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I am (I’m) + tính từ.

1. I’m hungry. (đói)

2. I’m thirsty. (khát)
3. I’m tired. (mệt)
4. I’m happy. (vui)
5. I’m sad. (buồn)
6. I’m bored. (chán)
7. I’m excited. (hào hứng)
8. I’m nervous. (hồi hộp)
9. I’m worried. (lo lắng)
10. I’m friendly. (thân thiện)
11. I’m patient. (kiên nhẫn)
12. I’m kind. (tử tế)
13. I’m good. (tốt, ổn, khoẻ)
14. I’m honest. (thành thật)
15. I’m strong. (mạnh mẽ)
16. I’m fine. (khoẻ, ổn)
17. I’m confident. (tự tin)
18. I’m smart. (thông minh)
19. I’m cold. (lạnh)
20. I’m free.(rãnh)
21. I’m curious. (tò mò)

I am not (I’m not) + tính từ.

1. I’m not hungry.

2. I’m not thirsty.
3. I’m not tired.
4. I’m not happy.
5. I’m not sad.
6. I’m not bored.
7. I’m not excited.
8. I’m not nervous.
9. I’m not worried.
10. I’m not greedy (tham lam).
11. I’m not strict. (nghiêm khắc)
12. I’m not careful. (cẩn thận)
13. I’m not cold.
14. I’m not free.
15. I’m not ready. (sẵn sàng)
16. I’m not outgoing. (dễ gần)
17. I’m not selfish. (ích kỷ)
18. I’m not angry. (giận)
19. I’m not confident. (tự tin)
20. I’m not shy. (ngại ngùng)
21. I’m not stingy. (keo kiệt)

I + động từ + thời gian (THÓI QUEN / SỰ THẬT TRONG HIỆN TẠI )

1. I agree (đồng ý)
2. I get up at 5:30am.
3. I do exercise at 5:45am.
4. I have breakfast at 6am
5. I leave home (rời) at 7am.
6. I have lunch at 12pm.
7. I get home (về nhà) at 6pm.
8. I take a bath at 7pm.
9. I have dinner at 7:30pm.
10. I sleep at 10pm.
11. I dream every night.
12. I smile ( J ) every day.
13. I breath (thở) every day.
14. I pray every day.
15. I cook (nấu) every day.
16. I swim every morning.
17. I sing every morning.
18. I run every morning.
19. I go to school every day.
20. I go to work every day.
21. I go to church every week.

I + động từ + tân ngữ + thời gian (THÓI QUEN/ SỰ THẬT HIỆN TẠI)

1. I read book every day.

2. I do laundry every day. (giặt giũ)
3. I eat rice every day.
4. I drink water every day.
5. I meet customers every day.
6. I call customers every day.
7. I speak English every day.
8. I study English every day.
9. I surf FB every day.
10. I talk to my wife every day.
11. I talk to my staff every day.
12. I buy food every day.
13. I play with my kids every day.
14. I chat with my friend every day.
15. I check email every day.
16. I play sport every afternoon.
17. I watch TV every night.
18. I listen to music every night.
19. I do homework every night.
20. I pick up my son at 5:30pm.
21. I check email every day.

By: Thảo Grace Phạm 2


I + don’t + động từ ( THÓI QUEN KHÔNG LÀM GÌ ĐÓ)

1. I don’t cook every day.

2. I don’t run every day.
3. I don’t go shopping every day.
4. I don’t go to church every day.
5. I don’t go to work every day.
6. I don’t play sports every day.
7. I don’t do exercise every day.
8. I don’t meet customers every day.
9. I don’t speak English every day.
10. I don’t study English every day.
11. I don’t talk to my father every day.
12. I don’t have a meeting every day.
13. I don’t play badminton every day.
14. I don’t chat with my friend every day.
15. I don’t talk to her every day.
16. I don’t eat bread every day.
17. I don’t check Messenger every day.
18. I don’t check email evey day.
19. I don’t watch TV every night.
20. I don’t listen to music every night.
21. I don’t do gardening every week.

I + DIDN’T + động từ

1. I didn’t run yesterday.

2. I didn’t go shopping yesterday.
3. I didn’t go to church yesterday.
4. I didn’t go to work yesterday.
5. I didn’t play sports yesterday.
6. I didn’t learn English yesterday.
7. I didn’t meet her yesterday.
8. I didn’t meet you yesterday.
9. I didn’t play badminton yesterday.
10. I didn’t talk to her yesterday.
11. I didn’t do a report yesterday.
12. I didn’t receive your report yesterday.
13. I didn’t submit the report yesterday.
14. I didn’t attend the meeting yesterday.
15. I didn’t see your message yesterday.
16. I didn’t attend the meeting last night.
17. I didn’t attend the event last night.
18. I didn’t attend the birthday party last night.
19. I didn’t see you last night.
20. I didn’t check Zalo last night.
21. I didn’t go to the park last night.

I + will + động từ ( TÔI SẼ - hứa, quyết định tức thời làm gì đó)

1. I will reschedule (sx lại cái lịch).

2. I will think about it. (nghĩ về)
3. I will follow you.
4. I will make (làm) the plan (kế hoạch).
5. I will join (tham gia) the party.
6. I will join you.
7. I will pray for you.
8. I will pay for it.
9. I will help you.
10. I will go with you.
11. I will take care of it. (lo, chịu trách nhiệm)
12. I will cancel (huỷ) the meeting.
13. I will do it later
14. I will call (gọi) her later.
15. I will see you later.
16. I will send it later.
17. I will buy it later.
18. I will check it later.
19. I will get it later.
20. I will eat it later.
21. I will try it later.

I + will NOT + động từ

( TÔI SẼ - hứa, quyết định tức thời KHÔNG làm gì đó)

1. I will not attend the meeting.

2. I will not change (thay đổi) the schedule.
3. I will not follow (đi theo) her.
4. I will not join (tham gia) the party.
5. I will not wait for you.
6. I will not pay for it.
7. I will not cancel (huỷ) the meeting.
8. I will not change it.
9. I will not bother you again.
10. I will not come (đến) here again.
11. I will not join you again.
12. I will not do it again.
13. I will not call (gọi) her again.
14. I will not meet (gặp) her again.
15. I will not send (gởi) it again.
16. I will not buy it again.
17. I will not think about it again.
18. I will not eat it again.
19. I will not make this mistake again. (phạm lỗi)
20. I will not hurt (làm tổn thương) you again.
21. I will not say (nói) this again.

By: Thảo Grace Phạm 4


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