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I. Pronunciation: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of other words
1. A. English B. African C. Chinese D. American
2. A. pretty B. get C. send D. well
3. A. thank B. that C. think D. thing
4. A. meat B. each C. eat D. bread
II. Vocabulary and grammar: Choose the correct answer to each sentence
5. The boy asked his family to let him take part in social activities.A. participate B. engageC. manage D. hold
6. Big Brother is _____________.A. the name of a club B. a home for children
C. the name of a film D. an organization for boys who no longer have fathers
7. ___________the story before, she didn t want to hear it again.

A. Heard B. To hear C. Having heard D. Hearing

8. In spite of___________extremely tired, I went to school. A. to be B. be C. being D. am
9. Are you interested in taking part in competitions like these? A. rivalries B. contests C. races D. marathons
10. The beauty contest was___________by Tien Phong newspaper. A. sponsored B. helped C. planned D. aided
11. “I’m sorry I’m late” . She______for being late. A. congratulated B. thanked C. thank D. apologized
12. “Let’s break for lunch.” Peter______breaking for lunch.A. admitted B. denied C. suggested D. avoided
13. His mother_____________coming to see me.
A. prevented him from B. prevented him in C. prevented him on D. prevented him of
14. These_____come from a high school near here. A. volunteer B. volunteers C. voluntary D. voluntarily
15. The thief admitted______the money. A. stealing B. to steal C. stolen D. have stolen
16. He was accused of_____fake money. A. to make B. by making C. of making D. making
17. How many contestants were there in all? A. as a total B. as a result C. As respected D. As usual
18. Last Saturday the representatives of four classes ___________in the bicycle race organized by our department
of education and training. A. took part B. participated C. Managed D. Both A and B
19. The handicapped are in need of help from the community. A. wicked B. disabled C. Sacred D. beloved
20. How do volunteers help disadvantaged and handicapped children_________their difficulties?
A. to get B. to overcome C. To know D. To pass
21. ______all his money, he decided to go home and ask his father for a job.
A. Having spent B. Spent C. Spending D. Have spent
22. I could feel my hands______with fear.A. to shake B. shaking \C. was shaking D. none is correct
23. The_________will observe and score the competitors’ performance.
A. judges B. candidate C. investigator D. witness
24. In Ho Chi Minh city a lot of singers take part in the annual contest to be chosen the singer of the year.
A. happening once a month B. happening once a year C. happening once a term D. happening once a week
25. Volunteers believe that________. A. in order to make others happy, they have to be unhappy.
B. the happiest people are those who make themselves happy C. the happiest people are those who are young
and healthy D. bringing happiness to others makes them the happiest people
26. In acitivity 5, Hung was unable to__________the poem. A. read B. recite C. hear D. listen
27. I wanted to go out alone but he_______going with me. A. insisted in B. insisted of C. insisted at D. insisted on
28. “You have broken my window” the old woman said to the boy
The old woman ___________the boy of breaking her window. A. accused B. dreamed C. denied D. admitted
29. He_____throwing the stone into her house. A. denied of B. denied C. denied on D. denied in
30. I forgot to thank them__________me. A. in helping B. at helping C. for helping D. of helping
31. The transition from school to work does not happen smoothly to everybody.
A. without difficulties B. full of troubles C. With problems D. Plenty of challenges
32. She______Tom for being so rude to him.A. apologized to B. apologized at C. Apologized on D. Apologized
33. My brother has always dreamed____a job in that company.A. of getting B. on getting C. At getting D. In
34. Schools need________to help children read and write. A. volunteers B. pioneers C. Engineers D. Innovators
35. The race was______by several companies in the province. A. sponsored B. helpedC. Planned D. Aided
36. The bad weather____________going for a picnic last weekend.
A. prevented us in B. prevented us on C. prevented us of D. prevented us from
37. She succeeded___a good job in a big city.A. in finding B. on finding C. Of finding D. At finding
38. To participate____the contest, you must be under 25 years old. A. for B. at C. In D. About
39. Volunteers usually help those who are sick or old in their homes by____________.
A. mowing the lawns, doing shopping and cleaning up their houses B. cooking, sewing or washing their clothes
C. telling them stories, and singing and dancing for them D. taking them to baseball games
40. The police stopped everyone_____the building. A. in leaving B.on leaving C. At leaving D. from leaving
