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Episode 88 Hiding

“Yuta, you’ve strayed quite far from the ride

“Is everything okay out there?”
“Yeah, everybody’s okay.”
“That’s good, now we just need to meet up and
plan what to do next.”
Nanami and I fled into the deep forest. There were
many tall trees in this forest, and even with the
magicrafts, we were able to hide well enough to
escape our pursuers.
We decided to contact the ride carrier to discuss
the rendezvous point and other matters. Since
there is no Horcrux in Viktor, we communicated
from Nanami’s Vajra.
“Jean, is everyone okay?”
“Yeah, we’re fine. How are you?”
“We’re fine, the enemy is gone.”
“Maybe we don’t have to join you right away.”
“What? Why?”
“It’s safer to stay put today and meet up
tomorrow than to make a wrong move and have
them figure out where we are.”
“All right, what’s the rendezvous point?”
“We’ll go to the Duke of Caron’s residence.
Linnecarlo says that the Duke of Caron……the
former Duke of Caron will be able to help us.”
“Okay, I’ll head to the Duke of Caron’s residence
tomorrow then.”
We decided on the rendezvous point for
tomorrow, and when we were done talking, I cut
the communication.
“Yuta, I’m hungry.”
“I’m hungry, too. I didn’t think about food and
we can’t go to the city…….Okay, let’s find
something to eat.”
“Is there anything to eat?”
“With all this wilderness, I’m sure there’s
I searched for food while also looking for a place
to hide and found a small spring that gushed out
between the rocks.
“It’s like spring water. It’s drinkable.“
“I’m thirsty.”
Fearlessly, she scooped the water into her hands
and brought it to her mouth……. It may have
been the thirst, but it was cold and quite tasty.
Nanami plunged her face into the spring and
gulped it down.
“Pfft! I’m alive again!”
“Don’t drink too much at once or you’ll get an
upset stomach.”
“Don’t worry, Nanami’s stomach is strong.”
Nanami insisted proudly.
“The water is clean, but there don’t seem to be
any fish.”
“Yes, it would be nice if there were fish.”
Mushrooms grew around the spring, but I was too
afraid of the poison to eat them. I don’t have any
knowledge of edible wildflowers, and I don’t know
what to do…….
“Wait a minute, Nanami, do you hear
“What? I don’t hear anything…….”
“No……that’s the sound of water flowing. Maybe
there’s a river nearby.”
“A river would have fish!”
“Yeah, that’s a possibility.”
We looked around and found a river with clean
water flowing in abundance.
“Whoa, I think I see fish here.”
“I’m sure there are, Nanami. I can’t wait to eat
some fish.”
“Okay, let’s go get them.”
“But how are we going to catch them?”
“We don’t have traps or fishing rods……”
As I was thinking about how to catch the fish, I
casually looked at Viktor and had an idea.
“I’ve got an idea, Nanami.”
“What are you going to do?”
“You’ll see.”
As I said this, I got on Viktor, lifted a large stone
from the riverside and threw it at a large rock in
the middle of the river. A dull thud sounded, and
the stone I threw shattered.
“What are you doing, Yuta, breaking rocks?”
After a while, fishes started to float around the
rock I hit.
“If you don’t catch them quickly, they will drift
“No way…….Wow!”
Nanami hurriedly caught the fish that came to the
surface. I also scooped up the fish with Viktor’s
large hands.
“I’m amazed you came up with that.”
“It’s an old fishing method in my country. I think
it’s called [slingshot fishing].”
“Yuta knows a lot. Nanami doesn’t know
Nanami just didn’t have the opportunity to
learn…….I still want to give Nanami the chance
for a proper education…….
“…… Don’t worry, Nanami. You’ll learn a lot.”
“Yes, you’re right, Nanami will be a smart girl.”
We were having this conversation as I pinned a
large number of fish I had caught on a tree
branch and roasted them over a bonfire that
Nanami and I had struggled to build.
“Look, Nanami, I think you can eat this now.”
“Thanks, Yuta.”
Nanami took a big bite out of the back of the fish.
“It’s delicious!”
“All right, I’ll try some too.”
It was a little salty, but it was definitely fatty and
quite tasty. We must have caught quite a few, but
Nanami and I ate them up in no time.
Trash skill Gacha – Volume 2
Chapter 28
Several days passed.
We were harvesting the wheat and fruits before replanting the seeds. Also,
we made a training facility in the centre of the village; albeit more of a
patch of dirt that had been single mindedly commandeered for training
Rather than doing anything new, we focused more on building our
foundations. …We never know when the werewolves from the north might
come to attack after all. In the off chance something does happen, it would
probably be best for us to strengthen our current war potential rather than
doing new things.
I turned towards the werewolves wielding the new iron swords I’d made for
them and swung my sword towards them. “Wrong, you aren’t concentrating
on your magic power enough. Next!”
After dealing with the single werewolf coming at me with their sword, I
called to my next training partner. This one was a goblin. The goblin’s
magic power swelled. It was water attribute magic. Probably the water
sword art.
I could tell that the goblin was getting better at concentrating. I shot a magic
attack at them in an attempt to break that. The goblin flowed their magic
power through their whole body to maintain their focus.
The training we were doing currently was to teach each of them how to
adequately understand their magic power, and to use it, maintain it, and
strengthen it. Of course raising their stats was important, but the raising
their technical ability was also very important.
It’s just that the effect is a lot greater if we focus on training in the attribute
that suits each individual best, rather than recklessly trying to train without
an attribute. I had tried throwing the goblin off with magic, but they
managed to slip through.
Then then approached me in an instant and slashed their sword at me. I
slashed my own sword and blocked them. Our blades were locked together.
I had to focus on not injuring them; I was also training myself in that
aspect. Compared to the goblins and the werewolves, my status was
overwhelmingly higher.
Normally it would be impossible for me to lose to them. …However I’d be
done in if I were to lose my focus for a moment. Your growth is tied to
situations where your life is at risk after all. I swung my sword to brush the
goblin’s body away, causing the goblin to tumble across the ground.
“Good focus there. You should be able to control your magic power and
strengthen it if you keep on like that.”
“Okay!” In this manner, I called for the next goblin. I thought to myself as I
swung my sword. I could already tell that my stats go up even from this
kind of training. Even though I was training the goblins and werewolves, it
was causing my own status to rise.
…It’s certainly pretty convenient being able to train at twice the speed of
other people.
I trained my own magic control along with my opponents. …Each of the
goblins and werewolves have different attributes that they’re good with. So
this is also training for me to swap out the magic inside my body.
I took a very short breather and whipped the sweat off my forehead.
Moving without rest like this really builds up my body’s fatigue.
…I’d already made all the goblins and werewolves’ swords out of iron.
Conversely, Livia and Orphe’s swords had gotten a bit better after I
strengthened them with bestowal magic. Those two have done a lot for the
village, so everyone agreed that it was fair.
“Ahh, shoot! Crest, you’re way too strong…”
“Of course he is… I mean, I do we even know if Livia and Orphe could
beat him if they fought together?”
“Look, don’t whine about it. Just get stronger so you can play an active roll
in the next fight, then maybe we’ll be given nice weapons.”
Everyone seemed to be happily discussing the weapons. Looks like my
reward tactic was a success.
…I based it off the way they do things in a country in the upper world. In
the upper world, things like territory would be granted in exchange for
meritorious work. So I was planning on giving weapons as a reward to
motivate everyone in case we go to war with the northern werewolves. …
Well, everyone’s life depends on it so it would be an issue if they weren’t
motivated. Never know what will happen after all.
Looks like the weapons were becoming a pretty big reward for the
monsters. …I just don’t know how long the monsters will have to fight
against each other. They’re fine with weapons for now, but what should I do
going forward?
I repelled the sword a werewolf had swung at me. He was on the weaker
side among the werewolves, so I called out to him. “In order to protect
those who are important to us, Orphe, Livia… and even I need to possess
the power to do so!”
The werewolf stood up and nodded. “Yes! Since you have saved us
werewolves, I wish to become your sword lord Crest!”
“…N, no I was speaking more about Orphe and Livia…” Enough about me.
I plan on moving to a more background role at some point… Following
after the werewolf, the goblins, and the other werewolves stood up in
succession and raised their voices.
“Me too! I’ll get strong enough to be able to protect you!”
“Same here!”
“Please train us harder!”
…They’re more enthusiastic than I expected them to be. I’m not some kind
of drill sergeant from hell. Rather an instructor like that is actually pretty
bad at it.
“Well then, could I ask you to coach me next?” said Orphe who should have
been out leading other monsters out hunting. He came over with an oddly
determined smile as he drew his sword from his hip.
“You’re back then Orphe?”
“Yeah. I’ve kept at practicing my magic power manipulation for these past
few days. I’d like to see the fruits of that.” …Well he’s brimming with
motivation. I drew my sword as well and took a deep breath.
“…Haa!” As soon as I spoke, Orphe kicked off the ground. He shortened
the distance between us in an instant. His attribute is fire. As he launched
his sword at me with incredible speed, I dodged out of the way.
…Looks like he’s gotten pretty familiar with fire attribute magic power. I
gave the magic power flowing in Orphe’s body a feel.
The balance of his magic was a little all over the place, but I could tell it
was flowing through his body a lot better.
I watched the path of his movements and proceeded to move into a gap that
opened up.
“Wha-!?” I knocked Orphe’s sword away from him and gave him a smile.
Orphe looked surprised for a moment before quickly switching to a happy
smile. “…Guess I’m still no match for you, huh.”
“Still, you’re getting a lot better. You should be fine if you keep practicing
like this.”
“I see, thanks.” Once my fight with Orphe concluded, I looked to my
“Yeah, Crest is so strong…”
“…Seriously. Wait, we can’t just stay surprised by him!”
“Yeah! We need to at least become strong enough to fight without relying
on Crest’s strength!”
“Please face me next Crest!” …Guess I can’t rest any time soon.
For many generations, the elves’ hamlet always had someone who served as
their shaman.
These shamans had a Gift called [Prayer]. This Gift allowed the shamans to
give the other elves the rite of blessing. In other words, [Prayer] served the
same function as the humans’ [Oracle].

Thanks to the shaman, all the elves from the hamlet had been blessed.
Out of the 238 elves, about 20 turned out to have Gifts.
Even counting the children who couldn’t be blessed yet, those who had a
Gift was still only about 10% of the total population. That number was
slightly lower than the one for the humans of our village.

And perhaps it was a peculiarity of their race, but there were quite many of
them who had the Gifts [Bow Techniques], [White Magic], and [Green
A shining example was Philia-san who had both [Bow Techniques] and
[Green Magic].
Yes, much like Selen, she was also a Double Gift.

As for the Dwarves, they didn’t seem to have anyone who served like a
priest. For that reason, none of them had Gifts.

“I wonder if [Oracle] will work on them.”

“Why don’t we simply give it a try?”

Like that, we gathered some dwarves so that Millia could use her [Oracle]
to bless them.
I wonder if it’ll work even though they’re not human…

“Everything seems to have gone alright. Ten of them can now use their

Later on, we found out that the elves’ [Prayer] could also bless anyone
regardless of race.

The sample size was quite low, but the Gifts [Smithing], [Mining], and
[Yellow Magic]—a ground and soil related magic—were the predominant
Gifts among the dwarves.
So, I guess races do have peculiarities when it comes to Gifts.

Among the dwarves, someone caught my attention. She was just 11 years
old, so she couldn’t be blessed yet.

Name: Dona
Age: 11 years old
Village Bond Level: Low
Suitable Occupation: Craftsman
Gift: (Weapons Craftsman)

Now that’s an ominous Gift.

Unlike the adult dwarves who pretty much confined themselves in the
underground tunnel, she would often come out and marvel at the buildings
in the village. She was likely a child brimming with curiosity.
And when I would use Facility Customization to make equipment, she
would almost always come to observe. She was a shy kid though, so she
would just sit down and say nothing.

“Do you like weapons?”

I asked so while working.

Height difference aside, male dwarves had broader shoulders than a human
male, while the female dwarves were a bit more rotund than a female
For the children though, they were pretty indistinguishable from human
ones. That said, dwarf children looked younger for their age. In addition to
dwarves living longer than humans—though not as long as the elves—they
also apparently have a longer childhood period than us.
Because of that, even though Dona was 11-years old already, she looked
like a 5- or 6-year-old human. Unfortunately, due to her appearance, I
tended to talk to her as though she was a child.


Dona remained silent, but she nodded her head. As soon as she did, she
showed me what she was hiding behind her.

“…is that a stone tablet? It looks ancient…”

It was a worn-out stone tablet that had some kind of characters written on it.

“Hmm, I can’t read any of it? Can you?”


Dona shook her head left to right.

“In our cavern…from ancient times. Maybe, from old dwarf.”

