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1 On the move Part 1: Language development Travel and tourism vocabulary 1 Match the words a-h to the pictures 1-8, 2 asstomess © tour guide When you have to writ answers > passenger # tourists in spaces (eg form completion © staff 9 travel agent ‘questions, make sure your words d receptionst waiter are grammatically corect eg, The holiday is very expensive. 8 Listening for IELTS Synonyms and paraphrasing Unit 1 2 complete the passage about hotels below with the words a-h, There are two possible answers for some of the answers. a atemative « common old-fashioned reasonable f e sufficient suitable 9 tradttional h unique ‘The Grand Hotel was builtin 1900 and has a (1) style; there is nothing like it inthe local area. Although the interior design is (2) —_, the facilites are modern. The hotel has @ ‘conference centre and meeting rooms, so tis (3) —_ for business purposes. ‘An (4) option is the Hotel Royal, which isa (5) choice for tourists because the prices are (6) — in need of minor repair, but itis (8) fora short break. 3 Match the words 1-8 with their synonyms a-h, 1 suitable @ conventional 2 traditional b- frequent 3 alternative dated 4 unique other 5 old-fashioned e adequate 6 reasonable ¥ appropriate 7. sufficient 9. fair 8 common individual 1. The price of dinner was reasonable, ‘a I thought the meal was a fair price, The bil for dinner was not too expensive. That meal was overpriced. 2. Three hours will be sufficient to see all of the art gallery ‘a Three hours should give you enough time to see everything in the art galley, [think three hours is an adequate amount of time for art galery ¢ You'll be unlikely to see all the art gallery in three hours, 3 Idon't think this hotel is suitable for children. ‘a This hotel s quite satisfactory for families. b_ | wouldn't recommend bringing under 18s to this hotel ¢ This hotel isn't approprate for minors, in my view. 4 Heavy rain is common in this area at this time of year. a There s often bad weather here at ths time of year. At this time of year there are occasional storms around here. © In this region rain is frequent at this time of year ‘and itis next to the beach. The hotel is not modern; infact itis quite (7) and © exam tip ‘Learning topic-related words {is a good way to increase your vocabulary. You can organise the vocabulary by topic and add words and common collocation. Choose the sentences a-c which do not mean the same as the key sentences 1-4. Q watch out Dor just listen forthe same words Yyou see inthe questions or options. ‘Some of the words and sentences fon the recording are diferent to the ‘words and sentences inthe test. On the move 9 Part 2: Exam skills exam tip Before you listen, try to predict what the answers willbe. Reading the questions fst will help you make better guesses, ‘Ask yourself the following questions: “+ What isthe subject of the answer? For example, is it a name, a date, ora country? ‘+ What word fis grammatically? Ista noun, a verb, an adjective, or an adverb? * What isthe function ofthe answer? For example, ist a comparison, als, an instruction, a label, or a question? 1. You are going to listen to two university students discussing their holiday plans. Read the listening task below and write your answers in the predictions in 1-3. Listen and write the missing information, Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER for each answer. Write your answers in the answers column. Then check your answers _ Predictions Answers exam tip Destination 1 4______— ou don'thave to write he same Length of © 2 5_______ numberof words in each space. holiday Some answers might be three apace 3 6 ‘words, while other answers Teey might be only oe. Read the sentences below and pre the predictions column, ‘the answer based on the content and write your answers in 2aN Listen to the same conversation as you heard in Exercise 1 and write your answers in the answers column, Then check your answers. Steve's holiday plans Predictions Answers 1 Steve is going on holiday for 4 Steve is going on holiday for 2 He is going on holiday with his 5 He is going on holiday with his 3 He is going on holiday in order 6 He's going on holiday in order trench, tren, 10 Listening for teurs Unit 1 © Exam information: Form completion (1) Form completion ia question type that can appear in any section of the Listening exam. soften found in Section 1 + Normally, each answer is one or two words + In Section 1, the information i factual, fr example, dates, places and times, + Fach answers usally ne or two words. + The answers are usually factual information (eg. names or dates). «tthe answers involve numbers, you can write words OR numbers, but check you donot exceed the word limit + The structure of the frm can help you understand what kindof information you need to writ 3° Look at the form below. If this were an exam task, what kind of information would you be listening for? OUTBOUND FLIGHT DETAILS @ exam tip When you complete a frm, its hoe ————— important to spell the names of Telephone number: 07953 299101 people and places correctly Flight number: Jk402 Depart: London Heathrow Arrive 2 Departure time : = = Date of travel 4 4 The information required to complete a form can be expressed in different ways. Look at the examples 1-7 below and write name, date, or time next to each one. 1 Mr RO Davison @ exam tip io Words you are expected to 2 an A know will not be spelled out, 3 Ronald Davison... D-A-V-1-S -O-N (spelling) 68, 23 North Street 4 uly twenty-third 5 A quarter past ten 6 Davison .... Ronald Davison 7 The twenty-thitd of July Onthemove 11 5 Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER for each & answer. Then check your answers ae Qrsam Name: ined ‘Thereare different ways to Telephone number: | 576223821 writedates correctly (eg. 70h Daaciinee| eaenee,| ee eee Date of departure: 23rd September dates, make sure they are within oom ype ee eee Cos ae Paymentinethod: [4 | © Exam information: Matching (1) Wt Lea cnn youna hoe wich pt nition. Sh co oko hats of he po '* In these questions you will see two lists of options. You will need to match the options. «The options may be a group of something, eg. names of hotels, countries, students and the second options may be a description, eg. to expensive, not enough space, too busy + Youshuld lin rhe pup nares det, bt you might hen te desepns ner wor 6 Look at the listening task below. If this were an exam task, you would have to match the tour ‘operators with the type of service they offer. Match the sentences that describe a service 1-6 with the services A-D in the listening task. 1. The service is fast. — 2 Ifyou have your student card, there isa cheaper rate, 3. Thishas the lowest prices. 4 tis only £3.50, which isthe least expensive ticket. 5. The service isn't very regular. — 6 There is 10% off for students, ‘Tour Operator Service 1. Stanford Coaches A. offers the cheapest fare 2. ABSEL Buses B_ has an infrequent service 3. Grey Bus Company runs an express bus 4 Fiyers Coach Company D_ hasa student discount Listen to the conversation between a customer and a travel agent. Match the hotels to the facilities they offer. Write A-D next to questions 1-4. a 1 Hotel Sunshine A fitness facilities 1 2. The Highland Hotel B business facilities 2s 3. Hotel Carminia training courses for water sports 3. ___ 4 The Royal D entertainment facilities 4 12. Listening for ets Unit 1 Pronunciation: Vowel sounds and spelling 8 Put the words from the box in the correct columns to match the pronunciation. Then listen and check your answers. Pronunciation a awa a In English, words with the same ate sea__feat ie cheer we pre ee diferent spelling (eg, hand why. Lear these splings to help you listening and spelling 9 Listen and write the words you hear 2 4 6 a 10 © Exam information: Multiple choice (1) ite Ueringeam, tee ar eet pes fmaliple cote queion Te fttpe haa manber questions toch of hich este ant options hae coos the answer opto which & cone erring ch esF ag ae abel chile dabtongiacroseracion 10 Look at the multiple-choice single-answer question below and three ways of expressing the same

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