre ld4 cas

of cobweb, an amber rod, and a scrap of fur.

Page 193

The oar disintegrates when the spell is cast.

Page 194

mponent is a hair of the caster.

Page 195

* * * min * * * Sucjust castthe It i succcre If throaddisuddthr the a heThesto crearec worth no less than 500 gp

Page 196

powWitobjecre phyFor det tot (no pas goothe nor wiz per wit Sinca seworis nea overOththatelsecastrevecastMorfromThe

req ic musthe foo tru the beguthe prioNo unl tou dra wizaposs(encif musthe are of l nev not upobe used Theacc bei upo

Page 197

a madd coststoneffi bre dro des wit upothe it. Onckept(Re the circpenebri ord creatureThethe rat persfromIf t checrefu

In t castcountered.

nunto his hand it shall fly again. Fair was thehand that gave me and fair was the handthat reclaimed me:' Clearly, Delsenora real-izes, this must be a v

ion) per spell level left over, if the caster survives.

Page 198

4. w creat 71- 1. ( h 2. p t 3. 4. s e vacu 81- 1. A

sorcerer-king or a divine being.

Page 199

25 40x40 f Int. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 Maxrou pla wheMaxMaxlimi

1d6spe full damThedar whesmastr to bpearlost.

Page 200

• T obj weapon• T att weaforcThi bas per tac but haveder to pAs KhedeepBig ReaGreor to oth par in ent ard app up

those listed here.

eye sio tral creathe guarand castface, race, age, and build.

fashion Theoncecal immthe castpla rou spe dir the munweamissile The(wi ergiwillble sci cas cha plane. Thi cre wiz tlin load

Theof merpar and placed inside the area where the fiend is to be held.

Page 201

earth 76- 1. 8 y w o 2. m d 3. r 4. c f water

of this spell is the Telnorne Mageocrat.

for of this spell is the Telnorne Mageocrat.

rapidly becomes impractical.

Page 202

he ziggurat must weigh at least 5 ounces.

components are consumed when the spell ends.

Page 203

terr the Specas i viceastr Thefor ins cry spe to the remaining duration of the spellnet.

h a -2 penalty.

magsav spe bonpri bonbonsub can the ena as it pl A bof t sub bre weaversmagapplwisethe vs. binding spell is broken and the creature is

Themercury, gum arable, and smoke.

prayquirThi rest, o OthspelInd fec castcall the Theare bonworth at least 1,000 8p.

Thewit effects. Thepowworth not less than 5,000 gp each.

Page 204

t a (not 71- 1. ( h 2. 2 p d 3. I i 4. I w vacu 81- 1. A a

of concordant opposition).

Page 205

werpos 50 Anyas aput throis dif wiz Themaythe permanency spell.

a Sword of Life Stealing in the Negative Material plane).

and his fail or Thetho qui eye spelwiz the in function when triggered.

Page 206

an selves may not be.

not be aOnlbe ccan a locati Thecon mastwasters' spellstrike spell.

the two worlds and cannot be changed.

most potent tool.

Page 207

to tha alc onl Aft add * * * * * * Thefor comOnlpur partspe Thispos end Is t 18 Hopcha Eit cas and is out

rou bei embtell 9th speless to Theess vit its for of this spell is the Telnorne Mageocrat.

Alt rit creacre This7th oth specnor abo Theess vit its for of this spell is the Telnorne Mageocrat.

the It i whaalo (angTherar be t usedren flo top les a u cre comsuc yourNotcha rio par tim a d tra ite hav forcpre Quiset

Page 208

om a night hag.

Alt of to he as for any muldur mileglo dama

last sav cea int into a useless powder.

ction for bringing the victim back to life.

Page 209

ach and a full 7x9x3000 gp = 189,000 gp).

Page 210


mals suitable to the area.

Page 211

D1 7 TheC d Thenecessarily lit), and half a pint of pure grain alcohol.

Page 212

Thedra Erelat versrou Thea c but roll and modiaga nor appltak On tai thi magthe app to On Theas t not having to worry about this spe

Page 213

Theall that wonderful).

Page 214

formerly knThecha ori rol and tha and orc whesteadra His mad. Thecaterpillar cocoon.

Page 215

4. s w of v 81- 1. A a f a 2. i i damag91- 1. p 2. h h d o weap

Page 216

oaked and dried in various potions, such as fire resistance.

Page 217

is the aga bac castown bodIf t retuand is d rangcaster dAnytreadead, reIf t forcor t whilcaster is irrevocably slain.

Page 218

worth no less than 500 gp. All components vanish during casting.

Page 219

diff use by detect magic, detect invisibility, or detect scrying.

migdis dra othebe esta the as ospe must be discovered or researched in play.

Page 220

be late dro Thi prom

untimeademnever a Onccre to The creature might later seek revenge.

ra real-izes, this must be a very powerful item,since her spell gave only a cryptic answer.But who is he who waits? And where isAlbion? For more inf

Page 221

a a u 2. a being'91- 1. m2. t a a Unde 96- 1. I 2.

Page 222

cau unl affeManFal pla nor specifically bonuses against falling off of the platform.