“An old dwarf? You’re saying this might be left behind by an ancestor or

She pointed to the edge of the stone tablet.

There was some kind of drawing there.
It looked like a person, but its head was incredibly big for its body; its arms
were long, but its feet were short; and it was short but stout.
“What is it? A golem?”
“A weapon?”
“Mhm. Ancient, weapon…dwarves made. Unlike golems…inside, you can
ride them. Here.”

I looked closer when she said so and there was indeed some kind of
window in the center of its head, and in that window, a face of person was

“So, it’s a weapon one rides and fights in?”

Can this be the weapon Philia-san mentioned? The powerful weapon that
the dwarves used to conquer the world?

If people were able to move and maneuver it, it must have used a lot of
long-lost technology.
Making one now should be difficult, if not impossible.

“Ah, but we can at least make its form.”


I suddenly thought of something and then made a stone wall.

383. Small Talk with the Dragon Hunter

The Dragon Slaying Champion, Volk, has passed out in front of a dragon.
Well, it’s no surprise considering he did took a beating from
my〖Scorching Breath〗followed up by〖Paralyzing Poison Claw〗.
Guess this shows that no matter how strong you are, humans are still a
fragile species compared to rank A monsters.
…… Well, leaving that aside, I can’t believe Volk’s still hugging his big
sword so preciously like that even though he’s unconscious.
Wait, since the sword hit the wall first, shouldn’t the damage have been

That sword’s called〖Moon-Piercing Swing Leral〗, right?

It looks expensive if you sell it, but it’s apparently a precious item to him.
Just looking at how he treats it already shows that. It must mean the world
to him.

Nightmare pulls Volk out of the wall he’s stuck in using her webs and
places him on the cave floor.
Alo crouches near him and pokes Volk’s cheek using a long stick-like rock
that she molded with〖Clay〗.
She’s worried he might wake up all of a sudden.

If you’re that worried, Alo, you can go pick up his sword for me.
It'll server as a countermeasure if the first thing he does when he wakes up
is rampage.
Separating him from his weapon isn’t the only reason, we can also use it as
a bargaining chip in case he doesn’t listen to us.

Alo nods and attempts to take away Volk’s sword from his hands.
…… Half a minute has passed, and Volk’s fingers still show no sign of
loosening from his sword’s grip.

That sword is glued tight alright. Alo is really struggling.

She bites her lip, looks back at me, and makes an apologetic face before
facing Volk again.

Alo places both of her hands on Volk’s grip.

Then, a black light shines from Alo’s hands.
Ohh, she’s using〖Drain〗to steal Volk’s strength and weaken his hold on
his sword.
At least that’s what I thought would happen, but instead, Volk’s skin slowly
turned pale, and his grip hasn’t loosened at all.
What is up with this stubborn old man?
I mean, I can understand not wanting to let go of your trusty sword before
an enemy, but even fingers should have their limit.


Alo looks at me, crying.

Before I made a reaction, Partner moves her head towards Volk.

What, do you have a plan or something?
Then, as if moving naturally, Partner grabs the sword with her fangs.

In the next second, Partner pulls the sword from Volk’s hold with all her
Volk’s arms get stretched from the pull. His body gets lifted in the air as his
hands let go of the sword, and Volk gets flung to the other side of the cave.

And I thought the sword would never leave his clutches.

Partner turns to me, with the sword in her mouth.


Don’t give me that look.

You were way too rough on him.
Yeah, you got the sword…… but, you could’ve also killed him in the

Then, even though I didn’t give any orders yet, Nightmare just went and
wrapped Volk around with her webs.
She knows how to get things done, alright…… despite her personality.
Nightmare turns and faces Partner, as if saying “Will this do?”.

【“Sure, why not”】
Partner answers with a growl, dropping the sword from her mouth.
Don’t tell me the only reason you helped was because you were planning to
eat it……?
Listen here Partner, that sword of his is just like the Hero’s sword.
It’ll be hard to replace once it’s gone.

Anyway, I ask Partner to heal Volk with recovery magic, but after looking
at Volk, that doesn’t seem to be necessary anymore.
Volk’s wounds are healing on their own.

It must be his〖Automatic HP Recovery〗skill at work.

Oh yeah, now that I think about it, he has〖Self-Regeneration〗too.
…… Weird for a human to have that.
Is he really human? His skillset is comparable to someone with a sacred

I actually haven’t met any humans who’ve reached their max levels or at
least close to it other than those with sacred skills.
With those high-level recovery skills of his, I can see why he’s fine
adventuring alone, and with〖Self-Regeneration〗, he can still recover his
arm in case he loses it, so his life as a swordsman won’t end even after
losing a limb or two since they’ll just grow back.
He can take bigger risks than the normal adventurer without worry.

That must be why Volk leveled up so fast.

He can just keep on fighting strong opponents and shrug off any injury after
the battle.

A few minutes later, Volk’s eyes open.

He looks around confused, and when he moves his body, he realizes that
he’s been constrained.
Volk’s face shows an astonished look as he sees his own body wrapped in a
cocoon of spider web.
His expression then distorts and makes a scream that doesn’t match his
manly body.

I put my face closer to him.
Good morning.

Thought this would scare him more, but looks like he still has his fighting
spirit lit up.
His eyes are burning with fire, as if saying he’s not given up yet.

“Where is my beloved Leral?!”

…… Aah, he’s more worried about his sword than himself, I see.
Then, Volk looks at my other head and sees Partner just playing with his
sword in her mouth.
A look of disbelief and misery is seen on Volk’s face.

“This lump of thread will not stop me……”

Alo raises her hand at the back of Volk’s head, while Volk continues to
escape the web cocoon.
She intends to release her magic the instant Volk escapes.

“…… Guh, it is my loss, kill me. To think I would lose my life to a dragon
in the midst of my path to the sword…… but, as a dragon hunter, I could
not ask for a more fitting end”

Your status shows that you’re near max-level……

You’re the strongest swordsman I’ll probably ever meet. Even that blonde
Hero can easily be at the brink of death from just one swing of your sword.

Now then, I’m gonna need to use〖Human Transformation〗if want to

converse with him.
Thankfully, I still have enough MP for that.
Sorry Partner, but I’m gonna have to ask you to stay put inside me for now.

I move my tongue to get something out of my mouth and spit out the
clothes I brought with me from the Lithuvar Tribe before using〖Human
My body begins to shrink.
Partner’s head also turns small and disappears in my shoulder.
The more I use this skill, the smoother the transformation becomes.

I touch my face with my hands to confirm if I’ve successfully turned into a

It would help if I had a mirror with me. Next, I stroke my hair.

“A, aa, a, a ah……”

Voice seems good too.

Okay, I’ve managed to transform safely.

“R-…… Ryujin-sama!”

Alo’s〖Revana Lich〗white skin blushes and she looks away from me as

she hands me my drool-covered clothes.

“Thanks, Alo”

I wear the clothes offered by Alo.

Volk looks up at me, stunned.

“W-……! Why would the legendary two-headed Ouroboros use〖Human

Transformation〗before me……?”

I pick up Volk’s sword,〖Moon-Piercing Swing Leral: A〗, swing it

around for a while, then let it lie on my shoulder before turning to Volk.
Right, so where do I start.

After eyeing each other for a while, the confusion in Volk’s disappears and
he nods at me, as if understanding what I’m about to do.
So he already understands that I don’t plan on killing him and that I want
information first, huh.
He reads the situation fast. His〖Legendary Adventurer〗title isn’t just
there for show then, seeing as he can be flexible if need be.
“To take on the shape of a human… I see…… so you wish to challenge me
in a sword fight. Very well. I accept your challenge!”

I take it back. He’s dumb.

“I’m going to ask you several questions. After you answer them all, I might
just let you go. To be honest, I don’t really have any reason to kill you”


Volk says nothing.

His warrior eyes are staring straight at me.

Why’s he staying quiet? Is trying to go for psychological warfare on me?

Mind games aren’t really my strong suit.
Maybe I should’ve sounded more condescending?
I may have been too relaxed or too vague.

Or, is the mere thought of being spared ruin his pride or something?
No, he could easily escape Nightmare’s web if he wanted to.
I really can’t let my guard down before this〖Legendary Adventurer〗.
He’s only gotten this strong because he’s survived many grueling

I stay vigilant and alert.

I notice that Volk’s looking below my face.
I follow Volk’s gaze. His eyes are fixated on the sword I’m holding.

“…… Of course, I’ll give you back this Leral too”

“What are your questions, Ouroboros……?”

The instant I mention his sword, he talks.

I thought he was just silent because he’s scheming a plot, but he was just
thinking about his sword.
I was scared for no reason, then.
Is his head just all about his precious sword and nothing else?
Ah, who cares.
“Did you come here to the Alban capital because you were invited by the

I ask Volk the question that’s been on my mind ever since I saw him.
After all, the Demon King is gathering strong people to turn them into
experience points by pretending to be the princess.

If Volk was originally an adventurer from the royal capital Alban, then he
should have already met the Demon King.
The Demon King wouldn’t just pass out on the chance to convert Volk into
experience points.
But because he’s still safe, then it must mean that he’s not from around here
and he probably came here for a reason.
And if that reason is an invitation to the royal palace, then the story

If his answer is yes, then this already serves as a big stepping stone about
what’s going on in the royal family.

“You’re awfully familiar with humans’ circumstances. That’s half-right. It’s

true that the princess is inviting many strong fighters for a party. And, I’ve
heard that she also stages mock battles in her own personal arena that she
enjoys. A royal messenger has given me an invite as well. However, I have
another reason for coming here to Alban, and it’s not because of the invite”

A different reason……?
I’ve already got my hands full on this Demon King biz, I don’t know if I
can handle more.

“The legendary swordsman, Halgrey. He went missing for a long time and
is supposedly assumed dead…… but I believe he is still alive”

So there are still other humans that are at least as strong or stronger than
Volk out there……?
To be honest, I don’t want to meet the guy.
And no, I’m not saying I won’t win, it’s just that I really don’t like to fight

If I end up in a situation where strong fighters are protecting the Demon

King because they actually believe it’s the princess, then that makes things
harder for me.
And I don’t have the mental fortitude to keep having to convince
musclehead battle freaks, like Volk, to switch sides every time, and who
knows how many will even believe me.

“Since the princess is gathering all the strongest swordsmen in the land,
then Halgrey might appear too. I will challenge him for a match, and beat
him in front of everyone to prove that I am the strongest swordsman in the

So joining the party is just a bonus, and your main reason is actually
something different……
On the contrary, from the short time that I’ve known of him, I can tell that
he’s not really the scheming type, so it might not hurt to get along with this

“But, I don’t see why a dragon like you would be that interested……”

“The princess is actually a monster in human’s skin. I’ve come here to take
it down”


I use Volk’s sword to cut open the web that’s restraining him.
Then, I place it on the ground in front of Volk.

“That monster plans on killing all of the strong fighters it gathered to

increase its level. I recommend that you don’t attend the party. For your
own sake. There’s already disturbing rumors running around, haven’t

Volk picks up his sword and stands up.

“I did hear that strange things have been occurring within the royal
family…… but I still find it hard to believe. Besides, there should be no
reason for someone like you to be worrying about humans”

“Many people are gonna die! Of course I have a reason!”

Ah, I just inadvertently raised my voice.

Defeating the Demon King isn’t just all about my deal with the Saint
anymore, it’s become personal.
If the Demon King successfully gains a massive level up from killing all the
strong fighters he’s gathered and gets even stronger, then who knows how
many will die.
There’s also the future to worry about. Once the Demon King grows strong
enough, he could command all the monsters to start an all-out attack against
If that happens, the world will be in chaos.
All the places I’ve worked so hard to protect, Millia’s village, Nina’s new
home, and even the Lithuvar Tribe, nowhere will be safe.

Seeing Volk’s confused face, I look away.

“…… A-Anyway, I won’t take more of your time. Just tell me everything
you know about the princess and you can go”

Volk stares at me for a while, then snorts with a smile on his face.

“Umu, I like you. However, I am not the type of person who would just
walk away from the one who’s crossed blades with me and even spared my
life. If you continue to fight monsters for us humans, then I will gladly be
your sword. Make use of me as your own blade”

Is he saying what I think he’s saying?
No, no, I mean, of course I’d accept him to be a part of us, his stats and
skills are greater than Alo after all, but like, I dunno, this feels like we’re
adding one extra headache too……

“But, if Halgrey might appear for the party, then I cannot afford to miss that
chance. Even if it’s a monster’s trap, I will still go. To chase down that
phantom swordsman. I’ve been looking for him for over a decade, and yet I
still haven’t found a single clue of his whereabouts”

O-Over a decade and still nothing?

I admire his dedication, but still……

“Besides, I can just slay that monster, can’t I? I didn’t get the chance to
show it in our earlier fight, but I still have another ace in the hole”

I…… don’t think this is something humans can handle.

