Unit 02

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Unit 1 Questions 7-10: Matching | hy —_Match the restaurants with their descriptions. | o Write the letter A-E next to questions 7-10. 7 The Belleview 8 The Lighthouse Café 9 Haney 10 Stonecroft House Its visited by famous people who work in entertainment | ‘This restaurant has recently been bought by a new family A B © One family has managed the restaurant for over 100 years. D Itis expensive but serves high quality food E Ithas been decorated in a modern style. eer Onthemove 15 2 Being young Part 1: Language development Describing ages 41 Putthe stages of childhood in the box in order onthe line, from the youngest tothe oldest aninfant newborn baby an adolescent __a toddler ‘Words that are related do not always ae >=, ean the same thing. infant ard adolescent are both descriptions of eR ——obdest. | hien, but an ablescent is not 2 Match the words 1-5 with the definitions ae. on ee 1 youth the period between childhood and maturity 2. youth hostel ba place that provides lesure activites for young people 3 youth club inexpensive accommodation for young people traveling cheaply 4 youth cuture 4a person between the ages of thirteen and nineteen 5 teen/ teenager {young people’ opinions and the way they ive Word formation 3 Complete the table with the correct word forms. The first one is done for you. Verb Noun Adjective Adverb act action / activity active actively motivate =< asa 3 = 4 practiced /practisng — — ae a aE successfully 8 instruction seer 10 concentrate ae jay - - 1 SET ‘capable 4 18. 16. expressive ” 16 Listening for \€LTS Unit 2 4 Read what the three young people do outside school and e Watch out complete the texts with the correct word form of the words in in completion questions, you the box. You will need to use some words twice. {ncompletion questions, yo have to write a word or words in Se care a ST the spaces, Understanding word formation is very important, as your motivate succt bl eed Sapa ore answers in the exam have to be ‘grammatically cortec. ‘At the moment I'm studying for my exams, so I'm not very = (1) haven't played any sports for ages! I’m trying to (2) on my revision as | want to pass all my exams. | do F have guitar lessons every Thursday, though, which | really enjoy. My 3) is fantastic, and he encourages me. | really should (4) more, though! Helen | ove playing sports, and | go to hockey (5) __ three times a week. | know that’s quite a fot, but I'd like to play hockey professionally, and this goal (6) —_____ me to work hard. | also. play tennis and football, and | go swimming twice a week. | have {an annual membership at the local sports centre as I'm there every day! | am quite shy normally but | can (7) ___myself through sports much more than I can in any other way. Mike I really love computers and spend a lot of my time developing computer games for fun. Lots of people say computer games are ‘bad thing, but | think these games take a lot of (8) —___; you need to keep your mind on the game at all times. | suppose sitting infront of a computer is not the most (9) cof hobbies, but I'd like to be a (10) __ designer of computer games one day. | think by the time I am designing ‘games, the (11) ____of the technology will be amazing ~ pethaps they'll all give you virtual reality experiences! Being young 17 Part 2: SI Ils development Understanding table formats © Exam tip 1 Look at the table below which shows the exam results of two eenares Seen students. Choose the correct options A-H to complete the table. — . P format. Look carefully at the Exam results layout and the syle used in the Student name Subject Score gain Brian Andrews 1 67.5% 2 English 3 Afrench 8 French Charlotte 0 C Black E Charlotte Black Ffifysixpomntseven GS6.7% —H567 © Exam informa fable completion (1) {nthe Listening exam, you may have to complete table. Tis question type can be found inary section ofthe exam. ‘You may have to complete the table with words or options from alist. Use the information already in the table to help you understand the format ofthe answer. 2, isten and complete the following table write no MORE THAN P Exam tip TWO WORDS AND /OR A NUMBER for each answer. How are the numbers expresed? Shimmers dance classes timetable Do you need to add the curency sign? What format dothe tes Class Instructor Day Time Price tentrokorie eras, Ballet 1 Tuesday 630-800 2 3 Janine 4 7.00-8.00 £7.50 ep Andrew Saturday 5. £11.00 Pronunciatio : Listening for consonants Q Pronunciation ‘Some English words have thee or four consonants together eg increase, which can make spelling more dificult These groups of consonants can be anywhere ina word. 3. Listen and write the words you hear. All the words have a group of three or four consonants. GP After you listen, underline the groups of consonants in the words, 1 2 3 4 1B Listening for ets Unit 2 4 You are going to hear a talk about websites for young people. © exam