Page 223

to dany comand a pinch of powdered electrum.

Thea d gp los jurers cannot use the spelltrap.

Page 224

water 86- 1. d 2. c 3. f c 4. a does 95- a

Page 225

is broken and the creature is free.

Page 226

t u 2. a being'91- 1. p 2. a p n Unde 96- 1. r 2. c 3.

Page 227

spell is to powerful; the argument would be "Is ninth level to high?".


Page 228


Page 229

aving to worry about this spell this round.

Page 230

weap 96- 1. l 2. n d 3. e 4. 5. 6.

Page 231

where isAlbion? For more information, Delsenora is going to have to cast more spells. But nowthe process will take much longer, since she has only th

Page 232

t 3. e n s 4. w t 5. 6. 7-9 10.

Page 233

Thecreatures from three separate planes.

Page 234

e e a 4. t b r 5. 6. 7-9 10. 11.

Page 235

7-9 10. n 11. c 12. 13. 14. n 15.

Page 236

uch longer, since she has only the vaguest of clues to follow.

Page 237

11. c 12. 13. 14. t 15. 16. 17. 18.

Page 238

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Page 239

16. 17. 18. 19- slaad 99- 1. 2.

Page 240

19- stro 99- 1. 2. 3. 4. far-

Page 241

19- suc 99- 1. 2. f 3. 4. dist The material component is

Page 242

3. 4. far Theweaof existence scribed upon it.

Page 243

The material component is as with lesser planar weapon>

Page 244

The material component is as with lesser planar weapon

Page 245


Level Type No Name Schools
STEP ONE - Enter Mage'a 4 C
details and the Specialist type if
Level Type No Name Level Type No
- - 0 - - - 0
1 C 6 Cantrip (All) 1 R 78
Enter Mage's Name 1 C 10 Chill Touch (Necromancy) 1 C 6
Clint the Mage 1 C 14 Corpselight (Alteration, Necromancy) 1 C 10
Enter Mage's Level 1 C 18 Detect Undead (Divination, Necromancy) 1 C 14
8 1 C 26 Friends (Enchantment, Charm) 1 C 18
1 C 55 Spook (Illusion, Phantasm) 1 C 26
Specialist Type? 1 R 78 Autopsy (Divination, Necromancy) 1 R 179
All 1 R 179 Skeleton (Necromancy) 1 C 55
1 R 195 Turn Undead [1] (Necromancy) 1 R 195
% Spells in School 1 R 201 Whisper's Hands of Darkness (Necromancy) 1 R 201
50% 2 C 263 Alter Self (Alteration) 2 C 263
2 C 270 Cloak Undead (Necromancy) 2 C 270
STEP TWO - Click on the 2 C 277 Detect Invisibility (Divination) 2 C 277
button below to generate an 2 C 289 Insatiable Thirst (Enchantment, Charm) 2 C 289
initial semi-randomly generated 2 C 298 Maxlmillan's Earthen Grasp (Alteration, Earth) 2 C 298
Draft Spellbook Index 2 C 299 Melf's Acid Arrow (Conjuration) 2 C 299
2 C 320 Undead Mount (Necromancy) 2 C 320
2 R 517 Wound Closure (Necromancy) 2 R 517
3 C 598 Mummy Touch (Necromancy) 3 U 862
STEP THREE -Review the Draft 3 C 602 Paralyze (Necromancy) 3 C 598
Spellbook Index. COPY AND 3 C 610 Skull Watch (Necromancy) 3 C 602
PASTE the Spell Numbers 3 U 862 Albino Fruit Flies (Conjuration, Summoning) 3 C 610
("No" - in Column D) of those 4 C 907 Mordenkalnen's Celerlty (Alteration, Invocation) 4 C 907
spells that you wish to keep
across to the Final Spellbook
Index (or click button below to
copy whole list)

STEP FOUR -Once happy with

the Final Spellbook Index, Click
on the Button below to
Generate the Final Printable

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- -
- -


Page 251


+611 +620 +710
609 600 510
Name 610
- Specific Spell Lookup
Autopsy (Divination, Necromancy) 8 Specific Spell
Cantrip (All) 8 610 Level: 3
Chill Touch (Necromancy) 12 Spell Name: Skull Watch (Necromancy)
Corpselight (Alteration, Necromancy) 12
Detect Undead (Divination, Necromancy) 14 Range: Touch
Friends (Enchantment, Charm) 8 Components: V,S,M
Skeleton (Necromancy) 9 Duration: 1 turn plus 1 turn/level
Spook (Illusion, Phantasm) 6 Casting Time: 2
Turn Undead [1] (Necromancy) 16 Area of Effect: 20-foot by 90-foot area.
Whisper's Hands of Darkness (Necromancy) 28 Saving Throw: None
Alter Self (Alteration) 11 Source: FRA
Cloak Undead (Necromancy) 13
Detect Invisibility (Divination) 20 This spell requires as its material component the
Insatiable Thirst (Enchantment, Charm) 18 complete skull (including jaw) of an intelligent
Maxlmillan's Earthen Grasp (Alteration, Earth) 27 humanoid creature. Once the spell is cast, the skull
Melf's Acid Arrow (Conjuration) 18 is set in midair facing a particular direction. The
Undead Mount (Necromancy) 13 skull will then hang there in midair. The eye
Wound Closure (Necromancy) 14 sockets of the skull define a path 20 feet wide by
Albino Fruit Flies (Conjuration, Summoning) 19 90 feet long. Physical boundaries such as walls do
Mummy Touch (Necromancy) 12 limit that path.
Paralyze (Necromancy) 9
Skull Watch (Necromancy) 12 Any living creature which enters the area of this
Mordenkalnen's Celerlty (Alteration, Invocation) 24 path within the limitations of the spell activates
the skull watch. The skull emits a piercing shriek
that can be heard up to a quarter-mile away. In
addition, the wizard who cast the skull watch is
immediately aware that something has tripped his
spell. Silence spells and similar magics can stop
the audible shriek, but the wizard becomes aware of
the event regardless of location, as long as the
wizard is alive, conscious, and on the same plane.