Yeah, the Demon King is currently in the middle of leveling up, but his big
plan of gathering plenty of strong fighters to raise his level is certainly
He’s definitely gonna be stronger than the blonde Hero.
Worse if he’s as strong as Eldia.
No matter how strong Volk says he is, if we’re up against someone with
Eldia-level stats, it won’t matter.

Still, an ace in the hole, eh……? Wonder what it is.

Looking at his skills, I don't particularly see anything worth notable though.
After wrapping up my talk with Volk, for the sake of saving up MP to
humanize later to investigate in town, I return back to my dragon form and
meet up with Grandpa Magiatite in the upper level of the mine.

【“…… I do not know why the silver-haired man is with you, nor do I want
to know. But, seeing as you’ve held up your end of the deal, I will do mine.
You can leave your Treant to my care”】

And with that, Treant has been left under the care of this metallic blob of
Treant looks at me like he’s being treated as an abandoned puppy.

I-It can’t be helped…… we’re going to a city bustling with humans.

You can’t humanize, can you, Treant? We can’t bring you with us.
The moment you enter, no, the instant they see you, they’ll be out to kill
All your leaves will be plucked out of you.
The human inhabitants of this world are merciless when they view
something as a monster.

“Ryujin-sama…… I’ll be going with you to the city too, right? I’m, a little

As Alo said that, her face, her eyes, basically her entire expression is
shining with expectations.
So, she’s half-nervous and half-excited.
Well, I’m glad she’s looking forward to it. I was hesitating on whether to
bring her too or not, but it looks like she really wants to come herself.
Even if her identity gets exposed, as a rankBmonster, she should be able to
escape the city by herself.
Volk and I will be there to support her too.

Treant glances at Alo.

Alo, realizing her expression is showing her excitement, faces down and
hides her face with her palms.
Treant stomps on the ground with his roots.

All that’s left is Nightmare.

Nightmare has the skill that can let her humanize, and she also has the skill
that suppresses the MP consumption for humanization.
I’m sure I can take her with me…… but the skills’ levels are still low.
When I first noticed that she had it, it was Lv 3, but after checking her stats
again, it’s now increased to Lv 5.

Hey Nightmare, can you try humanizing for a bit?

Nightmare turns to me, and tilts her head as if pretending that she doesn’t
understand me.
W-Why you…… you’ll be left with Treant, you know? Are you okay with
that? Hmm?
Calling out on Nightmare, she turns her gaze to Treant.
…… Sorry, I kinda went too far.

No response from Nightmare.

Now that I think about it, she doesn’t really have any particular reason to
fight for the humans.
The only reason she’s not attacking humans is probably because of Partner.
In Nightmare’s eyes, humans are something that she shouldn’t attack unless
She probably doesn’t know what to do with her〖Human Transformation〗
skill, yet it leveled up despite being left alone.
Partner won’t be in this mission since I’ll be the one to humanize.
I guess you could say Nightmare has zero motivation for this.

Well, there’s no reason to bring her along if she herself doesn’t feel like
Magiatite Gramps, I’ll leave her in your care too.

【“I don’t mind, but”】

Nightmare doesn’t seem to object.

Since she’s staying with Treant, Nightmare has a slight look of disgust.
I’m sure that if she’s with Alo, she has no problem, but if left alone with
Treant, I can only worry.

She doesn’t care about me, only Partner, and she doesn’t think too highly of
Yeah, she’s quick-witted, but she’s also indifferent and doesn’t act cute.
She’s like the cold-hearted top student of the class.
…… I mean, she even refuses to accept the love I’m giving to Treant.

【“Aww, I wanted to see Nightmare human look”】

The instant Partner said something, Partner raises her head and walks to
【“What? What is it?”】

Partner lowers her head to Nightmare’s level.

She inclines backward so Nightmare doesn’t need to keep looking up.

【“Uh, Im not that interested……”】

【“That’s not what I……”】
【“I think you misheard me”】
【“…… What?”】

They seem to be trying to communicate with each other by putting their

faces closer, but since none of them have〖Telepathy〗, they’re struggling.
A confused and flustered Partner is certainly a rare sight to see, so when I
chuckled a little, Nightmare glares at me.
I gently look away.

【“I didnt get everything, but she wants to go too”】

Partner, still confused after their recent conversation, tells me that.

With Partner here, Nightmare becomes tame.
That’s kinda…… cute, actually.
Well, whether she gets to come with us or not depends on how human-like
her〖Human Transformation〗will look like……

Nightmare stands up with her legs writhing.

An unsettling sound is heard as Nightmare’s body begins to shrink.
Her red eyes move to the side of her forehead.
The surface of her black body is shifting and changing. Black hair begins to
grow from within her white mask.
Her height in human form is about 160 centimeters, or close.
Her previously black body turned into a robe.
Her face is…… covered by the white mask that’s occupying most of her

Maybe it’s because her eyes have moved to the hood on her robe, which
now looks more like it’s a design from the robe itself.
I didn’t know you can humanize this way. It looks more like a mimicry than
a transformation.
Well, at least the body is kinda hidden, so hopefully it shouldn’t look too

Seeing her chest bulge a little, I can see that she’s female.
I mean, after seeing how she interacts with Partner, I kinda got a clue, but
this confirms it.

So, uh…… will the mask just stay on then?

I’m…… kinda curious to see what’s hidden under it……

I watch what Nightmare’s reaction is, but as always, she ignores me.
She instead shows off her form to Partner, twirling around her robe like an
innocent little girl.
Then, Partner just responds with “Ya look good, I guess” in a blunt tone.
It’s like they don’t even see me.
I mean, yeah, this was kinda expected, but still……

Hey Partner, think you can ask her to take off her mask?
When I asked her that, Partner nods.

【“Hey, take off your mask”】

Wow, so direct. Nightmare stops moving and becomes confused.

After a few seconds of silence, she tilts her head as if trying to trick her way
out of it.

【“Alo, do it”】

In an unusual turn of events, Partner gives Alo a command.

Alo, although surprised, is just as excited to know what’s hidden under
Nightmare’s ask and assaults her.
Nightmare runs as if her life is on the line.

…… Hey, you guys, you can stop now.

Maybe she just really doesn’t like her mask to be pried open.
Then, Alo raises her hand up and the cave floor begins to move on its own.
A number of earthen hands extend from the earth and entangle Nightmare.
It’s Alo’s skill,〖Rope of Regret〗.
Alo walks towards the now restrained Nightmare.
Nightmare does her best to free herself from her restraints, but Alo’s〖Rope
of Regret〗doesn’t budge at all.

I grab Nightmare’s hood with my mouth and lift her up, then smash the
earthen hands with my claw.
Everyone, STOP!
You don’t have to get serious over something like this!
Sorry for going too far, Nightmare. I was just kinda irritated by you
ignoring me earlier.
Alo is the strongest of the three, so if she gets serious, it’s no longer the
level of playing around anymore.

“…… I-I’m sorry too”

Alo bows her head and apologizes to me.

Go apologize to Nightmare too.

Alo does as I say and bows to Nightmare as well.

Good, good.

This feels like being a homeroom teacher in a class of kids.

…… And as for you, assistant teacher Partner, do you also have something
to say to Nightmare?

【“…… Hm? What do you mean?”】

T-This insensitive dragon head.

With my temper suddenly rising, so did the inside of my mouth.
And because of that, I unintentionally drooled on Nightmare, who is still
being carried by my drooling mouth.

B-Blerggh! W-What was that?

Then, I notice a red web hanging from within my mouth.
Nightmare’s〖Poison Web〗……?

When I opened my mouth, I accidentally let go of Nightmare, but before

she fell on the ground, a web that connects herself to Partner’s forehead
slingshots her onto Partner’s head.
Y-You’re really okay with how Partner treats you, Nightmare?

Then, Nightmare gives me a quick glance before looking elsewhere again.

She then wipes the parts of her robe that’s drenched with my saliva.
…… Oh well, can’t say I’m not envious of their relationship, but this is
fine, I guess.

“…… Quite a number of unique servants you have”

Volk says with a smile on his face.

Tell me about it……
Chapter 1- [Translation] Talent
The Aldeheim family, a magical aristocrat, is a famous family who has
produced excellent mages for generations.
Those born to the Aldeheim family will be evaluated for talent aptitude at
the age of five.
Everyone in the Aldeheim family was paying attention to this appraisal
result, as the degree of magical progress varies greatly depending on the
Today, Noah, the eldest son of the Aldeheim family, is five years old and
is being tested for talent aptitude.
Noah’s father and current head of the Aldeheim family ── Hildegard
expected Noah to have the talent and aptitude of [attack magic] and
[attribute magic].
Attack magic and attribute magic are the main means of attack for mages.
With those talents, you can grow into a strong mage.
Even if you have the same [attack magic] talent, there are good and bad
things in it, but the Aldeheim family is the best among all mages.
It was very likely that he would inherit a great talent.
Furthermore, if you want more, there are magical talents that have a high
degree of difficulty to handle, such as [spirit magic] and [summon magic].
But Hildegand didn’t expect him to handle those magics.
A room in the mansion.
A top-notch appraiser was invited for Noah, and the appraisal was done
without any deviation.
After the appraisal, the appraiser was sweating from his forehead.
For a while, he kept silent without saying the appraisal result.
Noah was curiously watching the situation.
He had a faint expectation of what his talent was.
In contrast to Noah, Hildegard was worried about the results.
(No way … Noah has no talent …?)
The tension is transmitted to the appraiser making it even harder to say
the results for the appraiser.
“You … Tell me the result quickly. Spit out what is Noah’s talent!”
At last Hildegard ran out of patience and became angry.
The appraiser slowly opened his heavy mouth.
“No, Noah’s talent is … [translation] … only …”
“What … what …!?”
Hildegard stood there with his eyes wide open.
──This was an unusual situation in the Aldeheim family.
There was no magical talent.
That means he couldn’t use magic.
Hildegand was stunned, but his feelings gradually turned into anger.
“Father … what’s wrong?”
Even though Noah was young, he felt that his father’s eyes had changed.
“Noah … well, you smeared my face with mud …”
“fa, father …”
Hildegand approached Noah and slapped his cheek.
Noah’s cheeks turned red with a clicking sound.
“Shut up! You are not my child!”
Hildegard yelled so and left the room.
The appraiser is confused but follows Hildegard.
The left-behind Noah want to burst into tears, but did not cry.
This is because my father told me to “shut up!”

In the room
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry……”
A young voice echoed quietly.

From this incident, Noah was treated coldly by the Aldeheim family.
He was given a meal without any minimum education.
Those who served the mansion did not even take care of Noah.
Hildegard told his servants that he would be fired if he took care of Noah.
Hildegard was furious at his innocent child.
Noah tried to be a good boy, but no one praised him.
And every day I remembered when my father hit me and yelled at me.
Recalling the moment, Noah shed tears.
Noah, who was not dealt with by anyone, often read books in the library.
I didn’t have to think about anything extra while reading the book.
Noah wasn’t taught to read or write letters.
However, I was able to do it immediately just by looking at the letters.
The ability to understand sentences was many times and tens of times
better than ordinary people, and I was able to understand the contents of the
book immediately.
Noah was crazy about reading a thick book that a five-year-old child
wouldn’t read.
One day, Noah found a mysterious stone board in the garden.
Moss was growing on the stone board that made him feel the passage of
The stone board was engraved with letters that I had never seen.
Noah, who saw the letters on the stone board, stared at the stone board
for a while.
“This character is very difficult”
Noah had an immediate understanding of any language, but he didn’t feel
like he could understand this character at all.
After all, he couldn’t understand the letters on the stone board that day.
Then Noah would come in front of the stone board if he had the time to
decipher it.
…… A month later, Noah finally deciphered the letters on the stone
“Replace the books in the library according to the street on the back …?”
When Noah looked at the back of the stone board, the letters of the same
language were written there as well.
The replacement destination and the order of 20 books were written.
Noah made a note of it and actually swapped the books.
Then, the bookshelf in the library moved by itself, and a passage
continued beyond that.
Noah muttered and went on.
Going forward, the bookshelf returned to its original position.
(I didn’t do anything …)
Noah wondered.
The passage became dark, but soon the magic stones embedded in the
wall glowed pale.
(It’s somehow scary …)
Noah thought so, but his curiosity outweighed his fears.
As he went down the aisle, there was a wooden door.
On the door was written “Hidden Library” in the same language as the
stone board.
Noah suppressed his excitement, took a deep breath, and then opened the
Upon entering the room, the unique smell of the book tickled Noah’s
nasal passages.
When Noah entered, the room became brighter.
It was a natural white light, not the pale light at the passage.
There were 10 bookshelves in the room.
Noah knew this was an old place, but it was strange because there was no
Noah picked up a book from the bookshelf.
The title of the book is “Introduction to Ancient Magic”.
Noah was already reading this language naturally.
And from this day, it became Noah’s daily routine to read the spellbook
of the hidden library.
“Noah, get out of this mansion once you reach adulthood.”
I was called to my father’s study and he suddenly said that.
It seems that adults have to leave this mansion.
The age of adulthood is 15 years.
In three days I will have my 15th birthday.
“Yes, I understand”
“You are the eldest son of the Aldeheim family, but you will not be the next
head of the family, because you have no magical talent.”
“I know”
“Don’t hate me, you should rather thank me for raising you to that age
without magical talent.”
“Yes, of course. I am grateful to you, father.”
“… Hmm. That’s fine. If you understand, go quickly.”
“If you’ll excuse me”
It’s been 3 days since I’ve been in this mansion …
When I thought so, I was a little moved.
On the way to the library, as usual, I met a servant cleaning the corridor.
“Thank you for your hard work.”
I greeted the servant with a smile.
The servant cleans silently without changing his expression.
I’m used to it because he’s been ignored even after talking to him for a long
Still, I never forget to thank my servants.
why? When asked, I wanted to do that.
I think that my behaviour toward others is what I wanted to do when I was a
You can talk to me, be kind to me, help me …
As such a person, I was looking for something that was natural.
And because I wasn’t satisfied, I want to do it for someone.
Well … it’s completely self-satisfaction.