tip &} Listen and complete the table. Write NO MORE THAN TWO Manette WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER for each answer. Fasaaneriisidbecee Website Agerange Useful for: two words, do not write tree words. I you write three words, Praytime Onlin earning skills for games aytime Online 4-6 Learning skills for ga ee ent Moving Up 1 Developing maths and language skill incorect Net Aware 12-16 Understanding 2 Chat Electric 13-16 Making 3 4 16-18 Exam hints and tips Listening for location © Exam information: Labelling a map or plan (1) Inthe Listening exam, you may have to label a map or pan, Tis question type canbe found in ay section ofthe exam + There will be some visual information (a map or plan) which you have to label by writing the information yourself or choosing the answer from a listo options. ‘+The information you need in order to answer the questions is inthe same order asi ison the recording, 5 Look at the pian of a summer camp below. Match the phrases ° Exam tip a-f with the places on the map 1-3. You will need to use each number twice. Before you star, think about how you can describe the fight next to the washrooms € inthe centre of the camp position of the answers in beside the river f rightin the middle of relation tothe other things on © at the riverfront everything the plan (eg. number 2 is near d_ the furthest away from the river the river) 6 _ Listen and label the plan below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE woRDS AND / OR A NUMBER for each answer Health and action summer camp —} 1 ie r= Being young 19 Understanding flow chart formats © Exam information: Flow chart completion (1) {ithe Listening exam, you may have to complete a flow chart. A flaw charts a diagram that shows the order in which things happen, ora process. This question type can be found in any section ofthe exam. ‘+ Each box usually shows a separate tage in the order or process. ‘+ Theboxes are normally separated by a line or arrow, which shows the flow or order (you will hear the answers in orden. 7 Look at the flow charts A and B below and read the information in texts 1 and 2. Match flowcharts ‘Aand B with texts 1 and 2. Chart A a Ps ee i] at -Esa Text you want to come on this French exchange trip, then you will need to complete the admission form. I you aren't a member ofthe French exchange club, you will need to become ‘a member ofthe club at the same time as ‘completing the admission form. After you have ‘completed the form you will need to pay the visit deposit. Tis is £45. After you have done this, we will send you a letter confirming your place. Flowchart: —_ 20. Listening or eu1s Chan 8 ; Text2 To enter the five-2side football tournament, you firstly need to make sure you have a team of seven (five to play and two substitutes) and then elect a captain for your team. Fill n an application from the sports club and list your team name, members and captain on the form. Then, pay the £10 entrance fee. We will then send you the times and dates you will play at. When you receive these, you will need to call and confirm with our club secretary that you can attend all the dates. Once you have done this, we will also send you an invitation tothe tournament opening event, which will take place in our club house the evening before the frst match. Flowchart: 8 write the correct information from the texts 1 and 2 in Exercise 7 in the flow charts. Use the number of boxes and the lines or arrows to help you. 9 You are going to hear a talk about completing the Duke of D Edinburgh's award. Listen and complete the flowchart below. exam tip i Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/ORANUMBER for US De ante each answer. with the content and flw ofthe Getting the Bronze Award recording. Being young 21 Part 3: Exam prac! Listening Section 2 © Exam information {In Section 2 you will listen toa monologue thats about a general topic. For example, a tour guide speaking about a city, (ora head teacher giving instructions about the start of the school year. Questions 1-4: Table completion SY Complete the tale below \wite NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER foreach answer Park Hill Teen Programme Class: Day Teacher Jazz Wednesday Diana 7 Thursday Diana Baseball Saturday 2 3 Saturday Steve ‘Skateboarding __| Monday Steve 4 Tuesday (1 be confirmed) _ [Stella Questions 5-7: Map or plan completion P__ Label the plan below, Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER for each answer Gym | ception l 22 Listening for leLTS Unit 2 Questions 8-10: Flow chart completion Complete the flow chart below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER for each answer. Complete an enroiment form. i Parents need to 8 an authorisation form. Give forms to 9 with a fee of £20 (for an annual subscription) or pay per visit. i You will receive your 10, in the post. Being young 23

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