The skull can be moved from its position without

activating it, as long as the individual does not
step within the path. The skull can also be
destroyed. The skull watch has 1 hit point per level
of the caster and an AC of 7. The skull makes no
other attacks. The caster is not made aware if the
skull is destroyed without the spell being

If a wizard has multiple skull watches operating, he

will be unable to discern which has been tripped, as
the "scream" and "mental awareness" are similar for
all skulls created by this spell.

After being triggered, the floating skull sinks

slowly to the ground and can be reused at a later

Page 252

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Page 257

Alteration Enchant/Charm
Greater Div. Conj/Summ Specialist School Alt Name
Invoc/Evoc Abjuration Abjurer Abjuration Abjuration
Necromancy All All
Conjurer Conjuration Summoning
Diviner Greater Divin Divination
Elementalist Elemental Elemental
Elementalist (Air) Elemental Air
Elementalist (EarthElemental Earth
Elementalist (Fire) Elemental Fire
Elementalist (WateElemental Water
Enchanter Enchantment Charm
Generalist All All
Illusionist llusion Phantasm
Invoker Invocation Evocation
Necromancer Necromancy Necromancy
Transmuter Alteration Alteration
Wild Mage Wild Magic Wild Magic

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Page 260

Page 261

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Page 263

Opposite1 Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Alteration 1 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 4 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Greater Divination 4 6 9 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Conjuration 5 7 10 4 7 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
xxx 6 8 11 5 8 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Earth 7 8 12 6 9 4 7 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Air 9 9 14 8 11 6 9 4 7 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Water 10 10 15 8 12 7 10 5 8 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fire 11 10 15 9 13 8 11 6 9 4 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Evocation 12 11 16 9 14 8 12 7 10 5 8 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
xxx 13 11 16 10 15 9 13 8 11 6 9 3 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
Necromancy 14 12 17 10 15 9 14 8 12 7 10 4 7 1 3 0 0 0 0
Enchantment 15 12 17 11 16 10 15 9 13 8 11 5 8 3 6 0 0 0 0
llusion 16 13 18 11 16 10 15 9 14 8 12 6 9 4 7 1 3 0 0
Abjuration 17 13 18 12 17 11 16 10 15 9 13 7 10 5 8 3 6 0 0
xxx 18 14 19 12 17 11 16 10 15 9 14 8 11 6 9 4 7 1 3
19 15 19 13 18 12 17 11 16 10 15 8 12 7 10 5 8 3 6
20 16 20 13 18 12 17 11 16 10 15 9 13 8 11 6 9 4 7

Page 264
This Spellbook Belongs to Clint the Mage
List of Spells:

Level Spell Name
1 Autopsy (Divination, Necromancy, , )
1 Cantrip (All, , , )
1 Chill Touch (Necromancy, , , )
1 Corpselight (Alteration, Necromancy, , )
1 Detect Undead (Divination, Necromancy, , )
1 Friends (Enchantment, Charm, , )
1 Skeleton (Necromancy, , , )
1 Spook (Illusion, Phantasm, , )
1 Turn Undead [1] (Necromancy, , , )
1 Whisper's Hands of Darkness (Necromancy, , , )
2 Alter Self (Alteration, , , )
2 Cloak Undead (Necromancy, , , )
2 Detect Invisibility (Divination, , , )
2 Insatiable Thirst (Enchantment, Charm, , )
2 Maxlmillan's Earthen Grasp (Alteration, , , Earth)
2 Melf's Acid Arrow (Conjuration, , , )
2 Undead Mount (Necromancy, , , )
2 Wound Closure (Necromancy, , , )
3 Albino Fruit Flies (Conjuration, Summoning, , )
3 Mummy Touch (Necromancy, , , )
3 Paralyze (Necromancy, , , )
3 Skull Watch (Necromancy, , , )
4 Mordenkalnen's Celerlty (Alteration, Invocation, , )
Spell Level : 1
Spell Name : Autopsy (Divination, Necromancy, , )
Range : 0
Components : V, M
Duration : Special
Casting Time : 1 turn
Area of Effect : One corpse touched per level
Saving Throw : None
Source : Al Singleton (Isaac Winthrop) <eaay@catcc.bitnet>

With this spell a wizard can determine the cause of death of a

corpse. No language restrictions apply, this is not a
communication with the deceased. At higher levels, the
spellcaster can learn more of the target's actions immediately
prior to death.