When I arrive at the library, I sit in a chair and read a book.
No education was given to me by the Aldeheim family, so I learned the
necessary knowledge from books.
About 10 years have passed since I started going to the hidden library, and I
have read all the “Ancient Grimoire” that had already been collected.
Thanks to that, I learned a lot of ancient magic instead of modern magic.
It seems that modern magic cannot be used without magical talent.
The thing that only the chosen one can use is the recognition that it is
modern magic.
Creatures always have magical power, but if you don’t have talent, you
can’t use magic. So I think it’s great to have a magical talent.
I can’t imitate it even if I stand upside down.
However, even I could use ancient magic.
Ancient magic can be obtained simply by reading the spellbook.
It is because of the language unique to the Book of Magic — the ancient
The ancient magic is activated by using the correct combination of ancient
Depending on the combination, the type and content of magic will also
In other words, understanding ancient magic means understanding the
ancient characters.
At the end of the day, what are ancient characters? Ancient characters have
an overwhelming amount of information than other languages with magical
It is insanely difficult, and when I was five, it took me a month to decipher
Now, let’s get back to the main subject.
There are two ways to combine ancient characters.
Whether to combine inside the body or outside the body.
And the name changes a little, ancient magic for the former and ancient
enchantment for the latter. (TL: Author writes魔術and 魔法 which is the
same like twelve = dozen. If you have any better ideas pls tell me.)
Is it a little confusing?
Then I will give you an example.
When I found the hidden library, the magic stone would shine and turn on
automatically, right?
This is because ancient enchantment was activated.
The ancient characters were combined so that the magic stone would react
when certain conditions were met.
It seems that ancient enchantment that combines ancient characters outside
the body is used in this way.
So how do you use ancient magic?
Even if you say that you combine ancient letters in your body, It is only
your feelings.
The easiest way is to chant the ancient characters and the ancient magic will
be activated.
The difficult way is to activate it without chanting.
In that case, you have to manipulate the magical power inside the body to
combine the ancient characters.
This is difficult, and I have no magical talent, and even after 10 years, I still
can’t use it well.
“Hey. Noah, you’re finally kicked out of the house.”
A red-haired boy appeared in front of me.
He is the second son Glenn.
His talent aptitude is [fire attribute magic] and is 13 years old.
Glenn is undoubtedly the next head candidate for the current Aldeheim
Glen had a nasty smile on his mouth.
“Hey, Glenn. You sure go the information fast.”
“Isn’t it natural? When my father told me that I was the next head of the
family, I was also told about Noah’s future.”
“I see, I feel lonely.”
“Huh! So that’s what you mean. You must be lonely. You can’t use magic
because you’re a shame of the Aldeheim family.
“Haha, maybe.”
“… What are you laughing at? You can’t even use magic!”
With that said, Glen floated a ball of fire in the palm of his right hand.
“Can you do this !? Ha ha ha!”
I blew and extinguished Glen’s fireball.
I couldn’t erase it just by breathing, so I used ancient magic without
By the way, < Breeze > Is an ancient magic.
“What …! What did you do!?”
“You shouldn’t use magic because there are books around you.”
“Gununu … You’re always in a good mood even if you can’t use magic …!
That’s why you piss me off!”
“I wonder if I’m on the right track …? I don’t mean that, but I’m sorry if I
made you think so.”
“Oh! You really piss me off! Quickly leave the house and die!”
Glenn left with some angry words and went away.
I have never been able to get along with Glen …
It’s sad that we can’t get along even in the end.
“… It’s a little early, but I’ll be leaving? The Aldeheim family would be
happier without me anyways.”
I packed up my belongings and left the house.
Well, I jumped out of the mansion and left, but what should I do from now
I thought, with my arms folded.
First of all, it is necessary to decide where I would go, I will certainly go
out of the Aldeheim territory that is under my father’s rule.
I have one gold coin.
For the time being, I could survive a few month, but I had to find a way to
earn money somewhere.
“Hmm, I think it’s better to come up with a plan on what I want to do.”
So I went to a tavern in the commercial area of Aldeheim territory.
The inside of the bar is very lively.
It was the first time for me to come to such a lively place and it was fresh.
I sat down and ordered a sandwich.
I wanted to drink, but I won’t drink when I am trying to put together my
“Well, what’s wrong?”
I folded my arms and picked up the sandwich that was being carried and
seriously thought about the future.
■ What I want to do
・ I want to travel the world and experience various cultures
■ What I have to do
· To make money
Something like this?
I think the reason why I want to experience various cultures is because of
the influence of reading books for a long time.
And travelling the world seems fun.
It’s exciting just to think about it.
But in parallel with travelling the world, I would have to make money.
Living a self-sufficient life may be one way, but if I want to live a
convenient life, I need money.
To meet those two goals. Yeah, being an adventurer is probably the best.
The job of an adventurer is very popular and is very powerful in society.
If you have the ability, you can get wealth and fame.
It’s easy to understand.
Alright, it’s decided.
Become an adventurer for the time being and earn money while travelling
the world.
That is my way of life.

After leaving the bar, I decided to take a horse-drawn carriage and leave the
territory of Aldeheim.
There is an adventurer guild in the territory of Aldeheim, but if you register
as an adventurer here, there is a high possibility that my identity will be
If that happens, the Aldeheim family will be a bother.
So, after leaving the territory, I’m going to register as an adventurer.
I can move by magic, but I wanted to ride a horse-drawn carriage once.
Pay two silver coins and head east to Rubelup.
Rubelup is a Wajesty territory.
You may register as an adventurer here.
There were seven passengers in the horse-drawn carriage.
“How far do you want to ride?”
A young man carrying a large backpack on his back called out.
It looks like there are various things in the backpack.
Is it a merchant?
“Let’s go to Rubelup”
“Wow, Rubelup? That’s a very prosperous city.”
“Yes. Everything is made from a dead piece of land.”
“Oh! I didn’t know that know!”
“I just happened to read it in a book that’s all.”
“No, don’t be humble! I’m a merchant and I travel around the world quite a
bit, but there are a lot of people who know the city, but not a lot of people
who know about history. So you’re amazing. “
“Thank you very much”
He seems to be named Edgar.
It’s boring while travelling in a horse-drawn carriage, so it seems that he
often talks to passengers like this.
After all, it was a good idea to get on a horse-drawn carriage.
This is experience you can’t get just by reading a book.
After all, the essence cannot be understood without actually doing various
Furthermore, I want to look around the world.
Anyway, he was a merchant …
There are many ways to make money other than becoming an adventurer.
But I think the most exciting way to make money is being an adventurer.
Yeah, be an adventurer and make money.

“Hiii–nn!”(TL: Carriage emergency brake…)
The carriage suddenly stopped, and the passengers lost their posture and
leaned forward.
“Hey, what happened?”
Edgar came out of the carriage and pointed ahead.
“Isn’t that a monster and it looks insanely strong! And someone’s is fighting
I also came out of the carriage and check the situation ahead.
As Edgar says, monsters and knights in armour were fighting.
The monster is a class A monster, Wind Tiger.
A giant tiger in the wind.
Since only E to D class monsters appear in this area, the appearance of A-
class monsters is an abnormal situation.
Immediately the carriage turned around and began to turn back the way it
“Well, it’s bad for those who are fighting, but it’s best we escape now.”
Edgar wiped his cold sweat and muttered.
“No, I’m going to help.”
“Huh !? You’ll die to help !? You can’t waste your life!”
“I can’t leave them alone. Thank you for your concern.”
“Stupid guy …!”
I smiled at Edgar and jumped out of the carriage.
I landed there and ran to Wind Tiger.
It wasn’t a logical thing to do.
It’s like I’m being driven by something.
The distance to the wind tiger is about 30m.
You can hit magic at this distance.
This is the first time I have used the ancient attack magic.
But I have no choice but to do it.
If I don’t do it, no one will help them.
< Ultimate Fire >
A mellow and burning purple flame was fired at the Wind Tiger.
The Wind Tiger was swallowed by the purple flame in a blink of an eye,
charred, leaving only bones.
I approach the people who were facing the Wind Tiger and confirm their
“Are you okay?”
The knight was looking at me in a stunned manner.
Behind it was a beautiful woman in a noble dress, like a princess from some
“Did you do this …?”
The knight took off her helmet and said.
It was a woman.
“Yes, both of you seem to be safe.”
“Thank you for helping me in a dangerous place. Ah, what’s your name? It
looks like you’re a famous wizard.”
Said a woman like a princess in a dress.
“My name is Noah, but it’s not such a big deal.”
“Noah-sama … It’s a wonderful name. I’d like to thank you for your help,
so could you join me and go to the Aldeheim family’s mansion?”
Did she say the Aldeheim family!??
I am already exiled from the Aldeheim family.
I should avoid going back.
I feel sorry for these two, but let’s run away.
“Thank you very much for your safety. I’m in a hurry, so I’m sorry.”
I disappeared from the previous place and moved to the road 3km away.
“Hmm … it was the first time I was thanked by people. Thank you. But it
was also bad to leave them alone. Well, can’t it be helped? Let’s regain our
mind and head for Rubelup. “
Cast the ancient magic “Dash” and run to Rubelup.
I ran off the road because it might bother other people if I was running on a
well-maintained road.
To be honest, this is faster than the carriage, so I should arrive at Rubelup
And from there, my adventurer life begins.
When I envisioned the future, I am looking forward to it and became
The two, helped by Noah, visited the mansion of the Aldeheim family.
“Thank you for coming all the way to my mansion. Claudia-dono”
Hildegard bowed to the woman Noah helped.
The woman’s name is Claudia.
──The second princess of the Kingdom of Lasdea, to which the territory of
Aldeheim belongs.
“Thank you for inviting me.”
Claudia also responded to Hildegard’s bow and greeted him.
“Yout Highness Claudia, it is nice to meet you. My name is Glenn
Glenn, who stands next to Hildegard, greeted her.
“Yes, thank you.”
Claudia smiled at Glenn.
(What a cute girl …!)
Glen fell in love at first sight with that smile.
(Fufu … I would want such a cute girl to be my wife in the future!)
The reason why Claudia visited the Aldeheim family was because of
It is a political marriage for the Aldeheim family to establish a further
position in the kingdom.
Originally, the Aldeheim family would have gone to the royal capital to
greet the princess.
However, Claudia’s selfishness led to her going out.
For Claudia, who always lives in the palace, she rarely had the opportunity
to go out like this.
That’s why Claudia visited the mansion in Aldeheim after receiving
“It seems like you had a smooth journey.”
Hildegard does not take any overbearing attitude in front of someone higher
than himself, such as the royal family.
It was the exact opposite of the attitude he gave Noah.
“No, I was actually attacked by Wind Tiger.”
“Wi, Wind Tiger !? Isn’t that a Class A monster! I relieved that you’re
“Actually, a man helped me while the escort was in trouble. He magically
fired a purple flame and killed the Wind Tiger with a single blow.”
Claudia was a little excited when she remembered the event.
“Well, purple flame …? I’m surprised that there is such a mage.”
“He was very polite. He had beautiful black hair and straight eyes. He was a
mage named Noah. Do you know him Hildegard-san?”
Hildegard became impatient with Claudia’s remarks.
(A person that has black hair and is named Noah …? It can’t be that guy …
No that can’t be it. He’s incompetent when it comes to magic. They can’t be
the same person.)
Hildegard decided so and regained his composure.
“I don’t know who he was. However, if it’s a mage of the fire attribute,
Glenn is also top notch.
When Hildegard said so, Glenn’s expression tightened.
Seeing that reaction made Claudia feel cold.
“So where is Noah Aldeheim, the eldest son of the Aldeheim family?”
Hildegard and Glen were taken aback by Claudia’s remarks.
They didn’t expect Noah’s name to appear here.
Claudia once saw Noah.
That was before Noah was appraised for his talent.
Noah was present at the party held at the castle as the eldest son of the
Aldeheim family.
Claudia remembered that time.
It would have been difficult to remember unless you were heading to
It was a perfect coincidence for Claudia to remember Noah.
“His Highness Claudia, there is no one in my house called Noah, my eldest
son is Glenn here.”
“Yes, that’s right. I don’t know what the magic used by that guy, Noah, was
but if you don’t mind, I could show you some fire magic?”
Glenn said so with a smug face.
(It’s decided already! I’m so cool right now! Her Highness Claudia will
surely fall in love with me!)
Glenn thought.
But Claudia ignored it.
“Well, then, I will put the matchmaking story on hold. After returning to the
royal capital, I will investigate the circumstances of the Aldeheim family.”
“What are you talking about! There is no such person named Noah in this
house! Maybe the monsters you met along the way wasn’t a Wind Tiger.
That possibility cannot be denied. A-class monsters rarely appear around
here. That Noah may have just defeated E-class and D-class monsters with
a single blow. “
Hildegard hurriedly tried to persuade Claudia.
But it only touched Claudia’s reverse scale.
“I see, Hildegard-san wants to say that my escort can’t even defeat E-class
and D-class monsters and isn’t even an opponent.”
“No, no! I have no intention of saying that! I was just talking about the
possibilities …!”
“Okay. Anyways, the conversation here doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.
I’ll go back to the royal capital at once. Good luck.”
Claudia took the escort and left without hearing Hildegard’s voice.
Hildegard fell to the ground and regretfully clenched his fist.
“What will happen to my marriage, father?”
“Stupid! That’s not the time for that!”
“Hah! I’m sorry!”
“I have to bring Noah back right away!”
Not much time is left for Hildegard.
If Noah’s whereabouts are not located before Claudia finds out, the fact that
the Aldeheim family has exiled his own son will spread and the house’s
reputation will be tarnished.
That must be stopped at all cost.
Hildegard is a top-notch mage at a level that is not ashamed to be the head
of the Aldeheim family.
It’s not easy to bring Noah back before Claudia.
Immediately ready for the search, Hildegard left the mansion.
Upon arriving at Rubelup, I immediately decided to head to the
Adventurer’s Guild.
I don’t know where it is, so I asked the street vendor for the location.
“Welcome! How about a grilled chicken!”
“Oh, then please give me one.”
“Got it, Thank you!”
“Excuse me, where is the Adventurer’s Guild?”
“If you want to go to the adventurer’s guild, go straight on this road, you’ll
reach a square with a fountain, and turn right and you’ll see it!”
“Hmmm, thank you for your kindness.”
“Don’t worry about this! Here, one grilled chicken skewer!”
“Thank you”
I head to the Adventurer’s Guild while eating the grilled chicken skewer I
“The grilled chicken is delicious”
I finished eating the grilled chicken right away.
Only the skewer was left in my hand.
Where is the trash can … Oh, that’s right.
If I use that, I may be able to throw it away.
“<< Item Box >>”
A transparent box appeared in front of me.
This is my own item storage space.
Throw the skewer there.
Alright, I got rid of the trash.
“… Well, did the skewer disappear just now?”
“Eh? What do you mean? You’re probably imagining things.”
“Well, ok …”
I heard such a voice behind me.
It may be better not to use ancient magic in public.
For the time being, ancient magic is a lost technique, everyone must not be
familiar with it.
There is no superiority or inferiority between modern magic and ancient
magic, but there is no doubt that it is rare.
Yeah, let’s be careful when I use it.

