Orientation - Tips From Counselors

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Orientation Tips from

the Counselors

Preparing for the When saying

first day back goodbye

Tip #1 Tip #1
Talk to your kids about returning to
When discussing plans tell your child
school . you will be dropping them off at their
The more positive and comfortable you drop off point . *Do not promise you will
are about them coming to school the , stay and then sneak away.
better they feel about coming to
school .

Tip #2 Drop Off


Grades 2-4: the undercover area (if

needed walk with your child to the

Ask how they are feeling about ,

classroom but we only recommend this for

orientation Validate all emotions . children who are experiencing high anxiety

about coming to school )

PS , Kinder, Grade 1: in front of the

Tip #3 Tip #2
Ask your child if they have any Say goodbye shortly after bringing

questions Try to give answers If you . them to the drop off area (1-2
' ,
don t know redirect to the teacher or minutes ). *For Preschool and Kinder
let them know you guess they will find children, it can sometimes help to

. '
out It s okay to not have all the engage the child in play before saying

answers . goodbye .

Tip #4 Tip #3
Say goodbye with a smile if you present as

Ask what they are looking forward to . ,

nervous your child will feel more nervous ).
Make the goodbye quick Try not to .
hesitate or hang around .

*Following these behaviour tips will give the message that you are comfortable with your
child coming to orientation. This will help them to feel more comfortable being here.

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