Wizard's Maximum Maximum Time

Level Time Dead Frame Allowable
up to 5 1 week 1/10 round
6-7 1 month 1 round
8-10 1 year 1 turn
11-13 10 years .5 hour
14-17 1000 years 1 hour
18+ any age 1 hour

The maximum time frame allowable is the amount of time that the
caster may learn about from the corpse. One question every two
levels, starting at the 2nd, is allowable (none at 1st, one at
2-3, two at 4-5, etc.). The questions must be answered
analytically, locations, actions of others; questions about
intent, feelings of participants, etc. are not allowed. To
facilitate this, the DM should answer as tersely as possible.
The material component is the corpse (or fragment thereof). The
wizard must touch the corpse for the duration of the spell and
concentrate deeply. Any interruption will waste the spell and
spell charge.

Return to Index
Spell Level : 1
Spell Name : Cantrip (All, , , )
Range : 10 feet
Components : V, S
Duration : 1 hour/level
Casting Time : 1
Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None
Source : PHB

Cantrips are minor spells studied by wizards

during their apprenticeship, regardless
of school. The cantrip spell is a practice
method for the apprentice, teaching him
how to tap minute amounts of magical
energy. Once cast, the cantrip spell enables
the caster to create minor magical effects for
the duration of the spell. So minor are these
effects that, they have severe limitations.
They are completely unable to cause a loss
of hit points, cannot affect the concentration
of spellcasters, and can only create
small, obviously magical materials. Furthermore,
materials created by a cantrip are
extremely fragile and cannot be used as
tools of any sort. Lastly, a cantrip lacks the
power to duplicate any other spell effects.
Whatever manifestation the cantrip
takes, it remains in effect only as long as the
wizard concentrates. Wizards typically use
cantrips to impress common folk, amuse
children, and brighten dreary lives. Common
tricks with cantrips include tinklings of
ethereal music, brightening faded flowers,
glowing balls that float over the caster's
hand, puffs of wind to flicker candles, spicing
up aromas and flavours of bland food,
and little whirlwinds to sweep dust under
rugs. Combined with the unseen servant
spell, these are the tools to make housekeeping
and entertaining simpler for the wizard.

Return to Index
Spell Level : 1
Spell Name : Chill Touch (Necromancy, , , )
Range : 0
Components : V, S
Duration : 3 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time : 1
Area of Effect : The caster
Saving Throw : Neg.
Source : PHB

When the caster completes this spell, a

blue glow encompasses his hand. This
energy attacks the life force of any living
creature upon which the wizard makes a
successful melee attack. The touched creature
must roll a successful saving throw vs.
spell or suffer 1d4 points of damage and lose
1 point of Strength. If the save is successful,
the creature remains unharmed. Creatures
not rated for Strength suffer a -1 penalty to
their attack rolls for every other successful
touch. Lost Strength returns at the rate of 1
point per hour. Damage must be cured
magically or healed naturally.
This spell has a special effect on undead
creatures. Undead touched by the caster
suffer no damage or Strength loss, but they
must successfully save vs. spell or flee for
1d4 rounds + 1 round per level of the caster.

Return to Index
Spell Level : 1
Spell Name : Corpselight (Alteration, Necromancy, , )
Range : 10 yards/level
Components : V,S,M
Duration : 1 turn/level
Casting Time : 1
Area of Effect : 1 body/level
Saving Throw : None
Source : FRA

This spell causes a dead or undead body to glow with

a pale radiance. The glow may be white, yellow,
green, amber, or red according to the desire of the
caster. The caster may alter the glow at will,
provided he is within 30 feet of the glowing body.
The light may vary from the barest outline to the
brightness of a torch, suitable for reading or
detailed work.

The glow is diffuse and constant, and does not

penalize the undead figure in combat (cf faerie
fire). The caster can affect one medium-sized body
per level, twice as many small-sized bodies, half as
many large-sized bodies, and one-fourth that many
huge creatures. Nothing that is larger than huge can
be affected by this spell. The glow does not harm
undead creatures in any way. It can be cast on
undead which have material form, even if that form
is gaseous (such as wraiths, but excluding ghosts,
which exist primarily on other planes).

The material components of the corpselight spell are

the carrion to be affected, a pinch of saltpeter,
and a bit of phosphorous or glowworm. This spell can
be used by necromancers (specialist mages in
necromancy) but not by transmuters (specialist mages
in alteration magic).