I arrived at the Adventurer’s Guild.
It was a big building like a mansion that was a little different from the other
Apparently, it’s a two-story building.
When I opened the door, the atmosphere inside was similar to a bar.
And there were many people who were actually drinking.
As the sun goes down soon, many people may have finished their requests
There is a reception in the center of the Adventurer’s Guild, and people are
lined up in front of it.
Adventurer registration can be done at the guild reception, so I line up in
the same way.
After waiting for a while, it is finally my turn.
It’s almost dark, so I wonder if I should just register as an adventurer today.
After this, I have to find an inn.
“Next person please”
It was when the receptionist called out.
“It’s terrible!”
The door of the adventurer’s guild was slammed open.
The person who opened it was a man, who wore a uniform similar to the
Probably an employee of the Adventurer’s Guild.
“The other day, I was asked to subdue the fire dragon that appeared at
Rubelup volcano …! It turned out that it was not a fire dragon but an S-
class monster Fafnir!”
When the guild staff said so, the inside of the guild buzzed.
“What !? Fafnir !?”
“What are we going to do …! If it attacks this city, we’re done …!”
The adventurers seemed frightened.
“Wait a minute! Now, when I check the contractor of the quest, it seems that
Serena, an A-class adventurer, is taking it alone!”
“What !? Her life is in danger if we don’t bring her back now!”
“But Serena is famous for her fast work! It’s possible she’s already
confronting Fafnir”
“Ku …!”
Apparently, it’s an emergency.
When I hear the story, it is clear that the situation is quite dire.
If I can stop her right away, I can save her life …
If I use “Space Transfer”, I’m more likely to stop a person named Serena
earlier than anyone here.
I understand the geographical location of Rubelup volcano.
I should be able to get there fast.
If I’m the only one who can help, I have to help.
“Ah, can you sure handle the reception?”
“Yes. I’m going to go away from here soon.”
“Hah …”
The receptionist looked a little disappointed.
But this is fine.
If I say I’m going to help Serena, I’m sure I will be detained.
I left the reception and left the Adventurer’s Guild.
Then I moved to the back alley and chanted “Space Transition”.

I successfully transferred to the foot of Rubelup volcano.
Since it has is quite a distance, it consumed a lot of magical power.
However, even if it’s a lot, I have the lineage of the Aldeheim family, and I
have an overwhelming amount of magical power over ordinary people.
Thanks to that, it seems that ancient magic can still be used.
By the way, where is Serena?
“” Magic detection “”
I decided to explore the magical reaction of the surroundings.
Then, there were two big magical reactions on the mountaintop.
One is Fafnir and the other is probably ──.
I wanted to bring her back before she fights the fefnir, but it seems to be too
With this happening, I have two options left.
・ Abandon Serena and leave this place.
・ Help Serena by doing a “spatial transition” to the mountaintop.
There is the possibility of fighting Fafnir to help Serena.
I hear that S-class monsters are proud of their nonstandard strength among
If I try to help Serena, I may die myself.
But I didn’t have to think about the answer.
If there is a life that can be saved, I want to help.
Also, I thought so when I defeated Wind Tiger, but I seem to be quite
“” Spatial transition “”

