Cargo Ventilation and Precautions To Minimise Sweat West of England P&I Club

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Loss Prevention Bulletin

Cargo Ventilation and Precautions to

Minimise Sweat
“Moisture damage” is the source of a significant number of cargo claims, often
involving bagged or bulk agricultural products.

Claimants typically allege that failure by Penetration of ventilating air into a bulk Cargoes at risk
the ship to ventilate correctly resulted stow on a ship is minimal, and so it is
Hygroscopic products
in the development of condensation only ever possible at best to provide
(commonly known as “sweat”), causing through-surface ventilation. However, Hygroscopic products have a natural
the cargo to deteriorate. It is important ship stability requirements usually dictate moisture content and are mainly of plant
to recognise that some commodities that at least the majority of the holds of origin. They may retain, absorb or release
may have inherent moisture levels which any bulk carrier carrying bulk cargoes water vapour, and excessive amounts of
exceed acceptable limits at the time such as grain are loaded fully into the inherent moisture may lead to significant
of loading, making them biologically hatch coamings. For a hold so loaded it self-heating and “moisture migration”
unstable. Such details may not be known is unlikely that any significant through- within the cargo resulting in caking,
to the ship, and prudent ventilation surface air flow will be obtained. Whilst mildew or rot. Examples of hygroscopic
measures may be insufficient to prevent bagged cargo stows inevitably have some products include grain, rice, flour, sugar,
the cargo from deteriorating on passage. gaps in them, penetration of ventilating cotton, tobacco, cocoa, coffee and tea.
Nevertheless, claimants may still maintain air beneath the uppermost layers of bags
Non-hygroscopic products
that the ship was at fault. in the stow is minimal. Bagged cargoes
should always be stowed in such a way Non-hygroscopic products have no water
To defend cargo deterioration claims it
that ventilating air can pass freely over content. However, certain commodities
is necessary for the vessel to produce
the surface of the stow. (e.g. steel) may be damaged if stowed in
records showing that customary
a moist environment, and others may be
ventilation routines were followed. Should
harmed if packaged using a hygroscopic
the necessary evidence be missing or
material (e.g. wood, paper). By way of
incomplete, it is often difficult for the Club
illustration a vessel loaded a parcel
to refute such assertions.
of glass packed with layers of paper

Dry cargo vessels are fitted with either
natural or mechanical ventilation systems.
In addition to minimising the onset and
degree of sweat, ventilation may also
serve to remove taint and disperse any
gases which some cargoes may emit.

The process requires close monitoring

throughout the voyage as the moisture
content of the cargo coupled with
variations in air temperature, cargo
temperature and sea temperature can
dramatically influence the amounts of
water vapour retained by and released
into the air inside a hold.

The Formation of Ship Sweat

Loss Prevention Bulletin

between each sheet. At the discharge port

it was found that the paper had absorbed
moisture from the air during the voyage,
making it impossible for the glass sheets
to be separated. The cargo was rejected
by the receiver.