Return to Index
Spell Level : 1
Spell Name : Detect Undead (Divination, Necromancy, , )
Range : 0
Components : V, S, M
Duration : 3 turns
Casting Time : 1 round
Area of Effect : 60' + 10' /level
Saving Throw : None
Source : PHB

This spell enables the caster to detect all

undead creatures out to the range of the
spell. The area of effect extends in a path 10
feet wide and 60 feet long (plus 10 feet longer
per level of the wizard), in the direction
the caster is facing. Scanning a direction
requires one round, and the caster must be
motionless. While the spell indicates direction,
it does not give specific location or distance.
It detects undead through walls and
obstacles but is blocked by one foot of solid
stone, one yard of wood or loose earth, or a
thin coating of metal. The spell does not
indicate the type of undead detected, only
that undead are present.
The material component for this spell is a
bit of earth from a grave.

Return to Index
Spell Level : 1
Spell Name : Friends (Enchantment, Charm, , )
Range : 0
Components : V, S, M
Duration : 1d4 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time : 1
Area of Effect : 60-foot radius
Saving Throw : Special
Source : PHB

A friends spell causes the wizard to temporarily

gain 2d4 points of Charisma. Intelligent
creatures within the area of effect at
the time the spell is cast must make immediate
reaction checks based on the character's
new Charisma. Those with favourable reactions
tend to be very impressed with the
spellcaster and make an effort to be his
friends and help him, as appropriate to the
situation. Officious bureaucrats might
decide to become helpful; surly gate guards
might wax informative; attacking orcs
might spare the caster's life, taking him captive
instead. When the spell wears off, the
creatures realise that they have been influenced,
and their reactions are determined by the DM.
The components for this spell are chalk
(or white flour), lampblack (or soot), and
vermilion applied to the face before casting
the spell.

Return to Index
Spell Level : 1
Spell Name : Skeleton (Necromancy, , , )
Range : 0
Components : V, S, M
Duration : Permanent
Casting Time : 1 hour
Area of Effect : Corpse touched
Saving Throw : None
Source : Jeff Vogel <jvogel@jarthur.claremont.edu>

With this spell, a necromancer can turn one humanoid corpse into
a skeleton. The skeleton may then be controlled as per animate
dead. A wizard may have only one skeleton per level in existence
through use of this spell. The material component of this spell
is a salve that requires 50 gp and 24 uninterrupted hours to
Hit points of the skeleton are determined randomly. Disposing of
skeletons with insufficient hit points is possible, if
expensive. When a skeleton created by this spell is damaged, the
damage cannot be repaired.

Return to Index
Spell Level : 1
Spell Name : Spook (Illusion, Phantasm, , )
Range : 0
Components : V, S
Duration : Special
Casting Time : 1
Area of Effect : 1 creature within 30 feet
Saving Throw : Neg.
Source : PHB

A spook spell enables the wizard to play

upon natural fears to cause the target creature
to perceive the spellcaster as someone
or something inimical. Without actually
knowing what this is, the wizard merely
advances threateningly upon the creature. If
a successful saving throw vs. spell is not
made, the creature turns and flees at maximum
speed as far from the wizard as possible,
though items carried are not dropped.
The creature has a saving throw penalty of
-1 for every two experience levels of the
the caster, to a maximum of -6 at 12th
level. Note that a natural (unmodified) roll
of 20 automatically succeeds, regardless of
saving throw penalties. Although the caster
does not actually pursue the fleeing creature,
a phantasm from its own mind does.
Each round after the initial casting, the creature
receives another saving throw, without
penalty, until it successfully saves and the
spell is broken. In any event, the spell
functions only against creatures with Intelligences
of 2 or more, and undead are not
affected at all.

Return to Index
Spell Level : 1
Spell Name : Turn Undead [1] (Necromancy, , , )
Range : 0
Components : V, S
Duration : 1d4 turns + 1 turn per level
Casting Time : 1
Area of Effect : 2d6 undead
Saving Throw : Negates
Source : Al Singleton (Isaac Winthrop) <eaay@catcc.bitnet>

By means of this spell, a necromancer (and no other wizard) can

turn undead as a priest of equal level. If the caster uses holy
or unholy water, the undead are not allowed saving throws,
otherwise the turned creatures are allowed saving throws versus
spell to resist the urge to turn. Disintegration is also
possible, but an evil wizard cannot gain control over the undead
as an evil priest could: this spell always turns.

Return to Index
Spell Level : 1
Spell Name : Whisper's Hands of Darkness (Necromancy, , , )
Range : 0
Components : V, S
Duration : Instantaneous
Casting Time : 1
Area of Effect : The caster
Saving Throw : None
Source : Robert Johan Enters <whisper@wpi.edu>

This spell is similar to a burning hands, save that it spurts

negative material instead of fire.

Return to Index
Spell Level : 2
Spell Name : Alter Self (Alteration, , , )
Range : 0
Components : V, S
Duration : 3d4 rounds + 2 rounds/level
Casting Time : 2
Area of Effect : The caster
Saving Throw : None
Source : PHB

When this spell is cast, the wizard can

alter his appearance and form-including
clothing and equipment-to appear taller or
shorter; thin, fat, or in between; human,
humanoid, or any other generally man-
shaped bipedal creature. The caster's body
can undergo a limited physical alteration
and his size can be changed up to 50 % . If the
form selected has wings, the wizard can
actually fly, but at only 1/3 the speed of a
true creature of that type, and with a loss of
two manoeuvrability classes (to a minimum
of E). If the form has gills, the caster can
breathe underwater as long as the spell lasts.
However, any multiple attack routines or
additional damage allowed to an assumed
form are not gained by the caster.
The caster's attack rolls, Armour Class,
and saving throws do not change. The spell
does not confer special abilities, attack
forms, or defences. Once the new form is
chosen, it remains for the duration of the
spell. The caster can change back into his
own form at will; this ends the spell immediate
A caster who is slain automatically returns to
his normal form.