At the transfer destination, a long blonde girl stabbed a sword in the ground
and was on one knee.
And there was a huge dragon in front of me.
Is that Fafnir?
“Who!? Where did you come from !? Rather than coming to such a place,
why are you so stupid!? Quickly escape!”
“um, are you Serena?”
“Yeah! But I don’t have time to chat with you! Can’t you see the thing in
front of me !? I’ll stall for time, so run away quickly!”
With that said, Serena squeezed the last of her power to stand up.
“It’s not like that, because I came to help you.”
“You can’t do that ──! It’s dangerous!”
Serena shouted.
Fafnir is dropping his tough and huge foot towards me.
《Magic Barrier》
Fafnir’s forefoot stopped moving due to the barrier that unfolded in front of
“Wow …”
Serena was surprised.
I just wanted to avoid using ancient magic in public, but this is all I can do.
Now, The ability of ancient magic that was said to be lost in time ── Let
me use it.
For now, I have to deal with Fafnir’s attack.
Move the barrier made by “Magic Barrier” to deflect the Fafnir’s forefoot.
Fafnir’s Giant body moved a bit, but I didn’t manage to defeat it.
However, I should be able to cast ancient magic using this opening.
“《Ultimate Fire》 “
I fired 《Ultimate Fire》 at Fafnir, the one that defeated the Wind Tiger
with a single blow.
A blue flame came out of the Fafnir’s largemouth.
The blue flame and the purple flame collided and offset each other, causing
a great impact.
I was blown away by a strong gust of wind.
I can’t chant while being blown away in this wind!
I was thrown into the air and activated “Orbital inversion” without
With this, the momentum when it was blown away could be erased.
“《 Sky Walk 》”
I chanted “《Sky Walk》” and I floated in the air.
“Okay,here’s another gift for you “《Magical Impact 》”
I hit the Fafnir’s body with magical power.
Donnnn! The Fafnir’s body fell to the ground fell to the ground.
He just lost balance.
He still isn’t defeated.
“What with this this human! You monster!?”
I heard a weird voice.
I look down at Serena.
She was looking up at me with a stunned expression.
Well, if it was Serena that said it, than why would she call me “human”?
It was a strange phrase.
“Why do I have to fight such a monster, when I just woke up from my seal”
Fight with a monster?
Perhaps the source of this voice is Fafnir?
I’ll give it a try.
“Is it the Fafnir that is talking right now?”
“Nu!? The monster talked???” (Fafnir)
In this situation, it seems that the voice is the Fafnir’s.
“What a thing to say, my feelings are hurt “
“Oh, oh, I’m sorry … What should I call you?” (Fafnir)
“I’ll be glad if you can call me Noah.”
“Um. Okay, Noah. By the way, I have one request. Please don’t kill
“I’ll allow that”
“Is it okay!?”
“It seems that you are able to understand. But instead, can you swear that
you won’t kill humans anymore?”
“Hmm, that’s easy. After all, I’m a herbivore!”
A very surprising fact was revealed.
What about other Fafnir?
I was a little curious.
“Are other Fafnir also herbivores too?”
“No, I’m the only one. I used to be a little naughty, that’s why I was sealed
at this volcano. I woke up recently, but I’m in trouble because humans came
to beat me like this. Maybe it’s because I lowered the image of Fafnir
before I was sealed.”
“fumu fumu, I understand. For the time being, let’s talk to the other person
who is here now.”
“Oh, I’m saved! Please persuade her!”
Hmmm, it’s a nice Fafnir.
Wait a minute?
I was talking to Fafnir calmly, but isn’t that strange?
You can’t usually talk to monsters, right?
For the time being, let’s persuade Serena-san.
I went landed and approach Serena.
“Are you okay?” (Noah)
“It’s okay, but I have to do something about Fafnir …! I should be able to
support you too!” (Serena)
Serena tried to get up by forcibly moving her injured body.
“Hey, stoppppp, wait a moment!”
“I’m fine! And if I miss this opportunity, I can’t beat the Fafnir!”
“No! This Fafnir is a good guy”
“Good-natured? What are you talking about! He was the one who attacked
you first!”
I ask Fafnir.
“No, she doesn’t trust you because she was attacked by Fafnir.” (Noah)
“whyyyy! That child started the fight first.! I thought Noah was her
companion because you attacked me.” (Fafnir)
“I see, I understand. I’ll tell her that.” (Noah)
“Thank you!” (Fafnir)
Serena was staring at me.
It’s like she’s seeing something weird.
“Hey, what are you talking about?”
Oh yeah.
Serena doesn’t understand the language I’m talking in.
Only those who understand the ancient characters can understand the
chanting, and talking to a Fafnir would be an incomprehensible thing.
I didn’t notice it when I was talking.
However, the language used to speak with Fafnir is very different from the
common language of the Kingdom of Lasdea.
“Actually, I was having a conversation with this Fafnir.”
“Conversation with the Fafnir!? That’s not possible.”
Serena said so and pouted.
“Certainly. the Fafnir has stopped moving”
“Yeah. I have no intention of fighting this Fafnir anymore.”
“I see. I trust you because you helped me.”
“Oh! Thank you for your understanding!”
“But, You don’t look so pleased though”
“No, I didn’t think we could have such a peaceful solution. Thank you very
Serena muttered something in a soft voice.
I didn’t hear it well.
“Hmm? Did you say something?”
“N, nothing! … Hmm, but I don’t think others will think of this as a
“Yes. If I don’t defeat Fafnir, The Kingdom of Lasdea would definitely
come to subdue it”
“Yes. I’m sure it’s true. Even if this Fafnir is a good-natured monster, as
you say, the country won’t believe it.”
“Why don’t we move Fafnir somewhere?”
“No, If you do that, Fafnir will still be the target of subjugation.
Are there any good options?
I folded my arms and thought.
Then I remembered an ancient magic.
It’s something that can save Fafnir.
“As a result of the discussion, it seems that Fafnir will still be subjugated if
it is not subjugated now.” (Noah)
“Ahhhh! That’s…! Noah, save me!!!!!” (Fafnir)
“There is a way to help, but this depends on Fafnir.”
“What! Is there a way to help me! Then I’ll do anything!” (Fafnir)
“Yup. But you can’t decline it once I do it? I want to respect Fafnir’s will. “
“Umu! Please tell me as soon as possible!” (Fafnir)
“── make a servant contract with me”
“Okay, I understand! I’ll sign a servant contract!”
From the quick response of Fafnir, it seemed that he had no idea what a
servant contract was.
I guess he won’t know unless I tell him properly.
“Fafnir, do you know what a servant contract is?”
[Hmm, I don’t know such a thing.]
“That’s true. I didn’t think you would know about it. First of all, I will teach
you what a servant contract is.”
[No matter what the content, it doesn’t matter if I can survive! Live!!]
“Well, just listen to me for now.”
[Really? Ok, I’ll listen to it.]
I explained to Fafnir about the servant contract.
First of all, a servant is a monster that follows the master.
If the master gives an order for absolute obedience, the servant cannot take
any action other than obeying.
I asked Fafnir if there is any problem in this regard.
[There is no problem]
It was an immediate answer.
Based on that, I’m telling you that the servant contract is a contract to
become a servant,
[I understand.]
It was an immediate response again.
Do you really understand?
I’m a little worried about Fafnir.
[In any case, I have no choice but to obey Noah! If I don’t listen to Noah,
I’ll be killed!!!!]
“I won’t kill you, so don’t worry.”
[If I don’t sign the servant contract, I’ll still be killed by someone other than
“Well, that’s right, but, how do I say this, you shouldn’t accept it so
[I see, Noah is kind.]
[There is such a thing. You’re too kind. So, I am happy about being Noah’s
servant and will be happy to accept it.]
“Oh …! I’m very grateful for that!”
Fafnir’s words echoed in my heart, and I was a little impressed.
I wipe the tears from my eyes and chant Fafnir a 《Servant Contract》.
This seems to be an ancient magic that can only be used for monsters that
have opened their hearts to others.
So Fafnir becomes my servant.
If you accept in your mind, it should be activated automatically …
With that in mind, a magic circle that glows blue appeared at my feet.
“Oh, you. what are you doing now?”
Serena muttered.
Oh, I didn’t tell Serena that I would sign a servant contract with Fafnir.
That totally slipped my mind.
“From now on, I will sign a servant contract with Fafnir.”
“Huh, huh !?”
She was amazed.
But this is the only way to help Fafnir.
The magic circle swirled around, and smoke was generated, wrapping
around Fafnir’s giant body.
“Oh, this is amazing!”
I heard Fafnir’s happy voice in the smoke.
“What the hell is that?”
“Just wait a moment! The smoke is clearing up. “
When the smoke cleared, Fafnir wasn’t there.
“Where did he go !?”
Serena is surprised.
“Magical Sensing “
Fafnir’s magical power is still in this place.
So it doesn’t look like he disappeared.
[Noah, I’m here!]
I look at my feet.
There was a small red dragon there.
“uh, Did you get smaller after signing a servant contract?”
[Something like that]
“Oh, then it’s okay to go into public places. No one would think that such a
small dragon is the S-class monster Fafnir. “
The original plan was to sign a servant contract and then use “Door of
Subspace”, and I was thinking of having him temporarily stay in a space of
another dimension that wasn’t here, but that effort was saved.
“Hey, no way, did Fafnir become this little dragon?”
“It looks like that.”
“Already, what’s going on?”
“Haha, I think this settles down. Nobody would think such a small dragon is
“Yeah. Thanks to you, I’m glad It ended up without any problems.”
“I’m glad that I could help”
“But I didn’t do anything useful though. You’ve finished a case that affects
hundreds and thousands of people alone. This is a big deal. It’s late, but
please help me get up. Thank you … “
At the end of the words, Serena shyly thanked me.
“Don’t worry, I just wanted to help Serena.”
“──! Oh yeah! But why did you want to help me?”
“I think I was the only one who could help me, so I couldn’t be a
“It’s amazing. Fufu, I respect you. Can you tell me your name?”
“I’m Noah.”
“Noah, it’s a good name. You may know me, but I’ll re-introduce myself.
I’m Serena, an A-class adventurer.”
“Then Serena is my senpai.”
“Yeah. I’m going to be an adventurer.”
“I think Noah can be a court magician, even if he doesn’t become an
“That’s right … But even if I could, I don’t want to become one now,
because I’m thinking of travelling the world from.”
“Hmm, it’s strange. But I can’t say anything about other people because I
feel the same. Well, anyway, thank you and best regards from now on,
With that said, Serena reached out to me.
“Yes. best regards too. Serena-san”
I held that hand and smiled.
When I returned to the Adventurer’s Guild, I explained the situation of the
Adventurer’s Guild to Serena-san:
Serena was heading to Rubelup volcano after receiving a quest to subdue
the Fire Dragon, and the guild was worried that she might have started to
fight Fafnir.
The situation was caused because Fafnir was spotted.
If Fafnir isn’t there the situation will calm down
That’s why Serena is going to report that she didn’t find any fire dragon or
Of course, it is impossible to believe only Serena’s testimony, so
investigation should be possible, but without the Fafnir there it should not
be a problem.
That’s why I asked Serena to return to the Adventurer’s Guild first.
Serena said she wanted to thank me for my help later, so she’s joining me
for dinner.
It seems that she will treat me to a meal.
When I was at my parents’ house, I had had nothing to be grateful for, so I
was very happy with this kindness.
And Fafnir, who became my servant recently, is flying around me.
When I came back to Rubelup, I feel the gazes from the surrounding
As I learned from the book, taming monsters itself has a profession called
Tamer, so there should be no prejudice.
There are even magic tools for making servant contracts.
When I was walking in the town, there were other people with servants
besides me.
Maybe the reason people are still staring at me is that it’s rare to have a
small dragon as a servant.
Ah, I have to buy a collar for Fafnir.
I should buy it as soon as possible as the collar will if a monster is tamed or
I stopped by an accessory shop on my way to the Adventurer’s Guild.
And I bought a collar for a servant for 10 silver coins.
It was a little expensive, but Fafnir with a white-collar looks great.
[Umu. A small body is not bad either.]
“I’m glad you like it”
[It’s pretty interesting. My world is expanding as my body gets smaller.]
“Haha, surely I can’t put you into a building in your previous size.”
[Um. It’s fun to get in touch with human culture this way.]
“Yes Yes. I really understand that feeling. “
[Oh, really!?]
It looks like I’m going to get along with Fafnir very much.
“Fafnir, thank you for being a servant.”
“Mu? I would like to thank you as well. Thank you for making me a
servant. “
While saying that, I arrived at the Adventurer’s Guild.
The reception for the Adventurer’s Guild has already ended.
It seems that there is no choice but to register as an adventurer tomorrow.
The inside of the guild is turned into a tavern.
The adventurers are making a lot of noise.
As I looked around, I found Serena-san.
She leaned against the wall and beckoned me.
“Thank you for your hard work”
“Yeah. Thank you for your hard work as well. For the time being, let’s
move somewhere else.”
“Move? Where are we going?”
“My house”
“I see, it’s certainly hard to talk about today’s events in public.”
“That’s it. Let’s go.”
I left the Adventurer’s Guild and walked through the streets of Rubelup.
Rubelup was a fairly large city with many buildings lined up.
After walking for a while, the surrounding buildings became all private
Is this area the residential area?
“We’ve arrived”
Serena’s house was an ordinary one-story wooden building that was no
different from the surrounding private houses.
“Please, come in”
“Excuse me”
There seemed to be two rooms in the house.
Serena immediately went to the kitchen.
“Sit in that chair and wait a moment. I’ll make something now.”
With that said, Serena started cooking.
[Hmmmm, is this the place where humans live?]
“Don’t poke your head into too many places”
[Is that so?]
“You wouldn’t want someone to see your personal areas right?”
[I see, that’s right.]
While I was talking to Fafnir like that,
“Noah is amazing. You can use such powerful magic and talk to monsters.”
Serena talked to me.
“It’s not amazing. I wonder if the environment in which I grew up has an
effect on magic and monsters.”
“An environment where you grew up. It must be tough growing up. In a
normal person’s life, they wouldn’t be able to acquire that much power.”
“That’s right … I just read books though.”
“Books!? Those don’t make you be able to use magic like that!”
“Well, it wasn’t just a book. I can use magic just by reading it … It’s a
“I’ve never heard of it … are you really telling the truth?”
“It’s no wonder you’ve never heard of it. It’s one of the lost techniques
──an ancient magicc spellbook. “
“Ancient magic”
Serena muttered so.
It’s hard to believe.
It was the first time for me to talk about ancient magic.
I hid that I could use ancient magic at my parents’ house.
Maybe my dad wouldn’t have kicked me out of the house if he knew I
could use ancient magic.
But I wanted it to be recognized somewhere else, regardless of magic or
anything like that.
“Hmm, Noah is interesting after all. If you could, please tell me more about
ancient magic.”
“I’ll gladly tell you.”
“Thank you. I’m glad. Wait a minute, I’ll cook for you.”
With that said, Serena-san proceeded with cooking skillfully.
“Here you go, sorry for the wait”
The finished dish is beef steak and onion soup.
It has a nice smell to it.
She also served Fafnir too.
I told her that Fafnir was herbivorous, so there were some leafy vegetables
on the plate.
I ate it right away.
Cut the beef into bite-sized pieces and carry it into my mouth.
The gravy overflows in my mouth and is very delicious.
“Is it to your taste?”
“It tastes very good!”
“I’m glad”
Serena smiled happily.
“Then let’s talk about ancient magic.”
“Yeah. I’d love to hear from you. But before that, you don’t have to be so
polite when you talk to me, it’s also ok to not add san to the end of my
name. “
“I understand. Thank you for your concern.”
“Well, I don’t care about that. I just wanted Noah to talk comfortably!”
[It seems that this girl is a little too honest, unlike Noah.]
“Haha, that’s right.”
Seeing me talking to Fafnir, Serena had a sullen look on her face.
“Well, what the hell are you guys talking about?”
“Fafnir said that Serena is upfront about her feelings.”
“That’s not the case! I’m just an honest person!”
“Haha, that’s right.”
[Umu. A kind girl. I like her]
Fafnir seemed impressed.
Serena corrected her posture and started eating her own food.
Come to think of it, I haven’t talked to anyone like this since I was five.
years old.
I felt very happy.
After having a good meal with Serena, I came to an inn.
It is an inn called “Mistletoe” recommended by Serena.
Accommodation costs are 2 silver coins per night.
It seemed to be cheaper if I stayed for a longer time but I don’t know when
I’m going to leave Rubelup, so I paid for one night for the time being.
And the next day, I went to the Adventurer’s Guild.
The Adventurer’s Guild is less crowded than yesterday.
People wearing fine weapons and armour are having breakfast in their seats.
I wonder if there are fewer people because I came a little early.
No one is lined up in front of the reception in the center.
If this is the case, I will be able to register as an adventurer immediately.
At the reception, there was a receptionist who was different from yesterday.
It was a good thing because yesterday’s receptionist seemed to have a
slightly bad impression on me.
“Welcome to the Adventurer’s Guild. How may I help you today?”
“Hello, I’d like to register as an adventurer.”
“Would you like me to explain what an adventurer is before registering?”
“Please do”
I already know about adventurers, but let’s check just in case.
“Adventurers have grades such as F, E, D, C, B, A, S, and will be promoted
by accumulating achievements at the request.”
“There are only 12 S-class adventurers in the Kingdom of Lasdea.”
Since Serena is A-class, she is quite capable.
“The difficulty level of the quest is set by the Adventurer’s Guild.
It is recommended to take quests according to your rank.
You can receive quests that are one rank higher than your rank.
If you want to do a quest higher than they will consider it if recommended
by a guild staff or a trusted adventure.”
“The guild collects 10% of the request fee. The reward written on the quest
is the price that has been subtracted by the guild’s share.
Please note that you will be fined if you fail the quest.”
The receptionist explained.
“Then, is that small dragon a servant?”
“Yeah, he is”
“If he’s a servant for battle, I will fill in his information when you register
as an adventurer. Would you like to do it?”
Since the servant is a monster, it is said to have a certain degree of fighting
Therefore, fighting monsters with a servant is one of the ways to fight.
However, there are other servants who do not fight, and they are kept as
What should I do in this case?
I glanced at Fafnir.
[What’s wrong Noah]
Curiously Fafnir muttered.
If I register Fafnir as a servant for battle, people may find out that he’s a
It may be better to tell them that he’s not for combat, just in case.
Well, he’s already a servant so I don’t think there should be any problem,
but let’s be careful for now.
“It’s okay, because he’s not a combat servant.”
“Got it. Is it okay to appraise your talent before registering as an
adventurer? By appraising your talent, it’s easier to introduce quests
according to the person’s ability. It will be easier to find a party too.”
Talent appraisal huh
It’s an unpleasant memory, but basically, everyone who becomes an
adventurer seems to be appraised.
Since the guild bears the appraisal fee, no one will bother to not take it.
“Yes, please”
“Thank you. May ask you to move to the appraisal room?”
“I understand”
I moved to the appraisal room on the right side of the reception.
An appraiser was waiting in the appraisal room.
Paper and a pen are on the table.
The paper had categories such as name, gender, age, race, and talent.
Apparently, the appraisal result is written in the talent part of this paper.
“Nice to meet you, my name is Karl, an appraiser.”
“I’m Noah. Nice to meet you too.”
A man wearing glasses named Karl that looks about to be in his thirties and
forties, his gentle smile was impressive.
“Then I will appraise your talent immediately. Excuse me.”
With that said, the appraiser put his hand in front of my body.
The appraiser’s hand glows faintly.
And after a while, the light gradually disappeared.
The appraiser wrote [Translation] in the Talent category of the.
“Then take this paper to the reception and complete the registration.”
“Yes, I understand”
“Then, regarding talent, honestly, the talent of [translation] is rare. I think
it’s a very useful talent. But it’s not very useful as an adventurer, so it’s
better to get another job. “
“Haha, maybe. Thank you for your advice.”
I got the paper and I went back to the reception.
[Hm. It looks like Noah’s magical talent was not appraised.]”
“Well, I’m not talented in that area.”
[What are you talking about? Noah’s magical talent is ridiculous. Didn’t
you use magic when you fought me]
“Yup. It’s exactly like what I told you at the inn. “
I told Fafnir yesterday at the inn about my upbringing and everything I’ve
[It’s not like you have no magical talent. Even when using ancient magic,
the operation of magical power was performed is performed be Ancient
characters. But just understanding the concept doesn’t make you able to use
[Muu … Noah is too humble]
It can’t be helped even if you say so.
When I showed the paper I got from the appraiser at the reception, the
receptionist snapped my eyes.
“Translation. Well, is it okay to register as an adventurer? If you quit the
adventurer registration, you will have to get one silver coin for the appraisal
“It’s okay. I’ll register as an adventurer.”
“Wow, I understand. Then fill in the remaining items. Can you read and
write letters?”
“Yes, I can.”
I ask them to lend me a pen and fill in the remaining items.
Name: Noah
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Race: Human
Alright, this should do it.
“Yes, thank you. We will issue a guild card, so please wait a moment”
After waiting for a while, the receptionist gave me a guild card.
“The guild card to prove the identity of the adventurer. Since Noah’s
information is registered in the guild card, you can check a quest’s status
with the guild’s magic tool. Rest assured this will work in other guild’s
machines too.
“I see, thank you!”
“Now, when you register, you will start from F-class, so when you receive a
quest, please make sure that it is ranked F or E “
“I understand”
This completes the adventurer registration.
Alright, let’s take on the quest right away!
Take a look at the bulletin board where the quest is posted.
F-class and E-class quests were posted near the edge of the bulletin board.
[What quest do you want to receive first?]
Oh, this one looks good?
I took a quest request form.
The quest I picked up is for F-class adventurers.
Request for collection of medicinal herbs
Task: Deliver 10 medicinal herbs
Recommended Class: F
Reward: 4 silver coins
“Mu, I can only earn as much as the fee for the inn”
[Well, isn’t it always like that at first?]
[At least you should have done an E-class quest]
“I want to do it from the bottom though.”
[Well, I don’t understand that feeling.]
“And adventurers can make money through other means too.”
One of them is the purchase of materials.
The appraiser I met earlier is assessing the material’s worth.
Talent appraisal is not his only job.
By the way, how many quests can I receive at the same time?
Herb gathering quest could be done at the same time as other gathering
requests. It’s always better to complete multiple quests in one trip.
I went to the reception with the quest request form.
“I would like to receive this quest, thanks.”
The receptionist held a plate over the quest request form.
It’s a magic tool.
The plate emitted a red light and seemed to be scanning the request.
“Yes, this completes the quest registration. Please note that you will be
fined if you fail to complete it.”
“Okay, and I’d like to receive other quests, but how many quests can I
receive at the same time?”
“In principle, you cannot receive multiple quests at the same time. It will
also cause the quest achievement rate to drop.”
“I see, thank you. Then, can you tell me the materials you are buying in the
If I couldn’t get more than one quest, I thought I could earn more through
“That’s right … In the area where medicinal herbs are collected in the forest
to the east of here, [universal herbs] and [magical herbs] are of high rarity
value. Both will be bought by 30 silver coins.”
30 silver coins!
Considering the reward, it’s a good amount.
“Are other materials purchased?”
“Yes. Of course, there are some materials that we don’t buy, so please
understand that.”
“I understand. Thank you.”
I bow down and leave the reception.
[Universal grass] and [Magical herb]?
If I have time, I’ll try to find it.

