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The book thief 1

1. To bury – похоронити 16. Determination – рішучість
2. Allowance – виплата, пільга 17. To cleanse – очистити
3. To blame – звинувачувати 18. Pillar – опора
4. Unfed – голодний, не нагодований 19. To exterminate – винищувати
5. Brat – надоїдлива дитина, розбіяка 20. Enemy – ворог
6. Racket – шум, безладдя 21. To trust – довіряти
7. Filthy – дуже брудний 22. Authorities – органи влади
8. Dummkopf – дурень (з німецької) 23. Rush – поспіх
9. To cheat – обдурювати, шахраювати 24. Permission – дозвіл
10. Pushover – слабак 25. Bedsores – пролежні
11. To pave – прокладати 26. Guts – мужність, хоробрість
12. Dictionary – словник 27. Humanity – людяність
13. Basement – підвал 28. To conscript – мобілізувати
14. Nagging – ниття, бурчання 29. Formidable – грізний, нездоланний
15. To prosper – процвітати, досягати успіху 30. Commonplace – банальний, звичайний

 To run for one’s life – рятуватись втечею

 None of your business – Не твоя справа
 To do one’s best – старатись з усіх сил
 Not a soul – ні одній живій душі
 To feel free – не соромитись
 To give someone a lip – сварити на когось, дати “прочуханки”
 A pain in the neck – дуже надоїдлива людина

1. To turn someone in – видати когось поліції 2

2. To wipe off – витерти
3. To run away – втекти
4. To grow up – вирости
5. To speak up – говорити голосніше
6. To be afraid of – боятися
army, allowing, hungry, badly, dead, noise, bravery, honest, clean, stupid, powerful, dirty,
influence, opposed, special, painful, kindness, hurry, regularly, wrong, dishonest, possible,
kill, successful, difficult, alphabetical, complaining, important, police, below

1. To bury – to put a ______ body into the ground

2. Allowance – money that you are given ______
3. To blame – to say that someone did something ______ or is
responsible for something bad happening
4. Unfed – not fed or ______
5. Brat – a child, typically one that is ______ behaved
6. Racket – an unpleasant loud continuous ______
7. Filthy – extremely ______
8. Dummkopf – very ______ person
9. To cheat – to behave in a _______ way in order to get what you
10. Pushover – a person who is easy to overcome or ______
11. To pave – to make it ______ for someone to do something or for
something to happen
12. Dictionary – a book that contains a list of words in ______ order and
explains their meanings
13. Basement – a part of a building that is _____ the level of the first floor
14. Nagging – ______ or criticizing
15. To prosper – to be or become ______, especially financially
16. Determination – the ability to continue trying to do something, although it
is very ______
17. To cleanse – to make something completely ______
18. Pillar – a very ______ member or part of a group, organization,
system, etc. that provides support
19. To exterminate – to ______ all the animals or people in a particular place
or of a particular type
20. Enemy – a person who is actively ______ or hostile to someone or
21. To trust – to believe that someone is good and ______ and will not
harm you
22. Authorities – the group of people with official legal power to make
decisions, such as the ______ or a local government
23. Rush – a situation in which you have to ______ or move
somewhere quickly
24. Permission – the act of ______ someone to do something
25. Bedsores – a ______ place on the body, caused by having to lie in
bed for a long time
26. Guts – ______ and determination 3
27. Humanity – understanding and ______ towards other people
28. To conscript – to force someone to serve in an ______
29. Formidable – strong and ______
30. Commonplace - happening or seen frequently and so not considered
______ or unusual
1) cleanes __________________ __________________
2) manhuity __________________ __________________
3) conomomplace __________________ __________________
4) emeny __________________ __________________
5) byru __________________ __________________
6) blema __________________ __________________
7) allawonce __________________ __________________
8) mentbase __________________ __________________
9) fedun __________________ __________________
10)extermanite __________________ __________________
11)shur __________________ __________________
12)bedssore __________________ __________________
13)tugs __________________ __________________
14)kopfdumm __________________ __________________
15)ratb __________________ __________________
16)formadible __________________ __________________
17)sturt __________________ __________________
18)vape __________________ __________________
19)dictinoary __________________ __________________
20)tarcek __________________ __________________
21)prospre __________________ __________________
22)tiesauthori __________________ __________________
23)cehat __________________ __________________
24)lfthy __________________ __________________
25)criptsonc __________________ __________________
26)missionrep __________________ __________________
27)ganging __________________ __________________
28)overpush __________________ __________________
29)idetermnation __________________ __________________
30)llipra __________________ __________________
1) To run for a) soul ______________________
2) None of your b) best ______________________
3) To do one’s c) one’s life ______________________
4) Not a d) the neck ______________________
5) To feel e) someone a lip ______________________
6) To give f) free ______________________
7) A pain in g) business ______________________

1) _________________________________________________________________________
2) _________________________________________________________________________
3) _________________________________________________________________________
4) _________________________________________________________________________
5) _________________________________________________________________________
6) _________________________________________________________________________
7) _________________________________________________________________________

 To turn someone in
 To wipe off a)
to gradually become an adult
to feel fear

 To run away c)
to take a criminal to the police
to speak in a louder voice so that people can

 To grow up
hear you
e) to remove something from something
f) to leave a place or person secretly and
 To speak up suddenly

 To be afraid of 5
1) The hit-and-run driver ____ himself ____ to the police the day after the
2) She ________ being attacked if she walks across the park.
3) Mark and my sister are planning to ________together to get married.
4) Could you ________? We can't hear at the back
5) Just ________the surface with a damp paper towel.
6) Linda Chan was born in Hong Kong but ________in New York and quickly
became Americanized.

1) __________________________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________________________________
4) __________________________________________________________________________
5) __________________________________________________________________________
6) __________________________________________________________________________

Great job
1) Twelve-year-old Liesel is travelling with her mother and
younger sister on a train. ___________

2) Liesel is brought to her new home in Munich, where

she meets her new foster parents Rosa Hubermann
and Hans Hubermann. ___________

3) Rudy Steiner, a boy who lives next door, accompanies

her on her first day of school. ___________

4) During Kristallnacht, Max Vandenburg and his mother,

who are British, are told by a friend that only one of
them can escape, and Max's mother forces him to go. ___________

5) Max's father had saved Hans' life in World War I, and

hence he goes to the Hubermanns' house, where Rosa
and Hans give him shelter. ___________

6) One day while "borrowing" a book from the mayor's

home, Liesel is followed by Hans. ___________

7) Hans receives a telegram that he has been conscripted

into the army and must leave immediately. ___________

8) One night the city is bombed by accident, and the air

raid sirens fail to go off. Hans, Rosa, Rudy's family and
Franz are killed in the blast. ___________

9) Liesel is spared from the bombing because she fell

asleep in the basement while reading some new books
she has borrowed. ___________

10) Two years later, after Germany has been occupied by

the Allies, Liesel is working in the tailor shop owned by
late Rudy's father when Max suddenly enters. ___________

 What did Liesel pick up from her brother’s gravesite?

 Why did Liesel beat Franz at school?


 Describe Liesel’s appearance.


 Who taught Liesel to read?


 Who was Max?


 What did Rudy always ask Liesel about?


 Who was Ilsa Hermann? Which role did she play in Liesel’s life?

 How did Liesel help Max to recover?


 Why did Rudy throw Liesel’s journal into the river?


 Why did Max have to leave The Hubermann’s house?


 How old was Liesel when she died?


 How many children did she have?



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