Return to Index
Spell Level : 2
Spell Name : Cloak Undead (Necromancy, , , )
Range : 10 feet/level
Components : V,S
Duration : 1 turn/level
Casting Time : 2
Area of Effect : 1 or more creatures in 15foot radius
Saving Throw : Neg.
Source : FRA

This spell renders undead creatures within its

radius invisible both to the naked eye and to the
detect undead spell. The undead remain invisible as
long as they remain within 15 feet of the spell's
center. If they move beyond that radius or attack in
any fashion, they immediately become visible. The
detect invisible spell will reveal their presence,
as will true seeing and similar devices. The spell
can be cast on the caster, on an object, or on a
willing subject.

Cloaked undead cannot normally be turned, though if

the priest can detect them, as above, he may turn
them in the normal fashion. Cloaked undead cannot
enter areas normally protected from undead, nor gain
any other advantages.

Return to Index
Spell Level : 2
Spell Name : Detect Invisibility (Divination, , , )
Range : 10 yards/level
Components : V, S, M
Duration : 5 rounds/level
Casting Time : 2
Area of Effect : 10-foot path
Saving Throw : None
Source : PHB

When the wizard casts a detect invisibility

spell, he is able to see clearly any objects or
beings that are invisible, as well as any that
are astral, ethereal, or out of phase. In addi-
tion, it enables the wizard to detect hidden
or concealed creatures (e.g., thieves in
shadows, halflings in underbrush, and so
on). It does not reveal the method of con-
cealment or invisibility, except in the case of
astral travellers (where the silver cord can be
seen). It does not reveal illusions or enable
the caster to see through physical objects.
Detection is in the wizard's line of sight
along a ten-foot-wide path to the range limit.
The material components of this spell are
a pinch of talc and a small sprinkling of
powdered silver.

Return to Index
Spell Level : 2
Spell Name : Insatiable Thirst (Enchantment, Charm, , )
Range : 5 yards/level
Components : V, S
Duration : 1 round/level
Casting Time : 2
Area of Effect : One creature
Saving Throw : Neg.
Source : TOM

This spell instills in the victim an uncontrollable

desire to drink. The victim is allowed a saving
throw to avoid the effect. If the roll is failed,
the creature must consume any potable liquids it can
find (including magical potions, which might result
in strange effects if potions are mixed). Although
poisons are not considered potable, a victim may not
realize that a liquid is poisonous. The victim will
not consume a liquid he knows to be poisonous.

No matter how much the creature drinks, its magical

thirst is not quenched until the spell ends. During
this time, the creature can do nothing but drink or
look for liquids to drink. Victims of this spell
believe they are dying of thirst and (depending upon
their nature) may be willing to kill for drinkable

Return to Index
Spell Level : 2
Spell Name : Maxlmillan's Earthen Grasp (Alteration, , , Earth)
Range : 10 yards + 10 yards/level
Components : V, S, M
Duration : 3 rounds+1 round/level
Casting Time : 2
Area of Effect : One creature
Saving Throw : Special
Source : TOM

This spell causes an arm made of compacted soil to

rise from the ground. The spell must be cast on open
turf, such as a grassy field or a dirt floor.

The earthen arm and hand (which are about the same
size as a normal human limb) arise from the ground
beneath one creature targeted by the caster. The
hand attempts to grasp the creature's leg. The
victim must attempt a saving throw; if successful,
the hand sinks into the ground. Each round
thereafter (until the spell ends or the target moves
out of spell range), the hand has a 5% chance per
level of the caster of reappearing beneath the
targeted creature, at which time another saving
throw is required.

If a saving throw is missed, the earthen limb firmly

grasps and holds the creature in place. An
individual held by the hand suffers a movement rate
of 0, Armor Class penalty of - 2, and attack penalty
of - 2. Nll Dexterity combat bonuses are negated.
The hand causes no physical damage to the victim.

The arm may be attacked by any creature, including

the arm's victim. The arm has AC 5 and hit points
equal to double the caster's maximum hit points. For
example, a caster who normally has 15 hit points can
create an earthen hand with 30 hit points. The
maximum number of hit points that an earthen hand
may have is 40. When the arm's hit points are
reduced to zero or when the spell duration ends, the
hand crumbles.