Types of Sweat
Cargo sweat

Cargo sweat refers to condensation which

may form on exposed surfaces of the
stow as a consequence of large amounts
of warm, moist air being persistently The Formation of Cargo Sweat
introduced into a hold containing
substantially colder cargo.
never be totally dry. Within these two Table” to compare the wet and dry bulb
Ship sweat extremes the amount of water retained by temperatures. This figure is important
the air will vary according to the prevailing when considering cargo ventilation
Ship sweat refers to condensation which
conditions. requirements.
forms directly on a vessel’s structure
when the air within a hold, made warm Relative humidity
Wet and dry bulb thermometers
and moist by the cargo, comes into
Relative humidity is the actual amount of
contact with cold surfaces as the vessel When using traditional wet and dry bulb
water vapour in the air compared with
moves into cooler climates. Cargo may be thermometers, the accuracy of the dew
the saturation amount of water vapour
damaged by overhead drips, by contact point temperature will depend on the
in the air at the same temperature and
with sweat which has formed on the ship’s condition of the equipment. The muslin
pressure. The figure is usually expressed
sides or by condensed water which may covering the wet bulb should be clean, the
as a percentage, with saturated air
accumulate at the bottom of the hold. water in the reservoir should be distilled
having a relative humidity of 100%. At
and the bulb itself should be wet.
main deck level, ambient sea air over the
Influencing factors
open oceans will normally have a relative In order to ensure that the readings are
Saturation humidity in excess of 80%. correct, the device should always be
positioned away from any exhaust vents,
The amount of water vapour that air Dewpoint temperature
other draughts and all sources of heat.
may contain is highly dependent on its
When an isolated volume of air cools, The readings should always be taken on
temperature. A given volume of air is
relative humidity increases as the the windward side of the vessel.
said to be saturated when no more water
temperature falls. Once the temperature
can be absorbed. If the air temperature Dewpoint measurement
has descended to the level at which
then falls, condensation will occur. As
saturation occurs, water begins to Theoretically, all decisions regarding
air rises in temperature so does its
condense. This temperature is known as cargo ventilation should be based on
saturation moisture content; its capacity
the “dewpoint”. dewpoint temperatures, comparing the
to retain water climbs by ever-increasing
dewpoint of the ambient air with the
amounts. Thus when air is cooled, its Dewpoint temperature may be measured
dewpoint of the air inside the hold. Given
potential for releasing water in the form by a variety of methods. Ships generally
that most ships are customarily equipped
of condensation is far greater when it is use a traditional wet and dry bulb
with wet and dry bulb thermometers
cooling from higher temperatures than arrangement consisting of two identical
located close to the bridge, determining
when cooling from lower temperatures. mercury thermometers, one of which
the dewpoint temperature of the ambient
Apart from periods of fog or rain, ambient has a damp muslin wick covering the
air is usually straightforward. However,
air is rarely saturated. Moreover, it will bulb. These are normally housed in a
ascertaining the dewpoint temperature
protective marine screen on each bridge
inside a cargo space is more problematic.
wing. The dewpoint temperature may
One of the simplest methods is to use
then be determined by a “Dewpoint
a “whirling psychrometer”, a handheld
device containing wet and dry bulb
Loss Prevention Bulletin

thermometers and a water reservoir, Degree Rule, it will be necessary for the What to expect
swinging the instrument inside the hold ship’s staff to take a number of cargo
In broad terms it is often possible to
until the wet bulb temperature has temperature readings during loading.
estimate ventilation requirements in
stopped falling and remains steady. The Hand-held infrared thermometers are
advance by considering the climatic
dewpoint temperature is again calculated ideal for this task and are relatively
changes likely to be encountered during
using the Dewpoint Table. inexpensive.
the voyage. The following examples
All readings should be taken well away indicate what may be expected on
Further observations
from any air inlets, ensuring that only passage, but do not obviate the need for
hold air is tested. Enclosed space entry During periods of heavy weather, steps detailed monitoring and recording;
procedures should always be observed. should be taken to prevent rain and
spray from entering the cargo spaces. Hygroscopic cargo - cold to warm
If access to the holds is impossible or
This may mean suspending ventilation climate
undesirable, and provided there is no
until conditions improve. If so, the
significant air flow, wet and dry bulb If a stable cold cargo is carried to a
circumstances should be logged. It is
thermometers may be placed in the warm climate, ventilation will always
important to appreciate that ventilation
trunking of an exhaust ventilator or similar be unnecessary. Indeed, in some
should also be carried out during the night
pipework leading from the compartment, circumstances ventilation may lead to
if the readings indicate that ventilation is
allowing the device to be drawn out and cargo damage.
appropriate. Ambient temperatures are
read from above deck.
usually lower therefore the risk of ship
sweat developing is more likely during Hygroscopic cargo - warm to cold
Ventilation climate
the hours of darkness. In addition to
Once the above information has been ventilating the holds according to the Vigorous surface ventilation of the cargo
obtained, the rules are simple; above regimes, it is important that regular spaces will almost certainly be required
inspections of each compartment are due to the likelihood of ship sweat
Dewpoint Rule
carried out where possible. This need not developing.
VENTILATE if the dewpoint of the air involve entry into the cargo space itself
inside the hold is higher than the dewpoint - for example, ship sweat may be seen
Non-hygroscopic cargo - cold to
of the air outside the hold. forming on the underside of hold access
warm climate
covers. In such instances, and especially
DO NOT VENTILATE if the dewpoint of
at night, the cargo should be ventilated Ventilation is never required. Cargo sweat
the air inside the hold is lower than the
irrespective of the Dewpoint Rule or the is liable to occur if warm moist air comes
dewpoint of the air outside the hold.
Three Degree Rule, weather permitting. into contact with cold cargo. Therefore
Three Degree Rule holds should usually remain sealed to
allow the cargo and internal air to warm
In many instances it is impracticable to
gradually during the voyage.
measure hold dewpoint temperatures
accurately, or at all. In such cases
ventilation requirements may be Non-hygroscopic cargo - warm to
estimated by comparing the average cold climate
cargo temperature at the time of loading Ventilation is largely irrelevant. The
with the outside air temperature several development of significant ship sweat is
times a day. Ventilation may then be very unlikely.
carried out on the following basis;
VENTILATE if the dry bulb temperature of Combined cargoes
the outside air is at least 3°C cooler than
the average cargo temperature at the Problems may arise if hygroscopic and
time of loading. DO NOT VENTILATE if the non-hygroscopic cargoes with different
dry bulb temperature of the outside air inherent temperatures are loaded into
is less than 3°C cooler than the average the same compartment. Their ventilation
cargo temperature at the time of loading, requirements may differ, resulting in
or warmer. In order to apply the Three damage to one or other of the products in
spite of normal routines being followed.
As far as possible, hygroscopic and non-
hygroscopic cargoes should not be stowed
Steel Pipes corroded as a result of
Cargo Sweat
Photos: 3D Marine USA Inc.
Loss Prevention Bulletin