I came to the eastern forest of Rubelup, the area where herbs grow.
[Okay, I’ll look for herbs too.]
“Wait a minute. Before that, there is an ancient magic I want to try. “
[I understand. I’ll wait ]
“Thank you, Fafnir”
The ancient magic I want to try is useful for collecting materials.
When I was reading the spellbook, it was written plainly, but it seems to be
very convenient.
I tried using it a little when I was in the mansion, but I stand convinced that
it was convenient.
Stretch your right hand forward and chant.
“《Material search》 “
This is a magic that checks the surrounding. by sending a wave of magical
power from the tip of your right hand.
When you close your eyes, a topographic map of the surrounding area will
be projected, and you can see what kind of materials are around.
The great thing about this magic is that it sorts out what is useful and what
is not.
It keeps the information to a minimum, making it easy to use.
[You did something outrageous again.]
“That’s not true. It’s the person who invented this magic that is outrageous.”
“As with that, Noah who can master it is also sufficiently outrageous
“Thank you for the flattery.”
“It’s not a flattery…”
I’m not outrageous at all
After all, all the ancient spellbooks in the Aldeheim family were written by
only one person.
The person is Dean Aldeheim, the first head of the Aldeheim family.
Dean made it possible with ancient magic to write an amount of
information that ordinary humans cannot write.
He devised an ancient spell that describes what he was thinking
automatically and wrote all the ancient spellbooks.
An outrageous genius would be Dean.
I was proud that his blood was flowing through me.
Well, thanks to “《Material Search》”, I knew where the herbs were.
Also, there is a place where [universal grass] and [magical herbs] grow
which can be sold for 30 silver coins each.
“Fafnir, I know where to collect the herbs.”
[Is it the magic of the day? Let’s go then.]
I started running and Fafnir followed me.
After running through the woods for a while, I arrived at the first collection
Four herbs were growing around.
Collect it and go down the steep slope ahead.
While descending the slope, I stopped mid-air.
I collect the universal grasses that grow on this slope.
[Hmm, it’s in great condition]
“I will collect more and more at this rate”
[It seems I‘ll be free with nothing to do.]
“Oh, let’s leave it to Fafnir to collect in such a steep slope”
[That’s a good idea! I’ll do that!]
And I continued to collect materials until around noon in cooperation with
[Items collected]
[Medicinal herbs] 10 pieces
[Universal grass] 5 pieces
[Magical herbs] 5 pieces
For the time being, if I fail the quest, I will be fined, so I returned to the
guild to report the completion of the quest.
After returning to the Adventurer’s Guild, I reported the achievement of the
F-class quest at the reception.
“We have confirmed the delivery of 10 herbs, The quest has been
“Thank you. I was able to collect the universal grass and magical herbs I
heard earlier, could you purchase it please?”
“Well, did you really find it?”
“Yes. I kind of found where they were growing, so I got 5 each”
“You have a lot of luck. May I have the plants appraised in the appraisal
room for the time being?”
So I went to the appraisal room.
“It’s been a while. What happened?”
“I have collected some materials, so I wanted to have it appraised.”
“Enthusiastically collecting herbs after just registering as an adventurer, it
must be nice to be young.”
“Yeah. Well, I found these ones after finishing the quest though.”
I said and took out all the universal grass and magical herbs.
“Th-This is……!”
Karl’s eyes changed.
“Isn’t this the universal grass and magical herb!”
“That’s right.”
“Wow, awesome … Uh, yeah … it’s in good condition.! It’s really the
universal grass and the magical herbs! You also collected so much in such a
short time. I determined that you only have a talent for translation, but in
reality, you may have had a talent for exploration too.”
Karl bowed apologetically.
Excuse me…
I don’t have a talent for exploration, but I used the foul ancient magic
called “Material Exploration”.
“I have bought 5 universal grass and 5 magical herbs, and the price is 3
gold coins.”
Karl took out 3 gold coins from the drawer.
Since 100 silver coins make up one gold coin, 3 gold coins are 10 times the
30 silver coins.
It seems that for the time being, I won’t have trouble with money.
“But your really amazing … if you like, why don’t you take a B-class
Karl proposed a B-class quest.
It’s the situation where a guild member recommends you a quest.
For the time being, let’s decide whether to accept or not after listening to
the contents of the B-class quest.
“What is the content of the quest?”
“At the forest in the east of Rubelup where you can collect universal grass
and magical herbs. Deliver one [fairy flower], which is rarer than Universal
grass and magical herbs and is said to be found only once a year.”
“One per year … I don’t feel like I can find it.
With that frequency, it is highly possible that it is not growing right now.
“Yes, but the quest rewards are very high.”
“By the way, how much the reward?”
“5 platinum coins”
Platinum coins are the biggest currencies.
Platinum coins are equivalent to 100 gold coins, so it is a considerable
reward amount.
“It’s an attractive reward, but how long until the quest deadline?”
“It’s a month”
“Hmmm. I have one question, can I take the quest after I find the fairy
“I think it’s almost impossible to find it without taking the quest. The
reason is that you can borrow exploration magic tools from the guild for a
month after the quest. After all, it is quite tough to find it by chance.”
“……So that’s it”
If you take on the quest, it’s quite likely that you don’t have to borrow any
magical tools.
There is some ancient exploration magic that can be used in addition to
“Material Exploration” too.
“I have been an appraiser here for 10 years. You are the first to collect
universal grasses and magical herbs in such a short time! I recommend you
as a guild staff member, so would you please accept it?”
“How much is the fine?”
“It’s 10 silver coins, but this time it will be in the form of a
recommendation, so I will bear the fine if you fail.”
“Eh? This quest is more likely to fail, right? Why do you recommend it so
“Actually, my daughter is suffering from an unexplained illness. To cure it,
I need a secret medicine made from fairy flowers-an elixir.”
Elixir is a potion that is said to be able to cure any illness.
The Elixir contains fairy flowers.
“Maybe the client is you?”
“Yes, as you might expect, I’m the client. Five platinum coins are all the
property I can afford. Noah, please help me!”
“I understand. But can you show me your daughter’s symptoms before that?
I have some medical knowledge, so if I can cure it with magic, I think I can
treat it on the spot.”
I have read many kinds of books in the library, so I have a lot of knowledge
about illnesses.
Some ancient magic have the effect of curing illness, so it may be possible
to cure it immediately.
“Huh, is that true?”
“Yes. If Karl believes in me, an F-class adventurer, I’ll do my best to cure
your daughter’s illness.”
“Thank you! I’ll believe in you!”
When he said that, Karl took off his glasses and started to cry.
“I’m sorry … Thank you very much, Noah-san.”
Karl said in a quivering voice.
“Let’s go cure your daughter’s illness.”
“Yes! Thank you.”.
We decided that after Karl finished his work, we would meet up and go see
his daughter.
I was waiting for Karl while sitting on a chair in the Adventurer’s Guild.
“Sorry, Noah. Thank you for waiting for such a long time.”
After work, Karl seemed to be in a hurry and came here in a jog.
“No, worries Let’s go.”
“Yes! Follow me.”
I followed Karl and arrived at his house.
The place was in the same residential areas as Serena’s house.
It was a building that didn’t look as good as the surrounding private houses.
“Please come in”
“Excuse me”
As I proceed to enter the bedroom, I saw a woman caring for her bedridden
“Welcome back, ── Oh, who is this person?”
“This is Noah. He is going to help cure Carla’s illness. Noah, this is my
wife Sarah and my daughter Carla.”
His daughter is sleeping on a bed in the back.
She was still a young child.
“Noah-san, thank you very much for coming. Best regards from now on”
Karl’s wife, Sarah, stood up and thanked me.
“Best regards too. Can I see your daughter right away?”
“Yes, please …! She’s been sleeping all the time lately, and her symptoms
are getting worse;”
I sat down next to the sleeping child and checked her symptoms.
“uu-uu …”
She was sweating a lot while sleeping.
“Did she have any other symptoms before she fell asleep?”
“She fell a lot and gradually became unable to move.”
Sara answered.
When I heard the symptoms, I thought of an illness.
To get more evidence, I decided to look at the magical power flowing
through her body.
On the body of a living thing, there are things called magic meridians. It’s
like a blood vessel but instead magic flows through it.
If there is something wrong with it, the symptoms may be like Karl’s
” Magic analysis “
When I chanted “Magic Analysis”, my vision became dark, I saw
something glowing blue-purple her body.
This bluish-purple light represents the magical power that flows through the
Normally, it shines through the whole body regardless of the amount of
magical power, but in this case, the whole body is almost dark, with only
occasional flashes. In other words, her magic power isn’t flowing freely.
“This is Magic Meridian sclerosis syndrome.”
I mentioned the name of the disease that his daughter was affected by.
Magical meridian sclerosis syndrome is a illness of unknown cause.
Symptoms gradually worsen and eventually lead to death.
“Even the doctor in the royal capital didn’t know, but do you know Noah
Sara said.
“Yes. I think this is more related to the field of magic rather than medicine,
so I think it’s difficult to identify the illness unless you’re familiar with
“Wow, that’s amazing! Asking Noah-san was the correct answer! So what
kind of illness is it?”
“There is a vessel called the magic meridian in which magical power flows,
but your daughter’s magical meridians aren’t working properly. The
magical power that she has is leaking.
“Is it possible for Noah to cure it?”
In response to Karl’s question, I quietly shook my head.
“The cause is unknown, but if you drink the elixir as originally planned,
you should be able to cure it.”
To be honest, this is a bet.
There is no precedent, but an elixir that cures any illness has the potential to
cure it.
“Huh, is that true !?”
“Yes. The only way to treat it is to get a fairy flower. Do you have the other
“Yes. I have holy water, mermaid tears, and universal grass in the magic
bag there.”
Holy water, mermaid tears, all-purpose grass, fairy flowers.
There is no doubt that these are elixir material.
Karl is an appraiser, so he should have a certain amount of things gathered.
“Okay, then only the fairy flowers are left.”
“Noah-san … Could you somehow find it?”
“I will do what I can.”
His daughter’s symptoms have progressed to a dangerous point.
If I spend too much time, it may be too late.
“Then, I will give you the B rank quest tomorrow.”
Time is of the essence.
If I take the quest, my reputation as an adventurer will increase and I may
be rewarded.
However, it will take some time to recommend the quest.
With the recommendation of guild staff, they will consider letting me take a
higher-ranked quest.
We don’t have the time for that.
If I really want to cure their daughter, I don’t have time to wait for the
recommend quest to go through the guild.
“There is not enough time, so I’ll look for it now.”
“But that’s unreasonable! You won’t be able to borrow magical tools for
exploration. I’m grateful for those feelings but it’ll be hard to find it.”
“It’s okay. I wasn’t originally thinking about using magic tools anyways.
Believe me, Karl.”
“I understand”
Karl looked straight into my eyes and said so.
“Well, I’m sorry for intruding today. I’ll let you know as soon as I find it.”
“” Noah-san, thank you …! “”
Karl and Sarah bowed together.
It’s proof that they really want to help their daughter.
Otherwise, that B-class quest wouldn’t give you that much reward.
“I will definitely find it, so don’t worry.”
I smiled so and left Karl’s house.
It was already dark outside.
“Well then, let’s find the fairy flower.”
[Noah is really too kind]
“This much is nothing. Also, I’m going to use 《Teleportation》 to search
for the fairy flowers, so get on my head. “
“Mm. I understand. “
Fafnir must have read the air and kept silent until now.
Even though he was so noisy when we went to Serena’s house.
I made a good guy my servant.
Then I went into the back alley and chanted《Teleportation》.
I arrived in the forest.
Let’s look for the fairy flower immediately.
“《Material search》 “
Like last time, I chant 《Material Search》 and check the surrounding
The range that can be examined is limited to within 2 km.
After that, I have to search while moving from place to place.
I can’t find the flower around here.
“Fafnir, I’m moving-” 《Dash》 “
Step into the forest and run through the trees.
Fafnir is catching up at the same speed as me.
Even if his body becomes smaller, his ability is still good.
Since 《Material Search》 is maintained even during the movement, the
surrounding situation is constantly changing.
However, I can’t find the fairy flower.
[Why don’t you move with《teleportation》like before?]
Fafnir asked a question while on the move.
“Simple,《Teleportaion》needs a lot of magic power to activate. So if I use
it too many times, my magic power will be exhausted. “
[I see, it is a price to be convenient.]
“That’s right. I have to be careful not to overuse it. “
[Well, if something happens I’ll be here for you.]
“Fafnir’s reliable”
As I ran through the woods, I somehow found a sign of a wild monster.
However, it does not seem to want to attack us.
[The monsters around here are all small fries that can’t keep up with our
Fafnir leaked such an impression.
Indeed, you certainly won’t be able to aim for prey that is too fast.
The monsters around here are all low-ranking F or E ranks, so their abilities
don’t seem to be that high.
Well, I’m also an F-class adventurer …
[Hou. There seems to be some challengers aiming for us as prey.]
Fafnir muttered.
“How do you know that?”
[eh? Can’t Noah feel the killing intent]
“eh? Ah, yeah”
Fafnir says that some monsters are trying to kill us but I can’t feel it.
“It seems that you really don’t have much experience in combat. But you
can use magic so well. Anyways. Noah should just look for the fairy
flowers for now. I’ll get rid of those who are in our way. “
“OK. Thank you, Fafnir “
Fafnir speeds up further and flies ahead of me at high speed.
I heard a monster scream.
It was probably an instant kill.
It was easy to imagine that Fafnir had killed the monster.
It’s very encouraging for him to be on my side…