The material component is a miniature hand sculpted

from clay, which crumbles to dust when the spell is
Return to Index
Spell Level : 2
Spell Name : Melf's Acid Arrow (Conjuration, , , )
Range : 180 yards
Components : V, S, M
Duration : Special
Casting Time : 2
Area of Effect : 1 target
Saving Throw : Special
Source : PHB

By means of this spell, the wizard creates

a magical arrow that speeds to its target as if
fired from the bow of a fighter of the same
level as the wizard. No modifiers for range,
non-proficiency, or specialisation are used.
The arrow has no attack or damage bonus,
but it inflicts 2d4 points of acid damage
(with saving throws for items on the target).
(There is no splash damage. ) For every three
levels that the caster has achieved, the acid
lasts for another round, unless somehow
neutralised, inflicting another 2d4 points of
damage each round. So at 3rd-5th level, the
acid lasts two rounds, at 6th-8th level, the
acid lasts for three rounds, etc.
The material components of the spell are
a dart, powdered rhubarb leaf, and an
adder's stomach.

Return to Index
Spell Level : 2
Spell Name : Undead Mount (Necromancy, , , )
Range : 10 yards
Components : V,S,M
Duration : 2 hours plus 1 hour/level
Casting Time : 2
Area of Effect : 1 mount
Saving Throw : None
Source : FRA

By means of this spell, a wizard can animate a dead

horse or similar creature or assemble a magical
mount from the bones of such creatures. The mount
created by this spell is under the control of the
caster. It can carry up to 300 Ibs. of riders and
equipment. Exceeding the 300 lb. Iimit destroys the
spell and reduces the mount to its original (dead)

An undead mount is usually a horse (dead horses are

easy to come by), but can also be a griffon, camel,
hippogriff, or other beast of burden. Flying
creatures which turned into undead mounts cannot
fly, but they can move along the ground. Creatures
that had some special ability while alive do not
regain that ability in their undead state.

The undead mount is unintelligent and cannot fight.

It responds only to simple verbal commands. It
cannot be affected by enchantment/charm magic. The
undead mount has a movement rate of 18 and moves
silently. It has 1-4 hit points plus one additional
hit point per level of the caster. Undead mounts can
be turned as skeletons if they are primarily bones,
or as zombies otherwise. Undead mounts ridden by
more powerful undead cannot be turned separately,
but if the rider is turned, so is the mount.

The caster can choose when creating the undead mount

to make it glow very faintly with a yellow, green,
or red hue.

The material components of this spell are a drop of

water, a human hair, a pinch of powdered hoof, and
the corpse or body of the animal that will serve as
the mount.
Return to Index
Spell Level : 2
Spell Name : Wound Closure (Necromancy, , , )
Range : 0
Components : V, S
Duration : Permanent
Casting Time : 5
Area of Effect : Creature touched
Saving Throw : None
Source : Geoffrey Edward Fagan <gefagan@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu>

This spell closes the wounds of the recipient to prevent bleeding and
infection, incidentally curing 1d4 points of damage. All of the victim's
wounds will be closed by a single casting, but further application is
possible to increase the healing effect. The spell can be used on corpses
to disguise the cause of death, but it does not work on non-corporeal or
extra-planar entities.
Note: a recent posting suggested that wizards should be able to cast
healing spells using 1d6 instead of 1d8. I believe the above spell
description shows my opposition to that approach (see also the Dungeon
Master's Guide, page 43), unless you intend to do away with priests as
a PC class. From a game mechanics standpoint, such an approach would
destroy the balance between priest and wizard, but there is a campaign
background reason as well: pseudo-medieval medical knowledge would be
atrocious. A priest's healing is a gift from God or the gods, relatively
omniscient and omnipotent fellows, but magical curing would depend upon
the wizard's understanding of the body and its functions. Thus you might
find a wizard who can pull the edges of a wound back together, as
described above, but you could not find one who could stimulate the
replication of tissue of various injured organs, insure an increased
blood supply to the affected regions, metabolise fat and increase
respiration to enrich said blood, etc. You certainly could not find a
wizard to cure diseases before any microbes are discovered.

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Spell Level : 3
Spell Name : Albino Fruit Flies (Conjuration, Summoning, , )
Range : 30 yards + 10 yards per level
Components : V, S, M
Duration : Special
Casting Time : 3
Area of Effect : One 10-foot cube per level
Saving Throw : Negates (but see below)
Source : Unknown

This spell causes a great cloud of small, white, harmless but

annoying flies to spring forth. These bugs are so dense as to
obscure vision within the cloud to only 2 feet. These albino
fruit flies, while they do not bite, secrete a sticky, gooey
substance, so that anyone caught within the cloud and failing a
saving throw will be affected as if by a slow spell.
While the cloud itself will only last for 2 rounds +1 round per
level of the wizard, the effects of the sticky gunk on
characters will last until they manage to wash it off, a feat
which requires at least half a gallon of water for a man-sized
creature, and takes 1 turn. Using more water will reduce this
time, of course, and complete submersion in water will wash a
character in a single round. These flies have an even worse
effect on vegetation. Beings made from vegetable matter will
take 1d3 points of damage per level of the wizard for as long as
they remain within the cloud. Other vegetation will surely be
eaten within a few rounds, destroying gardens or forests, and
probably greatly angering any nearby druids!
The material component of this spell is a live ash-white fly or
any other kind of small, harmless, but extremely annoying

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Spell Level : 3
Spell Name : Mummy Touch (Necromancy, , , )
Range : Touch
Components : V,S,M
Duration : 1 round/level
Casting Time : 3
Area of Effect : Creature touched
Saving Throw : Neg.
Source : FRA

Upon casting this spell, the wizard gains two

abilities. First, he is immune to the rotting
disease carried by mummies for the duration of the
spell. He also is empowered with the ability to
inflict this rotting disease on others by touch for
the duration of the spell.