Photos: ATIC/Africa P&I Services

Given the sensitive nature of many
hygroscopic products and the possibility
of sweat, efforts should be made to
ensure that such cargoes do not come
into contact with hold steelwork. This
is particularly important in the case of Bagged Rice damaged as a result of ship sweat when in contact with Shell Plating in
bagged agricultural produce intended for a Cargo Hold
human consumption such as rice, sugar,
beans and flour. For bagged cargo, rows
Bunker tanks ambient air temperature and the sea
of dunnage or bamboo poles should be temperature once per watch together
laid in the direction of the bilges to aid Hygroscopic products may be damaged
with the average temperature of the cargo
drainage, not more than 20 centimetres by localised sources of heat. Incidents
at the time of loading. Again, ventilation
apart. A second layer should be placed have occurred where parts of parcels
details should be documented for each
on top at right angles to the first before of grain have been scorched or have
covering the whole area with matting. become discoloured when lying against
If the cargo space is not fully fitted hot bunker tanks. As far as possible, the
with cargo battens, bamboo poles or bunkers used during the voyage should be
dunnage should be positioned crosswise drawn from tanks situated well away from
against the frames to keep the bags holds containing hygroscopic products.
away from the sides of the ship. Ideally, If impracticable, bunker tanks adjoining
they should also be lashed together at cargo spaces should be heated only when
the intersections to prevent them from required, ensuring that the temperature
becoming disturbed during loading. As an does not rise above normal operational
extra but not essential precaution, mats levels.
may be placed against this arrangement
and the top surface of the stow may be Records
covered with thick paper. Expert opinion
Ventilation records are crucial. In the
today is that biologically stable bagged
event of moisture damage, evidence
hygroscopic cargoes do not require
showing that the vessel ventilated
ventilation channels, unless specifically
correctly may be instrumental in
demanded by the IMDG Code (e.g.
defending any ensuing claims. If the
some types of seed cake and fishmeal).
Dewpoint Rule has been followed, wet and
Nevertheless, for certain commodities
dry bulb temperatures and dewpoints
many charterers still require ventilation
should be logged once per watch,
channels to be built into the stow. If so,
bearing in mind that these may change
the charterers should be asked for written
considerably over a short period. For the
instructions regarding the number and
same reason, the sea temperature should
position of such channels, and these
also be noted. This information should be
should be followed accordingly.
recorded for each hold together with the
For hygroscopic cargoes a checklist times of commencing, ceasing or resuming
detailing the steps and measures to be ventilation, and the reasons for doing so.
taken prior to and during loading, and
If the Three Degree Rule has been
whilst on passage, may be used.
followed, a record should be kept of the

The West of England Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association (Luxembourg)

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