41. My mother warned me against____games on computer all day. A. played B. playC. PlayingD. To play
III. Reading: Read the passage and choose the correct answer to each question.
During the Olympic games, people from all over the world come together in peace and friendship. Some of these
people compete for medals. Several million people attend the games, and millions of other people watch them on television.
Why do we have the Olympic games? How did they begin? The first Olympic Games that we have records of were in
Greece in 776 B.C. The games lasted one day. The only event in the first thirteen Olympic Games was a race. Men ran the
length of the stadium (about 192 meters). Then, longer running races were added. Through the years, a few other kinds of
events, like the long jump, were also added. During this time, the games were for men only, and women could not even
watch them. In the year 393, a Roman emperor ended the Olympic Games because the quality of the games became very
low. The Olympics did not take place again for 1500 years!
In 1894, Pierre de Courbertin of France helped form the International Olympic Committee, and the modern Olympic
Games began. In 1896 the games were held again in Athens, Greece. The Greeks built a new stadium for the competition.
Three hundred and eleven athletes from thirteen countries competed in many events. The winners became national heroes.
After 1896, the games were held every four years during the summer in different cities around the world. In 1900, the
Olympics were in Paris, France, and women competed for the first time. In 1908, in London, England, the first gold medals
were given to winning athletes. Before that time, the winners received only silver and bronze medals.
1. Which of the following is not true of the first 13 Olympic Games in Greece?
a. They lasted only one day. b. The men competed while the women couldn’t watch.
c. They consisted of only one event, which was race running. d. They were for men only.
2. Pierre de Coubertin _____________.
a. was the first athlete from France to take part in the modern Olympic Games c. helped to revive the Games.
b. helped the Greeks build a new stadium for the modern Games. d. became a national hero of France.
3. The International Olympic Committee was set up _____________.
a. with Pierre de Coubertin as chairman b. according the wish of a Roman emperor
c. every four years starting from 1894 d. two years before the modern Olympic Games were held
4. Women first competed in the Games _____________.
a. in 1908 in London, England b. in the Paris Olympics of 1900
c. as soon as the Olympic Games were resumed d. in 1896 at Pierre de Coubertin's suggestion
. Read the passage and choose the best word for each question: (1pt)
In the United States, volunteering is viewed as a good way to give children a sense of community
responsibility and to bring the family together. Volunteerism is (1) ……… across the United States today
because people are trying to put more emphasis on family togetherness , and they are looking (2)……
ways to help young people have a feeling of hope and satisfaction. It is (3)……… that volunteering helps
children discover their talents, develop their skills, and learn about (4)……… and problem solving.
1. A. growing B. traveling C. extending D. forming
2. A. on B. of C. for D. at
3. A. regarded B. believed C. concerned D. accepted
4. A. operation B. corporation C. correspondence D. cooperation
IV. Writing: Change the following sentences into reported speech with gerund.
31. “Why don’t we go back to Singapore” =>I saidI suggested________________________
32. “You are selfish” Jane said to her friend=>Jane accused_______________ _________
33. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t come to visit you last summer” Kate said to her parents
Kate apologized________________ _______
34. “I drove too fast through the town” she said=> She admitted_______________________
35. “I gave you my homework last week” the boy said to the girl =>The boy insisted _________________
31. “Let’s invite Mr.Brown to the party next weekend” he said=> He
32. “I ate all the cakes” the little boy said=> The little boy admitted_______________________________
33. “You are not allowed to play a game now, Peter” Peter’s mother said
=>Peter’s mother prevented_____________ _______________________________
34. “You stole the jewels” the policeman said to him. =>The policeman accused____________ ______________
35. “I wish to speak English fluently” said Stella =>Stella dreamed of__________________________
36. 'You'd better look for a new job, Andrew.' => Jane advised ……………………………………………..
37. 'I can get you there in good time.' => Jim guaranteed …………………………………………………..
38. 'We'll organize the Christmas party.'=> They promised ………………………………………………..
39.'All right. We will meet the student representatives.'=> The teachers agreed ………………………………..

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