Mummy rot causes the flesh of the victim to putrify

and decay. This causes a loss of 2 points of
Charisma per month and is fatal in 1-6 months if
untreated. Mummy rot can be cured by cure disease
and more powerful magics which duplicate cure
disease. While under the effects of mummy rot, the
victim cannot be healed using cure light wounds,
cure serious wounds, or heal spells and normal
healing takes place at 10% of the regular rate.

The caster's appearance does not change as a result

of this new ability and no other abilities are
altered or improved other than the two noted above.
The mummy touch affects everyone the caster touches
during the duration of the spell. The caster can
choose to end the spell prematurely, but once ended,
the abilities are lost.

Undead are immune to the effects of mummy touch, as

are other creatures who would not normally be
affected by the attack of a mummy (such as iron
golems or xorn). Mummy touch cannot be granted to
another individual. The disease functions only by
direct touch-it cannot be used to "poison" food or
drink. The caster can be damaged normally by
mummies, but if slain will not rot. Those slain by
the caster using mummy touch will not rot as well.

The material components of this spell are a pinch of

mummy dust and drop of blood.

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Spell Level : 3
Spell Name : Paralyze (Necromancy, , , )
Range : Touch
Components : V,S,M
Duration : 1 round/level
Casting Time : 3
Area of Effect : Caster
Saving Throw : None
Source : FRA

Upon casting this spell, a wizard gains the ability

to paralyze those he touches for 2-8 rounds. Those
touched must make a saving throw vs. spells to avoid
the effect. If the saving throw is made, they suffer
no ill effects from the paralyze spell.

Creatures which are immune to paralysis, as well as

undead and unliving creatures such as golems, cannot
be affected by this spell. The caster must roll a
successful attack roll in order to strike an
opponent with the paralysis.

The material component of this spell is a piece of

ghoul flesh.

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Spell Level : 3
Spell Name : Skull Watch (Necromancy, , , )
Range : Touch
Components : V,S,M
Duration : 1 turn plus 1 turn/level
Casting Time : 2
Area of Effect : 20-foot by 90-foot area.
Saving Throw : None
Source : FRA

This spell requires as its material component the

complete skull (including jaw) of an intelligent
humanoid creature. Once the spell is cast, the skull
is set in midair facing a particular direction. The
skull will then hang there in midair. The eye
sockets of the skull define a path 20 feet wide by
90 feet long. Physical boundaries such as walls do
limit that path.

Any living creature which enters the area of this

path within the limitations of the spell activates
the skull watch. The skull emits a piercing shriek
that can be heard up to a quarter-mile away. In
addition, the wizard who cast the skull watch is
immediately aware that something has tripped his
spell. Silence spells and similar magics can stop
the audible shriek, but the wizard becomes aware of
the event regardless of location, as long as the
wizard is alive, conscious, and on the same plane.

The skull can be moved from its position without

activating it, as long as the individual does not
step within the path. The skull can also be
destroyed. The skull watch has 1 hit point per level
of the caster and an AC of 7. The skull makes no
other attacks. The caster is not made aware if the
skull is destroyed without the spell being

If a wizard has multiple skull watches operating, he

will be unable to discern which has been tripped, as
the "scream" and "mental awareness" are similar for
all skulls created by this spell.

After being triggered, the floating skull sinks

slowly to the ground and can be reused at a later

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Spell Level : 4
Spell Name : Mordenkalnen's Celerlty (Alteration, Invocation, , )
Range : 0
Components : V, S, M
Duration : 1 turn
Casting Time : 4
Area of Effect : Special
Saving Throw : None
Source : TOM

Mordenkainen's celerity affects spells of

levels 1-3 which alter the movement of the
wizard such as feather fall, jump, spider
climb, levitate, fly, and haste. Spells to be
affected must be cast within 1 turn of the
casting of the celerity. Spells do not expire
when the celerity expires.

Spells cast following the celerity receive a 28

% bonus to duration. This effect may not be
gained in conjunction with other means of
magically extending a spell's duration. In
addition, the caster's movement rate is
increased by 25%. Feather fall is an exception;
the rate of descent may be reduced by 25% at
the caster's option.

The area of effect is always the caster, except

in the case of the haste spell, for which the
effects of the celerity will operate on ld4
creatures in addition to the wizard. The
celerity will not affect the other creatures in
any other manner.

The celerity gives the wizard a + 2 bonus to

his saving throws against spells of levels 1-3
which directly affect his movement. This
includes web, hold person, and slow. The wizard
also gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws
against magical paralysis attacks.

The material component is a small pouch or

vessel containing centipede or millipede legs.

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