I ran around the forest for a while and searched for the fairy flower, but
there was no sign of it at all.
I have seen the situation of the entire forest once already.
No fairy flowers were found.
It should have been growing in the forest, but I can’t find it anywhere.
This is the worst situation …
If the fairy flowers aren’t here, I’ll have to find them in another place.
This place is near the elf forest in the neighbouring country so I might need
to go there.
Even if it is close, it will still take several days to move.
[This forest is strange]
Fafnir nodded.
“Before I was sealed, the fairies had settled down here, but I couldn’t even
feel a sign that they were here.”
“Is that related to the reason why the fairy flowers are not found?”
“I don’t know, but I don’t think the fairy will leave the forest where they
once settled. Besides, such a peaceful forest should be comfortable for
fairies. “
“Maybe they have been killed or taken somewhere?”
“Then there must be some fairies left. The situation is strange in that there
are no fairies at all. “
There is a legend that fairy flowers are grown by fairies.
If you think about it, isn’t it because there are no fairies that fairy flowers
aren’t growing?
…… Hearing Fafnir’s remarks, I changed my mind.
Instead of going to the elf forest, I would find out why the fairy
With that in mind, there was a place where I felt a little uncomfortable.
There was a place where the magic power in the atmosphere was suddenly
cut off.
Magic power floats in the atmosphere, and there should be small amounts
of magic power everywhere.
It seems to be worth investigating.
“Fafnir, there’s something I am interested in, so I’m going to look it up.”
“I understand”
I moved to a lake in the forest.
Magic power was cut off at this lake.
A possible cause for the interruption of magic power is a barrier that is
hiding something.
Something may be hidden in this lake.
“《Magic light wave》”
《Magic light Wave》 is magic to identify the barrier.
I put my right hand forward and emit a golden light from my fingertips.
The light that should have passed through the lake was stopped in the center
of the lake and diffused into a huge sphere.
The range of the diffused light is the area of the barrier.
A huge spherical light illuminated the area that was surrounded by
” Isn’t it a hit from the first try? “
“It was because the magic power was cut off at this lake.”
“You didn’t notice the killing intent, but you could feel the magic power?
Noah’s definitely talented. “
“I don’t have magical talent though. Anyway, let’s examine this barrier. “
“… Umu. That’s right. “
I chanted 《SkyWalk》, and walked on the lake, moving to the barrier.
It was my first time seeing a barrier developed by others.
When I touched it with my hand, I felt a shock that made me feel numb.
“It seems to be better to not touch it carelessly”
[What is this barrier for? I don’t know what’s inside, but is there a way to
break in?]
“It looks like it’s a barrier that denies entry from the outside. They even
bothered to hide the barrier. It seems like it’s not so simple after all.”[Hmm.
I can break this kind of barrier.]
Fafnir said so and spit out a blue flame.
It was the same attack he used while we fought.
However, the blue flame was withstood by the barrier.
[… I can’t break it]
Fafnir said sloppily.
That blue flame is quite powerful, but the barrier withstood that.
Undoubtedly, my intuition told me that something was fishy.
What on earth is inside the barrier?
This barrier is the only hint to find out why there are no fairies.
I have to find a way to break the barrier somehow.
……Hmm? Wait a moment.
After observing this barrier for a while, I noticed something.
“This is a barrier developed by ancient magic.”
Ancient magic is a magic that can be activated by combining ancient
[How do you know that?]
Fafnir asked with interest.
“… I can’t explain it, but it’s definitely a barrier developed by ancient
Why did I find out that this barrier was developed by ancient magic?
It was difficult to verbalize it.
After all, until now I have naturally understood language as if it was
As long as ancient magic and the origin of ancient magic are languages, it
makes sense for me to understand them.
“If Noah says so. Well, then it makes sense of how it managed to withstand
my attack.
“Yup. It’s wonderful to develop such a detailed and high-strength barrier
with ancient magic. “
“Really……. I don’t know anything. So what are you going to do now? We
can’t move forward without breaking the barrier. “
“It’s all right. I came up with a solution. “
“Hou. You’re so reliable.
If this barrier is made by ancient magic, ancient characters should be
written somewhere.
If I rewrite the ancient characters, I will be able to eliminate the effect of the
Where is it written?
To find out, I cast Magic Analysis.
The barrier was tinged with a large bluish-purple light.
It contains a tremendous amount of magical power.
Then, following the flow of magical power of the barrier, I found the source
that was at the bottom of the lake.
“I’ll dive to the bottom of the lake”
[No, let me dive instead]
“But it is meaningless without me.”
“I have a technique we can use”
I smiled at Fafnir.
“《 Wind jacket》”
《Wind jacket》 is an ancient magic that covers myself with a wind barrier.
With this, I can breathe in the water.
In addition, 《SkyWalk》 can also be used underwater.
These two are really versatile ancient magic.
I then descend and dived into the lake.
In the water, the visibility was good to some extent due to the light of the
However, it is a deep lake.
The bottom is dark.
At the edge of my field of view, I caught an object that was rapidly
swimming toward me.
When I turn my back, a big snake monster was charging at me.
…… I see, this guy is the guardian of the barrier.
The snake monster opened its big mouth and approached me.
I should be able to defeat it by releasing magic in its mouth, but judging
that there seems to be no time to chant, I avoid the attack once.
It was okay to use the ancient magic without chanting, but using a third
ancient magic without chanting while already using two ancient magics in
parallel is a huge burden for the body.
Let’s observe the situation.
I observed the snake monster that was attacking me.
The monster turned out to be a sea serpent.
Sea serpents are powerful monsters commonly known as “Big sea snake”
However, their habitat is mainly in the ocean.
This is a freshwater lake, so they shouldn’t be able to survive here …
“Ku ku ku, stupid human! It was foolish of you to come to the lake
controlled by dark spirit-sama”
This voice is probably the sea serpent’s.
It seems that he can talk like Fafnir.
This is the first time I’ve heard the voice of a monster other than Fafnir.
Is it possible to have a conversation with a monster with a certain level of
“What is the darkness spirit?”
“… What!? How can you talk to me?”
The sea serpent stopped moving.
I also stop moving in the same way and talked to him face-to-face.
“Okay. For some reason, I can talk to monsters. “
“Hah, I have never heard of that before, but too bad you’re going to be
eaten by me here and die!”
“……Is that so”
No, wait.
Certainly, sea serpents are A-class monsters.
In other words, it should be weaker than Fafnir.
So if I show him my ancient magic, he might be scared and lose his fighting
The sea serpent opened his big mouth and attacked at high speed.
“I won’t forgive you for that-《Magic Impact 》”
The magic that can be used underwater is limited.
However, if it is 《Magic Impact》 that gives an impact with magical
power, it can be used without difficulty even underwater.
After all, magic power has the same level of transmission in both air and
Waves broke out and the sea serpents flew away despite being underwater.
Hitting a wall, the sea serpent emerged on the surface of the water.
…… Maybe I put too much magical power into it?
I should have put in more than I did when I was fighting Fafnir …

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